HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 TRAFFIC STUDY 01-15-96NO. 7 1-15-96 .)ATE: JANUARY 15, 1996 Inter-Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION TRAFFIC STUDY AT THE INTERSECTION OF EL ~INO REAL AND PARKCENTERLANE RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council at their meeting of January. 15, 1996, receive and file this report. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact to the City with the preparation of this report. BACKGROUND: At the November 6, 1995 City Council meeting, Ms. Tina Marie Crislip expressed concern regarding traffic safety at the intersection of E1 Camino Real and Parkcenter Lane. Ms. Crislip requested upgrade of the existing traffic controls at the subject location. The Engineering Division was subsequently directed by the Council to prepare a traffic study investigating the possible installation of a traffic signal or other traffic control devices at the subject intersection. The location is shown in the attached exhibit. DISCUSSION: The Engineering Division has completed the traffic investigation of the E1 Camino Real/Parkcenter Lane intersection. A copy of the Traffic Study is attached for your information. The Traffic Study indicates the subject intersection is currently' controlled by stop signs on all intersection approaches. The stop signs, stop ahead signs, and associated pavement legends currently meet all State Standards for these installations. Research of the traffic accident files indicate there' has been one (1) accident in the past.forty-five (45) months. The City's Police Department reports minor enforcement activity and indicates the existing traffic controls at the subject intersection appear to be adequate. Traffic signal warrants have been prepared for the subject intersection and it has been determined that the Peak Hour Volume. Warrant has been met. However, this does not necessarily justify Traffic Study at the Intersection Of E1 Camino Real and 'Parkcenter Lane January 15, 1996 Page 2 the installation of. a traffic signal. When justifying .the installation of traffic signals, traffic signal warrants represent the lowest possible thresholds at which traffic signals can be installed. Delay, congestion, approach conditions, driver confusion, engineering judgement, land uses or other eVidence of the need for traffic right-of-way assignment should also be considered. At the subject location a traffic signal is not justified at this time. Based upon the above discussion and the contents of the Traffic Study it has been determined that the existing stop controls at the subject intersection are adequate. CONCLUSION: It has been recommended in the Traffic Study that a traffic signal not be installed at the intersection of E1 Camino Real and Parkcenter Lane at this time. The Engineering Division will monitor this location for possible future traffic impacts. We have also prepared the necessary documentation for the City's Field Services Division to replace the existing stop signs 'with larger stop signs., as recommended in the Traffic Study. Director of Public Works/ City Engineer TDS:DA:ccg:ecrpkctr Attachments 'Douglas R. Anderson - Transportation Engineer ._..) k. BRYAN J L. AVENb_ j ~ 1369~ ~- i370~ 137 ~7,9~ ' -- 13759~ .... 1376~ 13789/ / 138191a -.~ IO :13829J~ · 2041,/"' Je,' 2oj?. 138'4.9J 1385~ 1386 gl~ CAMZNO ' "'. REAL ' ': :' PARK RANC1~iO ALI_~AL 'x x / // j/ // (I-5) SANTA ANA FREEWAY -'r z Z ANAI,YSIS OF TRAFFIC ISSUF~ CONCERNING THE INTERSECTION OF EL CAMINO REAL AND PARKCENTER LANE INCLUDING A TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANT STUDY By CITY OF TUSTIN Engineering Division 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA. 92680 (714)573-3150 November 15, 1995 SUBJECT: Investigation of traffic concerns at the intersection of E1 Camino Real and Parkcenter Lane, including an analysis of traffic signal warrants. RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended that a traffic signal not be installed at this time. However, the intersection should be monitored annually for traffic safety and additional traffic signal warrants. In the future, the installation of a traffic signal may be an appropriate traffic control device for the subject intersection. At this time, the traffic signs (stop and stop ahead signs) should be replaced with larger ones. STATEME OF THE ISSUF OR PROBLEMS: At the City of Tustin's City Council Meeting of November 6, 1995, a citizen raised concern regarding traffic safety at the intersection of E1 Camino Real and Parkcenter Lane, and asked if a traffic signal should be installed at the intersection. This report discusses that concern. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The justification for the installation of a traffic signal is based in part on traffic signal warrants found in the Caltrans Traffic Manual. The determination to install a signal should not be based entirely on the warrants, since the installation of traffic signals may increase certain types of collisions. Delay, congestion, approach conditions, driver confusion, future land use or other evidence of the need for traffic right-of-way assignment beyond that which could be provided by stop signs should be considered. This. study is undertaken to address the traffic safety of the intersection and to determine if the installation of a traffic signal at the subject intersection is warranted at this time. DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS: EXISTING CONDITION E1 Camino Real is a four lane secondary arterial street connecting Browning Avenue and Tustin Ranch Road. Parkcenter Lane is a two lane local street which functions as a residential collector street and intersects E1Camino Real on the north side; on the south side of the intersection is an access road to the Rancho Alisal Apartments. The intersection is located about 1300 feet west of Tustin Ranch Road. The intersection traffic is currently controlled by stop signs at all intersection approaches; STOP pavement markings are painted in each lane adjacent to the signs. Stop ahead signs are installed for the E1 Camino Real approaches; STOP AHEAD pavement markings are marked in each lane in the roadway adjacent to the signs. White crosswalks are painted across the west, north and east intersection legs. The 24 hour intersection traffic volume is currently 13,233 vehicles; southbound volume is 866 vehicles; westbound is 7,643; northbound is 1,479; eastbound is 3,245. The 85th percentile speed on E1 Camino Real is 40.8 mile-per-hour (MPH); the posted speed limit is 35 MPH. The 85th percentile speed on Parkcenter Lane is 34.2 MPH; the posted speed limit is 30 MPH. There has been one traffic accident recorded in the last 45 months - all of 1992, 1993 ,1994, and January through September of 1995. This accident occurred where an eastbound vehicle on E1 Camino Real ran the stop sign and hit a southbound vehicle; the accident occurred on Friday, August 11, 1995 at 2:40 P.M. A traffic signal warrant has been prepared for the subject intersection. Warrant 2, Interruption of Continuous Traffic, is 80 percent satisfied. Warrant 11, Peak Hour Volume, is satisfied. None of the other warrants investigated are satisfied. See Table I below: Table I Warrant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I 0 11 Satisfied 80% X Not Satisfied X X X X X X Not Applicable X X X (l-Mmhnmn Vehicular Voltune: 2- 7-Systems; 8-co,nbination; 9-Four Hour Volume; 10-Peak Hour Delay; ! I-Peak Hour Volume. xgs; 5-Progressive Movement; (>-Accident Experience; Comment. Traffic signals are valuable devices for control of vehicle and pedestrian traffic, and, thereby, exert significant influence of traffic movement by assigning various traffic movements the right-of-way. When traffic signals have been correctly located and operated they should provide one or more of the followings advantages: o The orderly movement of traffic is achieved. With the correct intersection conditions, the intersection handling capacity increases. The frequency of certain types of accidents is reduced, especially the right angle type. Given correct conditions,, traffic signals can be coordinated along a street to provide for continuous traffic flow. Minor street traffic and pedestrians will be allowed to cross heavy major street traffic. However, unwarranted traffic signal installations may cause the following traffic problems: Traffic may experience excessive delay, reducing the capacity of the intersection. o Drivers may not obey the signal indications. Traffic may seek roundabout travel by alternate routes. Traffic accidents can increase. When justifying the installation of traffic signals, traffic signal warrants represent the lowest possible threshold at which a traffic signal could be installed. The subject intersection of E1 Camino Real and Parkcenter Lane has enough traffic to satisfy one warrant, Peak Hour Volume. The warrant, Interruption of Continuous Traffic, is 80 percent satisfied. The subject intersection is currently controlled by stop signs on all intersection approaches. There has been one traffic accident over a 45 month period. By examining the intersection traffic counts, traffic volumes are not equally diStributed. Traffic volume is unbalanced by a ratio of 10,888 to 2,345, or about 4.6:1. A more desirable ratio would be a maximum of 3:2. The City Police Department reports that their data from enforcement efforts and accident records show low numbers of incidents. In their enforcement effort, it has been noted that a few drivers are not coming to a complete stop and, thus are rolling through the intersection. At this time, the traffic control is f~nctioning adequately from their perspective. The current operation of the intersection as a four way stop has been determined to be safe, at this time. However, all traffic is stopped in order to do this. If future traffic increases on E1 Camino Real to .the extent that traffic volume ratio between the two streets exceeds the existing ratio signifiCantly, then consideration should be given to installing a traffic signal. A traffic signal could alleviate having all vehicles stop and will decrease delay and driver impatience since these will increase the traffic volume unbalance increases at the stop sign controls. During a field review of the intersection, it was noted that some of the traffic signs have been in place for some time and are nearing the end of their usefulness, and therefore, should be replaced at this time. In light of the probable increase of traffic, the signs should be replaced by larger signs. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that a traffic signal not be installed at this time. However, the intersection should be monitored annually for traffic safety and traffic signal warrants. In the future, the installation of a traffic signal may be an appropriate traffic control device for the subject intersection. At this time, all the intersection traffic signs (stop and stop ahead signs) should be replaced with larger ones. ATI ACHMENTS: ECRPRKCR. RPT TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANT SHEETS 1-11 TRAFFIC COUNTS 9-6 TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Traffic Manual 1-1992 [ Figure 9-1 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS -----'"-- - - '---'-- "--'-" CALC ~----/~/vt DATE //'/~" ~'~' DIST CO RTE PM CHK DATE Major St: ,~-/' ~,~/'~ o ,/~.~, / Cdtical Approach Speed · · ,f~:4:2o ~/ mph Minor St: /z:~4~'r',~'c"~'~? ~/"' /-,~/~ CriticalApproach Speed ___-~'~:° Z. mph Critical speed of major street traffic ~_ 40 mph o~rr / RURAL (R) In built up area of isolated community of < 10.000 pop. r'"l URBAN (U) WARRANT 1 - Minimum Vehicular Volume 100°,4, SATISFIED YES [-I NO ~ NO / ~ -/O .~.~/'~ I IOl'-Ir-U I r'~,.,~ L_I MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ' . ~rS~t (~0) (~o) (~o) (~6H ~ ~ ~G ~1 ~1~ ~7/ H~h~t ~pr~. 1~ ~105 ~0 140 ' ~s~ (~20) (~)~ (~) (~2) ~/ ~ z~o /~ 45 /~ ~ ~/ W~-qRANT 2- InterruPtion of Continuous Traffic 100% SATISFIED UU'"/o ~A I I~i'-it-U Yb~ ~ MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS (80°1o SHOWN IN BRACKETS) u APPROACH LANES 1 2 or more ._~/~ v14. ¢~. ~ / z~='/// , / / / Both Apprchs. 750 525. 900 - 630J Major Street (600) (420) (720) (504 Highest Apprch. 75 53 / 100 70 Minor Street (60) (42)~ (80) (56) YES [] NO ~ [] Hour WARRANT 3 - Minimum Pedestrian Volume T~ 100% SATISFIED REQUIREMENT Pedestrian volume crossh~g tho major street is 100 or more for each of any four hours or is 190 or more dudng any one hour; ~AND There are less than 60 gaps .Der hour in the major street traf- fic stream of adequate length for pedestrians to cross; AND The nearest traffic signal along the major street is greater than 300 feet; ,AND The new traffic signal will not seriously disrupt progressive traffic flow on the major street. Yes i'-] No [] Yes [] No [] Yes E] No E] Yes [] No [] tisfaction of a warrant is not necessarily justification for a signal. Delay, congestion, confusion or other ce of the need for right-of-way assignment must be shown. Traffic Manual TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Figure 9-2 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS 9-7 -1-1991 WARRANTS 4 - School Crossings Not Applicable .................................. !~ See School Crossings Warrant Sheet I-1 . · WARRANT 5 - Progressive Movement SATISFIED YES El NO El MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS · DISTANCE TO NEAREST SIGNAL FULFILLED ~-1000FT. N ~ .ft, S "-" R,E I~O ft, W~,?OO ft. YES [] NO ON ONE WAY ISOLATED STREETS OR STREETS WITH ONE WAY TRAFFIC SIGNIFICANCE AND ADJACENT SIGNALS ARE SO FAR APART THAT NECESSARY PLATOONING AND SPEED CONTROL WOULD BE LOST ON 2-WAY STREETS WHERE ADJACENT SIGNALS DO NOT PROVIDE NECESSARY PLATOONING AND SPEED CONTROL PROPOSED SIGNALS COULD CONSITUTE A PROGRESSIVE SIGNAL SYSTEM [] WARRANT 6 - Accident Experience " SATISFIED YES O NO ~ REQUIREMENTS WARRANT ,~ FULFILLED ONE WARRANT WARRANT I - MINIMUM VEHICULAR VOLUME SATIFIED OR 800/o WARRANT 2 - INTERRUPTION OF CONTINUOUS TRAFFIC YES ~NO SIGNAL WILL NOT SERIOUSLY DISRUPT PROGRESSIVE TRAFFIC FLOW ~ I-I ADEQUATE TRIAL OF LESS RESTRICTIVE REMEDIES HAS FAILED TO REDUCE ACCIDENT FREQUENCY E] ACC. WITHIN A 12 MONTH PERIOD SUSCEPTIBLE OF CORR. & INVOLVING INJURY OR $500 DAMAGE MINIMUM REQUIREMENT NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS 5 OR MORE / !-] WARRANT 7 - Systems Warrant SATISFIED YES El NO ~ MINIMUM VOLUME REQUIREMENTS 800 VEH/HR ENTERING VOLUMES-ALL APPROAcHEs ' I,~fl DURING TYPICAL WEEKDAY PEAK HOUR ] '~¢"7~'-- VEH/HR[' 'l I DURING 5_ACH OF ANY 5 HRS Or: A ,.AT. AND/OR SUN.. _ VEH.~HRI I FULFILLED YES ~'~0 CHARACTERISTICS OF MAJOR ROUTES MAJOR ST. MINOR ST. HWY SYSTEM SERVING AS PRINCIPLE NETWORK FOR THROUGH TRAFFIC RURAL OR SUBURBAN HWY OUTSIDE OF, ENTERING, OR TRAVERSING A CITY APPEARS AS MAJOR ROUTE iON AN OFFI~AL PLAN ANY MAJOR ROUTE CHARACTERISTIC MET. BOTH STS. YES E] NO ~ The satisfaction of a warrant is not necessarily justification for a signal. Delay, congestion, confusion or other evidence of the need for right-of-way assignment must be shown. -8 TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Traffic Manual 1991 ~ Figure 9-3 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS YARRANT 8 - Combination of Warrants SATISFIED YES l-'] NO [~ · . REQU IR EM ENT WARRANT ;,,/ FULFILLED TWO WARRANTS 1. MINIMUM VEHICULAR VOLUME SATISFIED 80% :2. iNTERRUPTION OF CONTINUOUS TRAFFIC ~ YES r-] NO [~' WARRANT 9 - Four Hour Volume SATISFIED* . YES r'-I NO 2 or Approach Lanes One more . ,~ ~,~1 /Z.Z- Refer to Figure 9-6 (URBAN AREAS) or F~ure 9-7 (RURAL AREAS) to determine if this warrant is satisfied. Both Approaches Major Street ~ I"~ 7--/r II ~r-~i ~1~1 ~,,5'.~' Highest Approaches - Minor Street ~ fi! ~',~ /~Z) ! ~. /VARRANT 10 - Peak Hour Delay (ALL PARTS MUST BE SATISFIED) SATISFIED total delay experienced for traffic on one minor street approach controlled by a )P sign equals or exceeds four vehicle-hours for a one-lane approach and five vehicle-hours for a two-lane approach; AND The volume on the same minor street approach equals or exceeds 100 vph for one moving lane of traffic or 150 vph for two moving lanes; AND YES I--I NO [--~ YES r-] NO r--] YES [--! NO [--] . The total entering volume serviced during the hour equals or exceeds 800 vph for intersections with four or more approaches or 650 vph for intersections with three approaches. YES IF'"] NO NARRANT 11- Peak Hour VoIume SATISFIED YES O [~ 2 or :~- 4,, '._ Approach Lanes Or,e more ~'/Hour I Both Approaches - Major Street Highest Approaches - Minor Street Refer to Figure 9-8 (URBAN AREAS) or Figure 9-9 (RURAL AREAS) to determine if this warrant is satisfied. ~e satisfaction of a warrant is not necessarily justification for a signal. Delay, congestion, confusion or other evidence the need for right-of-way assignment must be shown. 12 TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Figure 9-7 FOUR HOUR VOLUME WARRANT (Rural Areas) Traffic Manual _ 400 300 200 100 I ! ! I ~2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) 2 OR MORE LANES (MINOR) ~~ '~~----------- 2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) & 1 LANE (MINOR) OR I LANE (MAJOR) & 2 OR MORE LANES (MINOR) I LANE (MAJOR) & 1 LANE (MINOR) ~ ~~ ~ I I I A 2OO 300 40.0 500 600 700 800 MAJOR STREET - TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES - VPH 900 1000 NOTE: 80 VPH APPLIES AS THE LOWER THRESHOLD VOLUME FOR A MINOR STREET APPROACH WI1H TWO OR MORE LANES AND 60 VPH APPLIES AS; THE LOWER THRESHOLD VOLUME FOR A MINOR STREET APPROACHING WITH ONE LANE. .14 TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Figure 9-9 PEAK HOUR VOLUME WARRANT (Rural Areas) Traffic Manual 5OO 400 300 200 ~~.~.~ 2 OR MORE LANES (MAJOR) & I LANE (MINOR) ~. / '~ OR 1 LANE (MAJOR) & 2 OR MORE LANES (MINOR) LANE (MAJOR) & 1 LANE (MINOR) -- I I I 300 4O0 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 MAJOR STREET-TOTAL OF BOTH APPROACHES-VPH 1200 1300 NOTE: 100 VPH APPLIES AS THF LOWER THRESHOLD VOLUME FOP. A MINOR STREET APPROACH WITH TWO OR MORE LANES AND 75 VPH APPLIES /~.S THE LOWER THRESHOLD VOLUME FOR A MINOR STHEET APPROACHING WITH ONE L/~_NE. TRAFFIC DATA SERVICES, INC. MACHINE COUNT DATA LOCATION - PARK CENTER ~ EL CAMINO RL HOURLY VOLUM. TIME N. LEG E. LEG S. LEG W. LEG TOTAL TIME N. LEG E. LEG S. LEG W. LEG TOTAL (SB) (WB) (NB) (EB) (SB) (WB) (NB) (EB) 12:00 - 1:00 2 111 4 20 137 12:00 - 1:00 46 361 51 248 706 1:00 - 2'00 1 76 5 6 88 1:00 - 2:00 40 344 61 227 672 2:00 - 3:00 0 37 5 5 47 2:00 - 3'00 52 405 83 209 749 3:00 - 4:00 1 46 7 7 61 3'00 - 4:00 53 476 63 220 812 4:00 - 5:00 4 59 9 13 85 4:00 - 5:00 59 887 59 262 1267 5:00 - 6:00 9 48 42 28 127 5:00 - 6:00 59' 999 91 325 1474 6:00 - 7:00 45 182 105 82 414 6:00 - 7:00 60 698 100 251 1109 7:00 - 8:00 102 452 192 203 949 7:00 - 8'00 44 302 84 213 643 8:00 - 9'00 81 471 122 130 804 8:00 - 9:00 41 260 69 147 517 9:00 - 10:00 46 317 .78 100 541 9'00 - 10:00 22 241 56 84 403 10:00 - 11:00 35 183 69 145 432 10:00 - 11:00 21 210 44 71 346 11'00 - 12:00 33 343 52 194 622 11'00 - 12:00 10 135 28 55 228 TOTALS 866 7,643 1,479 3,245 13,2 North Leg (SB) East Leg (WB) South Leg (NB) West Leg (EB) 11/9/95 TO 11/10/95 11/9/95 TO 11/10/95 11/9/95 TO 11/10/95 11/9/95 TO 11/10/95 TRAFFIC DATA SERVICES, INC. ............................................... MACHINE COUNT DATA LOCATION - PARK CENTER @ EL CAMINO RL i5 MINUTE VOLUMES ........................... PM ......................... TIME N. LEG E. LEG S. LEG W. LEG TOTAL TIME N LEG E LEG S. LEG W LEG {SB) (WB) (NB) (EB) ' ' · TOTAL (SB) (WB) (NB). (EB) 12:00 - 12:15 0 22 I 8 31 1~:00 - 12:15 10 86 7 76 179 12:15 - 12:30 1 48 2 3 54 12:15 - 12:30 13 79 10 60 162 12:30 - 12:45 1 23 1 6 31 12:30 - 12:45 11 96 16 56 179 12:45 - 1:00 0 18 0 3 21 12:45 - 1:00 12 100 18 56 186 1:00 - 1'15 0 20 2 0 22 1'00 - 1:15 10 84 18 63 175 1:15 - 1:30 0 18 2 3 23 1:15 - 1:30 12 99 15 57 183 1'30 - 1:45 t 14 0 1 16 1:30 - 1:45 8 73 12 59 152 1:45 - 2:00 0 24 1 2 27 ' 1'45 - 2:00 10 88 16 48 162 2:00 - 2:15 0 12 1 I 14 2:00 - 2:15 12 82 15 40 149 2:15 - 2:30 0 6 1 2 9 2:15 - 2:30 19 134 16 59 228 2:30 - 2:45 0 13 2 2 17 2:30 - 2:45 12 79 20 60 171 2:45 - 3:00 0 6 1 0 7 2:45.- 3:00 9 110 32 50 201 3:00 - 3:15 0 10 2 2 14 3:00 - 3:15 10 104 14 48 176 3:15 - 3:30 0 11 2 1 14 3'15 - 3:30 10~ 80 15 50 155 3:30 - 3:45 0 12 0 3 15 3:30 - 3:45 15 130 18 66 229 3:45 - 4:00 i 13 3 I 18 '3-45 - '4:00 18 162 16 56 252 4:00 - 4:15 2 8 2 3 15 4:00 - 4:15 12 155 11 62 240 4:15 - 4:30 I i0 4 1 16 ' ' 4-15 - 4:30 15 252 22 55 344 4:30 - 4:45 0 17 0 3 20 4:30 - 4:45 11 250 12 66 339 4:45 - 5:00 1 24 3 6 34 4-45 - 5:00 21 230 14 79 344 5:00 - 5:15 0 28 6 5 39 5:00 - 5'15 18 236 28 77 359 5:15 - 5:30 3 13 14 4 34 5:15 - 5:30 16 296 16 86 414 5:30 - 5:45 2 1 8 9 20 5:30 - 5:45 16 249 20 76 361 5:45 - 6:00 4 6 14 10 34 5:45 - 6:00 9 218 27 86 340 6'00 - 6'15 8 11 14 12 45 6:00 - 6:15 15 240 21 66 342 6:15 - 6:30 12 25 28 15 80 6:15 - 6:30 17 232 29 64 342 6:30 - 6:45 14 52 22 13 101 6:30 - 6:45 15 124 24 66 229 6:45 - 7:00 11 94 41 42 188 6:45 - 7:00 13 102 26 55 196 7:00 - 7:15 15 91 34 29 169 7:00 - 7:'15 14 80 24~-'' ' 63 181 7:15 - 7:30 20 108 42 42 212 7:15 - 7:30 10 86 26 42 164 7:30 - 7:45 31 122 50 58 261 7:30 - 7:45 10 68 23 54 155 7:45 - 8:00 36 131 66 74 307 7:45 - 8:00 10 68 11 54 143 8'00 - 8:15 17 183 42 29 271 8:00 - 8'15 9 70 17 47 143 8:15 - 8:30 28 110 30 33 201 8:15 - 8:30 8 68 10 39 125 8:30 - 8:45 18 108 24 24 174 8:30 - 8:45 12 64 22 28 126 8:45 - 9:00 18 70 26 44 158 8:45 - 9:00 12 58 20 33 123 9:00 - 9:15 18 46 30 20 114 9:00 - 9-15 6 56 16 26 104 9:15 - 9:30 9 114 13 29 165 9:15 - 9:30 3 60 12 23 · ' 98 9:30 - 9:45 9 106 13 18 146 9:30 - 9:45 4 48 14 12 78 9:45 - 10:00 10 51 22 33 116 9:45 - 10:00 9 77 14 23 123 10:00 - 10:15 8 40 24 20 92 10'00 - 10-15 10 74 12 18 114 10:15 - 10'30 11 60 15 43 129 10:15 - 10:30 5 63 10 19 97 10'30 - 10'45 11 40 18 36 I05 10:30 - 10:45 3 36 12 22 73 10:45 - 11:00 5 43 12 46 106 10:45 - 11:00 3 37 10 12 62 11:00 - 11'15 12 56 16 42 i26 11:00 - 11'15 6 50 13 15 84 11:15 - 11:30 8 106 18 59 191 11'15 - 11:30 2 29 6 13 50 11:30 - 11:45 S 78 8 44 135 11:30 - 11:45 2 33 1 14 50 11:45 - 12:00 8 103 10 49 170 11:45 - 12:00 0 23 8 13 44 TOTALS ............... 866 7,643 1,479 3,245 13,233