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FEBRUARY 5, 1996 WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LEASE AGREEMENT- REPLACEMENT OF PHOTOCOPIER EQUIPMENT Authorize the City Manager to execute a 60 month lease agreement with Image IV Systems, Inc. for two (2) photocopiers and related maintenance contracts; and declare two (2) photocopiers (Pitney Bowes D964 and Mita 1605) surplus and authorize staff to initiate appropriate disposal. The total cost for leasing one (1) Konica 6190 copier and one (1) Konica 5370 copier, including full maintenance contracts and service, for 60 months is $107,900. The expenditure of $21,580 for 1995-96 has been allocated in the duplication equipment and service budget. In 1990, the City Council approved a five-year lease/purchase agreement for three photocopiers and their related service and supplies. Two of these copiers are housed in the reproduction room which handles the majority of photocopying needs for City Hall including the production of City Council and Planning Commission agendas; the remaining copier is shared between the Community Development and Public Works Departments. At the end of the five-year lease agreement, the copiers became the property of the city. Following is the proposed disposition of the three copiers after conversion to City ownership: (1) Pitney Bowes D964 would be surplused (copier has produced well over a million copies and has been under constant repair during the last year); (2) Canon 8580 will be transferred from the reproduction room to Community Development/ Engineering to upgrade their copier equipment; and (3) Canon 6650 will be transferred from Community Development/Engineering to Community Services to upgrade their copier equipment. Community Services' current copier will be surplused; it was purchased in 1989 and is in need of extensive repairs. With the knowledge that replacement of copiers would be.necessary, staff prepared and sent a Request for Proposals to thirty-one (31) vendors requesting bids on 36 month lease, 60 month lease and purchase options for photocopier equipment and related service/supplies. In addition, to mailing the Request for Proposals, an advertisement was also published in the Orange County Register announcing the City's intent to solicit proposals for photocopiers. A mandatory bidder's conference was held on September 27, 1995. Proposals from twelve (12) vendors were submitted to the City Clerk's office on October 12, 1995. The evaluation process, based on 100 point distribution, conducted by the City Clerk's Office and the Finance Department consisted of allocating 10 points for meeting the proposed Standards; 40 points for Reference Check, and 50 points for Cost. Seven (7) vendors were eliminated during the first phase of evaluation as follows: One vendor failed to meet the Standards outlined in the RFP; one vendor was eliminated due to identical bidding of photocopier models with non-competitive pricing; and five (5) vendors were eliminated fOllowing their reference checks and receiving points of 34 or less. The remaining five (5) vendors were then evaluated on cost and allotted points according to their ranking (lowest bid = 50 points). Image IV was the only vendor to receive 50 points for each of their cost proposals. Based on their reference checks and lowest bid, an off-site visitation and usage of the copiers was conducted and, ultimately, the copiers were brought to City Hall for a two-week trial. CONCLUSION: Staff recommends approval of a 60 month lease agreement with Image IV Systems, Inc. based on review of responsible bid proposals, City Hall trial period, and economic analysis. The recommended lease will fix the cost of two photocopiers and their maintenance contracts for a five-year period. Valerie Crabill Chief Deputy City Clerk Attachment A: Cost Analysis Comparison by Vendor Attachment B: Image IV Bid Proposal Z qooooooooo ooddddddddd 0Z ~ ~ o o = E ~ E° Z~ ~× d ATTACHMENT A 0000000000 odddddddddd 0z ~ ~ Z~' 0 ' ~ z ~E E© mm ~ oE ~~0 O~ IL! Z ~ Joo.mo~ooooo~ o · . . o · .Z ~ooooo~ . . . 0ooooooooooo~ ~ o ~ o ~X 0~~~~~~0 0 ~ooooooooooo ~ odddddddddddz 0 ~ o ~ o Z E = ~ o ~O0~oE 003 (DO00~-O0~ 0~-0300 ~CO ~ c, c, c, c, ,:::, c, o ,:::, o o Q~ o ~ o ze E E = 2 ID SUBMISSION FORM PROPOSAL TO CITY OF TUSTIN · " FOR PHOTOCOPIER(S), MAINTENANCE, SUPPLIES NAME OF BIDDER: IMAGE IV, KONICA ADDRESS' ONE TECHNOLOGY, STE'B-iii IRVIN E, CA 92714' PHONE: (714)453-8606 CONTACT PERSON: MR. JOHN COVENTRY, MR. O.L.¥ON STETTEN The City of Tustin is soliciting proposals for the lease or purchase of three new photocopiers as follows (used and/or rebuilt copiers will not be considered). COPIER NO. 1 COPIER NO. 2 COPIER NO. 3 One (1) high-volume copier (100,000 copies per month) One (1) rSid-volumecopier (50,000 copies per month) One (1) mid-volume copier (50,000. copies per month) Interested bidders are invited to submit bids for one, two or three 'copiers with pricing options of: · -36 month lease, 60 month lease, or purchase option. Final selection of copiers will not be based solely on the lowest total cost,to the City, but will be based on a combination of factors including. (1) service standards, (2) operating costs, (3) space, (4) electrical/environmental requirements, (4) maintenance agreement, and (5) the. needs of the City. NOTE: The following eight Sections (! through VIII) are required to be initialed.b'¢the vendor. These initials indicate that the vendor has been advised of the required standards set forth in this proposal. SECTION I, REQUIRED STANDARDS- Only copiers meeting the follow;ng criteria per No. I Standards (High Volume Range) High Volume Range, 100,000 copies per month Capable of producing at least 90 copies per minute Minimum 30 Bin Sorter or Off-set Catch Tray ATTACHMENT Form A, Page 2 .Copier No. 1 Standards (Hiqh Volume Ran~_e)- Continued -- . 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Automatic 2-sided copying (1-sided to 2-sided; 2-sided to 2-sided; 2-sided to 1-sided) Automatic Document Feeder with capacity of 70~- originals Automatic Finisher/Stapler up to 50 sheets per set Reduction/Enlargement Variables from 65 % to 150% (operator selected) Continuous Forms Feeder (non-bursted computer paper) Multiple paper trays (8-1/2x 11' 8-1/2x 14, 11 x 17) with combined capacities of 2250 sheets ' Capable of creating overhead transparencies Capability to use 20 lb. paper stock and 60 lb. cover stock Capability to use recycled paper products Machine dimensions no greater than 4 feet deep and 9 feet wide (including movable parts and environmental requirements) ' Electronic Machine Maintenance Monitoring Copiers No. 2 'and 3 Standards (Mid Volume Range} · 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Mid Volume Range, 50,000 copies per month Capable of producing at least 60 copies per minute Minimum 30 Bin Sorter or Off-set Catch Tray Automatic 2-sided copying (l-sided to 2-sided; 2-sided to 2-sided; 2-sided to 1-sided) Automatic Document Feeder with capacity of 50+ originals Automatic Finisher/Stapler up .to 50 sheets per set Reduction/Enlargement Variables from 65% to 150% (operator selected) Continuous Forms Feeder (non-bursted computer paper) Multiple paper trays (8-1/2x 11 8-1/2 x 14, 11 x 17) with combined capacities of 2250 sheets ' Capable of creating overhead transparencies Capability to use 20 lb. paper stock and 60 lb. cover stock. Capability to use recycled paper products Machine dimensions no greater than 4 feet deep and 8 feet wide (including movable parts and environmental requirements) , SECTION I!, ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS Ali equipment requiring 120-240 volt 30 amp service must be equipped with three-wire electrical cord. Wire must be ofamp'erage rating to not overload by requirements of appliance or copier. Copier must have UL approval and meet all OSHA and other laws and regulations pertaining. To type of appliance or copier· ' Form A, Page 3 All copiers and equipment/accessories covered under co:ntract must be installed and maintained by the vendor in optimum working condition. Response time for each service call shall not exceed four (4) hours. Any equipment required by the vendor ~or remote control diagnostic service will be at the vendor's expense and will become property of the City. Vendors will be responsible for providing the City with monthly service reports which include' copier serial number, date and time of each service call, reason for service, date and time service completed, and number of copies since last' service call. Calls for service and service response time will be evaluated quarterly by the City to determine if service has been provided in accordance with the service standards and contract agreement. Copiers shall have a minimum average monthly "up-time" of at least ninety percent (90%). Failure to meet this service standard for three consecutive months, as determined by monthly service reports, could result in scheduling of mandatory monthly preventative maintenance, a percentage reduction of maintenance contract payments, or replacement of the copier at vendor expense. iers which cannot be maintained or serviced to meet the above 90% operational standard shall, at the City's option, be replaced by the vendor at no cost to the City of Tustin with a like copier capable of meeting the 90% operational standard. S ECTi 0 N IV, CO PY QUALITY i!:.~ii~ii~ii~ili~ili?i!!iiil;ii!iiii!!i!iiii:!iiiii~i Copiers must use standard 20 lb. xerographic .paper, 20 lb. recycled paper and at least 60 lb. cover stock. Copy quality must meet the following 'standards: (1) clariw and sharpness of the copies will not deviate substantially from the clarity and sharpness of the original, (2) paper will not be spot-ted, streaked or smudged by the copier, and (3) copies will not smudge due to handling. SECTION V, SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ] n ~I a I'"::~:~:~:i~ .:: .~::.:.-~:!: :i:i: :: :! ........ i .... Vendor agrees to provide ali necessary preventative maintenance and emergency service at no charge to the City, provided such service is requested and provided during regular working hours: 7:30 a.m. to 5'30 p.m., Monday through Thursday; 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 .p.m. on Fridays; holidays excluded. (City Hall is closed on alternate Fridays). Ve_ndor agrees to train City personnel and key operators in the proper care and use of copier :merit provided for under the proposed agreement as needed throughout the term of the ~ .,ract and will provide appropriate operating manual(s) upon copier/equipment installation. Form A, Page 4 Vendor agrees zo assume all responsibility for loss or damage to copier equipment and supplies provided for under the agreement, except for loss or dar~age caused by willful act or negligence of City employees. . The City reserves the option to upgrade copiers, equipment and accessories. Payments shall be made monthly in arrears upon submission of vendor's invoices to the City of Tustin Finance Department. Ali invoices must include the purchase order number and the vendor's identification number. Meter readings shall be submit-ted by the City at the end of each month for all equipment. Option for modem transmittal of data will be at vendor's expense. Invoices must reflect actual charges; use of estimated or average billing .plans is not acceptable. SECTION VII,. EVALUATION OF BIDS ii!~i~i~!i!~i~i~iiii~!~i~iii~?iiii .;:::~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:.:~:;~:~::~.~.::~i~:~i~.~:~f~i~:::~:~:!~i~:~::~:~::;:::::~:~:~ Bids will be evaluated for response to requirements stated herein, maintenance/service progra.' and cost. Final selection of copiers will not be based solely on the lowest total cost to the City, but will be based on a combination of factors including: (1) service standards, (2) operating costs, (3) space, (4) electrical/environmental requirements, (4) maintenance agreement, and (5) the needs of the City. · Selected bidders will. be invited to perform copier demonstrations at the convenience of the City. Subject demonstrations may be conducted on-site at the location of a customer currently being serviced by the vendor. Vendors may be requested to submit copiers for a 2-week,trial period for evaluation by City employees. Ail bids must include descrip~ive literature applicable to the proposed photocopier equipment. Prices quoted' shall be firm for a period of sixty (60) days. The proposed contract(s) will be subject ~o and contingent upon applicabl.e budgetar, y appropriations made by the City of each fiscal year during the term of the agreement. .. -. The City of Tustin reserves the right to cancel the Proposed con~ract(s) without cause with 30 day written notice, or with cause, immediately. Form A, Page 5 SECTION VIII, INDEMNIFICATION ContracTor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Tustin, its officers, employees, and agents, from any claims, demands, or liability for injury to any person or property, including Contractor, its officers, employees, or agents, the City of Tustin, its officers, employees or agents, or other persons arising out of or resulting from Contractor's performance under this contract, unless such injury is caused by the sole negligence or concurrent active negligence of the City of Tustin, its officers, employees or agents. If Contractor's negligence combines with City's active negligence to cause injury, the parties agree that liability will be apportioned as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction. Neither party shall request a jury apportionment. BID SUBMISSIOP )RM B - COPIER NO. I SH VOLUME RANGE) NAME OF BIDDER: IMAGE IV - KONICA ADDRESS- ONE TECHNOLOGY STE.Blll IRVINE, CA 92718 PHONE- (714)453-8606 CONTACT PERSON: MR. JOHN COVENTRY MR. O.L.VON STETTEN . Review the bid form carefully and complete all information requested. Incomplete bids may be rejected. Other than descriptive brochures, do not submit any supplemental material in excess of three pages' Any response deviation may be addressed at the end of this form. INFORMATION REQUIRED BIDDER'S RESPONSE I o . o . Copier Name/Model: Copies per minute- Does copier have off-set catch tray? Does copier have bin sorter? CaPacity? KONICA 6190 -------...-___.__ 90 COPIES PER MINUTE NO 20 BIN I50 SHTS PER BIN , , , , o 10. 11. 12. Automatic document feeder? Capacity? Automatic duplexing? Automatic finisher/stapler? Capacity? ' Reduction/Enlargement Variables? 8-1/2 x 1 1 paper tray capacity? 8-1/2 x 14 paper tray capacity? I I x 17 (computer paper) tray capacity? What weight(s) of recycled paper stock will the copier accept? ORIGINALS ES 1:212:212:1 INBIN-STAPLING-20 BIN 50-65-77% REDUCTION. ZOOM 50-200% _ 129-129-155% ENLARGEMENT. 7,500 SHEETSI6 DRAWERS ~ ADJUSTABLE -7,500 SHEETS-ADJUSTABLE ------.----.-.._,.__ 7,500 SHEETS-ADJUSTABLE 15Z lb to 90 lb-STOCK FORM B, PAGE 2 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 24. 25. 26. What weight(s) of cover stock will the copier accept? Does copier have continuous forms feeder (non-burst computer paper)? Copier dimensions ? (including moving parts and environmental requirements) Creates overhead transparencies? Maximum Monthly Volume? Electrical Source? Dedicated line required? Descriptive literature included? Is this copier used or rebuilT? Does copier have simultaneous multi-size original copying? Electronic copy audit function to control access? Automatic centering with red uctio n/e nla rgements ? Will your company comply with Section III, Service? Installation Charge? (includes set-up, starter kit, developer, toner, operating manuals and operator training) 15 lb to 90 lbs YES 40.6" x72.5" x33.1" (Height, Width, Depth) YES 300,000 COPIES 230 VI60 HZ(+-iO%) YES YES NEW YES YES-lO00 Accounts YES YES NO CHARGE FORM B, PAGE 3 Any response deviation from the above requirements can be addressed below- (please . indicate corresponding line item number. A) A_.¥~second 20-bin tandlem Stapling Sorter is available giving a total sort capacity_ of 40 bins. BJ No · . · ' w an e o 40.6 H x 103.5 List additional accessories available for Copier 1. Include'monthly cost and installation charges (attach additional sheet if needed). ~ item 3- No offset catch tra referenceabove- 20 Bin Sorter available on 6190 Konica + 5370. Tandem Sta~_~_n g BID SUBMISSION RM C- COPIER NO. 2 (I D VOLUME RANGE) NAME OF BIDDER: IMAGE IV KONICA ADDRESS'- ONE TECHNOLOGY-STE.B-111, IRVINg 92718 PHONE: (714)453-8606 CONTACT PERSON' MR. JOHN COVENTRY I MR. O.L.VON STETTEN Review the bid form carefully and complete all information requested. Incomplete bids may be rejected. Other than descriptive brochures, do not submit any supplemental material in excess of three pages. Any response deviation may be addressed at the end of this form.' I o . o . o . . INFORMATION REQUIRED Copier Name/Model- Copies per minute' Does copier have off-set catch tray? Does copier have bin sorter? Capacity? Automatic document feeder? Capacity? Automatic duplexing? Automatic finisher/stapler? Capacity? 8. Reduction/Enlargement Variables? . o 10. 11. 8-1/2 x 1 I paper tray capacity? 8-1/2 x 1 4 paper tray capacity? 11 x 17 (computer paper) tray capacity? What weight(s) of recycled paper stock will the copier accept? BIDDER'S RESPONSE KONICA 5370 70 CPM NO 20-Binl50 Shts. 100 ORIGIN ALS-RADF YES NO REDUCTION-50165177% ENLARGEMENT-1291155 ZO0~ 5n-?nO% 3000 SHEETS ADJUSTABLE DRAWERS 3000 SHEETS ADJUSTABLE DRAWERS 3000 SHEETS'-. ADJUSTABLE DRAWERS 15 lb to 65 lbs FORM C, PAGE 2 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. What weighT(s) of cover stock will the copier accept? Does copier have continuous forms feeder (non-burst computer paper)? Copier dimensions? (including moving parts and environmental requirements) Creates overhead transparencies? Maximum Monthly Volume? Electrical Source? Dedicated line required?' Descriptive literature included? Is'this copier used or rebuilt? UP TO 65 lb COVER STOCK-SIDE DOCUMENT FEEDER to 110 lb INDE --------------..___ YES :Is" x 67 zl " (Height, Width, Depth) X 31" YES 150,000 COPIES 208-240V 120 AMP YES YES NEW 22. Does copier have simultaneous multi-size original copying? YES 23. 24. 25. Electronic copy audit function to control access? Automatic centering with reduction/enlargements ? 1000 ACCOUNTS YES Will your company comply with Section !!I, Service? ¥~.s 26 ,([q~ct ~UI lcae~O~le tC_hu~r, gset.Ta r t e r. -~'~ o CHARGP. kit, developer, toner, I t operating manuals and ~ operator training) .~ FORM C, PAGE 3 Any response deviation from The above requirements can be addressed below: (please indicate corresponding line item number' A.) Line item 3-No offset catch tray B.) 20 Bin Stapling Sorter quoted. C. ) Addition'al- 20 Bin tandem sorter available for forty bin capacity .. 41 718 (HI X 103.5.,(W) X 31" DEPTH List additional accessories available for Copier 2. Include monthly cost and installation charges (attach additional sheet if needed)' 100 Sheet bypass included on 5370 Konica for up to 17X22 document · copying. Copy capability up to ll01b index stock BID $ ,VIISSION FORM E- 36 5,. .NTH LEASE (Total Cost for 36 Month Lease) NAME/MODEL NUMBER: A. Bo Co Monthly payment for Copier Fixed Monthly Maintenance Cost (annual divided by 12) Minus Copy Allowance (-) Total Billable Copies (=) Multiply by Cost per Copy (x) Total Copy Overage Cost:' Total Monthly Copy Volume Toner Yield Per unit/Carton (-) Cost Per Toner Unit/Carton (x) D. Total Monthly Toner Cost: .0016- Total Monthly Copy Volume Developer Yield Per Copy (-) Cost Per Developer Carton (x) Total Developer Cost: Total Monthly Copy Volume COPIER 1 Fuser Yield Per Copy Bo Fo .00393 .0075 G. 1__%~_~_50 000 Cost per Fuser Carton (x) $240.00 $160.00 .0004 $40.00 Total Fuser Cost Parts Not Covered by Maintenance (divided by 12) Inc. Inc. Inc. .0004 TOTAL MONTHLY COST A+B+C+D+E+F+G COST PER COPY (Total Cost/Total Volume) .00936 COPIER 2 $450.00 __._$90,000 · O05 .0075 COPIER 3 ____$45o.oo ~0,000 · 005 .0075 __._$.240.00 $8,0.00 ~240.00 .0004 $8O.OO .0004 $1027.34 .0114 Inc. $1027.34 .0114 Inc. $20~~.00~ $20.00 Inc. ~ Inc. Inc. ~~~nInc. In_~c. [ Inc. BID SU_, 11SS'ION FORM F - 60 M , ITH LEASE (Total Cost for 60 Month Lease) :COPIER 1 COPIER 2 COPIER 3 · NAME/MODEL NUMBER: KONICA 6190 5370 5370 A. Monthly. Payment for Copier $427.01 $331.71 $331.71 B. Fixed Monthly Maintenance Cost $590.00 $45O.00 $450.OO (annual divided by 12i Minus Copy Allowance (-) 150,000 90,000 90,000 Total Billable Copies ( = ) 150, O0 90,000 90,000 Multiply by Cost per Copy (x) .00393 .005 .005 C. Total Copy Overage Cost: .0075 .0075 .0075 Total Monthly Copy Volume Toner Yield Per Unit/Carton (-) 150,000 150,000 150,000 Cost Per TOner Unit/Carton (x) $240.00 $240.00 $240.00 D. Total Monthly Toner Cost: .0016 $160.00 $80.00 $80.00 Total Mont'hly Copy Volume 100 M 50 H 50 Developer Yield Per Copy (-) .0004 .0004 .0004 Cost Per Developer Carton (x) $120.00 $120.00 $120.00 Eo F. G. Total Developer Cost: Total Monthly Copy Volume' . OOO4 $40. O0 100 M $20.00 5O H $20.00 50M Fuser Yield Per Copy (-) Inc. Inc. Inc.' Cost per Fuser Carton (x) Total Fuser Cost Parts Not Covered by Maintenance (divided by 12) Inc. Tn~. Inc. TOTAL MONTHLY COST A+B+C+D+E+F+G Inc. Tn~. COST PER COPY (Total Cost/Total Volume) $1217.01 .0081 Inc. Inc. ' $881.71 ~l $881.71 .0081 I .0081 BID SU'~ iSSION FORM G - PURC,-.~'SE OPTION (Total Cost for Purchasing Copiers) Fo Eo 60 MONTH ONE DOLLAR BUYOUT NAME/MODEL NUMBER- Total Purchase Price: 'A. Go KONICA Monthly Payment (60 Month Amortization) COPIER 1 6190 Fixed Monthly Maintenance Cost (annual divided by 12) Bo Co $ 20, 8.~30 $590.00 150,000 150,000 Minus Copy Allowance (-) D. Total Billable Copies (=) Multiply by Cost per Copy (x) Total Copy Overage Cost- Total Monthly Copy Volume Toner Yield Per Unit/Carton (-) Cost Per Toner Unit/Carton (x) Total Monthly Toner Cost: Total Monthly Copy Volume .00393 .0075 150,000 ____$ 240. O0 $160. O0 .0004 ____~120. O0 $4o. oo 100 M Inc Developer Yield Per Copy (-) Cost Per Developer Carton tx)' Total Developer Cost: Total Monthly Copy Volume Fuser Yield Per Copy (-) Cost per Fuser Carton tx) Total Fuser Cost Parts Not Covered by Maintenance (divided by 12) .0016 .0004 TOTAL MONTHLY COsT A+B+C+D+E+F+G COST PER COPY (Total Cost/Total Volume) Inc. Inc. ------..---..--.____ Inc. $1285.75 .0085 COPIER 2 5370 $16,181 $450.00 --------...--..__.._ 90,000 90,000 · 005 .0075 150,000 $240.00 .0004 I $120.00 $20.00 50 M Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. $935.10 ] .Oln3 COPIER 3 5370 $16,181 ~.10 $450.00 90,000 90,000 · 005 .0075 150,000 $240.00 $80. . OOO4 $120.00 $20.00 5O M Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. $935.10 .0103 BID JBMISSION FORM H : ,ERVICE 'lease complete all requested information. VENDOR NAME' IMAGE IV KONICA Incomplete bid forms may be rejected. I o Normal'working hours for service technicians (days and time)- MONDAY TROUGH FRIDAY 8 A.M to 5 P.M . . Number of maintenance/service technicians currently employed within Orange County: TWENTY ONE-FIFTY FIVE TOTAL Number of maintenance/service vehicles currently available within Orange County: TWENTY ONE-FIFTY FIVE TOTAL . Will your company comply with the requirements set forth in Section !11, Service? No Yes x If yes, briefly state how this 'will be accomplished- Guaranteed response for schools, city's and municipalities has been four , , . response. Four hour response dead]4Re has been met at City of Santa Aha · for five years. Service Manager's Name' Mr. Josh Smith Phone: (8]8) 841-]083 BURBANK Years With company fifteen ; total years of, experi.ence fifteen What is the length of training period for technicians and location where they are trained7 Burbank factorY- Four to ten days depending on unit-trained in authorized trainer. Describe type of training technicians receive: Electrical, mechanical, and "hands on",¢.~, o Theory and Book InstrUction. . Number of supervisors or mid-managers between the technician level and Service Manager level? Four BID F 'MISSION FORM I - R 'RENCES VENDOR NAME'~ KONICA Bidders are required to provide the names of any and all clients in the Southern California area for whom the bidder has provided services similar in scop~ to those required by the City of Tustin. 1. Company Name: H UNIFIED SCHOOLS /_310)436-9931 Contact Person/Title/Phone- Mrs. 'Cora Collanta-Purchasing Model of Copier(s)- Konica Dates of Contract/Service- 50 units under service . Company Name- LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Contact Person/Title/Phone- Mr. Model of Copier(s): Phil Iverson-Purchasing (213)742-7168 Dates of Contract/Service. 1000 plus copiers in service . . Company Name: COntact Person/Title/Phone: _ Model of Copier(s)- Assorted KAISER PERMANENTE MEDICAL CORP. · Konica's Contract Reba~ (_7]4)824-6600 Dates of Contract/Service. :Fifty plus un~t~q in service Company Name: ,. ~ n _P, N D~LLF.~!~I_~ H 0 0 L Contact Person/Title/Phone. M_.r. Patrick Kennedy (818)241-3111 · Model of COpier(s)· Konica Dates of Contract/Service. · - Fifty plus . units in service . Company Name- Contact Person/Title/[~hone. cay]e K~sten ' Model of Copier(s)' Konica Dates of Contract/Service- 16 units in service