HomeMy WebLinkAbout23 COMP BUILD OUT 09-15-97DATE:
Beptember 10, 1997
William A. Huston, City Manager
Ronald a. Nault, Finance Director
Authorize the Finance Director to enter into a lease purchase
agreement with Data General COrporation, to acquire equipment
and services not to excee~a total value of $710,000 to complete
Phase I of the computer system upgrade project, subject to
review and approval by the City Attorney of all contractual
documents. '
Authorize the following appropriations from various funds to pay
for one time installation and configuration costs to complete
Phase I:
Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement'
Water Enterprise
Equipment Replacement Fund
$ 9,000
$ 150,000
Authorize the following appropriations from various funds for
the first year's lease e.xpense for Phase I equipment (estimated
at 8 months for first year):
Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement
Water Enterprise
General Fund
$ 10,575
$ 176,250
Authorize the Finance Director to enter into a service agreement
with Brea MIS to provide Project AdministratiOn and Ongoing
Support upon the completion of Phase I, subject to review and
approval of the agreement 'by the City Attorney,. and make' the
following appropriations:
Water Enterprise 3,240
General Fund 34.830
$ 40,500
The first year's expense for this project is estimated to be $367,000
for eight months of equipment lease expense, one time services
expense~ and eight months of ongoing support. The annual expense for
years two and three is estimated to be $270,000. This is a standard
lease purchase, agreement, the title for the equipment will transfer
to the City at the termi~ation~of the lease· "~-
The City Council authorized Staff to work with AEF Systems
Consulting, Inc., a Tustin based computer consulting firm, to design
a City-wide computer network system.and develop a Computer
workstation configuration that would become the standard for all
future computer purchases. Representatives from each department were
organized into the Computer Standards Committee to work with the
Consultant in 'completing this project.
- 2 -
The necessity of undertaking, a project of this size is being driven
by ~he proposed acquisition of new financial applications~ The'
existing financial software is. rOughly twenty years ol~'..and is
limited in its ability to provide information in a timely manner, is
awkward'in its SeParate applications and, most importantly, it. is not
Year 2000 Compliant. It is not cost effective, to incur the expense
of making the Year 2000 fixes and still have the same old systems.
State of the art financial applications no longer run on the hardware
systems we have and our current workstations are not compatible with
newer host hardware. We also have connectivity problems throughout
the City. If we improve the.-financial systems without making a
similar upgrade to department workstations, we would effectively
reduce access to the financial -data base to a limited number of
.inter-dePartment staff.
~.We also r~cggDiz_e~th~ fact~t~at~:W~-have-_ a-mix Qf
with some staff working with Microsoft'products. such as Word and
Excel and others working with Word Perfect and Lotus. A good example
of what this means is the city's budget document - if you look
closely at the document you will notice that there are several
different fonts, or print styles, throughout. We do not all have the
same print capability or quality, and we cannot share worksheet disks
among departments because of incompatible hardware. GraphiCs
capability, also varies between departments; some have the basic
graphics package that comes with Lotus 3.4 and others have the
enhanced graphics that come with Microsoft office products.
o ·
Our annual maintenance costs are also impacted by the mix of
equipment we have. It is becoming more difficult and expensive to
support the older 286s and 356s. Service companies are reluctant to
spend the amount of time_.the o~der machines require so service tends
to take longer and be'more costly.
~Because we do not have computer staff in-house, we must utilize
Consultants on this type of project. The Committee interviewed
several consulting'firms and recommended the selection of AEF Systems
Consulting, Inc. due to their background and experience, they were
the primary Consultant on the Fire Authority's $4.0 million computer
project, and they are located in Tustin. We also received a very
competitive proposal from the City of Brea. The City of Brea is
actively marketing computer services under the name Brea MIS, and
they Currently provide system maintenance and support services to the
cities of Placentia and Signal Hill. We presently have an agreement
with them for support services at the Tustin Family and Youth Center.
- 3 -
Brea MIS designed and installed the network in the computer.lab at
the Youth facility and made the purchases to equip the center. While
the Committee did not select Brea MIS for Phase I of our project, we
have kept them informed as to our progress and they have made some
suggestions.which we have taken into consideration in developing the
final plan.
Brea MIS has given us a'proposal for Project Administration at an
average rate of $70 per hour. By comparison AEF Systems Consulting
proposed an average rate of $110 per hour for the same services~ The
Committee isstrongly recommending that future system maintenance and
network maintenance and administration be awarded to. Brea MIS.
Annual cost is estimated to be $30,000. We received two other
proposals, both at $120 per hour, with the annual cost estimated to
be $52,000.
Data General Corporation is proposing Acer computers, manufactured by
........ Acer-American Corporation_headquartered in _San Jose, California.
This company was founded in 1976; annual sales for 1996 were $1.3
billion. Acer is a consolidated Tier 1 / 2 PC Vendor since 1994.
Worldwide shipments of~ their personal computers for 1996 total
1,980,000. They were ranked #19 in the Datamatic Top 100 for 1996,
ahead of Dell, #22, Xerox, #24, Packard Bell, #25, and Intel, #32.
Acer manufactures a full line of computer products, with ten thousand
Sales Offices in one hundred countries. They are a large company
with a less than household name. References were thoroughly checked
and were~unanimous in their praise of the Acer products. Oceanview
School District, located in Huntington Beach, purchased one thousand
Acer workstations two'years ago and recently placed an order for an
additional five hundred. The MIS Manager is very pleased with their
reliability and rUggedness.
The following points are. in direct response to questions .raised by
the City Council at its ~ePtem~er 2 meeting:
· Internet Access - who and how will new System connect to the
Internet Access will be provided by a dedicated gateway placed on
the network. This gateway will be administered and only authorized
staff will be permitted access to the Web, news groups and Internet
E-mail. Security software will protect City networks from
unauthorized access and monitoring software can block or limit
access by employees to certain areas of the Internet. The gateway
equipment specified allows for a wide range of connection speeds,
providing an upgrade path for the. City as Internet requirements
The City has recently implemented a City-wide policy regarding
access to the Internet, use of E-mail, and access to and use .of
data stored on City systems. A copy of the policy is attached.
· Cost - pros and cons of waiting instead of'purchasing now
· Technology wiil continue to advance, offering higher performance
and features.
· Pricing .for current technology will continue to.drop.
· The city is functioning on its current equipment and networks.
· Price/Performance ratios, or advances in technologyrelativeto
cost, .will remain fairly constant. Software applications
require more performance and system resources over time as
technology advances. These two factors will remain unchanged
for the foreseeable future. Waiting would not yield significant
cost savings.
· No infrastructure would exist for access t° new -financial
· City staff would not. be-able to exchange information and
collaborate over the network or with outside entities via the
· Much of the equipment and networks are dated, becoming obsolete,
and cannot run new operating systems or applications.
· Network servers and-~rks~ations are at capacity.
· Maintenance and down time will continue to increase for older
systems. '
Phase II - what will be the expected life on the new financial
The procurement Of the financial systems is taking place
primarily to address Year 2000 concerns. Year 2000 (Y2K) will
impact .organizations before the year 2000 actually arrives.
Problems will appear as various software functions need to
calculate or accept dates in the future beyond the year 2000.
- 5 -
The City of Tustin has not made a significant investment for
core business sytems in nearly ten years. As illustrated by the
current financial systems, the life cycle for the new financial
systems can extend well beyond ten years.
· Do we have to have new system now or can we wait
· . Increased efficiency: Finance, Payroll and Human Resources
applications are integrated, eliminating redundancy and
duplication of effort for City staff.
· Improve functionality by using standard desktop applications
City-wide such as Microsoft Excel, Word, Access, PowerPoint.
· Current financial systems are not Year 2000 compatible.
· Maintenance costs are rising for older equipment and systems.
o Ancillary equipment, software and sYstems are outdated and some
will no longer be supported by Vendors.
· Will Year 2000 oonoerns be addressed with the new systems
· Ail financial appliCations will be'Year 2000 Compliant.
· Ail network and desktop operating systems are Year 2000
· Other City applications wiill need to be evaluated for Year 2000
compliance and upgraged as 'appropriate.
· E-mail - Provide a better description of E-mail and how it will be
· E-mail is fast becoming the method of choice to transfer data
between 'parties. It is much easier and more efficient, to
transfer documents via E-mail than by FAX, mail, courier, etc.
It is quite common to see E-mail addresses on periodicals,
advertisements, business cards, etc. In order to have an
interactive Web Site we will require E-mail capabilities.
- 6 -
The August 29 issue of the Kiplinger Washington Letter reported
that the use of E-mail has impacted both the Telecommunications
Industry and the U.S. Postal Service, so much so that the
proposed ~1998 postal rate increase has been postponed until
later in the year because postal volume has declined. E-mail is
a very efficient, cost effective communication technology in
today's workplace.
The internal use of E-mail will expedite preparation of Staff
RepOrts and Agenda Items, correspondence, scheduling, messaging,
noticing, etc. E-mail messages can be sent and responded to in
less time than it takes to print out a copy of the message and
hand deliver it between departments and between floors. The E-
mail system will be the primary communication link between the
Police Department and the rest of City Hall, and will strengthen
the interaction between the Police, Administration, and other
departments.- -It~wilt~provide__ enhanced-~onnectivity---.to-~our .............
remote locations - Field Services, the Sports Park' Gymnasium
and Senior Center, allowing full access to all City departments
and the financial system via the network. Safeguards, or fire
walls, will be built into the.system to maintain security.
Copies of the Request for Proposal, Technical.Plan, List of Vendors
who received RFPs, and the City's Access Policy are attaChed for your
review. A representative from Data General Corporation and from AEF
Systems Consulting will be available at the meeting to respond to
additional questions,
Finance Director
RAN6:Contract. SEP
- 7 -
August 27, 1997
William A. Huston, City Manager
Ronald Ao Nault, Finance Director
Authorize the Finance Director to enter into a lease and
purchase agreement with Data General Corporation, to acquire
equipment and services not to exceed a total value of $710,000
to complete Phase I of the computer system upgrade proje6t,
subject to review and approval by the City Attorney of all
contractual documents.
Authorize the following appropriations from various funds to pay
for one time installation and configuration costs to complete
Phase I:
Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement
Water Enterprise.
Equipment Replacement Fund
$ 9,000
$ 150,000
Authorize the following appropriations from various funds for
the first year's lease expense for Phase I equipment (estimated
at 8 months for first year):
Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement
Water Enterprise
General Fund
$ 10,575'
$ 176,250
Authorize the Finance Department to enter into an agreement with
Brea MIS te provide Project Administration and ongoing, support
upon the completion of Phase I, subject to review and approval
of the agreement by the city Attorney, and make the· following
Redevelopment Agency
Water Enterprise
General Fund
$ 2,430
$ 40,500
The 'first year's expense for this Project is estimated t° b°~$367'-000
for .eight montks of equipment lease · expense, one time services
expense, and eight months of ongoing support· The annual expense for
years two and three is estimated to be $270,000·
The .city Council authorized Staff to work with AEF Systems
Consulting, Inc. to design a City-wide computer network system and
develop a computer workstation configuration that would become the
standard for all future computer purchases. Representatives from
each department were organized into the ComputerStandards Committee
to complete this task.
The Committee developed the standard workstation configuration and a
network designed to provide--connectivity of all staffed City
facilities. Included in the design was extensive use of client'
servers to more efficiently utilize printers, modems, FAX and
Internet access. A Request for Proposal was prepared and sent to an
extensive list of (fifty-two) potential Vendors. Six responses were
received, only two.of which properly responded to the RFP. The
remaining four Vendors would put together PC Clones per our
configuration but they could not .provide the network services we
After careful consideration, the Committee felt we were not in a
position to adequately evaluate custom built PC's and we wanted to
stay with a single Vendor for both workstation acquisition and
network build-out. The Committee continued discussions with Data
General Corporation and Professional Computing, Inc. The Committee
selected Data General COrporation to finalize negotiations for the
completion of Phase I.
- 2 -
Attached is a schedule of the workstations and miscellaneous
department hardware which are the primary focus of Phase I. This
list is comprehensive and it is important to understand that since
the City began purchasing computers'in the early 1980's, thiS:is the
first time that all departments will be using the same technology and
a standard suite of applications that are compatible throughout the
City. One of the goals of the Committee is to continue to evaluate
technology changes and wherever possible and practical to recommend
City-wide upgrades to keep our systems current.
The following summarizes the elements of Phase I:
84 Workstations
37 Printers
Miscellaneous Equipment
$ 200,000
$ 285,500
- _ ..... · NetworknEquipment
Network InstallatiOn
Services to Install,
and to Train Staff
............ 33-~500 ......................... -
$ 385,500
Annual Maintenance for
Network Software and Hardware
TOTAL $ 710,000
The network design inclUdes full internal and external E-Mail
caPability, Internet access, incoming and outgoing FAX capabilities~
for every department, intra-net capabilities, remote access to
network, to tie off-site facilities in to the system, and connectivity
to the new financial applications. In addition, members of the
Committee are ~orking on de~elo~ing City-wide policies for use of the
new systems, training standards and a City web site.
The. Committee is recommending that. the City sign a three year lease
for the Phase I equipment. ~For a relatively modest cost'a lease will
reduce the cost impact on a single year and it will encourage the
Committee and City to remain up to date on technology changes, both
software and hardware, because every 36 months decisions need to be
made affecting the City-wide computer systems. Another compelling
reason for recommending a lease is a relatively new concept available.
in the programs of larger companies known as "refreshing". This is
the ability to receive a stated credit from prior period lease
payments that can be used to replace or '"refresh" your current
equipment. Refreshing does extend the term of the lease'but only for
the new equipment. The option gives the City-a cost effective means
of addressing timely changes in dsoftware and hardware technology as
well as changes in functionality of our total system.
- 3 -
We have been taking advantage of the City of Brea MIS Staff to help
the Committee work through some of our more technical issues. Brea
has taken a very entrepreneurial attitude regarding their MIS
Department and they are marketing their services to other agencies.
They have been very helpful and patient with us, and have presented
us with a proposal for administration during the implementation phase
of this project and ongoing support once the systems are up and
running. Their pricing is very competitive, about two-thirds the
rates stated by the other Vendors, .and they have a ver~ clear
understanding and appreciation of what our needs are. The Committee
is very comfortable in recommending Brea MIS to provide these
The first workstations will arrive approximately three weeks after
the contract is signed. It is anticipated that the network
installation will be completed within 120 days.
We have-'-also started ~Phase-. II of this project, which_is, the
acquisition of new financial sOftware and host hardware. Requests
for Proposal have gone out (forty-two) and we have received eight
proposals, with prices ranging from $225,000 - $550,000. We have
determined the top three Vendors based on price' and references. We
are conducting demonstrations and will be short listing to make site
visits and conduct additional interviews within the next 60-90 days.
One or more of the Committee members will be available at the Council
meeting to provide additional information as needed.
Finance Director
;~,N 6: Cmt rac, t. AW
-- 4 --
· o
September 8, 1997
City of Tustin
Fina~ Technical Plan - September 8, 1997
City of Tustin Technical Plan
Table of Contents
I. BACKGROUND .......................................................................................... 4
i. i1 ~, i,
]1. EXISTING NETVVORK ASSESSMENT ......................................................... 5
A. Host System ...................................................................................................................................... 5
B. Eocal Area and Wide Area Network ............................................................................................. 5
C. "Connectivity ..................................................................................................................................... 6
D. '"Topology and Cabling .................................................................................. ~ .................................. 7
E. ".Clie'.nt Hardware and Operating Systems .... '...~ ........ "...~"' ....... ".~'~ .... , .............................. ,~,.,~ .... ~,~..7 ....
F. '.'.-.summary of Existing Network Analysis .............................~ .......................................................... 9
NETWORK UPGRADEIBUILD-OUT ALTERNATIVES ............................... 11
A. H. os(System ........................................................................................................ , ............................ 11
B. 'Local and Wide Area Networks ................................................................................................... 11
1.... Wide Area Network Technology ................................................................................................ 11
Available Wide Area Network Technologies .................................................................... . ......... 11
Frame Relay .................................................................................... : ............................................ 11
Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) .............................................................................. 11
56k Dedicated Lines (DDS) ........................................................................................................ 11
Private Cable/Fiber ..................................................................................................................... 11
e. Wireless ................................................................................................. : .................................... 11
Wide Area Network Recommendations ....................................... ............................................... 11
L. ocfil Area Network Technologies ............................................................................................... 11
E..m. ail and Messaging .................................................................................................................. 11
Connectivity ............................................................................................................................. ~.. 1 i
SUM.MARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................... 11
A. Wide Area Network Recommendations ...................................................................................... 11
Local[. Area Network Recommendations .......................... ' ............................................................ 11
1. . NeW. york Server Recommendations ................................................................... ~ ......................... 11
2. ° Emhil and Messaging .................................................................................................................. 11
3·. Communications Servers ............................................................................................................ 11
4. Fax Servers ........... · ....................................................................................................................... 11
5. Intemet Gateways ....................................................................................................................... 11
· (~onnectivity Recommendations ................................................................................................... 11
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc.
Final Technical Plan - 5~ptember 8, 1997 - City of Tustin
D. Topology and Cabling Recommendations .................... ~ .............................................................. 11
E. Client Hardware and Operating System Recommendations ................ ..~ ................................... 11
1. S.TANDARD CLIENT SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ......................................................... ~... 11
2-. STANDARD SERVER SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ............................................................ 11
3.' · S.TANDARD PRINTER CONFIGURATIONS ......................................................................... 11
'.a~. S '.tandard Printer Configuration - Light Duty to Medium Duty ................................................... 11
· l~. Network Printer Configuration - Continuous Duty ..................................................................... 11
"c. StAndard Shared Color Printer Configuration ............................................................................. 11
d. Non-Standard Printer Configuration - Large Format .................................................. : ............... 11
4. SELF CONTAINED PROJECTION UNIT FOR PRESENTATIONS ...................................... 11
5. STANDARD FLATBED SCANNER CONFIGURATIONS ..................................................... 11
'6.: PORTABLE COMPUTER SYSTEM (Laptop/Notebook) ........................................................ 11
APPENDI~ A - CITY OF TUSTIN - SITE MAP ................................................... 11
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc.
Final Techn.icai Plan -September 8, 1997
City of Tustin
I. Background
· o
AEF Systems Consulting, Inc. was contracted by the City of Tustin to review the existing
hardware (w6rkstations and local servers) and network infrastructure and develop
recommendations for upgrading this infrastructure in conjunction with upgrading their
core business system applications. The results 6f this review will be used to develop a
Request forProposal (RFP) for workstation/server hardware and a completion of the City
In this e..ffort to bring both software and technology up to date, upgrades to the existing
networ-k'infrastmcture, client hardware and operating systems have been included in the
scope of thi~ review. Replacement of the current host system is also desired and review
of its long-term usability has been included in the analysis and Technical Plan
deliverable; however, the recommendation for the host hardware will be made by the
vendorg pr6~osing finance, human resources, and payroll applications to ensure the City
has the widest possible choice for vendor products.
In perfo'brning this review, we:
).:. : .
* Conducted an on-site inspection of all the City network locations (including
·: '"those. not currently networked)
.. ~Compiled an applicatio.n and hardware survey to determine which applications
', ?ere required at which locations and the connectivity issues
~. Met several timeSwith the City technical staff
o ,Conducted consultations with Various vendors of City software for data about
'their upgrade plans, system configuration issues, products and technologies,
Section ~I 6f this document will first detail the existing computing environment. In
addressi.ng'~"ach aspect of the technical infr~astructure, the current environment is
described, followed by a list of goals and desired outcomes. Section III presents a
discussic~n 6f the alternative technologies which the City has.to choose from highlighting
some of the advantages and disadvantages of each technology along with some high-level
cost information. Lastly, we have developed recommendations, provided in Section IV,
using stable; proven technologies to enhance or replace those components and systems.
within the City of Tustin network which will be the most cost-effective enhancements
and provide the City with a technical infrastructure to meet its current and anticipated
future needs.
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc.
Final Technical Plan - ~,..ptember 8, 1997 City of Tustin
· .
II. 'Exi'sting Network Assessment
The fo'ilowlng is a summary of our review of the existing network infrastructure.
A. 'Host System
.. Th~ primary host system is an HP3000. Financial and utility applications reside on
· . the HP3000 and are accessed by both terminals and personal computers nmning
".terminal emulation software. Remote sites are able to access the Hewlett Packard
hosl;, via dial-up phone lines. The HP3000 has been in place for over ten years and
is ready to be replaced. The stakeholders for this project have emphasized that the
HP3/)00 is to be physically moved or removed from its current location in the
Finance Department once the transition phase to a new host system begins. A
Suitable location either on-site or off site will be needed to allow access to the
- .- system for history inquiries and validation/parallel payroll and finance processing
during the transition process.
Local Area and Wide Area Network
· ".The IS environment at the City of Tustin consists of two Novell Netware networks
· and the primary host, an HP3000. There is a single, primary network located at
Qit:y Hall connecting two servers and approximatelY 80 workstations (PCs). The
second'network, located at the Field Services facility, consists of a single server
and'/hree workstations.
The City Hall offices and two remote sites (Water and Field S~rvices) contain a
"~ixture of networked and standalone PCs, consisting of 286, 386, 486 and
Pentium systems. Common'complaints of these end users are slow response times
to retrieve information, slow network printer performance and the need to use
*o~:karounds to circumvent poor network/server performance.
· ..
'.;t'here is no wide area network in-place; any remote access is accomplished via
dialZup sessions to either a PC nmning a remote control application or the host
using a terminal or terminal emulation. Local and wide area network goals are to:
· .'Establish a city-wide network to connect standalone systems and networks to
-City. Hall at 300 W Centennial Way
-Fidld Services - 1372 Service Road Tustin
-'Water facility - 235 East Main St. Tustin
-Desalter facility- 18602 East 17th Street
"-Sen'ior Center 200 $ C Street
.-Gymnasium- 17522 Beneta Way
'-Family & Youth Centers 14722 Newport Blvd. -Sports Park- 12850 Robinson
· Provide connections for city staff that require access to City systems and
~ applications
Prepared by AI~F Systems Consulting, Inc.
Final Technical Plan - September 8, 1997
City of Tustin
.*.Connect with the Public Safety Department network for access to E-Mail,
· '.' Business License database.
· ·Standardize and implement E-Mail to enhance communications 'and
· Allow inbound and outbound access services for city staff.
dnbound communications for support and tele-commuting staff
· -Outbound communications for fax transmission, on-line services, Internet
~. ..Upgrade server systems to handle increased netwOrk/user load and storage
· .requirements
.. · Upgrade client systems to handle new applications and operating systems
· Provide centralized network management, system configuration and backup
-Reduce administrative overhead '
.-Allow for remote network administration and troubleshooting
.· 'Determine the necessity of including specialized systems (CAD, traffic
.. control) on the network
' EX.hibit 1 ,'current Server ConfiguratiOns, is a list of the servers in use at the City.
Exhibit 1 - Current Server Configurations
COT- .
COM ) V,
City Hall "..
COT ~:--
City Hall
Maintenanc. e
Field Services
Netware 3.11- 100
AST 486/33
Netware 3.11- 100
AST 386/25
Netware 2.2 - 10
Building Permits/CodeEnfor~
Business License
Human Resources
Resource/Class Scheduling
Vehicle Maintenance
Mobile radio programming
Ethernet IPX/SPX is the primary network protocol running on all networks at the
.-/2ity. of Tustin. The two primary Netware servers are connected together on one
'...'network segment. The vehicle maintenance server at the Field Services site is on
'a standalone network. Host connections are made through a separate cable nm to
the same set of wallplates in the City building. Remote access to the host is
accpmplished via dial-up to several modems connected to the HP3000. Currently,
each user requiring access to on-line services and the Internet have a dedicated
dial-up phone line installed at their desk and a modem installed on each system.
The'goals of expanding connectivity are to:
· .. Interconnect remote sites utilizing high speed WAN connections
Prepared b'y AEF Systems Consulting, Inc.
" 6
Final TeChnical Plan - b..r,~ember 8, 1997 City of Tustin
Interconnect standalone networks and systems
Provide easy access to system resources at all locations
Provide local and remote access to the host through the network, simplify
Provide communications servers to centralize and control access
Reduce number of dedicated phone lines to the desktop, lower administrative
Topology and Cabling
.~t City Hall, thin-net cabling links the servers in the Finance Department to the
'(viri.ng closet on the second floor where it connects to the twisted pair Ethernet
hubs.' The hubs distribute network connections to wallplates located throughout
the building. The twisted pair, or 10BaseT cabling to each wallplate in the
'building, consists of a mixture of Category.3, 4 and 5 cable (5 being the fastest).
In this env_iro_nrnen_t, Category_ 3 is the limiting factor for_potential network, speed
.At th..'e Field Services facility, a single server with three workstations is cabled
~it~ thin-net in the garage. No formal network exists at the Water facility with
the exception of a proprietary connection between two redundant SCADA
(Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) systems.
· The HP3000 host is connected to two terminal servers located on the second floor
'.~}ng room via a separate thin-net cable. The two terminal servers provide
connections to terminals and PCs in the City building and to modems for remote
acc.6ss. Three pair shielded cable is used for these connections.
:Goals for topology and cabling are to:
d Develop cabling and network standards via the Standards Committee process.
· .Design the cabling plant to provide a cost effective upgrade path to Fast
Ethernet (l OOBase T)-.
. .Provide host sessions through the network, simplifying cabling requirements.
Client Hardware and Operating systems
~he~ are a total of 85 PCs installed at City of Tustin facilities. Half of the PCs
are nmning DOS (primarily the 286 and 386 systems) and DOS applications. The
balance . of the PCs are running Windows 3.1 and Windows 95. There is a wide
range of productivity software nmning on the PCs at the City.
System performance is a common complaint both for standalone and networked
PCs. · Workarounds have been implemented in order to overcome network
response time issues. Because most of the older 286 and 386 workstations will be
replaced, further discussion in this document is limited to addressing the goals of
Prepared by. AEF Systems Consulting, Inc.
Final Technical Plan - September 8, 1997
City of Tustin
the implementation. Exhibit 2 - Desktop PC Inventory Profile summarizes the
numbers of PCs and departments where they currently are used.
... Exhibit 2 - Desktop PC Inventory Profile for the City of Tustin
F[n~ce 0 6 1 0 7
.. CO~~ Development 5 11 4 12 32
.... Co~~ Semices 4 5 1 1 11
' P~so=el 6 0 0 0 6
.C[¢ M=ager 0 1 0 1 2
~i~ Clerk 3 0 0 0 3
Ppblic Works+ 8 __ 2 3 11 24 ~-
'TDT~S 26 25 9 25 85
.. ,y re[
**.systems may be candidates for upgrades
¥including remote sites
Th~ Pentium systems will be retained and may be redistributed to City staff as
.nece§sary. Upgrades will be performed as necessary to meet minimum system
hardware and software requirements as outlined in Section IV-E, Client Hardware
and Operating System Recommendations, of this document. To ensure that the
latest versions of the operating systems and applications are made available, the
vendor should include onsite upgrades to new releases for a period of at least 180
· o
' .Th~.re are a wide variety of printer peripherals at the City of Tustin. Dot matrix,
".~k~t, and laser technologies are present in all departments. Most of the older
laser printers (HP Laserjet II and III) can be phased out or redistributed to other
City' staff. Older inkjet printers can also be replaced.
. The':City's goals for client hardware and operating systems are to:
*.Replace older PCs with Pentium based systems
Standardize PC configurations andproductivity software
'.-Microsoft Windows 95
.-Microsoft Office 97
:. '-Microsoft Office 97 Professional (optional)
· · SiZe and configure new and retained systems to handle all current network
'and host applications
"Run applications and modules not previously possible because of system
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc.
Final Te~:hnical Plan - 5=ptember 8, 1997 - City of Tustin
· 'Provide end-user training for new operating systems and associated
· productivi, ty applications
· .. Provide training for system administrators and technical staff
· .' .Provide network connectivity for all new systems
· Provide multimedia capabilities for.'.
· '-Computer based training
· .. -Multimedia enabled applications
~. Replace older printers with faster, more current technology
· . Provide direct network connections for printers so that the remote computer
" th.e printer is attached to does not have to be turned on, andprocessing
· ' resources for printing are not incurred by the remote computer
· . ~ Provide dedicated networkprintersfor workgroup use, reducing the need for
a printer on every desk
Exhibit 3 - Printer Inventory Profile for the City of Tustin
~~}~:_ ~- ':'..:::' .TyPeil Type ,.~' ':: .- .- -
~i~~i~rthi~-nt ::. , iii, 4, 5+ OId.:: :.NEW
~in~ce 3 0 1 0 4
Co~~ '4 4 0 3 1 12
'~o~~ Se~ices 1 0 1 1 0 3
Perso~el 2 0 0 0 0 2
Ci~ M~ager 1 1 1 0 0 3
'~i, dlerk 1 0 0 0 0 1
Public Works 9 1 1 4 4 19
~OT~s 21 6 4 8 5 44
· *Printers to be replaced _
· +Laser printers to be retained
Otlaer ~ategories include: dot matrix, and other specialized printers
.}.Sunirnaty of Existing Network Analysis
i-The networks at the.City of Tustin have expanded significantly over the last
several years. Users have begun to complain about performance and response
"time, not only because the network may actually be slow, but because of user
perceptions from the mass market and home computer market as well.
Much of the technology at the City is dated, some of the hardware and software in
:-(/urr~nt use is well over five years old. While much of this equipment is still
functional, the City of Tustin has resolved to take advantage of the gains in
tec .hnology to bring greater productivity, communication and collaboration to the
· desktop environment. The City of Tustin has set to task major improvements to
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc. 9
Final TechniCal Plan - September 8, 1997 '
City of Tustin
its information systems infrastructure, much as a city's water, electrical, and
telephone infrastructure must be designed and upgraded to meet the needs of the
resident population. The foundation of this project is to build a network
'infrastructure that will enable all the other components of the technology
· The:existing network will require upgrading in order to expand connectivity and
E-Ma:il capabilities to all locations and to better position the City to meet its
expanding user and community informational needs. In addition, the City's
inve§tment in the new applications to be implemented within the next year, will
not be fully realized if the workstations and printers are not upgraded; the older
hardware will be unable to access the newer technology.
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc. 10
Final Technical Plan - ~September 8, 1997 City of Tustin
° .
i11. Network Upgrade/Build-Out Alternatives
The administrators at the City of Tustin are committed to evolve the existing network and
systems into a tool that will:
· Connect major City facilities and functions
· Improve communications between City staff
e'" integrate a new host system running City financial and applications
· Enable conununications with peer agencies, on-line services, and the Internet
· Reduce duplication of effort in day to day tasks
· Enable access for less'frequent, or "casual" users in outlying facilities'
Provide a consistent computing environment for all users to:
Reduce training requirements
Increase mobility for City staff
~acilitate the coordination of work, projects and tasks
Co~itihue--to protect and secure-confidentialinformation'
This section details industry offerings in the'areas of wide area networks, local area network
technology, E-Mail and messaging, remote access/communications services, network
management and host system integration.
Host System
The host system will be procured under a separate RFP at the time applications are
selected. This component is being broken out separately to ensure the City does not
limit their alternatives for applications. However, certain assumptions have been
made during our review regarding remote connectivity issues. For purposes of
discussion, the host is assumed to be network capable, supporting IPX and/or TCP/IP
prOtocols. Network traffic between host and client will be assumed to be low,
utilizing terminal emulation or client/server sessions.
A suitable location will be needed for the old host HP 3000 system once the transition
beg!ns. The alternate location must meet the minimal environmental.requirements as
outlined by both the manufacturer and the current support contractor. A minimal
peripheral configuration will be necessary to support database inquiries and the
parallel payroll process during this period. There are many alternatives for the ~
location of this old system:
Another City location (considerations which must be addressed include:' a.
whether or not connectivity is required to the Finance Department for historical
.data, or having the Finance staff go to the location of the system and access
-terminals them; b. will the City continue the existing maintenance/support
contract for this system; if not, who within the City will provide this support)
· Move the hardware to a service bureau
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc. 11
Final Technical Plan - September 8, 1997 -'
City of Tustin
Ideally, one or two terminal or PC connections should be made from the relocated
host to the Finance Department for the transition. One of the high-speed printers will
have to be retained unless a suitable replacement can be found. Printing requirements
will depend upon the details of the transition process and the disposition of the host
(i.e. internal or service bureau).
Local and Wide Area Networks
1'. Wide Area Network Technology
There are several approaches to implementing a wide area network.
Consideration must be given to startup and ongoing costs, bandwidth
requirements, and anticipated network traffic. The City of Tustin will require
links from the City Hall building to seven remote sites:
. Location . . Address
Field Services 13 72 Service ]toad Tustin
Water facility
235 East Main St. Tustin (*move to Field
Services may be in the future)
Desalter facility
18602 East 17th Street
Senior Center
200 S C Street
Family & Youth Center
17522 Beneta Way
14722 Newport Blvd.
Sports Park
12850 Robinson
The type of wide area network connection to be implemented for each of.these
connections will depend upon the projected data volume (bandwidth) for each
of the remote sites. The bandwidth requirements can be estimated by
surveying the applications mn at remote sites that require access to
information from systems at City Hall. In most cases, financial data would be
accessed by all departments, and timekeeping data entered (daily/weekly input
of hours worked). Exhibit 4 - Wide Area Bandwidth Requirements Survey,
outlines data requirements for each of the remote sites individually by
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc. 12
Final Technical Plan - SEPtember 8, 1997 - City of Tustin
Exhibit 4 - Wide Area Bandwidth Requirement Survey
Field Services Vehicle Maintenance Local 0
Financials Remote Low
E-Mail Remote Low
Irrigatibn controls Local 0*
Timekeeping Remote
Water Facility SCADA Local Low*
Financials Remote Low
E-Mail Remote Low
Desalter Plant link Local 0*
Timekeeping Remote
Desalter Plant SCADA Local Low*
E-Mail Remote Low
Timekeeping Remote
Parks/Recreation Class scheduling Remote Low/Med
(4 sites) E-Mail Remote Low
Timekeeping Remote
*application also uses connecnon(s) not within scope of this project
'~*dependent upon the type of remote access chosen
Currently, most bandwidth/data requirements are low. The exception is the -
Recreation Department scheduling application. An alternative remote access
solution may be desirable to lower the bandwidth requirements, making these
connections more consistent with the other remote facilities. Remote access is
generally divided into two. categories: Remote Node Access and Remote
Control Access.
Remote Node Access prbvides the dial-in user with a connection directly
to the network. Considering the data rate of a typical modem connection
(28,800 bits per second) and the data rate of a typical local area network
(10,000,000 bits per second), remOte node access does not provide a very
effective link for the user. E-Mail and small file transfers can be
performed in a timely manner,; however, applications that are data
intensive would take inordinate amounts of time to run remotely. Data
compression can alleviate the remote access bottleneck, but even at
115~000 bits per second, is still 1/1000th the speed of the LAN.
Remote Control Access allows the remote user to remotely "control" a PC
at the other end of a dial-in connection. The session, or application, is
actually nm on the PC at the office, and no data actually passes between
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc. 13
Final Technical Plan-"September 8, 1997
City of Tustin
the PC at the office and the remote PC. The only information that is
transferred are the keystrokes from the Remote PC and display information
from the PC at the office.
· Currently, most bandwidth/data requirements are low. The exception is the
Recreation Dep .artment scheduling application. An alternative remote access
solution may be desirable to lower the bandwidth requirements, making these
connections more consistent with the other remote facilities.
Available Wide Area Network Technologies
The following summary of available technologies are presented here only as a
measure of relative cost and.benefits. Pricing can fall within a wide range of
values dependent upon the vendor and the service interval negotiated for.
Frame Relay ....
This technology is mature and SCaieable. Connections can be up~aded
to higher speeds as the network expands and application requirements
dictate (scaleable). Frame relay provides a dedicated connection,
available 24 hours a day. In addition, only a single drop, or connection
is required at the central site for all remote sites as opposed to leased
lines where the central site requires one incoming connection per
Startup costs are approximately $1000 per connection and monthly
charges range fi.om $125 to $800 per connection depending upon the
speed required. Frame relay is a flexible and easy to implement
technology that can adapt to growing organizations.
Exhibit 6 - Frame Relay Cost Table
' Non:recfirring CostS* Reeurring' C 0 si~'~ ~.'~:'~:~ ?;~~
ii~-~ Ne~ork:' Ne~ork .... Ne~ork-'-' ' Ne~ork'5:~' ' :~'~":'~'~' ~~~~'
56K. $375 $633 $75 $50 ~N
128K $375 $630 $150 $175 T-1
384K $375 $630 $400 $175 T-1
1.54 M $375 $630 $500 $175 T-1
*per drop on site
Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
ISDN is a flexible, connection-oriented technology that provides a
fixed data rate link at 128kbps. Monthly charges depend upon connect
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc. 14
Final Technical Plan - b=ptember 8, 1997 City of Tustin
time/usage. Startup and equipment costs are low, making this
technology suitable for "casual" connectivity needs. Connections to
the network are matte on demand 'and are transParent to the user..
Connect time is billed at twice the rate of a normal business phone
56k Dedicated Lines (DDS)
Relatively inexpensiVe and reliable, this technology has recently been
overshadowed by the benefits and promises of newer technologies
such as frame relay and ISDN. Monthly costs are somewhat less than
frame relay, but the line speed is not upgradable (scaleable). This type
of connection is well suited for'control applications such as those
currently in use by the SCADA systems at the water facilities.
Private Cable/Fiber
This alternative provides a dedicated physical connection that can be
accomplished via overhead (between utility poles) or underground
(burial) cable/fiber. Costs associated with overhead connections
include utility comPany rental agreements and cabling costs. The Field
Services office is approximately 6,000 feet from City Hall. Cabling
costs for an overhead connection are about $2.50 per foot, not
including utility pole rental costs. Underground conduit costs are
estimated at $10 foot, making this method cost prohibitive. Also,
consideration as to the permanence of the remote site should be made.
Radio transmission can provide a reliable network connection from
2Mbps to 10Mbps (full Ethernet speed). There are no ongoing 'Costs
(aside from maintenance) associated with a wireless network
connection. St .artup costs are high, ranging from $12,000 to $20,000
per link. 'Because of the high bandwidth that wireless connections
provide, remm on investment is typically 18-24 months. The only
requisite for wireless network links is a clear path between sites (line
of sight). Wireless networking also offers a high degree of mobility,
and can be easily moved from site to site without the associated
reconnection costs associated with leased lines.
Exhibit 5 - Wide Area Network Alternative Estimated Costs, illustrates the
relative implementation and on-going costs of the alternative technologies
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc. 15
Final Technical Plan - September 8, 1997
City of Tustin
Exhibit 5 - Wide Area Network Altemative Estimated Costs
Frme Relay 1,800 125 **Scalable b~dwidth Relatively high stoup
to to (56kbps to 1.544 Mbps) costs.
2,500 8?5 Reasonable monthly
ISDN 1,000 to 70 Low st~p costs Fixed data rate.
1,200 +co~ect Co~ect time ch~ges.
Dedicated 1,200 to 120 to Lower monthly ch~ges High st~p costs.
lines (56K) 1,800 160 Fixed data rates.
+mileage Mileage costs.
Private 2,500 to Rental Private ~d sec~e. Overhead -$2.50/ft
Cab]e~iber 10,000 costs for Also need to lease pole
per overhead space.
1000 ~ lines Burial -$10/ft.
Logistics ~e complex.
obstructions, etc.
Wireless 6,000 to 0 Excellent cost recove~ Ve~ high st~p costs.
12,000 No mon~]y ch~ges Limited to line-of-sight.
High da~ rates Customer is responsible -
High mobi]i~ for maintaining
*Includes apProximate equipment andconnection service charges PER SITE
** Scalable indicates that data rates (bandwidth) can be increased or upgraded as needed
without the need for new equipment or connection change.
Wide Area Netnvork Recommendations
We recommend frame relay technology to implement the wide area network
for the primary remote facilities (Field Services and Water Services). Once a
host system is selected and the final network capacity requirements calculated,
the frame relay connections can be sized to match. If either of the remote sites
grows in capacity, or if plans to consolidate Water with Field Services are
realized, the frame relay connection can be sized accordingly.
The four Community Services remote sites, which will be used for scheduling
classes and resources, will not need dedicated access,, so a frame relay
connection is not indicated. Infrequent or casual access to the network is best
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc. 16
Final Technical Plan .2 =eptember 8, 1997
City of Tustin
served by ISDN at 128kbps, which is double the rate of the fastest available
modem for voice grade phone lines. Each of the Community Services remotes
will be setup to dial-in to a communications server to run the scheduling,
email and timekeeping applications remotely.
LoCal Area Network TechnolOgies
Email and Messaging
Currently, email is used on a limited basis at the City Hall location within the
Community Development and Administration departments. Deploying a standardized
email and messaging service along with the network buildout will enable City staff to
more effectively communicate and collaborate and accomplish day to day tasks.
Email along with Internet access will allow City staff to communicate and transfer
information with outside entities. Email can also perform group scheduling, project
coordination tasks and other functions that involve team environments. Email is
generally a platform dependent application. The selection of network and desktop
ope. i'ating systems shape the email/messaging solution
The servers located in the computer room are connected to 10BaseT ethernet
concentrators, in the telephone wiring room on the second floor. A single 10 MBps
network segment services all the connected PCs at City Hall. The new network Mil
more than double the networked PC population and will further intensify the data
bottleneck at the server. As high bandwidth applications such as multimedia and
vid6o come into common usage, the need for larger "pipes" to pass the data will
East Ethemet, running at 100Mbps, can be implemented strategically at network
traffic bottlenecks and will reduce congestion as seen in Exhibit 7 - Benefits of Fast
Ethernet, on the following page. -
Network servers located at City Hall and Field Services Consist of older 386 and 486
systems running Novell Netware 3.11 and 2.2 respectively. Complaints of poor
response time and overall performance have become more commonplace as the
network has grown. The City of Tustin has experienced a typical pattern of network
growth for medium to large organizations. As new systems and equipment are
acquired, they have been added to the network with little or no consideration to the
impact on network traffic and finite resources. As a result, network loads increase
and performance degrades. Unfommately, user perceptions are that systems or
applications are performing poorly, with little focus on network performance.
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc. 17
Final Technical Plan --September 8, 1997
City of Tustin
IV. Summary of Recommendations
The following is a summary of our recommendations for upgrading the City's workstations
and network.'
Wide Area Network Recommendations
.Frame relay is the recommended technology to implement the wide area network for
the primary remote facilities (Field Services and Water Services). Once a host system
is determined and the final network capacity requirements calculated, the frame relay
connections can be sized to match. If either of the remote sites grows in capacity, or
if the plans to consolidate Water with Field Services are realized, the frame relay
co .rmection can' be sized accordingly.
The' four Community Services remote sites which are used for scheduling classes and
reso.urces, will not need dedicated access. Therefore, a frame relay connection is not
i/~dicated. Infrequent or casual access to the network is best served by ISDN at
128kbps, which is double the rate of the fastest available modem for voice Fade
li. h0ne lines. Each of the Community Services remote sites will be setup to dial-in to
a communications server to run the scheduling, email and timekeeping apPlications
Local Area Network Recommendations
Two' ~echnologies are recommended to alleviate the network traffic problem and
provide sufficient bandwidth for the near future: Fast Ethernet and Switched Ethernet.
Fast Ethernet, running at ten times the rate of standard Ethernet, can be implemented
in the link from the server to the concentrators, providing data rates ten times faster
than the existing connectiOns.
Switched Ethernet can also help to alleviate network congestion by isolating and
cont/tining areas of high network traffic through a method called "segmenting". A
department with a high Volume of network traffic (i.e., Engineering and CAD
applications) would have an individual network segment for their workstations. Any
traffic intended for workstations within that department would remain in the segment
and 'not be passed to other departments and network segments.
in the past, this was accomplished by installing additional network cards into the
server. This method imposed an additional burden on the file server and has largely
been replaced With network switches.
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Final Technical Plan - buptember 8, 1997 - City of Tustin
Network Server Recommendations
The recommendation for network operating systems is to remain with Novell
Netware. This recommendation is based partly on an informal survey of
available finance applications. The majority of vendors have software
applications available for Netware and UNIX platforms as opposed to
Microsoft Windows NT Server. Most vendors are currently porting or
redeveloping their finance applications for Windows NT, however, earlY
adoption of an application on a new platform poses risks during
implementation and operation. For the same reason, NT is not recommended
at this point in time for the city's primary file and print services. Most City
applications are currently running on the Novell platform and those that
cannot or will not be upgraded can continue to nm on the Novell Netware
platform, reducing compatibility and operational problems during the
transition. As vendors for the City's inventory of applications release tested
and stable software, the City can then revisit a transition to the NT
Maturity and stability of Novell Netware were key factors in making this
recommendation as well as ease of migration from current Netware servers.
The goal is to reduce the risks to the City associated with a transition of this
magnitude. The most current version of Netware is 4.x. Netware 4.x also
provides centralized network administration across servers in the entire
enterprise, simplifying day to day management tasks.
Email and Messaging
Because of the wide range of solutions available, the selection and
recommendation of an email package will be left to the prospective vendor
based upon their expertise and experience with-a particular solution. The
principal goal is to provide users at the City with a standard email solution that
will enable basic-email services (internal and external) as well as an upgrade
path for group/team Scheduling and collaboration functionsi
Communications Servers
Remote access will be needed by the four Community Services facilities and
City managers for access to applications and information (tele-commuting).
As discussed in Wide Area Technology Section III.B. 1, remote node access
cannot provide the performance necessary to mn applications over a dial-up
Remote control access is a preferred choice, allowing access to applications
with a reasonable level of performance. A communications server can be
installed on the City network with multiple dial-up lines. A remote access
product such as Citrix Winframe can provide inbound access for multiple
users via standard voice grade modems or ISDN lines. A standard server (see
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc. 21
Final Technical Plan - September 8, 1997 '~"~ City of Tustin
Exhibits) can be configured as a communications server with the addition of
the Winframe software, additional memory, a multi-port adapter and a
combination of ISDN and voice grade modems. Outbound access (other than
Internet) for users at the City can also take place through the communications
Fax Servers
Fax servers provide centralized outbound fax services for networks. End users
see the fax server simply as a print or fax device from their office productivity
applications. Documents can be faxed directly from Microsoft Word without
having to first output the document on a printer and then sending via a desktop
fax machine. Document confidentiality and distribution would preclude the
use of the fax server for inbound fax processing. Inbound faxes will be
handled by traditional fax machines located in each functional area. Fax
servers can be installed to service each primary location (City Hall, Field
Services, Water) for incoming fax documents where each department can
control access and confidentiality.
Internet Gateways
Internet access is currently available individually throughout the City for staff
that require it. Access is provided by a dedicated modem connected to a
dedicated voice-grade line on an employee's desktop: As the Internet'
becomes more of a necessity for the perfo.rmance of day to day tasks, an
Internet Gateway can provide access to all authorized users. The gateway also.
provides network security, isolating the City of Tustin networks from the
A service provider would need to be contracted to provide a high-speed
connection from the City of-Tustin into the Internet. The connection speed
would depend on the number of simultaneous users accessing the Internet at
any given time and the performance level desired. To address concerns of
management regarding the productive use of the Internet, the gateway and the
browser software (i.e., Netscape, Internet Explorer) can be configured to limit
access to certain sites depending upon content and company policy.
Connectivity Recommendations
The primary protocols that the network and all associated equipment should be able to
handle are IPX/SPX and TCP/IP. IPX/SPX is necessary for Netware connectivity,
and TCP/IP will provide the balance of connectivity needs for the interface with the
Public Safety Department network, the Internet, and the host system.
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc. 22
Final Te(~hnical Plan - o=ptember 8, 1997 City of Tustin
There are new connectivities required: the Public Safety Department, currently
nmning Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, would like access to the City network to access
the Business License and Finance applications as well as E-Mail. Microsoft Gateway
Services for NetWare (GSNW) can provide access into the City's Novell network and
the required applications, including host access for Financials.
Topology and Cabling Recommendations
The implementation of Fast Ethernet (100BaseT) should, at a minimum, be in place in
the links between servers and the distribution point (computer room and the second
floor wiring closet). The sole purpose of these links is to eliminate network
congestion at the servers.
The. upgrade of the cabling plant for the rest of the building can be addressed in this
project, or deferred to a later date, depending upon available budget. There are no
applications currently on the desktop that require Fast Ethernet.
In the Cost Breakdown (see Exhibits), the upgrade and certification of the cabling
plant has been identified as a separate cost item for consideration.
Client Hardware and Operating System Recommendations
The following pages detail the system configuration specifications recommended for
the. City of Tustin. Each specification page also includes available options. Warranty
~nformation, if available, is also provided.
Since this particular technology market changes'rapidly, the pricing for the majOrity
of the equipment may change (more than likely will drop) from the release of this
assessment to the actual purchase or inception of the contract. The City may, at its
option, choose to use the pricing differential to purchase additional capacity or
performance, or reduce overall cogt:
Prepared by 'AEF Systems Consulting, Inc.
Finalt Technical Plan - :SePtember 8, 1997
City of Tustin
Enclosure options: Tower, mini-tower, or desktop
IBM compatible (Intel CPU) · Intel Pentium-166 CPU
Preloaded Software:
· 16 MB EDO RAM expandable to 128MB
· PCI main board
· 256k pipeline burst cache
· PCI flOppy and hard disk controller
· Enhanced I/O (2 serial, 1 parallel)
· 2.0 GB EIDE hard drive
· PCI graphics accel, w/2MB RAM
· 15-inch non-interlaced SVGA color monitor
(1024X768) with .28mm dot pitch
· 3.5 inch high density (1.44 MB) disk drive
· PCI 10BaseT Ethernet network adapter PnP
· Soundblaster PnP sound card/speakers
· Microsoft Windows 95 CD OS2R or later
Non-Standard Options:
· Microsoft Office 97 CD (Prof. version optional)
· Virus checking software
· 3Com PCI 10/100BaseT Ethernet TP network
adapter PnP
Additional 16MB EDO RAM
· 17"-non-interlaced monitor, .28mm dot pitch,
1280x1024 resolution, 80Hz
· Iomega 1GB Jaz drive/SCSI int/ext
· Iomega 100MB Zip drive/SCSI
· ISDN modem w/NT-1 (Comm Svcs sites)
· -1 year full replacement
· Operating system and application upgrades
included for.aperiod of 6 months
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc.
Final Technical Plan - September 8, 1997 '- City of Tustin
Enclosure options: Tower
IBM compatible (Intel CPU only)
· Intel Pentium Pro 200 CPU
· 64 MB EDO/DIMM RAM expandable to 256MB
· PCI main board
· 512k pipeline burst cache
· PCI floppy and hard disk controller
· Enhanced I/O (2 serial, 1 parallel)
· 4.0 GB SCSI array
· PCI graphics accel, w/2MB RAM
· 15-inch non-interlaced SVGA color monitor
(1024X768) with .28mm d°t pitch -~ ~
· 3.5 inch high density (1.44 MB) floppy disk drive
· 12GB (24GB compressed) DAT backup
· 3Com PCI 10/100BaseT Ethernet TP/BNC
network adapter PnP
Preloaded Software:
· Novell Netware 4.1 (100 user) CD
· Virus checking (server based)
· Backup and Disaster Recovery Software
· 1 year full replacement
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc.
Final Technica~ Plan - September 8, 1997
City of Tustin
Standard Printer Configuration - Light Duty to Medium Duty
Printer. · Hewlett Laser Jet 5P.
· 600dpi
· 45 Scaleable Typefaces
Paper Input
· TWo Input Sources
Paper Size · Letter, Legal
· 6 Pages per minute
· 2MB Memory (basic)
· WindowS 3.I Drivers
· Novell Remote Print Manager
· HP JetAdmin
· FontSmart Font Manager
· HP Support Software for Macintosh
· Standard DOS Printer Drivers
· To be determined by printer location
· standard bi-directional printer cable for
· attachment directly to desktop PC.
· _ Network connection for shared printers.
Options · Memory Expansion to a Total of 8 MB
Warranty · One (1) Year
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc.
Final Technical Plan - 5=~.,~ember 8, 1997 City of Tustin
b. Network Printer Configuration - Continuous Duty
· Hewlett Laser Jet 5si
· 600dpi
· 45 Scaleable Typefaces
Paper Input
· Two trays + single sheet feeder
Paper Size
· Letter, Legal, Executive
· 24 Pages per minute
4MB Memory (basic)
· Windows 3.I / Win95 Drivers
· Novell Remote Print Manager
· HP JetAdmin
· FontSmart Font Manager
· HP Support Software for MacintOsh
· Standard DOS Printer Drivers
Cables ·
Network connection for shared printers.
Jetdirect card or equiv.
Options ·
_ ~
Warranty · One (1) Year
MemOry Expansion to a Total of 24 MB
500 sheet Lower cassette paper source
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc.
Final Technical Plan'- September 8, 1997 "-~' City of Tustin
c. Standard Shared Color Printer Configuration
Paper Input
Paper Size'
· Hewlett Packard Color Laser Jet 5
· 300dpi, 1200 dpi w/Resolution Enhancement
· 45 scaleable typefaces
· Two input sources
· Letter, Legal
· 10ppm b&w, 2-3ppm full color
· 30,000 page/month duty cycle b&w
· 20MB
· Windows 3x, Win95 and WinNT drivers
· HP JetAdmin
· FontSmart font manager
· Parallel interface, Jet-Direct network optional
Warranty ·
· Expandable to 84MB
· One (1) Year
Paper Input
Paper SiZe
· QMS Magicolor CX .
· 1200x600 dpi
· 39 standard typefaces
· Two input sources
· Letter, Legal, Executive
· 12ppm b&w, 3-6ppm color
· : 20,000 page/month b&w duty. cycle
· 5,000 page/month color duty cycle
· 32MB, built-in hard drive
· Windows 3x, Win95 and WinNT drivers
· Color management software
· Parallel, Serial, Ethernet
Expandable to 64MB
· One (1) Year
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc.
· .
Final Technical Plan - Suptember 8, 1997 w ~ City of Tustin
Non-Standard Printer Cottfiguration - Large Format
· Hewlett Laser Jet 4V
· 600dpi
· 45 Scaleable Typefaces
Paper 'Input
· Two Input Sources
Paper Size
· Letter, Legal, Executive, 11X17
· 16 Pages per minute
· 12MB Memory (basic)
· Windows 3.I Drivers
· Novell Remote Print Manager
· HP JetAdmin
· FontSmart Font Manager
· HP Support Software for Macintosh
· Standard DOS Printer Drivers
· Ethernet connection standard
· Memory Expansion to a Total of 24 MB
· 500 sheet Lower cassette paper source
Warranty ~' One(l) Year
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc. 29
Final Technical Plan - September 8, 1997
City of Tustin
Projection Unit
· Tabletop model w/remote
· Wireless or infrared mouse
· 800x600 active matrix
· 64,000 colors minimum
Inputs and Outputs
· SVGA input
· 1 or 2 Audio/Video inputs
· Built in speakers
Remote Function
Image controls (contrast, brightness, sizing)
Video/audio source sWitching
Audio level
Wa r ran ty
· One (1) Year
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc. 30
Final Technical Plan - S=ptember 8, 1997 City of Tustin
· Hewlett Packard Scanjet 4C
· 600dpi, 2400dpi enhanced
Docum.entJlmage Input
· Flatbed
Paper Size
· Letter, Legal, 8.5x14 max
Speed ..
· Single pass scan
· Preview: 4 seconds
· 200dpi greyscale, letter: 3.3 seconds
· 660dpi color, letter: 30 seconds
· 30 bit color, 10 bit greyscale _:_
· Windows 3x and Win95 drivers
· OCR software
· Image editing software
· Document image and storage application
· 50 page automatic document feeder
· Transparency adapater
· One (1) Year
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc. 31
Final Technical Plan - oeptember 8, 1997 City of Tustin
· Toshiba Tecra 500 CS/CDT
Proces§or Speed
· .
· Pentium 120Mhz 256k L2 cache
· 16MB EDO, 144MB max
Hard Drive
· 1.26 GB hard drive
· 12.1" dual-scan (CS)
· 6x intemal
· Integrated 28.8 kbaud fax/modem
· Desk Station V Plus docking station and
monitor stand.
· (2) ISA/PCI slots, (1) 5.25" half height drive
· ports: serial, parallel, keyboard, mouse,SCSI-
II, game, audio jacks. (note: monitor,
keyboard and mouse are not included)
· One(1)Year
Prepared by AEF Systems Consulting, Inc. 32
I o117 51'
~00 ft
Precision Mapping, Copyright 1995,96, Just Softworks Inc., Portions Copyright 1992-1996 TRIUS,Inc.
-11747' 12", 3342'23"
· · · · · ·
IIJl~lilIi :' ii ~ I~
~JelO/4!0 >
· 0 c c ~a
_ ~ _c o~ ~
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· t~l · · · · · ·
April 11, 1997
City of Tustin
The City of Tustin is located in central Orange County at the intersection of the 5 and 55
freeways. Tustin covers over 11 square miles and adjoins the Cities of Orange, Santa Aha, and
Irvine. The City's January 1, 1996 population was 63,619. The City was founded in 1868 and
incorporated in 1927. It is governed by a City Council and City Manager. The City is
surrounded by much of Orange County's main industrial employment but is essentially a
residential comity. The City has an annual budget (1996) of $34,995,788.
The City has a total of 245 employees and provides the following services to the community:
· Public Safety (police) · Public Works
· Community Services -~. General Administrative
· Engineering Services Services
'· Planning Services · Capital ImproVements
The City contracts for Fire Protection from the Orange County Fire Authority. Refuse and
Animal Control are also contracted out.
The City funds several capital projects including the Town Center and South Central Project
areas, and Iow income housing of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency. In addition,
the City manages the City of Tustin Water Corporation (incorporated in March, 1980). There
are approximately 13,500 metered accounts.
The Orange County Bankruptcy of December, 1994 had an impact on the City. However, the
City has received approximately 70% of funds held by the County as a result of the bankruptcy.
The balance of withheld funds will be distributed over the next 20 )'ears, if they become available
. .'to the County, in accordance with the settlement agreement signed by the City.
. .
The City's Computing Resources:
The City of Tustin computing resources consist of two small Novell Netware networks (City Hall
and Field Services with a mixture of networked and stand-alone PCs ranging from 286 to
Pentium systems) and the primary host (I-[P3000). Financial and utility applications reside on
the HP3000 and are accessed by both terminals and personal computers nmning terminal
emulation software.
The networks are not currently interconnected; remote sites are able to access the HP host via
dial-up phone lines. Ethernet IPX/SPX is the primary network protocol nmning on the networks.
There are two primary servers connected together on the same network segment. Host
connections are made through a separate cable run to the same set of wallplates in the City Hall
building. Remote access to the host is accomplished via dial-up to several modems connected to
the HP3000. Currently, each user that requires access to on-line services and the internet have a
dedicated dial-up phone line installed at their desk and a modem installed on each system.
Additional details on the computing environment can be found in Section III. -
Request for Proposal Page I - 2
City of Tustin
The City's Vision for the Future:
Working to accomplish the City's mission - to provide its residents with quality and timely
services to meet present and future needs in an environmentally and economically responsible
ways - the City is preparing to meet the new century. Critical tO the success of that mission is the
availability to the City's employees at all work sites of current and accurate business information..
Over the past five years, the City's computer-based tools have undergone rapid growth and change.
Planners, engineers, drafters, analysts, financial staff and operations field personnel increasingly
depend on microcomputers to help them perform general office functions and design tasks, to nm
business applications, analyze labor and cost information, develop budgets and more. The City
has recognized the need to consolidate business information now created and maintained in
multiple locations across the organization as well as upgrade aging applications and utilize new
technologies. In addition, the City seeks to improve user access to current business information.
It intends to accomplish these goals through the purchase of an integrated suite of applications
that will form the basis for the City's new business management information systems.
To this end, they have undertaken to upgrade the core administrative business systems and
hardware. This RFP is for upgrading the Intel-based desktop workstations for their staff,
completing the build-out of the City's LA/~ to the remote locations, and providing on-going
maintenance and support for these items.
Microsoft Office Suite is the new standard office support product including WORD, Excel,
PowerPoint, Mail, and Access. Each workstation shall be configured with a minimum of 16 MB
RAM, multi-me~a package, Microsoft Office, and 1.2GB internal hard drives. These
wbrkstations will nm Windows 95. Respondents to this RFP must propose server hardware
compatible with these workstation configurations.
It is the City's desire to select and implement totally integrated systems providing a user-friendly
interface to the user and maximizing the City's investment in technology to position the City for
the year 2000 and beyond. This Request for Proposal is the next step in the migration process.
The City of Tustin (the City) is undertaking a major systems development project to upgrade its employee
~ workstati0ns~ 10cai'serverS, printers, and to complete the build-out of the network to'connect all remote City__ .
locations to City Hall and the new business management information systems. This includes:
· 85 PC Workstations*
· 5 Local Servers
· 21 HP-light-duty laser printers
· 5 HP heavy-duty laser printers
· 2 I-IP color laserjet printers
· 3 HP4V large format laser printers
· · 5 Laptop computers
· 1 Overhead computer projection unit
· Network connectivity to 7 remote locations
· Software for workstations - Microsoft Office
· Training on Windows 95
· Microsoft Office products
* Additional workstations may be required
Detailed specifications for the workstations can be found in Section 1II of this document. (Note: This
Request for Proposal does not include a new host system; that hardware will be proposed under a second
RFP by the vendors proposing applications for Finance, Human Resources, Payroll, and Utility Billing).
Request for Proposal Page I - 3
_ ~ City of Tustin
This RFP requests proposals for workstations and associated software, printers, implementation of the
network, training, and on-going support and maintenance. In addition, the City requests that the vendor
propose pricing alternatives to include outright purchase or lease of the hardware (workstations).
1. Overview
This RFP document, including attachments, contains all necessary instructions that each vendor
respondent should follow with care. The vendor respondent must describe how its products meet
the City's requirements by submitting the documents specified in items (2) - (4) below. The
absence of any requested documentation or information may result in the disqualification of the
2. Cover Letter
The proposal must be accompanied by a cover letter of the proposing firm's interest and
qualifications for providing the required services signed by an individual authorized to bind the
proposing entity. The letter should provide the following company data:
· 'Official name and address. Indicate what type of entity.' (e.g., corporation, company, joint
venture, partnership, sOle proprietorship, combination,' etc. If entity is a joint venture,
submit a current copy of the Joint Venture Agreement)
~ · Federal Employer ID number.
· Complete address for mailed funds; name and address of person to receive notices who is
authorized to make decisions or represent the company and in what capacity.
· A detailed statement indicating whether vendor is totally or partially owned by another
business organization or individual. Statement must indicate if firm is a sole proprietor
doing business under a different name and, if so, vendor must indicate sole proprietor name
and the name finn is doing business under.
· Vendor shall demonstrate the willingness and ability to submit proof of the required
insurance as set forth in Item # 11 below.
· A resume Of each individual being proposed for this project, including subcontractors. The
. . resume may include projects accomplished while employed at current and/or.previous firms.
Requirements Specifications and Ti~chnical Approach
All technical requirements for the network, PC specifications, local servers, printers, etc. are
described in Section IH.
The vendor should also present a project approach for providing the implementation services. The
services desired by the City include, but are not limited to, the following:
· Project Management
· Development of detailed specifications of the technology proposed to meet the City's
· Hardware planning and implementation
· Post-implementation support and maintenance
Request for Proposal Page I - 4
City of Tustin
Project Plan Deliverables Required:
Project Planning
A Project Plan to identify the Contractor labor
required. The plan will detail the tasks required to
install the PC's and printers at City Hall and
remote sites, connect the PCs to the network,
identify the proper sequence of activities, and
identi~ the implementation time flame.
2. Technical Specifications
The Contractor will be responsible for developing a
detailed design that reflects the items bid. The
design will finalize the required approach.' The
Contractor will be responsible for managing the
upgrade and installation with City bversight.
3. Installations and Testing
Preparation of facilities
· Completion of installation
· Testing performance (criteria to be develOped)
4. Training
Training Materials
Instructional Sessions (number of sessions to
be' determined at a later date)
5. On-Going Maintenance and
Technical Support
Diagnosis and CorrectiOn of Reported Performance
Problems or hardware malfunctions and other
critical system issues as required.
The above tasks are provided to vendors to communicate the City's general expectations
regarding desired services. Vendors may propose alternative approaches to meet the City's
requirements. The City will consider alternatives and options based on short and long term cost,-
benefit and risk.
The City will consider the project fully implemented when the following criteria are all met:
· The technical infvasm~cture including platform (workstations and local servers), PC
terminals and printers are operating in a stable manner consistent with planned performance
levels (to be determined).
· City staff are trained to an adequate level of proficiency to use the terminals and perform
technical support roles consistent with project plans.
Proposal Cost Summary
The vendor should prepare an estimate for the following:
· Acquisition of the PC workstations and local servers meeting the specifications described in
· Acquisition of the primers meeting the specifications described in Section III
Software for 100 PC workstations to include Windows 95 and Microsoft Office
· Training for the Windows 95 and Microsoft Office products
· Installation and set-up of the PC workstations
· Installation of the network
· On-going maintenance of all PCs and network support (renewed annually)
Request for Proposal Page I - 5
City of Tustin
The vendor should include one-time and ongoing costs related to maintenance and software
support of 'the applications.
Please use the Cost Form at the end of this section to provide cost information. The City asks that
the prices bid with this proposal shall remain effective and subject to acceptance by the City for
180 days from"the RFP due date.
Due Date, Return Address and Number of Copies
The RFP response must be received and time stamped by the City's Purchasing Branch prior to
4:00 p.m., May 15, 1997, at the address listed below. All RFP responses must be submitted in a
sealed envelope. Proposals received after this time and date will not be opened or considered for
evaluation. Proposals should be submitted to:
City of Tustin
Ronald Nault
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92680
Each Vendor respondent must submit ten (10) copies of its RFP'response, consisting of nine'(9)
copies and one (1) original. The original copy must be clearly marked "ORIGINAL" and contain
original signatures. Responses submitted via FAX will not be accepted.
All responses to the RFP must follow the format specified in items (2) - (4) above. All respOnses
should be typewritten, concise, straightforward, and must fully address each requirement and
question. Although not a substitute for complete written responses, additional material such as
technical documents may be referenced in any response. This material should be included with
the RFP response for additional information.
Vendors are solely responsible for ensuring that proposals are delivered on time. Delays caused
by any delivery service, including the US Postal Service, will not be grounds for an extension of
the deadline for receipt of proposals. Vendors received after the deadline will be returned
This RFP does not under any circumstances commit the City to pay any 'costs incurred by any
vendor in the submission of_a proposalz or in making any necessary studies or designs for the
preparation thereof, or for procuring or contracting for the items to be furnished under the RFP.
The vendor is responsible for all costs associated with a response to this RFP.
Mandatory Bidder's Conference and Walk-Through
The City has scheduled a Bidder's Conference and Walk-Through for April 25, 1997. Vendors
are requested to meet in the City Council Chambers at 9:00 am at 300 Centennial Way, Tnstin,
CA. Please be prompt as material will not be reviewed for those who arrive late. Vendors
planning to attend the Bidder's Conference should RSVP to Ron Nault at 714-573-306! by 5:00
pm April 23, 1997.
The purpose of the Mandatory Bidder's Conference is to familiarize prospective bidders with the
City's current network environment and technical requirements, provide interested vendors with
an opportunity to obtain clarification on the specifications in this RFP, as well as provide a visual
inspection of the site. It is recommended that all potential bidders attend the conference. Please
limit the number of representatives attending from your company to no more than two (2)
Request for Proposal Pa. ge I ~ 6
City of Tustin
The City will attempt to .address all vendor questions at the conference, however, in the event that
the City cannot provide and immediate response to a question, the City reserves the right to defer
and provide the response at a later date.
Copies of all questions as well as the City's responses to these questions will be prepared in the
form of an addendum and mailed or faxed to all vendors attending the Bidder's Conference.
Questions are to be submitted in writing to Ron Nault at City Hall. Questions for the bidders
conference are due by 4:00 p.m., April 21, 1997. Please submit questions as early as possible to
allow the City time to respond. Failure to request clarification of any inadequacy, omission or
Conflict will not relieve the vendor of any responsibility. Answers to vendors' questions will be
provided by the City and distributed as addenda.
The City will issue a written.response to all vendor respondent questions submitted prior to the
deadline date. Responses will be distributed to all potential vendors at the Bidders Conference.
Each vendor will receive a complete list of all the questions submitted to the City, Responses to
questions submitted after April 16, 1997 may be distributed via fax to those finns attending the
bidders conference. It is the'vendor's resp6nsibility tO ensure that the City is informed of the
appropriate fax number for question response distribution. _ ~
Reference Calls
The City staff will be telephoning references provided by the bid respondent. A series of questions
will be asked the references in an attempt to evaluate vendor products and support performance.
The City expects Proposals to provide the City with the following information:
· Name, title and telephone number of an employee who is knowledgeable about the
contract and who may be contacted by the City.
· A list of all contracts of a comparable type and size that have been awarded to the
Vendor and subcontractors in the last three years. For each contract, please
· Customer's name, address, phone number, and brief project description
The vendor may use a subcontractor to"pro~i~le Some of the required products. However, the
vendor assumes full responsibility and liability for the subcontractor's products.
10. Software/ttardware Warranties
Vendor supplied software for non-standard PC configurations, such as. FAX and CD-ROM
software will not be loaded on any system. It should be clearly understood by all vendors that the
City of Tustin is not soliciting nor will it consider or accept the inclusion of"special" PC
software programs, packaged and/or enhancements as a part of this RFP. Proposals which fail to
conform to the PC software specifications identified will be considered non-responsive and
immediately removed from consideration.
The successful vendor will be fully responsible for re-supplying all appropriate licenses, manuals
and materials for each PC device, printer, and component bid. This includes, but is not limited
to, adequate proof that MSXDOS and any other vendor-supplied proprietary software is fully
licensed and covered under the manufacturers warranty.
All hardware components bid must be covered by a one (1) year full replacement warranty by the
successful vendor.
Request for Proposal Page I - 7
,, City of Tustin
The City qualifies for GSA pricing schedules for hardware. Where possible, these prices should
be used in response to this RFP. Vendors are asked to identify a minimum of two (2) support
resources for the hardware proposed.
Insurance Requirements
It is a requirement of the City that vendors shall submit prOOf or certificate of minimum general
liability and automobile insurance of $1,000,000 and statuatory worker's compensation coverage.
Right of Rejection'
No obligation, either express or implied, exists on the part of the City to make an award or to pay
any costs incurred in the preparation or submission of responses to this RFP. RFP response
preparation or submission is solely the responsibility of the vendor.
The City reserves the fight to reject or deny all proposals at any t/me with no. penalty and to waive
immaterial defects and minor irregularities in proposals. The City reserves the right to accept any
portion of a proposal or all items proposed, or to cahcel the RFP, or to accept proposals in whole
or in part and to negotiate with one or more vendors for proposal clarification or modification'
prior to awarding a contract.
The City of Tustin reserves the right to negotiate with any vendors as necessary to serve the best
interests of the City and negotiate the final contract with the most responsible vendors.
Proposal must not be marked as confidential or proprietary. The City may refuse to consider a
proposal so marked.
All proposals ',,,'ill become the property of the City of Tustin, California. Information in proposals
will become public property and subject to disclosure laws. The City reserves the right to make
use of any information or ideas in the proposal.
Schedule Of Events
The following timetable will govern key events in the RFP evaluation process:
Event Date
1. RFP Issued April 1 l, 1997
2. Vendor Questions on RFP Du~ to the City April 21, 1997
3. Bidders Conference and Site Walk-Through April 25, 1997
4. RFP Due at the City May 15, 1997
5. Vendor Reference Calls weeks of May 19 and 22, 1997
6. Schedule/Conduct Overview Vendor Meetings May 19 and June 2, 1997
(OPTIONAL) week of
7. Selection and Notification of Top Vendor June 9, 1997
8. City Council presentation June 16, 1997
9. Finalize Contract Negotiations with Top Vendor June 20, 1997
Please refer to Section I-E, Evaluation Process for an explanation of how each event is to be accomphshed.
Request for Proposal Page I - 8
City of Tusfin
Proposal Evaluation Procedure
The selection procedure will include 'the following:
· City staff will review all proposals for compliance with procedural requirements'.
· Proposals will be reviewed by a selection committee to establish a general understanding Of the
Proposals may be reviewed in a face-to-face meeting with the proposing vendor to clarify the
selection committee's questions or outstanding issues. (this meeting may be held only for those
vendors whose proposals have areas to' clarify)
· Each proposal will be ranked based on this evaluation.
· Vendors will be notified of their stares.
· - References will be checked to verify information provided.
· The selection committee will evaluate costs and proposed financing alternatives provided in
· The top ranked Vendor will be selected.
· The selei:tion committee will make a final recommendation to the City Council.
· The City Council will make the final decision and authorize the start of contract negotiations.~
· Announcement of the apparent SUccessful contractor will be made.
· Contract discussions will be initiated with the apparent successful contractor.
A mandatory checklist has been developed which will be utilized during the initial proposal review
process. This checklist will not be scored by will be used to identify if all items have been met. Those
proposals not meeting the mandatory requirements will be eliminated.
The general evaluation criteria to be used in the evaluation process are:
Vendor Capabilities & Profile
The vendor's history of performance and demonstrated ability in providing similar solutions to
comparable organizations will be assessed. The vendor's strength will be measured using the '
responses provided to the questions in Section II. This set of criteria also assess the vendor's ability to-
provide support in the areas of installation, training, and on-going support.
Technical Environment and Support
The proposal will be evaluated on how completely it meets the technical criteria specified in Section
m. Preference will be given to vendors who are able to provide' solid references and who have met the
specified requirements.
Cost . '
This set of criteria assesses the proposed costs, both one-time and on-going, relating to the installation
and operation of the hardware and network. While the dollar mount proposed for the project is .
important, cost shall not be the sole criterion used in selecting the successful respondent. A single .
evaluation of the Bidder Profile and Technical Environment will be made for each proposal. The
Vendor's proposed alternatives for financing the project will also be a major criteria in the evaluation.
Each vendor submitting a proposal which meets the City's requirements will be requested to meet
with the City and which time the City staffwill ask questions and clarify the vendor's response. Final
selection of SUccessful respondents shall be based on the above criteria and on the evaluation of the
respondent's ability to perform, in the event a contract to provide the proposed sofgware packages is
awarded. Following determination by the City, the apparent SUccessful respondent will be notified of
'the selection.
Request for Proposal Page I - 9
Cost Information (Sheet 1 of 1)
Hardware Lease per Purchase Price Per Month Total Cost 36
Unit per unit Lease Cost- Month Lease - Total Purchase # Units
· all Units all Units Price - all Units Req.
'"' :'":::: ~:'":: :._'~ ~:~ ~ ~: ~ ::::: :~ :::::::::::: :::::::::::.' :: ::::~ ::.~.:::::: :: ::~.:::: ?:.:: :: :-:::-:.:::-:::: ~. ~:::.~ ::::'.'-, :.'.'-'.'.'.'-:.:.....-.-., ~.-...:..~........-; · · ·..· · :-., ~'.. ,.. ,-.¥...,¥.....,, ¥...·............. ~, ;, ..... ,.., ......................
'Standard Workstation 85
Standard Laptop 5
Standard Server
Communications Server 1
Fax Server
Intemet Gateway 1
CD-ROM Server
..,.,:~...:~.:~<<<<...~<~<<~..~<......................;..........,............. ........................................ , , 1
....... ,, ,, -:-,., ...... ,.,.,..,...,, ,- , '.~'~'~:¢~?~:~:~'~:~:~:~:~`~:~-~:~:~:r:~!~>-~:;~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:::::~:~:~:.:::~:~:~:~:f:~:~:!::~:::::~:~:~:!:::::!::~
[Standard Light/Medium Duty (HP 5P) " 21
Standard Heavy Duty (5si) 5
Standard Color Printer (HP Color Laserjet 5) 2
Large Format Printer (HP Laserjet 4V) 3
TOTALS Hardware:
,Workstation installation and configuration I '
Server installation and configuration
Selection/pricing of wide are network services -
one time costs
Selection/pricing ~'f wide area network equipment
& implementation costs
Labor & materials for cabling plant up-
grades/modifications from server(s) to distribution
point (1'00Base TX)
Labor & materials fo'~ cabling plant'
upgrades/modifications from distribution point to - -
Equipment and setup costs for network
uPgrades~.uild-out (City Hall)
Equipment and setup costs for network
upgrades/build-out (Field Services)
server(s) and workstations
System administration training
:Server installation/config on network (including
integration with Public Safety network)
Relocation of current host system/establish
connectivity for access .
Upgrade oi' retained systems to meet minimum
system requirements
TOTALS Network Build.out
hardware): j I Lease cost per month:l I
hardware): (please total all costs for I number here)
The City of Tustin
II- Vendor and Product/Service Profile Information
Please proVide the City with responses to all of the following items. Answer all questions as indicated in the blank
spaces provided. If necessary, reference and attach additional information. In cases where multiple levels of the
questions are presented, please answer the higher level as an'overall or general response and each area underneath as
a specific or detailed response.
A. General Information
Company Name:
Headquarters Address:
Zip Code:
Federal Tax ID#:
Person Completing Request for Proposal:
Fax #:
· Date Completed:
Sales Representative to Contact for Further Information:
Year and Month Software Development Company was Founded:
Request for Proposal Page II - 1
The City of Tustin
Bo Vendor Clients
1. The vendor must be a recognized provider of network installation and PC workstation provider in the
marketplace. For the products and services you are bidding to the City, please complete the following table:
Product or # Currently # of Total Sales # of Public Sector Sales
Service Provided Installed # Past Yr. Past 3 Yrs. Past Yr. Past 3
The vendor is to make available to the City a complete list of clients for each of the services or
products it is proposing. In addition, the City must be allowed to contact any client with appropriate
involvement of the vendor. This list should not be restricted to only a selected few clients as it is to
the vendor's advantage to provide as many as possible.
Client Name ..... Address Contact Name - BriefDescription'of'
_ and Phone # Project
Request for Proposal Page II - 2
The City of Tustin
Client Name Address Contact Name Brief Description of
and Phone # Project
NOTE: The vendor must allow the City to select a reference site(s) to contact for references.
3. . The vendor must have public sector entities as clients; indicate the number of clients:
'.01. Total nation-wide.
02. Southern California.
03. Northern California.
4. What is the total number of installations under maintenance contracts?
5. Is the vendor aware of any past, current or potential litigation with customers?
Financial Information '
1. Provide the City with current financial statements and the following information:
01. What is the commencement dat~ of the vendor's fiscal year?
02. What are the total company gross revenues?
03. What are the total company net revenues?
04. What is the total comPany net income (after tax)?
05. What are the total software sales for the previous 'fiscal year?
05. What are the total software sales for the current fiscal year?
2. The vendor is to show financial stability over the last three years (if existed that long).
01. In what year was the company founded?
02. How many consecutive years was the company profitable?
· Request for Proposal Page II - 3
The City of Tustin
03. What was the average rate of growth over the last three years?
04. What percent of gross revenue is from application software packages?
05. What was average employee turnover rate for the past three years?
The vendor must have enough personnel to support the City. What are the number of full-time
· personnel in the following areas:
01. Total company?
02. Management?
04. Installation, maintenance and support?.
05. Sales?
06. Other? Please specify.
The Vendor must be committed to provide the products and/or services in the marketplace. Please
indicate the percent of total revenues from other lines of business:
01. None?
02. Hardware sales?
03. Custom software development?
04. Service bureau?
05. Consultinffsystems integration?
06. Other. Please' specify?
.Support And Training
1. Can the vendor provide the' f011owingsupp°rt to the City:
01. On-site package installation?
03. Hot-line phone support? Specify hours and days.
04. On-going maintenance?
Can the vendor provide the following training to the City:
01o PC User training (i.e. Windows 95 and Microsoft Office)?
02. Technical training (i.e. network support/maintenance)?
03° Tools training?
04. Implementation training?
05. Customized training per the City's request?
Request for Proposal Page II - 4
The City of Tustin
How many of the vendor's technical and user support staff are located in the City's geographical
area to support software? Please indicate city and state of the office which would provide support.
Can the vendor provide training to the City staff?.
0I. On-site at the City?
02. At the vendor location? Please indicate city and state of the office which
would provide training.
Implementation Support
1. Does the vendor provide on-site installation support as part of the basic hardware/software
purchase (for workstations)7
2. Please describe your implementation and maintenance philosophy:
01. Past frequencies for "fixes"7
02. Past frequencies for enhancements? ......
03. Maintenance on demand (initiated by user)? Discuss costs.
04.' Hours of support (using PST)?
05. Problem tracking mechanism?
06. Anticipated response time for trouble?
Request for Proposal Page II - 5
Ci~ of Tustin
III. Technical Requirements
The City's Computing'Environment:
The business computing environment within the City is in the process oftransitioning from a Hewlett-Packard
HP3000 and older Intel platforms to a client-server architecture. Significant focus and effort is being applied
towed transitioning all mission-critical business systems to the new technology as rapidly as possible. A complete
transition of all business systems, however, is expected to take several years. Engineering systems as well as
networks supporting workgroups are also transitioning to more up-to-date technologies.
It is anticipated that there may be legacy systems which are in the transition process of migrating to the new
environment that will require interfaces to the new applications. We have provided a detailed list of the existing
technical environment of the various locations is illustrated on the diagram following the system descriptions.
B. Existing Host/Client-Server Environment:
.The existing host and network environment consists of the following systems.
Host System · HP3000 cpu: HP7980 o/s:MPE-XL, storage:(4)HP7937, backup:9track tape,
i/o:(2)HP2345A terminal servers, 2566B line printer, 2564B line printer,
Servers · City Hall: AST cpu: 486/33, o/s:Netware 3.11 (100 user), storage:(2) 619MB
SCSI mirrored, backup:streamer tape, network interface:Ethernet coax
· City Hall: AST cpu: 386/25, o/s:Netware 3.11 (100 user), storage:(1) 200MB,
· (1)300MB, backup:streamer tape, network inte.rface:Ethernet coax
· Field Services: AST cpu:286, o/s:Netware 2.2, storage:(1)220MB,
backup:streamer tape, network interface:Ethernet coax
· Water Fa'cility:none
· Community Services Facilities:none
Backbone · City Hall:Thin-net Ethernet to 2nd floor wiring closet
.. · C!tylHall~Thin~net Ethernet from .HP host to terminal servers in 2nd floor closet
· Field Services: Thinnet Ethernet on Vehicle Maintenance Network
· Water Facility: none
· Community Services Facilities: none
Subnet Network · City Hall: 10BaseT Ethernet to desktops from (7)10MBps hubs in wiring closet
· Field Services:Ethernet coax from workstations to Vehicle Maintenance Server
· Water Facility:none
· Community Services Facilities:none
LAN Servers · Novell 3.11 and Novell 2.2
· Print server and remote printing on legacy 286 and 386 systems
Business · Legacy Intel 286, 386, and 486 systems running DOS and Windows 3.x
· Intel Pentium systems running Windows 95
· Microsoft Office, WordPerfect/DOS
· Reflections terminal emulation software for local and remote host access
(refer to applications chart for further information on client applications)
Request for Proposal Page III - I
Cit3' of Tustin
C. Desired Technical Infrastructure
Host System · To be determined. Detailed in a separate RFP.
Servers · City Hall:
Application Server
File/Print Services
Outbound Fax services
· Field Services/Water:
Application Server
File/Print services
Outbound Fax services
Communications · Communication server: 16 port expandable.
~bound: (4)ISDN remote control access, (4)voice-grade remote control/remote node access
Outbound: (4)voice-grade.
· Internet gateway:
Standalone gateway, multiple session access, connection scalable from ISDN to T-1.
Backbone · City Hall:Switched 100BaseTX from server/host to distribution point (2nd floor)
· Field Services/Water: 10/100MBps ethernet
· Wide Area network:Multiple routers interconnected via T-1 Frame Relay link, ISDN dial-up
connections for low capacity remote sites into communication server
· Network management: Network equipment should support standard centralized management
for system administrators and support vendor.
Subnet Network · City Hall: 10/100BaseTX to desktops from 100MBps and 10/100MBps hubs with 100MBps
· Field Services: 10/100MBps ethernet
· COmmunity Services Facilities: Peer to peer for remote sites with more than (1) PC. ISDN dial-
up connections to City Hail communications server for remote node and remote control access.
LAN Servers · Novell Netware 4.x (NDS)
· Dedicated file/prin~ server, n~twork printers (i.e., JetDirect) and multiport print server modules.
Business · Windows 95
· Microsoft Office 97
· Appropriate emulation/access software for new host system
Request for Proposal Page III - 8
z o ~
I,~UUO~ IgcJ
City of Tustin
Technical Specifications for Workstations, Printers,'and Local SerVers
STANDARD CLIENT SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Enclosure options: Tower, mini-tower, or desktop
IBM compatible (Intel CPU)
· Intel Pentium-166 CPU
16 MB EDO RAM expandable to 128MB
· PCI main board
· 256k pipeline burst cache
· PCI floppy and hard disk controller
Enhanced I/O (2 serial, 1 parallel)
· 2.0 GB EIDE hard drive
· PCI graphics accel, w/2MB RAM
· 15-inch non-interlaced SVGA color monitor
(1024X768) with .28mm dot pitch
· 3.5 inch high density (1.44 MB) disk drive
· PCI 10BaseT Ethernet network adapter PnP
· Soundblaster PnP sound card/speakers
Preloaded Software:
· Microsoft Windows 95 CD OS2R or later
· Microsoft Office 97 CD (prOf. version optional)
· Virus checking software
· 3Com PCI 10/100BaseT Ethernet TP network
adapter PnP
Non-Standard Options:
· Additional 16MB EDO RAM
· 17"-non-interlaced monitor, .28mm dot pitch,
1280x1024 resolution, 80Hz
Iomega 1GB Jaz drive/SCSI int/ext
· Iomega 100MB Zip drive/SCSI
· ISDN modem w/NT-1 (Comm Svcs sites)
1 year full replacement
Operating system and application upgrades
included for a period of 6 months
Request for Proposal Page III - 16
City of Tustin
Enclosure options: Tower
IBM compatible (Intel CPU only) · Intel Pentium Pro 200 CPU
· 64 MB EDO/DIMM RAM expandable to 256MB
· PCI main board
· 512k pipeline burst cache
· PCI floppy and harddisk controller
· Enhanced I/O (2 serial, 1 parallel)
· 4.0 GB SCSI array
· PCI graphics accel, w/2MB RAM
· 15-inch non-interlaced SVGA color monitor
(1024X768) with .28mm dot pitch
· 3.5 inch high density (1.44 MB) floppy disk drive
· 12GB (24GB compressed) DAT backup
· 3Corn PCI 10/100BaseT Ethernet TP/BNC
network adapter PnP
Preloaded Software:
· Novell Netware 4.1 (100 user) CD
· Vires checking (server based)
· Backup and Disaster Recovery Software
1 year full replacement
Request for Proposal Page III - 17
City of Tustin
Standard Printer Configuration - Light Duty to Medium Duty
· H6wlett Laser Jet 5P
· 600dpi
45 Scaleable Typefaces
Paper Input
· Two Input Sources
Paper Size
· Letter, Legal
_ _
· 6 Pages per minute
· 2MB Memory (basic)
· Windows 3.I Drivers
· Novell Remote print Manager
· HP JetAdmin
· FontSmart Font Manager
· HP Support Software for Macintosh
· Standard DOS Printer Drivers
· To be determined by printer location
· Standard bi-directional primer cable for
- attachment directly to desktop PC.- '
· Network connection for shared printers.
Options · Memory EXpansion to a Total of 8 MB
Warranty · One (1) Year
Request for Proposal Page III - 18
CiD, of Tustin
Network Printer Configuration - Continuous Duty
· Hewlett Laser Jet 5si
· 600dpi
· 45 Scaleable TYpefaces
Paper Input
· Two trays + single sheet feeder
Paper Size
· Letter, Legal, Executive
· 24 pages per minute
· 4MB Memory (basic)
· Windows 3.1 / Win95 Drivers
· Novell Remote Print Manager
· HP JetAdmin
· FontSmart Font Manager
· HP Support Software for Macintosh
Standard DOS Printer Drivers
.. ,
Network connection for shared printers.
Jetdirect card or equiv: .
· -- Memory Expansion to a Total of 24 MB
· 500 sheet Lower cassette paper source
Warranty · One (1) Year
Request for Proposal Page III - 19
City of Tustin
c. Standard Shared Color Printer Configuration
· Hewlett Packard Color LaserJet 5
· 300dpi, 1200 dpi w/Resolution Enhancement
· 45 scaleable typefaces
Paper Input ·'Two input sources
Paper Size · Letter, Legal
Speed · 10ppm b&w, 2-3ppm full color
· 30,000 page/month duty cycle b&w
Memory · 20MB
· Windows 3x, Win95 and WinNT drivers
· HP JetAdmin
· FontSmart font manager
Cables · Parallel interface, Jet-Direct network optional
Options · Expandable to 84MB
Warranty · One (1) Year
· QMS Magicolor CX
· 1200x600 dpi
· 39 standard typefaces
Paper Input .... :.. Twq input sources . .
Paper Size · Letter, Legal, Executive
· 12ppm b&w, 3-6ppm color ~
· 20,000 page/month b&w duty cycle
· 5,000 page/month color duty cycle
Memory · 32MB, built-in hard drive
Software · Windows 3x, Win95 and WinNT drivers
· Color management software
Cables · Parallel, Serial, Ethernet
Options · Expandable to 64MB
Warranty · One (1) Year
Request for Proposal Page III - 20
City Of Tustin
Non-Standard Printer Configuration - Large Format
Hewlett Laser Jet 4V
· 600dpi
· 45 Scaleable Typefaces
Paper Input
· Two Input Sources
Paper Size
Letter, Legal, Executive, 11X17
· .
· 16 Pages per minute
· 12MB Memory (basic)
· Windows 3.1 Drivers
· Novell Remote Print Manager
· HP JetAdmin
· FontSmart Font Manager
· HP Suppoi-t Software for Macintosh
· Standard DOS Printer Drivers
· Ethernet connection standard
· Memory Expansion to a Total of 24 MB
· 500 sheet Lower cassette paper source
Warranty · One (1) Year
Request for Proposal Page Ili - 21
City of Tustin
Projection Unit
· Infocus/Boxlight/Proxima
· Tabletop model w/remote
· Wireless or infrared mouse
· 800x600 active matrix
· 64,000 colors minimum
Inputs and Outputs
SVGA input
1 or 2 Audio/Video inputs
Built in speakers
Remote Function
· Image controls (contrast, brightness, sizing)
· Video/audio source switching
· Audio level
· One (1) Year
Request for Proposal Page III - 22
City of Tustin
· Hewlett Packard Scanjet 4C
· 600dpi, 2400dpi enhanced
Document/Image Input
· Flatbed
Paper Size
· Letter, Legal, 8.5x14 max
· Single pass scan
· Preview:'4 seconds
· 200dpi greyscale, letter: 3.3 seconds
· 660dpi color, letter: 30 seconds
· 30 bit color, 10 bit greyscale
· Windows 3x and Win95 drivers
· OCR software
· Image editing software
· Document image and storage application
· 50 page automatic document feeder
· ' Transparency adapater
Warranty ·
· One (1) Year
Request for Proposal Page III - 23
City of Tustin
· Toshiba Tecra 500 CS/CDT
ProcesSor Speed
:· Pentium 120Mhz 256k L2 cache
'* 16MB EDO, 144MB max
Hard Drive
· 1.26 GB hard drive
· 12.1"dual-scan(CS)
CDROM · 6x internal
· Integrated 28.8 kbaud fax/modem
· Desk Station V Plus docking station and
monitor stand.
· (2) ISAfPCi slots, (1) 5.25" half height drive
· ports: serial, parallel, keyboard,, mouse,SCSI-
II, game, audio jacks. (note: monitor,
keyboard and mouse are not included)
Warranty · One (1) Year
Request for Proposal Page III - 24
City of Tustin
2. Network Build-Out
Wide Area Network:
Establish a city-wide network to interconnect standalone systems and networks:
300 W Centennial Way T-1 frame relay
City Hall
Field Services 1372 Service Road T- 1 frame relay
Senior Center 200 S C Street *ISDN dial-up
Gymnasium 17522 Beneta Way *ISDN dial-up
Family and Youth Center 14722 Newport Blvd *ISDN dial-up
Sports Park 12850 Robinson *ISDN dial-up
Water Facility 235 East Main Street
Desalter Facility 18602 East 17th Street
*ISDN dial-up to communications server at City Hail running remote access software.(i.e., Citrix Winframe)
The Site Map on the following page details the relative location of each of the remote locations listed above. The bold line
represents a T-I frame relay connection and the normal lines represent ISDN dial-up connecti6ns between each Community
Services site and City Hall. ·
The Water Facility and Desalter Plant have connectivity, but are not within the scope of this RFP. The vendors for the
SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data A'cquisistion) systems will address connectivity issues for these two locations.
Vendor will provide dial-out services from City Hall to these two locations via the communications server.
125 double Category 5 cable runs from distribution poii~ts at City Hall and Field Services to Workstation/network printer
Implementation of a cabling and distribution Closet for the Field Services facility.
Request for Proposal Page III - 25
-117 51' 03"
33 46' 36"
Precision Mapping. Copyright 1995,96, Just Soffworks Inc., Portions .Copyright 1992-1996 TRIUS,Inc.
-117 47' 12", 33 42' 23"
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William A. Huston
The.purpose of this policy and procedures is to define who is authorized to use City resources.
for access to the Internet and o~line services and to define the acceptable dsc .of' those
services. Any restriction on use contained in this policy is intended to protect 'the City of Tustin
and its resources.
This policy and procedures apply to all emPloyees, including management, and all
persons otherWise retained by the City to provide it with services ("contractors"). See
policy on "A~:cess t'0 Information/EqUipment Software." The rules established in that
o ..
policy apply to persons using the City's information system to a~cess the Internet and
online service (hereinafter referred to as the "related policy.")
As"i;equired to Perform City business,, the city Manager and Department Heads may
authorize employees or contractors to access the internet or Other online Services via
City systems and/or equipment.
. Associated .security, communications, netv~orking, and microcomputer systems and
components used to access the !nternet and/or online services are owned or operated
by the City of Tustin.
The City reserves the right to remove a user's access to the lnternet Or online'services
to'Prevent further Unauthorized activity.
EFFECTIVE DATE: c~- ] ~- ~
The City reserves the right to monitor lnternet access and online services for any
· purpose including, but not limited.to, review, audit, and disclosure of all matters
transmitted over the system or placed in its storage.
Deleted messag.es and communications can survive in varied ways and can be
retrieved. Such communications may be subsequently accessed and reviewed by City
Electronic mail via the Internet or online service is governed by this policy. All
· .
electronic communi~ations should not be considered perso'nal to the employee. No
employee should have the expectation of "privacy" in any message or communication
he/she creates, receives,-sends or deletes.
A. Communication ~i[h professional associations, governments, universities, businesses
and/or individuals associated with the facilitation of City business; research and
education efforts as authorized· by the sponsoring Department Head.
B. Distribution'of information to the general public whereby such information is m'ade
available under any City guidelines and policies for the release of information and the
· ,
Public ReCords; Act. -
C. Incidental communications 'among authorized users and professional colleagues which
facilitates work'assignments and professional development, in a work field of
knowledge as authorized bYthe applicable Department Head or by the City Manager.
City of Tustin Inte.rr~et Users shall:
~ Remember that electronic communications sent from the City should be.
· considered the same as if it were sent on City of Tustin letterhead.
~ AssUme that ali communications via lnternet and online services may b~ read by
City management and members of the public.
EFFECTIVE DATE: ~'-~ - ~"7
Make diligent efforts to co'nserve system resources. For example, frequently delete
unused files of any type or store and remove on disk.
Delete messages after received or sent.
Use of the Internet or online service With°ut authorizatiOn of the City Manager or
Department Head.
Intentional introduction of, or experimentation with, malicious computer code such as
computer worms· or viruses.
'Illegal, fraudulent 'or malicious activity; political activity; personal social activity;
personal business; religious promotion; union activity; or activity on behalf of or with
organizations or individuals who have no bUsiness with the City of Tustin.
Transmission of material in violation of applicable copyright laws or patents.
The sending: of messages that are likely to result in the loss of recipients' work or
system~ and any other types of use which could cause congestion of the electronic
network or otl~erwise interfere with the work of Others.
The g:eneration, storage, transmission or other use of data or other matter which
abusive, profane, or offensive to a reasonable person.
Intentional actions that cause interference to the City's electronic network or the work
of others.
Posting items on the lnternet or online services that do not reflect the policies of
the City of Tustin.
~ Operating a business through any.City of Tustin Internet link or online service
~ Sending' communications,' files or programs containing offensive. or harassing:
statements, ir~cluding comments based on race, national origin, ancestry, sex,
EFFECTIVE DATE: ~-~-~'~ -~,7
sexual orientation, age, disability, medical condition, marital status, religion or
political beliefs.
Creating, sending:, receiving or retaining; lewd, Obscene or sexually-oriented
messages or images or defamatory comments.
A. Charge for Service
~ All costs for online services are the responSibility of the sp°n~;oring-Department.
Dissemination of the Internet and Online Service Policy
~ All 'Users accessing the Internet through-City systems shall be notified of this City
policy and of the related Policy.
No person shall have access to the Internet or online services without having
received and acknowledged in writing a copy of this policy and the 'related policy.
All electronic communications via the lnternet and online services are considered
transitory writing and are not ~etained ?n'the City of Tustin's normal course' of business.
, .
See Paragraph D under "Acceptable Use." ~
The use of the internet or online services is a privilege, not a right, which may be
revoked at any time for any reason.
Violations of this Policy and Procedure will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the
.sponsoring Department Head or City Manager. Violation of this Policy and Procedure
may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, and may 'include'
~efer. ral of a case to appropriate authorities for civil or criminal prosecution,
EFFECTIVE DATE: ~' '7',~'-~7
· ". ~Jsers 'm~y be subject to random internal'audits of Internet and 'online'serVice use.
Users are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These rules
include (but are not limited to) the following:
Be polite
Never send, or encourage others to send, abusive messages or communications.
Use appropriate language.
Remember that as a user you are a representative of the City of Tustin. You may
be alone with your computer, but what you say and do can be viewed globally!
Never swear, use vulgarities, or any other inappropriate language, illegal activities
or any kind are strictly forbidden. .
Privacy. ..
~ Do not reveal personal data (e.g., your home address or number or those of any ...
one else).
Other Considerations ..
~ Be brief. Few people will bother to read a long communication. ,
~ Minimize spelling errors and make'sure your communication is easy to'understand
ahd to read. ' - ...... '
~ Obtain the most appropriate audience for your communication, not the widest.
~ Remember that humor and satire are very often misinterpreted.
~ Cite references.for, any facts you Present "
~ Forgive the spelling: and grammar errors of others.
Remember that ali lnternet and online serVices users are human beings. Do not
-"attack" correspondents; persuade them with facts. '
~ Post (i.e., communicate) only to groups you know.
Requester's Name '
Describe Request for lnternet and Online Service Usage (note provider, if applicable)
Provide Justification for Request
Estimate Monthly Hours of Usage
Estimate Annual Cost
Department Head Approval/Date
City Manager Approval/Date
Budgeted. account that costs are authorized to
be charged to
William A. Huston
To ensure that City departments have ready access to all relevant data .stored in the City's
information systems and that this system is used for authorized City purposes only. The
system includes, but is _not. Ii_mit_ecl.to, City-provided .m.!c~rocbm_p_uter_s,_ electro.ni(~ mail,
telephone voice mail, computer diskettes, tapes and/or any other medium of information
The "information system"- is all City information workstations, stand alone or networked,
including:, but not limited to, electronic mail, telephone voice mail, answering: machines,
microcomputers, computer tapes and diskettes ~.r' any other peripheral equipment or medium
· .
of information Storage. It also includes ali data and application and software 'programs
cr'eated or developed by City empl_oyees wh_ich shall be considered City property. .
It is the 'policy of the City of Tustin that the information system shall be used for City
business only, unless otherwise approved in wril~ing by the City Manager, the Department
Head or his or her designee.
2. The information system'is City property ,and employees shall have 'no privacy rights relate'd
to the system and the information stored therein. The contents of all communications may
be reviewed in the course of business by the City Manager, Department Head, or supervisor
without the consent of the sender or recipient.
. .
. .
Upon request, employees will 'provide the City Manager, Department Head or his or her
designee with the required access codes, passwords or any other information which
facilitate access to the information equipment being used by the employee or the
information stored therein. The computer accounts and passwords assigned to employees
are to assist them in performance of their jobs~ and are not ~personal" to the employee.
'The City Manager,. Department Heads and supervisors have the right at all times to
override or change a user's password.
4.' The City's software and software manuals shall not be duplicated or reproduced in any
manner unless authorized in writing by the Department Head. Manuals shall remain on-
site to prevent unintentional unauthorized access.
Upon termination of employment, ali computer hardware, software, data and manuals
must be immediately returned to the employee's Department 'Head.
Employees may not bring their own personal information equipment or related peripheral
equipment or any medium of information storage to work without written permission of
the Department Head. In the event such personal equipment is at work and is being
utilized for work-related purposes, this entire policy shall apply to the employee's personal
information equiPment, as if it was City property.
Disciplinary action, up to and including termination, may be imPosed for violation of any
provision of. this policy.