HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 CLAIM NO. 96-15 06-17-96 LAW OFFICES OF WOODRUFF, SPRADLIN & SMAR'i A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ! MEMORANDUM NO. 12 6-17-96 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Tustin FROM: City Attorney DATE: June 11, 1996 RE: Claim of Mercury Insurance; Claim No. 96-15 RECOMMENDATION After investigation and review, it is recommended that the City Council deny the claim and direct the City Clerk to provide appropriate notice to the claimant and to the claimant's attorneys. BACKGROUND: This claim stems from an auto accident that occurred at Bryan Avenue and Jamboree in mid-afternoon. The claim is for personal injuries and property damage. The claimant is an insurance company for a person who failed to stop at the intersection when the lights were out. The current estimate of damages is $8,591.64. As a matter of law, inoperative traffic signals do not amount to a dangerous condition of public property. Vehicle Code provisions effectively transform an inoperative signal light into a stop sign. When the signals have failed or are inoperative, motorists are required to make a full stop, only proceeding when it is safe to do so. LOIS E. JEFFRI;:~ Enclosure cc: William A. Huston, City Manager Valerie Crabill, Chief Deputy City Clerk 1100-00022 30846_1 City of Tustin (For Damages to Persons or Personal Property) The law provides generally that a claim must be filed with the City Clerk of the City of Tustin within 6 months after the incident or event occurred. Be sure your claim is against the Qity of Tustin, not another public., entity. Where space is insufficient, ulease use additional paper and identify information by paragraph numbe~. Completed claims must be mailed or delivered to the City Clerk, City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California 92680 W~EN COMPLETING T~IS FORM, PLEASE TYPE OR USE BLACK INK TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL, City of Tustin, California: The undersigned respectfully submits the following claim and information relative to damage to person and/or property: 1. a. NAME OF CLAIMANT: &~,~?.,.~4~/~~C~ ~ C\~¢k%~%c,~ %\f>ov~ c. CITY/ZIP CODE: ~%~'~,~ . ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~u~_~ d. .TE~PHONE NO: ~ ~ ) ~ ~ (~~- %~ ...... ,~,, e. DATE OF BIRTH: ~- ~ ~K ~ ~ i~0 f. SOCIAL SECURITY NO: ,, ~,,,~ g. DRIVERS LICENSE NO: ~ ~,~.~~ ~iwlo 2. Name, telephone and post office address to which claimant desires notices to be sent (if other than above): 3. This ~l~im is submitted against: a. .~<~_ The City of Tustin only. b. The following employee(s) of the City of Tustin only: Ce The City of Tus~in and the following employee(s) of the City of Tustin only: 4. Occurrence or event from which the claim arises: a. DATE: ~_ % . c~ ~ b. TIME: ~ :5 L~ c. PLACE (Exact and specific location): d. HOW and under what circumstances did damage or injury occur? Specify the particular occurrence, event, act or omission you claim caused the injury or damage (Use additional paper if necessary): '%-, e. WHAT particula, ~tion by the City, or alleged damage ~....injury? employees, caused the 5. Give a description of the inju.ry, property damage or loss so far-known at the time of this claim. If there were no injuries, state "no injuries". 6. Give the name(s) of the city employee(s) causing the damage or inju~: 7. Name and address of any other person injured:~Ck~-~X, % \Q.o~% , ~,-,u-,,.,-e_. C,,'~, 8. Name and address of the owner or any damaged property: .Ch_,~~. 'x"Z.o =-5 · -V:. ,,~' ,. .--, ~. C: ¢~, 9. Damages claimed: .a. Amount.claimed as of the date: ~_ ~.~ b. Estimated amount of future costs: c. Total amount claimed: d. Attach basis for computation of amounts claimed (include copies of all bills, invoices, estimates, etc. 10. Names and addresses of all witnesses, hospitals, doctors, etc. c~-, ¢.__¥',~. ~---.! ,'-, ,,~ WARNING: IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSE CLAIM!! (Penal Code Section 72; Insurance Code Section 556.0) I have read the matters and statements made in the above claim and I know the same to be true of my own knowledge, except as to those matters stated to be upon information or belief and as to such matters I believe the same to be true. I certify under penalty or perjury that the foregoing is TRUE AND CORRECT. Executed this ~-v day of ,19 ~', at Tustin, California. DATE FI!.F.D: C LA I'~%~N~ I GNATURE ' . Bi: CLFORM Revised 4/29/91 MICHAEL B. MATTINGLEY LAW OFFICES OF CALVO & MATTINGLEY ]002 NORTH ROSS STREET SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 9270I (714) 550-0775 SAN DIEGO OFFICE 8910 UNIVERSITY CENTER LANE SUITE 300 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92122 (619) 452-2367 April 26, 1'996 SOUTH BAY Laura Arns MERCURY INSURANCE COMPANY P.O. Box 1150 Brea, CA 92622 APR 2 9 1B.g8 CLAIMS Re: Our Client: Your Insured: Your Claim No.: Date of Loss: Cathy Miltimore Christene Sloan PF 1294-72 3/8/96 Dear. Ms. Arns: I am enclosing a copy of the photograph of the items purchased by our client from the Clay Playhouse in the amount of $32.33 and $479.37 immediately before this impact. It will be required that you deliver to this office your check in the amount of $511.70 made payable to Cathy Miltimore as reimbursement for the items damaged as a result of this accident. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very Truly Yours, /~ 'e L. Hansen for MMichael B. Mattingley Enclosure MERCURY INSURANCE GROUP 555 W. IMPERIAL HWY P.O. BOX 11~o BREA, CA 92622 Phone,.-, (714) 255-5237 Fax:.' (714) 255-5229 Damage Assessed By: I_inda Burns 0579 Adjuster: LAURA ARNs (714) 671-~s77 ., Type of Loss: Property Damage Date of Loss: 3108/96 Contact Date: 4/15/96 Policy No: Dectuctible: 0.00 Insured: CHRISTENE SLOAN Claimant: CATHY MILTMORE Address: 8 ROSS IRVINE, CA 92720 Telephone: Home Phone: ( Supplemented By: Linda Bums 0579 Claim Number:. 131=001294-72 Date: Estimate ID: Supplement: Profile ID: 04/25/96 02:56 PM PF001294-72 1 (P) MERCURY Mitchell Service: 918478 19"'Che, ol.t Subur n = 00 Body Style: 4D Ut 129" WB Drive Train: 5.7L 8 Cyl VIN: License: OEMIALT: O Search Code: None Color: BLUE . Vehicle Production Date: 11/88 Mileage: 70,592 Options: AIR CONDITIONING, AUTOMATIC TRANS., MULTI-PURPOSE VEHICLE Line Entry Labor It_?_~ Number Type Operation I 834570 BDY REMOVE/REPLACE 2 AUTO REF REFINISH 3 AUTO REF REFINISH 4 90O500 BDY' REPAIR 5 REF REFINISH/REPAIR $ 900500 BDY ° REPAIR 7 REF REFINISH/REPAIR 8 834700 BDY REPAIR 9 REF REFINISH/REPAIR 10 834950 BDY REMOVE/REPLACE 11 835050 BDY REMOVE/REPLACE 12 8:35200 BDY REMOVE/REPLACE 13 835580 GLS REMOVE/RE--CE 14 837310 MCH ALIGN 15 900500 BDY" ADD'L LABOR OP 16 900500 REF * REFINISH/REPAIR 17 900500 BDY' ADD'L LABOR OP 18 900500 13DY ' ADD3.. LABOR OP 19 838580 BDY REMOVE/REPLACE 20 838620 BDY REMOVE/REPLACE 21 838640 BDY REMOVE/REPLACE 22 838740 BDY REMOVE/REPLACE Line Item Description L QUARTER OUTER PANEL L QUARTER PANEL OUTSIDE L QUARTER PANEL EDGE LFT INNER PANEL LFT INNER PANEL LFT INNER WHEEL WELL LFT INNER WHEEL WELL · L QUARTER WHEELHOUSE PANELL QUARTER WHEELHOUSE PANEL L FRT LWR QUARTER MOULDING L REAR QUARTER MOULDING L QUARTER W/OPENING MLDG R Q'iR GLASS STATIONARY FRONT SUSPENSION -M COLOR MATCH BLEND COVER CAR COLOR SAND BUFF L COMBINATION LAMP LENS L COMBINATION LAMP HOUSING L COMBINATION LAMP LENS GASKET L COMBINATION LAMP BULB ESTIMATE RECALL NUMBER: 4/16/96 14:03:22 PF001294-72 UltraMate is a Trademark of Mitchell International Mitchell Data Version: APR..96_A Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Mitchell International AIl Rights Reserved Part Type/ Part Number 15681589 GM PART Existing Existing Existing 15628789 GM PART 15628791 GM PART 15616290 GM PART 1402286;8 GM PART Existing Existing Sublet Existing 5968329 5965771 5965748 9429902 GM PART GM PART GM PART GM PART Dollar Labor Amount Units . 787.00 14.0 C 3.5 C 0.5 5.0" 0.5- :3.0" 0.5' *3.0*# 0.5' 19.80 INCL 28.75 INCL 26.75 INCL 138.00 1.0 1.8 0.5' 1.0' 10.00" 0.0' 1.0' 27.00 INCL 16.15 INCL 5.70 * 0.92 ' Page I of 3 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 900500 838760 AUTO 839290 839360 900500 900500 AUTO AUTO AUTO BDY ° ADD'L LABOR OP BDY REMOVE/REPLACE BDY OVERHAUL BDY REMOVE/REPLACE BDY REMOVE/REPLACE BDY ° REMOVE/INSTALL BDY ° ADD'L LABOR OP REF ADD'L OPR REF ADD'LOPR ADD'L COST ., ALIGN REAR DOORS L COMBINATION LAMP BUIR REAR BUMPER ASSY REAR BUMPER FAC.~ BAR R REAR BUMPER IMPACT STRIP TOW HITCH TAPE STRIPE ':' TWO TONE CLEAR COAT PAINT/MATERIALS Judgement Item Labor Note Applies - Included in Two Tone I Clear Coat Calc Date: 04/25196 02:56 PM Estimate ID: PF001294-72 Supplement: I (P) Profile ID: MERCURY Existing 9428904 GM PART 1.13 ° Recored 15571637 Existing Sublet GM PART 1 1.0 at 140.00o INCL ' 47.00 INCL 3~.00 - o.o- 1.8 1.6 178.20 * COLLECT ALL FROM OWNER AD J: LAURA ARNS 714 671 6577 Labor Subtotals Units Rate Body 29.0 28.00 Refinish 9.9 28.00 Glass 1.0 25.00 Mechanical 1.8 45.00 Add1 Labor Amount Non-Taxable Labor Sublet Amount Totals Labor Sun-mary 41.'7 0.00 40.00 852.00 0.00 0.00 277.20 0.00 0.00 25.00 0.00 0.00 8t.00 1,235,20 1,235.20 Part Replacement Surnmary Taxable Parts Sales Tax ~ Non-Taxable Parts Total Replacement Parts Amount 7.750 % Amount 1,098.20 85.11 140.00 1,323.31 II!. Additional Costs Taxable Costs Sales Tax Total Additional Costs 7.750 % Amount 178.20 13.81 192.01 IV. lo Ii. III. Adjustments Insurance Deductible Cust°mer Responsibility Total Labor:. Total Replacement Parts: Total Additional Costs: Gross Total: Total Adjustments: Net Total: Less Original Net Total: Net Supplement Amount: S1: Unda Bums 0579 Amount 0.00 0.00 1,235.20 1,323.31 192.01 2,750.52 0.00 2,750.52 4,796.73 2,046.21- 2,046.21- Point(s) 8Left Re~ ESTIMA' Mitchell 477673..+ 20~621 .._ )01294-72 late is a Trademark of Mitchell International yright (C) 1994, 1995 Mitchell International AIl Rights Reserved · Page 2 of Body Shop: Address: Nork Phone: NICHOLAS CHEVROLET 10511 GARDEN GROVE BLVD. GARDEN GROVE, CA 92643 (714) 534-2700 THIS IS NOT AN AUTHORIZATION TO" REPAIR. THE UNDERSIGNED REPAIR FACILITY AGREES TO REPAIR THIS VEHICLE USIN(~ INDUSTRX A~IEPTED · EQUIPI4ENT AND REPAIR I<ETHODS AND TO COHI~LETE AND GUARANTEE SAFE REPAIRS AT A PlaICE OF $ , INCLUDING ~ CHARGES. NO SUPPLEMENT WILL BE HONORED WITH OUT PR/OR Inspection Site: Address: Date: 04/25/96 02:56 PM Estimate ID: PF001294-72 Supplement: I (P) Profile ID: MERCURY NICHOLAS CHEVROLET 10511 GARDEN GROVE BLVD. GARDEN GROVE, CA ESTIMATE RECAL/. NUMBER: 4416/96 14:03:22 PF001294-72 UltraMate is a Trademark of Mitchell International Mitchell Data Version: APR_96_A Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Mitchell International All Rights Reserved f..-i':. :.:..: o · J - . Page 3 of MATERIAL DAMAGE ADJUSTER'S CLOSING REPORT REPORTING TO n &- /~/.~'-4~''~' INSURED - :' CLAIMANT Inspection ': Inspection DRIVE IN INSPECFION Fl Yes tjX'No DA'Il; OF LOSS REC'D ASSIGNMENT CON'rACfED INSURED DATE INSP~D VEHICLE MAKE YEAR. ,..~.ODEL V.I.N. L,~O. LOCATION OF VEHICLE ~ ;~'~c~? OPEN ITEMS TOTAL LOSS REPAIRABLE LOSS REGISTERED OWNER(S) AGREED SETrLEMEN~F (Inc. Tax & L/cerise) LESS DEDUCrIBLE $ NrET A.MOUNrr PAYABLE $ PAY TO: [] Insd. [] [] Lienholder DO NOT SEND DI unless we have verified power of attorney. STAMP FOR [] Yes [] No VEHICLE REFUND $ DEDUCTION $ NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO CF-.NrI'RA~ SALVAGE ~tEDIATELY. EXPLANATION: ADJUS-FER'S ES~.: $ LESS DEPR.ECIA~ON: $ ON REMAINrlNG DISPATCHER COVERAGE ....... SHOP WILL CALL C-81 4/93 Rev. YES - NO ~TE OF DAMAGE CLAIMANT Year & Make Color VEHICLE INSPECTED AT. ~,~...~,~,~ ."~-"~"~" :!.~yl. ;/ Speedometer I.D. No. '"~ LABOR LABOR PARTS AND SUBLET REPAIR REPLACE DETAILS OF REPAIRS AND/OR REPLACEMENTS TO BE MADE PAINT HOURS MATERIAL AND N~r' _ (UST PRICE) ITEMS ,,,,-. ,,,,5-- ,,¢//z.,.-,x,/ ~ /.o .. · . · ., · . · . · . · . · · · . · · · · · DEPRECiATION/~ENT. IF TAKEN, STATE AMOUNT AND PROV1DE EXPLANATION: .... THE WRITING OF THIS ESTIMATE [:X:)ES NOT CONFIRM ~ OR GUARANTEE OR IMPLY'~rI',a~;Nci~~. THIS ESTIMATE IS FOR THE REPAIR OF DAMAGE CLAIMED BY THE OWNER OF THE VEHIC3.E, AND THIS ESTIMATE I~ ,A~N ADI~I~/i(~N THAT TI-E DAMAGE RESULTED FROM THE Al 1 F-GED AC~. . ' ~ /~ ,,, ~ · .~ NO SUmLE~ENTS ~LL ~E HO.OR~ WrrHOL~ mOR ~. PROV~L 0~,4/,~, *0 NOTE: THIS IS NOT AN AUTHORIZATION TO REPAIR· THE UNDERSIGNED REPAIR FACILITY AGREES TO REPAIR THIS tEHICLE USING INDUSTRY ACCEPTED EQUIPMENT AND REPAIR METHODS, AND TO COMPLETE AND GUARANTEE SAFE REPAIRS -~T A PRICE OF $. 51 "3(-..tOOt,,,. , INCLUDING ALL CHARGES NCIDENTAL THERETO.' ~,DDRESS: '/ / RECAPrrULATION LABOR /' ~ Hrs. @$ "~. ~ .$. ff~ PARTS $ l'ess % ($~) = $ 410- OTHER CHARGES, Towing and Storage TA~~- ~ ON ($ ) ,. GRAND TOTAL DED. $ Depreciation $ NET TOTAL ~-1 Rev. 3/93 Mercury Casualty Co. o Mercury Insurance Co. · California Automobile Insurance Co. · Mercury Insurance Co. of Georp'ia "ORANGE COUNTY'S ONLY LAND ROVER CENTRE" ~DEFENDER THE ULTL\IATE FL'N OFF ROAD VEHICI. E ~DISCOVERY ~RANGE ROVER NEW 7 PASSENGER THE MOST LUXURIOUS FAMILY .qPORT L'TILITY VEHICLE 4 X 4 LN THE WORLD S'fANI)ARD DUAL A!R BAGS STANDARD DUAL AIR BAGS & ABS BRAKES & ABS BRAKES 714-365-8750 28662 MARGUERITE PKWY. MISSIONVIEJO, CA 92692 I !; 1 DF 1 · S ~bCuUN, NO. 10:_::/_-, S PAGE 0 H L I D , ~,r--, ,.,r,. r.I ,-w-r-.. r~..,~, i 'r. ~..-r-,m:., p ' ,~_-: it:; ~_~.'_i:,,.~ ~-,u, ~_, ~.,_.._ .... '-,:'--: LA A AUTO ,~r~:, , z~","'~-, -=; ' COMMERCE CTR T~F-: COMMERCE '.~F: DR T 2:2:-_ -'L".' 0 '..L_ASUNA H*LLS, ~'~' '-"-"~-'-' 0 LAGUNA HILLS, CA '-"-' ~-'-' , ~_~ 7-' ." t_',._i~, , y .-' ~,~.,._-, NO RETURN ON ELECTRICAL PARTS OR. SPECIAL ORDERS 20% CHARGE ON ALL RETURNED PARTS l. CUSTOMER'S SIGNATURE .Nc, gooes will be accepted Jot credit unless accompanied D'/this invoice wi;nm lO oavs irom the dine of purchase i S:JELET F=._.=IGHT ! SALES TAX An'v warram~es on the orooucts sold nere~y are those maoe by the manufacturer. The Sel~er. LAND ROVER MISSION VI=,,JO. nereD.v exoressl¥ disclaims al! warrant~es, e~tr~er exDreS.s or imollec, h~CIUCII').O an.v L'"rlDhec warramy of merchanlaDilm/or fitness 1o? a particular plJ' anC LAND ROVER MISSION VIE JO. neither assumes ~c.' autnonzes any o:ner De' ~.52.76.} FILE NUMBER: CLAIM NUMBER: DATE OF LOSS: TYPE OF LOSS: Point(s) of Impact Left Rear Side (P) MERCURY INSURANCE GROUP 555 W. IMPERIAL HWY P.O. BOX 1160 BREA, CA 92622 Phone: (714) 255-5237 Fax: (714) 255-5229 APPRAISAL REPORT .. DAMAGE ASSESSED BY: Unda Bums 0579 None PF001294-72 3108196 Property Damage Date: Supplement: 04/25196 03:01 PM 1 SOUTH BAY CLAIMS?- ASSIGNMENT DATE: CONTACT DATE: INSPECTION DATE 4/15~96 4116196 None INSURED: CHRISTENESLOAN OWNER: None INSPECTION SITE: NICHOLAS CHEVROLET 10511 GARDEN GROVE BLVD. GARDEN GROVE, CA QUAUTY' RECYCLED PARTS: No AFTERMARKET NEW PARTS: No VEHICLE DR~EABLE: Yes CLAIMANT: CATHY MILTMORE 8 ROSS IRVINE, CA 92720 (714) 551-5391 BODY SHOP: NICHOLAS CHEVROLET 10511 GARDEN GROVE BLVD. GARDEN GROVE, CA 92643 (714) 534-2700 DISPATCHER Remarks COLLECT ALL FROM OWNER AD J: LAURA ARNS 714 671 6577 Comments: SIGNED AND AGREED Cl ATTACHED PHOTOS TO FOLLOW SEND Cl AND ClB TO CLMNT MODERATE DAMAGE 9110 DAYS REPAIR negative supplement $2046.21 COMPARISON ESTIMATE: APPRAISER ESTIMATE: AGREED UPON AMOUNT: DRAFT/CHECK NUMBER: DRAFT/CHECK AMOUNT: DATE ISSUED: o 0.00 TOWING: 0.00 STORAGE: 0.oo DEDUCTIBLE: 0.00 UltraMate is a Trademark of Mitchell International Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Mitchell International All Rights Reserved ACTUAL CASH VALUE: SALVAGE VALUE: SETTLEMENT: .-. ---"--s,.EPAIR VS. ACV: ~pj.:.,. "f:"-';'" ,. · Page I 9100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 of I Date: Estimate ID: Committed Profile ID: 03114J96 01:28 PM PF001294-72 Mercury Damage Assessed By: MERCURY INSURANCE GROUP 555 WEST IMPERIAL HWY PO BOX 1150 BREA, CA 92688 Phone: {714) 255-5237 Fax: (714)255-.5229 ...- CHRIS PENARANDA Adjusto¥: 671-6577 LAURA ARNS (714) 671-6577 Condition Code: Date of Loss: Policy No: Deductible: Insured: Address: Telephone: Description: Body Style: ViN: OEMIALT: Good 3108f96 500.00 CHRISTENE SLOAN Home Phone: ( Type of Loss: Collision Claim Number: PF001294-72 1995 Range Rover Discovery 4D Ut 100' WB O' Mitchell Service: 916755 Drive Train: 3.9L 8 Cyl License: Search Code: None Mileage: 8,857 · . . Color: Une Entry Item Number WHT Labor Type Operation 1 AUTO BDY 2 600026 BDY 3 600028 BDY 4 500029 BDY $ 6OO032 BDY 6 600036 BDY 7 600038 BDY 8 600O46 BDY 9 6O0O49 BDY 10 600056 BDY 11 AUTO REF 12 600060 BDY 13 AUTO REF 14 600071 BDY 15 AUTO BDY 16 600073 BDY 17 600O89 BDY 111 600114 BDY 19 AUTO REF 2O AUTO REF 21 600135 BDY 22 900500 BDY' 23 60O237 BDY 24 AUTO REF 25 AUTO REF 26 '600281 BDY 27 AUTO REF 28 AUTO REF ESTIMATE RECALL M~tchell Data Version: Line Item Description Part Type/ Part Number OVERHAUL REMOVE/REPLACE REMOVE/REPLACE REMOVE/REPLACE REMOVE/REPLACE REMOVE/REPLACE REMOVE/REPLACE REMOVE/REPLACE REMOVE/REPLACE REMOVE/REPLACE REFINISH REMOVE/REPLACE REFINISH REMOVE/REPLACE CHECK/ADJUST REMOVE/REPLACE REMOVE/REPLACE REMOVE/REPLACE REFINISH REFINISH REMOVE/REpLACE REPAIR REMOVE/REPLACE REFINISH REFINISH REMOVE/REPLACE REFINISH ADD't. OPR FRT BUMPER ASSY FRT BUMPER FACE BAR R FRT BUMPER BOLT L FRT BUMPER BOLT R FRT BUMPER SUPPORT BUMPER VALANCE PANEL R FRT BUMPER END CAP FRT BUMPER LAMP MOUNT BRACKET FRT BUMPER BRUSH GUARD GRILLE GRILLE R H/LAMP BEZEL R BEZEL R H/LAMP LENS & HOUSING HEADLAMPS R H/LAMP SEAL R PARK/SIGNAL/MKR LAMP LENS & HSG HOOD PANEL HOOD OUTSIDE HOOD UNDERSIDE HOOD DECAL FLOOR PULL R FENDER PANEL R FENDER OUTSIDE R FENDER EDGE FRONT BODY RADIATOR SUPPORT RADIATOR SUPPORT COMPLETE CLEAR COAT NUMBER: 3114/96 13:27:43 PF001294-72 FEB_96_A ANR2029 BH606361L BH606361L ANR2741 AWR1479PMD AWR1482PMD NTC5486PUB STC8454AA AWR2541 AWR2544 STC1237 STC1713 AMR1283 MWC6702 BTR9897MUK Existing ALR6682 ALR6272 UltraMate is a Trade. mark of Mitchell Intemationa.! ..... Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Mitchell International Lieu ~(~ AKNS Ail Rights Reserved CLAtMS Dollar Labor Amount Units 1.0 · 221.71 INCL 2.33 INCL # 2.33 INCL # 6.80 INCL # 42.87 INCL 30.97 INCL 58.21 INCL 519.19 INCL 141.98 INCL # 1.0 35.80 0.2 # 0.6 93.34 0.1 # 0.4 15.05 INCL # 34,42 INCL # 633.99 1.6 C 2.9 C 1.4 31.12 0.2 # 2.0* 392.27 2.9 # C 1.6 C 0.5 412.47 9.5 # 1.5 2.1 Page I of 2 29 3O 31 32 933003 BDY' ADD'LOPR 933017 REF ADD'LOPR 933019 REF ADD'LOPR AUTO ADD'L COST Judgement Item Labor Note Applies - Included in Clear Coat Calc TINT COLOR COLOR SAND & BUFF MASK FOR OVERSPRAY PAINT/MATERIALS Date: Estimate ID: Committed Profile ID: 03114/96 01:28 PM PF001294-72 Mercury 7.50' 207.00' 0.5' Labor Subtotals Body Refinish UnEs Rate 18.4 28.00 12.5 28.00 Non-TaxableLabor 30.9 II1. Additional Costs Taxable Costs Sales Tax Total Additional Costs Add'l Labor Sublet Amount Amount 0.00 0.00 7.50 0.00 7.750 % Totals 616.20 357.60 872.70 872.70 Amount 207.00 16.04 223.04 I!. III. Part Replacement Summary Taxable Parts Sales Tax Total Replacement Parts Amount Adjustments Insurance Deductible Customer Responsibility Total Labor:. Total Replacement Parts: Total Additional Costs: Gross Total: 7.750 % Amount 2,674.85 207.30 2,882.'15 Amount 500.00- 500.00- 872.70 2,882.15 223.04 3,977.89 Total AdJustments: Net Total: 500.00- 3,477.89 Point(s) of Impact I Right Front Comer (P) Body Shop: LAGUNA AUTO COLLISION Address: 23501 COMMERCE CENTER DR., STE LAGUNA., CA 92653 Work Phone: (714) 458-0202 Inspection Site: Address: LAGUNA AUTO COLUSION 23501 COMMERCE CENTER DR., STE LAGUNA, CA THIS IS NOT AN AUTHORIZATION TO REPAIR. THE UNDERSIGNED REPAIR FACILITY AGREES TO REPAIR THIS VEHICLE USING INDUSTRY ACCEPTED EQUIPMENT AND REPAIR METHODS AND TO COMPLETE AND GUARANTEE SAFE REPAIRS A.T A PR/CE OF $ , INCLUDING ALL CHAR~ES. NO SUPPLEMENTS WILL BE HONORED WITHOUT PR/OR APPRDV'A~. AGREED [~I~ICE BY: . -- - ' ~ ESTIMATE RECALl_ NUMBER: 3114/96 13:27:43 PF001294-72 UltraMate is a Trademark of Mitchell International Mitchell Data Version: FEB_96_A Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 Mitchell International All Rights Reserved Page 2 of 2 -I rn z o z o mZ O0 Z 0 oo ~m ~,0