HomeMy WebLinkAbout15 FIELD ALLOC PROC 08-05-96DATE: Inter-Com NO. 15 8-5-96 July 18, 1996 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: William A. Huston, City Manager Community Services Department PROPOSED FIELD ALLOCATION PROCEDURES SUMMARY: The proposed, policy, titled "Field Allocation Procedures," is a plan which is designed to manage the fair and equitable assignment of athletic fields to youth sports programs. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council adoption and implementation of the enclosed "Sports Field Allocation Procedures." FISCAL IMPACT: Per Council direction, sports field lighting and rental fees have not been assessed to Tustin-based youth sports organizations. BACKGROUND: The issues regarding the existing facility use policy' identified by the Parks and Recreation Commission, staff and user-groups are as follows: Current policies are limited to the Senior Center and Community Center only. Policies need to be developed to address Sports Park use and future park areas. * Policies need to be in place which address field allocation between sports field users. * The current user classification system does not address school use. Methods need to be established whereby continuous use for sports groups can be maintained. The communication process between space providers and users needs to be enhanced. Users need to be included in dialogue regarding facility use. After reviewing current policies, and issues that affect their proper implementation, the staff and the Parks and Recreation Commission, at a December 7, 1995, workshop, identified the following objectives when developing new policies: * Maximize use of all City facilities. * Provide flexibility in allocating their use. * Give our community's youth and their programs highest priority. * Give preference to TuStin residents. * Allocate time for proper maintenance and repair of facilities. * Make facilities available to the tax-paying public for free, drop-in use on a regular basis. Recognize that outdoor facilities are sensitive resources, which require special attention to sustain. When scheduling, be sensitive to the impacts that the use of these facilities have on adjacent neighborhoods. * Recognize the need to establish new and/or revised fees for the use of our facilities to: - sustain community's high standards for aesthetics and playability. - sustain capital efforts. - reduce dependence on the general fund. DISCUSSION: The Park and Recreation Commission, at its May 16, 1996, meeting, approved the attached Sports Field Allocation Policy by unanimous vote. On July 11, 1996, a meeting was held with representatives from local youth sports organizations for input and discussion on the proposed field allocation policy. In attendance were Board members from Tustin Bobby Sox, Tustin Pony League, and A.Y.S.O. (Tustin Eastern Little League and Tustin Soccer Club solicited their input. over the phone). Through careful analysis, it was determined that no objections were raised to the implementation of the policy, beginning in February 1997. Supervisor, Sports D/vision WIike Henley · r otor of omm '/ S4/ rvio s EXHIBITS: Draft Field Allocation Policy CITY OF TUSTIN COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT FIELD ALLOCATION PROCEDURE DRAFT 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 SCOPE This document defines the procedure for the Cib' of Tustin to facilitate the allocation of all available fields within its ownership and/or supervision to support local sports programs. PURPOSE It is necessary to formulate this PrOcedure for the following reasons: A. User groups need a procedure to secure fields for the planning of games, practices, and other events. B. The demand for field usage exceeds the ability to permit unlimited and unscheduled use by all participants. C. Maintenance and renovation procedures must be scheduled and implemented to maintain the community's high standard of aesthetics and sustain the playability level of Tustin facilities. PRINCIPLE It is the policy of the City ofTustin Communit3., Services Department to allocate field use to requesting and qualified organizations on the basis of equal time per team. This equal time provision shall be applied by ensuring that each organization receives that percentage of field time that is their percentage of City-wide teams. For example, organization "X" has 50 teams Out of a City-wide total of 100 teams, thereby gaining 50% of all available field time. In occurrences where the percentages do not equal a whole number (i.e. 43.35%), the allocation shall be rounded down to the next whole number (i.e. 43%). The resulting surplus.of field time shall be used to allocate time to organizations whose actual percentage is less than 1%, or it shall be allocated at the discretion of Community Services staff. METHOD At the facility allocation meeting, each registered sports organization's previous season's enrollment will be determined. Each youth league must present enrollment data from their previous season; indicating names, addresses, phone numbers and birth dates of all participants. The number of Tustin residents within each organization will be counted and used to determine percentages for field allocation. 5.0 The formula used to determine field allocation percentages is as follows: .The total number of players, divided by 12, equals the number of teams. The number of an organization's teams, divided by the total number of teams, equals that organization's field allocation percentage. For example, let's assume "Organization A" had 600 players Who were Tustin residents. "Organization B" has 250 players who were Tustin residents and' "Organization C" had 150 Tustin players. Considering all these teams fall under Group 5 of the priority schedule, the allocation of fields will be as follows: Organization A 'Considered 50 of 83 teams equaling 60% allocation Organization B - Considered 21 of 83 teams equaling 25% allocation Organization C - Considered 12 of 83 teams equaling 14% allocation .. DEFINITIONS 5. l Participant: Participants shall include only those players up to 18 years old who are fully registered with the user organizations. Non-players, such as coaches, staff, officials, etc., shall not be included in the total number of organizational part/c/pants for the purposes of allocating fields. 5.2 Team: A team, for allocation purposes, shall be based upon 1 team allocation for each 12 participants in each division or classification.. When dividing by 12, any remainder of 9 or more will be rounded up to the next whole team. Remainder of 8 or less shall be rounded down. 5.3 Traveling Team: A Tustin based team which meets all the criteria above, but plays games with non-Tustin based teams, x- ..... ~;"" * .... ' "~"""*;""~ shall 5. 4 Organization: To be formally recognized for field allocation processes, an organization must be registered with the Community Services Department. 5.5 Seasons: Dates Primary User Secondary User Sl:)ring/Summer February-July B asebal I/So fiball Soccer Fall/Winter August-January Soccer/Football Baseball/Softball 5.6 Primary User: This is a C°rnmunity Services Department registered and · qualified user and as such, has first claim on field use during the season they are classified as primary user. 5.7 Secondary User: This is a Community Services Department registered user for a sport other than that designated as primary use for the season. A secondary user may obtain field use allocations only if.' (a) a field is not usable by a primary user (b) all primary users have received all the field time requested and there is field time not allocated to primary users or reallocated to other primary users. 5.8 "Game Only" Fields: A field that is to be utilized solely for games, once a season has started. 5.9 "Multi-Use Field": The fields may be utilized for practice and/or games to the maximum extent possible by the allocated group. 5.10 "Overlay" Field: A field may overlay another field to enable large-scale usage. Fields will be overlaid only when a conflict does not exist and all other field resources are being utilized. 5.11 Insurance: Youth sports organizations utilizing City of Tustin sports fields are required to have liability insurance, with the City of Tustin named as additional ly insured to the amount of $1,000,000 or greater. 5.12 User Priority Schedule:. The attached schedule indicates the priority order in which fields will be allocated to varying user groups. 5.13 Open Enrollment: This tenn refers to the manner in which an organization registers it participants. To qualify as an open enrollment organization, aleague must: a) Advertise reg/stration dates and periods to the general public b) Accept registration from any individual, regardless of ability c) Place all registered participants on a team which competes in the organization's league 5.14 Closed Enrollment: Any organization which does not follow the open enrollment criteria shall be considered a closed enrollment organization. 6.0 FIELD INVENTORY Prior to each allocation period, a list indicating all fields to be allocated will be ~nade available to all those requesting fields. At the present time, the fields available for allocation are: Columbus Tustin Park: Tustin Sports Park: Pepper Tree Park Softball Fields 1,2,3, and 4 Soccer Field 1 and 2 Softball Fields 1 & 3 Baseball Field 2 Soccer Field 1 & 2 Softball Field 1 7.0 FIELD REQUEST FORMS Each organization desiring to use fields will need to complete the forms: following 7.1 Registration Form - This form identifies Youth sports groups who wish to use City of Tustin facilities. This form must be completed to be considered for field allocation purposes. 7.2 Notice of Intended Use Form - This form requests current information from organizations seeking to use City facilities. 7.3 Facility Use Application- The facility use permit is generated from this form. 8.0 ALLOCATION SCHEDLVLE Facility use allocation procedures shall be based on the following schedule: A. Intended Use Forms mailed Fall/Winter season Spring/Summer season B. Deadline to return Intended Use Form Fail/Winter season Spring/Summer season C. Field Inventory Lists Mailed Fall/Winter season Spring/Summer season D Field Allocation Meeting Fall/Winter season Spring/Summer Season E. Allocations confirmed and mailed Fall/Winter season Spring/Summer season April 1 October 1 May 1 November 1 May 1 November 1 1st Tues in June 1st Tues in December 3rd Tues in June 3rd Tues in December F. Deadline to submit proof of insurance Fall/Winter season Spring/Summer Season G. Deadlineto submit game schedules Fall/Winter season Spring/Summer season July 15 Jan 15 September 1 March 1 8.1 For all meetings with required attendance, each participating organization's representative must have the authority to speak for the organizatiori he/she represents (final decisions could be made at these meetings; items may not be "tabled"). 8.2 Each participating organization must make available genuine registration materials or printout, listing player names, full address, and bieth date to the Community Services Department at the field allocation meeting. 9.0 NOTICE OF ABANDONED TIME Any user organization that receives an allocation and does not intend to use it regularly must file a notice with the Commun/ty Services Department so that the field may be reallocated. Failure to provide notice of abandoned time ma3, result in loss of allocation. ~ 10.0 I1.0 NOTICE OF EXCHANGE Any user-organization may exchange its allocation, or any part of it, with another organization, only by approval of the Community Services Department. Any modifications must be verified in writing by all parties and filed with the Community Services Department. ALLOCATION PROCEDURE ENFORCEMENT To maintain integriO., of the.field allocation process, youth league rosters will be randomly inspected for accuracy. [fan organization's submitted rosters are determined to contain false m formation, penaltie& including the loss of allocation privileges, may be assessed. CITY OF TUSTIN COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT FACILITY USE PRIORITY SCHEDULE Group #1: Community Services Department sponsored or initiated youth activities. Group #2: Community Services Department sponsored or initiated adult activities. Group #3: Youth activities initiated or sponsored by the school district. Group #4: Adult activities initiated or sponsored by the school distriCt. Group #5: Youth recreational activities, open to the public, initiated or sponsored by local non-profit organizations whose membership, consists of at least 60% Tustin residents. Group #6: Adult recreational activities, open to the public, initiated or sponsored by local non-profit organizations whose membership consists of at least 60% Tustin residents. Group #7: Resident youth recreation activities not open to the public. Group #8: Resident adult recreation activities 'not open to the public Group #9: Non-resident recreational activities initiated or sponsored by non-profit organizations. Group 10: Non-resident recreational activities not open to the public. Group 11: Commercial, business, and those activities and organizations which are profit-making. Individuals or organizations which cannot provide proof of non-profit standing, who are organizing events which fees are charged or donations are solicited.