HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 ANNUAL MEASURE M2 EXPENDITURE REPORT1TY O AGENDA REPORT 4 MEETING DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: I- TAI��i /_1:i'1 DECEMBER 16, 2014 JEFFREY C. PARKER, CITY MANAGER Agenda Item 3 Reviewed: City Manager Finance Director PAMELA ARENDS -KING, FINANCE DIRECTOR /CITY TREASURER MEASURE M2 FAIRSHARE ANNUAL EXPENDITURE REPORT The Local Transportation Authority Ordinance No. 3 requires the City to adopt an annual Expenditure Report to account for the Net Revenues, developer /traffic impact fees, and funds expended by the City which satisfy the Maintenance of Effort (MOE). The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) established the MOE benchmark in conjunction with passage of the original Measure M. MOE is a requirement that the City expend local funds on transportation related projects each fiscal year in order to be eligible to receive Measure M2 Fairshare funds; the City's required MOE expenditure is $1,119,535. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Tustin City Council Adopt Resolution No. 14 -78, adopting the Measure M2 Expenditure Report for Fiscal Year 2013 -2014 (attached) and direct staff to file the report with the Orange County Transportation Authority. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this Agenda Item other than staff time. CORRELATION TO THE STRATEGIC PLAN: Filing the Measure M2 Fairshare Annual Expenditure Report contributes to the City's Strategic Plan Goal C, by ensuring that the City adheres to the Local Transportation Authority Ordinance Number 3 and continues to receive Measure M2 Fairshare funds. Measure M2 Fairshare Expenditure Report Page 2 December 16, 2014 BACKGROUND: Voters approved the renewed Measure M (referred to as Measure M2) on November 7, 2006. Measure M2 is a 30 -year, multi - billion dollar program extension of the original Measure M (1991 -2011) with a new slate of projects and programs that's managed by OCTA. With passage of Measure M2, additional eligibility requirements must be established and maintained by the City in order for the City to receive Measure M2 Fairshare funds, which represent a proportionate share of the 1/2% sales tax. The Local Transportation Authority Ordinance No. 3 requires the City to adopt an annual Expenditure Report to account for Measure M2 Fairshare, other Measure M2 funding (includes Senior Mobility program), developer /traffic impact fees, and funds expended by the City which satisfy MOE. The Annual Expenditure Report must be adopted by the City Council and submitted to OCTA by the end of six (6) months following the end of the City's fiscal year. The Measure M2 Expenditure Report for Fiscal Year 2013 -2014 is attached to this agenda report. For Fiscal Year 2013 -2014, the City received $1,319,162 in M2 Fairshare revenues for the period of July through June 2014. The City expended $3,907,013 in Measure M2 sources during Fiscal Year 2013 -2014. These expenditures include $1,807,266 in Combined Transportation Funding Program (CTFP) for Tustin Ranch Road and $803,300 in Fairshare funds (includes interest) for various projects (traffic signal improvements, pedestrian enhancements, catch basin inserts, etc.). The CTFP allows local jurisdictions to submit projects during the "Call for Projects" period to receive additional Measure M2 funding. The City applied for and received $9,020,070 in total from CTFP and State and Local Partnership Program (SLPP) funding for Tustin Ranch Road. The majority of the expenditures for Tustin Ranch Road occurred in the prior fiscal year. The Measure M2 program requires that interest earned by Fairshare allocations needs to be expended in the same manner and under the same time constraints as regular Fairshare allocations. Therefore, interest earnings are expended prior to regular Fairshare allocations. The City expended $12,103,267 in Fiscal Year 2013 -2014 which satisfies Measure M2 MOE requirements. A majority of the MOE expenditures were for projects in Tustin Legacy. The ending fund balance for the Measure M2 fund is $1,271,946. v GG� atz" - Pamela Arends -King �� Sean Tran Finance Director /City Treasurer Administrative Services Manager Attachments: Measure M2 Expenditure Report for Fiscal Year 2013 -2014 Resolution No. 14 -78 City of Tustin M2 Expenditure Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014 Beginning and Ending Balances Description Line No. Amount Balances at Beginning of Fiscal Year —1 ------- ------------------------- -- ---- ----------------- :M2 Fairshare ' - ---`------------------------ --------- ---------------- -------- 1 --------- $ 2,056,819 ------------------------ :M2 Fairshare Interest 2 ;M2 CTFP -----• --------------------------------------------------------- 3 --------- $ (556,546) ------------------------ :M2 CTFP Interest 4 ----•- ----•---- ------------- --' --- ------ ---------------------- :Other M2 Funding -- --- ---- 5 ---------------- -- --- --- $ (43,869) -----• --- - ------- ------------------------------- ---------- :Other M2 Interest --------- 6 --- -------------------- ..-'-`-------------------------- ------------------------------- :Other* - ---.- ----t- --- ----- ---- --- ------------------------ ----- --------- 7 ----- -.- ---------------- ----- - -- $ 239,419 .$ --------------- ----- Balances at Beginning of Fiscal Year (Sum Lines 1 to 7) 8 $ 1,69 5 8 23 °- °•---------'------- -------- 5555- - '55'55- ------------------ :Monies Made Available During Fiscal Year -----•---- - ----- --- - -----Line--- --- -------------------- --------- 9 ------ ----------------------° $ 3,483,136 ------------5,- 7. 9.59 Total Monies Available (Sum Lines S -- 9j --------- °------ °- °-- °--- 5555 ° - °- °------•-----•--------- 10 5555---° $ 5,178,959 ------------------------ :Expenditures During Fiscal _Year 11 $ 3,907,013 Balances at End Fiscal Year .. :M2 Fairshare 12 $ 2,574,949 ---°• --------------------------------------------------------- :M2 Fairshare Interest --------- 13 -------- --- --- ---------- $ - ....-'------------------------- ------------------------------- :M2 CTFP --------- 14 ------------------------ $ (1,443,188) -----`---------------------- ------ --- --- --------- ----------- --- :M2 CTFP Interest --------- 15 ------------------------ $ - ---•`----...-•-•------------ --- --- -------------------- --- °° ;Other M2 Funding ----- ---- 16 ---------------- -- - ---- $ 28,620 • --------------------------------------------------------- :Other M2 Interest --------- 17 --------------- -------- $ - -----'------------------------ ---------- °-------------------° :Other* - ------- 18 --------------- --------- $ 111,565 * Please provide a specific description - SLPP Grant CTFP - Combined Transportation Funding Program Adjustment to the beginning balance for M2 CTFP and Other M2 Funding to reflect a change in the reporting of M2 CTFP to Project 0 related items. Previously, the expenditure for Project X was recorded in M2 CTFP. A second adjustment to the beginning balance for M2 CTFP and Other* for SLPP Grant revenues and expenditures recorded in CTFP in last year's report. Schedule 1 Revision No. 2 4/14/14 City of Tustin M2 Expenditure Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014 Sources and Uses Description Line Amount Amo nt No. P Revenues: HighFrequencyMetrolinkService R ....................................................................................................................... ............................... [M2 Fairshare 1 $ 1,319,162 .........:..................................................................................................................................................................... :M2 Fairshare Interest 2 ............................... $ 2,268 .........:..................................................................................................................................................................... i M2 CTFP (Project 0) 3 ............................... $917,000 .........:..................................................................................................................................................................... M2 CTFP Interest .........:..................................................................................................................................................................... 4 ............................... $ 3,624 ............................... Other.M2 Fundin. B .................................................................... Safe TransitStops $ 113,487 ......... ............................... :Other M2 Interest ......_5 ............... 6 ............................... $ 86 .........:..................................................................................................................................................................... :Other* 7 ............................... $ 1,127,509 TOTAL REVENUES (Sum lines 1 to 7) 8 $ 3,483,136 Expenditures: ....................................................................................................................... ............................... :M2 Fairshare 9 $ 801,032 ............................................................................................................................................................................... iM2 Fairshare Interest .........:..................................................................................................................................................................... 10 ............................... $ 2,268 ......... M2 CTFP ( Project. ! .................................................................... ............................... 11 ............................... $ 1,8... :M2 CTFP Interest 12 $ 3,624 .. .........:................................................................................................................................................................... :Other M2 Funding ** 13 ............................... $ 40,998 .........: .................................. .......................................................................................................... :Other M2 Interest .................. 14 ...................................... $ 86 .........:................... . ........... ........ . ............................................................................................................................. :Other* 15 ............................... $ 1,255,363 TOTAL EXPENDITURES (Sum lines 9 to 15) 16 $ 3,907,013 TOTAL BALANCE (Subtract line 16 from 8) 17 1 $ (423,877) Schedule 2 ' Please provide a specific description " Please provide breakdown of "Other M2 Funding ". Other M2 Funding includes funding received and /or funds expended by Local Agencies from any other M2 program besides Project 0 (Regional Capacity Program) and Project QILocal Fair Share Program). Revenues q s p P oject Amo nt Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program P $ - HighFrequencyMetrolinkService R $ - Transit Extensions to Metrolink S $ - Convert MetrolinkStation(s) to Regional Gateways that connect Orange County with High -Speed Rail Systems T $ Senior Mobility Program or Senior Non - Emergency Medical Program U $ 49,986.00 Community Based Transit /Circulators V s - Safe TransitStops W $ - Water Quality Program X $ 63,S01.00 o al •13, 7.00 Expenditures / Pro ect Amo t Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program P $ - High Frequency Metrolink Service R $ - TransitExtensionstoMetrolink S $ - Convert MetrolinkStation(s) to Regional Gateways that connect Orange County with High-Speed Rails stems T $ - Senior Mobility Program or Senior Non - Emergency Medical Program U $ 41,084.00 Community eased Transit /Circulators V $ - Safe Transit Stops W $ - WaterQuality Program X $ - ToLal $ :4�1?084T00 Revision No. 2 4/14/14 City of Tustin M2 Expenditure Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014 Streets and Roads Detailed Use of Funds Schedule 3 Type of Expenditure Line •MOE + Developer / M2 Fairshare M2 Fairshare M2 CTFP M2 CFFP Other M2 Other M2 Other TOTAL No. Impact Fees Interest Interest Interest Administration (indirect &_Overhead) 1 $ 317,484 $ 37,787 $ 2,268 $ 40,998 $ 86 $ 398,623 Construction &Right -of -Way New Street Construction ........ 2 ......... $ 9,929,843 ............ $ 31,129,855 ............................... $ 169,080 $ 1,802,019 $ 1,535,616 $ 44,566,413 :Street. Reconstruction ........................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 $ 152,526 ....... ......... .............................. ...... .............................. $ 375,788 ...... ......... $ 528,314 :Signals: Safely_ Devices, Lights 4 ................... ......... $ 70,961 .................. ............... ................ .............................. ...................i5.......... $ 1,051 $ 72,012 :Pedestrian Ways & Bikepa,ths .............:............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 $ 19,050 $ 131,988 ................ ............................... $ 717,648 ..................... $ 868,686 :Storm Drains .............:........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 ............................... ....................................................................................................................... ............................... $ - ............ Storm Damage ............................................ ..............................7 ........................ .... ......... .._ 200:000........................ ..........................1,623 ............................... .......................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... 3,624 ............................... $ 205,247 Total Const ruction' .......................................... ............................... .... .......... ...._8 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9,948,893 31,282,381 572,029 - 1,803,642 3,624 - - ............................... 2,630,103 $ 46,240,672 ...................... _Right of Way Acquisition 9 ............................... $ - .......................... ............................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ Total Construction &Right -of -Way 10 9,948,893 31,282,381 572,029 - 1,803,642 3,624 ............................... - - . .............................. 2,630,103 $ 46,240,672 2 Maintenance 11 $ - .................................................................................. ............................... :Patching ............._................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ....... .............: Overlay.& Sealing................................ __..__..._...__.._._____._._,.. ,,., 12,.,..$ 1,398,543 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ $ 29,173 ............................... $ 340,162 $ 1,767,878 ............ e5treet. Lights_ &_ Traffic _Signals...........I....... I ................ ... .....13...._5.... ... .....?, 011.. ............................... _5......._ 191, 216.................................... .............. .............. .................. . ... ..................................... ............................... .............;Storm_ Damage........................................................................ la............................. ............................... .............................. _5......._193,227.. $ - :Other Street Purpose Mai nten anc e .................. . .............15. ..... ............................................. .............................ce ... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......... .._ 436. 336............................................................................................................................................................ ...... ............................... Total Maintenance' ........................................ ............................... ,16 ..................................................................................................................................................-....-............................................................................................................................ 1,836,890 29,173 191,216 - - - ......... .................................. - .... ............................... - .............5. 340,162 .... $ 2,397,441 Other 17 ............................... $ AND TOTALS (5um Lines 1, 30, 16, 17) 18 $ 12,103,267 $ 31,311,554 $ 801,032 $ 2,268 $ 1,803,642 $ 3,624 $ 40,998 $ 86 $ 2,970,265 $ 49,036,736 ' Local funds used to satisfy maintenance of effort (MOE) requirements +Transportation related only ' Includes direct charges for staff time Revision No. 2 4/14/14 City of Tustin M2 Expenditure Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014 Fairshare Project List PROJECT NAME AMOUNT EXPENDED Enderle Center Dr and Vandenberg intersection enhancements -s,y-s-t,e-m,- -b-ack--------- ---------------------- -''--'-', -,a-t-,e-x-i,s-ti 35,000 - -----------------'-- 6-alt-e-r,y, backup installations n—g-ir-a-ffi—c-s-ign—a-ls' --,---,si-g-,n-a-1,c,o-"n,t-r,o,ll-e, -r,e-q,,u-i,p- ------------------- "p`irad—e-s, ------ -- -re- 47,54,3,- --------------- Traffic equipment n-,t-u, replacements -an- -d' -1,s,y-n, ------ *,-* -------- 1- 4-"3,,-6-7,3-- --------------------- -- Jamboree d-,,- Warner i� T—u,stin-A—v-e—siina, synchronization iz,a-t-i,o-n -- - ---- ---- ---- --------------------------------------- 13,97- 9-- ---------------- Fir-s't-�t'an�i�fs�-4ve signal's-ynch-r-onization -,--,,--,--,--,--,--,,-,---- , --' ----i -, -,---- -, ---------------------- 56-,9-82- ----------------- -,-- 6rowningAveandParkview Way pedestrian enhancements - - - - - - - - - , - - - ----------- 135 0 ------------------------------ EW;,;�Iii� installation Ps of B M catch atch basin ------------------------------------------------------- -n-s,i --------------- 200,000 , - - --------------- 1 1 - : on i'us-ti,-n-,R-a-n,c--h,-R-o,a--d,-e-Ranch -------- 169 0 80 ----------------- �,e--w,p--or-t-A,-v-e,-b-i,c-y,c,l-e-t-r-a-il-r-e,-c-o,n-s,t-r-u,-c-ti,o--n--b-e-t,w--e-e-,n--M,-ai-n-S,t--a-n--d-l-r,v-i-n,e--B,I-v"-d - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9-6,,-8-5,3-, ------------------------ Direct charge for labor associated with these projects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --............................ I-- -------•------------ -----------•---•--------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 0 .......... 0.0 -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... 0 ........... --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- •...... — ---------------------------------------------------------- .............................................................................. I.— --- .......... 0 .......................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ................................................................................ ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- .... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- -- ----------- I ------------------ ----------------------- --------------------------------- I ---- ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- —01— .... ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ 0 ........................................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40,055 ----------'--'---------- - ---------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ I----------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ --------- -------------- ------------------------ -- ----------------- ------------------------ -- —, ------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ -------------- --------- ------------------------ ...... --.11 ......... ------------------------ ------------------------ ........................ ------------------------ -------------- I ......... ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------------- I ...... ------------------------ ------------------------- -- -------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ 803,300.00 Schedule 4 Revision No. 2 4/14/14 City of Tustin M2 Expenditure Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014 Signature Page I certify that the interest earned on Net Revenues allocated pursuant to the Ordinance shall be expended only for those purposes for which the Net Revenues were allocated and all the information attached herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge: Pamela Arends -King Director of Finance / City Treasurer Revision No. 2 4/14/14 RESOLUTION NO. 14 -78 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, THE ANNUAL MEASURE M2 FAIRSHARE EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013 -2014 WHEREAS, Local Transportation Authority Ordinance No. 3 requires local jurisdictions to adopt an annual Expenditure Report to account for Net Revenues, developer /traffic impact fees, and funds expended by local jurisdictions which satisfy the Maintenance of Effort requirements; and WHEREAS, the Expenditure Report shall include all Net Revenue fund balances, interest earned and expenditures identified by type and program or project; and WHEREAS, the Expenditure Report must be adopted and submitted to the Orange County Transportation Authority each year within six months of the end of the local jurisdiction's fiscal year to be eligible to receive Net Revenues as part of Measure M2. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tustin, does hereby inform Orange County Transportation Authority that: a) The Measure M2 Expenditure Report is in conformance with the Measure M2 Expenditure Report Template provided in the Renewed Measure M Eligibility Guidelines and accounts for Net Revenues including interest earned, expenditures during the fiscal year and balances at the end of fiscal year. b) The Measure M2 Expenditure Report is hereby adopted for the City of Tustin. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 16th day of December, 2014. CHARLES E. PUCKETT, Mayor ATTEST: JEFFREY C. PARKER, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN 1 I, Jeffrey Parker, City Clerk and ex- officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 14 -78 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 16th day of December, 2014, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: JEFFREY C. PARKER City Clerk