City Manager
Finance Director N/A
Approval of a Joint Powers Authority Agreement between the Integrated Law & Justice
Agency for Orange County ( ILJAOC) and the City of Tustin in order to include California
State University, Fullerton Police Department as a member agency. In addition,
revisions have been made to the JPA in order to streamline the future process of adding
member agencies and to update /clean up existing language.
1. Approve the addition of the California State University Fullerton on behalf of their
Police Department, as a new Member of the Integrated Law & Justice Agency for
Orange County ( ILJAOC).
2. Approve the recommended amendments to the Governance Document of the
ILJAOC Joint Powers Authority.
3. Direct the City Clerk to provide a minute order to the ILJAOC Recording Secretary
(Jennifer Manzella at Jennifer manzellaelLJAOC.org), confirming the Council's
The recommendation correlates to the City's strategic plan under Goal D (2) - Continue
to work collaboratively with agencies within and outside of Tustin in areas of mutual
interest and concern.
Integrated Law and Justice Agency for Orange County
Joint Powers Authority Agreement
August 5, 2014
Page 2
Since June of 2006, our City (on behalf of the Police Department), has been a Member
Agency of the Integrated Law & Justice Agency for Orange County (ILJAOC), a Joint
Powers Authority. The JPA currently has 24 Members, representing each City that has
a Municipal Police Department, as well as the County of Orange for their identified
Departments. The Member Agencies also include the Superior Court of Orange County
and the University of California at Irvine, on behalf of their Police Department. The JPA
was formed to allow Criminal Justice Agencies in Orange County to jointly address new
technology projects on a regional basis, as well as improved business processes
affecting the efficiency of the Criminal Justice System in Orange County. It has the
authority to move the represented agencies forward collectively on issues that would be
virtually impractical to accomplish on an agency by agency basis.
The work of the Agency is directed by a 16 Member Governing Board comprised of 6
Police Chiefs selected by the Orange County Chiefs of Police and Sheriff's Association
(with a 7th serving as an alternate for any of the 6 who are unable to attend a regular
meeting); 3 City Managers (one representing the Contract Cities), who are selected by
the Orange County City Managers Association; the Presiding Judge and the Chief
Executive Officer of the Superior Court; the Sheriff, District Attorney, Chief Probation
Officer and the Public Defender; in addition to a Representative from the County
Executive's Office. The only employees of the Agency are a part-time Executive
Director and a part-time Recording Secretary. Since it became operational, some of the
accomplishments of the JPA include:
• The establishment of one of the most robust regional criminal data - sharing
systems in the State if not the Country, incorporating data from every municipal
and County law enforcement Agencies' and Court system in Orange County, as
well as other contributors from the 5 western States.
• A single electronic scheduling platform that serves all municipal and county law
enforcement agencies, with an interface to the District Attorney's Office and the
Court to perform informed scheduling of Court cases, taking into consideration
the availability of the Officer /Deputy.
• The conversion of DA's Office Subpoenas and Court Notice to Appears to an
electronic notification via e-mail sent directly to the law enforcement witnesses
and the most recent capability to have those notices posted on the electronic
scheduling platform.
• The replacement of the vast majority of paper probable cause declarations
required to be completed by arresting officers /deputies for any felony arrest and
some misdemeanors, establishing good cause to hold a suspect in custody for
further Court proceedings. The process is now an electronic one, which is
handled by the on -call Judge as a collateral duty, resulting in the reduction of a
number of part-time Judicial Hearing Officers, and the elimination of the physical
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Joint Powers Authority Agreement
August 5, 2014
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task of literally walking paper to and from the Court from the Jail, multiple times
• The successful completion of an Electronic Citation Pilot Project with three
municipal police departments, allowing their citations to be directly filed into the
Court's Production System, without the task of manual data entry.
• Based upon the success of the Pilot, the ILJAOC is currently in the process of
"rolling -out" the Electronic Citation Project to fifteen additional agencies in the
County (with the potential for several more), based upon the Court's mandate
that all agencies must submit citation data electronically as of July 1, 2014. By
not doing so, Cities face the potential delay (and loss of fine & forfeiture revenue)
of the Court processing the manually submitted citations using existing staff "as
time permits ", which has been described as possibly taking nine months or more
(with a statute that only limits their validity up to one year if not filed). The Court
spends $600,000 to $700,000 per year on transcription services from an outside
contractor. and must eliminate much of that cost due to State Budget reductions.
Recently, the ILJAOC was asked by the California State University at Fullerton (CSUF),
to consider their request for full Membership in the ILJAOC on behalf of their Police
Department. The current JPA governance requires that any addition in membership
necessitates the concurrence of all the legislative bodies of the existing 24 Member
Agencies. Obviously, it is a formidable task to get the approval process through the
necessary steps in a timely manner, which is required by all the Member Agencies. As
a result, the CSUF request seemed like an appropriate opportunity to review our JPA
Governance Document and suggest any reasonable modifications that will assist in the
overall management of the ILJAOC business process, since the original JPA Agreement
was executed in June of 2006, over 8 years ago.
Based upon the unanimous vote of the 16 Member ILJAOC Governing Board, direction
was given to bring back a complete review of the JPA language, with appropriate
recommendations to improve the language where necessary, which will also improve
the Board's ability to govern the Agency's work. The task was completed with the
Agency's Legal Counsel and returned to the Board on April 28, 2014. It was
unanimously approved, and staff was directed to seek the formal approval from the
existing Agencies to include CSUF as a Member Agency, while at the same time
approving the amended language in the revised JPA document.
Attached is a "Track Changes" version of the JPA Document (Attachment No. 1),
showing those proposed changes recommended by the Governing Board after it
underwent a comprehensive review and approval by their Legal Counsel. In addition,
the proposed changes were reviewed by the City Attorney's Office and they expressed
no concerns. An "accepted changes" version is also included (Attachment No. 2). In
summary, the recommended changes fall into several categories. They are as follows:
Integrated Law and Justice Agency for Orange County
Joint Powers Authority Agreement
August 5, 2014
Page 4
A. In order to streamline the approval process in the future for approving any
new agencies, the amended language will allow the Governing Board, on a
unanimous approval of all the Member Agencies' Voting Members, to approve
the addition of a new Member Agency as long as there are no projected cost
increases contemplated by the vote for existing Member Agencies. If so, the
action would require legislative approval by the existing Member Agencies,
like required by the current process. (See the references in Sections 2:02 f,
3.01 and 6.01.)
B. Throughout the document, there are various, minor language clean -up
recommendations included, to improve the readability of the document.
C. A slight adjustment has been made in Member Agency rates ( -.25% for UCI
and CSUF participation, which are not subject to the normal per capita served
population formula applicable to most of the Municipal Police Departments,
for obvious reasons). The recommendation is made to more closely align
those Agencies with rates paid by other similar sized Departments in Orange
County. (See the references in Section 4.06 d & e)
D. A minor adjustment is included in the Treasurer's reporting requirements on
ILJAOC's Budget/Finances from Monthly to Quarterly, to reflect the low month
to month financial activity of the Agency. (See the reference in Section 4.09.)
E. Adjustments were made to Indemnification Language, primarily focused on
issues surrounding entering into Intergovernmental Agreements (IGA's) to
share criminal information. The changes would give more authority to the
Governing Board to enter into Agreements (on a two- thirds affirmative vote of
the majority of all Voting Members or their Alternates), with the approval of
the Agency's Legal Counsel, and;
i. A finding that the risk of entering into such an agreement is outweighed
by the benefit to be obtained by doing so, and;
ii. A determination by the ILJAOC's Risk Manager that insurance
provisions applicable to the agreement are adequate, given the
specific risks presented.
(See the references in Section 5.04.)
Over the course of the years the ILJAOC has been building our Information -
sharing System, they have been unable to exchange very beneficial
information with certain entities that don't have adequate Governance in place
that would allow them to bind their contributors to the terms and conditions
outlined in one of the ILJAOC's standard agreements. In addition, one
nearby State has a statute that caps their liability exposure for
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Joint Powers Authority Agreement
August 5, 2014
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injuries /damages, something that is unfortunately not the case in California. In
spite of the aforementioned limitations, the Governing Board believes that in
balance, it may make sense to have the capacity to find a way to move
forward on the data exchanges with those select jurisdictions.
F. Language is included to clarify the qualifications and experience of candidates
approved to serve as Risk Manager for the Agency (to include someone who
"has comparable experience to serve in that capacity "). (See the references
in Section 5.06.)
In summary, the action recommended will serve to strengthen the law enforcement
community in Orange County by including the California State University, Fullerton
Police Department as part of the ILJAOC. The relatively minor amendments
recommended in the JPA Agreement, will also improve the Governing Board's ability to
direct the Agency's work on behalf of all the Member Agencies.
Chief of Police
Attachment No. 1: Joint Powers Authority Agreement Comparison Document
Attachment No. 2: Revised Joint Powers Authority Agreement