HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1990 01 02MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 2, 1990 Z. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF The meeting was called to order by Mayor Edgar at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy. IZ. INVOCATION IV. V. The Invocation was given by Kevin Kragenbrink, Christian Church. ROLL CALL Pastor of Hope Council Present: Richard B. Edgar, Mayor Ursula E. Kennedy, Mayor Pro Tem John Kelly Earl J. Prescott (Council position vacant) Council Absent: None Others Present: William A. Huston, City Manager James G. Rourke, City Attorney Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk W. Douglas Franks, Chief of Police Robert Ledendecker, Director of Public Ronald A. Nault, Finance Director Royleen White, Dir./Community & Admin. Susan Jones, Recreation Superintendent Daniel Fox, Senior Planner Valerie Whiteman, Acting Chief Deputy Approximately 30 in the audience PUBLIC HEARINGS - None PUBLIC INPUT 1. "NOW RENTING11 BANNERS ON TUSTIN EAST DRIVE. Works Services City Clerk Clara Brandon, representing Amarik Properties, said letters had been received from the City Planning Department stating the company was not in compliance with City code and requested removal of "Now Renting" banners from the property. She complained there was inconsistency in the enforcement of the code since other businesses had continued to display "Now Renting" banners which put Pacific Point Apartments at a marketing disadvantage. William Huston, City Manager, felt the issue was not a matter of inconsistency but a matter of some businesses not complying with the code and code enforcement was a lengthy process. Mayor Edgar requested the matter be agendized at the January 15, 1990 Council Meeting. Council concurred. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR Item No. 1 was removed from the Consent Calendar by Councilman Kelly, Item No. 7 was removed by Mayor Edgar and Item No. 15 was removed by William Huston, City Manager. It was moved by Kennedy_, seconded by Prescott, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar. The motion carried 4-0. 2. APPROVED DEMANDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,782,084.95 (12/13/89) APPROVED DEMANDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,776,618.85 (12/22/89) RATIFIED PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $224,866.97 (12/13/89) RATIFIED PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $217,582.98 (12/22/89) CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 1-2-90 3. SURPLUS/INOPERATIVE PORTABLE RADIOS Declared three Repco portable radios as surplus property 82 and authorized their destruction. 4. REJECTION OF CLAIM NO. 89-43; CLAIMANT -JERRY STANLEY JOHNSEN, DATE OF LOSS -5/23/891 DATE FILED WITH CITY -10/20/89 Rejected subject claim for general and special damages of an undetermined amount. 40 S. RWR PASCO ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT TO EVALUATE EXISTING LIGHTING AT MAGNOLIA TREE PARR Approved agreement with RWR Pasco Electrical Engineering for engineering services to evaluate existing security lighting at Magnolia Tree Park; and appropriated $3,500 to complete the study. Staff will request additional funds if deemed necessary for the installation of lights upon completion of study. 45 6. AMENDED AGREEMENT WITH RECREATION SYSTENSo, INC. FOR COLUMBUS TUSTIN PARR PHASE 2A IMPROVEMENTS Approved agreement with Recreation Systems, Inc. for Columbus Tustin Park Phase 2A improvements and authorized staff to pay GPS, the civil engineering firm, by separate purchase order. 45 S. EL MODENA-IRVINE CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS BETWEEN SANTA ANA (I-5) FREEWAY AND DOWNSTREAM OF MICHELLE DRIVE Authorized a supplemental 1989-90 budget appropriation from the appropriated reserves of the Capital Improvement Fund in the amount of $1,300,000.00. 107 9. RENEWAL OF ANNUAL LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR EAST TUSTIN Authorized renewal of annual landscape maintenance contract with Landscape West, Inc. for the East Tustin area with increased service areas as delineated in contract for a total cost of $56,808.84. 45 X08 10. SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH STATE OF CALIFORNIA (CALTRANS) FOR MATERIALS TESTING - JAMBOREE ROAD EXTENSION PROJECT (BARRANCA PARKWAY TO EDINGER AVENUE) Approved a Service Agreement with the State of California (Caltrans) for construction materials testing service on the Jamboree Road Extension Project from Barranca Parkway to Edinger Avenue, and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement. 45 11. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-21 CONTRACTS FOR GAS LINE EXTENSIONS Approved the Southern California Gas Company contract No. 291051/T-54277 in the amount of $82,859.77 and authorized the Mayor to execute said contract. 45 12. RESOLUTION NO. 90-2 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION (CONSTRUCTION OF STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS ON 6TH AND PACIFIC STREETS, PROJECT NO. 900028) Adopted Resolution No. 90-2 accepting said work and authorized the recordation of the Notice of Completion; and assuming no claims or stop payment notices are filed, 30 days after the date of recordation of the Notice of Completion, authorized payment of the final 10% retention in the amount of $31,889.09. 86B 13. RESOLUTION NO. 90-3 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION (ASPHALT CONCRETE REHABILITATION AND OVERLAY PROJECT, 1988-89FY) Adopted Resolution No. 90-3 accepting said work and authorized the recordation of the Notice of Completion; and assuming no claims or stop payment notices are filed, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3, 1-2-90 30 days after the date of recordation of the Notice of Completion, authorized payment of the final 10% retention in the amount of $19,298.95. 86B 14. RESOLUTION NO. 90-4(A) - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VACATE AND ABANDON CHAMPION WAY WESTERLY OF JAMBOREE ROAD AND TO FIX A TIME AND PLACE OF PUBLIC HEARING THEREON Adopted Resolution No. 90-4(A) declaring the City's intention to vacate and abandon Champion Way westerly of Jamboree Road and setting the Public Hearing for February 5, 1990, at 7:00 p.m. 105 16. SALE OF SURPLUS VEHICLES Received and filed notice of sale of surplus vehicles. 17. AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE VEHICLES AND WORK EQUIPMENT 86 Authorized staff to purchase vehicles and work equipment authorized in the 1989-90 fiscal year budget from various vendors at a total cost of $234,572.58. 86 18. PURCHASE OF AERIAL LIFT TRUCK Approved the purchase of the aerial lift truck as modified for $72,894.00, plus tax, and; authorized staff to leave $2,000.00 in the City's equipment lease fund for future upgrading of the left arm. 86 CONSENT CALENDAR NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - DECEMBER 41 1989, REGULAR MEETING Councilman Kelly requested the December 4, 1989 Minutes reflect his request for an itemized receipt of the $40,000 expenditure to the City Attorney and a review by the Audit Committee. He wanted detailed invoices to assist the Audit Committee in a comparative analysis with other cities to determine how competitive the City was in this area. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy requested the Minutes reflect Councilman Kelly's requests. If he wanted a comparison study with other cities, that should be discussed separately. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to approve the Minutes with the addition of Councilman Kelly's requests. The motion carried 4-0. CONSENT CALENDAR NO. 7 - IDENTIFICATION AND PROPOSED MITIGATION PROGRAM FOR POTENTIAL HAZARDOUS UNREINFORCED MASONRY BUILDINGS Mayor Edgar noted the report identified eight buildings in the downtown area that were unreinforced masonry construction and, therefore, earthquake hazards. He agreed with staff's recommendation to provide financial assistance to insure the structures were earthquake resistant and suggested the Cultural Resources Committee review the eight structures and participate in an earthquake resistant plan. Councilman Kelly questioned if funding for this project could be generated from the 1/4 cent sales tax increase and he was concerned with allocating City funds to improve private property. Mayor Edgar responded that he was not suggesting how the renovations be funded, but the Council needed to understand in more detail what the elements were to correct the problem and it was important for the community to recognize that the Council was available for assistance not to mandate difficult situations. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy stated she was gratified and interested to learn some of the buildings dated back to 1912. She said the City should recognize the difficulty with old structures and the benefit of protecting their historic value. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, 1-2-90 It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Kelly, to receive and file subject report and direct the Cultural Resources Committee to review the eight structures and participate in an earthquake resistant plan. The motion carried 4-0. 81 CONSENT CALENDAR NO. 15 - REQUEST FOR TREE REMOVALS It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to continue this item at the January 15, 1990 City Council meeting. The motion carried 4-0. VII. ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCTION M 1. ORDINANCE NO. 1041 - CONTRACT BETWEEN THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL AND THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Kelly, that Ordinance No. 1041 have first reading by title only. The motion carried 44=0. Following first reading by title only of Ordinance No. 1041 by the City Clerk, it was moved by Kennedv, seconded by Prescott, that Ordinance No. 1041 be introduced as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1041 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM The motion carried 4-0. VIII. ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION 79 -- 1. ORDINANCE NO. 1040, ZONE CHANGE 89-01 - APPLICANT: IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPANY It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Kelly, that Ordinance No. 1040 have second reading by title only. The motion carried 44=0. Following second reading by title only of Ordinance No. 1040 by the City Clerk, it was moved by Kennedv, seconded by Kelly, that Ordinance No. 1040 be passed and adopted as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1040 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 89-01, A REQUEST TO REZONE PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTHEASTERLY OF FUTURE JAMBOREE ROAD ADJACENT TO PETERS CANYON WASH FROM P&I (PUBLIC AND INSTITUTIONAL) TO M (INDUSTRIAL) The motion carried 4-0. (Verbal roll call vote) 110 IS. OLD BUSINESS 1. STATUS REPORT - JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT NOISE MONITORING PROGRAM (JWA), COALITION FOR A RESPONSIBLE AIRPORT SOLUTION (CRAB), AIRPORT SITE COALITION (ASC) AND HELICOPTER OVERFLIGHT PROGRAM TASK FORCE (HOPTF) Daniel Fox, Senior Planner, reported the Council had expressed interest in appointing a citizen representative to attend meetings pertaining to John Wayne Airport and identified potential meetings the airport liaison could attend: Airport Commission, Airport Land Use Commission and JWA Noise Abatement Forum. William Huston, City Manager, commented that Mr. James Hayes had been previously appointed as JWA Noise Abatement Forum representative, but had not been attending the meetings. He CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5, 1-2-90 suggested the Council may want to consider appointment for that committee; the other committees were attended by staff and Kathy Weil. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy stated it was extremely important to have a member of the community appointed as an airport liaison and felt some type of expense reimbursement would encourage a member of the public to serve. She suggested a press release be issued for solicitation. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Prescott, to issue a press release advertising the City's need for an airport liaison and the Council to appoint a member of the public to serve as liaison to John Wayne Airport as soon as possible. The motion carried 4-0. Mayor Edgar noted it was important to identify areas in which the airport was legally obliged to comply with certain noise abatement standards. That data had now been collected and needed to be accurately tabulated. He requested a specific staff recommendation for tabulating the technical noise abatement data. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edaar, to receive and file subject report and staff to submit specific recommendation for tabulation of technical data. The motion carried 4-0. 101 2. 170 EL CAMINO REAL James Rourke, City Attorney, reported he became aware, after preparation of the agenda, that the subject property was in .., escrow and the potential buyers had applied for permits to clear the lot. He suggested the Council continue the matter for two weeks to allow the buyers time to obtain demolition permits. The following member of the audience addressed the Council regarding the purchase of the property and demolition of the building: Barbara Hawks, representing North Hills Realty Council/staff/speaker discussion followed regarding time period needed to obtain permits. Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy expressed concern about the safety of the building if the matter was continued for more than 2 weeks. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Prescott, to continue this item to the January 15, 1990 Council meeting and direct staff to determine the safety of the building. The motion carried 4-0. 81 3. PUBLIC ALLEY ABANDONMENT/VACATION Robert Ledendecker, Director of Public Works, updated the staff report, pertaining to the abandonment/vacation of the public alley located southerly of Linda Lane, easterly of Yorba Street and westerly of Rosalind Drive, indicating the current results of the property owners' questionnaire were 3 in favor of abandonment, 7 opposed and 2 did not respond. The following member of the audience addressed the Council and requested a variance to allow parking on the east side of the alley: Ralph Westrum, 13651 Rosalind, Tustin CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6, 1-2-90 Council/staff/speaker discussion followed regarding the positive and negative aspects of allowing parking on the east side of the alley. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Prescott, to direct staff to conduct an impartial study regarding parking on the east side of the alley and resubmit for Council consideration. The motion carried 4-0. 105 4. REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF STREET DEDICATION - IRVINE BOULEVARD (CHEVRON USA) Mayor Edgar gave a brief report of a meeting attended by himself, Councilman Prescott, staff and Chevron. He noted the opportunity for possible use of Redevelopment Agency funds and the continuation was necessary to complete the details. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Prescott, to continue this item to the January 15, 1990 City Council meeting. The motion carried 4-0. R. NEW BUSINESS 1. MAYORAL APPOINTMENTS Mayor Edgar stated that all appointments would remain in place with the exception of three changes due to Councilman Hoesterey's departure from the Council. The appointments were as follows: Committee Representative Alternate CRAS Board Kelly None SA River Flood Control Prescott None East Tustin Policy Kennedy Edgar I-5 Freeway Prescott None League of Cities Edgar Prescott O.C. Vector Kennedy Kelly Joint Powers Authority Edgar Kelly Sant. District 1 Edgar Kennedy Sant. District 7 Edgar Kennedy Sant. District 14 Kennedy Edgar 38 2. PARK DESIGN PROCESS Royleen White, Director of Community and Administrative Services, gave a brief staff report on current policy and procedure regarding citizen participation in park and facility design; and Park and Recreation Commission's role in park development. Mayor Edgar stated it was essential to have citizen involvement for every park and also recognized the importance of the talented, professional staff and dedicated Commissioners. All three groups must work together. He noted different levels of citizen/Commission involvement were required for individual parks, i.e. neighborhood park, sports park and cultural park with the professional staff guiding and assisting through every phase. This was a learning process and, keeping site that the community was the area that needed support, he felt the differences could be reconciled. Differences that could not be reconciled would be submitted to the City Council for final review. The following members of the Parks and Recreation Commission addressed the City Council: Sam Randall, Chairperson Lois Carr Susan Welsh Don Biery CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 7, 1-2-90 Their concerns included: Clarification of the role of the Commission, involved in planning process or a review board; park -related meetings held independent of the Commission, desire to be a part of the initial park planning and participate in the entire process for all parks; and cost effectiveness of having Commission involved in initial planning process. Councilman Prescott felt the Commission's role was vital to the development of new parks and wanted that role increased. He suggested a joint Council/Commission meeting in February to revise the policy. It was moved by Prescott seconded by Kelly, that the City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission meet the end of February for review and/or revision of current policy. The following member of the audience spoke in favor of continuing the current policy and public participation in the Citizens Task Force: Wayne Edmondson, 2580 Calle Bel Monte, Tustin Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy said the Council had set the park policy and had designated what kinds of parks would be built for East Tustin. When the Commission was formed, the Council suggested meeting four times a year because of strong citizen involvement. Some Commissioners were now so dedicated they could spend considerable hours on matters already determined and she encouraged the Commissioners to use their energy in other ways to assist the City. She added that public meetings were held without a political body present, such as the Commission, to encourage free exchange of ideas by members of the community. She suggested any revisions to the policy be deferred until after the April election. The following member of the audience spoke regarding utilization of all three groups in the park planning process: Berklee Maughan, 14331 Green Valley, Tustin The motion carried 3-1, Kennedy opposed. 76 3. RED HILL AT MITCHELL, EXCLUSIVE LEFT -TURN PHASING It was moved by Kennedy. seconded by Prescott, to approve (1) the subject traffic signal be modified to include left -turn phasing for Red Hill Avenue and (2) the project be budgeted as a capital improvement item for FY 1990-91. The motion carried 4-0. 94 4. AWARD OF CONTRACT - INSTALLATION OF 45MIL HYPALON LINING AND STRUCTURAL IMPROVEMENTS AT FOOTHILL RESERVOIR It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Kelly, to award the contract for the repair of the Foothill Reservoir to C.W. Neal Corporation, Santee, California, in the amount of $183,720.00 (Base Bid) plus $3,500.00 (Additive Alternate Bid for the construction of two observation wells) for a total contract award of $187,220.00. The motion carried 4-0. 86B XI. REPORTS 1. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA - DECEMBER 11, 1990 Councilman Prescott requested New Business Item No. 7, Proposed Guidelines for Churches Located in Industrial Districts, be removed from the Planning Commission Action Agenda for discussion by the Council. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 8, 1-2-90 William Huston, City Manager, suggested Item No. 7 be agendized at the January 15, 1990 Council meeting. Council concurred. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to ratify the remainder of the Planning Commission Action Agenda of December 11, 1990. The motion carried 4-0. 80 2. INVESTMENT SCHEDULES AS OF NOVEMBER 30, 1989 AND DECEMBER 31, 1989 It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Prescott, to approve the Investment Schedules dated November 30, 1989 and December 31, 1989. The motion carried 4-0. 50 3. REVIEW OF EXPENDITURES CHARGED TO THE CITY COUNCIL AS REPORTED ON THE DEMAND LIST BY (DEPARTMENT) DATED NOVEMBER 21, 1989 It was moved by Kelly, seconded by Edgar, to receive and file subject report. The motion carried 4-0. 27 XII. PUBLIC INPUT 1. COMMENDATIONS FOR CITY COUNCIL/STAFF Albert Shifberg-Mencher, 16282 Main Street #3B, Tustin, commended the City Council for a productive meeting and commended Bob Ledendecker for assistance with a traffic problem involving the City of Santa Ana. Zipora Shifberg-Mencher, 16282 Main Street #3B, Tustin, praised the City Council for a productive meeting and for listening to the public. XIII. OTHER BUSINESS 1. REMOVAL OF GRAFFITI - TUSTIN VILLAGE WAY/WILLIAMS STREET Councilman Kelly requested removal of graffiti on a wall facing McFadden Avenue between Tustin Village Way and Williams Street. 2. HOLIDAY DECORATIONS FOR CITY ENTRANCE SIGNS Councilman Kelly suggested the wishing well entrance signs be decorated with lights during the holiday season. 3. NEW YEAR WISHES Councilman Kelly, Councilman Prescott and Mayor Edgar conveyed Happy New Year wishes. 4. CARGO AIRCRAFT FLIGHTS AT JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy requested staff submit a report on cargo aircraft traffic into John Wayne Airport. 5. LEFT TURN SIGNAL AT BROWNING/WALNUT AVENUES Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy requested a staff report on the installation of a left -turn signal at Browning Avenue and Walnut Avenue. 6. DECORATIVE LIGHTING FIXTURES FOR MAIN STREET Mayor Pro Tem Kennedy requested status of the decorative light fixtures for Main Street. Staff responded the fixtures would be installed in 45-60 days. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 9, 1-2-90 7. REPLACEMENT OF REFUSE CANS Councilman Prescott requested a status report on replacing oil drum trash cans with decorative -style trash cans throughout the City. Subject to be agendized at the January 15, 1990 City Council meeting. 8. ADJOURNMENT IN MEMORY OF JESS J. PARRS Councilman Prescott requested the meeting adjourn in memory of Jess J. Parks, a postmaster for the City for many years, who died December 28, 1989. 9. RED HILL AND WALNUT INTERSECTION Mayor Edgar noted that the Red Hill Avenue/Walnut Avenue intersection was completed and commended staff. 10. WARNER AVENUE BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION Mayor Edgar questioned staff as to the opening of the Warner Avenue bridge. Staff responded that CaltransI target date for opening was January 25, 1990. Mayor Edgar expressed dismay with Caltrans not maintaining credible schedules and voiced concern about the upcoming traffic impact with the Newport/I-5, Red Hill/I-5, First Street and Irvine construction projects. Staff expressed confidence that Caltrans would be able to stay on schedule for the upcoming construction projects. 11. INSTALLATION OF WATER WELL-VANDENBERG SITE Mayor Edgar requested an update as to when the water well would be installed. Matter to be agendized at the January 15, 1990 City Council meeting. SIV. CLOSED SESSION Mayor Edgar announced that the City Council would recess to Closed Session to meet with its designated representatives regarding labor relations matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54967.6. SV. ADJOURNMENT At 8:40 p.m., the meeting recessed to the Redevelopment Agency, then to the above Closed Session, and then adjourned in memory of Jess Parks to a workshop with the Orange County Fire Department on January 15, 1990, at 6:00 p.m. and then to a Regular Meeting on January 15, 1990, at 7:00 p.m. MAYO CIm" CLERK