HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA 03 LIBRARY NEEDS 09-15-97DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, 1997 RDA NO. 3 9-15-97 inter. Com TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON,.EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY STAFF TUSTIN LIBRARY NEEDS ASSESSMENT AND FACILITY PLAN RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council authorize establishment of an Adhoc Library Planning Committee whose responsibilities would end upon completion of a Tustin Library Needs Assessment and Facility Plan. FISCAL IMPACT No fiscal impact at this time. appropriation request will be made. Upon a future recommendation for consultant services, an BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION Based on identified priority projects identified by the City Council, a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for preparation of a needs assessment for library services and development of a facility plan was issued this last July (Attachment I). The RFQ was issued to twenty (20) leading fn'ms in this field as recommended by-the County Public Library Department, other cities who have recently undertaken similar efforts, as well as the Library Administration and Management Association, a division of the American Library Association. In response to the RFQ, two responses were received from the finns of David Oriffith and Associates, LTD and Providence Associates Inc. William A. Huston Tustin Library Needs Assessment and Facility Plan September 15, 1997 Page 2 Given the importance of the project and the need for coordination, staff would recommend establishment of an Adhoc Library Planning Committee. The optimum size of such a working committee would normally be seven members which could include a City Council member, the City Manager or his representative, County library staff, a representative from the Tustin Unified School District and three additional representatives to represent community leaders, business and/or education leaders, or potential library operation partners. The committee purpose would be as follows: Review and recommend to the City Council the library consultant to be used; Work with the selected consultant to develop an understanding of various constituents, their concerns and issues, identify specific library needs and priorities and to seek consensus and recommend to the City Council a vision or Master Plan for future library services and facilities in Tustin. Based on preliminary' discussions with the Orange County Public Library and the Tustin Unified School District, they would each recommend the following representatives to the Adhoc Committee. In addition, with the anticipated presence of South Orange County Community College (formerly Saddleback College) at MCAS-Tustin in the near future and their recent completion of a new resource library, they would seem like a tremendous resource and potential library parmer. Agency O.C. Public Library Tustin Unified School District Appointee John Adams, County Librarian Mary Townsendl Director of Elementary Education South Orange County Community College to be provided by the College Staff at this time would recommend that City CounCil authorize establishment of the Adhoc' Committee; confirm the recommended Agency appointees above in addition to a representative from the City Manager's office, and designate one City Council representatives and two additional community representatives. Christine A. shingleto~'/ - Assistant City Manager CAS:kd\bar\ccreport\libry.doc Attachment: Request for Qualifications ATTACHMENT I City of Tustin Request for Qualifications For Tustin Library Needs Assessment and Facility Plan Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 573-3107 TUSTIN LIBRARY NEEDS ASSESSMENT AND FACILITY PLAN L Introduction Il'e The City of Tustin is requesting Statement of Qualifications from firms interested in providing services for preparation of a needs assessment for library services and facilities in Tustin, and evaluation of current services and facilities being provided, and development of recommendations and associated costs for implementing desired services and facilities. Background A. City of Tustin The' City of Tustin is located in central Orange County and encompasses an area of 11.02 square miles. The City is bounded on the south by the cities of Lrvine and Santa Ana, on the north by the unincorporated portions of the County of Orange and the City of Orange, and on the east by unincorporated County territory and the City of Irvine. Within the context of the large Southern California region, Tustin is located approximately two miles north of Orange County's John Wayne Airport and is transected by two major regional freeways: the I-5 (Santa Ana) Freeway, divides the City into north and south; and the SR-55 (Costa Mesa) Freeway, divides westerly portions of the City. There are 'thirteen'elementary schools, four middle schools and two high schools in the Tustin Unified School District, as well as several private and parochial schools. A proposed community college campus for South Orange County Community College (formally Saddleback Community College) in collaboration with other community college districts and institutions of higher learning in the County is scheduled at the closing Marine Corps Ak Station, Tustin located in the southeastern portion of the City. There is one branch library in Tustin operated by the Orange County Public Library. The Agency provides services at a total of 27 branches in 22 incorporated cities and unincorporated areas of the County including 3 regional and 24 branch libraries. The central library administrative office is located in Santa Ana. As a result of 1993 property tax shift enacted by the State, the Orange County Public Library lost some 34 percent of its operating funds resulting in significant reductions in program budgets and acquisitions. The Tustin branch of the Orange County Public Library is located at 345 E. Main Street. This 15,000 square foot facility was constructed by the County on land that is leased from the City of Tustin. Terms of the lease are through July, 2024 at which point the building becomes the property of the City of Tustin. Recently, the Tustin City Council unanimously agreed that an examination of' the adequacy of the current facility was a high priority and authorized staff to initiate an RFQ for services. It is currently intended that the County would continue to provide library services to any future facility. However, it is anticipated that the City would need to negotiate with the County of Orange Public Library modifications to the current lease to reflect the City's investment in any improvements and to ensure that any additional program services desired for the facility can be accommodated. Any construction will be dependent on available and yet-to-be determined financing. III. Scope of Work The City's philosophy is that citizen participation is extremely important. The consultant is to conduct a participatory process working with an Ad hoc Library Planning Committee to develop an understanding of the various constituents, their concerns, and issues, identify specific City library needs and priorities, and seek consensus on a "vision" or Master Plan for future library services and facility. The Ad hoc Library Planning Committee as well as City elected officials, City Manager and staff, County library staff, community leaders, library users, business and education leaders, library non-users, various library support group representatives (e.g., volunteers, etc.), potential library operations partners, and a diverse cross section of residents should be solicited using questionnaires, community meetings, interviews, focus groups or other methods through the planning process. The consultant Shall also analyze potential resources within and outside the .community and develop a plan for addressing the community's vision for library services and facilities. The Scope of Work should include regular sessions with the Ad hoc Library Planning Committee, including visits to existing library projects.. The consultant's efforts in conducting in planning process should include, but not be limited to the following: A. Define the desired role and level of library services within the Tustin community. Identify key issues and priorities for library service delivery. Conduct community research, identifying the perceived role(s) of the library in the community, issues, concerns and needs, and desired services, facilities and programs. . Analyze community demographic trends and neighborhood/community characteristics that relate to the delivery of library services. Bo C. o Identify local political and financial issues that impact the delivery of library services. Analyze and evaluate the level and kinds of library services curremly being provided._ These should include, but not be limited to, number of books and periodicals (adult and juvenile), hours of operation, full-time or part-time staff, book and periodical replacement and new acquisitions, outside support, youth and adult programs, and use of new technologies. Determine what deficiencies and/or differences exist between current library services and facilities and those identified as needed and desired by the community. , Conduct a benchmark survey of library services provided by comparable size communities within the County and the state. o Discuss performance measures that could be designed and implemented to track the effectiveness of library service delivery. Include both management- based and community-based measurement techniques. . Document and analyze the financial resources (i.e., revenues and expenditures) necessary to support the current and desired levels of library services. Analyze any library facility needs relative to library roles, needs and priorities identified in the community process. Review and evaluate the existing library facility in Tustin, including but not limited to, present condition, siting, square footage and functionality. Attention should be paid in the evaluation to the building's suitability for services provided, capacity for technological upgrades, including wiring or wireless transmission; safety; comfort of patrons and working conditions for staff and volunteers. Identify with concurrence of Library Planning Committee at least 3 programming alternatives for the existing Tustin branch facility that would respond to functional requirements and needs of the community for library service. As part of this analysis, recommend space allocation functions and relationships that should be considered in any library facility by providing a written description of facility plan alternatives which can be taken forward realistically toward implementation based on statistical and planning information regarding the library, its future community role, population served and input from City Staff, County and public library staff and the community. . Analyze the potemial and associated costs for any appropriate or feasible renovation, reuse, joint use of new/existing facilities, and/or development of new facilities. Do Eo Identify and evaluate alternative methods of providing library services and facilities. Analyze options to partner with other cries, community college, school district, private businesses, cultural organizations/activities both locally and regionally in providing programs, facilities and funding. Potemial partnerships should include contact during the study with idemified cries, agencies, businesses and institutions. Provide examples of successful models. . Provide examples of innovation in library service delivery that address community library needs and wants. o Discuss innovative ways of increasing library revenues for operations and facility construction. . Analyze options for subcontracting out services to the private sector or qualified agencies (e.g., book acquisition, cataloging, and other services). o Provide a 5-10 year projection of technological developments and the impact on library facilities, budget and services. Develop a final community library services needs assessment and facility plan to inClude, but not be limited to: A definition of the role or roles of the branch library in Tustin and a summary of key issues, needs and priorities for community library services and facilities. , A summary of current library services, and recommendations for modification or enhancement to achieve desired levels and kinds of library service. o An outline of the incremental costs for desired library services, as well as realistic sources of funding/revenues. . An analysis of current library facilities, and a summary of options and costs for possible renovation, reuse, joint use or new construction. o Recommended specific options, strategies, and realistic time frames where feasible for addressing community library service and facilities priorities, based on analysis of community resources and service alternatives. The program and facility plan should be specific in terms of capacities and directions so that any schematic design process that would follow subsequently would have the specific program defined and would be able to meet the library's functional requirements. All judgments regarding space and functional needs of the library should be through the years 2015-2020. The scope does not involve an attempt to determine design from an architectural point of view. Recommendations should focus directly on the functional aspects of the proposed facility(s) and recommend general conditions regarding the environment of any building(s) that is desired. The facility plan and its space requirements should reflect the net assignable square feet required for effective delivery of service for the Tustin library and for the effective delivery of library services. o Recommendations for performance measures to track future library effectiveness in the community. The consultant shall coordinate whenever feasible with the County of Orange in the context of information revealed in the Governance Study of the Orange County Public Library, analyze and synthesize relevant findings into the Needs Assessment and Facility Plan. The consultant firm selected shall be responsible for contracting with all and any necessary sub-consultants required to complete the project which may include but not be limited to: a licensed architect, interior designer/space planner, community communication consultant, library consultant. Instructions to Proposers A. Authority to withdraw RFQ and/or not award a contract. This request for Statement of Qualifications does not commit the City; to award a contract, to any costs incurred in the preparation of the qualifications statement, or to procure a contract for services or supplies. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all statements received as result of this request, to negotiate with anY qualified source or to cancel in part or in whole this request if it is in the best interest of the City to do so. Should the City decide to proceed, the City reserves the fight to negotiate with any qualified source. B. Proposal Format and Content. Responses to this solicitation will be in the form of a Statement of Qualifications. The basic outline of the Statement of Qualifications shall be as follows: Description of Organization: . o Name of consulting firm or firms responding. Type of entity (i.e. public agency, corporation, partnership, individual, joint venture, etc.). Composition. Function to be preferred by subcontractors and/or member finns. Approach: A description of the general approach and work program (tasks) the Consultant and consulting team will take to requested services. Qualifications: Proposed key personnel and specialized experience and technical competence available in the firm and/or subcontractor consultants identified as participating in the Project. List all State license numbers where applicable. Include staff resumes and relevant past projects in your qualifications packet. Identify key personnel and other employees who will be assigned to specific tasks. Schedule: An estimate of time needed to complete the requested services according to tasks identified in your approach statement. The schedule should also include a projection of anticipated man-hours broken down by major tasks and the various titled individuals who will be assigned to each. Cost: A not-to-exceed fee estimate of services based on time, materials and expenses for completing each major task, with a not-to-exceed amount for all services. List all reimbursable costs and expenses and provide an hourly rate sheet wit. h proposed hours. The proposed hourly rates and costs to complete each task shall include all administration and overhead, project site visits, attendance at meetings, and all reproduction costs. Please note that this request for qualifications is not a cost competitive bid request but a cost estimate including task and man hours of service. The cost effectiveness of a response will be considered in future contract negotiations with the Consultant selected as most qualified. Products: Content and timing of all work products. Proposals should be typed in as brief a format as possible. The Statement of Qualifications must contain sufficient detail in each section to enable the City to make an adequate assessment of the firm's overall qualification to perform the services. Information provided must relate to the specific services being solicited. Company brochures or Other forms of preprinted materials shall be minimized and separately bound.. References: A list of agencies or clients for which your Agency or firm has prefOrmed services similar to this RFQ. Include a list of specific contacts and the assigned project manager. ¥. Evaluation The Statement of Qualifications will be reviewed by a evaluation committee. Based upon a review of the submittals, up to three (3) firms may be invited to present their proposals to the evaluation committee. Evaluation will be based on: Familiarity and past experience in planning and programming for library services and design Project team Consultant team Approach to scope of services Quality of documents Completeness of response Comments received from references Vie The contract amount will be negotiated once a Consultant has been selected. If a contract' amount that we deem fair and reasonable cannot be agreed upon, the City will thank you for your proposal, and will proceed to the next most qualified firm to provide the requested service and will seek to reach a negotiated price with that finn and so on. Submission and Deadline of Proposals Each'applicant shall submit eight (8) copies of the Statement of Qualifications in sealed envelopes to the City Manager's office, located at 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California, no later than August 25, 1997. For all questions concerning the meaning or intent of this Request for Qualifications, please contact: Christine Shingleton Assistant City Manager 300 Centennial Way Tustin, Califomia 92780 Phone (714) 573-3107 FAX (714) 838-1602