HomeMy WebLinkAbout15 COMPUTER WKSTN 04-07-97AG EN DATE: April 2, 1997 NO. 15 4-7-97 I n t e r- C o rn ,A e TO' William &. Huston, CityManager FROM: Ronald A. Nault, Finance Director SUBJECt. AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED WITH RFP FOR PURCHASE OF COMPUTER WORKSTATIONS, SOFTWARE AND NETWORK INSTALLATION sUMMARy:-..~-"The.~'~.Computeri~istandardS'Committee is.-madeUPof.!~i.at least one~ staff~representatiVe from each!.idePartment.~iin'i..~the city, s. The CitY'CoUncil~aPprovedthe. lformation of~.the~i~C°'~ittee wh'en~'~they> authOriZed Staff conSUlting~-'services,'~.The computerstandardsCommittee/and~..the citYi"s consult'ant's"~.iAEFi'!~Sys%~ems.c°nsulting~,-~'~ihave~'~'°mPleted PhaSe~.~I of. the'!itWo~'-phaSeupgrade~andlacquisitiOn project,.ii.The .Request~..:"for"p~opOsal.'.'for.acquiring.~aPproXimatel~io~ei~i~hundred wOrk'stations;i~.~::twent¥!L.:.Printers, a'-.~network'~:ifile<.server,.::~.and wiring?!iand~':'installation~!il-services is.!ready./'toi~be 'distributed. The' :~ eStimated:i! COst. ~ to '.. c0mpl etei~phas'e~:?~..i. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Staff to proceed with the distribution of the RFP for the purchase of computer hardware, software and network build out. FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated cost to complete this phase of the total project is $375,000. We have included financing alternatives as part of the RFP and may be soliciting outside financing sources if it appears that it would be more cost effective. We have requested the responses to be on a unit cost basis to give the City the flexibility to reduce quantities when considering the total cost. DISCUSSION: The City of Tustin has accumulated quite a colleCtion of non- compatible computer technology over the years. The majority of the computer workstations we currently use are 386's with a sprinkling of 286's. During the last couple of years we have added 486's on a piece meal basis. Many of the applications being run in the various departments are still Disk Operating System (DOS) based and are being phased out by the software vendors. The old technology we are presently using will not allow us to upgrade to the newer software versions. For example, the financial software we are utilizing was originally developed in the mid 1970's and is becoming less and less reliable. We cannot consider acquiring new financial software unless we are willing to commit to upgrading the entire hardware platform. The City's Consultants have put together the attached report and cost estimates. The total estimated cost for both Phases I and II is $930,000. We will come back to the City Council to authorize the purchase at the completion.of the RFP process for Phase I. At that time we will finalize a financing recommendation for both Phases I and II. Ron . Nault Finance Director RAN:ts Attachment RA#5 :Agenda1 .RFP FROM : UANDYKE TAD/FAX PHONE NO. : 916622598~ App. 02 1997 01'06PM P2 (3 ir'I/of N twork Bui{d-Out, Workstation Upgrade, and App{i at}on Acquisition Project Background: Thc City o'f Tusfin noezis to upgrade its existing infom~ation systems infrastructure in order to facilitate better inter/ini.ra-eity communications, meet information nee~ for the future, mid maximize efficiency 0fthe staff. 'This will require completing build-out of a netwo]~, that will provide connectivity m all City locations, upgrading City staff workstations, ~md updating the information _~yst'ems core bu_~iness applications to new integrated t~ehnology. The City has been using its current finaneial, human resources, payroll and utility billing system applications on the lip 3000 hardware with outda~at Workstations and terminals for 10+ ye~r~. In addition, many of th.~ wet, rations are 286s or 386s running DOS-based appliealJons. Urgenoy , Existing financial syst~ns do not support fl~e year 2000. · Thc City curr'm~tly has over 60 workstations h~ us~ by staff tlmt are oul'datezl/underpowcred '. technology Wlii'ch cannot access many of the new applicatim~s. : · . V~dors will no longer support the City's older DOg-based business applieation~. · · Five oftha ~ven City remote 10cations are not currently connected to the network; two remote. loestions have only a single dial-up eo~meetion for time entry. · HP, fl~e vendor for the existing. Human Resources app!ieation, will cease to provide support, for this package within the next year. Phase.I - Upgrade the Existing Information Systems Hardware/Network , Infrastructure. l, Extend network connectivity and capacity within City Hall 1o establish a full nolwork system. Provide network connectivity to all r~not~ City locations. Upgrade m~d/or replace thc oui-dated workstations. UpgradcYrcplaee out-datezl printers. : Phase II - Acquire and Implement New Business Applications l. Acquirc ncw host'hardware to support ncw financial applications 2. Acquire new financial applications ~ include: · · ' General Ledger and Budget · Purcha.dng and Accounts Payable (payment processing and cheek writing) · A'eeounts Receivable · Human Resources (including position control, employee file maintenance, and ·employee benefits) · Payroll .. . · Utility Billing ^p~ 7, Page t of 3 FROM · UANDYKE TAD×FA× PHONE NO. ' 9166225983 App. 02 1997 01'07PM P~ Estimated Total Cost~: Two options arc being pursued for financing of'this project: ]. outright purchase of'hardwari:. .. 2. thrC~-year lease wire upgrade option *Estimates arc an average of vendor high and low end costs Phase I and Phase II Total Cost of Total Co~ of Lease of Project with Project with Hardware Purchase of Lease of Cost per . Hardware Itardware Month Network build-out servlc, e~ and materials $ ] 00,000 $ I00,000 .. Itardware: ............... $ ~75,000 0 $10,000 (1) * ': Standard workstations · Standard local servers . Printorl .... ~ ........ &_. . Software AppHcation~ $ 200,000 $ 200,000 Host Hardware: ' $ 90,000 0 $ 3,500 (2) hnplementafion (con~ultant~ and set-up). $70,000 $ 70,000 ~__ _ i .,,. , i.,, l.~, one-time additional staffing (backfill of positions $125,000 $ l dedicated tO thc proje;ct) · _ ..................... T.raining $ 30,000 $ 30,000 Contingency : $ 40,000 $ 40,000 TOTALS' $930,000.00 $565,000,00 $ 13,500/Mo. (1) 3 year lea~e total coat for worksttions, ~enters,. printers - $357,913 (2) 3-year lease total oost for host syrdem - $12G,0D0 On-going costs: · Maintenance (l 5% to 20% of hardware and software costs) · The objective, is to maintain thc systems with cxisting financial, human resources, and payroll staff; inf0nnation sy~,m staffing; impacts will be evaluated as part of ibc implcmc~tafion process. Accuracy Of'Cost Estimate: · F_,sfinmted Phase I and Il costs are consistent with thc system experieno~ Ofthree comparable Southern. California jurisdictions currently with proposals rctumod (San Diego Water, City of F~coi~didol and City of Poway) April 7, 1997 Page 2 of 3 FROM : UANDYKE TAD×FAX PHONE NO. : 916622598~ App. 02 1997 01'07PM P4 Procurement: · Strcamline approach to seiect hardware,'soRwa.ro, and implementation scrviccs; goal is to select t~ie most appropriat~ vendor for the City, Timeline: _ , CRy Mgr/Gouncll ~o,v~l [] ...... ,a, , , ,, _ -. ..... . _: ....... . . Tr,I.I~ Ii/iii ,.~.~,~ ,r...~ ............. i _ _ _l_ II iii _l. I I _ _ ...... _ , .... ,. COnclusions · Tho City is faced wi~h thc year 2000 issue - not being able to process transactions after this dam 'due to the limitations of existing software. · Vendors are beginning to drop support for older DOS-based products. · Phase I and Phase II o£the project will bo approximatcly $ 565,000 (using leased equipment). · Monthly lease costs for workstations, prinicrs, and servers will be approximately $13,500. · On'going yearly maintenanc~ costs of approximately $ 35,000 will be ineurr'od. · The objective is to main{ain sys~n with existing staffand evaluate 15 staffing impacts as part or,he imple~nmtat/on proce.~s. · Systems implementation proposal must b~ approved by our City Council no later than May 1. 1997 to m~t thc sygcm implamentatiO~ d~dlinc of J~u~y l, 1998. ReCOntntendation Approve conceptual approach lo Phase I and 11 for the acquisition/upgrade of hardware and sORW~e. April 7, t997 Page 3 of 3