HomeMy WebLinkAboutRecognized Obligation Payment Schedule 14-15BRecognized Obligation Payment Schedule IROPS 14 -15B) - Summary Filed for the January 1. 2015 through June 30 2015 Period Name of 3w mossor Agency: Tustin Name of County: Orange Current Pend Requested Funding for Outstanding Debt or Obligatwn Six -Month Total 1.931 340 Enforceable Obligations Funded with Non - Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund ( RPTTF) Funding A Sources (B+C +D); $ 32,144,476 B Bond Proceeds Funding (ROPS Derail) 32.1144:47A C Reserve Balance Funding CROPS Detail Obligation #ayment Schedule for the above named agerKy. D other Funding (BOPS Detail) g 30 12014 E Enforceable Obligations Funded with RPTTF Funding (F+G): f 1,9510349 F NondWminjstrabve Costs (ROPS Detaii) ( 606,349 G Administrative Costs (ROPS Detail) 125,000 H Current Period Enforceable Obligations (A +E): : 34,076,627 Successor Agency Self-Reported Prior Period Adjustment to Current Period RPTTF Reauested Fundin Enforceable Obligations funded wdh RPTTF (E). 1931.349 J Less Prior Period Adjustment (Report of Prior Period Adjustments Column S) : z 4"', K Adjusted Current Period RPTTF Requested Funding (W) $ 1,676,697 County Auditor Controller Reported Prior Period Adjustment to Current Period RPTTF Requested Funding L EnkxwA bla Obligations funded with RPTTF (E) 1.931 340 M Less Prior Period Adjustment (Report of Prior Period Adjustments Column AA) N Adjusted Current Period RPTTF Requested Funding (La01) 1,931,349 Certification of Oversight Board Chairman. D d w f, fL IirS s . DR'VCT ie T L H k 1 it Pursuant to Section 34177 (m) of the Heafth and Safety code, f hereby certify that the above is awe and accurate Recogn¢ed Name Tide Obligation #ayment Schedule for the above named agerKy. rs< g 30 12014 Signature Date D 0 Recognized Oblfgatbn Paynw% Schedule (BOPS 14156) - ROPS Detail January 1, 2015 through June 30, MS (Rtptl Am min HNels Ddm) A B C D E F O H 1 J N L M N O P F ' sours NWPR"*wbpffwn PmWty Tate Treat Fwd RPTTF Rwwsa tmW*WAgmwrmn Cwntr—VAgnwrmn- Thal oummWne tWn r P Nwrw 7 O.he To, E m c w k k m Date Twminatem Dan Aran Debt w R d d good Procoods salwrcr Okt w FwW. Naaald %br AdmA. 11& 4loneh Tot( S 155,227141 IM 174 s s - 6 1.40 ,349 s 125A00 4 34D 1 Tar So,& Dn w 3+12010 tvirms BgrAbdeq via The BwA R Mm M sob cI M 37 035 547 N Fmcd Aom Foes - TA BwW 2010 Fea 17192010 91112639 TIM Bank d Ntw Yt1 MWb n wdrrtnistaawt al bond odd ftss LpaW AN 3.3m N 3300 3 CWMW. g dodewwr M-ices 8 Fen 1!19"!010 9112034 Appbed 8.0 Pn.* ea; CWO"V dsdb services IN Al 4.3so N 3.000 on wb**" lwrttla & AwehMt 2010 Ntusalp barb and wWa4e .canes 7 D"d Ral•d RaMtd Cosh P(apd Mampemwd 77120t4 12/318014 Fornwr erlvMpnt b,Med P•Yrol ter employees f. M Y (.tru+W Set" aM Benedh Cast by M SuoQ.aw Pgeoey drat[ p•1•d oOwMwr: des 4(1264124 by M Suoceasor A4wroyl tw pwlwm Suooeaew J bquaa. wnu.h. The etr4Wrm Agerwy acYnieaa 1w dyed are per rnwtg prgect rebNd acs sees Proton -9W -oh" M -k.- b ~b." AMtd on Pa 410116, Revs om- - Row 445447, A Rom 451163. 4 PER$ esbity (amuaey &*Msdl UhUx ed L.sbatr.s 71172014 15 Cay M TLVAn Empbyees L.Aod by M Srwdssor a N ►d1 Pwbrnn bllra<atlw Aqw�y ao b". The eab:ty if revlawed w.wapy wW may n vme w brrease band on a variety f aeanomie and adrwi i amour Ovd 9 Bww A ndrin Fees Fen 7(12014 Bank el Anrrtra fen Chwptd by bw* 1w Oaneacasrw AN Y 10 Paylrwn n Lim M Tun Ropst Mansgemw4 100111999 Car of Twin Agency mwMwe to awe revW 91 AM N - Fiwd.ra Paints Cent —al I Pey..M n Lieu of Tries P oprs 11w,p --A 411311496 _ City of Tupb1 Agwwy mor4m 19 crews reap of N emanl - Dwdww east —al ee —t Ohara DDAIA7bw Ht& Prop(: MrtapemeA 3712004 t5 Redevdapmmt Agency Mor.brng b ewe M propel N Cost wit Me DO& To M srWR RPITF hxr0s .*,x1 arsk"o m Lod rl Mit a 6mceabN ebepao, Mn ft oba4rbon"be V W WKWed m wKumbrome of Me L.b W. mm HIS& Pramtsary Then Preylq Mwpemw�t W100W WOW15 RMevebpnwd Agwrcy Aowrcy rrwrMmn to emus Me 10 As H Cast m9ordWe honwotutwatW (rah we n conyiw— Wth M Prarnwwy NMes W4 rocwded ANwdebh Nwmq Cwwwrt. In oddbwt. Me Agwlcy prepares wed execums aNtrdoW, b".9 d.amtrb -'aMdable hormrvews retrwnn w ad Moe horrws- To M mam RPTTF ewds we not rn*" b b.d 4.s rrTaroaahle 066.41 . Mn Ste obepat m shop be ow*K*ed an wwar&n MMUAHF. 14 Hwftgt Pate ODA Rgad Mwgwwy 1171002 Ra110v40pnwd Ae•My (ferules to WONew 53 unt N Cow We it M pbwtn •qt slltd.b:ry ,.gwenwnt. To ere o.Wd RPTTF FIS turWS we not ovdahb b IoM tie 4Mwpabla obegadan. Mn M OAV.pon t W be murdered an easy&( of M LAM F, Recognized Obt(gat6m Payment SdmMe (RODS %158) - ROPS DeWI January 1, 2013 though Jute 30, 201 ff Rpwt Am to n YNrole Oman) #. L C 0 # to b H 1 i R L N 4 o r F serr ae Il— Redewbpnwd Propwty Tu Tnrst Fwtd R Mf Reeerw Cow"WAgrewnew Cw*wVAgnwnwd TeW DlrTx mk, tlenr i Name Deft 7 Erucuticn Da" Terenaeatlon Wk ( 1 Area Dab! w Rodmd Bond Pmceede Bab— Odrw Funds NwrAdr m Adman BU4%Nrt r TOW 1 Pkce reap Apr+amenr Proya tatrNgemwrl 4MZ2WT V.WMIS Rederalaprr+wtt Agency r earparrte ww P k +-eb Aperrcy to V. Dm for nreo- roo-n of a rn!(fniy PrgW and ttw AV" mwrsws M krrrw d Yoar ag".wil ("pa 4-11 2033). Ow k." M reeideY recW To IM estwk RPTTF &Ads we not woubN w And 0" enkeeewie DbbpbM. SW M .buss("to cana.dwed w wrowr0ranu W M 1"EONF" td Se+9k ors arw4emM + 11 —ni�ot tt Agency T rrmdwe 6 wrd Ow �. Relretilaewr t 0" Casts %kib-Fem9y Loww between If" IR*dft*IMOW an d Property Cwt of rxw+Wtl 1 rarw 29G." openy ft 1e ti 6,r"ar,.,r Apvw7 - Sa" Lade Sec%m 31117(e) M L.r :iwv Apw4y it rtspw"AA. 6. ierMlr;1 of aaeb wrd properties a swr5 tY 9re OVMfpht Bowd to WYAsio l a of Seman ]• 191 The Suo r Agency wi '.— mri .ssaaaefd wyr M b0orm +d wsaH ffWW % W M 9mited to aaow fas tia cask reo ,*v Iea dW SW eirw assemefed domml; wa Is 01Y9 . ncy ovn enlw ytnuse owi C a+1ar Pkn xywry3 Set -Able End A" kh" &r Ww b stppwt 4-6i Radwrlopnwnt adrvtes E own CeAW dune the period of 6 -ta82 Rp TM Akmbm Refwtdeg Elands dahws d(3n.y 7 1998 12/1/20[ wim Brrk Band OWW b End nonawueYrp owr e3C 3p6 14 roan: yi '9981YaeerC rtw: Belwe IZAT-4c �y- yt, +okl ouktwldferp Belk +rs4arf and artwast 21 eeY fea . TA Bwrd 1996 Fea 1:' 8(2111 _ _ _ ' 211 ' btrlpt ier.va.9m or twW ecMa Town Lents n,xn h ees 1 8(1010 Pnecfcea, :.rf.,..y dwdowna artiage own h' IN* S Aaeadaks IN 1996 bends ?2 Lwrtraci far w.PreMng arr �s Pr jai 1 1 i•� rn1 a a. Inr. +SeygKal wgywYg aaeanwnt at Tmwr Lerkw a 1 Serw.a Stwww a StntcWe 23 a Pwtep Gaspe Ded—b- Cv riapwry Maws n +7'1966 e e n�wru Seumae Cwrdwrwawn a a owr ] i :m 1 1 } tt}t: of wwft OXWkwo Reaxbom end a raalwed b1' M CC6Rs. R. addaon. by d*M Cl we --t.— dHened Raterva0om nwnouw+ca rpr arw .sa be by M qu.7tea1 �deter—d waaamwrt The oasts 1lw4rwwi+g aucc*ed ae9r orrpaq rnaakerrana OW dekmd m hknance reps are eatntaks Recognized Obligabon Paymerd Sctmdule CROPS 14.158) - ROPS Detail January 1, 2015 tNwgh Jmle W. 2015 iReport Amoanb in ydnole Oabual A 0 C B E F O H 1 i K L M N O P Fund' 3- NonAWewlop.m. PropwtyT"Tnm Fund RPM Raaawa CmdracUAgrenrma Co dnecVAgrrtrrr 1 Tool Owdndn none P Harrel W!A Ob4abm Type EAacrliun Ogee Tennant — O.ee Soope PTQjPcf Arc Oebl or Retired Band Proceeds Balsa Oew( Funds Nc"d rd r AAWn Sl.d/mrar Tow 24 Ambroea Lw**km T.a Repo maser enl L17rAw 15 Reeevk%~ Agency Agency rnanam b ensure Le 5 To— Cents N Hwrwbww Coen reedaav horaawnwaly na4 we n ", punce veer Sw Rmaasary Clow and recorded AAOd.M. Mowing Cawrwna. In adman, rie Agency weparea end oeaAer .f wdrblr tnous"g doournwde rdwn aflordeae rnonwoe.nwa raenanoe or see rinse rwrrwe. To Ow Went RPFTF hrm we not mane to bed sit erdwoabh voiigafion. t,en M .bbgabon shah be o wMoed an SWArkprance of ft t MHF. Fait Ten. Hun.br yw p oomary PlP Usma, rN Sr172abg 6rima Redwebprnwd Agency Ago" info to enswe Ow 1 Let Town Under H NOW Co.h Inte heme buyer um d n co"&e nce afer the PrWMWY Nate end an AKardaMe Hawng CownwrL In addeon, ew Agency Prepane and =60,* s aAwdmk housing doc —wrrto when the aKwdrb4 1larneounw re arances wash weir horn. To On extent RPTTF bonds we naL avabable w Mnd Na &".eade obbg+bm. In— M obbgrew, atwa be wandered r1 wneanbrrra of ere LM*IF. 26 M.sora OOA Repel Mwgement 1 W I v2m 600M Red -dog ent Agency MMUMM to ewe dwebpef w n Town Cents N Cosh unPlence .AM canadral 27 Old 1q Pear ReW Rehab DOA Rep McMgameR 91 WMI RedwaWWR Agency MonAreg b ewe dwaepw a n Tenn Centu N Cah conrL roe WM meaca+a 2e Aorta Lef yelw 0011 Rap mwwge."A ?Jvt %5 ermm Redevolagnmd Agency Manta" bo iwF . d.vdopw w n Taws Certr N Caen cwrpleme vAM canasc" 2g Ford CommerOsf Rehab OOA RqW Mwwp w o Sr13f199e Red.rdrpmwd Agency Yeranirp n eraw drvacpw w e Tarn Cade( N Coos ow phnce with carpatera 30 i&eao C*raer DOA P Oym anew, wd 111111024 WOM Red.viopment Agency Meridarg b anew Nipper w in Tcn n C r*w N Can owrpbonre and, eoribaenrl 71 Thonpwn &ddng OPA A.l.d Mwwgemwy 6WI "4 Wardels Redwaoprrwe Agency Mwmng to .we devac m w n Ten Carew N Cosa wnpSww repo caeaduA ERA 0epoed Prol•d Managemed Cosh W27rAll Worn 15 Cenwa Males RanO~rwo o1 r.00d Fws, Deport Ten Cen w N PoMd PMtc Ag'eenwnts (17) Poled Mwngwrwd 612MM 1 GrjwNI5 Redwelopmod Agency Manromg b ewe ae,renaan 17 Teen Carder N Cora ageMMne we n wrpbe,ae ale, wIbl4Alil w P -W-ld Wage MA Aged MerMgemarl 120+4 15 RrAwOo mwd Agency Menmag 1. n . dwdopn w n Ten Ceres N Cam W ponce von carwaclra bigabons- Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROP514.1 OBI - RODS Detall January 1, 2016 Wough June 30, 2011 tRoW Amur b in MA1ola Doem A t G 4 0 P 0 N f J ft 4 Y N L 4 a F Saurp Non4ts"Wekopm Propeny Ts Trust Fund r—ep RPM Iben / Name De61 T Curb.wlAgrewrwrlt F.newrtloar Bane CcntrwVftrsOrrlanl Twm 20" Doe P G.. V M. Aw TOW OuhtaMYp Ow w Rdind Sbnskorrlh TaW Bern P..." ReaOrr. Bab— OOrsr Feeds NomAdmin A8rW1 3 stone d Redevekapment Preyed Learu w B.for! 827711 3 O ustn lAarr .2 1991 was.araay "Wnsled m be n enr µ - 3.500.000 bi the Newport Avenue .lempn {Newport underymJ to draper Aveorle Ths ntbOCt rs1.4 .5`%Awn ee Ceyh everape yield on Mrnwib. RepOyment of /1e loam is .e on "4­ded Phase 1 work kwovemwd Proww .COP 090 mwhsa been amotleed on N.wpwt A.~EA -Axn R55 r� Band RwW Reeonfywaaw overt The Phase I pOlew beaasr n 1993 end was Compf.W n ldwch 10. Phsse 1 (Op, 70130) —ram or. Mw Wed aO prenws FOPS a HOPS. That is no d.$.spcn of obs9abens. P= 2 work (GP 70131 i Cenarab of wrlbacls ksbd bsfow m Rows 042-047 and Mse corlhacea have nw bew double eeumed'n Fhase 1. Ponumd b Union 1 Pubk irprov .wo %1lo.k at M praW Worts caner M Sucre Apeney shoo Pay M Ody when prajecu srt conpleted aM In s.rrw.rual srstaa wds l➢w Secaw 2 Paymenl by Agemy of the n0. Ttn , erwsry wi rlfed ritual a ft yny.laemFw Pay1yn MMb r.rq r.,.arrrrowr of M OvwsgpM Bmd of acLud xlaaaaed dosb of me A 0 w rrww Coady 99abr Onvict WOW—" vM1985 ft. Cowdy WAN Oiarlet Ta e apslmem (pe m 1291 .di M A/eney Appir� of SKO Cwraal .l Son n 33401 Par—,,t kMONal W..-me w auaaonabia bscauu of ..� ven AB1x 2/ 3z : o� i +psn Ura/ed SUreal I.Nda.1 Surd CwntY wfflo,w,chjm el IAldbsta161q Wtn Tuaa1 W bod Strwd Dakxt kafcdarrols 9lt;It9e5 Tsa thw! pwrrM pr1 TM WewrwA prwAes %M .ti' SecWn 33{01 P.rrAK &111 U51 wtw t" "" ps"wo wovid aeb M Apenq hn *.PwHW S10 eriorr dwws for ooraRKboo of warn M Sato CerrrY Area &A " .*td bona Oerb 1na.bt.prers M sudl as prwned in M elm.,t The A"" ha. ew M YrdehNdr.a .aowNd Warm. 1993 PWLC ~" A W*wowd IsrW. w e rwdL ve mbo ha been no made to dMf. i�I Recognized Oltligatbn Payne Schedule (ROPE 14160) - ROPS Detail January 1, 2013 through June 30, 2416 (Rgwn Ar is M Whet Dohn) A B C D E F O H I J K L M N O P FwWir Soarer Nan4RWSwbp own Pn pwty Tax Tnmt Fund RPM Raaarw ConbacdA9raarmrrl Cwm.c OAermmmd Tots Owtstwdmg flrrrr / Name r Oa1A T 1"cuum Wee Twmiwom alto Ana CoM a Rotirrd G&W Prred. It . Ofhw Funds Nar Ad k. Adrdin Blxdlanlh Tod 38 M.n —Ju.al Llrrd.abndry AM Lbmfi .arw 911311965 15 Saiisbot* Cammudy Tax shoo aprawrr.Mpe -t21t0 wM Sall Central N SaddleDadr Commonly cosw Datid . The agnmwd pravWes tld 060ki (secom 33101 Payrr. t astan tax dwW payment woM 911311985) oow ~ M. AgwKy has e,Vw ckd ti 0 mien adom for a.A&uom Of ft"6n worm M So th CentM Affmdm.M Area uW or reed bwA w a" mdsbW,m 1a such owretw.6oa ae pro-wd n tw AQeemw& The Aeenry has rot relirM M irrdebe.dna anedaeod v#A Me 1993 P bk Worlt Agwn ork and, as a rout Mwe have been m payrrr.4 ora& to dog. It Nrwgal AvJSR55 NB" Rofv w w I I2sfmo 61MMIS P.orrws &Vngw g ii-pptrp and wvey sarvrns Salr CwrtM Y aagn Servioea lyrq.t A.JWM NO Rwrp P- hamonY 126MIC WOM15 AndrseWwna Rogram -- roamed service. Salr Cw&w Y ftewdwffvban sewn tl WwCo tAv. Eatwtaan M-0 Etnper Rehsawnd Bovine 222010 15 Doaaen Erg..*" Fa1M aepr fervkes Sum Cwltal Y 42 Nrmr tAv. Extrwon, WO Edrqw ProtnienM S.rw 1011x/010 v3wols mm* LwKwnwq drwpr rrrvan Seutr C ntM Y 43 NrogWd A.. E>lv w . WO Edrrpw Retawo W 121187007 6W2015 a1ala.lrtrmv w* dry lAAly dngn and caadnaaon BouM CwrtW Y 44 Nrrgvl Ave Eat. WO E& go A oft anaf S.vkes Irm"10 lii13G7015 0-0 Ro¢arn mampemw semns Sorer c4r" Y 45 CBS Outflow Bfpo.d Robed t4wtsyea." 12119'1991 15 Roft.WWrwd Apwrcf WMw.g W a.wo tcerrree a n souM Co"If N Cast oonpaarrc. wM owreacLM 46 Trrun &r FlfWM try Nett .W Rged Mor".mww 1/111996 613w "is edrvelo~ A9w+cy nwr*m to erwue N. abaeerr salr Cwnd N flaran9 Cewnams Coln 18 aftraabN twmeowwImpuntwe n co"WL w v+Mr on P orramy Nrlw wW reoadod AllwdMe Ilowtp Covenant. In .adtan.9,. preprn and exedaas .aw�e1. I m.N dKu.—ft Wren rd.tl461r homwwrrws nln or sd Mt hw . To Te wawR RPTTF tnw we nd wdaMt to MW on .Mwe owe obb9 am , Men Me abapaon slyd b. wrw4.ed an wrnwdanu of Me UANF. 0 Tutu Grow AllwdW* Ho—V RqM M&rw—M 12f27n995 s Redrvelopnw t Ayenry MorAwOrp 1. emu. t,. paled Soulh Cwrtal N ODA Caw nmpfw .0191 DDA- To Me trmm RPTTF fiWt re of wd.Wo to lrrd Iwo .dwwbi. obOpftn. M.r W4 ob6petal Ad be wrwauea an ena.rtnrw. of M. LIME. 48 lax Mocobwl aorldr -MC 9 Donor,awra Onor 1/11/2010 w1rm0 B.WK6 n—TM Ban of BorWg lo /WW rwWwmV MCAS Tusin 3 N 36 36 Tww, Swan 2019 Bolor. 124tolQ New Yen Me&. prggcts. TMW gutlwldry dMA and:rtr.*L 49 F.nl AOwd Fern -TA eaW 2010 FM 972010 9112W o TM Bwrn.1 rlew Yon hldorr .dnwsFlM.n of b.,W O."s MCA8 TusW N 50 Cgnitnrwp d mimme earring J. Fees 972010 9112040 Bed P-0m; Conftw rp d ewwe Dan wo for MCA$ Turin N 000 000 arbla0a tor-Ac" & A.Toogn a 2010 WAS barrio a wbapo Recognized Obligation Payroetd Schedule (ROPE 14168) - ROPS Detail January 1, 20151hrough June 30, 2016 A 1 4 R L 40 fk o P F Souna No"od*wlepra,l Propony Tu -mat Fund h *a'fT► CwbuWAarerlrnl ConbaafAp I Total pu UndWq Rasrra hsnr I Name r Dabs T ExsouGwn Gus Te - matiw, Ogre PPOIN Anr petit a Retired OwW Proewds Ba4nes pear Fonda NervAdmin AdmYl Ehalarrh Tod sale a`l1SM1 and e` a•iwrrK t3l�o02 41 edarslpr Ayanry t m45. Oeu lunn M City of Twan Ir Perdoa d the M..,r,,.cr E— onnwdal RerKdwI —. wW Real LMe,e Cwpa A* Ststien EaHtc oblpaew` of Cdy req,wed by t1Wn RaK1' en Leese aAn LnW cor.*ywwt of popertis. nes Kwas bum ,ry,yt,we and d'spsaal. PepeeM r.,v"a —e wW remeOffban- Dead wyad relmad cumv costs o* nth steel meneelmerd 1 lw„14paa1 wrier h* LFM we Wed n Rs,e 87 CwOagwl sepsr`s 00545 15,.11 ohr espor`Of . under he LIFOC semsM NI be as hey we exssred and a requet»d by M Oepwonwd Wr+y I tae rW the try W'usta, Mr Pwcd 22 lfkavderw,ce lu2cad +yf aAgwwy Prowry Maneg".wc martrmot VICM Tustin N -- *ffx Farmw Mrs,* Corps Ae S45bw1 En onsranhl Re od*6m. and Real EauM ohf0aewq of Cy regwed by Too* LL, Lane sits uY ouweyance PrWord" This noW "aau s,r.agsew and dkfwsel, prepwry ndnq}„dax wWreme65tiw Direct preyed reM1, shR g cotta" asapuM.0 asst aawag rd end dnPmW uMr M LIFOC we Wedln ROr/1 ConbacVY respane Dom for al ohw rapor`rbrfies inch, ft UFOC eM es be as hey we n ed rW a regwebd by M begwbnerf M t 0 Ns y R q� eb MCAS TwM +c {EOC{ Apopoon 4 M of pop "HN wr ►tams Carps K Stsbm MCAS1 I fw Rww Mon wfofdrd n 2002 TN% Tustin a Arnertded aduda a et m8rrepumd old Osr•K proPerfy I-I fiord and Area prejad reM W S ooab moclated nlft suet rrwrepamwd and dnPael urWU Uaa .4G ws esstAin Rowa7. CantsctiW raper`* o"" ter as rape,gOiees wKW he El K. eerrwK wa be a hey re nwred a eq,rsthd by he Dopmrn wd , Nar!' 0 Sweieea # sd In map te`x`ts - o rF*n4+e,.nal sae S ^`2010 xrr s M`eaa WvWwfttm Pion rd SlruM wavy I nypw WAS Tulin ustin lit ++r rf 25.rr'4 9174 e :a a 4 }6,Cantiael far Rnrliel An*w, V3&2c 15 3..m Tawag 5 adri5ayflfaSoa aaoae45d WA-, Wan S n--'' 3-ft Servwee detrnwrg dYgrb,rfert of 1 aasesamwys wreoaN*d II* i � a,aW nlrsaucerrs caw Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS %155) - ROPS Detail January 1., 2013 through June 30, 2015 (Rgmo Amown in Whob Dolws) A a C C E F 11 1 A 14 t. M it rl P F - aeary Non- RWewiepmKq Prpyrly Iran Trust Fund RPT7F Radarw Canb. NAgr- -d Cenbad lAgreenreal Tens tl.rrr f P mum. Debt T E.re�rrim Dau Twmk --"on Dow Arm Dabs a R.W.d Bend Preeeda Balance d..r Fads floe- Aenlbr Admix E&dlefah Tow 1a Gafa.wy Proh,.m -A %WNI0� W701 a at Iy MCASTmb, Y plan 6 lwrdawpa.apoemrwda sw— deayr of brrddelge MkaMrr.oua tLE204a__ k t�;p1 ! t -� x : e15 �n.yo. p aqn ea0aaa MCAB Tugn Y b Propo mmwpmerd VYra� 10 monrlrs racapt o1 paymwd n SuW 4r�ge.mwd 6 Dedw~ of Cosh of Iara ae rrW as develo s Res .. Corm ft and 1&*PNrrwny arrifarwa wlh rarbacid sr.w RawAdwy sawdaGe hou*v oefpaean rah,bd .t n 137 alfmi" urns •rerun fie Project Tofre a wK RPTTF ialdf are ..t.v.bbla Io ind f,k enlwee" ow9men. Iran M af be Qw". wad an ad fw Emram+emm 5erMn. ! e - u "�' a :" = IS Peak Sh,h,e wen ead unto — Servio" ding 6 Sewm Drat be w.wrdsd b owry4h PT . ROt0 of T oW Twh,r Y " a Siwra Drdn y be wrrr.*d t w of • bandraYYd 66 Conrad W Coratudio. rrP SUMI 70711 raped bon mrlpemnd win -- mwk uarro Ranch Reid 1 .rd of Conrad lor Er,*Qnrn0rW- Swvkat Pr.Newmaf Services 11 1 W paavr.r CwwAnq R"O" Agwuy --A" MCAS Tuabr N hawse ed Aorrd lw Adran LO-r91 MOVIM Iwrded by ere AAr:.siape fidget I.r e^P"rinK lwNA*w 4 0, i 725.0f4 175. Rwmbamamwd of Coal and Suuemear AQWKY t1d A 40 swwoas needed for CdyrA6rd1 AQMKy OPW90 rm Learn Suoa.tor Apwwy 3W sdrrw.re.eve opwabor . — Faber* a the SNCdy WwMV b WNrL s as needed iw Board of V. Slrouaer Cilmnia HSC Sasben 34177 (p ieet ad a.W4 fve AW" to ft Twee CoomwAy Air as wd as Red.r.bp va d Aq--y Appra.sd 0- x "d wd low Wrr.cfafw b dp.t m Mwd11± .. 2012 and M Suoaww Apmcy Agnwy Reeokilm sdopmed :ir asor He 1244 v March 20.2012 AMmi rq ew Adni.teaWe Budget wrd approved 0re'Aaoamw4 for Raff6 mement M Cab and C*yPaaar Ag--y CParaa"a Lean- Tin rnow.4 *xwmt wnuaay. The Adrrwnlimb- Budget .� celaAmd n ec c-Once ve r,� Ha.In and S." Code Secbm 31171(6... 3% of fro Property Ea. .&—bd 'or. Sinew A@--V . FY 2011 -2012. e y :;,V i o .eb1 .umbra FrrlbYfSlnleM eiCat3.Id 7 erernerrb Protect 'rAOnnS..." Oprabone Loam era SArC4 pyrsW ml q6 115ts.c`mxtla .�. _ _ `' .rr Gash, Pro7t7Mw*Vw wd 1: x%201% '.4-l}'s Payral ON "Vwj es iACA18 TuNrr 'S3 M 1.0 MCAS TWO, Tea Cosh, prapd -bbd - Bond Coven.nfed prcpch, aawr Bends. San" 2010 adobes it Ow MCAS Owkwinp Salary and Beneefa 01 Twin Ism Aleestom bend Orlpnft- Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule DROPS 14 -1501 • ROPS Oetail January 1, 2016 through June 30, 201 'Repot A„w,4 he Nawb Dog=! A it G D E F $ N l ] R L ■ M f2 r F Sea,v U004t.".d. nrerlt PVOPWty Tu Trop FwW RPTTF ConhacUAE�rrr Corw-WA91—neat Tow 0u4bndiq Reaarse 14ma F14„a. DeW T Enoeuaw, Om Twrrineion Dab {oet[ ico Anse D*IAw R.Hmd Bend P,eoaads Bahmee Oeisr funds ebnwleambi AdImb abraldrrN Tool r dabla ,M'9 tY o wxl2wm „er e! aemeioi between d,e dry and a M .e,,,rd snd FastAmerodnerlf Tln o Befwe 827 +1I Aamry IN the preppie of mr,6 mm rn Ciry and Agency a City Iv aas>a0np 91e Apmcy n cmHn9 cut na aBordabfe hwwp obipe7orn at Tustin Field I a H. 72 U&M u Loar4 172531 w ruot. Projed P,apoeet lose. A mMa a m On o Bella 627;1 l ton Appwm:k D of the fnafi RN Yw W*bme.ftilon P1w, off* Swil Car**Tawa Carx4 Profed IS adaPled on Oebbw 5 2010 Con6rkwdion of Lose b Apanry m Apaemard adopted by m $ep4mbo 7 2010 The smawe rres w neay bared b tw Ao—v m Septa." 2 2008 Pd. to die AV" w @ lw N" a needed by Prged ern. 1/a„an9 Tm Aaeestoe Baum L." i 1 Aaorrxy seraecn for bor,o- � ,tae• r{ 831' Sadea 2010 - Le9d Serwicea Swadb, 8 Srwl (axkwkv eel acBi9ea,deeetetl nRow n Yana Carbon d Paea,, Remy. Thamaa, Moose 8 Mwdey Vlratars 6 Cs�yr,R jft Amum. wm Gcldu+w9, S O*w LLP Cappello; +rod LLP wW Nutak Roll 74 Ckm DD)VArbw Walk Legal Lepd 7 If2014 . V0 -*vR. w,¢ -"--1k servseea N e Sanit»a Spradin & Snd t M aL anbre"ble ahap bm 60.6m, ' it Run9t211 aerl Apri'F'„e" .a'9d 771!2018 - Aftmey vftwnw wwaepecfe ksm aen,<ef Lapell Services Spradn a Srnmt at d. wftcu bb abligot n ocaw tim 7.049 ,driiad it Rnas a1 & 1$ 0—MI ' a" call army m 771 1e A=m ey-VNbo" prqed4pecdc Isow t;=w m SU'A s Laa,a - ,. noel SpraQn a SmrC eq ai ulloaab4 abbpaim scwfues ,dmdAW in Roe n6 ewe Morap 0.tdt I—INIe MmwV- wWn*w own .. DIA U - 2 .. 2,386 Plsr, - Lapel $w^4m Spr6 n a„ & Srwt. AL ardmmn b o ftsoon ec Ab" ,dnlHed n Row 118 ra 2.100 70 as Aaaubv, R MeN44 Cty ftomey- wwom iar bond- Town Canter 1998 awe, Cmw'. - t Sarv,ae .3, r Sii el 1 rdaned o*A%o idnited in Row 119 erer,t Garapa L 1 nos F a Ater y . cwp.an}!ne safwKas r;MM= ' aMn of Corenanis. WNW S Smart. at 41, cre64 oM,pabm acWAes Res&.Mo a and Aamnay- Werited in Rows 922 23 4 Mos rA w .. eta nY Le;u 5 !II la • Les, Swwkes a■n L Smart et aL -, "aw obvoabm acwmes in P� 92445 al Grewa "Lapel Serw,as Legal Ol v1 4 i „Rr AMCaf" n So,rF Pi SWadan 6 &mM at aL enfoaubb bbipabm Koff" _ u Rows 94&47 43 ax AffiDeftm Bode -MCAS Les" r: :rile xro15 CAy Aaoney o1.co.y.ck bpdsevbc" bond• OEM Tusm SU r 25 uc 25 OOC Sere 2910 - L Swwxea fwmI6, 6 8mwt at el ,a.4a aetdtu Wer,ife9 n Rpr/ 49 - un" cell retie H ' of Tulin br Poraoris olt of 9611 & SmrL at "L anlauaMa oblpaam acbrrus amrr ma-w Corps M Stripe alel,afed n Row 951 usbi- Saiwiaa _ Recognized ObUgat{on #ayment Sdwdule (ROPE U -156) - ROPS DeW — January 1, 2015 Hugh June 30, 2016 (Report Arnanb h Wink Doaas) { t 4: 9 [ # d it 1 It it 1 It H 9 M tarn / P f Nrrr OeM o 7 CartracVAprernrd Eoearaon Do* CentraetiAynrrwnt Tanrwdon DOW 17t a ' e 5a Aer Told Orbbwm DWA r Retired F aaulce 04ca1w�lh Total NwAt"*wbpmwM Property Tax Tout Fwd RPM Bond Pwaada Rasrve Eu*— 011 r Funds Non�ABcdn AMWi re haven and 4n Cdy o1 Tuacn b1 Parce122 of the armor Mam,e Ae S1abm 1 '201a adln 6 smmr, et aE prge [xv7ce[ enlatce" ohlglu4 acbxmea ,a<+w d n Rae /52 uWn a Conveyance (FOCI Appis:a/m la Herne Cage A"r Subm INCAS) Twd'n d An,mded L Savnees Lepi 7.712014 wx l Sprain a smut r aL Pcyp.tpr v. tar enlrwaoN OW93ban aMobes Mod n Ran 853 MCAS Tusan nr w e0, 491300 i 8 Oetlaradan M R.1b.2ve Cawnr,b and Sup4bmrlbl RevAomy .. 1 $aYlOee .:1'N i uvx I {v Aeaey W—&O. Saradr, a Smal M W. qwY ft*& s n fo faoaHe otlipeam aGNEes in Ronae3 MS Tun N 5m 2,1& emsnt and Afford" Haus4np Sery ees I OVW, c 14 Coy M= ry uin 8 Smart, et a. secvnce[ta toruat/e e6hpuan ecari5ea in Row $21 >9 Ad— Coat 311/2007 .?:}' 0 l.rMSn SWwe SC ,p Lease Aor41x ibL p Fney 134- Cap 07m1 1a z4 --:1l mmmv yfurtto 14 houiiq 0&-. trawe cent W One Tustin Hoi" vRwh essumadlM hoes" a1 me farl.r Tupr< Ce..Wdy N - stSW Progeds F.Pwde +e wm,xn a $dare 1213WO Jr a useat Ensure sad Proceeds corbbterll tMh as barb covenanh ens Y , Gy bees negotiated ere Wanda of awnnt and 11dwe excess bond proceeds by dN Sucossw Ago" to M City, horny 1.2015 The Ovaughl Bard .P.. er A¢ «mad n Am 2014 ad Os ReseMnon No 14-14 Mee sppoved by IM Dwwbnad of Fiume on Auq,et 5.2014. W..tt Twdn _2 A-.7t 51 ll utr'.S.' 4 N N N N t01 to s -- 104 1 t1 N 114 Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS 14 -15B) - Report of Cash Balances (Reoon Amounts in MwAa rWdL&ml Pursuant to Health and Safety Code lectiu n 34177 (-}. Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund { RPTTF) maybe listed as a source of payment on the ROPS, but only to the extent no other funding source is availa or when payment from property tax revenues is required by an enforceable obligation For tips on how to complete the Report of Cash Balances Form, see jUos Jjfad_dof.ci.emv sa{ndf }Cash Balance 4encv Tics Shret o ff. A to C D E F {# H 1 Fund Sources Bond Proceeds Reserve Balance Other P' Prior ROPS Prior ROPS period balances RPTTF Bonds rssued Bonds Issued and DDR RPTTF distributed as Rent, None on or before on or after balances reserve for Grants, Cash Balance Information by ROPS Period 11/31110 01101 -11 retained future period (s) Interest Etc. I Comments ROPS 13.148 Actual$ 401101114 - 08/30114 •. Beginning Available Cash Balance (Actual 01101111) 5.199 1 V! :: q 1 .450 2 RevenueAncoma (Actual 00!301141 RPTTF amounts should be to the ROPS 13148 distribution horn the Column C _ interest on bond proceeds; Column County Auditor - Controller during January 2014 G - Interest and rental income. Column H • Tax 100.428 11 599 5,408,687 payments received 3 Expenditures for ROPS 13-148 Enforceable Obligations (Actual 06130114) RPTTF amounts, H3 plus H4 should equal lolal reported actual expenditures in the Report of PPA, Columns L and Q 4 Retention of Available Cash Balance {Actual 081]0114) RPTTF amount retained should only include the amounts distributed for debt service reserves) approved in ROPS 13.148 8 ROPS 13 -148 RPTTF Prior Period Adjustment RPTTF amount should tie to the seB- reported ROPS 13-14B PPA in the No entry required Report of PPA, Column S 6 Ending Actual Available Cash Balama CtoG- (1 +2- 3- 4),H- (1 +2- 3 -4 -5) 32102048 1 122278 5386190 ROPS 14-15A Estimate 07101114 • 12/31114 7 Beginning Available Cash Balance (Actual 07101114) (C, D,E,G= 4 +6,F= H4 +F4 +F6, and H =6 +6) ..2,-' 122 27a 5,A37,442 8 RevenueAncome (Estimate 12131114) RPTTF amounts should tie to the ROPS 14-ISA distribution from the County Auditor - Controller during June 2014 9 Expenditures for ROPS 14.15A Enforceable Obligations (Estimate 12131M4) 10 Retention of Available Cash Balance {Estimate 12131114) RPTTF amount retained should only include Me amount distributed for debt service reserve{$) approved in ROPS 14-15A 11 Ending Estimated Available Cash Balance (7 + 8 - 9 40) 32,102,048 12x 278 5,437M2 11F1/Y iulaa.r Aq—y tip hiWA t,.MF. M-1! ow i•b•14 7 Cw►.Y b.nYr pmp" —s 4 b, MWpIN OI.MM MIYMb 0.6.*1 ad y * M 1 n aM Fbq n.Irin 11 n OITLM. OOVr60�N4� —le, w1.�Fa+y- t�� u.1s 'f iiw.e Tn��..:,.u. ii T..eE.1+lr n.s�1e. are �aN4�Mi." -� Ti tiW 4 CMA.kIy Ntl....{ I.=,R a �a Aibls�'Li:FYll lin. tla, Fwr,:....wW Its rtev«led 1a t1. RoPS 13.116 (�..taT 2011 0...gh b— ]a. 2014) Paid Kua M to Hach WW SI" co* (Hsc) "dm x1 ai i•) 1 lid � �� �.•.•l �'a3� ��>,�IYY�� hq�YYr �s� 1 Rawp kzod Obbpatbon Paynrnt Sdwduk (BOPS 14-1 W . Repot al pow Period Ad)uaf1W1R Repwl*d tar ►n ROPE 13-148 (3aravy 1 2014 hough Am 30.2014) Pawd Rn ant to IMalth and Safety Coda (kM) R~ 34166 (a) (Repot M>anfs n Vdleld Oo6eri) MM 1L10 allmalw A"" FW 74f440 - PON P4dN AdAlwr "ALPaawlw4 b 1150 Sa6en 34la1 b S.Aa N 1pwIN b Hype W wRlrarpa►wyanpaY afwl d.aMeM N`69 one Me a6ad upwmaaa lw M ROVE 711x! f T ttienyl Aar da+4t Panaa. TM anae! w Rabwbpiwre Piaynll Two TryR fwf S�TTP) aSpmN d des at561wrawry A' pwNDeM 5l'1 wFrpw BOPS Ill! P1 nMSC Sl NI!! lalww moon" M On OMC w Sb b tlq M +�—RaSw fJCI dIw M SM ■ CaweM. C 6 r I O 11 F a w L v Ir O P o R * T Nw4WTTF Exvwdkwm RPTTF Expondmor e Bead plow Raaarw B k— C a Fodt 11an 4daw1 Ada and M.A. MA uk .lad tbad r Ofsal ROTS 11.10 ma" d RPrrn B—d PYa1ec1 Rf1R' Owl Ob"MoA A.owlyd Acres _ Ataw - Ataw 6 - AIW4N w i 1.T24f0 arawal M1TF 1Rava,r,b awewd•MMew awrab p 0„ln4) Rw teea.rd Aabd t Aafwa 1aw1 Dula 4rwr pfRbboaf.wL dMwR b -I* Awwwr WrTF ROPE,s,4a IsYlaba•reMr e•aawAl w M r RwL —N Aafwnd r AaYw OIRa1w11ta fetaw.d" .—ft low wa-ktcl bd s1MU1ca b awN 11w dlrral,ta P1.q fA Oawwlea S IM7'.D f ae770 E 3 f - 7 12149t7 7 1,724,00 3 t.f72,g7 L 72.452 L 12S.010 1 12SWO S 125410a S rZSOM 3 72452 1 A Comm d'a'•Fa WW1 daa0a V% w Dom 3Na1 Paw[ v2mapt I I 3T wawweadlai0� awl Tom *It" ON" }la}, 3W F., -[ 1f14pi �. NR twwdRco mMoo- oaexlt6.R.ln a.01..r,yr4 an3nwr4 . - s Aaalwl la+oASd+i- IY.p Rw1R�+ Raiw1 /W E Iw M. e 41 ' 42 u Reapwlb IjawRbR— b. 11a+al A: Etlpbi M. -- -- K MwgwlM 1 M, Y and AI61btl1 a1M AbaWl me" r Waa m 11] Maata /1410] a0a 912 A ewr 3f1a ' °' sa 04ro+w4 darwwaa a aMafa L44da M1aMnd1r 1liA M CLT wT1Alb tr Mr ►wlalr COR4 AY 51arn . rx x0 t 1 - .... 1 L4aaa Oalww,�a 1lE11 MOITwT f'wRfr 21w0wo- C." M See. elan i FT F I m 0 Race Ind Oblgatbn Pap w, 8chodula (ROP614.1=B • Report of Pdw Period Adjuainanlr Rep0rled l9r fN ROPS 11146 (Jaraw7 I - 2014 hough Juno 30, 2014) Pe iDd Purvuwt t0 H,40 and Sefeq Code (HSC) aecbon 34106 (a) (Revolt Mw ft h V*wla DA"I liliBFmsw a�[TIW IRPffPRrlre Prlw PAM A,airaali p'YA }WW�1b IWD SacfonS11a5Ia7.5a<a . n lfpiMbrpwl TffYnnwr arr•afAaw .ara.arr4. luidlq MawY acir frpw+fan brN ROOT I11rb;J�R�r7 afKW Am2tll 1pe TTia *IRaeRnbPieM1 RloprATaf Tn gw* r proTTF7faPe..ewM :IFlL /L1361+•.era • An ?0137 arrlf4 we a Mew CY ti SA'e "rfp0.lr'r ROF3I}I me Yb w+ae a4Vrrwl NSG 8asean 7417 1W b. Ieecefi 6b an aliq b auel by ee mlwl wYbr -mrtarl MACl rfr Slab CdiaaM .... -- 4 F k�.. R a n I t + a L Y i o ■ fft� NOUAP7TF EXW4NWw RPTTF ESaaaNMes 11r M No,.Admm W A4ur IPA lAarr uW r Doe Aoaa,v +w ""_'PUSef4 Mfrw aWUre DarrFr6 rl - AeiAb R""W"R►TM A+eeitlf Arirb DW- RP7-t pP1'rF *1erilavr (ROO§ 1}1L0 D 1RO0 1y f4F1Af M1d s+aaie`Nr RalnN PRbh— III rL dMlwd , .r Mrl Lf..xM MRIMIM.Ow r.1.1 A —I De1A ewbtlr -M AN dr Rn aRSean b - -o" re 91 AMarbM . "W flwewpr b bit Dabr�we b—f 04'440''4 babarlr ASV 1 $0679 AWR 1 - but i AWrbae s Aerli 1 . -. A w..t 4 1 $720016 Olnn4l .414.•7 Area" Acgrl nrN 01nnp A. Adw awq PI`RV eA Cawwure 1 tit. 1 1 T34147 s 1.871.406 1 6z452 _aMMIbM 1 123.00 125000 s 12LM 5 125 000 s s gt c+uwranf l MI MA Ar 111490 ON-", *IAP, M AITerM0 Cefeed b DwWPiw9 lerAM 0Me►d aw 50 0w~ br Pbrr v S."m w lantna AM 43M LlW 1,71D ',710 1A� PIb1 a RrdKeFf 1000 wd" I e00 1000 900 700 700 a DedrNfn ta.blrr r slyp.a+atu ItplMrr do — - — cftl M p�MM1AarAC7 Lfan af7.ran tut 1.eaw n -25 Doh la 990 Y APM b1 wuir�u f,Cb tl11A� AV--v I Ilan aweefn kA'01 gar b 10C 9e 4040' _ _ _ ' prvnlaewblieui aeedrer40�reCwi Tes ObaWR sr+.. moo Iabri r w i 12 T91 e.37e - 1 Arltr 1bia1� APeese ' - a RomVkvd Ob4atlon Pallnallt SCAWuN(ROPE 14166 -Rpat M Pdw Pried AdpsY.lsrlts ��•�• Repv" for A. ROPS 13-M (Januwy 1 2011 weupl J+ 70 2014) Parod PuraDSntto H mW and Be" Celia (F=) s.,W 34166 (a} (Report AwAwft n 9M191e Oe6ua) 1}18■fwI—AV[TN11a.t+4a1r Pdw Pabd Adpr♦ ar. RPAkP— ib -SC s. e. 81x18618 ,SA.- "Ar- d ROK 13-148 IJ�ftmigh Aa DilaraNMe. 7NM toiRy obp Fmp.M Tu Try iWOWTTf)aWIO.Mw.�1 3 145311(J— 1 Jun 16151 pre.d.4 M efr.l aF N SA.- 11 MOPS 13089 arbr Mrn4 adAR . N% Su9.n }Ilse (4)4l. W -Oft" M aew MME a*Mnwnh+.lrr w by v.-2 b are w m wlr w %—*.4r (CAC) w Ow 61w C.Iftdw. T A ■ 4 ■ ! F O H Y a S L Y ■ 4 • o PL 9 Ne 4WnF E.padlida RPTTF Eapandhaa aW Arae PPA (A—tL N OEW TOPS 14159 lbwd Plva.Na R..aw aaawre DtarFrP Np.Ad.(a Adnb It"Am6d MPT7F1 Andetlr A. " blllawca FtPTM FB"W Riel.l a..al /RAPS 1 }Ia0 D1t.r.re. (BOPS 13-146 .re..d.m d.n■ Pr.Fr.1N fodd o69*9p. Aperwlard AcYd A.tmdg" AcWW PAW-Id Acftd - -' WYl1iE•r.4rr I/a 1888,, .nirr aer + ArAOd3ad7 (1nr14) Ay9r1. AarM PFMb7.H tw L. Md1w.M6ah alai Arenw4Pd 6drlarE. r.9tr W..bwa.1 NA,14) M.1 La..ar UO -tad, A.Ar b Ara11t rzh q"IA. MW ERI Is _ cn.l NODW- Pw6 aw can. -. t 112 PL 7 t 1 S i.T2aAQ t 1.e1aMT'i 172490 a 1872 496 S 3262 $ 1}},906 125.088 S I25,O00 1 US= t 62461 3 91579 t S 6.rr.2ot6, LpY Ys Eanlea dies OOA*bw . - 50M 6.006 5.006 5009 5COD — e. d a -. - -- s aJC sago s.00v >d 8161 aril 23 Iwl1t. P11e.004l.dn -- 2.500 1.590 399 76 S61d1 w anF RarrMMen law i S.-h- _. 1.500 2.340 ZAW 2600 . C.rda I+P1db9 Ma0ulllra Pb- 6.00" T. barb 1966 (T(T— Caa.) ... _ _ . _ 7arrlMa 2500 ism 1.506 x5w 2609 c. a..M RFdrWMred .arlraaala Lap/ L"d ea,Ad1 al T.wl faN.2dO e.rw. 2if6ri >*w 31� d M t1eA M Graf T~w .0 Fa .br cagp At S a .M1 • f.n.la - M VeA M dy or Trl+aN 2281M1— M fl.a.n Da..Mpw.ra 01DC7 Mw 111rYt a e1r..P tMG1e1 pAA EYE-Cy11 'aL1Y0 13.868 itA ]SAOF A t7a1a16a.n Gn1.rt1 a1E R"Al-V _ 2_YO Lif if Lm. .� 1 1MW +_ Ara.nwt w •9lydaeN 1Mvey .ga6.rv.a. Groan wA1.Aiwwp Fiaa� Ca1an ELI