AG E N DA R E P O RT Reviewed
Y City Manager
Finance Director N/A
Staff has received a proposal for the purchase of a hydro excavator in the amount of $424,068 and
is seeking authorization to purchase the vehicle from Haaker Equipment Company of La Verne,
It is recommended that the City Council authorize the purchase of one hydro excavator from
Haaker Equipment Company in the amount of $424,068.
Sufficient funds have been budgeted and appropriated in the Fiscal Year 2014 -2015 Operating
Budget from the Water Enterprise Fund to the Vehicle Replacement Fund (Account #184- 80 -00-
9710) to cover the purchase of the hydro excavator with accessories at a total cost of $424,068.
The recommended actions contribute to the fulfillment of the City's Strategic Plan Goal B, Public
Safety and Protection of Assets, ensuring that Tustin is an attractive, safe and well maintained
community in which people feel pride.
Currently, Water Services personnel utilize traditional means and methods to excavate for service
repairs to laterals and water mains. These conventional methods primary include the use of a
backhoe, dump truck and manual shoveling. In most cases, a larger area of excavation is often
developed as the work zone is exposed and secured. Often, it is the result of subsurface utilities in
the immediate area that require careful consideration and protection and the inherent mechanical
nature of a backhoe and operator performing this work. Typical underground utilities encountered
include gas, electrical, sewer, water, fiber - optics and cable.
Hydro excavation is the process of excavating or moving soil with pressurized water. An air
conveyance or vacuum is then used to extract the soil slurry simultaneously and deposit the
material in a debris holding tank. This is all performed with one piece of equipment. This allows
for a non - destructive and more accurate way to excavate soil, locate utilities and expose the area
needing repair. Excavation and restoration generally takes the most amount of time when it comes
to making a repair. Since the adjoining soil stays intact and the excavation is direct and accurate,
less time is required and the overall restoration made more resourcefully. As a result, it is the
preferred method of excavating. It also improves operator safety, is easy to handle, and is
considered a best management practice for site containment with regards to storm water quality.
Authorize Purchase of Hydro Excavator
February 3, 2015
Page 2
In addition, this apparatus will be utilized by Field Services, Street Division, twice per year for catch
basin maintenance in compliance with regional water quality regulations, for an annual savings of
$30,000. Pursuant to our MS4 permit, 100% of the city's basin inventory must be clean on a bi-
annual basis. As a matter of operation, 80% of the basin inventory is cleaned on an annual basis
with the use of a rental hydro excavator. Although primarily for Water Services daily operation, this
apparatus will be a prudent investment and addition to the City's fleet resources that can serve a
variety of needs and situations, both in daily and emergency operations.
A Request for Proposals (RFP) for a Hydro- Excavator was advertised and sent to three specialty
vendors and posted on the City's web page in October 2014. There are specific vendor limitations,
on which companies are able to submit proposals, due to the amount of specialty equipment on
this type of apparatus. One non - responsive proposal and three responsive proposals were
received on November 18, 2014. The proposals submitted ranged in price from $364,405 to
$444,786. The pricing proposals were as follows:
Responsive Vendors
Vendor Equipment Price
• Haaker Equipment Company Vactor Hydro Excavator $424,068.00
• Owen Equipment Sales Vactor Hydro Excavator $429,315.12
• Legacy Equipment Company Vactor Hydro Excavator $444,786.12
Non - Responsive Vendors
Vendor Equipment Price
• Municipal Maintenance Equipment Vac -Con X- Cavator $364,405.45
A group comprised of representatives from Field Services and Water Services met to review the
proposals. In an act of fairness and due diligence, Water Services conducted a thorough review of
both the responsive and non - responsive vendors' pieces of equipment through a hands -on
process. The crews sampled both pieces of equipment in daily work activities and concluded the
Vactor unit, which meets the RFP specifications, would better suit their needs. Listed below are
some of the reasons staff selected the Vactor over the Vac -Con after hands -on demonstrations
were performed:
• The Vactor is significantly quieter, which will limit disruption to the community, especially during
emergency night work.
• The Vactor is ergonomically designed to limit operator fatigue.
• The Vactor had mechanical means to block water flow to the blower motor. (water in the blower
motor would require replacement of a $25K motor).
• The Vactor has one water tank instead of multiple tanks. This reduces the possibility of leaks
and general maintenance needs.
• The Vactor is ready for delivery in February versus sometime between July and September.
• The Vactor includes more usable storage.
• The Vactor's debris basin is easier to clean and maintain, saving staff time.
• The Vactor comes with a backup camera, which is an important safety feature for a vehicle of
this size.
Authorize Purchase of Hydro Excavator
February 3, 2015
-Page 3
Staff surveyed current users of both the Vactor and Vac -Con, who indicate they prefer the
Vactor for its dependability.
The Vactor meets the City's specification.
It is recommended that the City Council approve the purchase of one hydro excavator from Haaker
Equipment Company in the amount of $424,068. Staff has checked references supplied by the
vendor for previoukcontracts and has found no complaints.
P. E.
Works /City Engineer
SACity Council Items\2015 Council Items \02- 03- 2015\Authorize Purchase of Hydro Excavator_dss.doc