HomeMy WebLinkAbout18 EIR MCAS EL TORO 05-06-96 NO. 18 5-6-96 Inter-Com DATE' TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MAY 6, 1996 WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF EIR FOR MCAS EL TORO RECOMMENDATION Direct staff to transmit comments regarding community issues and concerns for evaluation within the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) being prepared for Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) E1 Toro. FISCAL IMPACT No negative fiscal impact would occur from Council's action 'as recommended above. Existing City staff will continue to monitor this matter. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION The County of Orange has been designated as the Local Redevelopment Authority authorized to prepare a Reuse Plan for MCAS E1 Toro by the federal government. The County has circulated a Notice of Preparation for the MCAS El Toro Community Reuse Plan Environmental Impact Report for public comment. Their intent is to prepare an Environmental Impact Report to provide a first tier environmental analysis of the proposed Reuse Plan for the installation. Circulation of such a notice and Initial Study is required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the purpose of summarizing the various environmental issues that will be studied in the EIR and soliciting comments from interested parties concerning whether all environmental issues have been adequately identified prior to the preparation of the EIR document. Comments must be received by the County by not later than May 15, 1996. The County has committed to study at least two aviation alternatives and one non-aviation reuse alternative, to a comparable level of detail in order to afford the maximum flexibility in identifying the final Community Reuse Plan for the base. At this point in time, the County has indicated its desire to William A. Huston Notice of Preparation of EIR for MCAS E1 Toro May 6, 1996 Page 2 implement Measure A, a citizen-sponsored referendum mandating the reuse of MCAS E1 Toro as a commercial airport, and has identified this use as the "Proposed Project" to be evaluated in the EIR. A brief summary of the three alternatives is included as Attachment A. Comparison information pertaining to existing airports in the vicinity is provided as Attachment B. Because of the lack of detail contained in the Initial Study, staff's comments at this time focus upon larger issues and concerns affecting the Tustin community. It is proposed that these issues be conveyed to the County for analysis as part of the proposed EIR document. Some of the most significant of these issues include: 1. MCAS E1 Toro is currently served by an off-site pipeline which carries JP-5 jet fuel from the refinery in E1 Segundo to the installation. The pipeline transects the City of Tustin. City staff assumes that it is probable that the pipeline could be converted to transmit commercial jet fuel if the airport option for the base becomes a reality. The MCAS E1 Toro EIR should consider and discuss the environmental impacts (including safety) of this conversion as part of the EIR currently being prepared. 2. If commercial aircraft fuel is to be trucked into the installation along freeways or roadways transecting Tustin, truck routes and safety plans should be discussed. 3. The introduction of a commercial airport will result in increased risk from other safety related causes, including but not limited to increased air and ground traffic, etc. A full identification and evaluation of these negative impacts should be included within the EIR for MCAS E1 Toro. 4. The document indicates that commercial passenger aircraft are more quiet than military aircraft. However, it is our understanding that air cargo carriers are typically comprised of older, louder aircraft. Due to the sheer volume of incoming and outgoing flights planned for civilian reuse, there will be a high probability that many of both kinds of aircraft will be concurrently taxiing, idling, etc. Because the airport may operate constantly, the overall impact from ambient noise on Tustin, particularly given proposed runway locations, should be examined and discussed. A full noise impact analysis should be performed as part of the Environmental Impact Report at a detail that allows review of impacts by jurisdictional boundaries. Also, comparative descriptions for this analysis should be used since the Notice of Preparation describes and compares military flights, cargo aircraft and passenger aircraft. 5. Alternative B includes a provision for the future expansion of aircraft operations at John Wayne airport to 15 million passengers per year. Currently, operations at John Wayne are limited by agreement (which expires in the year 2005) to 8.4 million passengers annually. Since any increase in air traffic volume over Tustin would have a potentially negative impact upon Tustin safety, noise and other environmental issues, a full evaluation of this proposal should be included as part of the EIR for MCAS E1 Toro. William A. Huston Notice of Preparation of EIR for MCAS E1 Toro May 6, 1996 Page 3 ..~. 6. A detailed traffic study should be provided which identifies and analyzes traffic impacts to roadways within the City of Tustin. The traffic study will need to determine a study area for which traffic data will be obtained and an analysis performed. The analysis should be comprehensive in addressing: Freeway impacts (I-5, SR-55), Transportation Corridors (Eastern Transportation Corridor-West Leg), Arterial roadways (Edinger Avenue, Tustin Ranch Road, Red Hill Avenue), and provide a realistic evaluation, of mitigation measures, funding and schedules for MPAH implementation as it relates to the E1 Toro Reuse Plan. The Analysis for this project will need to be performed in accordance with the County of Orange's Congestion Management Program/Measure "M" Growth Management Program requirements. Any traffic analysis of Tustin's circulation system will need to be performed consistent with current City of Tustin methodologies and utilizing the most current Tustin and adjacent city and county General Plan information. The analysis should identify all measures necessary to mitigate the traffic related impacts of the proposed project. CONCLUSION Direct staff to transmit comments regarding community issues and concerns for evaluation within the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) being prepared for Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) E1 Toro. Christine Shingleton Assistant City Manager Dana Ogdon -~J - Senior Planner DO:do:kd\ccreport\¢ltoro.do Attachments: Attachment A · .o _ ~ ~ -. Clev. el.~cTNafio~a~orest MCAS EL TORO Corona' Laguna Beach San Juan ...... " Capistrano San Clemente % ! l · I ! No Scale Regional Setting . Santa Aha: ': . . · lrvine Leisure*' World Aliso "~. Vie jo ~ MCASi 400' ._~ '-~, Foothill ,%. Ranch._/ ~ Portola Hills PACIFIC 0 CEA N No Scale Unincorporated Areas Foothill Ranch, Portola Hills, Leisure Wodd and Aliso Viejo inco~ted Areas Santa Aha, Irvine and Mission Viejo ~ Orange, TustJn, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Laguna Niguel, Lake Forest and San Juan Capistrano LagUna Hills El Toro Vicinity · Four of · Runways use as civi interim taz · New para] additional each runw · Assumes. flow). · A~$urrte~ lamclings) · Proposed haul (500 non-stop 2020. 2020. · Assttmes aircraft) · Aviation educatio~ developr~ expansiox heading. ALTERNA~ A Commercial Aviation Passenger and Air Cargo :' PROPOSED PROJECT existing five runways are preserved. ~L/16R* (10,000 feet) and 7/R/25L (8,000 feet) are proposed for liam runways with adjacent parallel runways proposed for dways. lel ru~ways are ultimately planned in order to achieve an 200 to 300 feet of separation between the parallel runways in 'ay pair to meet civilian airport design standards. r majority of landings occur on Runways 34L and ~ (North majority of takeoffs occur on Runways 7L and 71t (East flow). pproximately 447,000 annual aircraft operations (takeoffs and n 2020. Facilities would accommodate Service Level 4 which corresponds )rt which offers frequent short-haul (0 to 500 miles); medium- :o 1,500 miles); long-haul (greater than 1,500 miles); as well as :lights to some international destinations. ~erving approximately 38 million annual passengers in the year ~tving approximately 1.64 million tons of air cargo in the year · .he majority of general aviation activities (generally private 'ould remain at John Wayne Airport. :ompatible uses on the base would include commercial, habitat preserve, golf courses, institutional, research and mt, light industrial and Irvine Transportation Center typically referred to by the number representing their magnetic compass example, Runtoay 34 represents a magneffc h~ading of 340 degree~. I. II I. ,., PARKING RESTRICTED USE COMMERCIAL/ OFFICE PARKING AIRPORTi SUPPORT! RESTRICTED USE ?AKKING MARSHtSURN RETARDING 15A51N A¥1ATION RELATED ._ "TERMINAL COMPLEX K&D/LIGHT INDUSTRIAL/ INSTITUTIONAL OFFICE & CONFERENCE CENTER · .- RECREATION EDUCATION/ INSTITUTIONAL 5UI:TORT HAIStTAT ?RESERVE OrEN St^CE/ INSTITUTIONA :. EKCIAL/ ' / /' / OFFICE ..- CARGO / t_%..._:~~,okq-^.r~ ' ",'~C~ · -': Y -'"' ?ARKIRI ,,--: .. .-' ~.~ /." //' \\~/' /' ' ,, o.,.;_ -. %,, %'-~...,~ . ~-,.. ;'. LIANDI ,. ~ 5CRRA :~ LI AND I P.,&D/ LI AND I j/ / R~arch & D~wlopm~~ (R&D)I Light IndusSrial (LI) an:li In~t.i~u:ion~l (I) : APPRO~MATE SCALE Alternative A: Commercial Passenger/Cargo Use Utilizes half of exi.. The south USes and ~ Assun~e~ Assumes service in lr~aximum Aviation educatior research expansior ALTERNATIVE B Cargo and General Aviation Use H-cargo and general aviation uses assumed. isting Runway 34L/16R for dvilian aviation use, with the north '.ting Runway 34R/16L converted to parallel taxiway. half of Runway 34R/16L would be retained for general aviation rould be limited to a runway length of 4,200 feet. majority of takeoffs occur on Runway 34L (North flow). pproximately 463,000 aircraft operations in the year 2020. 1.96 million tons of cargo in the year 2020. Ohn Wayne Airport would provide all commercial passenger the County up to its effective capadty limit, estimated to be a of 115 million annual passengers. ompatible uses at MCAS E1 Toro would include commerdal, agricultural, habitat preserve, golf courses, institutional, nd development, mixed uses, and Irvine Transportation Center I. W. FOOT AGRICULTUIKE I(ESTKICT[D USE (RU) MARSHBUI(N S BASIN F,&D/LI R&D/LI EDUCATION/ IN STI TUTIONAL · RECREATION (FIELDS) COMMERClAUi' OFFICE, COMMEICClA; OFFICE AVI'~TION R, ECREATIONAL OP?O ' LIGHTINDUSTRIALJ FIK~E TIRADE ZONE' -., -.~ K&D OPPORTUNITY AREA IN.'STITUTIONA~g.) ; ..... '~C~: :;~/: ?'x. PARKING I?,ESTi(ICTED U$t PARKIN~ /; .--~ ..- x '\ ./ X '::':? ...... ,, x HASITAT PF-..ESERYE OPEN SPACE/ COMMERCIAL/ OFFICE MEETING CENTEI( LIGHT INDUSTRIAL. ONAL / · / ,; ,, / KESTRI CTED /,;" :', USE .. ~ .... ~ ~ . ,,t, ~ : R&D/ LIGHT IHDUST~AL/I / R~s~rch & DCwlopm~nt LigM: InJustri~l (LI) Insti~u~ion;l (I) AND I F-.&D/LI AND I R&-DILI AND'i .. / / m m ; 1 , 1 A PPROXIMA TE SCA L E Alternative B: Cargo/General Aviation Use ALTERNATIVE C Non,Aviation Use ..- Central col e proposed to be campus and educational uses and visitor oriented a ~actions. O~er use., compatibl~ institution developm~ Transport! Assumes annual p~ proposed include: automobile design, testing and competition; ixtstitutional; equestrian uses; golf courses; habitat preserve; ~1 uses; light industrial; mixed use areas; research and mt; residential areas; sports complex; theme park; and Irvine trion Center. olin Wayne Airport would operate ara level of 15 million ;sengers in the year 2020. ~OAD3~I~ ~ W 3 Wt~E:60 96, 85 ~dd I. .: , MAK~H6LIi~N "-- F,,ETA~DING BASIN ~ RESIDENTIAL. F : IN... : 07£N $?ACEI ! IRV1NE BOULEYAKD I~&I)/LIGHT INDUSTi~IALI INSTITUTIONAL VISITOR ORIEN~D A1'TKA~ION · .. ' OKIENTED ATTRACTION H,~I~ITAT ?i~E.$E EVE ,, . O?EN St'ACE/ .... - '-' R. ECF,,EATION . . _- R.&O/LIGHT -INDUSTKIAL- ~'EN $?ACE/ KECKEATION" EDUCATION/ INSTITUTIONAL .. LIGHT INDUDTRIAL ~/uGm' INDUSTIKI AL KEC~EAT]ON i IL&D/LIGHT !INDUSTRIAL/ 'INSTITUTIONAL · O?EN S?AeEI INSTITUTIONAL ./ / COMMEKCIAL/ / .*- OFFICE / ,: SPACE/ INSTITUTIONAL / ~:..~.~.,,,,. .,~/ R.&D/LII / INSTITUTIONAL I~D/Li/ NSTITUTIO~AL ISTITUTION, KESEAKCH ~ DEYELO?MENT! 'INDUSTRIAL K&D/Li/ INSTITUTIONAL R'&g/LI/ INSTITUTIONAL ./ ./ ._ J APPROXIMATE SCALE P&D Cmsa'm~/nc. Mternative C: Nonaviation Use Attachment B Attachment B .? SERVICE LEVELS AT NEARBY AIRPORTS DURING 1994 Airport Millions of Passengers Thousands of Tons of Cargo John Wayne 6.8 13 LAX 51.1 1,703 Long Beach 0.5 26 Burbank 6.8 31 Ontario 6.4 380