HomeMy WebLinkAboutC.C. 11 QUITCLAIM DEED 01-20-92CONSENZ C.- __ENDAR NO. 1 1 1-20-9 t DA.-�y -•• f.... - '-1 JANUARY 15, 1992 WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER `. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION TRACT NO. 13746 - QUITCLAIM DEED RECOMMENDATION For consideration by the City Council at their meeting of January 20, 1992. It is recommended that the City Council authorize and execute the following document for Tract No. 13746 on behalf of the City: City Quitclaim Deed to Mandevilla Condominium Association for relinquishment of sidewalk easements. BACKGROUND On behalf of the Mandevilla Condominium Association, Adams -Streeter Civil Engineers Incorporated have requested the City of Tustin execute a quitclaim of sidewalk easements associated with the subject tract on Lots "A", "C" and "D". As a condition of release of the Lots "A", "C", and "D" of Tract No. 13746, it was necessary for The Irvine Company, doing business as Irvine Pacific, to deed a part of Lot "C" back to the City of Tustin as a sidewalk easement. Presently, all necessary street improvements are in place. A section of sidewalk encroaches on Lot "C" as part of an obstruction transition. Rather than compromise the City's minimum standard sidewalk width behind the fire hydrant obstruction, we have required an easement to be granted to the City, which has been completed. DISCUSSION The quitclaim document needs to be executed by the City in order to initiate the conveyance proceedings. This document is: Quitclaim Deed - This document quitclaims three sidewalk easements back to the Mandevilla Condominium Associations. The City no longer has a need to retain them for sidewalk purposes as all required sidewalks have been constructed adjacent to the curbs along Robinson and Kellar Drives. Robert S. Ledendecker Director of Public Works/City Engineer RSL:kIb:TR13746 RECORDING REQUE- —0 BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS DEED AND. UNLESS OTHER WISE SHOWN BELOW. MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: NAME Adams -Streeter Civil Engineers, c. 15 Corporate Park ADDRESS Irvine, CA. 92714 CITY 4% Attn: Brent Caldwell STATE ZIP --I ' L_ I•itlr Order \1,, h:,crut. No. SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Quittillahn I )c.ed 'Ille Ir:ulsfer lax is S. ----- -0-................. .................................................... and is L] c4ln11n11ed Int 1111, full %alul• (if 1111, interesl ill, I,r"lu•rly or is L I I1I111,1114.11 I'll lile full \aluc le's ille %aluc of liens "r cncuull,rance.: I-cnrtininn dielvon at the lino• (if sale. The land. Icncnlcnts or i. Il,catcd in Uuninctil-p ,ralc11 arra DJ city of Tustin .......... ........................................................................ and h(W A VALUABLE CONtilDEN',ATION. receipt of w1iicl, is hcrchy acktit w1cd,,cd, the City of Tustin does . licreliv remise, release and forever rluitclain, to the Mandevilla Condominium Association, a California non-profit Mutual Benefit Corporation, the following described real properly in the City of Tustin county of Orange, state of California: That certain easement for sidewalk purposes over Lot "W" of Tract 12870, in said City, County and State as shown on a map filed in Book 601, pages 1 through 20, inclusive, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said County, together with those certain easements for sidewalk purposes over Lots "A", "C", and "D", of Tract No. 13746, in said City, County and State, as shown on a map filed in Book 673, pages 1 through 6, inclusive, of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said County, except for that portion of Lot "C'I as described in Exhibit and delineated on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. ST1.1E 01•• t::\I.IRMINI:1 � - ----- ------ ------ --- tiff. (Y)1AT), UV (III ht.lnrt- lac. tilt. 1111,14-1. \utary 1'111.lic in alld fur will (:nunlc and statt.. I.cI: un:dly ;•1.1 n•a rt.' - - - -- __- ---- . __ _..------.. -. - I„ Ia the 1.t.r.un ,chu,c nanlc in-lrunn u1 :n.J ti;;nalurc ..f *\..laI% . Lnuteu to lilt- suhscriht.d to the wilhin t.ct-.ult.d ILC .:uur. FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP IAssessor s Parcel 1\11. \ 11\ 1.1►I.I.tt\\'1\(: LINK: IF 1lt 1':11i'I'1 So ,till AINI, \1:111. ,\INPII(F( '14.11 \844 F. �.Iuu �1...•I \.I•I.... l:it� \ Malt. I. . I A ( i . i (ii . • (8 pt.) 12/30/91 91—S07 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT FOR SIDEWALK PURPOSES THAT PORTION OF LOT "C" OF TRACT NO. 13746, IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, COU':TY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON MAP FILED IN BOOS 673, PAGES 1 THROUGH 6, INCLUSIVE, OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOL s .OWS : BEGINNING AT THE WESTERLY TERMINUS OF THAT CERTAIN CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY IN THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT "C", AS SAID CERTAIN CURE IS SHOWN ON SAID TRACT NO. 13746 AS HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 28015'45", A RADIUS OF 717.00 FEET AND AN ARC DISTANCE OF 353.68 FEET; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND SAID NORTHERLY LINE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 8037'14" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 107.88 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0059'55" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 12.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 6502415911 WEST 1.54 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 74028150" WEST 9.98 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 84033'08" WEST 1.01 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: �r JAN A..14 S R.C.E. 21687 LGLG 1%07 DATE 0.4 F� W � No. 21687 ' Exp. 9.30.93 Cal W O z 0 z ro 0 33' _ PLAT TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Adams Str©etor EA`7EMEW FOR 51OEWALK PURPOSES CIVIL ENGINEERS INC. / �p� pp�� Adam 15 Corporate Park EI,"I VIT E5 Irvine. CA 92714 (714) 474-2330 DATE SCALEJ.N. 12-:50-111 1 1" = G 9 1- 807 1 , -lco V M i1, h Q •. l0 0 Nrs•19'2s;v � � � tr) Q2$� RAD. t.• • t` N '- t 544Y59 ' I N Ln 7:1 _1 r -.G8 �33�Q9Wco l< 1 1 J "' R4D N Iro'19'19"w V T.P.O. . '. V V 0 •-� '. V ' ^ U , n Q 43 ;-:,• P.O. b. �- • _ PLAT TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF Adams Str©etor EA`7EMEW FOR 51OEWALK PURPOSES CIVIL ENGINEERS INC. / �p� pp�� Adam 15 Corporate Park EI,"I VIT E5 Irvine. CA 92714 (714) 474-2330 DATE SCALEJ.N. 12-:50-111 1 1" = G 9 1- 807