HomeMy WebLinkAbout00 AGENDA 04-06-92AGENDA "ITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEET1, CITY OF TUSTIN APRIL 6, 1992 - 7:00 P.M. The City Council meets the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at 300 Centennial Way. This agenda contains a brief general description of each item to be considered. Any person having a question concerning an item may call the City Clerk for clarification. Except as otherwise provided by law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing in the following agenda. Copies of staff reports pertaining to this agenda are available for public use in the City Council agenda books located in the Police Department and the Tustin Public Library. These same books are also provided for public use in the Council Chambers during the Council meeting. Listening devices for the hearing impaired are available upon request from the City Clerk. Smoking is prohibited in the Council Chambers; however, if you desire to smoke, an outside speaker has been provided. I. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE II. INVOCATION - The Invocation will be given by a Member of the. City Council. III. ROLL CALL IV. PROCLAMATIONS 1. TUSTIN EAST LITTLE LEAGUE VOLUNTEERS 2. TUSTIN HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL TEAM V. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. RECOVERY OF CITY COSTS FOR THE ABATEMENT OF A PUBLIC NUISANCE AT 14392 ROSEWOOD CIRCLE A work order was issued on January 6, 1992, to clear subject property of violations. Recommendation: Adopt the following Resolution No. 92-46 confirming the schedule of costs associated with the abatement of weeds and debris, and directing that the same constitute an assessment against the subject project as recommended by the Community Development Department: RESOLUTION NO. 92-46 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ASSESSING THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 14392 ROSEWOOD CIRCLE FOR THE COST INCURRED BY THE CITY FOR THE ABATEMENT OF A WEED AND DEBRIS NUISANCE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA PAGE 1 APRIL 6, 1992 2. CODE AMENDN 92-003, AMENDMENT TO TUB CITY CODE SECTION 4616 (OUTDOOR 80%._-D AMPLIFYING .DEVICES) Current City Code prohibits all outdoor sound amplifying devices. Staff has become aware that a number of existing commercial establishments have outdoor speaker systems for the purpose of notifying customers waiting for restaurant use when seating is available or playing music for the enjoyment of customers. Recommendation: Pleasure of the City Council. 3. APPEAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 92-004 Conditional Use Permit 92-004 authorizes the establishment of martial arts studio use to be located at 2923 and 2925 El Camino Real within the North Village of the Tustin.Market Place. Recommendation: Uphold the Planning Commission approval of Conditional Use Permit 92-004 by adoption of the. following Resolution No. 92-47: RESOLUTION NO. 92-47 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, UPHOLDING THE DECISION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 92-004, AUTHORIZING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A MARTIAL ARTS STUDIO USE IN THE PLANNED COMMUNITY (PC) MIXED USE LAND USE CATEGORY LOCATED WITHIN THE TUSTIN MARKET PLACE AT 2923 AND 2925 EL CAMINO REAL VI. PUBLIC INPUT - At this time members of the public may address the City Council regarding any items not on the agenda and within the subject matter jurisdiction of the City Council (NO action can be taken on off -agenda items unless authorized by law). If you wish to address the City Council on any matter, please fill out one of the forms located on the speaker's podium and submit to the City Clerk so that your remarks on the tape recording of the meeting can be attributed to .you. When you start to address the City Council, please state your full name and 'address for the record. A Public Input portion is provided both at the beginning and end of the meeting. VII. CONSENT CALENDAR - All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time of the voting on the motion unless members of the Council, staff or public request specific items be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - MARCH 16, 1992 REGULAR MEETING Recommendation: Approve the City Council Minutes of March 16, 1992. 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL Recommendation: Approve Demands in the amount of $3,409,973.66 and ratify Payroll in the amount of $668,371.58. 3. SALE OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT Recommendation: Receive and file notice of sale of surplus vehicles as recommended by the Public Works Department/Field Services Division. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA PAGE 2 APRIL 6, 1992 4. ACCEPTANCE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS WI: f TRACT NO. 13735 AND RELEASE OF .,..,NDS Recommendation: Accept the public improvements associated with Tract No. 13735 and authorize the release of the following bonds: Faithful Performance Bond No. 09-12-86, $55,000; Labor and Materials Bond No. 09-12-86, $27,500; and Monumentation Bond No. 09-12-87, $8,400 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. S. EMPLOYEE REQUEST FOR LEAVE WITHOUT PAY Recommendation: Authorize a one-year leave of absence without pay for Maintenance Worker, Tony Perry, as recommended by the City Manager. 6. PARR MAINTENANCE CONTRACT FOR MCFADDEN AND SANTA CLARA PARRS Recommendation: Authorize staff to prepare specifications and solicit bids for the annual landscape maintenance of McFadden and Santa Clara Parks as recommended by the Public Works Department/Field Services Division. 7. RE -ROOFING OF FOUR BUILDINGS AT THE CITY YARD Recommendation: Award a modified contract to Petronella Roofing for the subject project in the amount of $44,975 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Field Services Division. S. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR WATER MAIN RELOCATION ON NISSON ROAD FROM 1'811 STREET TO PASADENA AVENUE Recommendation: Award the contract to Noriega Pipeline, Rancho Cucamonga, in the amount of $88,482.75 for the subject project as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 9. RESOLUTION NO. 92-50 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE WATER MAIN RELOCATION ON EL CAMINO WAY AND THE ALLEY BETWEEN EL CAMINO PLAZA AND I-5 FREEWAY, PROJECT NO. 600095 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 92-50 accepting said work and authorizing the recordation of the Notice of Completion as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 10. RESOLUTION NO. 92-52 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTER, AND INTERLOCKING PAVER REPAIR PROJECT, 1992-93 FISCAL YEAR, AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 92-52 approving the plans and specifications for subject project and directing the City Clerk to advertise for bids as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 11. RESOLUTION NO. 92-51 - A. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ASPHALT CONCRETE REHABILITATION AND OVERLAY PROJECT, 1991-92 FY, PHASE I, AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 92-51 approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for subject project as recommended by the Public Works Department/ 'Engineering Division. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA PAGE 3 APRIL 6, 1992 12. RESOLUTION 92-53 - A RESOLUTION OT TE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUS _ CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING TR_ ,RANT DEED FOR PERMANENT EASEMENT FROM PROSPECT OFFICE PARTNERS Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 92-53 accepting the grant deed conveying the easement to accommodate the construction of the Vandenberg well site as recommended by the City Attorney. 13. AWARD OF CONTRACT )'OR P.C.C. CROSS GUTTER AND CURB RETURNS AT PACIFIC STREET AND SECOND STREET, AND PACIFIC STREET AND THIRD STREET Recommendation: Award the contract for subject project to Hardy & Harper,_Inc., of Santa Ana, in the amount of $19,388.00; and approve transfer of $ 8 , 850. 0 0 f rom the Maj or Maintenance Program to this project as recommended by the Public Works Department/ Engineering Division. 14. FIRE CONTRACT Recommendation: Approve an amendment authorizing a one-year extension of the City's contract for fire services as recommended by the City Manager. VIII. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION - None IX. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION - None X. OLD BUSINESS 1. INVESTIGATION OF ADDITIONAL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES ON PARXCENTER LANE BETWEEN BRYAN AVENUE AND TUSTIN RANCH ROAD The City Council, at their meeting of March 16, 1992, requested that staff report back on the possibility of installing raised object markers ("Botts Dots") in the roadway as a warning device before the apex of the curve on Parkcenter Lane. Recommendation: Direct staff to monitor the traffic flow and activity on ,Parkcenter Lane between Bryan Avenue and Tustin Ranch Road; install bicycle lanes on both sides of Parkcenter Lane from Bryan Avenue to Tustin Ranch Road; and continue to coordinate with the Maricopa Community Association to maintain adequate sight distance at Maricopa and Parkcenter Lane as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 2. IRVINE BUSINESS COMPLEX (IBC) - RECIRCULATED DRAFT PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING The Irvine Business Center (IBC), Planning Area 36, is a business and industrial complex comprised of approximately 2,800 acres in the western portion of the City of Irvine adjacent to the City of Tustin. Recommendation: Authorize staff to transmit comments and response to the City of Irvine on the Irvine Business Complex (IBC) project as recommended by the Community Development Department and the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. XI. NEW BUSINESS - None CITY COUNCIL AGENDA PAGE 4 APRIL 6, 1992 XII. REPORTS 1. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA - MARCH 23, 1992 All actions of the Planning Commission become final unless appealed by the City Council or member of the public. Recommendation: Ratify the Planning Commission Action Agenda of March 23, 1992. 2. FREEWAY CONSTRUCTION STATUS REPORT Information relating to both freeway and local street closures in the City of Tustin area. Recommendation: Receive and file subject report as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 92-49, RESCINDING EXCESSIVE WATER USE PENALTIES AS ESTABLISHED IN ORDINANCE NO. 1063, SECTION E On March 27, 1992, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Board of Directors voted to return to a voluntary water usage program requesting a ten percent reduction in water use. Recommendation: Adopt the following Resolution No. 92-49 rescinding excessive water usage penalties as established in Ordinance No. 1063, a Mandatory Water Conservation and Rationing Program, as recommended by the Public Works Department/Water Services Division: RESOLUTION NO. 92-49 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING EXCESSIVE WATER USE PENALTIES AS ESTABLISHED IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN ORDINANCE NO. 1063 SECTION E 4. INVESTMENT SCHEDULE AS OF FEBRUARY 29, 1992 Investment schedule with maturities, 12 months or less. Recommendation: Receive and file subject report as recommended by the Finance Department. XIII. PUBLIC INPUT XIV. OTHER BUSINESS 1. CITY MANAGER 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY COUNCIL XV. ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the City Council is scheduled for Tuesday, April 21, 1992, at 7:00 p.m. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA PAGE 5 APRIL 6, 1992