HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 CLAIM NO. 96-22 07-15-96 LAW OFFICES OF WOODRUFF, SPRADLIN & SMAR' A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION NO'. 3 7-15-96 MEMORAN'DUM TO: Honorable Mayor & M~mbers of the City Council City of Tustin FROM: City Attorney DATE: July 9, 1996 RE' Claim of Julie EI-Tawil; Claim No. 96-22 Recommendation: After investigation and review by this office and the City's claims administrator, it is recommended that the City Coun~;il reject the claim and direct the City Clerk to provide appropriate notice to the claimant and to the claimant's attorneys. Discussion: The plaintiff seeks damages in excess of $597 due to an injury she suffered when she fell while playing volleyball at the Columbus Tustin.gym. An inspection of the area where this incident occurred, reveals that the gym floor is in excellent condition, with no apparent defects. The claimant's statements to date indicate that she does not remember how she fell; she did not look at the floor afterwards to see if there was anything wrong with it; and she could not state if anything was wrong with the floor prior to her accident. The City's liability claims administrator has corresponded with the plaintiff, alerting the plaintiff to the fact that City liability is dependent upon a dangerous condition of public property, which is not apparent in this incident. Enclosures Cc: William A. Huston, City'Manager 1100-9622 32142._1 July 1, 199(~~ Juli 14~North Yorba Street, Apartment 18 Tustin, CA 92680 · RE: Our Principal : City of Tustin D/Accident : 4-24-96 Our File No. : S 88118 EGB Dear Ms. E1-Tawil: - As you know, we are the Liability Claims Administrators for the City of Tustin. We' have investigated the claim you recently submitted to the City and we have concluded that the City is not liable for the injuries you sustained at the Columbus Tustin Gym on the above-captioned date. For there to be liability on the City, there would have to be a dangerous condition of public property.which we do not believe existed at the time of your accident. Accordingly, we will request that the City forward you a rejection letter in the very near future. If you wish to discuss any aspect of this claim, please feel free to contact me at any time. Very truly yours, CARL WARREN & CO. Edward Garbo EG:mcw cc: City of Tustin Attn: Ron Nault, Finance Director ~ Woodruff, Spradlin & Smart Attn: Lois E. Jeffrey, City Attorney CARL WARREN & CO. CLAIMS MANAGEMENT. CLAIMS ADJUSTERS 750 The City Drive o Suite 400 - Orange, CA 92668 Mail: P.O. Box 25180 - SantaAna, CA 92799-5180 Phone: ('714) 740-7999 · ('800) 572-6900 - Fax: (714) 740-7992 ~ City of Tustin C, '" AGAINST TEE CITY OF TU ~N (For Dame to Persons or Personal ~operty) The law provides generally that a Claim must be filed with the City Clerk of the City of'Tustin within 6 month__s after the incident or event occurred· Be sure your claim is against the City of Tustin, not another public entity. Where space is insufficient, please use additional paper and identify information by paragraph number. Compieted claims must be mailed 'or delivered to the City Clerk, City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California 92680 · W~tEN COMPLETING T~IS FORM, PLEASE TYPE OR USE BLACK -- TO THE HOKORABLE MAYOR.AND CITY COUN'ClL, City of Tustin~ California- The undersigned respectfully submits the following claim and information relative'to damage to' person and/or property: b ADDR.ES ~ ...... ' '~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ {:0 i J · '~e. ' d. TELEPHONE NO'' ~ ' · ' " e. DATE OF BIRTH: ~ f. SOCIAL SECURITY NO: · · 2. Name, telephone and post office address to which Claimant desires notices to be sent (if other than above)- 3. This claiD is submitted against: ac .v/~ _____ The City of Tustin only. b. _ _ The following employee(s) of the City' of TuStin only: Ce The' City of Tustin and the of Tustin only: following employee(s) of the City 4. Occurrence or event from which the claim arises: c. P "~CE .u d. HOW and under what circumstance did damage or injury occur? t~.e P..ar. ticular.occurrence, event, a ' . . . Specifv ~t~.e ln]ury or damaae fUs= =~=-'=-' ' - or omission you claim ,b /~ /~.~u~lona~ paper i.f, necessary): cans ri L..- I: , '[ - . e. W?LAT particular ction by the City, or its employees, caused the alleged damage c ~'njury? 5. Give a description of the injury, property damage or loss so far known at the time- of this claim. If there were no injuries~ state "no ~injuries". ~ ) - . , ~ , . 6. Give the name(s) of the City employee(s) causing the damage or injury: 7. Name and address of any other person injured- 8. Name and address of the owner or any 'damaged property: 9. Damages claimed' a. Amount claimed as of the date- /~ 07 q-~-~ ~~,~_q0 .~ ~c~ b. Estimated amount of fu%ure costs: c. Total amount claimed: ' d. Attach basis for computation of amdunts claimed (include copies all bills, invoices, .estimates, etc. 10. Names and addresses of all witnesses, hospitals, doctors, etc. . . . WARNING: IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSE CLAIM!! (Penal Code Section 72; Insurance Code Section 556.0) I have read the matters and statements made in the above claim and I know the 'same to be true of my own knowledge, except as to those matters stated to be upon information or belief and ~s to such matters I believe the s~me to be true. I certify under penalty or perjury that the foregoing is TRUE AND CORRECT. Executed this ~~day of ,19 ~,' at Tustin, California. ~LA~FJd~T' S SIGNATURE Bi'CLFORM Revised 4/29/91 :- · : . · · ,. · Z__ u. lZ ,.W o Z~ cE i.IJ o o ~ z ~ UJ o z F- ~ ~Z Z O~ u~ u~ Z Z O: Hahn & Bowersock, A CorporaTion REPORTER: ELTAJU Ju{ie E{-Tawil CUTOFF: 04/26/96 GROUP: Al{ INV DATE JOB# JOB DATE INV# 04/16/96 93175 03/27/96 150136 04/19/96 93427 04/04/96 150409 04/23/96 93539 04/08/96 150630 04/23/96 938~1 04/18/96 150604 TOTAL REPORTER B]LL!NGS SUMMARY PAY A~ CAPTION/DESCRIPTION 214.14 233.00 124.80 80.00 651.94 EUO of Amir TajaLLi Trust of Buffum SheLton vs. GoLdman Rosa Benavidas vs. P&A Foods Page CLIENT NAME Arrow CLaims Management J[m Bentson · DaLlas Si nTnons Law Offices Fremont Insurance/GLendaLe 04/30/95 Hahn & B6wersock, A Corporation REPORTER BILLINGS SUMMARY Page 27 04/15/96 REPORTER: ELTAJU CUTOFF: 04/11/96 Julia El-Tawil GROUP: All INV DATE JOB# JOB DATE INV# 03/29/96 93103 03/25/96 149161 04/01/96 93302 03/29/96 149248 04/02/96 93051 03/22/96 149340 34/03/96 ~3009 03/21/96 149458 ]~/03/96 93045 03/22/96 149418 ............. 03126/96 149465 ;;/03196 93252 03/28196 149461 )4/05/96 92928 03/20/96 149541 TOTAL PAY ANT CAPTION/DESCRIPTION 122.67 ~Rapprich vs. Electrical System 115.00 U.S. Steel vs. Aceros 79.36~-/ Amerispec Inc. vs. David Cook 109.62~/ Judy Johns vs. Mclean Motor 82.00 -~'ussell vs. Kellogg i49.93 Gloria Midget vs. G~en Costelo 109.62 Dan Melendez vs. Pozzo Constr. 118.50 ~,'[eroy Baker vs. Satellite Mana 886.70 CLIENT NAME Fremont Insurance Co./Orange Hughes & Luce - Larkin, Hoffman, Daly & Lindgren Fremont tns./G[endale State Farm Fire & Ces/U.C. Richardson & Bambr[ck/C.M. Fremont Ins./GIendale State Compensation Ins. Fund/SA