HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 NAT'L REGIS MCAS 09-16-96DA_
NO. 7
SEPTEMBER 16, 1996
Receive and File.
OHP consultation is a requirement of the environmental process under the National Environmental
Policy Act (NEPA) mandated by the preparation of a Reuse Plan for MCAS Tustin. Preparation of
the environmental documents for the MCAS Tustin Reuse Plan are funded by grants received from
the federal government. Consequently, there is no fiscal impact anticipated as a consequence of this
report or these consultations.
Since the 1991 announcement that MCAS Tustin would close, Marine Corps and City of Tustin staff
have been working toward the development of a Reuse Plan for the installation. Because of a
potential for significant cost savings to both entities, the City of Tustin and Marine Corps entered
into a Memorandum of Understanding which facilitated the development of a joint Reuse
Plan/Specific Plan'and supporting Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
(EIR/EIS) which would meet the requirements of both the California Environmental Quality Act and
NEPA, respectively.
One of the requirements under NEPA isthe need to consult with the OHP regarding the potential
existence of historic resources at the installation. It is already known that both of the lighter-than-ak
blimp hangars located at MCAS Tustin have been previously placed on the National Register of
Historic Places. However, the keeper of the National Register and the OHP has indicated that any
'unaltered building over 50 years of age may be eligible for listing to the Register, either alone or as
a contributor to a district comprised of a number of other nearby buildings which, together contribute
to a sense of time and place which sets it apart as a unique historic resource for the community or
nation. Designation as a National Register listed.resource can result in the establishment of deed
restrictions which would preserve the historic structure. Potentially,' any development proposal
affecting a designated historic resource may need to be reviewed by the OHP.
Commissioned in 1942, MCAS Tustin has many buildings over 50 years in age. A detailed analysis
and documentation of all such buildings was completed in October 1993. The analysis showed that
there were very few potentially historic resources remaining, unaltered, at the base and that. they
were spread far apart from each other. Some of the buildings considered potentially eligible were
the munitions bunkers, storage sheds, and other commonly found buildings.
Initial consultation with the OHP resulted in the OHP's early conclusion that all such buildings were
potentially eligible which could have resulted in roughly two-thirds of the base identified as eligible
as a historic district. Staff was concerned that marketing of the base, economic development and job
creation could'be negatively impacted by a requirement that the OHP would be in authority to
restrict development on property which might be far removed from a historic resource. With the
assistance of the state's Secretary of Resources, Marine Corps and City staff continued to consult
with the OHP and, on May 7, 1996, forwarded to them our preference for the limited establishment
of a historic district at MCAS Tustin. ~
On June 28, 1996, the Marine Corps received the OHP's approval of this limited designation. While
there is a continuing need to work with the OHP in the development of a Memorandum of
Agreement which will establish the mitigation requirements for those resources within the district,
OHP agreement on the establishment of a limited historic district 'boundary represents significant
success and progress in this matter. Staff has attached copies of correspondence on this matter for
Council's information and will continue to keep the City Council apprised of our progress in this
Dana Ogdon
Senior Planner
Christine A. Sh~
Assistant City Manager
PO BOX 95001
SANTA ANA CA 92709-5001
7 May 96
Ms. Cherilyn Widell
California State Historic Preservation Officer
State Office of Historic Preservation
Department of Parks and Recreation
.P.O. Box 942896
Sacramento, California 94296-0001
Dear Ms. Widell:
I would like to thank you and Mr. Wheeler for meeting with representatives of the Marine
Corps and the City of Tustin on. April 3, 1996, to discuss the number of structures at Marine
Corps Air Station (MCAS) Tustin which should be considered to be eligible for the National
Register of Historic Places (National Register). Everyone felt that the meeting was extremely
productive. As agreed at the meeting, this letter will formally describe the Marine Corps'
position concerning the identification of MCAS Tustin buildings and areas which the Marine
Corps recommends to be eligible for the National Register as contributing elements of a
historic district.
MCAS Tustin Buildings 28 and 29, the blimp hangars, have been on the National Register
since April 2, 1975. As noted in previous discussions and correspondence with your office the
Marine Corps has identified that Buildings 28A and 29 A (originally the blimp hangar heating
plan.ts), and blimp mooring mats 1 through 5, to include the original roads that connect them
to the blimp hangars, are eligible for inclusion in the National Register. The hangar heating
plants, Buildings 28A and 29A, were directly.tied to operations connected with the blimp
hangars, as were the blimp mooring mats and the connecting roads. The Marine Corps
recommends that the hangars and the above listed elements are eligible for the National
Register as a single historic district with two discontiguous elements. Hangar 28, Building
28A, Mats 1, 2, and 3 and the road that joins the mats to the hangar form one element of the
district. The second district element comists of Hangar 29, Building 29A, Mats 4 and 5, and-
the road that joins the mats to the hangar. The attached map displays our recommended
boundaries for the two discontiguous elements of the proposed Tustin blimp hangar National
Register district. All other buildings shown within the boundaries drawn for this district
should be considered non-contributing elements to the district.
Based upon our April 3 discussion, we understand that you concur that Buildings 41 and 49
are ineligible for the National Register. Building 41 has been moved fromits original location
-and building 49 has been significantly modified. As stated at the April 3 meeting, we also
believe that Buildings 21, 23A through 23F, and 40A and 40B are ineligible for the National
Register. These nine buildings will hereafter in this letter be referred to as the contested
7 May 96
We agree,'as noted in your May 16, 1995 correspondence to the Marine Corps, that the
contested buildings individually lack architectural significance that would make them eligible
for the National Register under National Register Criterion C. We also recommend that the
contested buildings are not eligible under National Register Criterion A. Although these
buildings were associated with World War II historical events, they represent only a small,
scattered, remnant of the buildings originally constructed at the installation between 1942 and
1945. As a result, the contested buildings lack the cohesiveness generally required for a
· historic district and they do not readily convey to an observer a sense of the installation's
World War II aviation function. All the contested, buildings are standardized, utilitarian
designs of extremely mundane appearance. The ammunition storage igloos, Buildings 23A,
23B, 23C and 23E, are particularly common designs found at nearly all World War II era
military installations. The historic development and design of these igloos has been
extensively documented at other facilities. The mere fact the nine contested buildings were
constructed during World War II does not alone make them eligible for the National Register.
We believe that a better understanding of MCAS Tustin's World War II era appearance and
function can be gained by producing an installation history and by compiling period
photographs and plan drawings of buildings constructed between 1942 and 1945, including the
contested buildings noted above. Requirements to complete these studies can be included as a
component of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) which will be concluded between your
office, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and the Marine Corps as part of the
MCAS Tustin property disposal process.
Again, thank you for meeting with us and the City of Tustin concerning the National Register
eligibility of MCAS Tustin properties. We look forward to receiving your response to our
recommendations concerning those MCAS Tustin buildings and areas which should be
considered eligible for the National Register as contributing elements of a historic district.
This response should also address the mitigation measures indicated above. In order to
expedite preparation of the MOA and inclusion of this data into the draft BRAC
Environmental Impact Statement being prepared for MCAS Tustin, we request that your
response be delivered to us within thirty days of the date of this letter. If you have any
questions, please contact Ms. Norma Brossa at (714) 726-6611. .
Sincerely,. ~
..~~. J. FOWLER
Captain, CEC, U. S. Navy
Assistant Chief of Staff, Installations
By direction of the .Commander
Copy to:
State of California, Secretary for Resources
City of Tustin
Jambor'~c Road
Jamboree Rd
H:,rv~f d A¥cnus
P.O. E~OX 9428g~
SACRA~EN'rO ~4Zos-OO0~
FAX; (910) 053-982.4
June 20, 1996
~ 29 '96
16'05 No.006 P.02
PETE W'II.~ON, (;levw~mr
Reply To : USMC940408C
B. J. Fowler
Captain, CEC, U.S. Navy
Assistant Chief of Staff, Installations
Marine Corps Air Bases Western Area E1 Toro
P. O. Box 95001 '
Santa Aha CA 92709-5001
Atten: Ms. Norma Brossa
Re: Determination of National Register Eligibility for Properties
at MCAS, Tustin
Dear Captain Fowler:
On May 13, 1996, I received the Marine Corps' determination that
only the following properties at MCAS, Tustin c '
'onstltute an
historic district eligible for inclusion in the National Register
of I{istoric Places under Criterion A and that this district
consists of two discontiguous elements:
Element A - Blimp Hangar 28; ~Ieating Plant 28A; Mooring Mats
1,2,3; Connecting roads between Hangar and Mooring
Mats contained within mapped boundary.
Element B - Blimp Hangar 29; Heating Plant 29A; Mooring Mats 4,5;
Connecting roads between Hangar and Mooring Mats
contained within mapped boundary.
I have reviewed and do not object to the Corps, determination
However, I recommend that the Corps augment this determinatio~
with the following information:
A. Specify the district,s period of significance.
B. Specify the district,s areas of significance.
C. Specify the district,s level of significance.
D. Address the significance of the Blimp'Hangars under Criterion
If convenient, this additional information may be furnished in a
follow-up letter frbm the Corps.
B.J. Fowler
June 28, 1996
Page 2
AU~ ~9'96 16:06 N0.006 P.03
The Corps has suggested that an installation history which
includes photo documentation and drawings of buildings constructed
between 1942 and 1945 should be prepared. I agree that such
documentation could be one facet of an historic district
preservation plan stipulated in a Memorandum of Agreement and
suggest that the Corps promptly seek ths v~ews of the National
Park Service as to the type and level of recordation that may be
appropriate for the property. In addition, i recommend that the
Corps consider the innovative possibtlitie~ inherent in video
technology to capture the unusual history of this facility as was
done by the Corps of Engineers for Hamilton Army Airfield..
I look forward to consulting further with the Marine Corps and
other stakeholdsrs in this matter to develop an MOA that
satisfactorily takes the sffects of the undertaking on historic
properties into account. If you have any questions or wish to
arrange a meeting, please do not hesitate to call me at (916)
State Historic Preservation Officer
cc: City of Tustin
Secretary for Resources