HomeMy WebLinkAboutO.B. 02 AUDIT COMM 06-15-92OLD BUSINESS NO. 2 AGENDA 6/15/92 I -I1, ner-Com `�.1,I ATF: JUNE 10 , 1992 f , TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY 11ANAGER SUBJECT: AUDIT COMMITTEE At its June 1, 1992 meeting, the City Council discussed the possibility of modifying the terms for members of the Audit Committee. The City Council will be conducting interviews before the June 1 meeting to fill the vacancy on the Audit Committee, the term of which expires July 17, 1995. The terms of the remaining Audit Committee members are as follows: George Jeffries July 17, 1995 Frank Greinke July 19, 1993 Walt Sullens July 19, 1993 Jerry Weil July 19, 1993 Ordinance No. 1023, a copy of which is attached, establishes the qualifications of the Audit Committee. Section 1538 of the.Ordinance requires that the current vacancy on the Audit Committee shall be filled by a registered voter of the City. The City Council has the prerogative to modify the terms for the Audit Committee by amending Ordinance No. 1023. Since it is a policy matter, there are no limitations on how the City Council could modify terms, if it so desires. The City Council also asked for a clarification concerning the duties of the Audit Committee. Resolution No. 88-52 (copy attached) delineates the duties of the Audit Committee. Resolution No. 88-52 created the Audit Committee. The City Council subsequently decided to codify the Audit Committee by adopting Ordinance No. 1022 (copy attached). Ordinance No. 1023, referred -to abcve, amended the section of Ordinance No. 1022 which sets forth the qualifications for membership on the Audit Committee. Resolution No. 88-52 remains in effect concerning the duties of the Audit Committee. Also attached is a copy of the Audit Committee's last report to the City Council which transmitted the City's annual financial report and described the Audit Committee's other activities pursuant to Resolution No. 88-52. The annual joint meeting of the City Council and Audit Committee has afforded the opportunity to discuss the Audit Committee's work and provide any further policy direction from the City Council. WAH auditcmt.wah 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 1023 ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE REGARDING THE AUDIT COMMITTEE The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby ORDAIN as follows: 1. Section 1538 of the Tustin City Code is hereby amended to read as f ollows: "1538 MEMBERS AND QUALIFICATIONS The Audit Committee shall consist of five (5) members, four (4) of whom shall be registered voters of the City during all times they hold office and one (1) who shall be a registered voter within the area served by the Tustin Water Department. Provided, however, that each of the persons heretofore appointed to the Audit Committee may continue to serve without compliance with the foregoing, so long as they are (1) a registered voter of the City; (2) a registered voter within the area served by the Tustin Water Department; or (3) the owner of a business in the City." PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council, City of Tustin, California, held on the 5th day of June , 1989. Mayor ATTEST: Mary Wy City Cl +JGR:pj (A1) 1 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 la 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 1022 ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF.TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE TO'ESTABLISH THE AUDIT COMMITTEE The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereb ordain as follows:• Y 1. The Tustin City Code is hereby amended by the addition thereto of Part 4 of Chapter 5, Sections 1537, 1538 and 1539, to read as follows: Part 4 AUDIT COMMITTEE 153:' ESTABLISHMENT OF Tf[E AUDIT COt"I�MITTEE The Audit Committee of the City of Tustin is hereby established with composition, jurisd_ction, duties, terms of office, compensation and other characteristics as specified in this Parte. The Audit Committee shall perform duties of oversight, review, investigation and reporting and shall provide recommendations to the City Council on matters of finance, investments and audit as shall be prescribed by the City Council. from "me to time. Compensation of the members of - the Audit Committee shall be as prescribed by the City Council from time to time. 1538 MEMBERS AND QUALIFICATIONS The Audit Committee shall consist of five ( 5 ) members, four (4) of whom shall be registered voters of the City during all times then hold office and one (1) who shall:be a registered voter within the area served by the Tustin Water Department. Provided, however that the *persons heretofore appointed to the Audit Commitee may continue to serve without compliance with the foregoing, so long as they comply with- the conditions in effect at thetime of their appointment. 1539 APPOINTMENT AND TERMS Members of the Audit Committee shall be appointed by the City Council. Two (2). of the first appointed members shall serve from 'the t_me of their appointment until the second regular greeting of the City Council. in February, 1992, and three (3 ) of the first appointed membe�-.s shall serve from the time of their appointment unti? the 1 1 2 3 4 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 'J Ordinance No. 1022 .Page Two second regular :.ieeting of the City Council in February, 1993. The term of each'of those offices shall thereafter be for four (4) years, commencing on the expiration date of each office as provided hereinabove. All members of t. -.e Audit Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the. City Council and may be removed upon mot -fon of the City Council adopted by at least three (?) affirmative votes. All members of the Audit Committee shall serve until their respectivc successors are appointed and qualified. 2. The following persons are hereby appointed as the first -members of the Audit Committee: Cheryl 5 to serve until R• Y_ . 6 ,meeting 7 the 8 Co::nc41 . 9 1992; 10 . 11 .12 serve until 13 regular .14 of 15 City 16 in February, 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 'J Ordinance No. 1022 .Page Two second regular :.ieeting of the City Council in February, 1993. The term of each'of those offices shall thereafter be for four (4) years, commencing on the expiration date of each office as provided hereinabove. All members of t. -.e Audit Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the. City Council and may be removed upon mot -fon of the City Council adopted by at least three (?) affirmative votes. All members of the Audit Committee shall serve until their respectivc successors are appointed and qualified. 2. The following persons are hereby appointed as the first -members of the Audit Committee: Cheryl Gunderson* to serve until the -second regular ,meeting of the City Co::nc41 in February, 1992; George Jeffries to serve until the second regular .meeting of the City Co-ncil in February, 1992; Walt Sullins to serve until the second regular meeting of the City C&_,nci l in February, 1993; Frank Greinke , to serve until the second regular meeting of the City Council in February, 1993; Jerry Neil to serve until the second regular meeting of the City Council in -February, 1993. 3. The compensation for each member of the Audit Committee shall be Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each meeting attended. Compensation mav;be changed and/or deleted from time to time by the City Council.' PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council, City of Tustin, California, held on the 20th day of - March , 1959. C C CIC ' ATTEST: MAYOR Mary W City C1 k 'JGR:rr: R:3/13/89 (10a. sh:, (1-2 ) 2 1 88-52 RESOLUTION NO. 2 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIn, 4 CREATING THE CITY OF TUSTIN AUD:T COMMITTEE AND ESTABLISHING THE 5 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE AUD:T COMMITTEE. 6 7 The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: 8 WHE.REAS, the City Council of the City of Tustin 9 recognizes the. importance of the City' s A-nnual Financial Report and the role of the independent auditor; and lO WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Tustin has 11 determined that citizen participation in t'ne audit process would provide. additional assurance that • the quality of the 12 audit and . Annual Financial Reports will remain high; and 13 WHA, the City Council of the City c= Tustin sees an Tovidin the independent Audit Committee -as a means c=.p_ 9 14 citizens of the City an opportunity to participate in this important process. 15 Now, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Tustin 16 does hereby create the City of Tustin Audit Committee. The Audit Committee shall consist of three private citizens, 17 selected at large, who will serve two year, staggered terms, subject to service at the pleasure of the City Council. At 18 least two members of the Committee shall at all times be residents of the City of Tustin. One =ember may be a 19 resident of the service area of the Tustin hater Department. The City Council may also appoint an alternate member to 20 serve on the Committee. The alternate member shall attend meetings -of the Committee and act in-place of a regular 21 Committee member who is absent from the meeting. Committee members ( including the alternate me=be r ) shall be 22 compensated at the rate of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per Committee meeting which they attend. 23 The responsibilities of the Audit Committee shall be as 24follows: 25 1. Review and advise on. the selection of external auditors; 26 2. Review and advise on the scope of =he audit; 27 3. Review and advise on any accoun:_nc issues which 28 may arise during the audit; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 i 27 i 28 1 4. Review and comment on the progress of the external audit; 5. Review, evaluate and comment on the City's. Financial Statements and on the Auditor's Report; 6. Review and evaluate the Auditor's Management Letter and management's response thereto, including the adequacy of management's attention to correction action; 7. Inquire into and obtain answers to any issue or item in question included in the Financial Statements; 8. Maintain a public record of its proceedings and report to the City Council at least annually. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 16th--- h day of May , 1988. ATTEST: :.✓�.• t c.l ....--- CITY C{ RK JGR:ARW:D:05/10/88(737) MAYOR Inter -Corgi ATE: JANUARY 13, 1992 HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL TO: GEORGE W. JEFFRIES, AUDIT COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN FROM: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE AND SUBMITTAL OF THE CITY SUBJECT: OF TUSTIN'S COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT DATED JUNE 30, 1991 Committee reports completion of duties as listed in Resolution No. 88-52. Other activities included: 1. Audit review of legal opinion letters and setting of proper reserves - result was a change in language representing City's liability exposure in certain claims to auditors. 2. Reviewed Finance Department's 1991 Internal Control Checklist. Discussed same with auditor; review satisfactory. 3. Discussed' Fixed Asset Accounting Policy. Result was recommendation to conduct periodic inventories and begin tagging non -expendable assets beginning fiscal year 1991- 1992. 4. Discussed Sales Tax receipts and budget impact, noting conservative estimates in use over 11 years of schedules. 5. Discussed Water Conservation Program and financial impact, concurring in formation of independent appeals board but wishing to monitor results. 6. Indicated interest in financial impact involvement for Marine Base sale and annexation proposals. 7. Reviewed Investment Policy, suggesting modest changes for consistency and ease of operation while reflecting deteriorating economic conditions. 8. Monitored progress on Hamblin case and Farmer's Bank (CD) problem. 9. Noted with pleasure the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) commendation on financial reporting to Finance Director Nault. Page 2 Honorable Mayor and Members of Council January 13, 1992 Based upon auditor's reports and our observations, we consider cash and property controls in good order. Plans for 1992 include continuing reviews of cash reserves and investment policies as well as responding to councilmanic requests above our Resolution No. 88-52 duties. Respectfully submitted, George W Jeffrie irman �* RAN: GJ: 1s Attachment a: amua 191. rpt Intel 0M .TE: DECEMBER 6, 1991 TO: GEORJ=LT, AUDIT COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN FROM: RONA,DIRECTOR OF FINANCE SUBJECT: COMMIVrEE DISCUSSIONS DURING PAST YEAR Some items that the Committee discussed during the past year: 1'. Audit Legal Opinion Letters and setting of proper reserves. Major result was a change in language used by City Attorney in representing City's liability exposure on certain claims to the auditors. 2. The Committee reviewed the Finance Departments 1991 Internal Control Checklist. Results of that review were discussed with the auditor at a regular meeting. 3. Discussed City's Fixed Asset Accounting Policy. Result was the Committee's recommendation that the City conduct periodic inventories and begin tagging non -expendable assets beginning with fiscal 91/92. 4. Discussed the impact of Sales Tax on the City budget. Reviewed an eleven year Sales Tax Schedule. Committee will continue to monitor as new information develops. 5. The Committee discussed the current City Water Conservation Program and its potential impact on future City finances. They agreed that an independent appeals board was appropriate and felt that the Audit Committee will simply monitor the program. That's the more salient points I came up with George. RAN: 1s a:audcom.91