HomeMy WebLinkAbout13 CLAIM S. ABDELSAYED 11-03-97 LAW OFFICES Of 'VVOODRUFF~ SPRADLIN & SM,, A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION TO: MEMORANDUM Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Tustin FROM: City Attorney DATE: October 29, 1997 RE: Claim of Said Abdelsayed . NO. 13 11-3'9 7 RECOMMENDATION' After investigation and review by this office and b~, the City's Claims Administrator, it is recommended that the City Council deny the claim and send notice thereof to the claimant and the claimant's attorneys. DISCUSSION: This is a claim for Personal injuries suffered by the plaintiff when his wheelchair was struck by a car. The claimant allegedly suffered injury to his arm and shoulder, back and hands. The claimant also alleges wage loss, loss of earning capacity and medical expenses on the date of the incident the claimant was riding in his wheelchair.. He rolled from. the sidewalk into the street where he alleges h'e was hit by a vehicle which left the scene. In this location the sidewalk on one side of the street narrows from approximately four feet to two feet wide and there is not sufficient space to fit a wheelchair .on the sidewalk. There is a sidewalk on the other side of the street. The claim states that because the sidewalk was not capable of accommodating wheelchairs, its constituted a dangerous condition of public property. At this point in time, based on our investigation of. the facts and the law, it is our opinion that this situation did' not constitute a dangerous condition of public property and that primary liability for the claimant's injuries rest with the claimant and the phantom car. ,,,:. . ,%~%.~ ... . '-'/~J:..~-v~. ,. LOIS E. JEFFR,F_..Y,Y Enclosure cc: William A. Huston, City Manager 1102-9737 54270_1 Office of the City Clerk September 9, 1997 Carl Warren & Co. P. O. Box 25180 Santa Ana, CA 92799-5180 Re- City .-~ .2.' .'~ ,.... //?/ -'- ' · , ~ o,~ Transmittal of Document(s) "-.. .. · -.... Claimant- Said Abdel sayed "" Claim No.' 97-37 Filed With City- 9-8-97 of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 (714) 573-3026 FAX (714) 832-0825 Receipt of Claim/Summons and Complaint by the City Clerk's Office on- Date- 9-8-97 Time' 9'00 a.m. By: Personal Service upon the undersigned Regular Mail Certified/Registered Mail Interdepartment Mail - City Attorney The enclosed Claim (or Application to File Late Claim) was presented to this office as indicated above' and has been referred to the appropriate City department for its investigation and also to the offices of Woodruff, Spradlin and Smart, Attn: Lois E. Jeffrey, City Attorney. By this letter, you are authorized to commence the necessary investigation of this claim on behalf of the City. We request that you give such notices as may be appropriate to the City's insurance carrier(s) and further request that you submit your preliminary and all subsequent reports to the City, with a copy to the City Attorney and to the insurance carrier(s) if they so request. Upon receipt of advice from the City Attorney, we will plan to present this matter to.the City Council and/or take such other steps as are directed by the City Attorney. Other: A copy of this letter and enclosures were sent on 9-9-97 to the City Attorney and Department Head, and the original was forwarded to the Finance Department. .S/i4~,,erely, -! r., _ - i,.~._ ,,, / ,,/ . ,~,~ ~tU~'~l erie Crabi l~q; ~ Chief Deputy. Ci"{y Clerk , . Enclosures 10 1! 12 13 14 15 17 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Frank P. Barbaro BAR 3044417 HORTON BA3.BARO & REILLY 200 North Main St., 2nd Fi. Post Office Box 4279 Santa Ana, California 92702 (714) 835-2122 Attorneys for Plaintiff SAID ABDELSAYED SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE SAID ABDELSAYED, Plaintiff, vs. CITY OF TUSTIN, COUNTY OF ORANGE, and DOES 1 to 100, inclusive, Defendants. TO: CITY OF TUSTIN c/o City Clerk 300 Centennial Way Tustin, ~A 92780 No. GOVERNMENT CLAIM FOR PERSONAL INJURY A~ D~J~L~GES PURSUAnT.TO. GOVERNMENT CODE § 910,ET SEQ. COUNTY OF O~NGE Clerk of the Board of Supervisors 10 Civic Center Plaza P. O. Box 687 Santa Aha, ~ 92702-0687 pLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Claimant SAID ABDELSAYED, hereby makes claim against.the above and makes the following statements in support of the claim: 1. This claim is presented by Horton Barbaro & Reilly, attorneys at law, on behalf of SAID ABDELSAYED. Claimant's address is: H:'\WPDOCS\!011S~10!!8000.W51 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 2O 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 Said A~delsayed 2. Ail notices with regard to this claim should be directed to Clai'mant,s attorneys- Frank P. Barbaro HORTON BARBARO & REILLY 200 N. Main Street, Second Floor P. O. Box 4279 Santa A_na, CA 92702 3. The date and place of the occurrence giving rise to this claim are as follows: This accident occurred on March 6, 1997, at approximately 1-00 p.m. in the Southbound lanes of Tustin Village Way, North of McFadden, adjacent to the sidewalk area on the west of Tustin Village Way, City of Tustin, CoUnty of Orange, State of California. The roadway, and adjacent property, including the sidewalks and pedestrian walkways without wheelchair access, are owned, controlled, operated and maintained by the City of Tustin, County of Orange, Southern California Edison Company,' and Does 1 through 100, and each of them. follows: The circumstances .giving rise to this claim are as a) ThiS is a claim for personal injury arising out of the negligent design, construction, ownership, control, maintenance and operation of the roadway and sidewalks of Tustin Village way, between McFadden Avenue and Alliance (NorthboUnd of McFadden Avenue). At the time of injury, March 6, 1997', the roadway and sidewalks were in a dangerous condition, which created a substantial risk of injury when said roadway or sidewa!ks' are used with due care in a reasonably foreseeable manner. Plaintiffs H:/WPDOCS/10!iS/10!!3000-W51 - 2 - 10 1! 12 13 16 17 18 19 2O 22 23 24 26 27 28 injury was caused by the dsngerous condition. The dangerous condition which caused Plaintiffs injury was either created by a negligent act by an employee of the City of Tustin, County of. Orange, Southern California Edison Company, acting within the course and scope of their employment, or the City of Tustin, County of Orange, or Southern .California Edison Company, had actual or constructive notice of the dangerous condition a sufficient time prior to'the accident so that measures could have been taken to protect against the dangerous condition. b) At the above time and place, claimant, Said A~delsayed, who is confined to a wheelchair due to paraplegia, was proceeding in his wheelchai'r southbound on Tustin Village Way, just north of McFadden Avenue, City of Tustin, County of Orange. Claimant was proceeding in his wheelchair, adjacent to the sidewalk on the west side of the roadway, when he was struck'by a hit and run driver, proceeding southbound on Tustin Village Way, causing severe injuries, including but. not limited to severe injuries to Plaintiff's arm, wrists, side and ba~k, possibly requiring surgery. c) Claimant-was required to proceed in 5he roadway because the sidewalk on the west side of Tustin Village Way is obstructed to wheelchair travel by a utility pole, owned by Southern California Edison Company, Which is located in the middle of the sidewalk. The utility pole prevents a person in a wheelchair from using the sidewalk and requiring wheelchair operators to travel in the roadway. As a result of Plaintiff 'traveling in the roadway with high speed traffic, Plaintiff was struck by a vehicle and seriously injured. The City of Tustin, County of Orange, Southern California Edison Company, do not H:~,WPDOCS~1011'Skl01!$000 .W51 - 3 - 10 1! 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 provide wheelchair accessibility on the sidewalks of Tustin Village Way from ~cFadden north past Alliance Street, thereby creating a dangerous condition. d) At the time of the injurY, the roadway and sidewalks of Tustin Village way, northbound of McFadden, between McFadden and Alliance, were in a dangerous condition, which crea~ed a substantial risk of injury when said roadway or sidewalks are used with due care in a reasonably foreseeable manner. Claimants allege that the aforementioned area was negligently designed, constructed, owned, controlled, operated, and maintained, in tha~ there was a lack of warning signs, improper planning, and or defective operation and maintenance. The City of Tustin, County of Orange, Southern California Edison Company, created a condition whereby persons with disabilities Were denied access to the sidewalks and were required to ~trave! in wheelchairs with high speed and high volume traffic, thereby creating the dangerous condition which caused this incident. e) The above described condition also constituted a concealed trap, which with the absence of any warning signs, endangered pedestrians and disabled persons such as claimant, · causing Plaintiff's injuries. f) Pursuant to the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act,. 42 U.S.C.A. 12101 the above described conditions deny disabled persons full and equal employment of the services, facilities, privileges and accommodations provided to members of the pUblic. .The condition created by the City of Tustin, County of Orange, Southern California Edison Company, fail to provide an accessible location which a disabled person can use, approach, or H:kWPDOCSk!0118~t0!!~000.WS1 - 4 - 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 / 22 / I 24 26 27 28 access, effectively prohibiting a disabled person 'from using the sidewalks on Tustin Village Way between McFadden to the south, and past AllianCe Street on the north. As a result of this condition, Plaintiff sustained severe injuries noted below. The area of Zhe accident is owned, controlled, maintained by the City of Tustin, County of Orange, Southern California Edison Company, was in a condition which violates the Americans With Disabilities Act ~2 U.S.C.A. 12i01, proximately causing Plaintiffs injuries. g) Prior to this incident, .City of Tustin, County. of Orange, Southern California Edison Company, and DOES 1 through 100, inclusive and each of them, had actual and/or const~-uctive notice of the dangerous condition, as hereinabove described, in sufficient time prior to the injury to have taken measures to protect against the .dangerous condition. Claimants allege that complaints claimant were made prior to the date of the accident to the City of Tustin, in sufficient time for the necessary- ch'anges to be made to orevent the occurrence of such an accident. 5. The names of the public employees causing the injuries sustained by claimant under the described circumstances are not known to claimant at this time. 6. The injuries sustained by claimant, as far as known, as of the date of presentation of this claim are personal injuries, including but not limited to injury to the arm and shoulder, requiring surgery, multiple injuries t0 Plaintiff's shoulder, arm, back and hands. 7. Claimant claims personal injuries, wage loss, loss of earning capacity, medical expenses, and general damages. 8. Claimant asserts that discovery is still continuing H:~,WPDOCS\10118kl0118000.W51 - 5 - regarding the circumstances of this i'ncid=nt Claima~n the right to modify this claim and amended any subsequent complaint upon discovery of additional information. September 2, 1997 Dated: HORTON BA_RBARO & REILLY J~n ~. O'Brien, Jr. Attorneys for Plaintiff 10 !! 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 H:~,WPDOCS\10118\101!8000.W51 - 6 - 1 PROOF OF SERVICE BY ~vLAIL 10 1! 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I am employed in the County of Orange, Sta~e of California. I am over the age of 18 and not a party to the within action; my business address is 200 North Main Street, Second Floor, Santa Ana, California 92701. On September 3, 1997, I served by mail the foregoing document(s) described as: Government Claim for Personal Injury and Damages Pursuant to Government Code §910, Et Seq. on the interested parties in this action by placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed enve!oDe addressed as follows: City of Tustin c/o City Clerk 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 County of Orange Clerk of the Board of Supervisors 10 Civic Center Plaza P. O. Box 687 Santa A_na, CA 92702-0687' I am "readily familiar" with the firm's practice of collection and processing correspondence for mailing. Under that practice it would be deposited with the U.S. postal service on that same day with postage thereon fully prepaid at Santa kna, California in the ordinary course of business. I am aware that on motion of the party served, service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date or postage meter date is more than one day after date of deposit for mailing in affidavit. Executed on September 3, 1997 at Santa Ana, California. · 'I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the above is true and correct. Elaine Clark H:kWPDOCSkl0118~!01iS000.WS1 - 7 -