HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1987 01 05 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 5, 1987 I. CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION The meeting was called to order by Mayor Saltarelli at 7:02 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Kelly, and the Invocation was given by Mayor Saltarelli. II. ROLL CALL Councilpersons Present: Donald J. Saltarelli, Mayor Ronald B~ Hoesterey, Mayor Pro Tem Richard B. Edgar John Kelly Ursula E. Kennedy Councilpersons Absent: None Others Present: William A. Huston, City Manager James G. Rourke, City Attorney Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk Christine Shingleton, Com. Dev. Director Robert S. Ledendecker, Public Works Director Charles R. Thayer, Chief of Police Ronald A. Nault, Finance Director Royleen A. White, Di r. of Com. & Admin. Srvcs. Approximately 15 in the Audience IZI. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. IV. PUBLIC INPUT 1. NORTH TUSTIN AREA - INCORPORATION, ANNEXATION, OR STATUS QUO Dessa Schroeder, 13902 Dall Lane, Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee on Incorporation, Annexation or Status Quo, stated that in light of recent events (i.e., the December 18 East Orange County Water Dis- trict's meeting}, she hoped all parties will not polarize and file lawsuits against each other. She stressed a desire that everyone work together, not as adversaries, and wish each other well. She proposed that two elected officials from Tustin, two elected offi- cials from Orange, as well as members from the North Tustin area meet and air their concerns in an open forum, to possibly solve concerns on all sides and work towards a good solution. Marshall Krupp, 1891 Beverly Glen Drive, identified himself as a former member of the Ad Hoc Committee who resigned prior to December 4 due to differences of opinion on procedures being fol- lowed and vehicles being attempted for implementation. He felt Council, especially Mayor Saltarelli personally, is due an apology for the December 18 meeting which was a fiasco and created a polarization effect in the community. He stated that the Ad Hoc Committee has been renamed "North Tustin Tommorrow," with a newly- elected Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary as a result of recommendations made by community residents and the Foothill Com- munity Association President. Mr. Krupp asked that Council remain open to the future of both communities. He felt a lawsuit would be counter-productive, unless absolutely necessary. He expressed hope that all parties will keep open minds to reach a solution benefi- cial to everyone. Francine Pace introduced herseTf and Bill Weber as members of "North Tustin Tomorrow," a group endorsed by both the Foothill Com- munity Association and NTMAC. It is in the formative/study stages whose primary functions are to study all options for the area, and to obtain input and provide feedback to the community. Fund- raising is being done by "Friends of North Tustin Tomorrow." The study is expected to take at least four months to complete. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2, 1-5-87 V. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent Calendar Item No. I was removed from the Consent Calendar by Kelly. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kelly, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0. 2. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,020,697.12 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL IN THE AMOUNT OF $297,000.82 50 3. RESOLUTION NO. 87-4 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING FINAL PARCEL MAP 85-246 LOCATED AT THE SOUTH- WESTERLY CORNER OF MAIN AND NEWPORT SOUTHERLY TO EL CAMINO REAL Adopted Resolution No. 87-4 which consolidates eight parcels into three parcels as recommended by the Community Development Director. 99 4. RESOLUTION NO. 87-5 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ORDERING TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "ANNEXATION NO. 137 - DIAMOND HEAD/GARLAND" ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Adopted Resolution No. 87-5 as recommended by the Community Development Department. 24 5. 1987 MISS TUSTIN TALENT SHOW AND PAGEANT AGREEMENT Approved subject agreement for the use of City facilities by the Tustin Jaycees for the 1987 Miss Tustin Talent Show and Pageant; and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement as recommended by the Director of Community and Administrative Services. 45; 87-1 6, RESOLUTION NO. 87-1 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDA- TION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR MAGNOLIA TREE PARK PLAY STRUCTURE (The Miracle Recreation Equipment Company) Adopted Resolution No. 87-1 which recommends that the City Council accept the public improvements installed by The Miracle Recreation Equipment Company at Magnolia Tree Park and autho- rized the City Clerk to file the Notice of Completion with the County Recorder's Office. 77 7. RESOLUTION NO. 87-2 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RELATING TO THE CLASSIFICATION, COMPENSA- TION, AND TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT OF NON-ADMINISTRATIVE AND NON-MANAGE- MENT SWORN POLICE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN Adopted Resolution No. 87-2 as recommended by the Director of Community and Administrative Services. 79 8. RESOLUTION NO. 87-3 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RELATING TO THE CLASSIFICATION, COMPENSA- TION, AND TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT OF NON-ADMINISTRATIVE AND NON-MANAGE- MENT GENERAL EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN Adopted Resolution No. 87-3 as recommended by the Director of Community and Administrative Services. 79 9. RESOLUTION NO. 87-6 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAVE- MENT REHABILITATION AND CENTER MEDIAN CONSTRUCTION, TITLED SEVEN- TEENTH STREET AHFP PROJECT NO. 1173, COSTA MESA FREEWAY TO PROSPECT AVENUE (NORTH) AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS Adopted Resolution No. 87-6 as recommended by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. 95 10. SALE OF SURPLUS VEHICLE Authorized the sale of a demolished police patrol vehicle to Clark's Auto Wrecking for $865.00 as recommended by the Direc- tor of Public Works/City Engineer. 87 11. RESOLUTION NO. 87-7 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDA- TION OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION (TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT TUSTIN RANCH ROAD AND EL CAMINO REAL} Adopted Resolution No. 87-7 as recommended by the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. 94 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3, 1-5-87 12. AUTHORIZATION FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/STRUCTURAL PLAN CHECK AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Approved agreements with the firms of Melad & Associates, Roger Leggett, Inc., BSI Consultants, Inc., and GPS Consulting Engi- neers; and authorized the City Manager to execute said agree- ments subject to City Attorney approval as to form as recom- mended by the Director of Community Develo ment. 45 87-2; 87-3; 87-4; 87-5 Consent Calendar Item No. I - Minutes of December 15, 1986 - Councilman Kelly requested the following revision to Page 7, Other Business Item No. 3 to indicate that he requested new, additional financial manage- ment visibility. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kelly, to approve the Minutes of the December 15, 1986, Regular Meeting with the following amendment to Page 7, Other Business Item No. 3: "In response to Councilman Kelly, the Finance Director indicated that staff would provide a copy of the monthly departmental expenditure reports which would provide additional financial management visibility." The motion carried 5-0. VI. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION None. VII. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION None. VIII. OLD BUSINESS None. IX. NEW BUSINESS 1. CONVERSION OF PERMISSIVE LEFT TURNS TO PROTECTED LEFT TURNS Continued from the December 15, 1986, Council Agenda. Potential conversion at various intersections as follows: Irvine Boulevard at Yorba; McFadden Avenue at Pasadena; McFadden Avenue at Willjams; McFadden Avenue at Tustin Village Way; McFadden Avenue at Ritchey; Red Hill Avenue at Irvine Boulevard, Red Hill Avenue at Walnut; Red Hill Avenue at Sycamore; and Red Hill Avenue at Carnegie. Staff recommended a supplemental FY 1986-87 budget appropriation in the amount of $20,000 for the modification of the nine intersections utilizing permissive left turn phasing to full protected left turns. (Reference RedevelOpmentAgency Agenda, Item No. 5.) The Director of Public Works clarified staff's intent was to iden- tify intersections with unconventional green arrow left-turn phas- ing. The intent was not that each intersection must be modified. Staff would identify the unconventional ones, reevaluate them, and proceed with modifications where warranted. The Director explained the various left-turn phasing cycles. He continued by stating that staff's goal was to provide an idea of what the cost would be to convert all intersections and where the funding would come from. Staff is asking for Council direction to reevaluate subject inter- sections, and then come back with the isolated intersections staff feels should be converted to a separate left-turn phase or con- verted to a green-ball phase. It was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Hoesterey, to direct staff to reevaluate the 14 intersections (5 located within the Redevelopment area), taking into account accident reports and protected left-turn pocket length for each intersection, and report back with recommen- dations for modifications where warranted. The DireCtor noted that the intersections of Newport at I-5 and Redhill at I-5 will be excluded from the study as they are under CalTrans' jurisdiction. Both signals will be modified with the freeway widening and hopefully improve the system. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, 1-5-87 Mayor Salt'arelli reported that since install ation of the meter on the I-5 northbound on-ramp at Redhill~ morning traffic sometimes stacks up and halts traffic on Redhill. The Director stated staff has noted same and requested CalTrans to make adjustments. Cal- Trans is reviewing it as their intent is not to back traffic on the street, but to keep it flowing as best as possible. The Director responded to Councilman Edgar that the signals will have time variables from 10 to 25 seconds, depending on traffic counts, with no green arrow if there are no cars in the left-turn pocket. ~ / The motion carried 5-0. 94 X. REPORTS 1. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTIONS - DECEMBER 22, 1986 It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Kelly, to ratify the enti re Planning Action Agenda of December 22, 1986. Carried 5-0. 80 2. CONSOLIDATION OF ELECTIONS Councilwoman Kennedy was informed that the Tustin Unified School District Board of Education has consolidated with the General Elec- tion. Mayor Saltarelli reported that 23 of 26 Orange County cities have consolidated. He stated that the time for consolidation has come and Tustin would be best off to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance for Council review. He felt it appropriate to include the lengthy report on subject matter from six months ago. Mayor Pro Tem Hoesterey stated he has been a strong opponent of election consolidation in the past. However, he stated support to consolidate with the November general election, not willingly, but from the standpoint that it is inevitable. He stated preference for local control and small town feeling, which will be a thing of the past as far as general municipal elections. It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Kelly, to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to consolidate elections for con- sideration at the January 19 meeting. C6uncilman Kelly expressed pleasure that the matter of election consolidation has reached this point. Councilman Edgar concurred with Mayor Pro Tem Hoesterey's com- ments. Councilwoman Kennedy voiced strong opposition to the motion. She recalled the November ballot as long and confusing, containing national and state issues which were extremely complicated and important. She noted the advantages to incumbents and the disad- vantages to challengers in consolidated elections, adding that can- didates will require huge campaign contributions. She stated the Council will not be as responsible to its citizens as it is now. The motion carried 4-1, Kennedy opposed. 48 XI. OTHER BUSINESS 1. REQUEST FOR PARKING LIMITATION ON "C" STREET Councilman Edgar requested staff investigate parking on the west side of "C" Street. He suggested placing a two-hour limitation from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays to preserve parking for users of Peppertree Park, and eliminate all-day parking by employees of businesses in the area. 75 2, STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM Councilman Edgar acknowledged with pride that Tustin's street maintenance program is better than average when compared to other Orange County cities. He inqui red if an analytical baseline for CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 5, 1-5-87 the program would be provided in time for the next budget period, uti 1 i zing computer technology. The Director of Public Works responded that the program will not be ready in time for the next budget period. He noted the loss of two key staff members mid-year, with replacements coming on board shortly. Additionally, East Tustin's $40-50 million worth of Assessment District work has been given priority. He explained that the computer program must be worked up by staff, it does not come as a software program. Staff will strive to get the program as soon as possible, but it does not look like it will be ready this year. 4. AVIATION NOISE ABATEMENT COMMITTEE Councilwoman Kennedy wondered what had transpired-on the resume from the North Tustin area resident v/no suggested ~Fe be appointed to serve on the aviation abatement committee. Mayor S~ltarelli reported that it was learned that Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner, has been representing Tustin on subject committee,_ and she will continue to serve the City in that capacity. Councilwoman Kennedy suggested that a resident who lives in the flight path serve in that capacity. She thought perhaps NTMAC could appoint him as their representative to subject committee or he could serve as Tustin's alternate on same. Mayor Saltapelli concurred with Councilwoman Kennedy's suggestion that Mr. Belleville be invited to attend the League of Cities meeting Thurs- day evening. She asked that The Tustin News publish an article asking residents who live in the flight path interested in serving on the committee contact the City. 101 5. TUSTIN HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM AWARDS BANQUET Mayor Pro Tem Hoesterey noted that Tustin High School will hold its awards banquet on January 17. He suggested that a proclamation be prepared for presentation at the banquet by the Mayor in recogni- tion of their efforts this year, with a copy for each team member. Council concurred. 84 6. MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORTS Councilman Kelly led discussion regarding his request for greater financial management visibility. Following Council discussion, Councilman Kelly stated he would provide the Finance Director with a sample report of the information he wants to receive on a monthly basis. Mayor Saltarelli stated that once that sample is provided, the Finance Director can then report back on the best method to compile same and what the cost for doing so would be. 50 7. REFUND OF RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE COLLECTION FEES Mayor Saltarelli reported that the trash collection refund checks have been mailed. Some errors were generated by a faulty tape from the County regarding parcel owners, and those are being corrected as rapidly as possible. Other than that, it was generally a smooth payout and he thought most people are happy with it. 102 8. VARIOUS MEETINGS The Mayor reported a breakfast meeting on January 6 with Irvine City Manager William Woollett and Mayor Larry Agran to discuss recent development on the Eastern and Foothill Corridors. The Joint Powers Authority will meet on Thursday, January 8 at 9:00 a.m. He encouraged attendance at the January 8 League of Cities meeting at Ariahelm Stadium where they will be discussing the program for the airport. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6, 1-5-87 XII. RECESS - REDEVELOPMENT - ADJOURNMENT ~ At 7:55 p.m., it was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Edgar, to adjourn to the next Regular Meeting on Monday, January 19, 1987, at 7:00 p.m. Carried 5-0.