HomeMy WebLinkAbout13 PEPPERTREE PK DED. 10-06-9710-6-97 DATE: oCTOBER 6, 1997 , WILLIAM A. I4usTON, cITY MANAGER · ' · ?AKKS AND RECREATION SERVICES SUBJEC"T: pEPPERTREE pARK BALLFIELD DEDICATION The Cunning~am £amily beard about the planned renovation of Peppe~e¢ park and contacted the Department. They were concerned that the existing yoath baseball fiekl would be demolished. During the course of discussion, the family asked that the tidal be ca~ed "Dayle Canningbam Memorial Fidd," as it had been prior to the park's initial renovation in the 1970%. the Tustin Little League, which _ _ ,.~..~ establish and run .... ~ After ~ death, the - -'- '~6! Mr Cunning~am ~ ? _. __. Street Baseball '~aO~: to ~is cteat~ m ,v ., ~ ~, ,~,~ time as the ed at the park riel& known a, field was named in ~ memory. ^ search of City and Tastin Unified School District records did not turn ap documentation of the dedication. p~rsaant to .t~e Cites "policy for Dedicating and Memorializing", the parks and Recreation Commission convened their standing committee on September 1 ~, 1997 to review the Cunnmghams balifidd at request. The parks and Recreation Commission voted to recommend to the City CounCil that the ?eppertree park be re-named "Dayle C~nin~am Memorial Field" when the park is renovated. Members of the Cunning~am £amily ~ be present to answer qaestions  "Dayle Cunningham Memorial Field." Re-dedicate the ballfield at PeppertreePark as September 16, 1997 Karen I-fillyard, Chair City of Tustin Parks and Recreation Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 WINDOws Dear Karen; I am writing You in behalf of the Dayle Cunningham family. We respectfully request that the youth sports field at PepPertree Par/< be restored to the name of Dayle Cunningham Memorial Field. At the time of/ts dedication, the field was on school property and originally named in memory of my father back in 1962 after his death in an automobile accident. My father put his heart and sou/' into that park for the benefit of all the children, and future children, of Tustin. He was responsible for the start of Little League in Tustin, which continues to this day. My father viewed sports as a wholesome channel for the development of the youth of the community, a view that my family and ! continue to Uphold. My father, mother and all of the Cunningham children attended Tustin SChools. The name was changed to Peppertree Par/(. At the time of the change, no one in my family was not/f/ed so as to be able to raise any objection nor attend any sort of meeting that may have bccurred at the city council. My mother, a single parent with three small children, recovering from her own tragedies and working full time, was not in any pos/t/on to rectify this change at City Hall. Our family sincerely believes . . ' · memory of those who that Tustin is a City that is dedicated served the community, to preserving/ts h/story- as well as the close to our hearts as Well as to the hearts of My family has a long h/story here and this matter is'very and h~s t~re~ess eff~rts ~n beha~f ~f th~s c~mmu~htey~ members ~f ~he commun`ty wh~ remember my father Those of us who loved and remember my father are asking the city to reinstate the name Dayle. Cunningham Memorial Field to the youth sports field at PepPertree Park and to Place a memorial Plague at the field in his memory. The family and friends of Dayle Cunningham are willing to bear the costs invo~lved in doing this. This would not only mean a lot to me and my family, but would also enable the city to focus on/ts unique h/story and the people who made it what it is today. Re.~ectfully, 1940 East Edinger Avenue · Santa Aha, CA 92705 · (714) 258~-2500 · Fax (714) 258-7115 FIRST BALL- Following flag-raising ceremony and invocation by local clergy, Mayor George Doney throws out first ball for season to begin. Pete ]~crlin is behfi'~'cJ thc umpire's armor. lt:\.Xlll,Y I'IONOIIEI) -- Tho l)avle Ctmningham £amily, sho~vn above, wero part of (.crcmonics which named clcmen{ary school ball park "l)aylc Cunningham Xlemorial llqclcl'' Nla(' 5 in honor ¢)f thc late Mr. Ctmningham who had contributed mttdt to '..~ ., .. · · '4.;' '~ : ,.--, · '~j.~ '"0. · ., ~ ': ~>~.~__ ._~ ;..~,,---~ · BIG 'GAME.'TALK_.--Itmv. ard-.jarvis,'..~andidate for. U.S. Senate, left and Elgin T. Gates, world famous big game hnn'ter, are sliown tn Gates' trophy room at reception in. New- port Beach Sunday evcning.which Gates'hosted. Gates recently appeared in Tustin as a speaker on dangers of.Comn.)Unis, n{.. LOU GERDING Photo HatiOnal-'Little' Leag'u:e!iOpens" Tournament.. Pi iNe tii: .sat rd · ' 'i ' ..'' · , -' The N'~.tibnkI. L/ttie"Leb.~U.e i'oi' i/l~b'i."i;b6i/eY x;,,ili {:h/'o~' 'but the Tustin announces 'their. °Pehiriff' 'fiist' '..ibail'.'itd start the game. day of tournamen, t? play., tO be :.: :;I~q~/:.e~&nt~.tives of. the follow, held Saturday, May 5 at First ing.:t,eam', sponsors will be pre- and "C" Streets in Tustin. ' s. ent:at game ' times. First game This gal~ ~ven~ Will start at' 9 a.m. with the dedication cfi thc ball field in honor "of a great Tustin champion of boys, the late Dayle Cunningham. A little league manager who had talent to take boy.s with little · , . or no 'coordination and bring forth a championship team wher the season· ended. Cunningham,~ at '..10'.('a,rfi.--The Presbyterian Ci'~ui'~h' 'CUbs Ys Tustin Police .pi,ra.t~.s';-~ec0n.d game at I p.m. --.Tustin Savings and Lo a n Dredgers vS. 'Larwin Square Gi- ants; final· game at 3 p.m.~ Thri. fty ]Dairy Braves vs. James- town Village Cardinals. Columb. us..Tustin school band ,. attend and see what is being done for the betterment of boys. There' is no admission charge. Lights. Taken From Fr0nt LaWn · . .Burglary of 4 floodlights from the front yard of Lucille Welk, 13361 Bow Place,' was reported to Orange County Sheriff Sun- day, April 29. Neither the resident or neigh- bors saw any suspects. The lights xvere worth $12. under .the direction of David 2'::~ "· . .~. 'ce.e, :;:.. VOLUME XXXIX 10';,}GENTs I · If tomorrow air raid sirens real enemy attack, many citizens would know what they meant, hn 'given conflicting directi0ns'.£rom leaders.. - ' ' '.- '" .... : But two of these mord~h, io~i f~o flaws in Orange. Couli~'.':'ci~;fi sp~ defense plans-'dreTM neafer'"~'oiul iou tion Monday when pf0bi~hS 'of sirens and' schools dffr'i~:~her- gency coriditions' ~r.~ diodes'zed by the Orange County 'rind 'Cit- les Civii Defense Plahnii~g' B. o. alrd (OCCDDPB) at the: LCounty Communications Center..- .'.': rec Conflicting '.policies between ifig cities and the county 0n-"'emer: wh gency, coi~trol of schoOl~ :."first ceF came to bask in the ,sp~)~ight PI when Tustin Civil' D'efense~ Dir- ector Lt. 'Col..Buel Williamson, yer U.S.A. Ret., received state 'ap/ for [proval for his civil defense"pian, cep SCHOOL DISTRICTS or Under Williamson's plan,' the s~tt City of Tustin would be resp~n-~ul sible for Tustin school districts his in time of'.'emergency. But C0tin- c~p who passed away' last year. ,,-ill B16master. will present musicalov~,,~"~c;a~,,,uTra;n;n' be honored Oll this day. " selectioiis. The canteen will be serving .the public with a good Little league and city officials s~lection of food, soft drink,for Reed .viii be present to' take part '" a.d .candies. rman thc opening day events. Tustin's The'Phblic is encouraged t( : , ~ . .. . .... ~ Airman Basic, Kenneth L. Reed ~ '"'"'" son of Mrs. gexa ~uller of 215 Prospect Ave., is being assigned ty Acting,Civil Defense Director W.E. 'Walkup feels Tustin's re-afl( to the Lrnited States Air Force technical training course for air- craft maintenance specialists at Chanute AFB, Ill. sources are inadequate to ca.re fen, for such a'large area. And' their, wie 'vV.alkup ssi J, school d!sti'ict~ '- ¥ often ~veriap ir. to more- thai'. '.'ha one city. This, he noted, could itia lead to endless entanglements 6n oth jurisdictional rights among' the gar cities, als( Col. XViliiamson seemed.agree-vis( able to the policies unofficially it ~,' Photography. by ', :..'.LOU ..... .. Airman Reed who has com- . · - · ....... ' ...... aaopteo at l~{onday's meeting ple~ea nls OaSlC nllllLary train-. ...... · ' ........ out ~s .waitmg to learn detailed '- ' lto the County positio~t'at.-p].es.l~.' The mrman zs a 1961 grad ' " 'lent, "schools located" outsidel uate of San Jamnto H~gh School ' ' ' l the jurisdictional boundaries and a former student at Rtv . '-I~ city ,,-in b~ a~sig,,~d to t~lil~ erside Cit Coll'ece Jthrough mutual agreement be- . . THEY DRAW' EACH OTHER · 'Two ..'Little Leag'ue Tea ns. Advanc.e to Champion Play SANTA ANA --' Two Or: al~ge County Little League teams won district titles over the weekend here to qualify for sectional tourna. merit play scheduled to open Wednesday at Nor. walk. The Tustin AlL Stars of the National League toppled the Santa Aha Sunset All Stars for District 30 lam-els in an extra, inning' game, 4-3. : Jeff C'unnihghan4 pitched his third ,tournam]gnt play victory and batte~ in t..he winning rm~ to lead his teammates to tl~e champ- ionship. Catcl~er Paul Francis got two of tile All Stars' four l~its. Ron Morehouse and Rod Monroy, botl~ l~itting near .500, starred in the game. East Anaheim earned tl~e District 46 title by defeat- ing Southwest Anaheim 2-0 in a tightly contested bat- tle. Salberg and Krey .were the battery for the winning team. In tl~e drawh~g for the Norwalk sectional, the: Or. ange County entries ironi- cally drew eacl~ other. They are scheduled to meet at.5:30 p.m. Tlaursday at E1 Canto Park in Nor- walk, located at Excelsior Drive and Gridley Road. Members of tl~e two dis- trier championship teams were chosen from some players in their respective leagues.' 'USTIN ALL STAR~%--Kaeeling: (from'left) are Paul Francis, · _roes Parks, Mike Fisk, Craig Townsdnd; Ro'bert Webb, Rod [0nrpy, Jeff Shermmx and Gary Hawkins. Standing (from left), coach George Trotter, George Trotter III, 'Ricki Ganges, Jeff C~ ningham, mgr. Dayle Cunningham, Ronnie Moreliouse, WiHk Stutt, Richard Casey, Don Morehouse assist, coach Nat. League KARL J. CIIRIST }l~[inisters L£ROY F. WEED .M.~IN At "C" Srar~zt P. O. Box 98 TUSTI N, CALIFORNIa LINCOLN 4-7070 '.::-will begin in October and Will be an- :.''' 'nounced in .the October bulletin. Par- .'. ishioners are asked To offer their sar- ;.' ':.~)ices'b~ teachers for these classes. We :°'eve a' great deal to the women who gave.of their Time and efforts last year . to make The program so important' for the life of the parish. Anyone interest- ed is asked to contact either Mrs. Bor- land or Mrs. Helland. R.I.P.-- Last month we celebrated the Req- uiem Mass for the eternal repose o,~ Dayle Cunningham. It was through his hard work and generosity that the floor in the annex was prepared for church services. He also kept the floor of the small church in good condition. His in- terest in his church will be part of his · reward in the presence of God. Please remember him in your prayers. CHOIR -- The high school girls of the parish have formed a choir and sing each Sun- day at the 8:00 o'clock Mass under The direction o( Mrs. Kroeschel. Any glrl interested is asked to come to choir practice any Thursday evening at the annex. Many good compliments have been expressed about the choir. SEMINARIANS -- We are very grateful to the seminar- ians who sanq a High Mass on Sunday, Auq. 27th. This was a gracious offer on their part and well done in the rendi- ,Hon'. These seminarians are studying for the Archdiocese of Los Anaeles. Later in the day they were ent-ertained by Dick Sokol, a seminarian from this par- ish. HOMEMAKERS -- we have. been asked fo anno,:nce that the Assistance League of Santa Aha, a homemaker service for children, has work possibilities for ladies who are looking f$'r part Time. work. Anyone interested please call J(I 3-1386. THANKS A word of thanks to the ladies whose efforts and time were spent in the care of the sanctuary. In July, Mrs. Dorothy Baker, Mrs. Rose Ann Adams, Mrs. Rose- mary Cobb: in August, Mrs. Cuchark, Mrs. Gertrude Cray and Mrs. Olga Le- gan. Mrs. Marie Buberl acted es sub- chairman. Mrs. Hilda Riehl supplies flowers from her garden. IMMACULATE 'CONCEPTIONAr,-:'Aar_ Women's bowling Sept. 8, 9:00 a.m. Hunt's Bowl. Call Frances Ambrosini, BUILDING FUND Previous contributions ...................................... $ 9,163.96 August contributions ........................................ 6,185.56 (282 contributing) $15,349.52 $~3 more parishioners gave fo the building fund last month than previously. Which group do you belong to -- have you given ~ written concerning your inability to qive at the present time -- or are you one who just continues to ignore The fund thinking th,~t it is something one takes or leaves as desired? We can only pay for a building when all give and not just a few. Are you building the new parish plant or -- is someone else LI 4-3744; for couples call rise, LI 4-1771. Mixed Eileen Lee, LI 4-6284 an( bridge, Coleen Green, LI 4-~ Sept. 12th, call' Dante Am; 4-3744. For book club inf Betty and Earl Falk, LI 4-76; R.I.P.-- In The charity of your pray for the eternal repose o;~ of Mrs. Newland, the mother Newland of this parish, Father Martin, assistant at Caplsfrano Mission. RECORDS ~ First Friday sales af the help our building fund. If ing to buy records why on First Friday of any month Platter in Tustin Square? JOSEPH S. HOLOWIN, M.D. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF OFFICES SHERWOOD MEDICAL CENTER 718 SO. BROOKHURST, ANAHEIM, CALIF. PR 2-5740 SPECIALTY DISEASES AND SURGERy OF THE EYE AND GLA$SE~ ~¢ CONTACT LENS THE ORIGINAL SOFT WATER SERVICE SERV i SOFT SOFT WATER SERVICE I920 W. CHESTNUT ST. SANTA ANA KI 3-1369 - KI 3-7678 STEFFY BUICK COMPANY 410 So. Los ANGELES ST. ANAHEIM KE 3-134! NOW ITS WILLIAMSBURG BAKING CO. Colonial Baked Bread & Rolls Now af Your Favorite Store EDWARD j. E'GAN CO. REAL EIITATE LOANS RESIDENTIAL o COMMERCIAL KlhIBERLY 3-9?.74 I?0e! EAST 17TH STREET TOWN and COUNTRY SPORTSWEAR KI 2-3245 KE 8-1516 1391 ! $. TUITIN AVE. 117 N. GLASeELL TUITIN, C, AUF. ORANGE, CALIF. ROIA POLLARD ALBERTA JO CRAWFORD HOMES ... LOTS ... ACREAGE CALL LI 4-6530 TUSTIN MAIN REALTY 170 EAST MAIN EVES. LI 4-4081 TUSTIN, CALIF· L. J. KELLY MORTGAGE CO. APPRAISALS . REAL ESTATE LOANS MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS TRUST DEEDS BOUGHT AND SOLD Ki 7-4186 406 EABT 17TH ST.' MacDOUGALL FAMILY MORTUARY 1610 E. First St., Santa Ana, Calif. Kimberly 3-9351 FOR THE BEST IN PRINTING CALL THE SOUTH MAIN PRINTERS. SANTA ANA, KI 7-1252