HomeMy WebLinkAbout17 CLAIM NO. 96-26 10-07-96 LAW OFFICES OF 'WOODRUFF~ SPF~DLIN & SMA~ PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION MEMORANDUM NO. 17 li0-7-96 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Tustin FROM: City Attorney DATE: RE: October 2, 1996 Claim of Michael Zakrajscek; Claim No. 96-26 RECOMMENDATION: After review and investigation by the City's claims administrators, it is recommended that the City Council deny the claim and direct the City Clerk to provide notice to the claimant and the claimant's attorneys. DISCUSSION' This claim is for $2,500 in property damage. The claimant's vehicle was damaged in an accident at the intersection of Harvard and Irvine Center Drive. According to the claimant, he was southbound on Harvard on a green light when other vehicles entered the intersection from Irvine Center Drive. He swerved to avoid them and struck a retaining wall. The claimant alleges that the signal lights were malfunctioning in that the lights were showing green for everyone approaching the intersection. The intersection question is partly within the City of Irvine and partly within the City of Tustin. We have been advised that the signals are maintained solely by the City of Irvine. In our opinion, this is not a potential case of liability for the City of Tustin. LOIS E. JEFFi~'¢/~' -o Enclosure cc: William A. Huston, City Manager 1100-9626 35905_1 City of Tustin C~ ~ AGAINST T~R CITY OF TD~. ~ (For Damages to Persons or Personal Propert The law provides generally that a Claim must be filed with the City Clerk of the City of'Tustin within 6 month~ after the. incident or event occurred. Be sure your claim is against the City of Tustin, not another public entity. Where. space is insufficient, please use additiOnal paper and identify information by paragraph number. Completed claims must be mailed or delivered to the City Clerk City. of Tustin 300 Centennial Way, Tustin California 92680 ' ' , WHEN COMPLETING THIS FORM, PLEASE TYPE OR USE BLACK INK TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY .COUN'CIL, City of Tustin, California: The undersigned respectfully submits the following claim and information relative' to damage to person and/or property: 1. a. NA2ME OF CLAIMAN'~: b. ADDRESS OF CLAIMANT-;~-~ c. d. TELEPHONE NO: - -;_ : ' ---_ e. DATE OF BIRTH: f. SOCIAL SECURITY NO: _ g. DRIVERS LICENSE NO: _ , 2. Name, telephone and post' office address to'which claimant desires notices to be sent (if other than above): 3. This claim is submitted against: a. ~ The City of Tustin only. b. The following employee(s) of the City of Tustin only: Ce The City of Tustin and the following employee(s) of the City of Tustin only: 4. Occurrence or event from which the claim arises: a. DATE:~~ b. TIME: , .c. PLACE (Exact and specifi~ location):~ ' · -. . d. HOW and under what circumstances did damage or injury occur? Specify' t~.e particular occurrence, event, act or omission you claim'.caused t~.e injury or damage (Use additional paPer if necessary): e. ' WHAT Particular ? "ion by the City, or it.cf 'mployees, caused the alleged damage oz .jury? · 5. Give a description of the injury, property damage or 'loss so far known at the time-of this claim. If there were no injuries, state "no 'injuries". 6. Give the name(s) of the city employee(s) causing the damage or injury: 7. Name and address of any other person injured: 8. Name and address of ~he owner or any 'damaged property: /~_~ ~ P~ol'~' ~ ; Irv,,~- ; ~I~ *~7~61 9. D~mages' claimed: a. 'Amount claimed as of the date: b. Estimated amount of future costs: c. Total amount claimed: d. Attach basis for computation'of amounts claimed (include copies of all bills, invoices, -estimates, etc. 10. Names and addresses of all witnesseb, hospitals, doctors, etc. . . . WARNING: IT IS A CRIMINAL .OFFENSE TO FILE A. FALSE CLAIM! ! (Penal Code Section 72; Insurance Code Section 556.0) I have read the matters and statements made in the above claim and I know the same to be true of my own knowledge, except as to those matters~ stated to be upon information or belief and ~s %o such matters I believe the same to be true. ' I certify under penalty or perjury that the foregoing is TRUE AND · 20RRECT. Executed this '! I day of ...,19.~, at Tustin, California. DATE FILED: ~1: CLFORM ~evised 4/29/91 · ate .~ N_ o "-d'tt ~';"-=~'6H~'-~'~i7. t'~-'..h-e'd- ~ x d ~ f":---' ~- ~or mess-'f'acilities , ~ ~- " 'duty,· no marching, pro- nding or field work No duty~ confined to g.uarters 1 i.Lim..ited use of extr'emity -~xcept for mess ~acillties ! li~'~'~e~~ · · No duty to rest at home where Specmal clothing recommended nursing care is available ~ Not to"exceed 24 hours Not to exce~ ..::_.: ..... No mess dutyL__no food fle range duty in '-.I Sick in ~u~rters (SIQ} in position indicated excess o days, not' to · exceed 14 days .. i No shaving__ ...... ~ ......... ~ .... . .... To~'~i"'~ber of days recommended , R~eturn to this medical clinic walking or strenous activit-/ · ....... " ~ ur _PAT I ~-NT ACKNO~ ~_~___ eavy ~L~DGP-MKNT: ...... . ~ ....... I UND1~-RSTAND . · . ---- 1' AM · R TO COI~L~4ENCEME · M~AND. I FURT - · ' ' DaT~; - _z._____ TIME. -~'-'~ ~uZu~ ~OT~FICATION. LIBeRTy IS CONSIDeReD 'DKTRIM~NT~R~TURN ~OR KVALUATION L~B~RTY ~S NO CONCERN MKDIC~LLZ .~(T~ME) " (D~T~) H~AL~.~. ~ PROV~R)~ . .~ ~. ... . . · . Basis for Computation of Claim Average of four (4) Body Shop estimates Replac~rncnt of righg t front tire Danmgc sub-total Pain, suff¢~ and inconvienc¢ 2,185.68 66.85 2,252.53 247.47 Total ' 2,500.00 .' ~591 ! J:JST T I RES 30c? EDINGER AVE #E JUSTIN. CA 98680 (714 )86?-')616,'BAR PEG# AG179327 FEDER~.,. TAX ID# 340253840 C'5/' 16/96 05/16/96 (].'6:49 FM 06:53 PM TERR: 8664 NONSIG: 908664 L TO: MICHAEL ZAKRAJSEK )~JE I ....... (714)857-4024 )NE -E REC.-!UE.S'TED 05/16/96 IE REQUESTED 'URN PART~,, YES .EBMAN ...... 006 /.006 ·. VEH YEAR/MAKE, VEHICLE MODEL, VEHICLE COLOR· LICENSE/STATE, ODOMETE IN/OUT PRIOR INVO1CE. 01.4099 !NT I COB lC CUST! TYPE/STATE PAYMENT METHOD ~000~ 8 O1 09666 0 CA CHEC~ ~ECH 059 059 059 P~ODUCT CODE BC gTY 3~F-~69-B6~-O R ~TT. I NO. PLTBEKR364 041-263 R ! 0~-663 R 071 R 1 04~-100 R 1 THANK YOU, FOR CHOOSING DESCRIPTION 165R15 86T O0 "P~EM METRC BLRPTL ,NEW VALUE STEM JUST TIRE LIFETIME COMP WHEEL BALANCE SCRAP TIRE DISPOSA~ AUTO CUST. BECLINE RDA~ NAZAR~ PAR?S LBR/EXC!SE LINE TOTAL Q9.95 .00 q9,~5 8.~5 .00 8.45 8.50 6,45 8.95 1.00 .00 1.00 .00 .00 .00 ~UST TIRES +~+++++ PLEASE TELL A FRIEND ABOUT US ~ F ~,'£ILI ARE 'NO'F I (5~(:~ ~-~- I SF I ED CALL TI--~OidAS ' ~HE STORE M~N~:"~GER . AT < ? ~ 4 ) 8-68--~Z)6 1 6 · :" CHECK A,OUNT, ...... 6~.B5 LABOR TOTAL ........ 6.(5 ..... '._.': . STATE TIRE FEE .E5 SUB TOTAL .......... '6g.35 ~ ) TAXABLE AHOUNT 5~,90 SALES TAX~ a.~5 ~/ 5TOHE .~ N~O ~ ~E ToT~L '~'. - ~EE REVERSE S:~DE FOR I MF'ORTANT 'SAFE~:~ WAF~ I NG A~D WARRANTY I NFORMAT I ON Quality brands, Unbealoble prices, Profe,$~ion(dly installed...in mfi ~ules =age of Pages NAME STREET co o" INSU~CE CO. DEALERS SERVICE CO., INC. 1343 East Borchard SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92705 , (714) 543-8458 FAX (714) 543-1714[/Iv/ ~ ~ PHONE /-/ REPLACE ./ REPAIR Ill DESCRIP~ON ..z 4,.,,','- ~' e'2 7/J, MODEL . ?u,,,',~"~ 5'~--l'g- ADJUSTOR 23038 IESTIMATE PREPARED BY I II TOTALS REFINISH ,Z SUBLET' $ TOTAL... :, .................. $ 2. //e./. /1, ~ TOTAL PARTS ................. TOTAL LABOR ................. TOTAL REFINISH TOTAL SUBLET ................ TAx .......................... .R~.~,~ t1~..',.~/~ ' ~~/d/rp . ......... ....... The above is an estimate based on our inspection and does not cover any additional pa~s or labor which may be required a~er the work has been sta~ed. Occasionally, worn or damaged pa~s are discovered which may not be evident on the first inspection. Because of this, the above prices are not guaranteed. Quotations on pans and labor are current and subje~ to change. AUTHORI~TION FOR REPAIR. You are hereby authorized to make the above repairs: DATE: SIGNED: PARTS S4. oo .P ~C ,3 c2.3 ~ge of P&ge~ IRVINE AUTO COLLISION 1610], Construction Cir. West Unit D IRVlNE, CALIFORNIA 92714 (714) 552-2885 BAR: AG168050 lAME ;TREET 'EAR I COLOR ~EGISTRATION NO. ~ISURANCE CO. REPLACE REPAIR" ,,/ SERIAL NO, DESCRIPTION PHONE DATE MODEL ODOMETER ADJUSTOR The above is an estimate based on our inspection and does not cover any additional parts or labor which may be required after the work has been starte,4:l. Occasionally. worn or damaged parts are discovered which may n ,o~be evident on the first inspection. Because of this. the above ~rice~'~re no~ guaranteed. Quotations on parts and labor are currsnt and subject to change. AUTHORIZATION FOR REPAIR. You are hereby authorized to make the above repairs' SIGNED: DATE: TOTALS PARTS 135. co ESTIMATE PREPARED BY LABOR · TOTAL PARTS ................. TOTAL LABOR '~<>- TOTAL REFINISH TOTAL SUBLET ............... TAX ......................... TOTAL ....................... REFINISH ,, ~ ! 2._. ~O SUBLET ~MAGE REPORT- ~/18/96 at 11:58 ZAKRAJSEK D.R. 27404-0000486 Est: G. QUIGLEY QUIGLEY'S AUTO BODY "QUALITY TEAM" 26921 VISTA TERRACE LAKE FOREST, CA 92630- (714) 768-5915 ~ner' M.J. ZAKRAJSEK idress: Day Phone: ( ) Deductible: $ N/A ~surance C0.: Claim No.: Adj .: Phone: ~ VW BEETLE'SUPER 2D SED GREEN/M 4 in: .. License: Prod Date: 0/ 0 Odometer: ). 0P. DESCRIPTION OF DAMAGE PART ' QTY COST LABOR PAINT MISC 1 2** 3 4* 5 6* 7 8 9 .0' _1' .2 .3 _4 .5* .6* .7* .8* .9* :0 FRONT BUMPER Repl REC Face bar Repl RT Face bar bracket 1 Repr SET UP FRAME RACK PULL 1 HOOD Repr Lid . 1 R&I Molding center 1 R&I Handle 1 FRONT STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS Repl ~ront NOSE PANEL 1 Repl RT FR FENDER USED 1 FENDER & LAMPS Repl Aim headlamps 1 Repl RT Door chrome 1 Repr RT APRON A/P 1 Repr R&I LT FENDER FOR APRON 1 Repr CLEAR COAT 1 Repr COLOR MATCH 1 Repr OVERS.RAY COVER 1 WHEELS & FRONT SUSPENSION Repl Wheel alignment align front wh 1 1 120.00 0.5 11.95 27.80 5.0 2.0 2.0 0.2 0.2 10.0 T 200.00 1.5 1.5 T 125.00 0.2 0.2 6.0 1-,0 1.5 1.0 0.3 T 7.50 1.5 M Subtotals ---> 159.75 30.1 7.5 332.50 Page:' 1 MAGE REPORT /18/96 at 11:58 QUIGLEY"S AUTO BODY "QUALITY TEAM" 26921 VISTA TERP~ACE LAKE FOREST, CA 92630- (714) 768-5915 ZAKRA~TSEK D.R. 27404-0000486 Est: G. QUIGLEY ONT SUSP OPEN Parts 159.75 Labor 23.6 units @ $30.00.' 708.00 Body Supplies 15.8 units @ $ 2.00 31.60 Paint 7.5 units @ $30.00 225.00 Paint/Materials 7.5 units @ $20.00 150.00 Frame 5.0 units @ $45.00 225.00 Mech 1.5 units @ $55.00 82.50 Sublet/Misc 332.50 SUBTOTAL $ 1914.35 Tax on $ 673.85 at 7.7500% 52.22 GRAND TOTAL $ 1966.57 INSURANCE PAYS $ 1966.57 IS ESTIMATE HAS BEEN PREPARED BASED ON THE USE OF CRASH PARTS SUPPLIED BY A /RCE OTHER THAN THE MANUFACTURER OF YOUR MOTOR VEHICLE. ANY WARRANTIES PLICABLE TO THESE REPLACEMENT PARTS ARE PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER OR 3TRIBUTOR OF THE PARTS, RATHER THAN BY THE ORIGINAL MANUFACTURER OF YOUR ~ICLE. Bstimate based on MOTOR CRASH BSTIMATING GUIDB. Non-asterisk(*) items are derived from the Guide BOA_9102. Database Date 5/95 Double asterisk(**) items ,indicate part supplied by a supplier other than the original equipment manufacturer. CAPA items have been certified for fit and finish by the Certified Auto Parts Association. EZEst - A product of CCC Information Serwices Inc. Page: 2 Er, ir, L-':?.~, L:n~ l~e,~ · '" -'--' T';'z~ Du.:."?,!' on ~.9~,~ri~:. or:, '.'-"-:.;-."-" .:.'03".' r.:..'r'-'-:~a".: r:~? =:iH--:r.'. ,'.' "..- '~'- *. ,.., ~.,- ::: I.._.,, _i: ..-_ ~,.~, E S:'} 7 .-- :'..' ...................... .~ ~L: 'L.'- ~r'. ' ':.".',%,: gl ' '. ,'12.'r ;;' ..'-..Tjx 3 ] -':~ · ,,' FEi:i,E,=: F'Ai.; .. ;'3T2 F FE~DE~ ]M ".'iT 7)2 D.";, F -~D~T ~!iSF :'" '""" :;:.~L'.:'¢', =E'T 2%:[I}{-. rs-.".. V ;%:T.: · F? .-x~'.5.~',',.... i~ F~O?.!T BO["-'.' e:?RgN ..;'.'~S"" r:UTO REF!~J AD,r.,'L i~,Bn~' n:~ ,"; r~r. rrm= · , _ , .~.. ~, .~ ,.. ~,¢, :::,',:x .;:.;iFil.: A~)'L; ~r~r...= n:-~ TiNT ra, r,a. .~!:T,.5 REF.;;.: ;~[-9'! l.h~O.: 5F'F: E...',,LG;, 5i~,H,i, F?.' ;, ~'UFF ,"-:,'~': =:--:.'-: ,w,r,:~ ~,~9~.n OF.,'.: ~lii, 3!', ............... a:.O'..' [Lr;,r.'L !..q~T ucT.~nr, nu,-- ur.' Ti' · ~'-'.' .' ~ · ~ -~. ~ ,~1,,.(~..,.. _~ ~t~- ~,, ..,.., ..',,!j-rg .':,9':'L CgST ,r'.4.!~T ~iATER' '~, Le.'.'.cr >-bte C Jn:::.:d_~:i ir. r,,l.~,:r ',.'~at Ca!: -3 Add' i Labr...:' ~ub! et 837,50 i33 ,3::)7 :'05 S 5.001 .-'.'0~, ~,.';. !,i~!,-' ?.(:, '7' !,25!,7- i FOR .'.'0.~;i 'j T£, r,;,~;LiFE.']i,{iA r..L.~,.q.:'i[.F. FA, iii-, ,5 BODY' ;) , '.'t'l · I 5ESY' REPORT TAKEN BY IRVINE POLICE DEPARTMENT IRVINE POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC COLLISION REPORT :,AL CO.D'TIO"' .O.I.J. ·~'R em, JUD,C,^L D,.TR,CT Number (::::0o,~- TE ~ ~ 0~ IRVINE Orange County Harbor R~ ~ ~ ~ .o.~.,~=~ ~ coU.wORANGE ~ - ~N NAM[ (FIRST. MIDDLL LAI~ OTHER INVOLVtD VEHICLE ZIP OWNER'~ ADDR[~ 0 ~AM[ A~ DELVER STAT[ NO. I DAY I ~[~ R[L PHON~ BU~ P~ON[ ICC INIUAANC[ CA~RIJR POUC~ NUMBJR P~IOR MECHANICAL V[HICL[ D[F[CT~ RTY 2 ~V[R NAHE (FIRST. NIODLL LAI~ OTHER INVOLVED VEHICLE ADDR[II '~2~ c,~ ST**= z,~ ow. zR-s *DO.. U s. Mz .= ' ' MO. I DAY I Y~ I  I I I I 4~ R~ PHONE IU~ PHONE ICC PUC ] ( ) ( ) DEFECT~ 0 NON[ APPARENT 0 UNK 0 NON[ 0 MINOR *"*'~ 0 .. -*..-,- 0 .o0 0 .,~o. 0 i . tTY EouIP ~N N&M~ IFIflIT. MIDDLL ~1~ OTHER INVOLVED VEHICLE ZIP OWN[8'~ ADDR[~I 0 SAM~ Al DRIVER ITATK ~CLI u~ II ' MO. I DAY I Y~ I ] I I I I t I I I[R R[L PHONE BU~ P~ON[ ICC ~UC ] ( ) ( ) INIURANC[ CARRIIR PoDCY NUNI[R P~IOR MECHANICAL VEHICLE DKPKCT! 0 HONK APPAR[N* 0 UNK 0 HONK 0 MIND'  R[~ PHONE J NOTIFIED OW~h~-- [.~ ~YKS OHO , lURED / WITNESSES / PASSEr 0~ COLL _~-u~ SEATING POSITION 23 56 7 DRIVER TO 8 . PASSENGERS STA. WGN. REAR AR. OCC. TRK. OR VAN POSITION UNKNOWN OTHER O~CCUPA NTS __ A NONE IN VEHICLE B UNKNOWN C LAP BELT USED LAP BELT NOT USED SHOULDER HARNESS USED SHOULDER HARNESS NOT USED LAP I SHOULDER HARNESS USED LAP I SHOULDER HARNESS NOT USED PASSIVE RESTRAINT USED SAFETY EQUIPMENT M/C BICYCLE - HELMET L · AIR BAG DEPt. OYED M - AIR BAG NOT DEPLOYED DRIVER N - OTHER V. NO P - NOT REQUIRED W . YES CHILD RESTRAINT PASSENGER Q - IN VEHICLE USED X - NO R - IN VEHICLE NOT USED Y ' YES S - IN VEHICLE USE UNKNOWN K PASSIVE RESTRAINT NOT USED T - IN VEHICLE IMPROPER USE EJECTED FROM VEH. 0 - NOT EJECTED 1-FULLY EJECTED 2-PARTIALLY EJECTED 3-UNKNOWN ~ESS :ESS ( ) ( ) INJURED TAKEN 1~. ( ) ( ) INJURED TAKEN TO: : .ESS ~ INJURED TAKEN TO: : INJURED TAKEN TO:. BUS. PHONE ) ( ) ( ) ( ) INJURED TAKEN 1~. H a~EEL. q6- q7ol ~CAL'.' Pox ""' I 'K/w,, "rLw,.~ 'V I"~o~; ,~ c R L ~3E~i~--r-IR 'J i1' ' .J II TRAFFIC COLr. ISION Page 1 96-5701 INJURIES: None. STATEMENTS: Driver #1, Zakrajsek, stated that he had been traveling southbound on Harvard in the #2 lane at approximately 40 mph. As he approached the intersection with Irvine Center Drive, Zakrajsek saw that the light for traffic traveling southbound on Harvard was green. As Zakrajsek's vehicle entered the intersection, he saw several vehicles begin to enter the intersection from westbound Irvine Center Drive. Zakrajsek said that as his vehicle was traveling through the intersection, the vehicles that were in the #1 and #2 lane for westbound Irvine Center Drive stopped. Another vehicle that had been turning from westbound Irvine Center Drive onto southbound Harvard did not stop, and Zakrajsek thought that his vehicle was going to collide with this other vehicle. Zakrajsek pressed down on his vehicle's brake pedal and began to skid through the intersection narrowly avoiding a collision with the other vehicle. As Zakrajsek's vehicle crossed over the other side of the intersection, it swerved to the right and hit the west curb of Harvard just south of intersection. His vehicle went up over the curb and the right front corner of his vehicle collided with a brick wall. Zakrajsek said that.when he got out of his vehicle,, he looked up at the traffic signal lights for the intersection. He saw that the light for northbound traffic on Harvard was green and that the light for eastbound traffic on Irvine Center Drive was red. Zakrajsek was not able to see the lights that controlled southbound traffic or westbound traffic at the intersection. Zakrajsek said that he did not know what happened to the other vehicle, because he had been disoriented as a result of the collision. Zakrajsek described the other vehicle as a grey Nissan Sentra, 2- door, 80s model, with an unknown Ca. Lic. plate. Zakrajsek does not think that he would recognize the vehicle if he saw it again. He estimates that the vehicle was traVeling at approximately 15-20 mph through the intersection just prior to Zakrajsek's collision. Witness #1, Bowdle, stated that she had been stopped in the left turn lane on westbound Irvine Center Drive, approximately three cars back from the intersection. Bowdle observed the traffic signal light for traffic traveling westbound on Irvine'Center Drive phase'f~om flashing red to solid red several times. Bowdle looked to her"right and saw vehicle #1'traveling southbound on Harvard at approximately 35-40 mph towards th~ intersection. When Bowdle looked forward she saw another vehicle attempting to turn left from westbound Irvine Center Drive onto southbound Harvard. Bowdle TRAFFIC COLLISION Page 2 96-5701 stated that the light for westbound traffic on Irvine Center Drive was solid red when this other vehicle was making its turning move. Bowdle did not know whether the light was on red flash or solid red when this other vehicle initially entered into the intersection. Bowdle thought that vehicle #1 collided with this other vehicle and then skidded into the corner and brick wall on the southwest corner of the intersection. Bowdle said that after the collision, the other vehicle pulled over to the west curb of Harvard south of the intersection. And that time a women got out of the car and looked at vehicle #1. When driver #1, Zakrajsek, got out of his vehicle, the women got back into her car and drove off quickly. Bowdle said that the women's vehicle was a mid-sized compact car, dark grey in color, early 90s model, 4-door. She described the driver of the vehicle as a female with dark hair, medium build, medium height, wearing a skirt and blouse, in her late 20s to early 30s. Bowdle said that she might be able to identify the vehicle and woman if she saw them again. Witness #2, Thomas, stated that he had been stopped in the #1 westbound lane of Irvine Center Drive, approximately 20 cars back from the intersection. Thomas noticed that the traffic signal lights were flashing red for traffic traveling in all directions at the intersection. After 'about one minute, Thomas noticed that the light was green for northbound and southbound traffic on Harvard. After about two minutes, Thomas saw the signals return to red flash. When Thomas was approximately four cars back from the intersection, he saw that the traffic signal for northbound and southbound traffic on Harvard was green and that the light for westbound traffic was solid red. Thomas observed several vehicles traveling westbound on Irvine Center Drive drive through the solid red. Thomas said that it appeared that everyone at the intersection was confused, because the signal lights kept changing. As Thomas neared the intersection, he saw vehicle #1 traveling southbound on Harvard through the intersection with Irvine Center Drive at approximately 35-40 mph. Thomas saw another vehicle in the intersection that was facing southbound and traveling at approkimately 15-20 mph. Thomas stated that it was possible that this vehicle was making a left turn from westbound Irvine Center Drive onto southbound Harvard. Thomas did not see what color the light was when this vehicle entered into the intersection. Thomas is not certain what color the light was for northbound and southbound traffic on Harvard, when vehicle #1 entered the intersection. However, Thomas believes that it must have been green, because traffic was traveling northbound and southbound through.~the intersection without slowing. As vehicle #1 began to near th'e other vehicle, vehicle #1 began to skid through the intersection. Vehicle #1 collided with the southwest curb at the intersection and then impacted with a brick wall. Thomas saw the other vehicle pull over to the west curb of Harvard just south of TRA~.FIC coLLISiON Page 3 96-5701 the intersection. He said the vehicle waited at the curb for approximately 15-30 seconds after the collision. After driver #1, Zakrajsek, got out of his vehicle, Thomas saw the other vehicle slowly driv~ southbound on Harvard. Thomas described the other vehicle as a grey Mazda 626, early 90s model. Thomas was certain of this description, but he was not sure if he would be able to identify the vehicle if he saw it again. Thomas did not see the driver of this vehicle. FACTS - ARRIVAr.~: .. I was dispatched to a noninjury traffic accident at 0829 hours; My response was-Code 1 (without emergency lights and siren), because Officer Welch and Officer Maisano were already at the scene. My arrival time at the scene was 0836 hours. Upon my arrival, vehicle #1 was at its uncontrolled point of rest. Driver #1, Zakrajsek, was standing on the curb by his vehicle. Tustin Marine Corps where at the location conducting .an investigation and assisting with traffic control. Officer Welch and Maisano were also present at the scene, assisting with the investigation and traffic control. TYPE OF COLLISION: This was. a vehicle vs. fixed object-type collision. Vehicle #1 is a 74 Volkswagen bug, 2-door, green in color, Ca. Lic. 3PEP971. The initial impact occurred between vehicle #1's right front tire and the west curb of Harvard, just south of the intersection with Irvine Center Drive. The secondary impact occurred between the right front corner of vehicle #1 and a brick wall located on the southwest corner of the intersection. Vehicle #1 sustained minor contact damage to the right front corner of the vehicle. .The curb and brick wall sustained minor scuff damage from the collision. ROADWAY: Refer to the back of the predrawn for a roadway description. The weather conditions were cool, cloudy and dry with good visibil- ity: pt.e.~ailing. TRAFFIC COLLISION Page 4 96-5701 POINT QF IMPACT: The initial point of impact.was located on the southwest corner of the intersedtion, approximately 30 feet south of the south curb line of Irvine Center Drive and at the west curb line of Harvard. This point of impact was determined by statements made by driver #1, witnesses, damage to the vehicle and the curb, the uncontrolled point of rest of vehicle #1, and 'tire skid and scrub marks. The secondary point of impact was located on the southwest curb of the intersection, approximately 6 feet west of the west curb line of Harvard and approximately 38 feet south of the south curb line of Irvine Center Drive. This point of impact was determined by statements made by driver #1 and the witnesses, damage to vehicle #1 and to the brick wall, the uncontrolled point of rest of vehicle #1, and tire scrub and skid marks. The physical evidence confirms the involved party and witness statements. SKIDS: Vehicle #1 deposited the following tire marks: The left rear tire: locked wheel 30 feet centrifugal scuff. , VEHICLE INSPECTION: I inspected the brakes, tires and steering equipment of vehicle #1. I found the vehicle to be functioning properly on all checks. EVIDENCE: None taken at the scene that required logging into property. MISCELLANEOUS: At approximately 0915 hours, Richard Nelson, an employee with the Irvine transportation Department (Traffic Operations), responded to the scene. Nelson observed that the signal lights at the intersection were phasing back and forth from red flash to normal phase. Nelson placed the intersection on red flash until one of the maintenance workers could inspect the control mechanism. I spoke with Nelson later during the day, and he told me that one of the maintenance workers had found a burnt out controller. Nelson said that when a controller burns out, the intersection usually turns to red flash. Nelson did not know why the lights had been alter~a.~ing from regular phase to red flash. TRAFFIC COLLISION Page 5 96-5701 Driver 1, Z~krajsek, had been driving southbound on Harvard towards the intersection with.Irvine Center Drive. As Zakrajsek approached the intersection, the light for traffic traveling southbound on Irvine Center Drive was green. As Zakrajsek entered into the intersection, another vehicle was attempting to turn left from westbound Irvine Center Drive onto southbound Harvard. Zakrajsek applied emergency braking and avoided a collision with'the second vehicle. However, Zakrajsek's vehicle swerved to the right and collided with the curb at the southwest corner of the intersection and with a brick wall at that corner. There is no evidence to indicate that this other vehicle entered the intersection illegally when it was involved in a traffic collision with vehicle #1. Based upon the statements made by driver #1, the witnesses, and traffic operations employee Nelson, I am unable to determine fault based upon any violation of the vehicle code. This accident appears to- be a result of the confusion caused at the intersection by the malfunctioning traffic signal lights. CTI EstriCk #4779 mt Approved.: --~. Date: