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05 CIP 700116 DEMO 11-04-96
AGEN NO. 5 11-4-96 DATE: NOVEMBER 4, 1996 TO- WIL~ A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DMSION _.._AWARD OF CONTRACT ~F0._R __THE DEMOLITION OF THE SUBJ~ ~: APARTMENTS, 1921-1951 EI. CAMINO REAL (CIP NO. 700116 DEMO) EL CAMINO .RECOMM~IDA~oN It is recommended that the Tustin City Council, at their meeting of November 4, 1996, award the contract for the demolition of the E1 C. amino Apartments, 1921-1951 El Camino Real, to Environmental Control Systems in the amount of $18,300.00. FISCAL IMPACT The apartment demolition project will be funded from the 1996-97 FY Capital Improvement Project (CIP) budget. BACKGROUND The project consists of the demolition and disposal of a !0 unit single-story apartment corn lex of three buildings, parkin lot trees and s .. . p consisting g , hrubs. Additionally, penmeter security fencing will be installed. As part of the El Camino Real Widening Project between Red Hill Avenue and east of Browning Avenue, the City purchased the property, provided relocation assistance to remaining tenants and completed the removal and disposal of asbestos from the vacant buildings. Four (4) bids were received on October 22, 1996 and are summarized as follows: Environmental Control Systems, Quail Valley .......................................... $18,300.00 Russell's Site Contracting, Inc., Placentia ...... · ' .............................................. $27,077.00 Viking Equipment, Glendale ..................................................... $29,700.00 J & G Industries, Inc., Fountain Valley ................................ ::::::::i::ii: $32,100.00 The low bid is 26.8% below the engineer's estimate of $25,000.00. The references and the Contractor's State License of Environmental Control Systems have been checked and are appropriate for the subject Tim D. Serlet(-/ Nestor Mondok Director of Public Works/City Engineer Assistant Civil Engineer Wisam Altowaiji Associate Civil Engineer z LUF- -~<~ O© qNN3A¥ DNINMOW8 , o NOJ. ONIfl~¥J ::lnN3AV lllH '(]:!~ 'WO 15¥'3 NL' S~]I