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Arnold H_ Loewenberg
Cypress, CA 90630
Phone: (
Attorneys for The City of Tustin, California
David Kendig, Woodruff, Spradlen and Smart
555 Anton Boulevard
Costa Mesa, California 92626
August 25, 2014
Ref-- Property
Tustin, California 92780-6174
On May 14,2014, 1 arranged a meeting with Pat Martin, Manager of subject
property and George Wiesinger, code Enforcement officer for the City of Tustin.
At our meeting I presented a list of items to Pat Martin that I believe needed
correction to improve the appearance of the property and enhance its value_ in
addition proper maintenance would increase the marketability of the surrounding
properties and the safety of the renters.
The following items are what I consider to be in need of immediate conection.
Bare spots in the lawn grass. Someone threw grass seed on the bare spats
and covered it with topper soil- This time of year, unless you water the
area every day for two weeks or more, the grass will not grow. The bare
spots are still bare.
2. Bushes not trimmed on a regular basis and recently only the bushes facing
the street were trimmed, but those in the courtyard rtyard were not trimmed.
3. Mud thrown on the wall over Apartment 'C' has not been removed for
over 5 years.
4. My list included trimming the branches of the twisted junipers hanging over
the garage roof. The branches have now been trimmed away from the roof.
5. The twisted junipers are not otherwise being trimmed and are causing the
roots to raise the sidewalk and creating a trip hazard.
Attorneys for The City of Tustin, California
Page 2 of 3
6. Behind the units is a large palm tree that has never been trimmed. The
hanging palm bonds are a tine hazard to subject units as well as my units.
The palm tree is also destroying a patio fence. Pat stated she would have
the tree mmoved; as of this date it has not been removed.
7. The building is highly infested with termites. Over the years the fascia
boards have been severely eaten away by the pests_ The owners either
patch the wood and paint over it, or remove the wood, replace it and
paint over it. Presently this condition of damage is visible in a back
comer of the building.
The subject building needs an inspection and termite destruction. 1 have
had my units tented twice in the past 15 years, as well as paid to have my
tenants stay in a motel overnight.
8. Grass on sides of the building is not maintained on a regular basis. The
grass is allowed to grow Iong, then cut and left on the ground causing a
fire hazard. I recently found matches that had been started and left on the
9. The T-V. cable running across the roof is, I would guess a violation of city
code. The cable is an eyesore and should be routed though the back of
the unit.
10. 1 talked with tenants of subject property and they do Trot have smoke
defectors or carbon - monoxide detectors that meet state laws.
11. The driveway is in bad shape and a newly laid strip of concrete is a trip
hazard. I cannot believe the driveway condition meets city codes.
12_ The caner of the courtyard between the dnors of units "B" & "C" is
always looking like a trash collection area.
13. When the City did some curb and sidewalk work several years ago, the
berm between the curb and sidewalk was too high and puddles of water
occurred which is dangerous to children and adults. This has been
reported to the City several times without any being done_
14. There has been a wrecked SW sitting in the driveway for months and
needs to be removed_
Attorneys for The City of Tustin, California
Page 3 of 3
15. The owner of subject property needs to select someone to pick up trash
around the units. This area is always littered with trash and needs daily
pickup and attention.
1 would like to suggest if the owners are unwilling to properly maintain their
property tttat they sell it and hopefully we could gain responsible owners whom
will have pride of ownership.
1 would also appreciate a response to the action that will be taken on each of the
above problems_
A M. Loewenberg
Phone: (
cc: Al Murray, Mayor
Charles E. Pucket, Mayor Pro Tem
John Nielsen, Councilmember
Rebecca Gomez, Councihnember
Allan Bemstein, Council Member
Doug Stack, Director of Public Works
George Wiesinger, Code Enforcement City of Tustin
Monday, Sept. 9, 2018 1 L0131 i t
C 0 0 a
; 4 • _ - exerting pressure o ; slumlords
ordinance would
make it easier for
inspectors to
check buildings
showing neglect.
ANAHEIM • 9hlntklr& Opel`
mpg diiapidew apart-
ment buildings in this city
would be targeted under a
new ordinance that will be
drawn up over the next sev-
eral months.
If adopted by the City
Council, code enforcement
officers will be able to more
essiiy inspect units and
structures that show signs
of neglect, said Sheri Van-
der Dussen, Anaheim's
planning director. The Pro-
posed Anaheim Quality
Rental Housing program
would be funded by a $lfi
per-unit annual fee paid by
An additional $127 would
be charged for units that
don't meet city standards.
Gwners of troubled units
could face civil lawsuits.
"The $18 annual perunit
is pennies on the day to en-
force the quality of life and
basic safety codes for our
most vulnerable residents,"
said Councibroman Kris
Murray, who came up with
the idea for the program.
"It's easy to look the oda-
er way," Murray said during
a recent City Council work-
shop. "But when Y" take a
cloeer look, you can see.tltat
we have neighborhoods in
complete distress."
City officials said they
will work with local groups
that represent apartnmk.-
building owners to develop
an education program
about the proposed law.
Valerie Peter, executive
director of the Apartment
Association of Orange
County, declined to com-
ment on the proposal be-
cause her group is not yet
familiar with it.
More than 40,000 apart-
ments citywide would be
subject to the abatement
program, but only 2,900 of
those would be inspected
each year, Vander Dusan
said. Recently built apart-
WS OW to Wd go
at�a+r tbaq. @dt Itm
yo tdo a
ti w' "a to we
tit lrfa'tlm
RRIO eva RAv
upkeep. someumok attces-
sve wear and tear in caused
by.too mem people Nvir a in
overcrowded conditions.
Councilwoman Lucille
Kring said she believes the
new ordinance would force
scofflaw owners to bring
Most of those complaints problem units up to code, or
concern aging apartment sell their buikhngs.
d buildings in some of Ana- "Once the word gets out
e heim's poorest neighbor- that we're coming after
on hoods. you, people will be more at-
In most cases, the blame tentive to making improve-
is is placed on absentee land- meats," Kring said, refer-
lords lords who fail to perform ring to landlords who don't
routine maintenance and maw then' properties.
omdeb 1n Ar omit Ere tlrarmiev ee Weaw" ehned M ferdnq fnhddsEOa tx reglN►
in9latted qwtvwnit ftNlld "&
ment buildings and those
already inspected by other
government agencies
would be exempt from the
proposed ordinance; the
number of those is unclear.
Vermin, leaky roofs, bro-
ken stairwells and perva-
sive mold were just some of
the problems reported in
2,400 housing complaints
filed during the last fist:
year with Anaheim's cod
enforcement, The city is
track to see the same level
of complaints, with 4f
complaints filed in July an
Patrick A104111in
. 1 -
Patrick °`Pat" McMillin is a Co-founder,
Principle and Executive Vice President
of McMillin Contracting Services, Inc
and McMillin .Property Management,
Inc. and has over 35 years of experi-
ence in the real estate business focusing
primarily on the multi family (apart -
mem), retail and office industry. Pat has
established a successful track record of
acquiring, restoring and stabilizing dis-
tressed apartment communities and has
managed and been responsible for port-
folios in excess of $200 million dollars.
at holds the credential of Certified
Property manager (CPM) and is a
member of the Institute of Real Estate
Management. He has served on many
expert panels in areas of his expertise.
(714)685 -6798 - (323)731 -5566
(310)338 -0638
- EstsblisLatl 1988 -
At- e2 -,�
C *--'>!
The Importance of Curb
Appeal and Routine
Maintenance of Your
Rental Property
Whether selling a $1
million home or
attracting a tenant for
your apartments, you
only get one chance to make a first
impression.. And, as you know, "curb
appeal" is one of the main factors that
contributes to this first impression.
By "curb appeal ", I mean, what
the prospective tenant "sees" from
the street when he/she is driving
by or arriving for a showing at your
properly. Are the driveway and the
sidewalks clean, is the grass trimmed
and mowed, the bushes shaped nicely,
do the windows sparkle, is the paint
fresh, the front door in good condition,
the flowers watered and blooming?
The "curb appeal" will incept the
prospective tenant to come in and take
a closer look or to keep on driving.
Before answering the questions
above, take a moment and pretend this
is your fast time seeing the property.
Don't do it in your mind.... physically
go to the piece of property you own
and take a good look t the yard and
the outside of the build.ng, After all,
your current resident manager may
have grown accustomed to the "tired
look ". So be honest and qsk yourself
if you are pleased and impressed
by what you see - - -or do you ,..A6e a
depressed and "tired property "" If it
is the later, it is time to get to work.
Your goal is to make this property
inviting, welcoming and interesting to
prospective tenants.
"Curb appeal" also plays an
important role in the way a future
tenant sees the value of the property
and what they believe is fair rent. It
can also dictate how the prospective
tenant will treat your property once
he /she moves in. If the property is
in impeccable condition, they will
feel more compelled to do their share
Please turn to page 35
Desert Flex • Desert Crete System
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(310) 515 -5212 tmenSeC Can ESTIMATES
SB 488 - Code
Officers May Now
Determine Substandarq_;
As of January 1, 2014, in-
festations of insects, vermin, or
rodents and inadequate garbage
storage and removal facilities
may now be determined by a local
code enforcement officer where
the city does not have anima Le€
ment or the resources to contract
for county health services. In oth-
er words, local code enforcement
officers will now be authorized
to conduct pest and garbage
inspections. Previously, only
county health inspectors were
allowed to conduct these types
of inspections. Property owners
will not be cited by both local and
county enforcement agencies for
the same violation regarding in-
festations or inadequate garbage
storage or removal.
SB 61 - Protection
of Victims of Human
Currently, Civil Code 1946.7
permits a tenant to terminate their
tenancy upon 30 days' notice
where they notify the landlord, in
writing, that he or she (or a house-
hold member) is a victim of an
act of domestic violence, sexual
assault, stalking, or elder abuse.
This revision expands the cat-
egories of individuals who may
terminate their tenancy under
the code by adding "victims of
human. trafficking" as a newly
protected class. Additionally, it
expands the type of documenta-
tion a tenant may use to establish
their claim of abuse.
While the current law requires
victims to present the landlord
with either a court order (restrain-
ing Order) or a police report, this
revision expands the category of
acceptable evidence to include
"documentation from a quaked
third party based on information
received by that third party while
acting in his or her professional
capacity to indicate that the ten-
ant or household member is seek-
ing assistance for physical or
mental injuries or abuse resulting
from an act of domestic violence,'
sexual assault, stalking, human
trafficking, elder abuse, or depen-
dent adult abuse ".
Of course, that begs the ques-
tion as to who or what, exactly,
constitutes a "qualified third per-
son". SB 612 defines a "quali-
fied third person" as one `...
who meets the requirements for a
sexual assault counselor, domes-
tic violence counselor, or a human
trafficking caseworker only if the
documentation displays the letter-
head of the office, hospital, insti-
tution, center, or organization, as
appropriate, that engages or em-
ploys, whether financially com-
pensated or not, this counselor or
caseworker. "
The law also prohibits a
landlord from terminating a
tenancy, or failing to renew a
tenancy of a victim if: 1) docu-
mented by a police report or
protective court order; and, 2)
the wrongdoer is not a tenant
of the same dwelling unit. The
landlord, however, may termi-
nate the tenancy if, after invoking
protection under this law, the ten -
(continued on page 58)
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