HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 U-TURN RESTRICTION 03-18-96AGEN NO. 14 3-18-96 DATE: MARCH 18, 1996 Inter-Com TO: FROM: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBjECT:REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF U-TURN RESTRICTION AT JAMBOREE ROAD/IRVINE BOI. II~V~ ..RECOMMENDATION: \ It is recommended that the City Council, at their meeting of March 18, 1996, reconfirm the existing U-turn restriction for northbound traffic at the intersection of Jamboree Road/Irvine Boulevard. FISCAL IMPACT: At this time, there is no fiscal impact to the City regarding the preparation of this report. associated costs are as follows: Alternative No. 1. = $ 0 Alternative No. 2. = $15,000.00 Alternative No. 3. = $1,000.00 Alternatives and BACKGROUND: At the March 4, 1996 City Council meeting, Mr. Charlie Mazza, a local business owner and resident of the City of Orange, requested the removal of the existing northbound U-turn restriction at the subject intersection to provide more convenient access to the Tustin Ranch Plaza Shopping Center, located at the southwest corner of Jamboree Road/Irvine Boulevard. DISCUSSION: Prior to the request from Mr. Mazza, l~he Engineering Division had received a similar request fi-om Mr. Richard Jeanette, Store Manager for Payless Drug Store (March 1995), and fi-om Ms. Mary Ann Crowe, Shell Service Station Manager (August 1995). Both parties were notified that staffwould be investigating the possibility of removing the subject U-tum restriction. The subject U-turn restriction was originally installed with construction of the traffic signal at the interSeCtion of Jamboree Road/lrvine Boulevard in 1988. The purpose for restricting the U-turn movement 'in the northbound Jamboree Road direction was to eliminate conflicts with the right-turn overlap movement in the eastbound Irvine Boulevard dkection. The right-tum overlap movement was determined to be needed to maintain future acceptable levels of service at the intersection as part of the traffic analysis performed for the East Tustin Specific Plan EIR. Although the overlap feature was not needed at the time of installation it was installed due to the aggressive development economics in 1988, with the feeling that it would be needed in the very near future. The right-turn overlap feature provides a signalized right-tum movement concurrent with an opposing le~tum movement. This in mm provides for more traffic movement through an intersection, thereby increasing the intersection capacity and effidency. The attached exhibit indicates the phase sequencing of the traffic signal at Request for removal of U-Turn Restriction at Jamboree Road/Irvine Boulevard March 18, 1996 Page 2 Jamboree Road/lrvine Boulevard and identifies current AM and PM peak-hour volumes. It can be derived fi.om the exhibit that if the eastbound Irvine Boulevard right-mm movement was restricted to provide the left- mm/U-mm movement in the northbound Jamboree Road direction, then vehicles waiting to make the fight- mm could potentially stack up, thereby blocking the most easterly Irvine Boulevard access driveway into the Tustin Ranch Plaza site. ' In 1991 this intersection was identified as part of the Orange County Congestion Management Program (CMP) Highway System. As such, this intersection is expected to accommodate significant levels of regional traffic as well as local traffic. CMP guidelines established level-of-service (LOS) ~E' as the minimum criteria for intersections. The City of Tustin is required by State of California CMP legislation to routinely monitor traffic LOS at this location and assume responsibility for mitigating unacceptable levels-of-service. If traffic levels are allowed to deteriorate to unacceptable conditions, it could jeopardize future transportation funding opportunities for the City. During the review process for the Tustin Ranch Plaza Development in 1994, ingress and egress access was a concern for the success of the project. Subsequently, the applicant prepared a traffic study which analyzed .the project circulation system and concluded that the site had sufficient access with the addition of a previously planned signalized intersection at the main entrance to the Tustin Ranch Plaza shopping center. The existing traffic signal at Jamboree Road/Tustin Ranch Plaza was constructed with Assessment District 85-1 funds in conjunction with the development of the shopping center. The traffic study also identified that the Jamboree Road/Irvine Boulevard intersection was currently operating at LOS ~E' and additional traffic impacts fi.om the Tustin Ranch Plaza project would not cause further level of service deterioration at this location. In APril 1995 the Lower Peters Canyon (LPC) Specific Plan EIR was approved, which included development of the area bounded by the I-5 Freeway to the south, Portola Parkway to the north, Jamboree Road to the west, and Culver Drive to the east. The commercial/retail area of the LPC project is currently under construction and the first residential development is currently being reviewed. The traffic study prepared for the LPC project identified the future need for the existing right-turn overlap at the Jamboree Road/Irvine Boulevard intersection. Furthermore, the preliminary traffic analysis being prepared for the MCAS-Tustin Reuse project assumes the subject right-turn overlap. In on-going conversations with Ms. Crowe of the Shell Station, she was made aware of the above information and the explanation of the U, tum movement vs. right-tum overlap conflict. Also, the possibility of allowing U- tums in the westbound IIMne Boulevard direction at Myford Road was discussed, and based upon current conditions and future planning information, was subsequently implemented. It was hoped that by allowing the U-tums at Irvine Boulevard/Myford Road this would provide opportunity for users of the Tustin Ranch Plaza who turned left fi.om northbound Jamboree Road onto Irvine Boulevard to access back to the shopping center. The modification at Irvine Boulevard/Myford Road was implemented in February 1996, and assessment of it's impacts may be premature at this time. ALTERNATIVES: Three (3) alternatives have been identified to address the U-turn traffic movement concerns at the Jamboree Road/Irvine Boulevard intersection: Request for Removal of U-Turn Restriction at Jamboree Road/Irvine Boulevard March 18, 1996 Page 3 Alternative No. 1. Reconfirm the existing U-turn restriction for northbound traffic at the subject intersection. * No cost to the City. * Implements future traffic signal system planning based upon previously approved environmental documents as well as preliminary MCAS Tustin Reuse planning documents. * Complies with CMP mandates. Alternative No. 2. Allow U-turn movement for northbound traffic at subject intersection. * Cost approximately $7,500.00 to remove eastbound Irvine Boulevard right-turn overlap feature fi.om traffic signal, and approximately $7,500.00 to re-install same at a latter date. Total cost = $15,000.00 * Would require monitoring to determine when right-turn overlap movement would need to be re-installed. At time of installation, U-turn movement for northbound traflie would need to be restricted. * Would require monitoring for CMP compliance. * Has potential to cause vehicle stacking across easterly most driveway on Irvine Boulevard to Tustin Ranch Plaza. 'Alternative No. 3. Allow U-turn movement for northbound traffic at all times except during the peak-hours at the subject intersection. * Cost approximately $1,000.00 to install equipment relay, rewiring, and speCial signs. * Would require monitoring to determine when fight-turn overlap movement would be needed full time. * Could cause driver confusion due to time restrictions for turn movements possibly increasing accidents at subject location. Would require monitoring for CMP compliance. CONCLUSION: Current traffic volumes utilizing the Jamboree Road/Irvine Boulevard intersection indicate a LOS [E' in the AM peak-hour. However, the volume of right-turning traffic in the eastbound Irvine Boulevard direction is not sufficient to warrant the current right-mm overlap condition that is causing the need for the U-turn restriction in the northbound Jamboree Road direction. The City recently modified the traffic signalization at Irvine Boulevard/Myford Road to allow U-tums speCifically to ac~odate traffic needing to turn around and proceed the opposite direction on Irvine Boulevard toward the Tustin Ranch Plaza shopping center. It is anticipated, based upon current planning information, that the subject right-turn overlap will be needed in the very near future with the opening of the LPC commercial/retail shopping center on Jamboree Road across fi.om the Tustin Market Place. Also, preliminary traffic information for the MCAS-Tustin Reuse project assumes the subject fight-mm overlap in place. Request for Removal of U-Turn Restriction at Jamboree Road/Irvine Boulevard March 18, 1996 Page 4 Therefore, it is not felt to be prudent at this time to remove the right-mm overlap thereby accommodating U- turns to 'offer only temporary relief since it will need to be changed back to a no U-turn situation shortly thereafter in order to accommodate furore inevitable traffic. It is staffs recommendation that the City Council support Alternative No. 1, reconfirming the existing U-turn restriction at the Jamboree Road/Irvine Boulevard intersection. Tim D. Serlet Dkector of Public Works/City Engineer TDS:DA:cc: No H-Turn Jamboree-lrvine Douglas 1~. Anderson Transportation Engineer / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / I! .× N,, ttt~~' 4 301 1,029 IRVlNE BI_ VD. IFIVlNE AM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES PM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES JAMBOREE ROAD II IRVINE BLVD. INTERSECTION PHASE SEQUENCE