HomeMy WebLinkAbout00 AGENDA 05-19-97.... - AGENDA .~/TY COUNCIL REGULAR MEE _~ CITY OF TUSTIN MAY 19, 1997 - 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER / PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION- Rev. Lynne Austin, Aldersgate United Methodist Church ROLL CALL PROCLAMATIONS- National Center for Missing and Exploited Children; and Older Americans Month PRESENTATIONS- Orange County Human Relations Council, Mr. Rusty Kennedy; and Orange County Water District Annual Report, Mr. Jim Van Haun PUBLIC INPUT- At this time members of the public may address the City Council regarding any items not on the agenda and within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council (NO ACTION can be taken on off-agenda items unless authorized by law). If you wish to address the City Council on any matter, please fill out one of the blue forms located on the speaker's podium and submit to the City Clerk so that your remarks on the tape recording of the meeting can be attributed to you. When you start to address the City Council, please state your full name and address for the record. A Public Input portion is provided both at the beginning and end of the meeting. PUBLIC HEARING- None CONSENT CALENDAR ( ITEMS I THROUGH 12) All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time of the voting on the motion unless members of the Council, 'staff or public request specific items be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. · APPROVAL OF MINUTES- MAY 5, 1997 REGULAR MEETING Recommendation· Approve the City Council Minutes of May 5, 1997. , APPROVAL OF DEMANDS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL Recommendation' Approve Demands in the amount of ,~629,020.65 and ratify Payroll in the amount of $357,706.15. · JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT NOISE ABATEMENT QUARTERLY REPORTS Recommendation' Receive and file subject report as recommended Community Development Department. by the Council Agenda I May 19, 1997 . Se Se 1 . 10. RESOLUTION NO, 39 A RESOLUTION OF THE ~ COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFOh,,.A, APPROVING PLANS AN~ ,SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE NEWPORT AVENUE REHABILITATION PROJECT, CIP NOS. 700126, 7001 29 AND 700153 Recommendation' Adopt Resolution No. 97-39 approving the plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids for subject project as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT AGREEMENT NO. 014-R1 TO LOCAL AGENCY - STATE AGREEMENT NO. 12-5271 FOR NEWPORT AVENUE REHABILITATION PROJECT (CIP NOS. 700126, 700129 AND 700153) Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute subject supplement agreement as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. RESOLUTION NO. 97-38 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECTS NOS. 6001 25, 6001 26 AND 6001 28 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 97-38 accepting said work and authorizing the recordation of the Notice of Completion as recommended by the Public Works Department/Water Services Division. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN OF UPGRADE OF SEVEN EXISTING WELLHEAD FACILITIES (PROJECT NOS. 600077 AND 600092) Recommendation: Award contract in the amount of $189,400.00 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk, subject to final City Attorney approval, to execute subject agreement with MacDonald-Stephens-Engineers, Inc. for engineering services for the evaluation and design of the wellhead improvements at the seven existing well sites; services provided include the evaluation of the condition of each well and the design of electrical upgrades and appropriate disinfection facilities based on the existing well condition and overall distribution system needs as recommended by the Public Works Department/Water Services Division. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA- MAY 12, 1997 All actions of the Planning Commission become final unless appealed by the City Council or member of the public. Recommendation: Ratify the Planning Commission Action Agenda of May 12, 1997. SHOPPING CARTS Recommendation: (1) Receive and file subject interim report; and (2) Direct the Police Department to continue research and prepare recommendations to be presented to the City Council in thirty days as recommended by the Police Department. FRONTIER PARK RESTROOM REHABILITATION Recommendation' Receive and 'file subject Community Services Department. report as recommended by the Council Agenda 2 May 19, 1997 11. 12. STATUS REPORT: CEDAR GROVE PARK (PROJECT~;~. 400041) AND HERITAGE WAY PARK (PRO J! .NO. 400042) , , Recommendation:" r~eceive and file subject report"as recommended by the Community Services Department. LEVY OF ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS FOR THE 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR FOR THE TUSTIN LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT Recommendation: Adopt the following Resolution Nos. 97-41 and 97-42 approving the Engineer's Report for fiscal year 1997-98 and declaring its intention to levy assessments beginning with fiscal year 1997-98 and set a Public Hearing for July 7, 1997 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division: RESOLUTION NO. 97-41 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUS¥1N, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR THE 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR FOR THE LEVY OF ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE TUSTIN LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 97-42 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING' ITS INTENTION TO PROVIDE FOR AN ANNUAL LEVY OF ASSESSMENT BEGINNING FISCAL YEAR 1997-98 FOR THE IMPROVEMENT, MAINTENANCE AND SERVICING OF PUBLIC LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING FACILITIES IN THE TUSTIN RANCH AREA WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE TUSTIN LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT AND TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 AND PROPOSITION 218 AND GIVING NOTICE THEREOF REGULAR BUSINESS (ITEM 13 ) 13. FUNDING REQUEST, TUSTIN HIGH SCHOOL GRAD NITE The Tustin High School Grad Nite 1997 Committee has submitted a letter requesting financial assistance from the City. Recommendation: Pleasure of the City Council. PUBLIC INPUT- At this time members of the public may address the City Council regarding any items not on the agenda and within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council (NO ACTION can be taken on off-agenda items unless authorized by law). If you wish to address the City Council on any matter, please fill out one of the blue forms located on the speaker's podium and submit to the City Clerk so that your remarks on the tape recording of the meeting can be attributed to you. When you start to address the City Council, please state your full name and address for the record. A Public Input portion is provided both at the beginning and end of the meeting. OTHER BUSINESS- City Manager, City Attorney, City Council COMMITTEE REPORTS- City Council Council Agenda 3 May 19, 1997 CLOSED SESSION- T~e City Council will convene in closed sesSion to confer with the City Attorney regarding ding litigation to which the C s a party: Vilma Flores et al vs. City of Tustin, Charle~ Carvajal; OCSC No. 758056. ADJOURNMENT - The next regular meeting of the City Council is scheduled for Monday, June 2, 1997, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 300 Centennial Way. Council Agenda 4 May 19, 1997