HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 ORD. 1186 ZC 97-001 09-02-97DATE: SEPTEMBER 2,1997 NO. 8 9-2'97 Inter-Com TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ORDINANCE NO. 1186, ZONE CHANGE 97-001 RECOMMENDATION' Have second reading by title only and adoption of OrdinanCe No, 1186 (roll call vote). · ' BACKGROUND: The following Ordinance No. 1186 had first reading and introduction at the August 18, 1997 City Council meeting: ORDINANCE NO. 1186 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF · TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 97-001 TO RELOCATE THE INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL SITE ON THE EAST TUSTIN LAND USE PLAN FROM SECTOR 2 TO SECTOR 5 AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF TUSTIN RANCH ROAD AND PIONEER WAY, INCLUDING TEXT AND STATISTICAL SUMMARY REVISIONS TO THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN Valerie Crabill Chief Deputy City Clerk 1 :ORDMEMO 1 ORDINANCE NO. 1186 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AN ORDINANCE. OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 97-001 TO RELOCATE THE INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL SITE ON THE EAST TUSTINLAND USE PLAN FROM SECTOR 2 TO SECTOR 5 AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF TUSTIN RANCH ROAD AND PIONEER WAY, INCLUDING TEXT AND STATISTICAL SUMMARY REVISIONS TO THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby ordain as follows: · The City Council finds and determines as follows: a. That an application has been filed by the Irvine Company, requesting approval of Zone Change 97-001 to relocate the intermediate school site on the East Tustin Land Use Plan from Sector 2 to Sector 5 at the southwest corner of Tustin Ranch Road and Pioneer Way, including text and statistical summary revisions to the East Tustin Specific Plan. B . That a Public Hearing was duly noticed, 'called and held on said application by the Planning Commission on August 11, 1997 and by the City Council on August 18, 1997. C . That Environmental Impact Report EIR 85-2, as amended, for the East Tustin Specific Plan has been recommended for certification with Addendum No. 7 ~in conformance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. D . ~Proposed Zone Change 97-001 would be consistent with good land use design by locating school facilities within close proximity to residential development. E . Proposed Zone Change 97-001 would be consistent with the policies of the General Plan Land Use Element, including Policy 9.2, to provide supporting land uses within East Tustin such as schools to serve the residential community. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 1186 Page 2 II. The~ Irvine Company shall pay City's defense costs (including attorneys' fees) and indemnify and hold City harmless from and against any claims, losses, liabilities or damages assessed or awarded against City by way of judgement, settlement or stipulation (including awards for costs, attorneys' fees, and expert witness fees), arising from actions filed against the City challenging the City's approval of Zone Change 97-001. III. The City Council hereby approves Zone Change 97-001 as follows: a. The East Tustin Land Use Plan shall be changed to relocate the intermediate school site from Sector 2 to. Sector 5 at the southwest corner of Tustin Ranch Road and Pioneer Way as shown in Exhibit A, attached hereto. B o The East Tustin Specific Plan document shall be changed to read as shown in Exhibit B, attached hereto. C. The changes to the East Tustin Specific Plan identified in subsections A and B above are contingent upon the execution of the Fourth Amendment to the East Tustin Development Agreement. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting on the 18th ~day of August, 1997. JEFFERY M. THOMAS Mayor PAMELA STOKER City Clerk .' ::i~,,~*~... · ...a '.* '.: ..~j ::."- :'~.e..: .-. ~'..~-_..- . :~.--.: .. .. I : ;-': o . _-....-~-. -.- · ~ · zcqT.oOl' ': Land Use Plan EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN City of Tustin I~ EXHIBIT A (ETSP PAGE 2-24) Table 2.4 Statistical Analysis SECTOR 1 125 Subtotal 125 SECTOR 2 Subtotal SECTOR 3 Subtotal SECTOR 4 Subtotal SECTOR 5 Subtotal SECTOR 6 Subtotal ACREAGE 74 88 41 3 9 ** 266 12 10 ** 22 112 112 78 18 20 ** 116 31 31 LAND USE Estate Density Residential Estate Density Residential Medium Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Neighborhood Park Community Park Low Density Residential Elementary School Estate Density Residential Estate Density Residential Low Density Residential Intermediate High School Medium Low Density Residential MAXIMUM DENSITY 2 du/ac 5 du/ac 10 du/ac 18 du/ac **** 5 du/ac 2 du/ac 2 du/ac 5 du/ac 10 du/ac TOTAL ALLOWABLE UNITS 1120+ 68+ 52+ 116± 279± EXHIBIT B (ETSP PAGE 2-28) Sector 2 This sector consists of approximately 266 acres and extends from the northernmost tip of the site south to the proposed future road. The sector is bounded on the west by the crest of the north/south Peters Canyon ridge, Peters Canyon Wash, and Lower Lake Drive; on the north and east by the City boundary; and on the south by the Fufure Road. The land beyond the eastern edge of the Sector is in the County's jurisdiction and is currently planted with orchards. The Sector encompasses a broad valley which contains the west tributary of Peters Canyon Wash. Much of the valley is relatively flat. This sector is planned to include a variety of land uses. The residential uses will range from the estate density to medium density to medium density. Estate density residential is located in the western and northern hillsides; low density is located in the upper valley and on a low knoll extending south from the north/south ridge; medium low and medium density occur in the central and upper portions of the valley; and medium Iow density is located at the southerly end of the valley adjacent to the Future Road. These various residential densities have been organized relative to the topography access and visibility from existing development to the west A nine-acre community park is planned just south of the elementary school site in Sector 3, along the wash. A regional riding./hiking trail and Class I Bikeway are planned in proximity to Peters Canyon Wash reflecting the Orange County General Plan. The following policies apply to Sector 2: A. The maximum number of units permitted within this sector are shown on Table 2.4.' B. Policies and guidelines related to the Hillside District apply to the portions of this sector that are located within the Hillside District. See Subsection 2.13. Co Do E. In order to minimize the impacts of land form modification and grading within the Hillside District, in areas designated for estate density, housing may be clustered. Concurrent with submission of the sector subdivision map as required under Subsection 1.5, the precise location of the El Modena Fault shall be determined through a detailed geological investigation conducted by the landowner and appropriate building setbacks should be established in conformance with current state standards. In addition to the specific submittal requirements for he subdivision map of this sector (refer to subsection 1.5), a conceptual landscape plan for arterial roadways within this Sector shall also be submitted with the Subdivision Map for review by the Director of Community Development, refer to Subsection 2.12 Implementation, for specific requirements. Fo Go Where feasible and consistent with flood control requirements, the treatment of Peters Canyon Wash (Exhibit L) should retain a natural appearance by (1) minimizing concrete channelization such as vertical-walled concrete channel, or trapezoidal soil cement; (2) retaining replanting indigenous vegetation along the drainage course and/or (3) locating the drainage course within open space areas. In addition to the specific submittal requirements for the subdivision map of this Sector, a conceptual design of Peters Canyon Wash for the portion that occurs within this Sector, shall also be submitted for approval .by the Director of Community Development and the City Engineer. This conceptual design shall illustrate the basic design concept for improvements to the wash including a proposed location for the regional riding/hiking and bicycle trail. Objectives for the character of Peters Canyon Wash are included in Subsection 2.13, Drainage Guidelines. The City of Tustin should attempt to locate the proposed community park adjacent to the proposed Peters Canyon Wash trail and within the main viewshed of the existing community to the west, so as to minimize visual impacts. H. The maximum density on Lot 11 of tract 13627 shall be limited to ten dwelling units per gross acre. (ETSP PAGE 2-34) The following policies apply to Sector 5: Sector 5 This sector is similar to Sector 4 in character, size and planned land uses. It consists of 116 hilly acres and its location is adjacent to the existing hillside of the Cowan Heights/Lemon Heights area on the west. It is bounded by proposed roadway extensions on the north, east and south respectively Foothill Boulevard, Future Road, and Racquet Hill Drive. This area consists predominantly of Eucalyptus groves dispersed throughout the hill terrain as well as hillsides covered in grassland. Because of its hilly terrain and proximity to the existing hillside community, this sector has been planned for estate and Iow density land uses. The majority of this sector, approximately 98 acres, is planned for estate residential development. There is also a small area, comprised of 18 acres, where the hillsides begin to flatten out that has been designated for low density residential development. An intermediate school site is also planned. The precise location and size of this facility shall be determined as described in Subsection 2.10 of this Specific Plan. A. The maximum number of units permitted within this sector shall be as shown on Table 2.4. B. C. Do E. To be consistent with the character of adjacent existing single family residential areas to the west of this Sector, only single family detached residential subdivisions shall be permitted within the estate density area designation the Land .Use Plan (see Exhibit C). The policies and guidelines related to the Hillside District apply to the portions of this Sector that are within the Hillside District. Refer to Section 2.13. In order to minimize the impacts of landform modification and grading within the Hillside District, in areas designated for estate density, housing may be clustered in flatter portions of the hillsides where feasible. Densities higher than two welling units per acre may be considered where clustering is proposed within the Hillside District provided that: (1) the overall density within the land use area is not exceeded; (2) that the residential unit type is single family detached; and that (-3) it can be demonstrated that clustering shall reduce grading and landform modification. In addition to the specific submittal requirements for the subdivision map of this sector, refer to Sector 1.5, a conceptual landscape plan for arterial roadways within this sector shall also be submitted with the Subdivision Map for review by the Director of Community Development, refer to Section 2.12 Implementation, for specific requirements. (ETSP PAGE 3-13) EAST TIJSTIN STATISTICAL ANALYSIS SECTOR 1 125 Subtotal 125 SECTOR 2 Subtota~ SECTOR 3 Subtotal SECTOR 4 Subtotal SECTOR 5 Subtotal SECTOR 6 Subtotal ACREAGE' LAND USE 74 51 88 41 3 9 ** 266 12. 10 ** 22 112 112 78 18 20 ** 116 31 31 Estate Density Residential Estate Density Residential ' Low Density Residential Medium Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Neighborhood Park Community Park Low Density Residential ElementarY School Estate Density Residential Estate Density Residential Low Density Residential Junior High School Medium Low Density Residential MAXIMUM DENSITY 2 du/ac 2 du/ac 5 du/ac 10 du/ac 18 du/ac **** 5 du/ac 2 du/ac 2 du/ac 5 du/ac 10 du/ac TOTAL ALLOWABLE UNITS 1120+ 68~ 52± 116+ 279±