HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD ADOP 3 PUSHCART 05-18-92ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION NO. 3 AG E N D 5-18-92 Aendomm A"* Inter -Com r; ATE: MAY 18, 1992 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT U B J ECT: PUSHCART ORDINANCE RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Provide direction to staff regarding pushcart regulations. 2. Minute order that Urgency Ordinance No. 1088 establishing guidelines for pushcart operation have reading by title only. 3. Minute order that Urgency Ordinance No. 1088 be introduced. 4. Minute order that Urgency Ordinance No. 1088 be passed and adopted. BACKGROUND . Significant local media attention has been given to various municipal efforts toward regulating pushcarts. The purpose of this report is to provide the City Council with information regarding the potentially urgent need to provide additional regulation of pushcarts within the City of Tustin. In fact, staff strongly believes that the failure to implement such regulations through the adoption of the subject urgency ordinance could result in a substantial number of pushcart vendors circumventing future permanent pushcart provisions to be presented to the City Council. Recently, the Community Development Department and the Tustin Police Department, as part of the Community Improvement Partnership Program (CIPP,) have reported an increased number of pushcarts within the City. Staff believes that this increase has occurred because the City of Santa Ana has recently adopted and implemented an ordinance which limits the total number of pushcarts operating within that city to not more than 200 units. It is estimated that over 700 pushcarts currently operate within the City of Santa Ana. It is anticipated that the occurrence of pushcarts within the City of Tustin, and their associated nuisances, could further increase City Council Report Ordinance No. 1088 Page 2 May 18, 1992 as pushcart vendors displaced by enforcement of Santa Ana I s new law seek other areas as potential markets. Pushcarts are non -motorized vehicles used for the conveyance of goods for sale, typically ice cream, flowers hot can dogs rresultamales, etc. The uncontrolled existence of pushcarts home and business owner complaints of pushcart vendors positioning themselves near their residences or business locations luring customers, loitering, blocking sidewalks or driveways, creating a trash problem; or presenting a potential security or safety risk to the general public. Other problems include: increased noise generated by pushcart horns, bells, or shouts of the operators as well as a perceived health risk associated with the sometimes unsightly or unsanitary condition of the pushcarts, the goods for sale, or their operators. At present, the City of Tustin prohibitsthe permanent existence of i pushcarts on private property since t is not a permitted or conditionally permitted use of land listed within any zone classification. However, since most pushcart activity occurs only temporarily on private property or within a public right-of-way, the Zoning Code prohibition does not eliminate the possibility of pushcarts within the city. Section 2500 et al of Chapter 51 Article 2 of the Tustin license ode to currently permits the issuance of a City business "solicitors, registered agents, transient merchants, vendors, peddlers, hawkers, hucksters,...or like business" upon payment of the existing business license fee ($25.00 for new business) and business tax per person ($10.00 per day of operation). License applications are routinely routed to the Building and Safety, Fire, Police, Health, Community Development, and other departments or agencies as warranted for review and comment. Application review is somewhat subjective since there are currently no set standards or conditions for such activities and each case is reviewed individually. Approval can be conditioned upon the user obtaining mandatory licenses, insurance, or operating only within specified hours of the day. Appeals of a denial or conditions of approval can be made to the City Council. There is currently no limit to the number of independent vendors that may apply or operate within the City. At present, there exist no licensed street vendor/pushcart operators within the city. Unlicensed operation of a pushcart within the City of Tustin can result in impounding of carts, citation with fine, or arrest. City Council Report _ Ordinance No. 1088 Page 3 May 18, 1992 DISCUSSION City staff has surveyed a number of cities (Survey is attached as Exhibit A) and subsequently developed a variety of regulation options for pushcart management. Six (6) options have been tentatively provid6d for City Council consideration. On December 91 1991, these options were presented to the Planning Commission in order to obtain an informal recommendation for the City Council. The Planning Commission recommended limiting pushcarts to special districts (option 5) and special events (option 3) only. Option 1 - No Change in Current Policy Since the City currently has no licensed pushcart operators, it might be argued that the current regulation and solicitor's fee is sufficient. This option would allow pushcart vendors to continue to be approved and licensed through the current business license procedure described above. A single owner/operator would be required to pay $25.00 for a business license and $10.00 for each day of operation. In addition, the vendor would be required to obtain all other necessary permits (County Health, etc.) prior to operation within the city. No limit on the number of vendors operating within the city would exist. Option 2 Limit the Number of Pushcarts within the City This option would be similar to that adopted by the City of Santa Ana except that the total number of pushcarts allowed in Tustin could be proportionately far less than the 200 allowed in Santa Ana. A lottery procedure could be developed to ensure fairness in providing vendors an equal opportunity to obtain a license. Granting of a license for pushcarts could be contingent upon the applicant's meeting a set of established and previously approved standards and conditions of operation. Failure to comply with City requirements would result in impounding of carts, citation with fine, or arrest. If this option is pursued, pushcart fees should be increased to sufficiently fund application review and enforcement. Option 3 Pushcarts Permitted at Special Events or Holidays Only Parades, grand openings, marathons, Tiller Day type events, etc. could possibly benefit from the presence of pushcarts. This option would allow pushcarts to be licensed for special events and holidays only,, pursuant to a set of previously established and approved regulations and conditions. Consequently, this option would prohibit pushcarts from operating outside of the event area (residential, commercial or industrial properties) without prior City approval. Processing of applications would continue to be performed as a staff function. _Option 4 Pushcarts Permitted By Approval of Discretionary Body Currently, the approval of a street vendor's business license application is processed and approved as a staff administrative City Council Report Ordinance No. 1088 Page 4 May 18,'1992 function. This option would require all future applications to be reviewed by an appointed discretionary body such as the Planning Commission (as a possible Conditional or Temporary Use Permit). This option could require the noticing of affected property owners, and would ensure closer scrutiny and possible mitigation of the potential impacts of the use prior to approval. Appeals would be brought to the City Council for final determination. Option 5 Pushcarts Permitted in Special Districts Only This option would designate a specific area(s) of the City where pushcarts could legally operate during all times of the year. Locations could be defined by designating specific streets, shopping centers, zone districts, etc. Licensing review and approval could follow any of the processing procedures described above (staff, lottery, CUP, etc.). Option 6 - Pushcarts Prohibited This option would prohibit the within the City of Tustin. ANALYSIS operation of pushcarts anywhere Staff supports the recommendation of the Planning Commission in this matter for the following reasons: * The occurrence of illegal pushcarts and their negative impacts has increased in recent months. * Failure to provide tighter regulations for pushcarts can further negatively impact City residents and business owners. * Pushcarts may be beneficial to the community at special events or when constrained to a specific geographical area. * Current business license regulations and fees may not be sufficient to preclude an uncontrolled proliferation of licensed pushcart operators in the future. Staff recommends that additional study be conducted on the matter prior to adoption of a permanent ordinance. However, adoption of Urgency Ordinance No. 1088 would provide interim regulations for the operation of pushcarts within the City of Tustin during the period that a permanent ordinance can be developed, considered, and adopted by Council. Staff has purposely attempted to develop a general standard to govern pushcarts until specific locations for their future operation can be determined by the Planning Commission and City Council. If adopted, Urgency Ordinance No. 1088 would temporarily limit pushcart operation for a 45 -day period of time as follows: City Council Report Ordinance No. 1088 Page 5 May 18, 1992 1. Licenses required All pushcart business owners would be required to obtain a City Business License. State Health Department and other permits would also be required. All vendors would also be required to obtain a solicitor's permit. 2. Cost The following fee amounts would apply: Business license - $25.00 Solicitor's fee - $10.00 per day Any required Health Department fees 3. Hours of operation Hours would be limited to between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. 4. Approved locations Pushcarts would be prohibited throughout the City except at: a. Any commercial multi -use or multi -tenant shopping center with either 30,000+ square feet of leasable area or greater than one (1) acre in site size with owner's permission; b. Any "Large Gathering" (regulated by Part 3 of Chapter 2, Article 3 of the Tustin City Code which is attached as Exhibit B) of more than 500 persons including but not limited to any festival, race, parade, fair, City or School event, etc. in conjunction with approval of a special event permit only. Pushcarts would be permitted to operate on either private property (with owner permission) or on the public right-of-way (with staff approval). 5. General Regulations a. No noise making devices may be used on a pushcart. b. A pushcart may not block or distract vehicles. C. No signs would be allowed beyond those painted or affixed to the cart. d. All permits must be prominently displayed on the cart. Community Development and Police Department staff will continue to monitor pushcarts within the City during the interim period. - City Council Report Ordinance No. 1088 Page 6 May 18, 1992 STATE CODE REQUIREMENTS The City Council has the authority to adopt an health interim a d wel urgency nvy ordinance to protect the public safety, Urgency Ordinances require a 4 / 5ths vote ofthe city Council to adopt and are effective immediately upon that Interim urgency ordinances are authorized generally and are also expressly authorized by the Government Code by provisions which prescribe that an interim ordinance can be effective for a period of 45 days from the date of adoption, and ca be and then tan ly extended for an additional ten and a half months additional year through the notice and public ex ar t eprocedure. Under the Government Code provisions, unless ded, the ordinance will expire automatically on July 2, 1992. The City Attorney's office has reviewed the proposed interim ordinance and finds it acceptable. The proposed urgency ordinance is also exempt from the requirements of the Californew ia Environmental Quality Act and no further environmental revanticipated. No public hearing notice is required for the adoption of an urgency ordinance. Only the extensions are required to follow the public notice and hearing procedure. CONCLUSION Recent regulation of pushcarts in the City of Santa Ana may result in an increase in the occurrence of complaintsand various enforcement problems. Staff believes that the current meas for regulating pushcarts within the city are inadequate and should be revised. Staff recommends that the City Council review the options described above and provide further direction to staff. A future Planning comprehensive revision will then be developed f or Commission and City Council consideration. Because the preparation of a permanent ordinance would require more than 45 days, staff anticipates the need within the next 45 days to extend rgency would Ordinance No. 1088 should it be adopted. Such an extension require a public hearing before the City Council. - City Council Report Ordinance No. 1088 Page 7 May 18, 1992 Staff also recommends that the City Council minute order that Urgency Ordinance No. 1088 have reading by title only, be introduced, and be passed and adopted. Ov Dana Ogdon ristine A. Shingl n 0 Senior Planner Assistant City Man er DO:do\pushcert.rpt Attachments: Pushcart Survey Part 3 of Chapter 2, Ordinance No. 1088 Article 3 of Tustin City Code FA E v v 0 y •j L c d C 6J ++ CD CD 41 � t �_ as •^ L 0-- •► a �. �• 4i N N N C L 31 V N N N ......... L L � W m O W m In c � d �j SCAto L N m L ++ "0 C.; .> 4ai c1 tV C. C. 41 O C E U m a' N cc C ♦+ •.- a� a+ O O N 2 U O U a C E v v 0 y c CD CD 41 � t ,� as •^ L 0-- •► a �. �• 4i N N C L 31 V N N N . OC ....... L L � m m O W m In c � d �j SCAto cc..r L ++ "0 4ai 4ai c1 UL 3 C a' N cc C ♦+ •.- a� a+ O L 41 O O a C O v/ 3c 41 C CD •C y g4/ L M C O 47 -+ C W : C c + c LQQII� 4) c� 0 '•' o o mW o {/� o C� C.m cn o L 4A 44 N V ` O 4Ni O O 44) 4Ni 4Ni 4Ni O O =. 4N1 O 44) >i'': a+ O .� E E v v 0 y c •E 41 � t ,� as •^ L 0-- •► a d V N N N N N C L 31 V N N N . OC ....... U -� m Q m m m O W m In c N 4ai 4ai c1 ate+ Cf 4Li 4ai a' 31 C O C D D L 4/ C ,L Cf D a O v/ v1 w cc C CD •C y g4/ L M C O 47 -+ C W : C c -' LQQII� 0 C� a 9L L) mW u a a C.m Uc O 4Ni O O 44) 4Ni 4Ni 4Ni O O aNi 4N1 O 44) L U m 41 _ 41 m V m V L p V m m C L U 41 W .p m Lp m CIm O d •C C of C m m 41 41 41_ ,r:::::: cc 41 L c > cc L m c m ca 41 N U :::, Q > Q L m m C7 :3L S •-• O J 41 z O d N H N H EXHIBIT B. CHAPTER 2 • ENTERTAINMENT CHAPTER INDEX , PART 1 PUBLIC DANCING 3211 DEFINITIONS • 3212 PERMIT • 3213 MINORS 3214 SPECIAL POLICE OFFICERS 3215 REGULATIONS 3216 VIOLATION OF PART PART 2 ENTERTAINMENT PERMITS 3221 ENTERTAINMENT DEFINED 3X2 PERMIT • 3223 ADDITIONAL REGUfLATIONS 3224 MOP IF ICATION OF PERMIT 3225 REVOCATION OF PERMIT 3226 EXCEPTIONS 3227 PERMITS AND FEES NOT EXLUS IVE 3228!' 'CARNIVALS, CIRCUSES, FAIRS AND OTHER AMUSEMENTS 3229; PROHIBITIONS ON WAITERS, WAITRESSES AND ENTERTAINERS PART 3 LARGE GATHERINGS 3230 PERMIT REQUIRED - 3231 APPLICATION 3232 COST FOR REQUIRED EXTRA SERVICES 3233 PERMITS TO IICLUDE 3234 ADVERTISING OF UNAUTHORIZED GATHERING PROHIBITED 3235 DISPERSAL UPON LAWFUL ORDER 3236 UNLAWFUL ENTRY 3237 OBSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC WAYS 3238 AMPLIFIERS --PERMIT REQUIRED PART 4 BINGO GAMES 3241 DEFINITION OF BINGO 3242 LICENSE REQUIRED 3243 LICENSE SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION ' 3244 REGULATIONS OF BINGO GAMES PART 5 LEWD FILMS 3251 PURPOSE 3252 DEFINITIONS REV: 1-82 BR -2-1 T MIN CITY CODE ENTERTAINMENT PART 3 LARGE GATHERINGS 3230 3230 .PERMITS REQUIRED No person shall organize, advertise, conduct, establish, maintain, carry on, set up, assist, or participate in any outdoor gathering of, or proposed to be of, more than five hundred (500) persons for any purpose, including but not limited to any festival, music festival, dance festival, public dance, show, street dance, parade, exhibition, fair or any other gathering related or unrelated to any of the foregoing, without a permit therefor first having been issued by the Director of Community Development; provided, however, that there are excepted from the provisions of this Section the following: ~ (a) Carnivals and circuses for which permits have been granted by the Director of Community Development; (b) Sports and other events conducted on public school premises with approval of school authorities. (c) Events sponsored l y the City. (Ord. No. 504; Ord. No. 929, 6-17-85) 3231. APPLICATION Application for such permit shall include: (a) The address and legal description of the premises upon which the gathering is proposed; (b) Copies of all leases, licenses, contracts and other consents of the owner or owners of the premises; (c) The names, addresses and financial statements of all promoters, organizers, presenters, proprietors and financial backers of the proposed gathering; (d) The hours and dates of the proposed gathering; (e) A detailed description of the program, agenda -or plan of activities of the proposed gathering; (fl A statement of the estimated minimum and estimated maximum number of persons who may reasonably be expected to attend the proposed gathering; (g) A detailed description of each of the following items proposed by the applicants -for the proposed gathering: (1) A copy of each proposed advertisement and a description of all proposed publicity; (2) A plan of the proposed access and traffic flow routes of ingress and egress together with proposed directional signing; traffic barriers, traffic control officers and pedestrian control officers; (3) A proposed parking plan; (4) A proposed sanitation plan, including provisions for toilets and drinking water; (5) A- proposed plan for medical first aid assistance; (6) A proposed plan for fire protection; REV: 7-85 BR -2-13. TUSTIN CITY CODE ENTERTAINMENT 3234 - therefor by the Director of Community Development, by any means or medium, including but not limited to pamphlet, poster, handbill, billboard, sign, newspaper, magazine, radio and television. No person shall print, distribute, broadcast, announce, use, or cause or assist in any printing, distributing, broadcasting or announcement of any advertising of a proposed gathering which has not been approved by*the Director of Community Development. No person shall advertise, promote or announce within the City any gathering of persons proposed to be held outside the City, if such proposed gathering has not been regularly licensed in accordance with the ordinances, statutes and regulations of the jurisdiction within which the gathering is proposed. (Ord. No. 504) 3235 DISPERSAL UPON LAWFUL ORDER No person engaging in, participating in or attending any gathering for which a permit has not been granted shall fail to leave the area of such gathering upon demand by any police officer of the City. (Ord. No. 504) 3236 UNLAWFUL ENTRY It shall be unlawful for any person to -enter, to attempt to enter, or to assist any other person to enter, or to attempt to enter, any theatre, fair, festival, moving picture theatre, athletic contest, place of amusement, place of entertainment, lecture or place of assemblage in the City, for entrance of which an admission fee is charged or demanded, or ticket or permit to enter is required, without having paid such admission fee or without having surrendered or displayed such ticket or permit, unless such entrance is made with the express consent or approval of the owner, proprietor or management of the place entered or sought to be entered. (Ord. No. 504) 3237 OBSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC WAYS Whenever two (2) or more persons gather together in such a manner as to obstruct the free passage of any street, sidewalk, alley, public way or place used by members of the public to go from place to place, such person shall move on or disperse when ordered to do so' by a police officer. No person shall refuse or fail to disperse or move on when directed to do so by a police officer. , No person shall stand, sit, linger, idle or loiter on any street, alley, sidewalk, park or other public place, or in or about the entrance or exit of any business establishment, either on foot or in an automobile or other vehicle, in such a manner as to obstruct ,or hinder the free passage of persons along such public way, or obstruct or hinder persons entering and exiting from any business establishment. For the purpose of this section, "business establishment" shall mean any retail store, food market, theatre, restaurant, drive-in restaurant, gasoline service station, bar, hotel, motel or any other establishment which is open to and provides the public with any goods or services. (Ord. No. 504) REV: 7-85 BR -2-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDINANCE NO. 1088 AN INTERIM URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, ADOPTING INTERIM REGULATIONS FOR THE OPERATION OF PUSHCARTS IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN. The City Council of the City of Tustin finds and determines as follows: A. The uncontrolled existence of pushcarts can result in complaints of pushcarts blocking sidewalks or driveways, creation of trash problems, potential security and safety risks to the general public, generating loud noise, and creating actual and/or perceived health risks associated with the sometimes unsightly or unsanitary appearance of the pushcarts or their operators. B. The neighboring city of Santa Ana has recently adopted and implemented an ordinance which reduces the approximately 700 pushcarts operating within the City of Santa Ana to not more than 200. C. The incidence of pushcarts within the City of Tustin, and their associated nuisances, has increased as pushcart vendors displaced by Santa Ana's new law seek other areas as potential markets. D. The City of Tustin Zoning Code does not adequately regulate vendors or pushcarts operating within the city nor limit their number. E. The development of a permanent ordinance will require further study and analysis. The City Council has the authority to adopt an urgency ordinance to protect the public safety, health, and welfare while the permanent ordinance is being developed. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Tustin DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. The following provisions are hereby adopted as interim regulations for the operation of pushcarts: "INTERIM PUSHCART REGULATIONS 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this ordinance is to establish interim regulations in order to control the operation of pushcarts and to protect the public health, safety, general welfare, and quality of life of Tustin citizens. The Tustin City Council has 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 1088 Page 2 found and determined that these interim regulations for pushcarts are necessary to attain that goal. These regulations are intended to supplement any applicable provisions contained within the Tustin City Code. 2.0 DEFINITIONS Unless otherwise stated, the following definitions pertain to this urgency ordinance. "Director" means the Community Development Director or her designee. "Operator" means any person who operates a pushcart for the purpose of vending food, beverage, or product therefrom. "Owner" means any person as defined herein owning or controlling one or more pushcarts and: (1) Conducts or permits or causes the operation of such pushcart(s) for vending food, beverage or product; (2) Owns, operates, controls, manages, or leases such pushcart(s); or (3) Contracts with persons to vend food, beverage or product from such pushcart(s). "Owner's permit" means a business license issued by the City of Tustin authorizing the holder to engage in the business of vending food, beverage or product from a pushcart. "Person" means any natural person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, stockholder, including, but not limited to, owners, operators, lessors and lessees of pushcarts. "Pushcart" means any wagon, cart, or similar wheeled container, which is not a "vehicle" as def ined in the Vehicle Code of the State of California, from which food, beverage, or product is offered for sale to the public. "Solicitor's Permit" means the permit issued to any person who operates a pushcart for the purpose of soliciting, vending, or offering for sale any food, beverage, or product from a pushcart on any private property, sidewalk, street, alley, highway or public place within permitted areas of the City of Tustin. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 1088 Page 3 "Vend or vending" means offering food, beverage, or product of any kind for sale from a pushcart on any sidewalk, street, alley, highway or unenclosed place open to the public, whether publicly or privately owned, including the movement or standing of a pushcart for the purpose of searching for, obtaining or soliciting retail sales of products. 3.0 GENERAL REGULATIONS Pushcarts are prohibited in the City of Tustin except as provided herein: a. Upon issuance of approved City Business - and Solicitor's License permits, pushcarts may operate within the City of Tustin in the following locations only: 1. Any commercial multi -use or multi -tenant shopping center with either 30,000+ square feet of leasable area or which is greater than one (1) acre in site size; 2. Any "Large Gathering" regulated by Part 3 of Chapter 2, Article 3 (Business Regulations) of the Tustin City Code. b. Pushcarts may be operated only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. C. Each pushcart shall have affixed to it in plain view a valid solicitor's license, personal identification, and any necessary State or City permit required by law. 4.0 PERMITS REQUIRED a. No person shall operate a pushcart vending business as an owner without the required business license, solicitors permit or other license or approval required under any other chapter of this Code for each and every pushcart said person is operating or causing to be operated in the City of Tustin. b. No person shall operate a pushcart for the purpose of vending without a valid solicitors permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this urgency ordinance. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2]I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 1088 Page 4 C. No person shall employ or retain any person to operate a pushcart for the purpose of vending unless the person so employed or retained has a valid solicitors permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this urgency ordinance. 5.0 PROHIBITED CONDUCT a. No noise making devices shall be used in conjunction with pushcart vending. b. Pushcarts shall not be stationed for purposes of offering food, beverage, or product for sale in any location which creates an unreasonable obstruction to the normal flow of vehicular or pedestrian access, within ten (10) feet of any intersection, driveway, or building entrance, or in any space designed for vehicular parking. C. No signs or other advertising devices are permitted beyond those painted or affixed to the cart or its canopy. d. Pushcarts may not operate without a refuse bin of at least one cubic foot being provided in or on the pushcart. 6.0 GENERAL PENALTY FOR VIOLATION a. Any person violating or failing to comply with any provision or mandatory requirement of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor unless charged as an infraction by an enforcing officer. b. Each person guilty of a misdemeanor or infraction shall be guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during any portion of which any violation or any provision of this ordinance is committed, continued or permitted by such person and shall be punished accordingly. C. The penalties and procedures provided in this ordinance shall be cumulative and in addition to any other procedure or procedures provided in this ordinance or by state law for the abatement of the pushcart violation, and abatement hereunder shall not prejudice or affect any action, civil or criminal, for the existence of such violation." 1 2 3 4 s 5 6' 7 8 9 10 1] 12 13 14 15 IG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 1088 Page 5 Section 2. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") and Article 18 of the State Guidelines, the proposed project has been found to be exempt from the requirements of CEQA, and therefore, no environmental documents are required. Section 3. This Ordinance is a City-wide Urgency Ordinance, enacted pursuant to Government Code Section 65858(b), adopting regulations for the operation of pushcarts. The Urgency Ordinance shall extend for a period of 45 days from the date of adoption of this Ordinance, unless legally extended by a noticed public hearing or terminated. Section 4. There is a current and immediate threat to the public welfare, health, and safety. The facts constituting the urgency are as follows: (1) Without additional regulations in place, it is anticipated that the occurrence of pushcarts within the City of Tustin, and their associated nuisances, could soon increase as a significant number of pushcart vendors displaced by Santa Ana's new law seek other areas as potential markets. (2) The uncontrolled existence of pushcarts can result in loitering, excessive noise, health risks related to potentially unsanitary conditions, blocking sidewalks or driveways, creating a trash problem, or presenting a potential security or safety risk to the general public. (3) Current regulations permit uncontrolled and unmonitored concentrations of pushcarts which may unfairly compete with existing commercial uses. (4) Failure to immediately implement pushcart regulations through the adoption of an urgency ordinance could result in a substantial number of pushcart vendors circumventing future pushcart provisions to be considered by the City. Therefore, the City Council finds and declares that this Urgency Ordinance is required for the itamediate preservation of the public peace, safety, and/or health of the citizens of Tustin. This Ordinance shall be adopted by a four-fifths (4/5) vote of the City Council and shall be effective immediately 'upon the adoption by such vote. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ordinance No. 1088 Page 6 Section 5. Severability All of the provisions of this urgency ordinance shall be construed together in order to accomplish the purpose of these regulations. If any provision of this part is held by a court to be invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall apply only to the particular facts, or if a provision is declared to be invalid or unconstitutional as applied to all facts, all of the remaining provisions of this ordinance shall continue to be fully effective. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 18th day of May, 1992. LESLIE ANNE PONTIOUS MAYOR MARY E. WYNN CITY CLERK STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) CERTIFICATION FOR ORDINANCE NO. 1088 MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk and ex -officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Urgency Ordinance was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 18th day of May, 1992, by the following vote: COUNCILPERSONS AYES: COUNCILPERSONS NOES: COUNCILPERSONS ABSTAINED: COUNCILPERSONS ABSENT: DO:do\1088. MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk