HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 COMPUTER BLDOUT 09-02-97DATE: August 27, 1997 Inter-Com NO. 11 9-2-97 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: William A. Huston, City Manager Ronald A. Nault, Finance Director AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR COMPUTER NETWORK BUILD-OUT AND WORKSTATION UPGRADE (PHASE I OF A TWO PHASE PROJECT) RECOMMENDATION: le · Authorize the Finance Director to enter into a lease and purchase agreement with Data General Corporation, to acquire equipment and services not to exceed a total value of $710,000 to complete Phase I of the computer system upgrade project, subject to review and approval by the City Attorney of all contractual documents. · Authorize the following appropriations from various funds to pay for one time installation and configuration costs to complete Phase I: Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Water Enterprise Equipment Replacement Fund $ 9,000 12,000 129,000 $ 150,000 · Authorize the following appropriations from various funds for the first year's lease expense for Phase I equipment (estimated at 8 months for first year): Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Water Enterprise General Fund $ 10;575 14,100 151,575 $ 176,250 · Authorize the Finance Department to enter into an agreement with Brea MIS to provide Project Administration and Ongoing Support upon the completion of Phase I, subject to review and approval of the agreement by the City Attorney, and make the following appropriations- · Redevelopment Agency Water Enterprise General Fund $ 2,430 3,240 34,830 $ 40,500 FISCAL IMPACT: The first year's expense-for this project is estimated to bo $367,000 for eight months of equipment lease expense, one time services expense, and eight months of ongoing support. The annual expense for years two and three is estimated.to be $270,000. DISCUSSION: The City Council authorized Staff to work with AEF Systems Consulting, Inc. to design a City-wide computer network 'system and develop a computer workstation configuration that would become the standard for all future computer purchases. Representatives from each department were organized into the Computer Standards Committee to complete this task. The Committee developed the standard workstation configuration and a network designed to provide connectivity of all staffed City facilities. Included in the design was extensive use of client servers to more efficiently utilize printers, modems, FAX and Internet access. A Request for Proposal was prepared and sent to an extensive list of (fifty-two) potential Vendors. Six responses were received, only two of Which properly responded to the RFP. The remaining four Vendors would put together PC Clones per our configuration but they could not provide the network services we needed. After careful considerat%on, the Committee felt we were not in a position to adequately evaluate custom built PC's and we wanted to stay with a single Vendor for both workstation' acquisition and network build-out. The Committee continued discussions with Data General Corporation and Professional Computing, Inc. The Committee selected Data General Corporation to finalize negotiations for the completion of Phase I. - 2 - Attached is a schedule of the workstations and miscellaneous department hardware which are the primary focus of Phase I. This list is comprehensive and it is important to understand that since the City began purchasing computers in the early 1980's, this is the first time that all departments will be using the same technology and a standard suite of applications that are compatible throughout the City. One of the goals of the Committee is to continue to evaluate technology changes and wherever possible and practical to recommend city-wide upgrades to keep our systems current. The following summarizes the elements of Phase I: 84 Workstations 37 Printers Miscellaneous Equipment Subtotal. $ 200,000 61,500 24,000 $ 285,500 Network Equipment Network Installation Services to Install, and to Train Staff Subtotal 222,000 33,500 130,000 $ 385,500 Annual Maintenance for Network Software and Hardware 39,000 TOTAL $ 710,000 The network design includes full internal and external E-Mail capability, Internet accesS, incoming and outgoing FAX capabilities for every department, intra-net capabilities, remote access to network to tie off-site facilities in to the system, and connectivity to the new financial applications. In addition, members of the Committee are working on developing City-wide policies for use of the new systems, training standards and a City web site. The Committee is recommending that the City sign a three year lease for the Phase I equipment. For a relatively modest cost a lease will reduce the cost impact on a single year and it will~ encourage the Committee and City to remain up to date on technology changes, both software and hardware, because every 36 months decisions need to be made affecting the City-wide computer systems. Another compelling reason for recommending a lease is a relatively new concept available in the programs of larger companies known as "refreshing". This is the ability to receive a stated credit from prior period lease payments that can be used to replace or "refresh" your current equipment. Refreshing does extend the term of the lease but only for the new equipment. The option gives the City a cost effective means of addressing timely changes in dsoftware and hardware technology as well as changes in functionality of our total system. - 3 - We have been taking advantage of the City of Brea MIS Staff to help the Committee work through some of our more technical issues. Brea has taken a very entrepreneurial attitude regarding their MIS Department and they are marketing their Services to other agencies. They have been very helpful and patient with us, and have ~presented us with a proposal for administration during the implementation ~hase of this project and ongoing support once the systems are up and running. Their pricing is very competitive, about two-thirds the rates stated by the other Vendors, and they have a very clear understanding and appreciation of what our needs are. The Committee is very comfortable in recommending Brea MIS to provide these services. The first workstations will arrive approximately three weeks after the contract is signed. It is' anticipated that the network installation will be completed within 120 days. We have also started Phase II of this project, which is the acquisition of new financial software and host hardware. Requests for Proposal have gone out .(forty-two) and we have received eight proposals, with prices ranging from $225,000 - $550,000. We have determined the top three Vendors based on price and references. We are conducting demonstrations and will be short listing to make site visits and conduct additional interviews within the next 60-90 days. One or more of the Committee members will be available at the Council meeting to proVide additional information as needed. Ron~~al~ A. Nault ~ Finance Director RAN:ts Attachment RAN6: Cmtract. Aug - 4 - & !o k eBed )Z:60:LI~ :emi/ L6/9~11 :eRG r~uetll._-I - lineN uotd :o/ Dunl* pJ~qc).rd :uaoJd