HomeMy WebLinkAbout15 Z.C. 96-003 08-04-97NO. 15 8-4-97 DATE' AUGUST 4, 1997 Inter-Com TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ORDINANCE NO. 1183, APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 96-003 ~su'MMARy:. Zone cha~nge '96-'003 is a request to' (1) Change'.?th'e..'zoning i:de§i'gnation'~.on..the City'S ··Zoning Map of a 12-acre portion·of the p!;ope~;tY '10d~ted.:'at'-the~ ·northwest corner of Jamboree ROad and Portola plann~e:dcb:mmunity cOmmerCial to Planned Community Residen'tial;? (2~i!:::~:~i~'~ge thei:.La'nd uSe?Designation of~the East Tustin Specific' Plan'Land .Use plan:of:!:a'~?19~i -:.ac~;'p~ti0n::i o:f:ii:the 'Pr°PertY::q0cated' at the southwest corner:°f'. jamb'~ ~:~d · :. ..... :..:: . . · :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 'FUstin Ranch': Roads from 'MediUm,High Density Residential:~:~to· Medi0m¥1~oW.:'i' :::Deni~i.!Y';~':an~d':°n~'a-~ 12_aCre..portion. of' the property Iocatbd': at the: n'0r~:~:~§t COrnerl. Of :damboree:: Road: andTPOrtola Parkway from General c°m'm~'i~i~i ~0 : ' ' :: · ' ' ....: i:i.:,':':.::: ::'::i:::::::::. Medium, LoW.DensitY ReSidential Which would allow-up· to':lO dWelling!uni'tSi::per! ac~:e~:.and (3).'Amend 'the::EastiTl'ustin SPecific Plan text and statistical :~S0:~ri'e~ ':'to reflect~i:th~e'ab°ve noted changes to provide consistency betWeen Map a'nd the text of :the' Specific Plan document '. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: RECOMMENDATION' Have second reading by title only and adoption of Ordinance No. 1183 (roll call vote). BACKGROUND: The following Ordinance No. 1183 had first reading and introduction at the July 21, 1997 City Council meeting: ORDINANCE NO. 1183 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 96-003 TO CHANGE THE ZONING DESIGNATION AND THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE PLAN ON LOT 27, TRACT 13627 WITHIN THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AREA, INCLUDING TEXT AND STATISTICAL SUMMARY REVISIONS TO THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN Valerie Crabill Chief Deputy City Clerk 10 11 12 ¸13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 1183 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 96-003 TO CHANGE THE ZONING DESIGNATION AND THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE PLAN ON LOT 27, TRACT 13627 WITHIN THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN AREA, INCLUDING TEXT AND STATISTICAL SUMMARY REVISIONS TO THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby ordain as follows: I , The City Council finds and determines as follows: a. B o C. D. E . That an application has been filed by The Irvine Company, requesting approval of Zone Change 96-003 to change the zoning designation and the East Tustin Specific Plan Land Use Plan on Lot 27, Tract 13627 within the East Tustin Specific Plan area, including text and statistical summary revisions to the East Tustin Specific Plan. That a Public Hearing was duly noticed, called and held on said application by the Planning Commission on July 14, 1997 and by the City Council on July 21, 1997. That an Environmental Impact Report EIR 85-2~, as modified, for the East Tustin Specific Plan has been certified with Addendum'No. 6 in conformance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act for the subject project. Proposed Zone Change 96-003 would be consistent with good land use design by consolidating single family residences within one geographic area and utilizing streets as a transition to different zoning districts. Proposed Zone Change 96-003 would be consistent with the policies of the General Plan Land Use and Housing Elements with balanced land uses that encourage owner occupied dwellings. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Qrdinance No. 1183 Page 2 II. The Irvine Company shall pay City's defense costs (including attorneys' fees) and indemnify and hold City harmless from and against any claims, losses, liabilities or damages assessed or awarded against City by way of judgement, settlement or stipulation (including awards for costs, attorneys' fees, and expert witness fees),, arising from actions filed against the City challenging the City's approval of Zone Change 96-003. III. The City Council hereby approves Zone Change 96-003 as follows: a. B , C o Do The Zoning Designation on the City's Zoning Map shall be changed on a 12-acre portion of Lot 27 of Tract 13627 located at the northwest corner of Jamboree Road and Portola Parkway from Planned Community Commercial (PCC) to Planned Community Residential (PCR) as shown in Exhibit A, attached hereto. The East Tustin Land Use Plan shall be changed on a 19-acre portion of Lot 27 of Tract 13627 located along Tustin Ranch Road between Jamboree Road and Portola Parkway from Medium-High density residential to Medium-Low density, and on a 12- acre portion at the northwest corner of Portola Parkway and Jamboree Road from General Commercial to Medium-Low density residential as shown in Exhibit B, attached hereto. The East Tustin Specific. Plan document shall be changed to read as shown in Exhibit C, attached hereto. The changes to the City's Zoning Map and the East Tustin Specific Plan identified in subsections A through C above are contingent upon the execution of the Third Amendment to the East Tustin Development Agreement and approval of General Plan Amendment 96-003. .. Ordinance No. 1183 Page 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting on the day of 1997. JEFFERY M. THOMAS MAYOR PAMELA STOKER CITY CLERK STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) CERTIFICATION FOR ORDINANCE NO. 1183 PAMELA STOKER, CITY CLERK AND EX-OFFICIO CLERK OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WHOLE NIIMBER OF THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN IS 5; THAT THE ABOVE AND FOREGOING ORDINANCE NO. 1183 WAS DULY AND REGULARLY INTRODUCED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL, HELD ON THE 21ST DAY OF JULY, 1997 AND PASSED AND ADOPTED AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL, HELD ON THE 4TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1997. COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: PAMELA STOKER CITY CLERK PC RESIDENTIAL EXISTING ZONING DESIGNATION: PROPOSED ZONING DESIGNATION: LOT 27 OF: TRACT 13627 A.P.#' 502-452-01 PC RESIDENTIAL PC COMMERCIAL PC I~ESIDENTIAL SOURCE:CITY OF TUSTIN EXHIBIT A Proposed Zoning Designation ML (MEDiUi~i-Low DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) '.'22.':~ EXISTING EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION: PROPOSED EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION: MH (MEDIUM HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) CG (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) ML (MEDIUM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) LOT 27 OF TRACT 13627 A.P.#: 502-452-01 SOURCE:CITY OF TUSTIN EXHIBIT B Proposed East Tustin Specific Plan Land Use Designation . ZONE CHANGE 96-003 CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. 1183, EXHIBIT C EAST TUSTIN sPECIFIC PLAN TEXT REVISIONS 1.5 REVIEW PROCEDURE (ETSP PAGES 1-8 AND 1-9) The Specific Plan consists of two major divisions which separate polic3~ direction from standards and regulations. Section 2.0 identified programs, policies and procedures for each component of the Specific Plan, including Land Use, Circulation, Housing, Infrastructure, Parks, Recreation and Open Space, Urban Design and Hillside District Guidelines as well as those programs, policies and procedures unique to each sector. This section provides a broad overview of the various physical characteristics of the plan and their interrelationships; it also focuses on the characteristics of each sector that make it distinct from the rest and must be incorporated into development design. This section is adopted by resolution. In order to implement the policies contained within Section 2.0, subdivision maps for the development of the property shall be submitted for approval as follows: Initial subdivision maps for residential sectors (Sectors 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11) are to encompass one or more while seCtors as defined in this Specific Plan; subdivision maps for commercial sector 12 may encompass less than the whole sector. However, the conceptual site plan shall be done for the whole of the commercial sector, illustrating the overall internal circulation concept for the sector, the drainage concept, sector vehicular access points within the sector and shall be approved by the Director of Community Development. Prior to final approval of the subdivision maps, the Director of Community Development or his designate, shall find that a proposed map is in compliance with the spirit and intent of all applicable policies and guidelines in Section 2.0; Additional information as specified by the Director, or designate, may be required in order to demonstrate compliance with applicable policies. Section 3.0 identified specific development standards that must be used to design specific development projects. This section is adopted by Ordinance. All required subdivision maps and permits are to be consistent with the development regulations in Section 3.0. ETSP (PAGES 2-2 AND 2-3) Table 2.1 Statistical Summary LAND USE DESIGNATION ACREAGE Residential Estate (up to 2 du/ac) Low (up to 5 du/ac) Medium Low (up to 10 du/ac) Medium (up to 18 alu/ac) Medium High (up to 25 du/ac) 409 243 115 254 193 Open Space Private Parks 4 Public Neighborhood Parks 10 Community Parks 46 Golf Course 158 Commercial/Business Neighborhood Commercial 13 Mixed Use 121 Institutional Elementary Schools 30 Intermediate Schools 20 Other Uses Roads (arterial and major only*) 124 * Acreage for all roads other than arterial and major roads, has been included in the acreage for the surrounding land uses. Residential Land Use: The Land Use Plan designates five residential categories each of which has maximum density. Residential densities are controlled in all of the following: land use areas, sectors and the Specific Plan Area. For any residential subdivision map the maximum density range cannot be exceeded for a particular land use area. Lower densities will be permitted in any area. The boundaries and acreages of the land use areas shown on the Land Use Plan are approximate and will be precisely determined in the future when subdivision Maps are reviewed. The land use areas described within each sector are subject to the policies specific to a given sector. These policies are outlined in Section 2.14. The total number of dwelling units for the overall Specific Plan Area may not exceed 7,950 units. However, if the total allowable units in Tentative Tract Map no. 12345 are not constructed, the unbuilt units may be transferred to the Specific Plan Area in accordance with the provisions of the following paragraPhs. The total number of dwelling units in each Sector may not exceed the figures specified in Table 2.4. If a sector is developed with less than the maximum number of units permitted within the sector, then a transfer of units will be permitted from sector to sector within the Specific Plan Area. These transfers willbe closely, monitored. When proposing unit transfers, compatibility with adjacent land use areas must be considered. Specific requirements for allowing unit transfers and maximum unit increases in Sectors are outlined in the Development Standards in Section 3.0. Also in Section 3.0 there are more definitive standards for development of each residential density category. Mixed Use Designation: The Land Use Plan designates 121 acres in the southeast comer of the site, in Sector 12 between Bryan Avenue and the I-5 Freeway, as a mixed use area. A 70 acre commercial center and hotel/motel will be developed in this area. Additional commercial uses or office and research and development uses may also be developed within this area. The Mixed use designation permits flexibility for location and configuration of these uses. It also creates the opportunity for development to respond to future changes in economic and market forces. The Development Standards for the Mixed Use Area are defined in Section 3.0. Non-Residential Designation: The Land Use Plan (LUP) includes a number of non-residential uses such recreation (1) School, (2) Parks (3) Open Space and Recreation Facilities, and (4) Commercial Land Use designations. These'are summarized in the following table: Table 2.2 Land Uses Integral to the LUP Ouantitv Approximate Total Acreage Institutional Use Intermediate School 1 20 Community Park 3 46 Golf Course 1 158 Commercial/Business Use Neighborhood Commercial 13 2.14.1 Sector Submittal Requirements (ETSP page 2-23) Subdivision maps will be required for each residential sector in accordance with review procedures established in section 1.5 (page 1-8) of this Specific Plan. These subdivision maps shall include the total sector and may include more than one sector. Density transfer requirements applicable to sector development are discussed on page 2-3. Concurrent with any subdivision map for any portion of commercial sector 12, a conceptual site plan for the commercial sectors will also be submitted for the whole sector. The conceptual site plan will illustrate the overall internal circulation concept for the sector, the draininage concept, sector vehicular access points and sub-parcels with the sector, and shall be approved by the Director of Community Development. Also, in addition to the sector subdivision maps, other submittal information may be required for individual sectors and will be submitted with the subdivision maps. This supplemental information is identified within the policies established in Subsection 2.14.3 for each sector. The purpose of these map submittals is to assure that the sector policies identified in Subsection 2.14.3 are implemented. SECTOR 1 Subtoial SECTOR 2 Subtotal SECTOR 3 Subtotal SECTOR 4 .Subtotal SECTOR 5 Subtotal SECTOR 6 Subtotal Acreage 125 125 74 51 68 41 20 ** 3 9** 266 12 10'* 22 112 112 98 18 116 31 31 Table 2.4 Statistical Analysis Land Use Maximum Density Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac Estate Density Residential Low Density Residential Medium Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Junior High School Neighborhood Park Community Park 2 du/ac 5 du/ac 10 du/ac 18 du/ac* * * Low Density Residential Elementary School 5 du/ac Estate Density Residential 2 du/ac Estate Density Residential Low.Density Residential 2 du/ac 5 du/ac Medium Low Density Residential 10 du/ac Total Allowable Units 1120 _+ 68+ 21___ 116_+ 3104- Table 2.4 Continued SECTOR 7 Subtotal SECTOR 8 Subtotal SECTOR 9 Subtotal SECTOR 10 Subtotal SECTOR 11 Subtotal SECTOR 12 Subtotal Acreage 97 110 10'* 4 37 ** 158 416 77 26 10 ** 113 39 39 46 25' 71 12 66.4 79 13 177 121 121 Land Use Medium Density Residential Medium High Density Residential Elementary School Private Park Community Park Golf Course Low Density residential Medium Density Residential Elementary School Low Density Residential Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Medium Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Medium High Density Residential Neighborhood Park Neighborhood Commercial Mixed Use Maximum Density 18 du/ac 25 du/ac 4 du/ac 18 du/ac 5 du/ac 5 du/ac 18 du/ac 10 du/ac 18 du/ac 25 du/ac Total Allowable Units 2,808_+ 436_+ 161_+ 321_+ 1,875_+ 7,236 *** Table 2.4 Continued Total allowable number of permitted units within a given sector may be increased if a sector unit transfer occurs as described in Subsection 2.1. The precise acreage and locations of private and public neighborhood parks, elementary school and intermediate school' will 'be determined as part of the review of the Sector Subdivision Maps as identified under Review Procedure Subsection 1.5 and consistent with policies established in Subsections 2.9 and 2.10 of the Specific Plan. If the maximum allowable units in Tentative Tract Map No. 12345 are not constructed, the unconstructed units may be transferred to the Specific.Plan area. **** Maximum density on Lot 11 of Tract 13627 shall be ten (10) dwelling units per acre. This acreage figure is an estimated allocation for this land use. If it changes, other land use allocations in this Sector may change. However, the total allowable units for the Sector will remain the same. Total allowable units assumes that if a school and/or park .currently designated for this Sector is not built in this Sector and that the acreage goes into residential use. If these facilities are constructed, the land use area density limitation precludes construction of the total allowable Sector units and such unbuilt units would be transferred to another Sector. SECTOR 6 (ETSP Page 2-36) This triangular configured sector contains 31 acres of flatland and has the potential to be circumscribed by arterial roadways. It is situated along the eastern end of the site, bounded by the proposed Future Road extension on the west, Portola Parkway on the south and the Specific Plan boundary on the east. Medium low density residential development is planned for the entire sector. The following policies apply to Sector 6: A. The maximum number of residential units permitted within this Sector are as shown on Table 2.4. Bo In addition to the specific submittal requirements for the Subdivision Map of this Sector, refer to Section 1.5, a conceptual landscape pan for arterial roadways within this Sector shall also be submitted with the Subdivision Map for approval by the Director of Community Development, refer to Section 2.12, Implementation for specific requirements. Co Concurrent with the submission of the Sector Subdivision Map as required under Section 1.5, the precise location of the E1 Modena Fault will be determined by a detailed geological investigation conducted by the landowner and appropriate building setbacks should be established in conformance with current state standards. ETSP pages 3-13 through 3-14a EAST TUSTIN STATISTICAL ANALYSIS SECTOR 1 Subtotal SECTOR 2 Subtotal .SECTOR 3 Subtotal SECTOR 4 Subtotal SECTOR 5 Subtotal SECTOR 6 Subtotal Acreage 125 125 74 51 68 41 20 ** 3 9 ** 266 12 10 ** 22 112 112 98 18 116 31 31 Land Use Estate Density Residential Estate Density Residential Low Density Residential Medium Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Junior High School Neighborhood Park Community Park Low Density Residential Elementary School Estate Density Residential Estate Density Residential Low Density Residential Medium Low Density Residential Maximum Density 2 du/ac 2 du/ac 5 du/ac 10 du/ac 18 du/ac **** 5 du/ac 2 du/ac 2 du/ac 5 du/ac 10 du/ac + Total Allowable Units 1120+ 68+ 21+ 116+ 310+ East Tustin Statistical Analysis Continued SECTOR 7 Subtotal SECTOR 8 Subtotal SECTOR 9 Subtotal SECTOR 10 Subtotal SECTOR 11 Subtotal SECTOR 1.2 Subtotal Acreage Land Use 97 110 10 ** 4 37 ** 158 416 77 26 10 ** 113 39 39 46 25 71 12 66.4 79 6.6 ** 13 177 121 121 Medium Density Residential Medium High Density Residential Elementary School Private Park Community Park Golf Course Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Elementary School Low Density Residential Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Medium Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Medium High Density Residential Neighborhood Park Neighborhood Commercial Mixed Use Maximum Density 18 du/ac 25 du/ac 4 du/ac 18 du/ac 5 du/ac · 5 du/ac 18 du/ac 10 du/ac 18 du/ac 25 du/ac Total Allowable Units 2,808+ 436_+ 161_+ 321_+ 1,875+ 7,236 *** East Tustin Statistical Analysis continued Total allowable number of permitted units Within a given Sector may be increased if a Sector unit transfer occurs as described in Subsection 2.1 The precise acreage and locations of private and public neighborhood parks, elementary school and intermediate school will be determined as part of the review of the Sector Subsection Maps as identified under Review Procedure Subsection 1.5 and consistent with policies established in Subsections 2.9 and 2.10 of the Specific Plan. *** If the maximum allowable units in Tentative Tract Map. No. 12345 are not constructed, the unconstructed units may be transferred to the Specific Plan area. **** Maximum density on Lot 11 of' Tract 13627 shall be ten (10) dwelling units per acre. This acreage figure is an estimated allocation for this land use. If it changes, other land use acreage allocations in this Sector may change. However, the total allowable units for the Sector will remain the same. Total allowable units assumes that if a school and/or park currently designated for this Sector is not built 'in this Sector and that the acreage goes into residential use. If these facilities are constructed, the land use area density limitation precludes construction of the total allowable Sector units and such unbuilt units would be transferred to another Sector. ETSP PAGE 3-17 Street Interstate 5 from Mixed Use (ROW) Min.Landscape Area 3O Min. Building Setback 30 Myford Road · North of Bryan to Portola 76 · Adjoining Mixed Use 76 · North of Portola 62 Bryan Avenue · Adjoining ELMO Channel 57 · Adjoining Mixed Use 67 Browning Avenue 63.5 Irvine Boulevard · Between Browning and Ft. Road 71 · Future to Myford 76 81 95 67 85 78.5 76 81 Portola Parkway 62 67 E1 Camino Real 52 57 La Colina Avenue 52 57 Future Road · North of Bryan 76 81 · South of Bryan 76 96 Lower Lake Drive/Foothill Blvd. 40 45 Buildings shall be setback a minimum of 5-feet from tract walls. Sideyard setbacks in Low District shall maintain 5-feet for one-story and 10-feet for two- story adjoining tract wall. 3.7 Commercial Use Regulations (ETSP pages 3-35) 3.7.1 Purpose In addition to the objectives outlined in Section 3.1 (Purposes and Scope), the Commercial Use Regulations are included in this Planned Community Zone to achieve the following purposes: <) To regulate the design and development of neighborhood and community level commercial shopping centers in East Tustin. <) To provide for a range of goods and services supportive of the general community as well as establishment which generate their own business and clientele. <) To provide for high standards of development to insure commercial projects can take advantage of highway access and visibility yet are compatible with adjacent development. To provide for appropriately located areas within shopping centers for both retail stores, service businesses and office uses. Neighborhood Commercial (NC) This land use designation is intended for a neighborhood shopping center providing limited retail business service and office facilities for the convenience of residents of the immediate area. This center is intended to be compatible with adjoining residential development. 3.7.2 Permitted and Conditional Uses (ETSP pages 3-35 through 3-38) The following uses shall be permitted by right where the symbol "P" appears and may be permitted subject to a conditional use permit where the symbol "C" appears in the c°lumn beneath each land use category: . A. Commercial Uses NC Retail businesses conducted within a building: a. Antique shops p b. Apparel stores p c. Appliance and hardware stores p d. Automobile parts and supplies . C e. Bakeries, retail only p f. Books, gifts and stationery p g. Convenience markets C h. Department stores C i. Drug stores, pharmacies p j. Florist p k. Furniture stores p 1. General retail stores p m. Hobby stores p n. Hotels and motels o. Jewelry stores p p. Laun.dry and dry cleaners p q. Liquor stores C r. Nurseries and garden supply p s. Pet stores and supply p t. Print shops p u. Service stations C v. Skating rinks . w. Sporting goods p x. Supermarkets, grocery stores p y. Theaters C z. Tire Sales and Service C Service Business including retail sales incidental thereto: a. Banks and financial institutions p b. Barber, beauty salons p c. Car washes C d. Cocktail lounges and bars when not an integral part - of a restaurant. e. Locksmith p f. Restaurants with/without alcoholic beverage sales P g. Restaurant with drive-thru service C h. Service stations C i. Travel agencies p j. Real estate sales p Bo Office Uses N/C Professional offices, exemplified by the following list, including retail sales incidental thereto: a. Accountants P b. Architects P c. Attorneys P d. Chiropractors P e. Dentists P f. Doctors P g. Optometrist P h. Others, licensed by Calif. P . General offices, exemplified by the following list: a. Advertising agencies P b. Contractors and building consultants not including the parking of commercial P vehicles or equipment c. Escrow companies P d. Insurance companies P e. Public utility offices P Co Community Facilities N/C a. Churches, convents, monasteries and C other religious institutions b. Fraternal organizations & lodges P c. Animal hospitals and clinics C d. Commercial recreation facilities C including tennis, racquetball, bowling, ice skating, athletic clubs and similar uses e. Post office branch P f. Public utility offices C Do Temporary Uses NC Temporary uses shall be regulated pursuant to the applicable section of the municipal code. E. Unlisted Uses NC Those uses not specifically listed in this section 3.7.2 are subject to Community Development Department determination to be either permitted, conditional or prohibited uses pursuant to the objectives of this zoning regulatory document and the purposes of the individual land use category. Decisions of the Community 'DeveloPment Department may be appealed to the City Planning Commission. 3.7.3 Site Development Standards (ETSP pages 3-38 through 3.-40) A. Building site'area: No minimum requirement. B. BuildinR Heieht limit: 35 feet C. Building setbacks: Front and corner side.yard setbacks: Compliance with the Building and Landscape Standards . detailed in Section 3.5.G of the East Tustin Specific Plan. 2. Interior side yardi Zero (0) feet from al! interior property lines abutting nonresidential uses. 3. Rear and setback: Zero (0) feet .fi'om property lines abutting nonresidential uses. 4. Setbacks abutting residential areas: Twenty (20) feet bom all property lines abutting residential areas. Any structure or portion ora stmctm-e in excess of 20 feet in height shall be setback a minimum of thirty-five (35) feet from all property lines abutting residential D. Landscal3ing: A minimum fifteen (15) percent of the building site area shall be landscaped. E. parking: Compliance with parking regulations detailed in Section 3.10. F. ~ Compliance with signing regulation detailed in Section 3.11. G. ~Li~hting: All lighting, extexior and intexior shall be designed and located to confine direct rays and glare to the premises. Ho Enclosed uses: All allowable uses, together with their resulting products, shall be contained entirely within an enclosed structure, except for off-street parking and loading areas, areas for display nursery stoclq automobile washing areas and outdoor dining. Screening. -1. Abutting Residential areas: An opaque screen consisting of plant material and masonry wall a minimum of seven feet six inches (7'-6'3 in height shall be installed along all site boundaries where the commercial property abuts areas designated for residential. Pedestrian access gates may be provided between commercial properties abutting common open area within residential developments. . Parking Areas abutting arterial Hil~hways: An opaque screen shall be installed along. parking areas abutting arterial highways. -Except as otherwise provided her~in', the screening shall have a total height of not less than thirty (30) inches and not more than forty-tw° (42) inches.. Notwithstanding the requirement listed above, where the finished elevation of the property is lower at the boundary line than, or within five (5) feet inside the boundary line of an abutting property elevation, such change in elevation may be used in lieu of, or in combination with, additional screening to satisfy the screening requirements of this section. Ko L. M. . A screen as referred to above, shall consist of one or any combination ofthe following: a. Walls including retaining walls - a wall shall consist of concrete, stone, brick, tile or similar type ofsolid masonry material a minimum of six (6) inches thick. b. Berms - a berm shall be constructed of earthen materials and it shall be landscaped. c. Fences, solid - a solid fence shall be constructed of Wood or other materials a minimum nominal thickness of two (2)' inches and it shall form an opaque screen. Mechanical Equipment- Mechanical equipment placed On any r°°fsuch as, but not limited to, air conditioning, heating, ventilation ducts and exhaust shall be screened from view from any abutting area zoned for residential or open space uses within the East Tustin Specific Plan. Loading.-' All loading shall be performed on the site. Loading platforms and areas shall.be screened from view from adja~nt streets, highways and residential areas. Storage Areas: All outdoor storage shall be visually screened form view of streets, highwayg and adjacent residential areas wi~in the East Tustin Specific Plan. Said screening material may consist of berms, walls, fences or combinations thereof. 1. Outdoor storage shall include areas forstorage of all company-owned or operated motor vehicles with the exception of passenger vehicles. 2. No storage shall be permitted between a frontage street and a building line nor within thirty (30) feet of any residentially zones area unless it is fully enclosed. Refuse Collection Areas: All outdoor refuse collection a/-eas shall be visually screened from streets, highways and adjacent areas zoned for residential use within the East Tustin Specific Plan. Refuse collection areas shall be shielded from view within a building or enclosed by a wall or fence not less than six (6) feet in height. Wall or fence materials shall match or complement exterior building material. All refuse areas shall be constructed and maintained to eliminate odors, insects, dust and other similar nuisances. Office Developments in Neighborhood Commercial Area: Floor area designated for professional or general offices shall not exceed twenty (20) percent of the floor area designated for commercial uses or calculated for build-out of the entire Neighborhood Commercial site. 3.7.4 Performance Standards A. All on-site landscaping shall be properly maintained in a weed free condition and provided with an automatic irrigation system to insure the proper growth of said landscaping. Bo Business located within the Neighborhood Commercial center shall not be operated or maintained in a fashion detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the immediate area. C. Satellite dish antenna may only be erected in conformance with municipal code Section 9270. D. Public nuisance abatement procedures to Section 5507 et seq of the municipal code shall apply to all commercial properties in this planned community district. Eo A certificate of compliance with applicable property CC&Rs (Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions) will be required by the City Planing and Building Divisions to permit issuance for accessory structures, building additions or major structural alterations subsequent to original building construction. 3.7.4 Performance Standards A. All on-site landscaping shall be properly maintained in a weed free condition and provided with an automatic irrigation system to insure the proper growth of said landscaping. Bo Business located within the Neighborhood Commercial center ~shall not be operated or maintained in a fashion detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the immediate area. C. Satellite dish antenna may only be erected in conformance with municipal code Section 9270. D. Public nuisance abatement procedures to Section 5507 et seq of the municipal code shall apply to all commercial properties in this planned community district. Eo A certificate of compliance with applicable property CC&Rs (Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions) will be required by the City Planing and Building Divisions to permit issuance for accessory structures, building additions or major structural alterations subsequent to original building construction.