HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 MEMORIAL PLAQUES 07-15-96NO. 12 7-15-96 DATE: July 15, 1996 Inter-Com TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, ' CITY MANAGER FROM: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT S.UBJECT: POLICY FOR DEDICATING & PLACING MEMORIAL PLAQUES AT PARK AND RECREATION FACILITIES SUMMARY: A policy for dedicating and placing memorial plaques at park and recreation facilities was developed by the Parks and Recreation Commission at the request of the city Council. Park naming guidelines have also been revised and included for adoption. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the dedicating policy and revised park naming guidelines. BACKGROUND: While the City adopted guidelines for naming parks in 1989, there is no policy regarding the dedication or placing of memorial plaques at park and recreation facilities. In February, 1996 the City Council requested that the Parks and Recreation Commission develop a policy. A subcommittee of the Commission made up of Commissioners Ken Eckman, A1 Murray and Ken Royal was formed to study the issue. The policy developed by that subcommittee and endorsed by the Commission is presented for City Council approval. DISCUSSION: While developing the dedicating policy, the subcommittee expressed concern that existing City programs may accomplish the same goals as the proposed dedicating program. Memorializing requests could be referred to "A Tree Grows in Tustin," the City's tree donation program. For a tax deductible donation of $125 donors receive a certificate of recognition and an.engraved nameplate attached to a plaque at City Hall. Donations pay for program supplies and supplement the Field Service Division's tree replacement budget. In addition, the Commission recently developed the Adopt-A-Park program to allow community grqups, businesses and residents to join the~City in enhancing and expanding park programs. Participants can have recognition signage placed at designated parks. S~y: Until now there has not ~een a consistent procedure or policy regarding requests for dedicating or placing memorial plaques at park and recreation facilities. The proposed dedicating policy was developed by a subcommittee of the Parks and Recreation Commission using input from other Orange County cities Additionally, the Commission recommends that the City Council remind residents that existing programs also provide recognition opportunities. The Community Services Department manages a memorial tree program and the recently implemented "Adopt-A-Park,, program. Recreation SuperIntendent Attachments · · vices Park Naming Guidelines Policy for Dedicating & Placing Memorial Plaques at Park & Recreation Facilities C: DEDICAT1. WAH PARK NAMING GUIDELINES . . o . e e The City of Tustin is the "City of Trees." Whenever appropriate, parks should be named' for a tree. When a tree name is not available or suitable, and whenever appropriate, park names involving a ranch theme could be used. Since Peters Canyon Wash runs through East Tustin, a canyon theme could be used for parks developed in the Peters Canyon area. If a person pays for a park's development in its entirety, the park could be named for them or the name of their choice, as approved by the City Council. If none of the guidelines above are applicable, the park could be named for a street location. Proposed park names will be reviewed at a regular' meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission. The Commission will then forward a recommendation to City Council for final approval. ' POLICY FOR DEDICATING & PLACING MEMORIAL PLAQUES AT PARK AND RECRF~TION FACILITIES PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to establish a consistent procedure for dedicating and placing memorial plaques at City park and recreational facilities. .GENERAL GUIDELINES I. PROCEDURE A standing subcommittee of three members shall be established from current members of the Parks and Recreation Commission. Ce All requests to dedicate or place memorial plaques at park facilities shall be submitted to the subcommittee to provide recommendations to the City Council for final action. Requests must be Sponsored by a Tustin Resident or sponsor. In a special session the subcommittee will evaluate proposed candidate applications and provide recommendations for the placement of dedication plaques. Exceptional situations may require deviations from this general policy. The subcommittee may, in the best interests of the community, deviate from these guidelines and make appropriate recommendations. II. CRITERIA A. a~ Recognizing the sensitive nature of this issue, proposed candidates should be as non-controversial as possible and meet the following criteria: le Candidate has provided significant or long term service to the nation or the community. e . Candidate has given his life in service to the nation, state or community. Candidate has been a positive role model. 4. Candidate has achieved some measure of distinction within the community. All requests submitted for consideration shall be accompanied by substantiating documentation. ExamPles of appropriate documentation would include letters of recommendation and records of achievement or service awards. III. REGULATIONS Ae Plaques shall be bronze with a maXimum size of 10" X 12". Design and wording of plaques shall be submitted to the subcommittee for approval. Standard wording shall include "In memory of" or "In honor of." Be Candidate sponSors shall be responsible for the cost of plaques. The City will assume responsibility for installation. Ce The City assumes no responsibility for the replacement or repair of plaques but will assume normal maintenance. Do Plaques may be placed system-wide throughout city facilities. Individual requests for placement of plaques will be reviewed by the subcommittee. wp/a:dedicat l.pre