HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 PC MINUTES 9-9-14 MINUTES ITEM #1
7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER
Present: Chairperson Thompson
Chairperson Pro Tem Lumbard
Commissioners Altowaiji, Kozak, Smith
That the Planning Commission approve the minutes of the August 26,
2014 meeting as provided.
Motion. It was moved by Kozak, seconded by Altowaiji, to approve the August 26,
2014 Minutes. Motion carried 5-0.
Adopted Reso. 2. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (DA) 2014-001 (FIFTH
Development Agreement (DA) 2014-001, an amendment to the
East Tustin Development Agreement (ETDA) to allow the
conversion of up to 23,445 square feet of the former Edwards
Theater located at 2982-3030 EI Camino Real to a City of Tustin
Community Center and to allow the transfer of development rights
of the theater space to other potential development sites within the
Tustin Market Place commercial center.
APPLICANT: Peter K. Pirzadeh, P.E.
Pirzadeh &Associates, Inc.
30 Executive Park, Suite 270
Irvine, CA 92614
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Minutes—Planning Commission—September 9, 2014—Page 1 of 8
OWNER: The Irvine Company
550 Newport Center Drive
Newport Beach, CA 92660
LOCATION: 2982-3030 EI Camino Real
This project has been determined to be exempt pursuant to California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15061(b)(3) in that CEQA
applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a
significant effect on the environment. If adopted, proposed DA 2014-
001 would allow for the continuation of an assembly use
(community facilities within a former theater) and allow
development rights to be transferred to other potential in-fill
development project sites which would be subject to separate
CEQA review. The DA has no possibility for causing a significant
effect on the environment; therefore, the project is not subject to
That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4266,
recommending that the City Council approve DA 2014-001, the
Fifth Amendment to the ETDA to allow the conversion of up to
23,445 square feet of the former Edwards Theater located at 2982-
3030 EI Camino Real to a City of Tustin Community Center and to
allow the transfer of development rights of the theater space to
other potential development sites within the Tustin Market Place
commercial center.
Reekstin Presentation given.
Smith Smith questioned the issue related to the deletion of Section 3.3 from the
DA and wanted confirmation that the City Attorney's perspective on leaving
Section 3.3 in the DA would not compromise the City's position in any way.
Bobak Bobak's response to Smith's questions, generally included: The Irvine
Company's definition is designed to make sure the waiver of the rights is
specifically limited to what is in the DA, which is in Section 3.2; the City
Attorney's Office did not see a need for that section but having it in the DA
does not preclude a recommendation of approval; and Bobak's concern is
having two (2) sections referring to the waiver limitation of the restrictive
covenants; and that there may be some possibility in the future for conflict
on what each provision meant; therefore suggested Section 3.3 be deleted
but The Irvine Company (TIC) wanted extra protection they thought
Section 3.3 gave them.
Altowaiji Altowaiji asked if the other two (2) commercial centers at the Market Place
were owned by TIC. He questioned Section 2.1 of the DA— "Computation
Minutes—Planning Commission—September 9, 2014—Page 2 of 8
of Maximum Floor Area — Further Development" where it states "No further
EIR, traffic study or similar reports or studies shall be required....."
Reekstin In response to Altowaiji's question, Reekstin stated that TIC does not own
the other two (2) commercial centers.
Thompson Thompson's questions/concerns generally included: He asked Staff to
explain the "notification process"; he requested affirmation that the
Commission's action had to do with what was being presented, "rezoning",
not looking at what was done in the past; he also asked about the 23,000
plus square foot and the past approvals - would a conditional use permit
(CUP) be necessary and an explanation of the process; future approval on
the parking; the intent of the development; and parking.
Binsack Binsack's response to Thompson's questions/concerns generally included:
She referred to Exhibit A of the DA, which identified a 300' radius for public
hearing notification from the property line (i.e. the building footprint is the
property line); clarified to the Commission the entitlement is not a rezone,
but a development agreement and that the Commission would be
recommending an ordinance approval to the City Council; the occupancy
is not changing, most significant would be the transfer of development
rights; depending on the future project and what the request is, will
determine if a CUP, design review, or variance would be needed; Binsack
gave an example that TIC might not be able to develop all 26,000 square
feet in one (1) quadrant of the center, which may not necessarily have the
adequate parking to support the use and/or they might have an impact on
an intersection; and, more than likely the 26,000 square feet would need to
be dispersed throughout the center.
Bobak Bobak's response to the Commission's questions/concerns generally
included: The discussion with City Staff and TIC - a list or an identification
of where they anticipated developing the additional 23,000 square feet,
which TIC could not provide, and is why a process of future approvals was
included in the DA; reserving the City's right to review City approvals
pursuant to whatever the development standards are in place, including
the power of authority to deny the project if there was an adverse effect to
parking or traffic impacts to offset the development plans; the City can
allow the initial review to assess traffic impacts, per CEQA, and if it
showed there was a need for an EIR and TIC decided not to an
environmental analysis, the City could deny them; however, TIC is not
mandated to do an EIR; and the City anticipates development will be
covered under the East Tustin Specific Plan.
Lumbard Lumbard wanted to clarify to the Commission that the DA is an
amendment to the East Tustin Development Agreement and asked Staff
and legal counsel if the DA contained "report requirements" and if
additional reports are required.
Bobak In response to Lumbard's question, Bobak stated additional reports are
required only for the additional square footage.
Minutes—Planning Commission—September 9, 2014—Page 3 of 8
7:28 p.m. Public Hearing opened.
Pirzadeh Peter K. Pirzadeh, representing The Irvine Company, spoke in favor of the
project. He commended Staff for their hard work on the project ("joint effort
between the City and TIC"). His response to Commission's
questions/concerns generally included: Background information on the
closure of the former theater and the proposed plans of the community
center; CEQA analysis - Mr. Pirzadeh stated all required mitigation
measures under the DA were put into place; parking would not be
impacted since the use of the center would be during non-peak hours;
currently no issue with parking at the Market Place; the use of square
footage would be spread throughout the community center; the
architectural review is important to TIC and the integrity of the
neighborhood would be in line with the architecture; and additional square
footage would bring more revenue, more shoppers, and would be an asset
to the City of Tustin.
Altowaiji Altowaiji was concerned with the restriction on the hours of operation and
asked if an analysis was done. He asked if a statement should be added
to the DA, "except for special events approved by the City".
Pirzadeh Mr. Pirzadeh's response to Altowaiji's concern generally included: In
keeping with the impact analysis of the Specific Plan, EIR and outside
mitigations would remain in place; the restriction does not prevent staff
from allowing special use/event permit; and protection of keeping the
potential impacts outside the peak hours would keep the DA and integrity
of the analysis and mitigation measures.
Binsack Binsack clarified to the Commission that the City's desire is to have
ongoing programming for these facilities as we do for other facilities
throughout Tustin (i.e. Columbus Tustin Gymnasium, Senior Center, etc.).
There would not be programming for this facility during the peak hours
unless it was a special event. An environmental analysis was not
conducted; therefore, revising the DA could be problematic.
7:42 p.m. Public Hearing closed.
Lumbard Lumbard reminded the Commission that the City was recommending the
Commission approve the item based on the current contract and legal
counsel's advice.
Thompson Thompson referred the Commission to Resolution No. 4266, Page 2, Item
E with regards to hours of operation in order to not cause traffic and
parking impacts which reinforces why, in the future, an EIR is not needed.
Hesitant about making changes to wording in Section 2.1.
Kozak Kozak had concerns with Section 2.1 and suggested removing "no" and
replacing with "may" to then read "may be required".
Altowaiji Altowaiji requested the Public Hearing be re-opened in order to ask Mr.
Pirzadeh further questions regarding Section 2.1.
Minutes—Planning Commission—September 9, 2014—Page 4 of 8
7:47 p.m. Public Hearing re-opened.
Pirzadeh Mr. Pirzadeh stated that TIC would not accept changes be made to the
DA. TIC is not in a position to renegotiate or modify the DA.
7:49 p.m. Public Hearing closed.
Kozak Kozak requested further comment from Staff and/or legal counsel
reassuring there would be, if necessary, adequate environmental review
for the expansion.
Bobak Bobak stated the DA does not put the City in a position to be forced to
approve a project that the City believes has unmitigated environmental
Binsack Binsack reiterated to the Commission the length of time spent with Staff
and Mr. Pirzadeh regarding Section 2.1. Nothing would preclude the City
from requiring an environmental analysis. Her response to the
Commission's concerns generally included what was previously discussed
by the Commission and Staff. Both the City and TIC have equal
Bobak Bobak requested a sentence be added to Resolution No. 4266 that the
purpose of the hours of operation restriction is to minimize potential
impacts on parking and circulation within the Market Place.
Motion. It was moved by Smith, seconded by Kozak, to adopt Resolution No. 4266,
as amended. Motion carried 5-0.
The Successor Agency is requesting to rezone the subject property
from the current C2 Zoning District to P&I District and establish a
Conditional Use Permit (CUP)for a public park, so as to be consistent
with the existing use of the property as a respite park (Figures 3 and
4). No change to the existing overlay zoning of CR and P is proposed
and no new physical improvement or modification to the property is
APPLICANT: Successor Agency to the Tustin Community
Redevelopment Agency
Attn: Jeffrey C. Parker
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Minutes—Planning Commission—September 9, 2014—Page 5 of 8
OWNER: Successor Agency to the Tustin Community
Redevelopment Agency
Attn: Jeffrey C. Parker
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
LOCATION: 450 EI Camino Real
This project is exempt pursuant to the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15061(b)(3) — the Zone Change will not
have any significant affect to the environment.
That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4265,
recommending that the City Council approve Zone Change (ZC)
2014-002 changing the zoning of an existing vacant land with
respite park from Central Commercial (C2) District to Public and
Institutional (P&I) District and approve CUP 2014-17 for a public
Thompson Thompson recused himself since he owns property in close proximity of
this location.
Hutter Presentation given.
Smith Smith asked Staff to clarify that the residential single-family units near the
park are C2 property zoning and asked if the residents were interested with
the potential uses of the park. He also asked if the action taken would not
restrict future use of the park.
Hutter Hutter stated the residents near the park were interested. Any new changes
or additional expanded uses would have to go through additional City
approval (i.e. possible modified CUP).
Lumbard Lumbard clarified to the Commission that the park would be restricted and
must be a park unless zoning is changed.
8:05 p.m. Public Hearing opened.
Jerry Craig, Economic Development & Housing Manager, expressed a
desire of seeing the respite park be zoned accordingly and also asked the
Commission for support.
8:06 p.m. Public Hearing closed.
Kozak Kozak stated the origin of this project was due to the dissolution of the
Redevelopment Agency and it is consistent with ownership zone change and
Minutes—Planning Commission—September 9, 2014—Page 6 of 8
CUP would achieve zoning and consistency. He also added that it would be
good measure for transparency.
Altowaiji Altowaiji asked if the City had a zone for parks only; questioned why a CUP
is necessary; and, questioned why they cannot be zoned "parks" like other
communities zone them.
Binsack Binsack's response to Altowaiji's questions generally included: The most
typical zone for parks in the City of Tustin is the P&I zone; the developments
in parks vary from park to park and it provides public notification; and in the
future, if the Commission requested to not allow for public notification, the
City could remove CUPS in the parks; however, this would be a policy
Smith Smith stated the City anticipated potential residential uses around Old Town
area, and having park space is important. He had favorable comments for
Staff and the project.
Lumbard Lumbard had concerns with additional use space on what the Commission
would be considering, and wanted to clarify that the recommendation
presented is only rezoning, not to approve a change to what is existing. He
also had favorable comments for Staff and the project.
Hutter Hutter's response to Lumbard's concern was that there would be no physical
change or improvements to the project.
Motion. Item was moved by Smith, seconded by Altowaiji. Motion carried 4-0-1.
Thompson abstained.
Smith No concerns. Smith attended the League of Cities Annual Conference in
Los Angeles.
Lumbard Lumbard informed the Commission Caterina Lunardi's passing, (founder of
Caterina's Club charity) mother of Bruno Serato, chef and owner of the
Anaheim White House.
Kozak Kozak attended the Grand Opening of the Pepper Tree Park Bocci Ball and
mentioned the 9/11 remembrance.
Altowaiji No comments.
Thompson Thompson also mentioned the 9/11 Patriots Day remembrance. He asked
for everyone to drive safely with school being back in session. Thompson
stated Sam Couch III (VP of Entitlements in M.V.) passed away.
Minutes—Planning Commission—September 9, 2014—Page 7 of 8
8:17 p.m. ADJOURNMENT:
The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for
Tuesday, September 23, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber
at 300 Centennial Way.
Closed the meeting in honor of the passing of Caterina Lunardi and
Sam Couch III.
Minutes—Planning Commission—September 9, 2014—Page 8 of 8