HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 WATER CAP IMPROV 01-15-96 NO. 8 1-15-96 I n t e r- C o m ,,, DATE: JANUARY 15, 1996 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/WATER SERVICES DIVISION SUBJEC~ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES A~REEMENT FOR WATER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MANAC~EMENT RECOMMENDATION That the City Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk, subject to final City Attorney approval, to execute the attached agreement with ASL Consulting Engineers for Water Capital Improvement Program Management. FISCAL IMPACT The proposed contract is structured in 5 phases. The requested recommendation involves only the funding of Phase I for $190.000. Funding for Phase I is from the existing debt issuance of Water Certificates of Participation. It is anticipated that funding for Phase II through V, amounting to approximately $927,700, will be funded through future' bond sales and will be brought to the City Council in separate phases for approval. The proposed contract does not obligate the City to continue with Phases II through V or continue to use ASL for' the future'work. BACKGROUND In October of 1990, Daniel Boyle Engineering, Inc., completed a Water System Storage Evaluation Study. The Study determined that there were deficiencies-in the system in both quantity of storage and structural. condition of existing reservoirs. It was determined that approximately $40 million worth of improvements to the storage and distribution system. were necessary. In 1992 the City Council reviewed and approved a water rate study and financial plan prepared by Bartle Wells Associates. The study propoSed a funding plan to support a twelve year development program to construct the recommended water system improvements. The financial plan proposed a series of bond issues designed to support approximately two years of development costs. Subsequently, the first series of bonds were issued in April 1993 to retire the outstanding 1983 water bonds and provide $6.9 million for water system improvements. Currently, $4.5 million has been expended to complete the Rawlings Reservoir Retaining Wall Replacement, Newport Avenue Transmission Main Replacement, the Vandenberg Well construction, and various distribution pipeline replacements. Although great progress has been made, the total program is approximately two years behind schedule. In an effort to expedite the entire program and return to the original schedule, a request for proposal to provide engineering management services for the remaining projects was prepared and sent to several consultants. Although the current water services staff is very efficient at maintaining and Professional services Agreement for Water Capital Improvement Program Management January 15,1996 Page 2 operating the existing water system, they do not have the technical expertise or the existing manpower to implement the proposed design/construction program schedule. Since the projects are essentially one-time design/construction projects that improve our existing system, any design staff hired for the specific project would no longer be needed upon project completion. Additionally, it would be necessary to hire experienCed personnel and support staff and purchase additional computers and associated software-to complete these one-time design projects. Thus, the best use of existing and future manpower and the most cost effective method to complete the twelve year program would be through a qualified engineering firm. With oversight provided by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer and the Water Services Manager, the consultant will prepare a master schedule for construction and cash flow that will determine future bond sales; prepare scopes of work and requests for proposal for appraiser, acquisition agents, environmental professionals, surveyors, and designers; assist in consultant selection; monitor consultant contracts and 'billings; perform plan checking, site design and pipeline replacement design. DISCUSSION Written proposals were received from five firms to perform as Program Manager. They are as follows: ~. ASL Consulting Engineers Harris and Associates HNTB .NBS Lowry Whittenberg and Associates A selection committee consisting of City staff and water professionals form other jurisdictions determined that, based on professional qualifications and experience with related work, ASL Consulting Engineers is the most qualified firm to perform the requested work. Once it was determined that ASL was the most qualified firm, the final scope of work and fee were negotiated. The program management contract has been structured in five phases, with each phase requiring separate approval by City Council. The first phase encompasses preparing a 7-year design/construction program, completing site plans, acquiring the Main Street site, completing structural analysis of existing reservoirs, and designing water main replacement projects. Professional Services Agreement for Water Capital Improvement Program Management January 15, 1996 Page 3 The consultant contract has also been structured with a pay for performance feature. The ,consultant will be paid only upon completion of certain milestones which have been included in the proposal and made a part of the agreement. Tim D. Serlet Director of Public Works/City Engineer Gary R.~ veeh Water Services Manager TDS:GRV:ccg:Water CIP Consult Agrmt PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AC~REEMEbIT THIS .AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 15th day of January, 1996, by and between the cITy OF TUSTIN, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City") and .. ASL Consulting Engineers (hereinafte~ referred to as #ConSultant")· WlTNESSETH, ~ WHEREAS, City desires to employ Consultant to furnish the necessary engineering services for Water Capital Improvement Program Management, hereinafter referred to as 'Project'; and WHEREAS, Consultant is qualified to provide the neces~ services in connection with said Project and has agreed to provide the necessary services; and WHEREAS, Consultant has submitted to City a proposal, dated December 20, 1995, a cOpy of the proposal is attached hereto, marked as Exhibit WAr and is by this'reference incorporated herein as though set forth in full herein (the ~Proposal"). NOW, THEREFORE, City agrees to employ and does hereby employ Consultant to · provide the professional services for the Project, and City and Consultant, for the consideration hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: Section 1: Scope of Consultant's Services, Consultant agrees to furnish .to City consulting Services for the Project. These services shall include all of the services included within the Consultant's proposal, (Exhibit 'A'). It is understood that the work will be completed in five phases. Execution of this agreement authorizes commencement of Phase I. Work on subsequent phases will not pr~eed until authorized by the Tustin City Council. w Section 2: Time for Completion. Consultant agrees that it shall prosecute regularly and diligently the work of this agreement accordingly to the schedules established in attached Exhibit "A" for the various items described and as outlined within Consultant's proposal. Consultant shall not be accountable for delays in the progress of its work caused by any condition beyond its control and without the fault or negligence of Consultant. Any delays shall not entitle Consultant to any additional compensation, regardless of the party responsible for the delay. Section 3; Compensation, The compensation to be paid under this agreement shall be as set forth in the Consultant's proposal with a total cost not to exceed $190,000 for Phaz~ I, and $927,700 for Phases H through V, unless otherwise approved by the Tustin City Council upon authorization to proceed with those phases. Progress payments for work completed will be paid as delineated in the Consultant's proposal (Exhibit "A") in the Compensation and Payment Milestones table, and within thirty (30) days of the date of Consultant's 'invoice. These payments will be based upon.submittal.of detailed invoices and based upon the actual work performed for each individual task not exceeding that provided in the Consultant's proposal. Section 4: Job Site Conditions, The City agrees that in accordance with generally accepted construction practices, the construction contractor will be required to assume sole and complete responsibility for job site conditions during the course of construction of this project, including safety of all persons and property and that this requirement shall be made to apply continuously and not be limited to normal working hours. Section 5: Miscellaneous Provisions, A. City and Consultant further agree to the following conditions: · (1) City, by notifying Consultant in writing, shall have the fight to terminate any or all of the services covered by this agreement at any time. In the event of such -2- termination, Consultant shall be paid for services rendered to the effective date of the termination. (2) Consultant agrees that it shall proceed immediately and diligently to perform the services provided for in this Agreement upon receipt of notice from City to proceed therewith. (3) The ~terms and provisions of this agreement shall extend to and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the respective parties thereto. (4) Consultant shall perform the services hereunder as an independent contractor and under no circumstances ;or conditions shall Consultant or any of its agents, servants and employees, be considered az an employee or agent of the City. (5) Consultant shall perform all services required under this agreement using that degree of care and trill ordinarily exercised under similar conditions in similar localities, and shall be responsible for all errors and omissions for services performed by Consultant under the terms of this Agreement. Consultant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold City, its agents,. employee~, successors and assigns harmless from any loss, damage, injury, sickness, death, or other claim made by other persons and from all costs, expenses and'charges, including attorney's fees, arising from Consultant'J negligent performance of this agreement. In addition, Consultant shall maintain in full force and effect during the term of this agreement policies .of comprehensive general liability, personal injury and liability insurance with limits of at least $1,000,000 combined single limit coverage per occurrence, for which certificates of insurance or endorsemen,ts in form satisfactory to the.City have heretofore been delivered to City~ -3- (6) Consultant shall car~ and pay for such compensation insurance as is necessary to fully proteCt Consultant and its employees under California Worker's Compensation Insurance and Safety Laws, to relieve City from all responsibility under said laws in conneCtion with the performance of this agreement, and upon execution of this agreement, to file with City a certificate to said protection. (7) Consultant certifies that there shall be no discrimination against any employee who is employed in the work covered by this agreement, or against any application for such employment, because of race, religion, color, sex or national origin including, but not limited to, the following: a. EmploYment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment, or recruitment advertising, lay-off or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. (8) Consultant shall provide City monthly with a detailed itemization of all work performed, and the fee's accrued thereon, in complete and sufficient detail to fully apprise City thereof. (9) Upon termination of this Agreement or completion of the ProjeCt, all documents relating to the Project shall become the sole property of City. Should City terminate this Agreement pursuant to subparagraph (1) of this Section, Consultant shall, within ten (10). business days of receipt of notice of termination, provide City with all documents within Consultant's possession relating to this Agreement and the ProjeCt, including but not' limited to all completed documents and all drafts of uncompleted documents. -4- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement was executed by the patties on the day and year first above written. CITY OF TUSTIN, a Municipal Corporation BY Jim Potts, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela Stoker, City Clerk APPROVED ASTO FORM: Lois E. Jeffrey, City Attorney ASL Consulting Engineers BY (Si§nature) Douglas I, Reinhardt, Senior vice President (Name Printed/Title) -5- EXHIBI I-"A" ASL Consulting Engineers One Jenner Sheet Suite 200 hvine, California 92718 714/727-7099 RECEIVED BEC 2 I 1§95 CIIY OF '[tl$11H December 20, 1995 Mr. Gary Veeh Water Services Manager City of Tustin Public Works/Water Services Division 235 East Main Street Tustin, CA 92680 Subject: ' Program Management Services Dear Mr. Veeh: We have made the requested revisions in our .scope of services, schedule and milestones for payment. Attached are our revisions 'along with our insurance certificate for the project. We have tried to incorporate all of the comments you provided to us in your fax of December 12, 1995. We look forward to working with you on this project. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, Principal .SDTIcg Attachments I:~ROP95~PRPI30~TR3B.SDT cc: Tim Serlet, City of Tustin EXHIBIT "A" Pasadena Corporale Office Irvine Palm Springs Camarillo San Diego San Bemafdino 81816830066 7141727-7099 619/320-4220 805/388-2344 6191673-5505 909/381-3666 Fax 8181683-0060 Fax 714/727-7097 Fax 6191320-3580 Fax S05/388-3082 Fax 619/673-1610 Fax 909/387-0810 CITY OF TUSTIN WATER DIVISION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES SCOPE OF SERVICES ASL Consulting Engineers will provide the following detailed scope of services as part of our program management services contract. These services have been divided into separate tasks to correspond with the various assignments and projects which are a part of the overall program. ~ PHASE I · Task 1 - Develop 7 Year Proqram ASL will develop a 7. year program outlining the tasks, schedules and budget required to implement the City's Capital Improvement' Program. A detailed review of project phasing, budget and scheduling will be used to outline requirements for implementation and timing of future bond sales. Task 2 - Finalize Main Street Site Plan ASL will review work completed to date on the Main Street site and will meet with the City to discuss the project. Coordination with the Planning and Community Development Departments will be provided. ASL will then complete the site plan and planning report.. Task 3 - Main Street Reservoir Site Acquisition ASL will prepare legal description and survey plat for land acquisition. ASL will select an appraiser for the land acqUisition. Task 4 - Prepare Rawlinqs Zone II Booster Pump Station Site Plan ASL will meet with City staff and provide a site plan analysis for the proposed pump station. A twenty scale site plan outlining the station location, inlet/outlet pipelines, electrical service and properly boundaries will be prepared. ASL will consult with a geotechnical engineer to review the site. Field borings and testing however, will not be a part of this task. Task 5 - Structural~Foothill S_l~on and Rawrm s Reservoirs ASL will provide the following services during the struCtural analysis phase: a. Prepare request'for proposal (RFP), issue RFP, review proposals received, recommend consultant for Selection and negotiate contract. b. Provide coordination with consultant and City staff and review report submittal at the 50% complete stage. c. Provide coordination with consultant and City staff and review report submittal at the 100% complete stage. Task 6 - Prepare Simon Ranch Booster Pump Station Site Plan.. ASL will meet with City staff and provide a site plan analysis for the proposed pump station. A twenty scale site plan outlining the station location, inletJoutlet pipelines, electrical service and property boundaries will be prepared. ^SL will consult with a geotechnical engineer to review the site. Field borings and testing however, will not be a part of this task. Task 7 - Design Water IVlain Replacement Projects 600123, 600124 ASL will obtain all existing' plans, utility maps, survey data and prepare construction plans and specifications for the proposed water main projects. Plans will be pr. epared in accordance with City format, 20-scale plan only using AutoCAD. Submittals will include: a. Preliminary Plans b. 50% Design c. 90% Design d. 100% Design Task 8 - Design Water Main Replacement Projects 600125, 600126, 600128 ASL will obtain all existing plans, utility maps, survey data and prepare construction plans and specifications for the proposed water main projects. Plans will be prepared in accordance with City format, 20-scale plan only using AutoCAD. Submittals will include: '"-. a. Preliminary Plans b. 50% Design c. 90% Design d. 100% Design Task 9 - Re orts and Meetin s for Phase I ASL will attend the follOwing meetings and provide the following reports throughout Phase I of the project: Monthly schedule and budget reports · Monthly cash flow projections · Weekly status of project delays · S[aff reports to Council as required · Attendance at City Council meetings as required · Public presentations · . Bi~.weekly meetings with City staff · Bi_weekly meetings with consultants and construction contractors PHASE Ii Task I -*Main Street Reservoir Desiqn_ ASL will review the finalized site plan and will provide the following services during the design phase: a. Prepare request for proposal (RFP), issue RFP, review proposals received, recommend consultant for selection and negotiate contract. b. Complete and file CEQA documentation (assuming Negative Declaration only is required). c. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the preliminary design stage. d. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 50% design stage. '- e. Provide coordination-with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 90% design stage. f. .Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design* submittal at the 100% design stage. Task 2 - Main Street Well No. 4 Desiqn -.. ASL will provide the following services during the design phase: a. Prepare request for proPosal (RFP), issue RFP, review proposals received, recommend consultant for selection and negotiate contract. b. Provide coordination with design consultant and citY staff and review design submittal at the preliminary design stage. c. Provide coordination ~vith design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 50% design stage. d. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 90% design stage. e. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 100% design stage. Task 3 - Rawlin.qs Zone II Booster Pump Station Design The ASL will review the finalize site plan and will provide the following services during the design phase: a. Provide legal description and survey plat for land acquisition. Select appraiser for land acquisition. b. Prepare request for proposal (RFP), issue RFP, review proposals received, recommend consultant for selection and negotiate contract. c. Complete and file CEQA documentation (assuming Negative Declaration only is required). d. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the preliminarY design stage. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design sUbmittal at the 50% design stage. f. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review 'design submittal at 'the 90% design stage. g. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at 'the 100% design stage. Task 4 - Simon Ranch Booster Pump Station Desiqn ASL will review the finalized, site plan and provide the following services during the design phase: a. Provide legal.description and survey plat for land acquisition. Select appraiser for land acquisition. b. Prepare request for proposal (RFP), issue RFP, review proposals received, recommend consultant for selection and negotiate contract. c. Complete and file'CEQA documentation (assuming Negative Declaration only is required). "--- d. Provide coordination with design consultant and .City staff and review design submittal at the preliminarY design stage. e. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 50% design stage. f. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 90% design stage. g. Provide coordination with design consultant .and City staff and review design submittal at the 100% design stage. Task 5 - Water Main Replacement Desi;n ASL will provide the following, services during the design phase: a. Prepare request'for proposal (RFP), issue RFP, review proposals received, recommend consultant for selection and negotiate contract. b. Provide coordination With design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the preliminary design stage. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 50% design stage. d. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 90% design stage. e. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 100% design stage. Task 6 - Reports and Meetings for Phase II ASL will attend the following meetings and provide the following reports throughout Phase I1: · Monthly schedule and budget reports · Monthly cash flow projections Weekly status of project delays · Staff reports to Council as required · .Attendance at City Council meetings as required · Public presentations · Bi-weekly meetings with City staff · Bi-weekly meetings with consultants and construction contractors PHASE III Task I - Foothill Reservoir Desiqn ASL will provide the following services during the design phase: a. Select Environmental and Public Relations Consultant. b. Conduct Community meetings and Council presentations (5.maximum). c. Provide assistance and review during preparation of environmental documents. d. Prepare request for proposal (RFP), issue RFP, review proposals received,. recommend consultant for selection and negotiate contract. e. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the preliminary design stage. f. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 50% design stage. g. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design. submittal at the 90% design stage. h. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the !00% design stage. Task 2 - Construction Management for Main Street Reservoir and Well No. 4 ASL will provide one (1) resident engineer for a period of 14 months who will be assisted as needed by a construction manager. 'The following services will be provided: · Technical Assistance during bidding and advedisement period · Provide Community Relations Program · Process shop drawings with design consultants · Issue requests for information · Provide construction observation · CoOrdinate construction staking, geotechnical and materials testing · Review change order requests · Review progress schedules · Review contractors "as-built" plans Task.3 - Construction Management for Rawlings Pump stations Zone II and Simon Booster ASL will provide one (1) construction observer for a period of 10 months who will' be assisted as needed by a construction manager. The following services will be provided: · Technical' Assistance during bidding and advedisement period · Provide Community Relations Program · Process shop drawings with design consultants · Issue requests for information · Provide construction observation · Coordinate construction staking, geotechnical and materials testing · Review change order requests · Review progress schedules · Review contractors "as-built" plans '---. Task 4 - Water Main Replacement Desiqn ASL will provide the following services during'the design phase: a. Prepare request for proposal (RFP), issue RFP, review proposals received, recommend consultant for selection and negotiate contract. b. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the preliminary design stage. : 6 c. Provide .coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 50% design stage. d. Provide coordination with' design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 90% design stage. e. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 100% design stage. Task 5 - Reports and Meetings for Phase III ASL will attend the following meetings and provide the following repods throughout Phase !11: · Monthly schedule and budget reports · Monthly cash flow projections · Weekly status of project delays · Staff reports to Council as required · Attendance at City Council meetings as required · Public presentations · Bi-weekly meetings with City staff · Bi-weekly meetings with consultants and' construction contractors PHASE IV Task I - Simon Reservoir Design ASL will provide the following 'services during the design phase: a. Prepare request for proposal (RFP), issue RFP, review proposals received, recommend consultant for selection and negotiate contract. b. Complete and file CEQA documentation (assuming Negative Declaration only is required.) c. Provide'coOrdination with design consultant 'and City staff and review design submittal at the preliminary design stage. d. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 50% design stage. e. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 90% design stage. f. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 100% design stage. Task 2 - Construction Mana_clement for Foothill Reservoi_r __ AsL will provide one (1) resident engineer for a period of 14 months who will be assisted as needed by a construction manager. The following services will be provided: · Technical AssiStance during bidding and advertisement.period · Provide Community Relations Program · Process shop drawings with design consultants · Issue requests for information · Provide construction observation · Coordinate construction staking, geotechnical and materials testing · Review change order requests · Review progress schedules · Review contractors "as-built" plans Task 3 - Desi.qn Water Main Replacements ASL will provide the following services during the design phase: a. Prepare request for proposal (RFP), issue RFP, review proposals received, recommend consultant for selection and negotiate contract. b. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the preliminary design stage. c. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 50% design stage. d. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 90% design stage. ' e. Provide coordination with design consultant and C~ty staff and review design submittal at the 100% design stage. Task 4 - Reports and Meetinqs for Phase IV ASL will attend the following meetings and provide the following reports throughout Phase IV: · Monthly schedule and budget repods --. · Monthly cash flow projections · Weekly status of project delays · Staff repods to Council as required · Attendance at City Council meetings as required · Public presentations · Bi-weekly meetings with City staff · Bi-weekly meetings with consultants and construction contractors PHASE V Task I - Rawlin;s Reservoir Desi;n ASL will provide the following services during the design phase! a. Prepare request for proposal (RFP), issue RFP, review proposals received, recommend consultant for selection and negotiate contract. b.~ Complete and file CEQA documentation (assuming Negative Declaration only is required). c. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the preliminary design stage. d. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 50% design stage. e. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 90% design stage. f. Provide coordination with design consultant and City staff and review design submittal at the 100% design stage. Task 2 - Construction Mana.qement for Simon Reservoir ASL Will provide one (1)-construction observer for a period of 14 months who will be- assisted as needed by a construction manager. The following services will be provided: · Technical Assistance during bidding and advertisement period · Provide Community Relations Program · Process shop drawings with design . consultants · Issue requests for information · Provide construction observation · Coordinate cOnStruction staking, geotechnical and materials testing · Review change order requests · Review progress schedules · Review contractors "as-built" plans 9 Task 3 - Reports and Meetin.qs for Phase V -- ASL will attend the following meetings and provide the following reports throughout Phase IV: Monthly schedule and budget reports · Monthly cash flow projections · Weekly status of project delays · Staff reports to Council as required · Attendance at City Council meetings as required Public presentations · Bi-weekly meetings with City staff · Bi-weekly meetings with consultants and construction contractors 10 CITY OF TUSTIN WATER DIVISION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT MILESTONES PHASE I Task # Description Milestones for Payment Cost I Develop 7-year Program and Completion $6,800 Budget $11,100 2 Finalize Main Street Site Plan Completion ' 3 Main Street Reservoir Site Completion $5,000 Acquisition 4 Prepare Rawlings Zone II BPS Completion $8,500 Site Plan 5 Structural Analysis of Foothill, Selection of Consultant $2,600 Simon, and Rawlings Reservoirs Completion of Report $4,50q $7'100 6 Prepare Site Plans for Simon Completion of Site Plan $8,500 Ranch BPS 7 Design Water Main Replacement Completion of 2nd check by City - 50% $29,500 Projects 600123 and 600124 Presentation of Final Plans and Specifications for Signature - 50% $29.500 $59,000 8 Design Water Main Replacement Completion of 2nd check by City - -50% $34.000 Projects 600125, 600126, and Presentation of Final Plans and · 600128 · Specifications for Signature - 50% $34.000 $68,000' 9 RePorts and Meetings Monthly on a Time and Materials Basis $16.000 ' SUBTOTAL PHASE I $190.O00 11 CITY OF TUSTIN WATER DIVISION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT MILESTONES PHASE II Task # Description' 'Milestones for PaYment Cost 1 Main Street Reservoir Design Selection of Design Consultant $2,600 Completion of CEQA Documentation $3,500 Completion of Preliminary Design Report $2,000 :~resentafion of Final Plans and $11.000 Specifications for Signature $19,100 2 Main Street Well #4 Design Selection of Design Consultant $2,600 Completion of Preliminary Design Report $2,000 Presentation of Final Plans and Specifications for Signature $6.500_. $11,100 3 Rawlings Zone II BPS Design Completion of Right-of-Way Acquisition $5,000 Selection of Design Consultant $2,600 Completion of CEQA Documentation $3,500 Completion of Preliminary Design Report $2,500 Presentation of Final Plans and Specifications for Signature ~;6,500. $20,100 4 Design Simon Ranch BPS Completion of Right-of-Way Acquisition · $5,000 Selection of Design Consultant $2,600 Completion of CEQA Documentation $3,500 Completion of Preliminary Design Report $2,500 Presentation of Final Plans and Specifications for Signature $6,500, $20,100 5 Water Main Replacement Design Selection of Design Consultant $2,600 Presentation of Final Plans and Specifications for Signature ~4,700 $7,300 6 Reports and Meetings Monthly on a Time and Materials Basis $21,000 SUBTOTAL PHASE I! $98,700 12 CITY OF TUSTIN WATER DIVISION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT MILESTONES PHASE III Task # Description Milestones for Payment Cost 1 Foothill Reservoir Design Selection of EIR Consultant $2,600 Completion of EIR $6,000 Selection of Design Consultant $2,600 Completion of Preliminary Design Report $3,500 Presentation of Final Plans Specifications for Signature $9.500 $24,20O 2 Construction Management for Monthly on a Time and Materials Basis $210,000 Main Street Reservoir and'-Well No. 2 3 Construction Management for: · Monthly on a Time and Materials Basis $146,000 Rawlings Zone II and Simon Booster Pump Stations 4 Water Main Replacement Deign Selection of Design Consultant $2,600 Presentation of Final Plans and Specifications for signature $4,700 $7,300 5 Reports and Meetings Monthly on a Time and Materials Basis $21,000 SUBTOTAL PHASE III $408,500 13 CITY OF TUSTIN WATER DIVISION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 'MANAGEMENT SERVICES COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT MILESTONES · PHASE IV Task # Description Milestones for Payment Cost 1 Simon Reservoir Design Selection of Design Consultant $2.600 Completion of CEQA Documentation $2.500 Completion of Preliminary Design Report $3,500 Presentation of Final Plans Specifications for Signature ~ $18,100 2 Construction Management for Monthly on 'a Time and Materials Basis $199.500 Foothill Reservoir 3 Water Main Replacement Design Selection of Design Consultant $2,600 Presentation of Final Plans and Specifications for Signature $4.700 $7,300 4 Repods and Meetings Monthly on a Time and Materials Basis $21,000 SUBTOTAL PHASE IV $245,900 14 CITY OF TUSTIN WATER DIVISION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT MILESTONES · PHASE V Task # Description Milestones for Payment Cost · 1 Rawlings Reservoir Design Selection of Design Consultant $2.600 Completion Of CEQA Documentation $2.500 Completion of Preliminary Design Report $3,500 Presentation of Final Plans Specifications for Signature ~9.500_ $18,100 2 Construction 'Management for Monthly on a Time and Materials Basis $135,500 Simon Reservoir 3 Reports and Meetings for Phase V Monthly on a Time and Materials Basis $21,000 SUBTOTAL FOR PHASE V $174,600 15 CITY OF TUSTIN WATER DIVISION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MANAGEMENT SERVICES HOURLY RATES CLASSIFICATION HOURLY RATE Principal .................... ' $135 130 Program Manager-. ................ · .............. Project Engineer ............... 90 90 Construction Manager ....... . ...................... 70 Resident Engineer ............................... Design Engineer ............... 70 58 Draffsperson ................................... Construction Observer ............................ 60 Typist/Technician ................................ 45 16 I,U (.'3 0 EXHIBIT "B" Public Works / Water Service Division April 4, 1995 Mr. DOuglas J. Reinhardt Vice President ASL Consulting Engineers One Jenner Street, Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92718 City of Tustin 235 E. Main Street Tustin, CA 92680 (714) 573-3375 FAX (714) 838-0039 Dear Mr. Reinhardt: SUBJECT: Request for Proposal for Program Management Services The city of Tustin desires to engage the services of a consulting firm experienced in the'area of Water Capital Improvement Program Management. This includes developing, scheduling, and implementing a design and construction program that will be coordinated with an established financing plan. The city has identified approximately $20 million in required water..system, improvements. Major projects include: construction of a new 2.2 million gallon below ground concrete reservoir; reconstruction and/or repair of three ageing reservoirs; construction/reconstruction of three booster stations; and numerous distribution pipe replacement/improvements. · The city has adopted a financial plan which includes rate increases and planned debt issuances adequate to complete the projects within a 12-year period. The initial debt issuance occurred in April of-1993 and resulted in an availability of $6.9 million for construction of the projects. While city staff has proceeded with construction of the distribution system improvements, the reservoir and booster station projects have not progressed at the desired pace. Program- Management Services are therefore being solicited. Specific services required by the city are: lo 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. Project planning and scheduling; --. Preparation of RFP and procurement of appraisal services where necessary; Preparation of environmental documentation and/or procurement of services for same; Procurement and management of design engineering services (the program management firm will not. be utilized as a design fLrm); .Plan checking and review of technical documents; Preparation of, and assistance in making public presentations when appropriate; Construction management and/or procurement of services, for same; Preparation of staff reports to City .Council for Water Services Manager and Director of Public Works/City Engineer signatures. EXHIBIT' "B" Request for Proposal April 4, 1995 Page 2 All services will be procured in accordance with existing city of Tustin policies which require professional firms to be selected on the basis of professional experience, qualifications and cost. Proposing firms Will be evaluated on demonstrated competence, professional qualifications, familiarity and experience with providing this type of service, and the understanding of the city of'Tusfin's needs. The experience of the Project Manager and the percentage of his time to be dedicated to the project will be key factors. The method for maintaining close communication with city staff and approach to completing the projects in a timely manner will be of utmost importance. The selected firm will report directly to the Water Services Manager and will function as an extension of his staff. It is expected that the selected firm will analyze and make recommendations on all technical issues. Written proposals will be evaluated by a selection committee. Subsequently, selected fn'ms may be asked to give a presentation to the committee. Upon selection of the most qualified firm, a Scope of Work and Fee Arrangement will be negotiated. If the selected firm and the city are unable to negotiate a fee arrangement deemed fair and reasonable, the city will attempt to negotiate an agreement with the next most qualified firm, and so on until an agreement is reached. If you desire to submit a proposal to perform the requested services, please submit it to: Gary Veeh Water Services Manager 235 E. Main Street Tustin, CA 92680 Proposals shOuld be submitted no later than 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 25, 1995. Please feel free to call me at-(714) 573-3381 if you have any questions conceming this request. Very truly yours, Gary R.~eeh Water Services Manager GRV:cmc CERTIFICATE OF INSUR CITY OF TUSTIN i:: AND DESIGNATION OF NAML .DDITIONAL INSURED NO MODIFICATIONS OR ADDITIONS MAY BE MADE TO THIS FORM CITY OF TUSTIN P.O. Box 3539 Tustin, CA 92681-3539 PROJECT: COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE {MUST HAVE BEST'$ RATING OF AT LEAST A. VIII Company Letter A NAME AND ADDREG$ OF INSURED CONTRACTOR: ASL CONSULTING ENGINEERS Company Letter 3280 E. FOOTHILL BLVD ~350 PASADENA. CA ? ! ! 07 Company Letler NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSURANCE AGEflCY: AKASAKA, ORTIZ & VARELA INSURANCE ASSOCIATES INC Gomp~nyLettm 523 W. ~th St ~1234 Con~anyLet~arF Company Letlcr D Century NatiOnal ~kmerica,n Automobile_ Ins Co _ LoS Anceles, California 90014 Thia le to cenlfi Itlat ~ha poli¢iea of inauranoe liated below have boon i~uad to the inaured name above, are in forc~ at thM time0 thee th~ C~t~ of Tuatln |e a named additional ineured th.man Be respect, cla;m~ ar~ing In conrmctkm wi~h the herein,boy, named Project and that much }r~manoe ah~ll b4 primary w;th reepe~t lo any other ineuranee In force Type of Ineuranc~ GENERAL MABIUTY ~] Commardal General General Uablil~y Occurrence Baals Owner's & Con~ec{o~' Prot~ Bro~d F~m Prop. Damage ~lo,~. Co, apse, Undergro~d Hazard. AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY [ I Any Auto [ ] All Ow'nad Auto~ ~(~x$oheduled Auto~ Hired Aura, Nm~-Owned Amo~ Garage Uablilty EXCE~ UABILITY [ ] Umbrella Form [ ] Other'Then Umbrella Form P~icyNumber RP06621804 BAP60621 8HIWZP8067 ;)roeurad by the City of Tua~;n. Policy Eft. clive Date 11-7-95 11-7-95 7-1-95 7346 Policy Expiration Oa'~e 11-7-96 11-7-96 7-1-96 All Umits in Thousands General Aggregate Prod~-Comp/ Ope Agg. Per~. & Advg. Injury Each Occurrenc~ Fire Damage {Any One Fire.} Medical Expanse (Any One Per,on) CSL Bodily Injury (Per Person) Bodily Ir'jury (Per Oct.'orient. el Property EACH OCCURRENCE $ ~ 2,000 ~ 1 , 000 $ 1 , 000 ~ 1,000 AGGREGATE STATUTORY t 1,000 Earn Accident $ 1 , 000 D;,eaee-Policy Limit $ I : I'~ ~) ~ Pi~ea~e-E~ch Employee '1 WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYER'S UABIUTY Co. A OTHER De¢criptio~ of. Oporatlone/Locet;onsNehicJe~ Special Item. tl !~ certified thl! a waiver of aubregation ia hereby to the City of To, tin as pertmin~ to/~e term, of Ill Wor~r~ Coml~setien in,urartce. The immuing company will give thirty (30) days written holloa to the City of To. tin prior to m ' ' ' ~A'r~ ~$$U£0: 1 1 - 2 8 - 9 5 Authorized Repr~entatJv~ of th~ above-named inaurance company[la,) U