HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 AWARD PATROL UNITS 02-18-03AGENDA REPORT NO. 5 02-18-03 MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 18, 2003 TO: WILLIAM A. HOUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: POLICE DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: AWARD A BID FOR EIGHT PATROL UNITS SUMMARY A purchase of eight 2003, black and white police patrol units is necessary to replace existing high-mileage units. RECOMMENDATION · . . That City Council authorizes the purchase of eight 2003 Ford Crown Victoria vehicles for marked police patrol to Wondries Chevrolet of Alhambra, in the amount of $198,512.00 (tax included). That Council authorizes expenditure of funds for conversion of the eight marked police patrol units to Pursuit Technologies of Buena Park, California in the amount of $58,934.08 (tax included). That Council authorizes the Police Department to acquire five Mobile Audio Video Systems from Kustom Signals, Inc., Lenexa, Kansas in the amount of $24,082.12 (tax included). FISCAL IMPACT , . $257,446.08 from the Vehicle Replacement Fund, Account 84-801-9730 (Vehicle and Conversion) $24,082.12 from the Equipment Replacement Fund, Account 01-502-9845 (Mobile Audio Video Systems) BACKGROUND In Fiscal Year 02/03, it is necessary to replace eight marked police units due to the combination of high mileage and service history. William A. Huston, City Manager Award a Bid for Eight Patrol Units February 18, 2003 Page 2 Wondries Chevrolet has Crown Victoria's available for delivery under L.A. County Contract #207488. We have utilized this vendor for several years with excellent service. Pursuit Technologies has completed unit conversions for several years. A bid process was completed in January 2003, with Pursuit Technologies being the Iow bidder. They maintain their competitive pricing due to their ability to purchase Code 3 light bars at a significant discount due to their relationship with the manufacturer. They remain the only vendors locally with this ability. Through testing, the Tustin Police Department has identified Code 3 as having a superior product due to the illumination produced by this light bar, which gives an extra margin of safety for patrol officers. It's recommended that the conversion be authorized through Pursuit Technologies in the amount of $7,366.76 per unit (tax included) for the Crown Victoria. The department has an ongoing replacement program in place for the Mobile Audio Video units, which completely replaces the inventory in five years. There are five units budgeted this fiscal year. The department is standardizing on the Kustom Signals' "Eyewitness" unit, which has proven to be a desirable system and on the leading edge of development. Research indicates there are no better units on the market. Continuation with the "Eyewitness" standardizes our service and repair parts inventory. Recommend purchase through Kustom Signals, Inc. at $4,816.24 (tax included). Attached for information is the quote from Wondries Chevrolet and information on the quotes from Pursuit Technologies and the two other vendors who bid in the conversion process and also from Kustom Signals, Inc. Funds are available for the purchases recommended. Chief of Police SF:JBP:et Attachment FLEET DIVISION Tustin Police 300 Cemcnni'~ Way Delivery Via (714) 730-g027 Dear Lt. Peery: In ~ to your inquiry, w~ n~ pleased to nbmit thc following for your consi.~on. Wondries Fleet Grmsp will sell, service nnd deliver., at Tustin New/Unused 2003 Ford Croum Victmia Police Sedan's ~sponding to fire a~ spec~on for $24,gl4.00 each includes tn~ The vehicles nm available under the coopcrati~ ~ provision of. the Los An~les County bid~207488. Deliv~-ry is ten (10) days A.R.O. Terms are Net 20 dnys Sincn~ly, FLEET GROUP. TOYOTA Received: I /30/03 14:O8; 01/30/2003 13:29 7145~21527 7145621527 -> TUSTZN POLICE DEPT; Page 2 PURSUIT TECH PAGE 82 PURSUIT T~CHNOLOGY, INC. 8331-C ARTESIA BLVD. BUENA PARK, CA 90621 USA Quoted to: TUSTIN POLICE DEPT. POLIC~ SERVICES 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN, CA 92780 Quotation Quote Number: 80?3 ., Quote Date: Jan 8, 2003 Page: 1 I Customer ID ] Good Thru T~PD 217103 Payment Terms Net 30 Days Sales Rep TONY/JS Quantity 1.0( 1.0( 1-OC 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. OC 1.OC l. OO 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 I 0C 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.0C Item IR TP-3S-F TR 2- PAR-25-06010 ~.EDEC 1191 2APCO BUMPER 2003 DBN TM4 DBN UMNCT- SB PUR CUSTOM RACK SANTA CRUZ SC- 1 SANTA CRUZ SC1-A/R rR CC-C06 rR AC-NPR (D) rR AC-NPR (P) .~/H 240159 ~R TUST FED UPKM 13 MCS-1-TRMS- CV PUR TRUNK ~ULL kB2 14. 0553 gANTA CRUZ 1900 Dcscription ~SDE- 360-10~-~l~C-~00 HALF LEXAN/HALF EXPANDED METAL STASH- N- STOW TROY LOWER EXT PANm. L PROSTRAINT SEAT CV 99 + 2000 2003 CROWN VIC. BUMPER(#5038) tOUCH MAST~.R SIREN .~OISE CANCELING MICROP~ONR ~A4204 CAST SPEAKER DUAL CUSTOM GUN RACK LOCK ELECTRIC AND K~Y bOCK ~L~,CTRIC AND KEY 14" CONSOLE W/ FLOOR MOUNT SlLICf2~E EDC]Z GUARD C06/C08 ~ILICON~. EDGE GUARD C06/C08 .~0 AMP SOLENOID GRAPHICS AS PER TUSTIN SPEC PARK KILL MODULE TRUNKLIG~S SEALED BEAM: ¢414A/4416B W/ RUBBER HOUSING SINGLE TRUNK MOUNT RAD SHELVE .~ADI 0 BOARD q OUTLET 12V ACC PLUG BOX BUTT PLATE Unit Price 1,805-00 330.5C 55.75 405.00 126.00 477.60 36.43 17~.00 110.00 55.0C 79.85 233.5~ 19.4S 19.45 18.00 325.00 28.0C 70.00 119.50 25.00 16.00 , Subtotal Sales Tax Total Extension 1,805.0O 330.50 -R5-75 405.00 126.00 {77.60 36.4] 175.0C 110.0O 55.00 79.85 233.50 19.45 19.4: 36-0( 325-0C 28.00 70.00 119.50 25.0C 1~. oc 30.00 Continued Continued ~ontinue~ Rece.l. ved: I /30/03 14:01!}; 01/30/2003 13:29 7145621527 7145621527 -> TUSTIN POLICE DEPT; Page 3 PURSUIT TECH PAGE 03 PURSUIT TECHNOLOGY, /NC. 8331-C ARTESIA BLVD. BUENA PARK, CA 90621 USA Quoted to: TUSTIN POLICE DEPT. POLICE SERVICES 300 CENTenNIAL WAY TUSTIN, CA 92780 Quotation Quote Number. 8073 Quote Date: Jan 8, 2003 Page: 2 1 Customer .ID ] Oood Thru TUPD [ 2/7/03 Payment Terms Net 30 .Days Qu~fity 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1-00 1.0~ 1-00 1.00 1.00 1-00 1-00 1.00 1,0~ 1.0~ 1.00 1-00 1,00 2.0C 15.0~ > ~ISC MATERIAL ~TRIP OLD CAR ~ABOR LABOR LABOR LA~OR LABOR TAL ANXMBBU rAL ANXQWFT120 ~HL UHF2150 PILOT LIGHT TODD BB-3 ~82 25.4802 TODD BB-9 RELAYS 537 )PTIMA B00U BATTERY BOX CSD PHXVB200 .WAN4GA. WIRE Description ~IKE RACKS ~ISC MATERIAL FULL BUILD ~TRI P OUT OLD ~QUI PTMENT rO INSTALL DECALS ~'0 INSTALL EMERGm. NCY EQ. TO INSTALL COMPUTER TO INSTALL CAM~ INSTALL LO-JACK OR ETS COAX CABLE FOR RG58 CABLE CONNECTORS ~NTENNA FIELD TUNABLE ~EADLIGHT FLASheR (RELAY) PILOT LIGHT R,G,A POSITION FUSEBLOCK SHOT GUN LOCK TIMER 9 POSITION FUSEBLOCK 12V SPDT POTTER RELAY ~37 FLASHER W/ 30~2 HARASS TROY CM-ULTMNT UNIVERSAL COMPUTER WOUNT DIL FILLED SEALED BATTERY 50AMP MANUEL RESET BREAKER GA. WIRE Sales Rep TONY/JS Unit Pfic~ 65,00 85.00 100.00 4~.00 895.00 275.00 150.00 125.00 9.0~ 6.00 36.,00 10.00 7.50 28.50 12.00 6.0C 12.0~ 113.50 178.00 14.00 28.50 0-75 · Subtotal Sales Tax Total Extension 65.00 85.00 100.00 .4,5.00 895.00 27~.0( 150.0( 125.00 9.00 6.00 36.00 7,5( 28.5(1 12.0C 6.00 12.00 113.50 178.00 14.0~ 57.0G 11.25 · Cont inued Continued Rece.l. ved: I /~O/O3 14:08; 01/30/2003 1:3:29 7145~21527 7145621527 -> TUSTZN POLICE DEPT; Page 4 PURSUIT TECH PAGE 04 PI/RSUIT T~CHNOLOGY, INC. 8331-C ARTF. SIA BLVD. BUENA PARK, C.A 90621 USA Quoted to: TUSTIN POLICE DEPT. ~OLICE SERVICES 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN, CA 92780 Quotation Quote Number: 80'73 Quote Date: Jal~ 8, 2003 Page: Customer ID TU~D Good Thru 2/?/03 · - .. Net 30 Daya Quantity 1.00 ~ABOR [tc~n Description ZNSTALL 2ND BATTERY Sales Rep TONY/J$ Unit Price 135.0 Subtotal Sales Tax Tot~! Extension 135.0 6,953.78 412.98 7,366.76 SENT BY' COMSERCO SPEC PROJ; 1-20- 3 7:32; 909 684 8604 => 714 730 8027; #2/4 300 C: ~.;,"fl '.¢. r ~n(~',/, ~ Df; :X $ 'i .,I/5 f.'~,O .c.¢, '1.4"7F., F.;.q .:':. :'~:Y.O ? (.¥ S'?,7 O0 :'.. !~,~L'f tS/.'.', 5,(~.9 (:% 'x ff. '~ .57 50 51 '.:,/ 50 'x 5.,.;.t: ~, 4 ..' ) :F',./.J', 4 'x :!}.;73 4(..', }';'.'..;' ~, ;";. ':'-,:3 ~ ~:18 5,3 i B8 'x. $27.90 $::.? ? O0 >". ':};';.':.~ii.t 5 ] '.::.,g';.4 ':4 .,': :.:¢0 ;' :30 :fig ? :,:: ':'q".' C<i.' 5'",2 (K.'" .~, .., s, , ... >'. 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Quoit is 0~ for 30 daw fm,n :l;R..ct:::,4 67 ,,. ,, Your Single Source Provider for Emergency Vehicle Solutions 22349 E. La Palma Avenue #101 Yorba Linda, CA 92887 714/692-5690 714/692-9410 fax To: Steve Lewis Company: Tustin P.D. Fax # Regarding: Police Car Conversion QUOTE SHEET From: Date: Phone # Dan Walters November 12, 2002 Number of Pages sent including cover sheet Qty Breakdown with labor: Base Electrical Conversion I Main DC Power / Ground Electrical Buss I Dual Battery System (Stock & 1 Drycell) I Dual Battery Tsolation System I Key Tgnition Control System I Park Neutral Control System Emerqency Liqhtinq and Siren Packaqe I Code 3 MX7000 47" Lightbar per Spec. I Unitrol TM4 I Arrowstick Controller Tnstallation 2 Flashing Halogen Lights in Trunk (Amber & Blue) I Headlight Flasher and Relay Modifacation I Siren Speaker Mounted Behind grill Radios and Computers I Motorola Astro Radio Installation I Field Works Computer System Installation I Mobile Data Terminal Tnstallation 3 Antennas Installed I Eyewitness Video System Command Center Cabinets I Troy CC-C06 Center Console w/external Dual Bev. Holder I Troy Prisoner Cage per spec I Dual Gun Rack and Locks 4 Troy Face Plates to mount Radios and Siren Other Equipment I Go Rhino Push Bumper I Tnstallation of Eyewitness Video System I ADEC Rear Prisoner Seat I Radio Board and Pull out Tray in Trunk I Misc. Parts and Materials PARTS EACH EXT 200.00 162.95 55.00 45.00 50.00 1,303.00 555.00 55.00 65.00 165.00 200. 162. 55. 45. 50. 1,303. 555. O. 110. 65. 165. 32.00 O. O. O. 96. O. 305.00 369.00 125.00 32.00 305. 369. 125. 128. 155.00 0.00 375.00 165.00 150.00 155. O. 375. 165. 150. 00 95 00 00 00 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 I LABOR J EXTENSION HRS TOTAL TOTAL 4.0 220.00 420.00 3.0 165.00 327.95 1.0 55.00 110.00 0.5 27.50 72.50 0.5 27.50 77.50 4.0 220.00 1,523.00 3.0 165.00 720.00 1.0 55.00 55.00 2.0 110.00 220.00 1.5 82.50 147.50 1.5 82.50 247.50 4.0 220.00 220.00 5.0 275.00 275.00 4.0 220.00 220.00 3.0 165.00 261.00 5.0 275.00 275.00 2.0 110.00 415.00 3.0 165.00 534.00 1.0 55.00 180.00 1.0 55.00 183.00 1.0 55.00 210.00 3.0 165.00 165.00 2.0 110.00 485.00 2.0 110.00 275.00 0.0 0.00 150.00 SUBTOTALS SALES TAX (CS)= customer supplied TOTAL PRICES ARE PER VEHTCLE / ALL QUOTES ARE GOOD FOR 30 DAYS $4~578.95 58.0 $3r190.00 $7,768.95 $354.87 $8,123.82 k((((((( KUSTOM SIGNALS, INC. A SUBSIDIARY OF PUBLIC SAFETY EQUIPMENT, INC 9326 Pflumm, Lenexa KS 66215-3347 913-492-1400 Fax 913-492-1703 sales(~kustomsignals.com www.kustomsig nals.com Quotation Date 1/13/2003 To... LT. JAMES PEERY TUSTIN POLICE DEPT 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN CA 92680 Item Ot¥ Product Description Quote # 3010999113641 Terms Net 30 This Quote Expires on Phone 714-573-3200 Fax 714-730-8027 **CHP PRICING - BID NO 48956, PO NO 56337** 5 EYEWITNESS INDUSTRIAL GRADE IN CAR VIDEO SYSTEM: VAULT, PANASONIC INDUSTRIAL GRADE VHS RECORDER, SONY COLOR CAMERA WITH MOTORIZED 12:1 ZOOM, INTEGRATED OVERHEAD CONSOLE WITH COLOR MONITOR, AZDEN WIRELESS TRANSMITTER WITH MICROPHONE UNIT PRICE INCLUDES: IN CAR MIC, TONE CODED SQUELCH, FIRST AND SECOND YEAR WARRANTY, SHIPPING AND HANDLING 5 VARY WIRELESS TRANSMITTER'S F2 FREQUENCY 5 INSTALLATION - COMMUNICATIONS CENTER 1 CA SALES TAX AT 7.75% 3/5/2003 4294967295 of I Unit Price SubTotal 4,195.00 $20,975.00 Total 25.00 $125.00 250.00 $1,250.00 $0.00 $22,350.00 Signature Title Sales Representative Kustom Signals 9325 Pflumm Rd Lenexa KS 66215-1270 Toll Free 800-4KUSTOM (800-458-7866)