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04 PROJECT 600103 08-19-96
AGE N NO. 4 8-19-96 in t e r- C o m DATE: AUGUST 19, 1996 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/WATER SERVICES DIVISION PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN OF NEW MAIN STREET WELL NO. 4 (PROJECT NO. 600103) RECOMMENDATION That the City Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk, subject to final City Attorney approval, to execute the attached agreement with Richard C. Slade & Associates for hydrogeologic services for the design of the sub-surface facilities for the new Well No. 4 at the Main Street site. FISCAL IMPACT The requested recommendation involves only funding of $39,611 from the Water Capital Improvement Program. An application for Orange County Water District (OCWD) Loan funding is in progress. The proposed contract does not obligate the City to authorize construction of the well. BACKGROUND In October of 1990, Daniel Boyle Engineering, Inc., completed a Water System Storage Evaluation Study. The Study determined that there were deficiencies in the system in both quantity of storage and structural condition of existing reservoirs. It was determined that approximately $40 million worth of improvements to the storage and distribution system were necessary. The recommendations included new storage and pumping at the Main Street site as well as a new well. A new well is needed because the existing Well No. 2, which had historically been producing at a rate of 1,200 gallons per minute (gpm), experienced a casing failure which reduced its capacity to 150-200 gpm. In 1992 the City Council reviewed and approved a water rate study and financial plan prepared by Battle Wells Associates. The study proposed a funding plan to support a twelve year development program to construct the recommended water system improvements. The financial plan included constructing 3 new wells under the OCWD conjunctive use well construction program. Main Street Well No. 4 will be the second well constructed under the program. Professional Services Agreemeh, ,or Hydrogeologic Services August 19, 1996 Page 2 The well will be constructed in two phases under two separate construction contracts. Professional services provided under this contract include preparation of plans and specifications for the drilling; oversight of the drilling operations; design of the well casing and gravel envelope around the casing; and oversight of final testing of the well. Once testing is complete, the data will be provided to the design engineer of surface facilities, who will design the second phase of the project. Phase II will include design and construction of the pumping and electrical equipment and wellhead building. Phase H will be designed in conjunction with the Main Street Reservoir facilities under a design contract with Black and Veatch which was previously approved by the City Council. DISCUSSION Written proposals were received from four firms to perform the hydrogeologic services. They are as follows: Camp Dresser & McKee Richard C. Slade & Associates Geotechnical Consultants, Inc. Law/Crandall, Inc. A selection committee consisting of City staff and the Program Manager determined that, based on professional qualifications and experience with related work, Richard C. Slade & Associates is the most qualified firm to perform the requested work. Richard C. Slade & Associates has extensive experience in the design and drilling oversight of municipal water wells within the Orange County groundwater basin and demonstrated a significantly better work plan for dealing with the site issues which will need to be addressed for a successful project than the other firms. Once it was determined that Richard C. Slade & Associates was the most qualified firm, the final scope of work and fee were negotiated. The consultant contract has also been structured with a pay for performance feature. The consultant will be paid only upon completion of certain milestones which have been included in the proposal and made a part of the agreement. For purposes of reducing duplicating costs, only the consultants scope of work and fee proposal are included in the agenda package. A copy of the full proposal is available for review upon request. Following is a schedule for completion of Main Street Well No. 4: Begin Design of Sub-surface facilities ....................................... Advertise for bids for well drilling ....................................... Complete drilling and testing ................................................ Begin design of surface (wellhead) facilities .............................. Advertise for bids for wellhead construction .............................. 9/02/96 11/4/96 3/04/97 3/05/97 7/01/97 Complete wellhead construction Tim D. Serlet Director of Public Works/City Engineer Water Services Manager 12/2/97 TDS:GRV:klb/COUNCIL:PSA Design of Main St Well No. 4 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of JUly, 1996, by and between the ITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City") and Richard C. Slade & ssociates (hereinafter referred to as "Consultant"), WlTNESSETH .WHEREAS, City desires to employ Consultant to furnish the necessary services for providing ?drogeological services for design, review of technical specifications, and construction oversight of Main :reet Well #4, hereinafter' referred to as "Project"; and WHEREAS, Consultant is qualified to provide the ~cessary services in connection with said Project and has agreed to provide the necessary services; and rHEREAS, Consultant has submitted to City a revised proposal dated June 17, 1996, a copy of the proposal attached hereto, marked as Exhibit "A" and is by this reference incorporated herein as though set forth in ~.I1 herein (the "Proposal"). NOW, THEREFORE, City agrees to employ and does hereby employ Consultant to provide the '' . 'ofessional services for the Project, and City and consultant, for the consideration hereinafter set forth, Tee as follows: Section 1: Scope of Consultant's Services. Consultant agrees to furnish to City consulting services ,r the Project~ These services shall include all the services solicited in the City's Request for Proposal dated ~ay 7, 1996, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "B", and all the services included within the ,nsultant's proposal, (Exhibit "A"). Section 2: Time for Completion. It is hereby understood and mutually agreed that the time for ~mpletion of the work to 'be performed by Consultant is an essential condition of this agreement, Consultant ;rees that it shall prosecute regularly and diligently the work of this agreement according to reasonable hedules established by the City for the various items described and as outlined within Consultant's oposal. Consultant shall not be accountable for delays in the progress of its work caused by any condition :yond its control and without the fault or negligence of Consultant. Any. delays shall not entitle Consultant any additional compensation, regardless, of the party responsible for the delay. ection 3: Compensation The compensation to be paid under this agreement shall be as set forth in the .onsultant's proposal with a not to exceed total cost of $ 39,611. Progress payments for work completed "ill be paid as each major Task delineated in the Consultant's proposal is completed, within thirty (30) days f the date of Consultant's invoice. These payments will be based upon submittal of detailed invoices and ased upon the actual work performed for each individual task not exceeding that provided in the consultant's roposal. Section 4: Job site Conditions The City agrees that in accordance with generally accepted ~nstmction practices,, the construction contractor will be. required to assume sole and complete .'sponsibility for job site conditions during the course of construction of this project, including safety of all ,rsons and property and that this requirement shalI be made to apply continuously and not be limited to ormal working hours. Section 5: Miscellaneous Provisions A. City and Consultant agree to the following conditions: (1) City, by notifying Consultant in writing, shall have the right to terminate any or all of the :rvices covered by this agreement at any time, In the event of such termination, Consultant shall be paid for -~rvices rendered to the effective date of the termination, (2) Consultant agrees that it shall proceed immediately and diligently to perform the services rovided for in this Agreement upon receipt of notice from City to proceed therewith. (3) The .terms and provisions of this agreement shall extend to and be binding upon and inure ~ the benefit of heirs, executors, administrators' successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. (4) Consultant shall perform the services hereunder as an independent contractor and under ~ circumstances or conditions shall Consultant or any of its agents, servants and empioyees, be considered g an employee or agent of the City. Consultant shall perform all services required under this agreement ging that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar conditions in similar localities, and shall ~ responsible for all errors and omissions for services performed by Consultant under the terms of this .greement. Consultant agrees to indemni~, defend and hold City, its agents, employees, successors and ;signs harmless from any loss, damage, injury, sickness, death, or other claim made by other persons and 'om all costs, expenses and charges, including attorney's fees, arising from Consultant's negligent ~rformance of this agreement. In addition, Consultant shall maintain in full force and effect during the term 'this agreement policies of comprehensive general liability, personal 'injury .and liability insurance with nits of at least $1,000,000 combined single limit coverage per occurrence, and professional liability surance coverage with limits of at least $500,000 combined single limit coverage per claim or per. :currence for which certificates of insurance or endorsements in form satisfactory to the City have · .retofore been delivered to City. If Consultant provides claims made professional liability insurance, >nsultant shall also agree in writing either (1) to purchase tail insurance in the mount required by this ;reement to cover claims made within five (5) years of the completion of Consultant's service under this ~eement, or (2) to maintain prOfessional liability insurance coverage with the same carder in the amount quired by this agreement for at least five (5) years after completion of Consultant's services under this ;reement_ The Consultant shall also be required to provide evidence to the City of the purchase of the quired tail insurance or continuation of the professional liability policy by executing the attached letter 7eement on Consultant's letterhead. (6) Consultant shall carry and pay for such compensation insurance as is necessary to fully 'otect Consultant and its employees under California Worker's Compensation Insurance and Safety Laws, to lieve City fi.om all responsibility under said laws in connection with the performance of this'agreement, td upon execution of this agreement, to file with City a certificate of sai.d protection. (7) Consultant certifies that there shall be no discrimination against any employ~ who is nployed in the work covered by this agreement, or against any application for such employment, becaUSe of ce, religion, 6olor, sex or national origin including, but not limited to, the following: a. Employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment, or recruitment advertising, lay-off or termination,, rate of pay or other forms °fcompe .nsation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship (8) Consultant shall provide City. monthly with a detailed itemization of all work performed, .d the fees accrued thereon, in complete and sufficient detail to fully apprise City thereof. (9) Upon-termination of this Agreement or. completion of the Project, all documents relating. the Project shall become the sole property of City. Should City terminate this Agreement pursuant to bparagraph (1) of this Section, Consultant shall, within ten (I0) business days of receipt of notice of ..qnination, provide City with all documents within Consultant's possession relating to this Agreement and ~ Project, including but not limited to all completed documents and all drafts of uncompleted documents. IN V~rlTNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement was executed by the parties on the day and year first °ore written. CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal corporation By Mayor ~/ k,~ Richard C. Slade City Clerk PPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney EXHIBIT "A" CONSULTING GROUNDWATER GEOLOGISTS June 17, 1996 CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY Mr. Gary Veeh Water Services Manager City of Tustin 235 E. Main Street Tustin, California 92680 PS9617 Re: Revised Technical Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services New Main Street Well No. 4, City of Tustin, California Dear Mr. Veeh: in response to your invitation, Richard C. Slade & Associates, Consulting Groundwater Geologists (RCS), is pleased to present this revised technical proposal to the City of Tustin (City) for providing hydrogeologic services in regard to the design, review of technical specifications, and construction oversight of the new Main Street Well No. 4. We understand this well has a 2000-gpm design Capacity and is to be located along Main Street just east of Prospect Avenue in Tustin. Our complete responses to your RFP, which follow, are organized to individually respond to the six individual items enumerated on page 4 of the RFP. Our Cost Proposal, per your request, is submitted under separate sealed cover. For this project, Mr. Richard Slade will serve as overall project director, and Messrs. Mark Whitten and Earl LaPensee, both long-term hydrogeologic employees at RCS, will provide the principal field oversight and monitoring activities associated with the drilling, geologic logging, casing completion, development and testing of the new well. All three of these RCS personnel were active participants in the design and construction of the City's Vandenberg Well in 1993, and num~erous other wells in Orange County. 'Principal benefits of the RCS proposal include: 29 years of groundwater experience in southern California for Mr. Slade, including 1 3 years as principal groundwater geologist with RCS. Similar project experience to that required for this RFP on a large number of municipal-supply wells in Orange County, in'cluding similar work on the City's Vandenberg Well in 1993, while assisting another firm. OFFICE: 6442 COLI)WATER CANYON AVl'... SI. II'FI-~ 214. NORTH I{OLLYW(×)I~. C.-\I,IF(}IiNI.-k 91606 VAI,1.EY OFFICE ST. IIEI.I-',NA. N-\I% \%I.I,EY. CALIFOP, NIA 94574 Revised Technical Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services Confidential and Proprietary Prior water well experience involving direct liaison with OCWD as part of its Conjunctive Use Program. RCS maintains a large in-house data base for drillers' logs and electric logs of water wells in the Tustin area and for .numerous electric logs of wildcat oil wells in the region. We are working currently with three of southern California's largest drilling contractors on six municipal-supply wells (including four in Orange County). Hence, we can provide a realistic "Engineer's Estimate of Construction Cost" because of our familiarity with current drilling contractor costs for casing, development, testing, etc. RCS currently maintains all insurance coverages required by the City. In 1994,'RCS acquired professional liability insurance ("errors and omission," E&O) in the amount of $1M with Terra Insurance Company. Moreover, RCS is recogniZed by Terra as being the first non-engineering professional hydrogeologic firm to be accepted for coverage by that professional liability program. Hence, RCS no longer needs to team with other consulting firms to utilize their E&O coverage. We are willing, and able to immediately commence work on your project. Because of our experience with the citY's existing well specifications and our knowledge of subsurface conditions in Tustin, RCS will easily.shorten your project time schedule. Hence, data ~ill be provided sooner to your engineers for their use in equipping the well and designing the new reservoir. In closing, we appreciate the opportunity to submit this revised proposal and look forward to working with you and your staff on this groundwater development project. I am confident you will find our proposed Scope of Work to be comprehensive and soundly based. Should you have any questions or desire additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very?/~y yours, ~ ' Registered. Professional Hydrogeologist RFP ITEM NO. 3 PROPOSED SCOPEOF woRK City of Tustin - Revised Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services Scope of Work _Confidentia~ietary PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK HYDROGEOLOGIC SERVICES For MAIN STREET PLANT WELL No; 4 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA CONFIDEIVTIAI & PROPRIETARY _ INTRODUCTION This revised Scope of Work (SOW)'outlines our proposed hydro- geologic consulting services for the. drilling, construction, and testing of a new municipal-supply water well for the City of Tustin (City). This well is to be known as the Main Street Well No. 4, and is to be located on City property along the north side of Main Street, just east of its intersection with Prospect Avenue. This SOW is submitted in response to a request for a proposals (RFP) distributed by the City, dated May 7, 1996. Richard C. Slade & Associates (RCS) Will serve as the sole consultant to the City on this project. Completing the SOW as outlined in the City's proposal requires the consultant to have a broad range 'of:"experience and knowledge in the design and installation of new municipal-suPply water wells. We, as the consultant to the City, understand our position with respect to the City arid the nature of conducting the specified Scope of Work. We have previously been involved with the drilling and 'construction of another City municipal-supply water well; the Tustin Vandenberg Well. In that project, we worked in conjunction with another consulting firm. Thus, based on our previous experience with the City, we are aware of the City's needs with regard to water well siting and construction, and are already familiar with the City's technical specifications for well construction. This wii__J! save the City time in its projected time schedule for construction of all onsite-facilities. The overall success of your project, from our perspective, is based on the following- City of Tustin - Revised Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services Scope of Work Confidential & .Proprietary' Utilizing in-house hydrogeologic personnel (Messrs. Whitten and LaPensee) 'wh° .are field-experienced in all phases of well con- struCtion and who were directly involved with .the drilling and construction of the'Vandenberg Well for the City. These experi- enced and knowledgeable field personnel are fully capable of making decisions in the field in a timely and efficient manner re- garding such items as final pilot hole depth, acceptability-of casing, cement seal depths, etc.. Utilizing a project manager (Mr. Slade) who is not only highly experienced in well-construction operations, but is also knowl- edgeable in managing such p[ojects and in maintaining appropri- ate levels of liaison and communications with both the City and the drilling contractor. ... RCS also utilizes dai'ly 'field memoranda, daily' site visits, the abil- ity to immediately make sound technical decisions, and can per- form the "homework" necessary to design the final well, in order to maintain Close communication with city staff. All field and supervisory personnel will be dedicated to this proj- ect and will be available to this project on a 24 hours-per-day, 7 days per-week basis. Critical field decisions will be' discussed with appropriate .City staff and documented in a timely and efficient manner. UNDERSTANDING THE PROJECT There are several key issues with which we are aware that will impact the design, construction, and eventual cost of construction of Well No. 4, and even the cost of related hydrogeologic services, aithough'to'a much lesser de- gree. Our knowledge of these key issues has been developed by several mechanisms, including: . Our prior well design and construction 'experience in Tustin and adjoining cities in Orange County. City of Tustin - Revised Proposal for Hydrogeoiogic Services Scope of Work Confidential & Pro rieta The extent of our in-house files on subsurface conditions in the project area, including data on available drillers' logs and electric logs of nearby water wells. A site reconnaissance visit to the Main Street Plant facility on May 23, and a discussion with Mr. Art Valenzuela of the City re" garding site facilities and historic wells t)n the property. Discussions with Mr. Roy Herndon of OCWD regarding the Dis- trict's desire to gain as much information as possible on subsur- face conditions at the well site due to a complete absence of deep OCWD monitoring wells in this region. Key subsurface items would be the thickness of the water-bearing sediments, the depth to and type of underlying nonwater-bearing rocks, and the location of'the individual, potential aquifers at depth. At present, we are l~ryi'ng to acquire the available electric logs of the (unfortunately) very few wildcat oil wells drilled in the regiOn. Compared to most portions of the County, only relatively few wildcat oil wells have histori- cally been drilled in the Tustin area. ' Once acquired, these deep electric log data will be correlated to the relatively few (about four) Tustin-area shallow water wells for which electric logs.are available. This Will be performed prior to finalization of the technical specifications and the cost estimate for construction so that realistic depth- footages for the pilot hole drilling and final casing depth placement can be pro- vided in those documents. . . Other key issues include: The City has available facilities onsite to treat for nitrate (NO3) groundwater from the new well. in the Present inflow into the plant has declined recently due to down-hole prob- lems in Old Well No. 2 located on the east side of the parcel. Hence, groundwater extracted from this proposed well will be used to par- ti.ally replace a portion of the inflow to the onsite NO3 treatment facility. City of Tustin - Revised Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services Scope of Work Confidential & Proprietary . 1 . e Se . Old Well No. 2 will be replaced entirely by New No. 4 and, hence, de- stroyed. It is useful for construction that there is a fire hydr,ant (and/or City Water lines), and a storm drain in the southeastern corner of the property, near · where the new well is to be constructed. Water for drilling purposes and a · nearby and logistically convenient location for disposal for test pump wa- ters. are important facilities to have near the drilling Site. During construction and testing, sOund bacriers will be essential on' the northerly side of the drill site due to the presence of a convalescent nurs- ing home just north of the reservoir. In addition, security fencing, at least, will be required on remaining sides of the well site. The ASL Design. Memorandum and attendant drawings suggest the new well may be constructed in the southeastern corner of the property, and that various existing facilities elsewhere.onsite will be demolished and re- placed. Based on our site visit, the large sycamore tree at this location will clearly have to be removed prior to drilling. Due to the relatively short distances between existing, active Well Nos. 2 and 3 and the new N0.'4 well, care must be exercised in the scheduling of well construction. This is because prospective contractors almost certainly will not want to. drill at No. 4 while Nos. 2 and 3 are actively pumping (even though individual rates are not 'excessive). This statement is based on our rec'ent identical experience during construction of the new Main Plant Well No. 3A in Fullerton (there were three to four active wells already on this property). If drilling at Tustin is performed in the winter, for exam- pie, the City's water demand Will be reduced and it is probable that onsite Well Nos. 2 and 3 can be turned off for the several-week .construction pe- riod for No. 4. If it can be show'n that new No. 4 is extracting nitrate-laden groundwater from the basin and delivering it to the treatment facility, then the City may possibly be .able to negotiate with OCWD not to have this extracted groundwater count against the City's existing Basin Production Percentage. Reportedly, the treatment facility can handle up to about 2.3 Mgd, of which roughly 1 Mgd could be high NO3 groundwater. City of Tustin - Revised Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services Scope of Work Confidential & Proprietary 10. When, during my meeting with Mr. Valenzuela, I asked if there were any other old wells on the site, he mentioned a No. 1 well, reportedly "abandoned" many years ago. Mr. Valenzuela further reported this old No. I (per a former superintendent) may not have been thoroughly destroyed at the time due to the presence, of some pump column and debris left in the well. If true, and if this old No. 1 is located just south of the tall sycamore tree and only about 25 ft from the No. 4 drill site, the presence of an old, non- destroyed well could cause at least tWO possible problems for No. 4: the old well was undoubtedly a sander, and a down-hole cavity of unknown size, could exist around No. 1; the old casing, if not cemented fully, would be a direct vertical conduit, located very close to No. 4, for the movement of near-surface water quality contaminants, including NO3, TDS, etc. it may be technically possible to more new No. 4 roughly 100 ft, or so, · due west/northwest of its present location (toward the site of the tall fir/pine tree). Such a move could preclude possible problems with a cavity surrounding old No..1. The City may also choose to investigate the casing for old No. I during the forthcoming site demolition work and then perform the work necessary to fully and completely seal the enti~e well casing for proper destructiOn. 11,. 'The City's design production rate of 2000 gpm (per the ASL Design Memo- randum) is realistic based on other wells in the area. The City's. Vanden: berg Well, located about one mile to the north, had a final aquifer test rate of 2500 gpm; at this rate the specific capacity was 17 gpm/ft of draw- down (static level in 1993 was about 160 ft). This well, which had NO3 -- 20 mg/I in the 1993 testing, has perforations from 480 ft to 920 ft. The Main Street Well No. 4 could be completed with higher perforations, thereby increasing pumping rates, and pOssibly specific capacity and ni- trate levels also. City of Tustin - Revised Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services Scope of Work Confidential & Proprietary SCOPE OF WORK OVERVIEW We, as the consultant, are very familiar with-subsurface geolOgical conditions so that initial well construction parameters, such as placement of the well screens and total depth of the well may be readily determined. We can assist the City in establishing the initial well Construction pa- rameters for the purposes of bidding. It should be understood, however, that certain aspects of well construction, such .as total depth of the final cased well and final placement of the screens, are totally dependent upon subsurface geo- logic conditions encountered in the field during drilling. RCS will' review and comment on the Negative Declaration CEQA document 'being prepared for the well construction by others. As part of our review of the City's technical specifications, we shall provide the two 'design sheets (in engineering format) showing project location and the preliminary drawings for the well. We will assist the City in submitting bid packages to the appropriate drilling subcontractors. This step of the work usually requires a pre-bid.meeting with prospective drilling subcontractors, which we will also assist the City with. As noted previously, it is important that we are aware of the equipment that e.ach drilling subcontractor has, their experience record, and their capabilities in conducting the necessary tasks to achieve the project goals. Once the task of choosing an appropriate drilling subcontractor is completed, RCS will be available to provide the necessary support to initiate the project goals. This requires that our personnel observe a'nd monitor site visits that may be necessary to mobilize drill rigs to the site and to check that the ini- rial field operations, such as placement of conductor casingl is completed to the. satisfaction of the City. Our personnel will be available to the City and on-site, on a 24-hour a day basis, during drilling of the pilot hole, electric logging of the pilot hole., in- stailation of the casing, gravel pack and cement seals, installation of chemicals f°r well development, ali mechanical development operations, installation of the pump in preparation of well development, and final testing of the well. We are fully capable of providing the necessary personnel to observe, monitor, and ac- City of Tustin - Revised Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services Scope of Work Confidential & Proprietary curately record ali phases of these operations, in addition to providing experi- · enced personnel to conduct iithologic logging of the pilot h01e 'during drilling. Aquifer isolation zone testing in the pilot hole may be necessary on this project. Hence, we have this as an Optional task in this SOW..This pos- s.ibility will be further discussed and elaborated on in our examination of avail- able hydrogeologic data, including current water quality data, from Wells at the same site. Based on information obtained in the above noted steps, we shall ira- mediately provide the City with the final casing schedule of the well' It is un- derstood, however, that the City has the authority to approve or disappr°ve the placement of the final casing schedule that we provide to the contractor. After completion of construction operations, we propose to make the necessary arrangements' and scheduling for condubting step drawdown and constant-rate discharge aquifer testing, water level monitoring can also be per- formed on onsite Well Nos. 2 and 3. A site geologist will be present to assist in the monitoring of water levels during the aquifer testing. The site geologist will, at that time, plot the data and determine preliminary aquifer transmissivities and hydrauliC conductivities. · Compliance monitoring .of 'discharge fluids during aquifer isolation zone testing, mechanical and pumping development will need to be conducted by our personnel to monitor contractor compliance with your NPDES permit regulations. Prior to shutdown of the constant-rate discharge aquifer testing, a water sample for analysis of volatile organic compounds, general minerals, and other inorganic chemicals will be collected from the well and submitted to 'the City's laboratory (or a laboratory of their choice). After all well construction and testing activities have ceased; a video log to document the "aS-built'' conditions of the well casing will be conducted by the contractor and reviewed by our personnel to verify the "as built" condi- tion of the well. We will review construction invoices for work conducted at the site, to check that contractor invoices to the City are accurately specified and calcu- lated for the work conducted during the project. City of Tustin - Revised.Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services Scope of Work Confidential& Proprietary Lastly, RCS will submit data, results, conclusions, and recommenda- tions, attendant' with all necessary graphics, in a final Summary of Operations report. We propose to submit all the required materials in a timely and efficient manner to the City. Aquifer test data will be submitted to ocwD in OCWD- compatible format; Grapher is suggested. PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK .' Our proposed SOW provides the information you requested, under Items I through 9,' Scope of Work'section of the RFP. Our proposed SOW pro- vides a description of each of our tasks in conducting work for the drilling, in- stallation, and testing of proposed Main Street Plan Well No. 4. We have separated our SOW into four phases, which detail the work necessary to accomplish Items 1 through 9 outlined in the REP Scope of Work section. Our phased approach is summarized as follows: ' Our Phase I of the SOW applies t~) the review of well construc- tion bid documents and the preparation of technical specifica- · tions 'for the construction of the new Main Street Plan Well No. 4. Phase 1 addresses item 1 of the RFP Scope of Work. Aisc to be provided will be our comments to the CEQA documents pre-. pared by others and the two engineering design sheets that will be used in the final bid package. Our Phase II of the SOW applies 'to the monitoring of drilling op- erations, geologic logging, casing completion, mechanical and pumping development, and testing of .proposed new Well. Phase !i addresses items 2 through 8 of the RFP Scope of Work. . In Phase Ii, we assume That some of our work tasks are on a full-time basis, while others are on a part-time basis, as de- scribed hereunder. Our Phase Iii of the SOW applies to the preparation of the Sum- -mary of Operations report for the construction of the new Main Street Well. Phase III addresses item 9 of the RFP Scope of Work. City of Tustin - Revised Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services Scope of Work Confidential & Proprietary 13 Our Phase IV of the SOW applies to'the project management tasks necessary to achieving the overall objectives of the project and to facilitate liaison between the City and the drilling contrac- tor. PHASE i - PRE-CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES Our Phase i SOW addresses the tasks necessary to: review the exist-.- lng Negative Declaration for the well; provide two engineering design sheets for the specifications; conduct preliminary design of the well; and assist in selection of the drilling contractor. This phase will largely be concerned with assisting City staff with ioreparation of well construction and testing plans, and technical specifications. Phase i of our SOW encompasses those tasks necessary to ac- complish the objectives of Item 1 of the RFP Scope of Work. As stated previ- ously, we are familiar with the City's format and content of the technical specifications for well construction because of our prior work on the Vanden- berg well. Task 1.1 - Review Ne atiVe Declaration Task Description~ We will review and comment on the Negative Declaration CEQA document for the well. We understand the information was prepared by others and that it entails a few-page-long document that includes a "check list" of is- sues, with each listing possibly having a short technical discussion. P~urpose of Task Assist the City, from a groundwater perspective, in having their in- house prepared Negative Declaration meet acceptable standards for documenta- tion of possible groundwater impacts from well construction. City of Tustin - Revised Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services Scope of. Work Confidential & Proprietary 14 Task 1.2 - Technical Specifications for Well Construction . Task Description .~ Assist the City in the preparation of technical details on the construc- tion method, estimated pilot hole and casing depths, electric logging, casi.ng sizes and gravel pack, estimated perforation intervals, mechanical development, pumping development, all water-quality sampling, and final well testing. Selec: tion of casing materials, borehole and casing diameters, required noise mitiga- tion measures, onsite.treatment and/or disposal of drilling fluid (including special provisions) for the construction of the new Main Street Well, and all. other as- pects of the construction project, will be tailored to this specific project and in-' corporated into our review. We will provide two design sheets in engineering format (i.e., 24" x 36" in size); one sheet will be a title sheet with project location, and the other will have the preliminary 'drawing for the well casing, gravel pack, cement seal(s), gravel feed tube and camera port, and air vent tube. These two sheets will become a part' of the specifications bid package. Purpose of Task 'Achieve appropriate design specifications for the new well, prior to drilling and installation. This is necessary to provide a reliable outline of initial drilli0g and construction parameters, and to provide the basis for estimating-the cost of construction. Task. 1.3- Estimate of Preliminary Construction Costs Task Description Prepare a detailed estimate for the preliminary cost of construction of the final well, exclusive of the pump and above-ground appurtenances. Purpose of Task To provide the City. with a reasonable and realistic expectation of drilling.construction costs, so that it is possible that the City, through the OCWD Conjunctive Use Program, can allocate the necessary funds to finance the project. City of Tustin - Revised Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services Scope of Work Confidential & Proprietar~ 15 Task 1.4 - Assist in 'Bid process and Review Bids Task Description~ Prepare for and attend a pre-bid conference and provide Pre-bid clari- fications and/or addenda, if necessary. Review and analyze bids received and make a recommendation to the City for award of the contract. Purpose of Task This task is for the purpose that ali potential bidders should clearly understand site logistics such as access, available water supply, location-of utilities, and disposal options, in addition, this meeting will enable the bidders to become familiar with the requirements of the City and aware of their needs and desires in completing the goals of the project. Task 1.5- Assist City in Design and Schedule Process- __ Task Description_ Provide assistance to the City in the review of cost estimates and contracts from the chosen drilling Contractor and in developing schedules for construction of each well. Purpose of Task The work will need to be conducted on a timely basis and in accor- dance with the design specifications for each of the wells, as formulated in Phase I of the SOW. The design and schedule process will facilitate well con- struction operations. PHASE Ii - WELL CONSTRUCTION MONITORING Our Phase '11 SOW. addresses the tasks necessary to achieve success- ful drilling, construction, and testing of the new Main Street Well. Phase II of our SOW encompasses those tasks necessary to accomplish the objectives of Items 2 through 8 of the RFP Scope of Work. . City o.f Tustin - Revised Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services Scope of Work Confidential .& Proprietary Task 2. 1 - Pre-Construction Meetinq Task Description Prepare for and attend the pre-construction meeting and review in- formation provided' by the drilling contractor who has been awarded the con- struction contract. Discuss key .issues in the technic;al specifications, and help arrange for mobilization and scheduling of personnel and equipment. Purpose of Task To acquaint our field personnel and the City with the drilling firm cho- sen for the project. In addition, this meeting will better acquaint the drilling firm with the well 'construction site, to set-up for the logistical site considerations, such as nearest available water and electrical supply, i~lacement of equipment with respect to buried utilities, and disposal of drilling fluids. Most importantly, however, will be the driller's responsibility, during this meeting, to inform the City and the consultant what will need to be done to prepare the site for the 'required. work when work will actually commence, and to provide a definitive and detailed schedule for completing the work. Task. 2.2 - Mobilization Task Description Provide initial field coordination during mobilization of' the drilling con- tractor and perform periodic site checks during mobilization. Purpose of Task To apprise the City on the progress of drilling contractor activities during mobilization and' to provide the necessary logistical support in assisting the driller in completing mobilization. City of Tustin - Revised Proposal for Hydrogeoiogi'c Services Scope of Work Confidential & Proprietary 17 Task 2.3 - Pilot Hole Lo_q_~in~ .Task Description Provide experienced geologic logging personnel to geologically log drill cuttings from the pilot hole on a continuous. 24-hour per day schedule. Drilling fluid characteristics will be monitored for viscosity~ weight, and sand content .to check contractor conformance with the .specifications. In addition to geologic logging, drilling penetration rates are measured and plotted on the geologic log, providing additional aquifer information for hydrogeol°gic interpretation. Sam- pies of key formation materials will be obtained during drilling to provide grain- size distribution curves of these materials to select the final screen slot size and gravel pack gradation. Grain-size tests will be performed on representative cut- tings. We understand the City has chosen to use the reverse, circulation method · to drill the new well. .Purpose of Task Provide detailed geologic logging of drill cuttings at the drill site so that drilling conditions are documented. This necessitates the use of on-site geologists to accurately and reliably examine and record (log) the drill cuttings and to interpret the subsurface geologic conditions as they are encountered. Documentation of the subsurface lith°logy provides actual physical data to sup- port geophysical logging analysis. This task is also important to verify tl~e thickness of the water-bearing sediments at the site and to establish the depth to the Underlying nonwater- bearing rocks as requested by OCWD. it is noteworthy that. OCWD has no deep monitoring wells in the Tustin area and that they desire detailed subsurface data for this area to update their computer model of the basin. Task 2.4 - Geophysical Log Analysis Task Description_ WiTness and analyze the electric logging of the Pilot hole and provide a review of the geophysical log. Review and compare data from geophysical logs and the geologic log and Provide a casing completion recommendation to the driller for the final ream diameter(s) and depth(s) as soon as possi.ble. City of Tustin - Revised Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services Scope of Work Confidential & Proprietary Purpose of Task Geophysical logging is conducted to precisely determine the depth(s) to any possible water-bearing formatiOns (aquifers), based on their electronic signatures. Geologic logging is often used as physical evidence to support any interpretations made on depth and geologic nature of subsurface materials pene- trated. These d'ata are needed to successfully locate and target possible water- bearing zones for further consideration such as' aquifer-zone isolation testing and installation of perforated casing at potential water-bearing zones. Identification of the base of fresh water will be made using the geo- logic log, and the electric log from the new well, and from comparison, and cor- relation to Oth, er electric logs in the area. Task 2.5 Down-Hole Aquifer Isolation Zone Sampling (OPTIONAL TASK) 'Task Description This optional task is set forth to conduct aquifer isolation zone sam- piing of groundwater in selected water-bearing strata in the pilot hole for the new well, should it be necessary. Specific zones will be selected based on re- view and analysis of drill cuttings and the electric log. It is anticipated that three zones in the pilot hole could be selected for sampling. '.Purpose of Task Provide for down-hole sampling of specific individual aquifers in the pilot hole prior to installation of the well casing. A potential aquifer zone, even though it may indicate favorable lithologic conditions for water production, may also have either .acceptable or unacceptable water quality or quantity. Thus, down-hole aquifer isolation zone testing may need to be conducted to test the feasibility of developing a chosen zone for water production. Nitrates, TDS, iron and manganese, color, and hydrogen sulfide are constitoe'nts that could be evaluated by this optional work. If high NO3 water is encountered in one or two shallow aquifers, these strata may be considered for use in the final well and casing design, due to the onsite presence of a nitrate treatment facility. City of Tustin - Revised Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services Scope of Work Confidential & Proprietary 19 Task 2. 6 - Well Completion Recommendations and Monitorinq of Borehole Rea~ Task Description Communicate in-progress findings to the City and prepare final well construction design. Present to the City and the driller the final recommenda- tions for casing lengths and diameters, well screen placement, perforation sizes (slot sizes), gravel pack type and gradation, and depth of cement around the blank casing. Provide limited part-time monitoring of contractor oPerations dur- lng the pilot hole ream. .Purpose of Task. To inform and update the City on any developments, occurring during drilling, that will necessitate a change in the well design, as established in Phase I of our SOW. Accordingly, we will advise/consult with the City on the nature of changes that may need to be implemented to successfully complete a produc- lng well. This task also serves to provide liaison between the City and the driller. Further, periodic monitoring of the borehole ream will ensure that the driller maintains conformance with drilling fluid specifications. Task 2. 7- Casin~lnstallation Task Description Geologists will be present to monitor, on a fUll-time basis, the instal- lation of the recommended well screen, blank casing, gravel pack, and cement seal. Monitoring will be conducted to permit conformance with the appropriate methods and materials in the specifications and/or recommendations based on accurately defined .down-hole conditions. Volumes of gravel pack and cement emplaced are monitored and compared with the required volumes calculated from caliper log and casing data in order to ensure a properly filled annulus. During field construction monitoring, our experienced field geologists will be re- viewing the plans and technical specifications for contractor compliance. purpose of Task Observe and monitor drilling contractor operations in conducting ap- propriate and effective methods for casing installation. Further, this monitoring City of Tustin - Revised Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services Scope of Work Confidential & Proprietary will also monitor that the drilling contractor is installing the casing per final rec- ' ommendations as established in Phase II, above. Task 2.8 - Casinq Ali~Tnment Testinq and Video L~q Survey Task Description Review data obtained frOm the prescribed insertion of-a cas!ng dummy or cage and monitor deflection readings for the alignment/plumbness testing of the well. Assess results of the testing in view of the specifications. Observe the video log s. urvey (or review the tape shortly thereafter). Purpose of Task To monitor the activities of the drilling .contractor as the casing 'align- ment testing is being conducted and to check that the video log is of sufficient quality to reliably document as-built well conditions. Task 2.9- Well Development'and Testing Task Description Provide a qualified geologist at appropriate times to monitor well de- velopment by both mechanical and pumping methods. Purpose of Task '' Monitor contractor develOpment operations and check for. confor- mance with construction specifications; proper mechanical development of new wells is one of the most crucial activities during well construction. Task 2. 10.- Step-Drawdown Testing Task Description Provide a geologist to monitor step-drawdown testing of the com- pleted well. Four pumping rat'es Will be recommended, and pumping rates and pumping levels will be monitored on a part-time basis. A field memorandum will be issued to document results of the step-drawdown test. City of Tustin - Revised Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services Scope of Work Confidential & Proprietar~ Pur[~ose of Task _ To inform the pumper of step-drawdown testing protocol, . monitor his activities so that reliable information is obtained from testing~ and inform the City of testing activities. Task 2. 11 - Final A uifer Test 'Purn in Test .Task Description_ Provide a geologist, onan appropriate, part-time basis, to monitor wa- ter level drawdown and recovery in the well during and after the final constant- rate pumping test of the completed well. Critical-times will be those during the first few hours of drawdown and recovery measurements. The contractor's pump crew will also be used to conduct water level measurements to maintain the monitoring schedule recommended by our office. Field values of pH, temperature, and electrical conductivity, of the well discharge will be obtained by the geologist during the test.' Water' samples of the final well blend will be collected for quality testing and delivered 1:o the OCWD labo- ratory. Field memoranda will be issued to document well development and testing operations. At the end of the aquifer testing, we will have the contractor perform a spinner log survey of the well to identify the present flow capacity regime of the various perforated zones in the well. Our technical specifications will pro- vide fo, r appropriately sized camera ports/sounding tubes to permit this. ?urpose of Task __ To collect accurate and reliabi'e aquifer-test data. Such data are ira- portant to provide an adequate analysis of aquifer transmissivities, hydrauli-c condu.ctivities, and production capabilities Further, these data are Used in conjunction with water quality data to estai)lish the final well-blend water sam- pie quality in the well. Field monitoring of water levels in the new Well during aquifer testing is useful in determining' long-term drawdown in the vici.nity of the well. City of Tustin - Revised Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services Scope of Work Confidential & Proprietary 22 ~ Possible water level drawdown interference in onsite Well Nos. 2 and 3 will also be evaluated by conducting occasional water level monitoring in these wells while No. 4 is being pumped. Aquifer test data will be provided to OCWD in a compatible digital format for them. Task 2. 12 - Submittals Task Description Issue field memoranda to document daily activities relating to pilot- hole drilling, casing and gravel pack installation, and testing during the Phase ili SOW only. as outlined above.- Purpose of Task To continue to inform the City on the daily drilling and construction activities, as they unfold. PHASE I!1 - SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS REPORT Our Phase I!1 SOW addresses the tasks necessary to complete a Summary of Operations report. This report will include both drilling, installation, and conStruction details for the new Main Street Plan Well No. zL Phase III of. our SOW encompasses those tasks necessary to accomplish the objectives of Item 9 of the RFP Scope of Work. Task 3. I - Data Control Task Description Consolidate all J:ieid and laboratory data from construction of the new Main Street Well.. Purpose of Task To reliably assess and analyze data collected during the drilling, instal- lation, and testing of the new Main Street Well. City of Tustin - Revised Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services Scope of Work Confidential & Proprietary Task 3. 2 - Evaluate Data Task Description Provide hydrogeologic analysis o.f field and laboratory data collected during drilling, installation, and testing Of the Phase il tasks above. .. Pur[~ose of Task To assess final recommended optimum pumping rates and specific capacities for the new well and to identify, for the design engineer, the depth setting for the permanent pump in that well. In addition, the water quality of the final well blend will be established for possible treatment evaluation by your treatment specialists. Task 3.3 - Summary of Operations Report Task Description Provide hydrogeoiogic analyses of field and laboratory data obtained during well drilling, construction, and testing. The individual Summary of' Opera- tions report will summarize the existing geologic conditions such as the subsur- face lithology, aquifer zones where well perforations have been set, and interwell correlation of aquifers based on geophysical logs (E-logs). In addition, water level drawdown data collected during, aquifer testing will be used to de- termine aquifer transmissivity at the well site. · Provide four copies of report to summarize well construction activities and to provide an "as-built" of the completed well, along with a lithologic (mud) log, geophysical logs, water quality laboratory test data, and aquifer test data (in digital format acceptable to OCWD). Data acquired during the logging and testing of the well will be included in the report. Recommendations for op- erational yield and final pump placement will also be provided. In addition, my- lars, blue-lineS, and photographs will be included as submit-tals with the final report. City of Tustin - Revised Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services Scope of Work Confidential & Proprietary '24 ~ Purpose of Task To document the drilling, construction, and testing activities of the new Well. Further, any 'future examination of well conditions and/or construc- tion operations will be facilitated through reference to the Summary of Opera- tions report. This report vvili enable your engineers to design the wellhead and the new reservoir. PHASE IV - PROJECT MEETINGS Our Phase IV SOW addresses project meetings necessary to achieve the overall objectives of the project. Task 4. I - Proiect Meetings and Consultation Task Description prepare for and attend two meetings to help maintain active commu- nication with the City personnel that may be necessary during the project. Purpose of Task Maintain active liaison to update, inform,' and apprise the City of drill- lng, construction, and testing activities as tl-iey occur. This especially applies to situations where subsurface conditions, as they are encountered, may be differ- ent than anticiPated, necessitating changes in drilling protocol, method, or well design which will cause the project to change in scope. Additionally, hYdrogeologic consultation can be provided to the City staff to answer specific questions that may arise during the drilling and testing of the new Main Street Well. This task is in addition to the ongoing, frequent communications with City staff during our field work. City of Tustin - Revised Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services Scope of Work ~Confidential & ProprieCa__~QE Task 4.2- Review of Pro ress Billin s Task Description- Provide detailed review of progress billings by the drilling contractor, as requested by Item 8 in the RFP. Purpose of Task _ To check that the drilling contractor has provided the City with an accurate accounting and billing for time and materials used in conducting work associated with the drilling, installation, and testing of the new Main Street Well. The Tustin Water Service and their program manager, hence, will be made aware, as soon as p'ossible, of any discrepancies in contractor invoices prior to approval/payment by the City. · City of Tustin - Revised Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services Scope of Work Confidential & Pro rietar PRODUC. TION WELL CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATED MAN-HOURS - . We estimate the following man-hours will be expended on the project, per personnel classification- PhaSe I- Preconstruct/'on Activities Project Hydrogeologist Staff Hydrogeologist Graphics Clerical Phase/! - Well Construct/on Monitorin_9 Project Hydrogeologist Staff Hydrogeologic Field Hydrogeologist Clerical Phase !11- Summar of 0 erations Re ort · · Project Hydrogeologist Staff Hydrogeologist Clerical Drafting Phase IV- Pro'ect Mana ement Project Hydrogeologist Staff Hydrogeologist 15 hours 40 hours 6 hours 4 hours 28 hours 60 hours · 309 hours 15 hours 7 hours 32 hours 8 hours 4 hours 1 1 hours 9 hours RFP ITEM NO. 4 INFORMATION NEEDED FROM THE CITY RFP ITEM N©. 5 'FEE SCHEDULE Per-the RFP, this information has been provided under separate, sealed cover. RICIIARD C. SLADE & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING G ROU N DWATER GEOLOG I STS June 17, 1996 CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Mr. Gary Veeh Water Services Manager City of Tustin 235 East Main Street Tustin, California 92680 PS9617 Re: Revised Cost proposal for Hydrogeologic Services New Main Street Well No. 4 City of Tustin, California Dear Mr. Veeh' Presented herein are-the details of our revised cost proposal for our recom- mended Scope of Work and our standard Schedule of Charges for services associated with the Main Street Well No. 4 in the City of Tustin. Per your request, our technical 'proposal has been submitted under separate .cover. This revised cost estimate is based on the tasks defined in our revised technical proposal, on certain assumptions identified for the drilling contractor (such as drilling rate and drilling depths), and our past experience on the City's Vandenberg Well and other wells in the County. 'We believe our cost estimate is a reasonable, realistic, and honest appraisal of the costs that will be incurred on this prOject. We look forwar(~ to working with you and your staff on this well design and construction project. In addition, we would be pleased to meet with you to discuss and/or negotiate our scope of work and estimated .budget for your new well. Ver¥~rulv yours, RICH"RD C. SLA~..,E,/& ASSOCIATES Registered Professional Hydrogeolog's .MAIN Ot:t.'ICt-:6~;'2 COioi)x',.~,'rF'A~' CANYON Avl-:. .<,T II I-:I.E; X -~. NAI'A V,\ 1.1.t-: Y CITY OF TUSTIN MAIN STREET WELL NO. 4 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA C~ONFIDENTIAI. & PROPRIETARY ESTIMATED BUDGET This revised budget provides our estimated costs for hydrogeologic consult- ing services during the drilling, construction, development, and testing of the Main Street Well No. 4 in Tustin. PROPOSED ESTIMATED COSTS I o w s._.-. For the proposed project, we estimate the cost for our services to be as fol- Phase i _ Preconstruction Activities Phase II - Well Construction Monitoring Phase III - Summary of Operations Report Phase IV - Project Managment Other Direct Costs 3,645.00 $ 5,105.00 28,021.00 1,940.00 900.00 Total Estimate: $39,611.00 The cost estimate for the above scope of work is highly dependent on such third-party operations as: drilling method, drilling rate for the pilot hole, and the time required for casing completion and mechanical well development. operations: The cost estimate is based on the following key assumptions for third-party We understand that the City will have its own set of technical specifications. We are familiar with those documents because we assisted another consult- ant during the.design and construction of the City's Vandenberg well. City of Tustin: Fee Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services, Main Street Well No. 4 Confidential and Pro~rietar~ . o o . o . . As stated in the RFP, the depth of the pilot hole in the Main Street Plant Well will be approximately 1500 ft deep. Completion of the well, based on our preliminary review of four nearby City wells with electric log data, is ex-' pected to range between 1000 and 1100 'ft deep. The overall drill rate will be ten feet per hour for drilling the pilot hole, thus requiring approximately 150 hours, respectively, of drilling. It is proposed that drilling is to be performed on a 24-hour-per-day schedule. We estimate that casing, screen, gravel pack, and cement installations will require approximately 45 hours for the well. We estimate well development will require approximately 50 hours of me~ chanical development and 40 hours of pumping development for the new well, exclusive of step-drawdown and other aquifer testing time. The time for mechanical development indicated above includes that ,for typical NPDES discharge monitoring. However, it is a possibility that mechanical' develop- merit could take longer than that indicated above, if particularly fine-grained sediments are encountered in the drill hole. It is assumed that the City will pay directly for all OCWD laboratory testing of water samples' collected by our firm from possible down-hole aquifer iso- lation zone-sampling, and from the final well blend after the well has been constructed. We are including certain work items not specifically included in the RFP, but which we feel are important. Hence, we have included time and appropriate budget for providing an engineer's estimate for well construction, for review- lng the casing alignment tests, and for review of the video log survey of' the completed well. Downhole water quality zone testing is a possibility. The number of zones could be chosen based on conversations with the City; foll'owing pilot hole completion, should the City wish to exercise this option. For the purposes' of our proposal, we have inCluded three.aquifer isolation zone tests ,as an Op- ti~nal task in the SOW. Also, the cost for this task has not been included in the final project cost total. We are assuming we are only to review and comment on the Negative Dec- laration CEQA document prepared by others. -This is not considered to be a large effort because the document is in a "check list" form and has already been provided .with brief narratives to describe each' environmental imp.act item on the check .list. City of Tustin: Fee Proposal for Hydrogeoiogic Services, Main Street Well No. 4 Confidential and Proprietary Payment will be based on the hours .worked and our current fee schedule. Our services accrue on a time and expense basis in accordance with the.enclosed Schedule of Charges. Because the exact number of hours required to complete the dif- ferent tasks of well construction (Phase II) is outside the control of the consultant, we recommend that all construction monitoring be performed on a time and expense basis, and that if the time required to complete Phase II is expected to exceed our estimates once construction is underway (as, for example due to unusually slow drilling or numer- ous contractor breakdowns), the consultant will notify your office. For your review, our estimated costs and hourly rates for the individual tasks within the proposed-SOW are detailed on the following pages. You v~ill clearly note that we have provided a special billing rate for our pro- fessional field geologist for logging and monitoring activities during well construction. We also advis.e you that those field personnel are professional geologists, not non- degreed technicians. We believe it is vital to have geologists in the field for these ac- tivities. · City of Tustin: Fee Proposal for Hydrogeoiogic Services, Main Street Well No. 4 Confidential and Proprietary DETAILED ESTIMATED COSTS . Phase I - Preconstruction Activities Task 1.1 - Review Negative Declaration Project Hydroge~logist Clerical 2 hrs @ $115 1 'hr @ $35 Task 1~ 2 - Technical.Specifications for Well Construction Project Hydrogeologist Staff Hydrogeologist Graphics Clerical 9 hrs @ $115 26 hrs @ $75 6 hrs @ $40 1 hr @ $35 Task 1.3 - Estimate of Preliminary Construction Costs Project Hydrogeologist Staff Hydrogeologist Clerical 1hr @$115 6 hrs @ $75 1 hr @ $35 Task 1.4 - Assist in Bid Process and Review Bids Project Hydrogeologist Staff. Hydrogeologist Clerical I hr @'$115 4 hrs @ $75 I hr @ $35 Task 1.5 - Assist City in Des~qn and Schedule Process P~oject Hydrogeologist Staff Hydrogeologist 2 hrs @ $115 4 hrs @ $75 Phase I Miscellaneous Costs (telephone, fax, mileage, repro., etc.) Total Phase I 230.00 35.00 265.00 1,035.00 1,950.00- 240.0O 35.00 3,260.00 115.00 450.00 35.00 600.00 115.00 300.00 35.00 450.00 230.00 300.00 530.00 100.00 5,205.00 City of Tustin: Fee Proposal for Hydrogebiogic Services, Main Street Well No. 4 Confidential and Proprietary. Phase II - Well Construction Monitorin Task 2. I - Pre-Construction Meetin_~ Project Hydrogeologist Staff HydrogeolOgist Clerical Task 2.2 - Mobilization _ 2 hrs @ $115 $ 230.00 6 hrs @ $75 450.00 I hr @ $35 35.00 $ 715.00 Staff Hydrogeologist Field Hydrogeologist Task 2.3 - Pilot Hole Loq.qing~ 2 hrs @ $75 $ 1 ~0'.'00 2 hrs @ $64 _ 128.00 __ $ 278.00 Project Hydrogeologist Staff HydrogeOlogist Field Hydrogeologist Task 2.4- Geophysical Loq' Analysi,~- 8 hrs @ $115 $ 920.00 8 hrs @ $75 600.00 150 hrs @ $64 9 600.00 $11,120.00 Project Hydrogeologist Staff Hydrogeologist 4 hrs. @ $115 $ 460.00 6 hrs @ $75 430.00 $ 890.00 Task 2. 5 - A uifer Zone Sam lin O' tionaI Project Hydrogeologist Staff Hydrogeologist 4 hrs @ $115 $ 460.00 5 hrs @ $75 375.00 Field Hydrogeologist 24 hrs @ $64 1,536.00 · Task 2.6- Well Corn letion Reco ....... · $ 2,371.00 ,,menoar~ons and Mon/torin of Ream · Project Hydrogeologist 4 hrs @ $115 Staff Hydrogeologist 8 hrs @ $75 Task 2. ? - Casinq and Grave/Pack installation Project Hydrogeologist 2 hrs @ $11'5 Staff Hydrogeologist 4 hrs @ $75 Field Hydrogeologist ~5 hrs @ $64 460.00 600.00 1,060.00 $ 750.00 3,120.00 .. 2,880.00 $ 3,410.00 City of Tustin: Fee Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services, Main Street Well No. 4 Confidential and Proprietaq~ Task 2.8 - Casinq Al(qnment Testin.q and Video Lo.q Survey Staff Hydrogeologist Field Hydrogeologist 2 hfs @ 575 2 hfs @ $64 Task 2.9 - Well Development and Testin_q Project Hydrogeologist Staff Hydrogeologist Field Hydrogeoiogist Clerical 4 hrs @ 5115 8 hrs @ $75 90 hrs @ $64 2 hrs@ $35 Task 2.10 - Step Drawdown Testinq Project Hydrogeologist Staff Hydrogeologist Field Hydrogeologist Clerical 1 hr@ $115 4 hrs @ $75 8 hfs @ $64 I hr @ $35 Task 2. 11 - Final Aquifer Test (Pumping Test} Project Hydrogeologist Staff Hydrogeologist Field Hydrogeologist clerical 1 hr@ 5115 2 hrs@ $75 12 hfs @ $64 I hr @ $35 .Task 2. 12 - Submittals Project Hydrogeologist Staff Hydrogeologist Clerical 2 hrs @ $115 '10 hrs @ $75 10 hfs @ 535 Phase il Miscellaneous Costs (tele., FAX, repro., mileage, etc.) Total Phase II * 150.00 1 28.00 278.00 460.00 '600.00 5,760.00 70.00 6,890.00 11 5.00 300.00 51 2.O0 35.00 5 962.00 5 115.00 150.00 768.OO 35.00 $ 1,068.00 320.00 750.00 35O.OO 5 1,330.00 5 600.00 528,621.00 *Estimated cost for Optional Task 2.5 not included. City of Tustin: Fee Proposal for Hydrogeologic Services, Main Street Well No. 4 Confidential and Proprietary Phase III - Summary of Operations Report Task 3. 1 - Da ta Control Project Hydrogeologist Staff Hydr. ogeologist 1 hr @ $115 6 hrs @ $75 Task 3.2 - Evaluate Data Project Hydrogeoiogist Staff HydrogeologiSt 2hrs@ $115 10 hrs @ .$75 Task 3. 3 - Summary of Operations Report Project Hydrogeologist Staff Hydrogeologist Clerical Drafting 4hrs@ $115 1 6 hrs @ $75 8 hrs @ $35 4 hrs @ $35 Phase I!i Miscellaneous Costs (tele., FAX, repro., mileage, etc.) Total Phase Iii Phase IV - Project Meetinqs Task 4. I - Pro/ect Meetinqs and Consultat/on Project Hydrogeologi~t Staff Hydrogeologist Task 4. 2 - Review of Pro~qress Billin.q.~ Project Hydrogeologist Staff Hydrogeologist 5 hrs @ $75 Phase III Miscellaneous Costs (tele., FAX, repro., mileage, etc.) 8hrs @ $115 5 hrs @ $75 3 hrs @ $115 Total Phase IV $ 115.00 450.00 $ 565.00 $ 230.00 750.00 $ 980.00 $ 460.00 1,200.00 280.00 160.00 $2,100.00 150.00 $3,795.00 $ 920.00 300.00 $1,220.00 $ 350.00 375.00 $ 720.00 50.00 $1,990.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL PROJECT COSTS, PHASES I THROUGH IV - $39,611.00 RICHARD C. SLADE & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING GROUNDWATER GEOLOGISTS SCHEDULE OF CHARGES AND CONDITIONS SERVICES Principal Hydrogeologist Hydrogeologist Field Geologist Staff Geologist Graphics Clerical Depositions and Court Testimony 115.00 per hour $75.00 per hour $64.00 per hour $50.00 per hour $40.00 per hour $35.00 per hour 85.00 per hour SPECIAL EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES Hermit Data Logger & Transducer (for aquifer tests) Groundwater Monitoring Syringe (for volatile organics) Submersible Pump (4-in diameter) and Generator Field Water Quality Probe (T, pH, EC) Electric Tape Water Level Probe Check-valve Bailers (hydrocarbons or other contaminants) 'Subsurface Exploration, Water Quality Laboratory Job Supplies, Reproduction, Lodging, etc. Automobile Mileage $350.00 per day $125.00 per day $150.00 per day $75.00 per day $25.00 per day . $20.00 per day Cost + 15% Cost + 15% $0.35 per mile CONDITIONS Findings, conclusions, and recommendations will be prepared, within the limits prepared 'by the-client, in accordance with generally accepted professional hydrogeologic and engineering geologic practice. No other warranty, either expressed or implied, is made by any verbal or writ-ten reports or services furnished for this project. Invoices will be issued, at my option, on a monthly basis or when the work is completed. A service charge of 1-1/2% per month will be payable on any amount not paid within 30 days. Any attorney fees or other costs incurred in collecting delinquent charges shall be paid by the client. ' Client will furnish rights-of-way to land proposed for, field operations. Reasonable precautions will be taken to minimize damage to land or underground facilities (such as pipelines), but 'the proposed fees do not include costs for restoration of any damage resulting from field activities. January 1996 MAIN OFFIC[: . 6~2 CO1.D~A'.&TEiz, CAN't'ON AVE...qI.~ITE N^I'A VAI.t,E'f IH:t-'ICE ~"T' tiEl.l-'.N.,'k. N:\I'A Tt-~I.I-:I'IIONt-~ 17071 9C~3-3.ql4