HomeMy WebLinkAbout20 MONTHLY INV. RPT. 02-05-96AGENDA I _ATE' J~NU~Y 31~ 1996 NO. 20 2-5-96 Inter C o m TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER MONTHLY INVESTMENT REPORT FOR DECEMBER 31, 1995 RECOMMENDATION Receive and File. BACKGROUND The attached investment report has several changes which incorporate suggestions' made by the City Council and the Audit Committee. We have spelled out the various Federal Agency issuers; we have added pie charts; we have added a glossary of common terms used in the report and we have amended the certification statement to comply with new legislation that became effective January 1, 1996. DISCUSSION The current cash, or daily, position is necessitated by significant checks issued during December for the Fire Authority Contract and transfers to the Assessment District Trustee and the ~current balance in the'fidelity Money Market Account which represents AD 85-1 Construction Fund 2. It is anticipated that the Assessment District Refunding will close by February 29, at which time the Fidelity Account will be closed and the funds will be transferred to the Trustee to call in the bonds. This will redUce the invested funds by twenty-three percent (23%). There are no unstated deviations from the current investment policy. RAN4: A~it2. Jan OF TUSTIN INVESTMENT .... PORT DATE: 11/30/95 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: RONALD A. NAULT, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: INVESTMENT SCHEDULE AS OF: DECEMBER 31,1995 (1) DESCRIPTION- UMITS YI ELD TO' MATURITY (2) (3) ORIGINAL CURRENT PURCHASE MATURITY PURCHASE BOOK DATE DATE PRICE VALUE (4) CURRENT MARKET VALUE Certificates of Deposit (CD's)-No Limit Commercial Paper-25%, Max 90 Days Bankers Acceptances-25%, Max 180Days I SAKURA BANK, NEW YORK (5) Medium Term Notes- 10% PFIZER INC. Rating- (AAA/AAA) KELLOGG CO. Ratin g- (AAA/AAA) PAC TEL CAP. Rating-(A1/A+) I Federal Agency Bonds or Notes-25% [ FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANKS FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK FRN (6) ' FED. HOME LOAN MORT. CORP. 1325-C (6) FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANKS FRN FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANKS FRN FED. HOME LOAN MORT. CORP. 1402-H FED. HOME LOAN MORT. CORP. 1436-SB FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK FRN FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK FRN (6) TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY (AAA/AAA) J US Treasury Bills/Bonds/Notes- No Limit Treasury Note (6) Daily-No Limit Cash Fidelity Money Market (AAA/AAA) Local Agency Investment Fund Current Total: $0 $0 Cu rren t Total: $0 $0 5.83% 07/20/95 01/02/96 $974,178 $974,178 Current Total: $974,178 I 2.33% J (8) $1,000,000 $1,000,000 6.32% 05/12/94 02/Ol/97 $251,078 $25o,431 $252,460 6.22% o5/15/95 o7/15/97 $149,o34 $149,034 $15o,837 5.83% 03/17/93 1 o/15/97 $574,140 $529,656 $531,045 Current Total: $929,121 $934,342 2.22% J (8) 6.06% 02/28/94 02/10/97 $742,500 $742,500 4.05% 10/20/93 06/02/97 $2,550,000 $2,535,716 5.84% 05/06/94 07/15/97 $1,024,371 $934,364 2.83% 01/31/94 07/28/97 $1,050,000 $1,025,057 2.09% 11/09/93 09/23/97 $1,025,000 $1,004,255 3.30% 01/28/94 10/15/97 $1,006,886 $970,019 4.27% 03/21/94 12/15/97 $723,054 $649,147 2.55% 09/29/93 03/23/98 $1,507,500 $1,505,001 3.63% 10/21/93 05/07/98 $502,500 $502,500 5.60% 02/03/94 08/01/99 $520,000 $513,334 Current Total: $10,381,893 J 24.85% J (8) $742,500 $2,251,9~ $918,; $1,001 61u $990 880 $982 762 $641 357 $1,327 500 $479 278 $507 500 $9,843 956 6.19% 05/27/94 05/15/97 $2,021,360 $2,017,088 $2,033,760 Current Total: $2,017,088 $2,033,760 I (8) 4.90% (7) $2,459,337 $2,459,337 4.75% $9,794,008 $9,794,008 5.75% $15,226,729 $15,226,729 Current Total; $27,480,074 $27,480,074 J 65.77% J TOTAL CITY INVESTMENTS PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: Average Portfolio Life (Years): 1.20 Average Portfolio Yield: 4.86% Current 2 yr Treasury: 5.25% $41,782,354 $41,292,132 Ci , .. OF TUSTIN 1NVESTME~I _,x EPOR T , (1) DESCRIPTION-LIMITS TUSTIN COMM UNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DECEMBER 1995 (2) YIELD ORIGINAL TO PURCHASE MATURITY PURCHASE MATURITY DATE DATE AMOUNT (3) CURRENT BOOK VALUE (4) CURRENT MARKET VALUE Certificates of Deposit (CD's)-No Limit First Interstate Ban k First Interstate Ban k I Commercial Paper-25%, Max 90 Days I Bankers Acceptances-25%, Max 180Days I Sakura Bank, New York (5) Medium Term Notes- 10% Franklin Un iversal Trust- (AAA/AAA) GE Capital- (AAA/AAA) 4.75% 08/30/95 04/30/96 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 4.75% 08/30/95 06/30/96 $1,250,000 $1,250,000 $1,250,000 5.83% Current Total: $2,250,000 I lO.4O% I Current Total: (8) 07/20/95 01/02/96 $974,178 $974,178 $2,25o,0oo $0 $1,000,000 Current Total: $974,178 $1,000,000 4.50% I (8) 4.94% ' 09/14~93 09/01/98 $1,029,800 $1,017,880 $994,640 5.19% 11/18/93 11/18/98 $2,006,060 $2,003,636 $1,988,360 I Federal Agency Bonds or Notes-25% I FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK FRN 4.05% FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANKS FRN 2.57% FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANKS FRN 4.27% TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY (AAA/AAA) 5.60% I US Treasury Bills/Bonds/Notes-No Limit Daily-No Limit RDA Cash Local Agency Investment Fund Current Total: $3,021,516 I 13.97% I (8) $2,983,000 10/20/93 06/02/97 $2,040,000 $2,025,715 $1,801,592 01/31/94 07/28/97 $1,058,750 $1,029,378 $968,462 11/09/93 09/23/97 $1,435,000 $1,406,362 $1,351,441 02/18/94 08/01/99 $515,048., $510,032 $508,125 Current Total: $4,971,487 $4,629,620 I 22.99% (8) I 5.29% 5.81% (7) · Current Total: $0 I 0.00% (8) $595,780 $9,811,454 Current Total: . $10,407,234 J 48.13% $0 $595,78O $9,811,454 $10,407,234 I TOTAL RDA I NVESTM ENTS $21,624,415 $21,269,854 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: Average Portfolio Life (Years): 1.23 Average Portfolio Yield: 5.16% Current 2 yr Treasury: 5.25% TOTALCITY/RDA INVESTMENTS: $63,406,769 $62,561,986 CI7 _.,,, ~tF TUSTIN INVESTMENT it. 7. ,-~ 'OR T FOOT NOTES: (1) DESCRIPTION-LIMITS reflects the various authorized investments as documented in the most current adopted investment polcy and the allowable per-centage of total portfolio per investment type. (2) Original Purchase Price is the amount paid for a security less any discount plus any premium. (3) Current Book Value is a securities original cost less rceipt of principal payments, net of amortized premiums/discounts. (4) Current Market Value is the price that the security is currently trading and could presumablyu be purchased or sold. Current market values are provided by Bank of America and First Interstate Bank on all securities held in safekeeping for the City or RDA. Differences in value are only booked if the security is sold prior to maturity. (5) In compliance with Section II, paragraph f. of the City's Investment Policy, Corporate Medium Term Notes shall have a Moody's/Standard and Poors's long term debt rating of at least AA. (6) Securities held in Trust per the Funding Agreement between the City of Tustin and the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency adopted by the City Council on 6-5-95. (7) Earnings allowance on compensating bank balances to offset bank activity charges. Not included in the Ave rage Yield calculation. (8). Current percentage by investment type to be measured against allowable limits in current investment policy. CERTIFICATION: I certify that this report reflects all City and RDA pooled investments. Due to current cash flow considerations maturities in excess of one year temporarily exceed the current Investment Policy limits by approximately 10%. Projected cash flows, maturing investments and the prudent sale of longer maturities will mitigate this condition. In all other aspects the investments represented in this report are in 'conformity with the current adopted investment policy of the City of Tustin. The investment program herein shown provides sufficent cash flow liquidity to meet the next sixty days estimated expenditures. This statement is prepared in conform~hce with Section 53646 of the Government Code. Ronald A. Nault, Treasurer LEGEND: CD-Certificate of deposit FRN-Floating rate note FNMA- Federal National Mortgage Association FFCB-Federal Farm Credit Bank FHLMC-Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. FHLB-Federal Home Loan Bank TVA- Tennesee Valley Authority GLOSS/%RY OF COMMON TREASURY TERMINOLOGY USED IN THIS REPORT BANKERS' ACCEPTANCE (BA): A draft, bill or exchange accepted by a bank or trust company. The accepting institution guarantees payment of the bill, as well as the issuer. CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (CD): A time deposit with a specific maturity evidenced by a certificate. Large denomination CD's are typically negotiable. COMMERCIAL PAPER: PrimarilY issued by corporations to finance receivables, commercial paper is a short term, unsecured promissory note issued for a maturity specified by the purchaser not to exceed 270 days. FEDERAL CREDIT AGENCIES: Agencies of the Federal Government set up to supply credit to various classes of institutions and individuals, e.g., S&L's, small business firms, students, farmers, farm cooperatives, and exporters. LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND (LAIF): The aggregate of all funds from political subdivisions that are placed in the custody of the California State Treasurer for investment and reinvestment. MEDIUM TERM NOTES: Primarily issued by corporations to finance capital improvements, typically issued for three to five years. TREASURY BILLS: A non-interest bearing discount security issued by the U.S. Treasury to finance the national debt. Most bills are issued to mature in three months, six months, or one year. TREASURY BOND: Long-term U.S. Treasury securities having initial maturities of more than ten years. TREASURY NOTES: Intermediate term coupon bearing U.S. Treasury securities'having initial maturities of from one to ten years. RAN4: G [ ossa ry. J an