HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 P.C. ACTION AGENDA 04-01-96ACTION AGENDA NO. 11 4-1-96 TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MARcH 25, 1996 · CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p,m., City council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/INVOCATION RoLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Marjorie Kasalek, Chairwoman Lou Bone, Vice Chairman Nanette Lunn Howard Mitzman David Vandaveer Staff Present: Elizabeth BinsaCk, Community Development Director Lois Bobak, Deputy City Attorney Ed Elowe, Project Manager Daniel Fox, Senior Planner Greg Gubman, Associate Planner · Mike Henley, Community Services Director Barbara Reyes, Planning Commission Recording Secretary Tim Serlet, Public Works Director PUBLIC CONCERNS:, No one from the audience addressed the Commission. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Minutes of the March 11, 1996 Planning .Commission Meeting. Commissioner Vandaveer moved, Lunnseconded, to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0. Planning Commission' Action Agenda March 25, 1996 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS · Tentative Tract Map 15055 and Desiqn Review 94-032 ( Irvine Company) APPLICANT/ OWNER LOCAT I ON: THE IRVINE COMPANY SE CORNER OF IRVINE BLVD & TUSTIN RANCH RoAD ZONING: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS': REQUEST: PLANNED COMMUNITY - RESIDENTIAL; EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN 'THIS PROJECT IS COVERED BY PREVIOUSLY CERTIFIED EIR 85-2, AS AMENDED, FOR THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. NO ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED. 1. TO SUBDIVIDE A 40 ACRE SITE INTO FIVE '(5) NUMBERED AND NINE (9) LETTERED LOTS TO ACCOMMODATE FUTURE RESIDENTIAL AND PARK DEVELOPMENT; AND 2. AMENDMENT TO THE LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN FOR SECTOR 11 '. CONSISTENT WITH THE PROPOSED SUBDIVISION. Recommendation That the Planning Commission: . o · Approve the Environmental Determination for the project by adopting Resolution No. 3424; , Approve Design Review 94=032 modifying the Sector 11 Landscape Concept Plan by adopting Resolution No. 3425, as submitted or revised; and Recommend that the City Council. approval of Tentative.Tract Map 15055 by adopting Resolution No. 3426, as submitted or revised. Presentation: Daniel Fox, Senior Planner Commissioners Lunn and Mitzman abstained due to previously, stated reasons of conflict of interest. Commissioner Vandaveer moved, Bone seconded, to approve the Environmental Determination for the project by adopting Resolution No. 3424.as submitted.. Motion' carried 3-2. Commissioners L~n~ and Mitzman abstained. PlanningCommission Action Agenda March 25, 1996 Page 3 Commissioner Vandaveer moved, Bone seconded, to approve Design Review 94-032 modifying the Sector 11 Landscape Concept Plan by adopting Resolution No. 3425 with the following revision. Condition 3.3 shall read' "Trees included within the perimeter landscaping shall be designed on the Landscaping Plans consistent with the surrounding perimeter landscaping improvements and with the following ratios and sizes: Eucalyptus: 60% shall be minimum 5- gallon, 40% shall be. minimum 15-gallon Canary Island Pine: 30% shall be a minimum 15-gallon, 50% shall be minimum 24" box and 20% shall be minimum 36" box." Motion carried 3-2. Commissioners Lunn and Mitzman abstained. commissioner Vandaveer moved, Bone seconded, to recommend that the City Council approve Tentative Tract Map 15055 by adopting Resolution No. 3426 revised as follows: Condition 2.5 added to read, "The maintenance responsibility for Lots D, F and H shall be Homeowners Association or City approved alternate." Condition No. 5.4 revised to read, "The subdivider and City shall enter into a Letter of Agreement, prior to issuance of the first building permit for residential development or recordation of a builder level subdivision final map whichever occurs first, which established the terms for the developer to sell and advance monies to the City for acquisition of Lots 4, F and H for park purposes and to'advance monies for the design construction and improvements of the total 5 acre neighborhood park. Said Letter of Agreement shall be consistent with the Second Amendment to the East Tustin Development Agreement. Any monies advanCed for the design, construction or improvement of the park site is considered in addition to and separate from the'S200,000 monetary contribution required by the Second Amendment to the East Tustin Development Agreement". Motion carried 3-2. Commissioners Lunn and Mitzman abstained. REGULAR BUSINESS: 3. Design Review 96-010 · APPLICANT/ CITY OF TUSTIN OWNER: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT LOCATION: LOT 22 OF TRACT 13627 ZONING: PLANNED COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL/COMMUNITY PARK Planning Commission Action Agenda March 25, 1996 Page 4 STATUS: REQUEST: THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN CONSIDERED BY A PREVIOUSLY CERTIFIED PROGRAM EIR (85-2), AS AMENDED, FOR THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN. NO ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED. APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY CONCEPT PLAN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A COMMUNITY PARK ~ Recommendation - That the Planning Commission: . · Approve the Environmental Determination for the project by' adopting Resolution No. 3422; and, Approve Design Review 96-010 by adopting.Resolution No. 3423, as submitted or revised. Presentation: Greg Gubman, Associate Planner Commissioner Bone moved, Vanda~eer seconded, to approve the Environmental Detez=nination for the project by adopting Resolution No. 3422 as submitted. Motion carried 5-0 Commissioner Bone moved, Vandaveer seconded, to approve Design~ Review 96-010 by adopting Resolution No. 3423 as submitted. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Vandaveer moved, Bone seconde~ to recommend by minute order, that the City Council consider the following items prior to approving the Tustin Ranch Tree Park Design Development report: 1) Addition of a pay phone facility, an increased number of picnic tables, a locking gate at the driveway, bicycle racks and a flag pole to the DDR's Program Design Requirements and Probable Construction Costs; and 2) Re-evaluate the desirability of the proposed amphitheater due to concerns regarding visibility and the potential for loitering. Motion carried 5-0. 4. Youth Center Findinq of Conformity with General Plan APPLICANT: TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LOCATION:. 14722 NEWPORT AVENUE Recommendation - That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 3427, finding that the acquisition of the property at 14722 Newport Avenue by the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency is in conformity with the Tustin General Plan. Presentation:. Elizabeth Binsack, Community Development Director Planning Commission Action Agenda March 25, 1996 Page 5 Commissioner Bone moved, Vandaveer seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 3427 as submitted. Motion carried 5-0. STAFF CONCERNS: · Report on Actions taken at the March 18, 1996 City Council Meeting. The Director reported on the subject agenda. COMMISSION CONCERNS: Commissioner Lunn - None Commissioner Mitzman Announced he would be out of town and unable to attend the next Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Bone Stated that due to the many political sign code violations and the City's apparent inability to enforce them, he suggested that the CommissiOn re-address the sign code issue. , Commissioner Vandaveer Inquired as to why there was an auto dealer at 455 West First Street when the City has an auto mall. Staff stated that this was an auto brokerage and if cars are stored on-site, the business is in violation of the code. Code enforcement staff is investigating, this issue and enforcement is being pursued. · Commissioner Kasalek Asked for an update on the Eastern Transportation Corridor (ETC) due to the water levels reported at Myford and Walnut. The Director will request Public Works to provide a report for the next meeting. Planning Commission Action Agenda March 25, 1996 Page 6 Inquired if staff had heard that a hugh (2 parcel) warehouse was being planned on the Irvine property next to the Industrial Park at Myford and Walnut. Staff is not aware of the it. Reported that a small furniture warehouse on Franklin and Walnut was flooding the area with sale signs on Walnut, Tustin Ranch Road and even into the residential tract. Upon receipt of the address, the Director will order follow up with code enforcement. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Vandaveer moved, Lunnseconded, to adjourn the meeting to a 5:30 p.m. workshop on April 8, 1996. Following this a Board of Appeals meeting will commence at 6:00 p.m. with the regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting at 7:00 p.m. These meetings will take place at the Council Chambers, 300~ Centennial Way, TuStin. The meeting was adjourned at 8:39 p.m.. Motion carried 5-0.