Agenda Item 4
Finance Director TNEA
MAY 20. 2014
The County of Orange Superior Court notified all agencies they would be discontinuing
their citation data entry contract in July 2014. As a result of this decision, agencies
would experience delays in the processing of non - electronic citations; thereby impacting
the adjudication of those matters. Due to statute of limitations issues with prolonged
processing, the fines associated with these citations may become forfeited revenue for
the City of Tustin. In order to meet court requirements to have all citations submitted
electronically, the Tustin Police Department has determined the need to purchase
twenty E- Citation handheld devices.
It is recommended the City Council authorize:
1. The approval to proceed with the ILJAOC Electronic Citation Project.
2. The purchase /acquisition of twenty E- Citation handheld devices and complete
3. The approval for a supplemental appropriation of $110,514.16 from the
Equipment Fund (184) for the purchase /implementation of the E- Citation
handheld devices.
The overall purchase /implementation cost for twenty E- Citation handheld devices is
$110,514.16 and has an annual software agreement cost of $12,990.
Adequate funds for the purchase /implementation of the ILJAOC E- Citation Project are
currently available in the City's Equipment Fund (184).
ILJAOC Electronic Citation Project
May 20, 2014
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The proposal supports the implementation of Goal B: Public Safety and Protection of
Assets: Ensure Tustin is an attractive, safe and well maintained community in which
people feel pride.
Approximately two years ago, ILJAOC opened a competitive procurement process for
agencies located in the County of Orange to implement an electronic citation system.
The system would consist of a handheld device, which would give the officer the ability
to issue traffic citations, municipal code violations, write field interview cards, and
electronically interface with the court.
In October 2013, at the County of Orange Superior Court Law Enforcement meeting,
the court notified all agencies that due to budgetary constraints they would be
discontinuing their citation data entry contract. As a result of this decision, agencies
would experience delays in the processing of non - electronic citations. This decision will
affect all infraction citations and only misdemeanor citations (DUI, suspended driver's
license, reckless driving, etc.) will be processed, in concert with a court package, which
will be routed to the court through our Records Unit. Delays in processing infraction
citations could result in statute of limitations concerns. If these processing delays
exceed the statute of limitations, the City of Tustin will lose revenue.
More importantly, this could have a long term negative impact on traffic safety, as the
deterrence factor of a traffic citation could diminish over time. If people believe they will
never have to face the consequences of a citation in court, what impact would this have
on public safety?
The following revenue is what the City of Tustin currently generates and budgets based
on citations:
Vehicle /Municipal Citations
Last year revenue
Fiscal year to date (04/10/14)
Budgeted revenue
Projected revenue
To address the court's decision, the City Managers Association voted to move forward
with a full implementation of ILJAOC's electronic citation project. In late 2013, the
ILJAOC selected Brazos Technologies as the sole vendor to develop and implement the
project. The cities of Brea, Orange and Irvine have been running a pilot program of this
project for the past 24 months.
On January 21, 2014, members of Records Unit and Traffic Unit attended the County-
wide workshop hosted by Steven Lee, from Deloitte Consulting, and members of Brazos
ILJAOC Electronic Citation Project
May 20, 2014
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Technology. During the workshop, attendees were given a presentation which provided
an overview of the system, a proposed implementation schedule, and total costs for our
At this meeting and during site visits to the pilot agencies, the Tustin Police Department
discovered the system's current capabilities. Listed below are the system functions and
• Traffic Citation and Municipal Codes - available
Photo, Thumbprint, officer notes via voice recording - available
• Driver's License Reader - available
• Notice of Corrections - available
• Court Interface - available
• Collision Reports - final development stage and testing
• RMS Interface - not available, unknown time frame
• GIS Mapping - not available, early development stages, unknown time frame
Collision Data Reports - not available, early development stages, unknown time
The E- Citation handheld device currently has the attachments to read driver's licenses
and capture thumbprints; however, the device does not have the ability to integrate with
the Random Access Network (RAN) mobile fingerprint system. Due to this current
limitation, the RAN Board will not be supplying funding for this project, and a decision to
supply funding will be made at a later date.
According to the proposed letter of agreement, ILJAOC will maintain the overall
management role throughout implementation and succession of the project. ILJAOC will
work with Brazos to order equipment, manage the implementation schedule, and
invoice the City of Tustin. ILJAOC will in turn pay invoices to Brazos and any other
contractors involved in supporting the project. Ownership of the equipment will be
transferred to the City of Tustin upon completion of the implementation phase. ILJAOC
will manage the warranty and service for the devices on an on -going basis.
Upon the initiation of work, the Tustin Police Department will be invoiced for 50% of the
expected implementation costs. The balance of the implementation and equipment
costs for the Tustin Police Department will be invoiced upon delivery of the equipment
and training to our staff. The Tustin Police Department will be operational immediately
following the training.
ILJAOC intends to begin County -wide implementation in five agency groups. Complete
implementation of the system is estimated to take approximately eight to nine weeks.
ILJAOC will implement the E- Citation system first and estimates the RMS interface
implementation to be pushed into the next fiscal year.
The Traffic Unit will coordinate the training and implementation of twenty E- Citation
handheld devices for the Police Department. This number of ticket writers is based on
the deployment of five devices dedicated to the Traffic Unit (four officers and one
ILJAOC Electronic Citation Project
May 20, 2014
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supervisor) and the remainder of the units assigned
assignments. On average, we deploy eight patrol officers
nightshift hours. Fifteen additional devices would allow each
equipment while allowing the unused devices to recharge
Special Enforcement Detail and Gang Unit as needed.
Chief of Police
Attachment: ILJAOC agreement letter
to patrol and /or special
during both dayshift and
shift to have access to the
and allow access for the
Traffic Supervisor
Integrated Law and Justice Agency for Orange County
- A Joint Powers Authority -
3adde Gomez- Whiteley, Chair
Cypress Pane Dept.
TO: Charlie Celano, Interim Chief of Police
5275 orange Ave.
Tustin Police Department
Cypress, 90630
71429 -6666 21
FROM: Bob McDonell, Executive Director
714 229 8957 Fax
SUBJECT: Automated Citations Project — Leiter of Commitment
Kevin Baker, Vice Chair
DATE: April 3, 2014
Westminster Police Dept.
8200 Westminster Blvd
Westminster, CA 92683
714 548 1706
ILJAOC is implementing an electronic citations project Countywide in
714 379.9604 Fax
the second half of fiscal 2014, in response to the Superior Court's
Bob McDonell
notice that they will no longer be contracting with the firm that enters
Executive Director
the citation data received, into their Case Management System. As a
result, issuing agences may see long delays due to the lack of Court
Member Agencies
resources, which will no longer be available to process them; thereby
Cities of.,
impacting the adjudication of those matters. We are told the result
will affect the fines and forfeiture revenue of those respective
jurisdictions. (In some cases, the citations may not be entered at all
Buena Park
due to statute of limitations issues.) The project and approach is
Costa Mesa
described in the attached implementation report, adopted by the
ILJAOC Board at their January 2014 meeting.
Fountain Valley
The project is based on a competitive procurement run by ILJAOC
Garden Grove
(with the participation of a number of the member agencies, which
Huntington Beach
served as the review committee), that resulted in the selection of
Brazos Technologies as the vendor. The first phase of that
La Habra
engagement was a pilot project that deployed the system at the Brea,
La Palma
Irvine and Orange Police Departments.
Laguna Beads
Los Alamitos
The Brazos contract is held by ILJAOC and ILJAOC will take on an
Newport Beach
overall contract management role. They will work with Brazos to
order equipment, manage the schedule, refine configurations and run
regular meetings that monitor Brazos' delivery and schedule
ILJAOC will invoice each participating department for
Saar Beach
their equipment and implementation, and will in turn pay invoices to
Brazos and other contractors supporting the project for ILJAOC.
County of orange,
an behalf of:
Ownership of the equipment will be transferred to the respective
departments upon completion of the implementation phase of the
Probation Department
project; however, ILJAOC will manage the warranty and service for
Public Defender
the devices on an ongoing basis. ILJAOC will invoice the
Sheriffs Department &
department annually for the costs associated with the annual
their contract cities
software licensing and maintenance, once the Project has completed
University of CA, Irvine Pdioe
the implementation phase and we move to annual sustainment. The
P p
Superior Court of California,
pricing includes an ILJAOC administered extended warranty for much
of the equipment as part of the base offering. ILJAOC will work with
2 1 P a g e
Automated Citation Project Letter o` Commitment
Brazos to repair or replace hardware components that fail during the
first five years of operation through the utilization of the maintenance
fees. The exception Is the core Motorola handheld device. These
devices are procured with a 3 year no -fault warranty. The r planned
life is approximately 5 years. Experience in Brea and Orange
indicate that the actual life of the devices is well in excess of 5 years
in most cases. ILJAOC does not plan to replace those units outside
of the extended warranty period at this time.
ILJAOC is working with the Orange County Random Access Network
(RAN) Board to develop a cost sharing plan in conjunction with their
mobile fingerprint project that could address the replacement of much
of the portable equipment at the end of its useful life (4 to 6 years).
Once we are able to further explore the potential for that
arrangement, ILJAOC will reconsider a life cycle management
program that if necessary, will involve the collection of a portion of
the capital replacement costs on an annual basis to allow for the
complete replacement of the equipment when necessary, without
having to request additional funding for the capital replacement from
the participating agencies.
Originally the costs for this project were presented on a unit basis.
The costs have now been refined to allow each member agency to
customize their purchase and add additional quantities as necessary.
This allows for greater transparency and provides for a breakdown of
each cost element. The costs have not changed from our previous
estimate, they are simply refined for each Agency's needs.
The costs are made up of two components. There is a baseline
implementation cost for each agency, plus the per unit hardware
components. The project allows each department to select the
number of devices and ancillary items to purchase. Department:}
can make configuration selections to suit their operations that will
impact the total cost.
ILJAOC operates on a not for profit bas's and as more agencies
participate and volumes increase, efficiencies are expected to be
realized. ILJAOC will review the project financials periodically and if
a project funding surplus is realized due to the expected efficiencies,
then options for the use of that surplus including capital replacement
deferred maintenance costs will be explored.
Your department will be invoiced for 50% of your exl2ectgo
implementation costs upon initiation of work with your department.
Thg. bsIIgnge of thr, implementation and equipment costs for your
department ►null be invoiced upon delivery of the eguipment and
tr-lining to your staff. Y r degartment will be operational
immediately following ftIrAining.
31 Page
Automated Citation Project Letter of Commitment
As stated earlier, annual maintenance costs and related fees will be
invoiced in conjunction with your yearly IUAOC membership fee
Participation in the project is voluntary by department and as such,
the implementation and maintenance costs 'invoiced vary by
department and are based on the quantities of equipment that a
department chooses to employ
Please sign and return the acknowledgement below to indicate that
your department has obtained the necessary approvals from your
City Manager to proceed with the project, and that you are in
agreement with the arrangements describc-d above.
Respectfully Submitted,
&�' WqL�(
Bob McDonell
• Citations System Implementation Report
Cc: Jeffrey Parker, City Manager
41 Page
Automated Citation Project Letter of Commitment
ILJAOC Citation Project
Department Specific Budget and Acknowledgement
Tustin Police Department
Your staff has indicated that you wish to acquire the following
One -Time Implementation Costs
Motorola MC75As
Unit Price
Total Cost
3 Year Bronze Support
Mag Stripe Readers
Blometric Fingerprint Readers
Motorola Four Bay Charging Station"
Motorola Wall Chargers **
Motorola Car Chargers (Adapter)*
Motorola Car Chargers (Mounted)*
$ .00
Motorola MC75A Extra Batteries
$ .00
Zebra Printers (no mag stripe reader)
Zebra Printers (with mag stripe
$ .00
Zebra Printer Four Bay Charging
Zebra Printer Wall Chargers**
Zebra Printer Extra Batteries
Cases of Receipt Paper*
Brazos Citation Software
Brazos Accident Report Software*
Per Device Deloitte Consulting's
Project Management Fee***
Per Agency Deloitte Consulting Project
Management Costs***
Brazos Implementation Services
Flat Fee
Flat Fee
Brazos Two Day User Training
Flat Fee
Total One -Time Implementation Cost
* Indicates optional items
** Requires charging devices; different options available
*** Project management services are provided by contract by Deloitte Consulting. To di:.tribute
the costs appropriately across the prolec, the fee is broken between a base fee for each agency
5 1 P a g e
Automated Citation Project Letter of Commitment
and a fee associated with each device that an agency deploys on the assumption that larger
agencies will have more complexity associated with their Implementation.
Annual Costs
Citation Software
Accident Report Software
ILJAOC Maintenance Services * * *"
Interface with RMS (Fiat Fee)
Total Annual Costs
* * ** ILJAOC Maintenance Services are a fee per dev ce that funds the maintenance of the data
interface to the Court and provides a fund tha- allows for extended warranty replacement for
hardware (excluding the Motorola MC75A device itself in years a & 5) that should fail or require
repair during the first fve years of operation. This fee will be reviewed annually and will be
adjusted so that ILJAOC is recovering only enough to pay the costs of the replacement program.
This will result in a total implementation cost of $110,514.16 and an
annual maintenance cost of $12,99o.00 (which does not include. any
capital replacement costs, should the RAN Board not approve a cost -
sharing arrangement with their Mobile Fingerprint Project.) The
project team would be happy to work with your staff to adjust
quantities or to develop a customized hardware configuration. Either
of these adjustments will result in an adjustment of your
Implementation and maintenance costs.
Acknowledgement and Acceptance: