HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 CLAIM T.A. JOHNSON 11-03-97, ~/OODRUFF~ SPRADLIN & SMA M E M ORA N D U M TO' Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Tustin FROM: City Attorney DATE: October 29, 1997 RE: Claim of Todd A. Johnson; Claim No. 97-42 NO. 14 11-3-97 RECOMMENDATION_: After investigation and review by this office and the City's Claims Administrator, it is recommended that the City Council deny the claim and send notice thereof to the claimant and the claimant's attorney. DISCUSSION..: The claimant alleges property damages in the amount of $1,500 to the front suspension of his car. He claims that his car was damaged by the failure of a street crew. to properly cover a manhole. A City contractor was working in the area and the Claims Administrator intends to tender this claim to the contractor for independent evaluation by the contractor and their insurance company. .~, ~,-~/:-*.., ~, ...,.,£..t:.~:,;.~..~ ...- LOIS E. JEFFRE._,,Y / Enclosure cc: William A. Huston, City Manager 1102-9742 54271_1 Office of the City Clerk Carl Warren & Co. P. O. Box 25180 Santa Ana, CA 92'799-5180 Re- City of Tustin Transmittal of Document Claimant- C1 aim No. - Filed With City- 300 Centennial Way nF~, ~ ,~ P- ,~ ~ ..~ ,~.~ Tustin. CA92680 ~..i ':: '": :¢" · I.~ (714) 573-3026 . FAX (714) 832-0825 i u !997 Todd Johnson Q:',---,.,.,rt;, -Si"~laU~,,i'i a ~mlART 97-42 10-8-97 Receipt of Claim/Summons and Complaint by the City Clerk's Office on Date- 10-8-97 ' Time' 12-00 p.m. By- ~ Personal Service upon the undersigned ~ Regular Mail ~ Certified/Registered Mail · Int'erdepartment Del ivery The enclosed Claim (or Application to File Late Claim) was presented to this office as indicated above and has been referred to the appropriate City department for its investigation and also to the offices of Woodruff, Spradlin and Smart, Attn- Lois E. Jeffrey; City Attorney. By this letter, you are authorized to comme, nce the necessary investigation of this claim on behalf of the City. We request that you give such notices as may be appropriate to the City's insurance carrier(s) and further request that you submit your preliminary and all subsequent reports to the City, with a copy to the City Attorney and to the insurance carrier(s) if they so request. Upon receipt of advice from the City Attorney, we will plan to present this matter to the City Council and/or take such other steps as are directed by the City Attorney. __ Other- A copy of this letter and enclosures were sent on ]0-9-97 to the City Attorney and Department Head, and the original was forwarded to the Finance.Department. S !.n~.erely, Beverley Wh i~Xe/ Deputy City C'rerk Enc [,osures CITY OF TUSTIN CL, Jl AGAINST THE CiTY O~ JSTI'N (For Damages to Persons or Personal Property) The law provides generally that a claim must be filed with the City Clerk of the City of Tustin within six (6) months after the incident or event occurred. Be sure your claim is against the City of Tustin, not another public entity. Where space is insufficient, please use additional paper and identify information by paragraph number. Completed claims must be mailed or delivered to the City Clerk, City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California 92780. WHEN COMPLETING THIS FORM, PLEASE TYPE OR USE BLACK INK To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Tustin, California' The undersigned respectfully submits the following claim and information relative to damage to person and/or property' 1. a. Name of Claimant: b. Address of Claimant: c. City/Zip Code: '"/~_~-/-,% d. Telephone Number: e. Date of Birth: / . f. Social Security Number: g. Driver License Number: Name, telephone, and post office address to which claimant desires notices to be sent (if other than above): ¢¢-.-~ . This claim is submitted against' a. .~ _ The City of Tustin only. b. The following employee(s) of the City of Tustin only' C. The City of Tustin and the following employee(s) of the City of Tustin only: . Occurrence or event from which the claim arises' a. Date: ~10¥ /(, ~r~ I-? lc;ct? b. Time' . ?' ~' A~ c. Place (Exact and Specific Location)' d. How and under'what circumstances did damage or injury occur? Specify the particular occurrence, event, act or omissiOn you claim caused the injury or damage (use additional e. What particular action by the City, or its employees, caused the alleged damage or injury? --._ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . Give a description of the injury, property damage or loss so far known at the time of this claim. If there were no injuries, state "no injuries". Give the name(s) of the City employee(s) causing the damage or injury: 7. Name and address of any other person injured- , Name and address ofthe owner of any damaged property: , 10. Damages Claimed- a. Amount claimed as ofthis date- s/Coo.-o b. Estimatedamountoffuture-costs: c. Total amount claimed: d. Attach basis for computation of amounts claimed (include copies of all bills, invoices, estimates, etc.) Names and addresses of all witnesses, hospitals, doctors, etc. ~:,~/~ Zcf/~,~.. -~ %~ - , ~ -~ WARNINGi IT iS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSE CLAIM (Penal Code Section 72; Insurance Code Section 556.0) I have read the matters and statements made in the above claim and I know the same to be true of my own knowledge, except as to those matters stated to be upon information or belief and as to such matters I believe the same to be true. ! certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this ~ '~ day of ~:)~4Zob~; , 19 q7 · Date Filed. 2:CLAIM (7(96} Summary Sheet Claimanu [u ,ILl'(' TC)DD Jcbl rN.qt'i,q Appraiser: Ix',~; lu:.nc'~ .~¥,,, Estimate Copy m Owner Locauort: Ht L¥1E 1:."] P:.qimate C:opy ~o Shop Vehicle Dnvable .': Repairable '" Agreed on .Price A ppraiser Estimme Shop Estimate: ..',,greed Ne~ Pric~: ~ 1.50:. la QRP .c.-'arch · · LKQ Sum'ch R.-c,,'cled l'arr Supplier.~ C~Jled: : Rt..ntal Vehicle Days m Rep:dr: :-.--' OIcl l)amag= "-' Po.~.4bilivy or' : l)raft Issued :1, I ..',97.14 Repair Facility: H! I'~.c~ ^tJ'J(~ I-It.~lJY Contact: I .I.SA ["; LKQ Applicable .qupplier I' SAMS Kcnta! Agency: Supplier 2: Conlact: l-l, QRP Available ["' i LKQ Available ,x~.t.ti."~ > Supplier 3: 3OE Comtam: Date' Started.: Old Damage Amount: Supplement Amount: Betterment ToT. al: Renr.,-I Period (Days): Allowances: Draft Number: Regulation N umber: Total Loss _'Slock .X umber: Dm: Contacted: D..,.il.~ Storage Ram. i . TLA Sent To l),ductible: t .N'I,,.."'qOV,,'.N Net Total: $ I.$0'L t4 :.. Adjustor Notified I~ Pertnis~ion to Move Vehicle 7'1 'Vehicle Moved SalYaga l,o:mion: Sal',-age Value: To,0Ang anti Storage: (.,om m ~'nl..: · vi :ttlC!.l-; IM?At.' l'l'~l) ON ~[ ~(ONff ON ~E CROSS~IER. DA~{~IN(~ THE UR( )SS~Ib. MHER, RADIA~t)R 5L~)RT. & ~Oi.~' YR()NT . . ~: ~5I'IiNSI{}N. I~.}SS~ll~ ~)D~I<)N.~- DAMAGE A[rIY~ }I~ARIX)A~, ANt) a I{ISSlIIlI.I'I'Y CJI:' 'I'ltAN.SNfl$SICt~' DAMAfiF:. I.IrlH'i' I'RI()R I )AMAt',E TO ~ ~ CROSSI~¥~ NO O'11 UiR. I'R I()R I )AMOGE. Ct )PY '1'{ ) SH( ~P A~I) r~)RRO~C. .. .. ~g~zgEgglg'l~OI 01 N¥~£:B6 LB-IO-6I _~ ! ION £ - . . .... .~L'vD " ! ' 5 g 2.. O'; ':"tJN' o_-. t ',. , ..~., _:: r q',."~.:, ,1 · , ;'a 90{)28 H()L :.,Y.',':O0~, .... (;S=~.) v~O-~03S F?,3" (8!~) ;90-'~09:' ES T ikkkT E :; 9- 33- }',' '2 ' 08 i:M CLAIM !NFOP!-C'Ai ION · .TiAiM .~ 970727619 ,-.,' · ... ~ ).-1 FAN Y ; N:.; l I R,.'..iD WF:.% FiNANC 7AL P'.[i P, 102::. 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