HomeMy WebLinkAboutN.B. 2 APPT SCAQMD 03-02-92FEBRUARY 26, 1992
Councilmember Prescott requested that the City Council consider the
Tustin Chamber of Commerce's position that Yorba Linda City
Councilmember Hank Wedaa should not be reappointed to the South Coast
Air Quality Management Board (SCAQMD).'
Attached are letters from the Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Jack Dutton of
Anaheim regarding the SCAQMD City representative.
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February 12, 1992
City Council
City of Tustin
15222 Del Amo
Tustin, CA 92680
Dear Council Members:
The Board of Directors of the Tustin Chamber of Commerce
respectfully request that the Tustin City Council oppose the
reappointment of Henry W. Wedaa as the Orange County cities
representative to the South Coast Air Quality Management
District Board of Directors. We believe that it is time for
a change on that Board.
The Orange County Business Community is deeply concerned
about the destructive direction taken by the SCAQMD and
believe that changes must be made to stop driving industry
and jobs from our cities. The recent reports in the Orange
County Register and from the Southern California Edison Co.
uphold these beliefs.
The Council's concurrence to replace Henry Wedaa is
respectfully recommended and we would ask that you agendize
this item for discussion and a vote, before the League of
Cities again addresses this issue.
Ang' q✓lea dashian
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Enclosure: Wedaa
399 El Camino Real, Tustin, California 92080 (714) 544-5341
`2ieavy-I _.nd^d Wedaa
oday might be a good time to pick up
the phone and offer your city hall some
advice. This evening, the Orange Coun-
ty League of Cities, composed of representa-
tives from all city councils in the county, will
decide- whether to take a stand against the
jackboot policies of the South Coast Air
Quality Management District.
At issue is whether Yorba Linda Council-
man Hank Wedaa, who has endorsed just
about all the- AQMD's iron -fisted mandates,
should be retained as the representative of
Orange County's cities on the AQMD board.
He narrowly escaped the boot at a meeting
of the league last month, but his allies have
introduced a resolution that would scotch
any further efforts to unseat him:
If he wins, it's a loss for a balanced, com-
mon-sense approach to environmentalism.
Of course cleaner air is a crucial goal — but
do we need to suffocate the economy, and
create a bureaucratic dictatorship, in order
to get there? You might have read about Mr.
Wedaa's new interest in cost -benefit issues,
but a conversion under fire invites skepti-
cism. Especially when a slew of commands
are still in place that threaten to play Dr.
Kevorkian to the business climate.
One example is Regulation XV, which
compels larger businesses and government
entities to devise commuting plans for their
workers — an effort to force people into car-
pools no matter how impractical the ar-
rangement might be. Often, the process for
complying is straight out of Kafka. The City
of Costa Mesa, for instance, invested thou-
sands of dollars and hundreds of hours of
staff time in writing and rewriting a com-
muting plan for its employees. Se�,eral ef-
forts were rejected, with only cryptic expla-
nations, before a plan was finally pro-
nounced "acceptable." Along the way, the
city was hit with a "Violation Notice" last
year citing a $25,000 -per day fine retroactive
to 1988, and possible imprisonment of the
city manager. The AQMD, you see, plays for
Indeed, a rule approved last month lets
employees appeal their companies' com-
muter plans directly to the AQMD. That
makes the agency a super -personnel board
for thousands of businesses across the re-
gion. Big Brother strutting his stuff, you
might say.
A report in December by an industry -labor
alliance, the Southern California Coalition
for Jobs and a Clean Environment, asked
area business owners if they "knew of, or
expect any companies, including their own,
to curtail operations, or not expand ... expli-
citly because of the impact of air quality
regulations over the next decade." Of the 387
respondents, 99 said "yes."
Showing Hank Wedaa the door would be an
articulate way to shake up the board, and
shout, "Enough!"
c%tt�r�crfl �Ct �ertd
1400 Sur:kist Ave-:ue
Anaheim California 92806 (714) 772-3970
February 19, 1992
Charles Puckett
City of Tustin
15222 Del Amo Avenue
Tustin, CA 92680
Dear Mayor Puckett and Council Members,
FEB 2 41992 t
You will soon be voting again to name Orange County's city representative on the
South Coast Air Quality Management Board. The two candidates are the present
incumbent, Hank Wedaa of Yorba Linda and Peter Buffa of Costa Mesa. I'm writing to
urge you to vote for Peter Buffa and to give you my reasons.
From February, 1981 to February 1990 I was on the District Hearing Board. I was
appointed by then SCAQMD Board member, Don Roth, and many of you will remember
me as former member, also Mayor, of the Anaheim City Council. A lot of Orange County's
progress has had my name on it, not the least of which has been Anaheim Stadium.
I feel I was a strong and fair member of the Hearing Board and, being a
businessman, I never lost sight of the fact that jobs had to be considered when rules were
being applied and fines levied. My record will show, however, that clean air was my
continuing goal. When I did give recognition to the plight of business, I came under severe
pressure from the professional environmentalists and, as is easy to understand, became one
of their key targets.
While I was on the Hearing Board as a public member, the District Board appointed
an alternate for me, Mark Abramowitz, the Program Director of the Coalition for Clean
Air, headquartered in Venice, California. And, even while serving as an alternate member
of the Hearing Board, Mr. Abramowitz still represented the Coalition for Clean Air in
appearances before the District Board and the Hearing Board.
My term was coming up for renewal in February, 1990 and the Executive Office of
the SCAQMD asked me if I would like to be on the Hearing Board again. When I said I
would, I was asked if I would be willing to step aside for one-third of my time and give that
time to Mr. Abramowitz. I chose not to yield to that request nor, at the request of the
Executive Office, to ask another member of the hearing Board to yield a similar amount of
time to Mr. Abramowitz.
When the day of the reappointment came, the South Coast Air Quality Management
District Board voted to replace me, an Orange County businessman, with Mark Abramowitz
of a Venice environmental activist group, and Hank Wedaa of Orange County voted for that
I mention this incident because one of the arguments advanced in favor of Hank
Wedaa, especially by some large corporations, is that since we now have an Orange
Countian as Chairman of the SCAQMD we should not lose this opportunity for influence.
You can see the direction that influence has taken in the past!
Many of you have seen the minutes of the March 17, 1989 AQMD Board Meeting
for which Hank had to be directed by the Orange County League to vote against the 1989
Air Quality Management Plan, which he supported. Hank voted against the AQMD, as
directed, but then added,"...to keep faith with my own deeply rooted convictions, I urge that
my colleagues vote to adopt the Air Quality Management Plan before us today." Based on
the record of how well Hank Wedaa has represented our interests as a Director, I'd hate
to think what he'll do as Chairman.
By the way, some supporters of Hank have tried a scare -tactic that if Hank doesn't
keep his Chairmanship, ultra -liberal Los Angeles City' Council Member Marvin Braude will
become Chairman! You should be aware that at the AQMD Board meeting of a few days
ago, Marvin Braude couldn't even secure enough votes for one of the three available vice -
chair positions. Marvin Braude will definitely not be the next Chairman of the AQMD.
Further, while no single member of the SCAQMD Board can be held totally
responsible for the actions of the entire Board, they are certainly responsible for their own
individual votes. The SCAQMD is, by it own record, purely a staff -driven organization,
answerable to no one other than the Board, and Hank Wedaa's votes have clearly supported
the autonomy of the District. For whatever part of the Southern California job loss can be
attributable to the South Coast Air Quality Management District, Hank Wedaa must bear
his share of the blame.
In my opinion, Peter Buffa will not be beholden to the SCAQMD staff, he will not
carry the -baggage and obligations of -the past and his type of thinking will be a breath of
fresh air on the Board for all of Southern California, especially Orange County.
For all of these reasons, I urge you to vote for Peter Buffa as the Orange County city
representative on the South Coast Air Quality Management District Board.
Very truly yours,
Jack C. Dutton