HomeMy WebLinkAbout17 ADM TRANSFERS 11-18-96NO. 17 11-18-96 Inter--Com DATE: November :!.2, 1996 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: ,. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Maureen Gallogly, Audit Committee Chair PROPOSED POLICY FOR ADMINISTRATIVE TRANSFERS suMMARy: The City Council requested that the Auditi"COm~n'ittee develop a permanent policy and procedures for. administ'ra~ive. transfers. The Committee has reviewed various methodOlogies with Staff and supports the use of indirect administrative- costs combined with direct service costs as discussed~in'~.this report. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a policy for administrative transfers between Funds to be based on indirect administrative costs and direct service costs as detailed in the attached sample calculation. DISCUSSION: The Audit Committee presented a lengthy Staff Report to the City Council at their meeting of September 16 regarding administrative transfers between the Water Enterprise and the General Fund. While the Committee did not find that past transfers were excessive or in violation of City policy or bond covenants, the recommendation was made to formalize the policy and procedures for inter-fund transfers moving forward. The City Council directed the Committee to further review the process and bring back a recommended procedure for future transfers. The Audit Committee reviewed several options and at their meeting on October 17, a motion was made and carried to recommend to the City Council a transfer policy that is a combination of indirect administrative costs and direct service costs. Indirect administrative costs are those costs that are borne by the organization but do not directly benefit direct service costs. This can be calculated as the ratio of general administrative expenses divided by total General Fund expenses. This ratio is applied against the total expenses of the Water Enterprise or the Redevelopment Agency to determine the indirect administrative burden. The direct service costs are those costs incurred by the General Fund when providing services directly to other Funds. The Committee recommends that a formal time keeping system be instated to document the direct service costs to be recovered. .o Attached are several schedules that show the various calculations and support documents used to determine the total amount subject to transfer for 1995-96. This 1995-96 calculation will be the basis of the 1996-97 transfer. The calculation will be retrospective. An estimate will be used for budget purpose~ but the actual transfer will be based~ on the calculation at the end of the previous year. Based on the Committee's research and discussions with the CitY's outside Auditors, the recommended procedures supported by time sheet accounting are a reasonable and defensible method of documenting the contributions made by the General Fund to the Water Enterprise and Redevelopment Agency. Audit Committee Chaib/ MG:ts Attachments RAN5: Proposa [. Nov 1995/96 Water Indirect Administration Cost Calculation 1995-96 Year End Expense for: City Council $83,464 City Clerk 291,380 City Attorney 173,808 City Manager 280,305 Finance 396,073 Personnel 278,728 Non- Department 134,542 $1,638,300 Total Gen Fund Exp. $1,638,300 $26,498,143 6.18% The indirect admin cost factor. Total Water Exp. of: $12,337,525 x 6.18% ='s $762,459 The indirect administraton cost. Indirect Admin. cost: Plus ServiceCosts: - Pub Wks Admin Pub Wks Facility Finance Personnel Total Subject to Transfer $762,459 $68,455 $7,5oo $122,154 $27,567 $988,135 1995/96 ADMINISTRATION COST ALLOCATION WORKSHEE-r NON- DEPT EXPENSE TOTAL EXPENSE AT YEAR END: '$.3,151,025 THE FOLLOWING ARE THE ONLY NON-DEPT ACCTS TO BE USED tN ADMIN COST ALLOCATION: 6415 Duplication Expense 6435 Postage 6445 Office Equip Maint 6510 Dept Supplies 8321 Reimbursable Costs 8330 Memberships/Subs 8360 Employee Recognition 9050 Employee Assistance 9215 City Memberships 9216 City Link - $47,861 43,655 3,726 2,498 1,200 856 4,O4O 8,41 3 20,583 1,71 0 '$134,542 Indirect Service Cost Calculation De,ot.: Pub Works Admin Hrs Per yr: 2,080 Less- Holidays 80 Gert Leave 135 Net Hours 1.865 No Em,os 3 Net Avail Hrs 5,595 Avail De,ot Detail: Time Hrs Dir 30.00% 1,865 Admin Asst 15.00% 1,865 Clerical 15.00% 1,865 Water Hrs 559.50 279.75 279.75 1,119.00 Per Cent of water hrs to avail hrs' 20.00% 95/96 PW Admin Expense: Indirect Service Cost $342,'274 2o.oo% $68,455 Indirect Service Cost Calculation Dept.: Finance Hrs Per yr: 2,080 Less: Holidays 80 Gen Leave 135 Net Hours 1,865 No Emps 7 Net Avail Hrs 13,055 Dept Detail: Time Dir 25.00% Asst Dir 25.00% Secretary 25.00% Sr Acct 50.00% Sr Acct CIk 20.00% Acct Clks (2) 10.00% Avail Hfs 1 865 1 865 1,865 1 865 1 865 1 865 Water Hrs 466.25 466.25 466.25 932.50 373.00 373.00 3,O77.25 Per Cent of water hrs 1o avail hrs: 23.57% 95/96 Finance Expense: Indirect Service Cost $518,227 23.57% $122,154 Basis: Dir-Est time for Budget,Customer serv, analysis, personnel,etc. Asst Dir-Est time water accounting, personnel, customer service, rate admin, etc. Secretary- Daily deposit, support admin tasks Sr Account-FirSt line water supervision, accting, capital accounting, etc Sr Acct Clks-Daily recipt varification, bank recon., NSF.'s, etc. Acct Clks-Accts payable based on wtr expenses all other expenses. Payroll based on total wtr personnel vs total ft personnel. DATE' AUGUST 5, 1996 Inter-Com TO: FROM' .,~) SUBJECT: RON NAULT, FINANCE DIRECTOR TIM D. SERLET, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER SUPPORT SERVICES PROVIDED TO THE WATER SERVICES DIVISION FROM ~ ADMINISTRATION, ENGINEERING, AND FIELD SERVICES DIVISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPAR'I3IENT The following represents services provide to the Water Division from the other Public Works Division: Set Division Policy/Standards Attend Inter-Agency meetings to represent City Review and Evaluate State, Federal and County Water Policies Direct Operating Budget Preparation Review and Approve Operating Budget for Submittal to Manager/Council Track Operating Budget - Purchases, Invoices Direct Budget Implementation/Budget Transfers Direct C.I.P. Program/7 Year Plan/Budget Review StaffReports Prepare Staff Reports Review Preliminary Designs Sign Improvement Plans Conduct Field Inspection on Capital Projects Provide Supervisory/Management Traifiing Provide Direction on Contract Administration Personnel Evaluation/Grievances Direct and Review RFP Process including Consultant Selection Repair Vehicles Contract Maintenance - Custodial, Pest Control, Fire Alarms, extinguishers, HVAC On an annualized basis this amounts to approximately the following percentage of work time: Direction Administrative Assistant 20-30% 10-15% Clerical Staff 10-15% Inspection FY 94/95 = 993 Insp. - FY 95/96 = 93 Insp Field Services Contract Maintenance Direct Billing from 4070 + 7500/YEAR TDS:cqt;Supl~ Services ~o Warn' DATE: SEPTEMBER 5, 1996 Inter-Com TO: FROM: SUBJECT: FILE~ RONAL~T, FINJLNCE DIRECTOR SERVICES PROVIDED TO THE WATER ENTERPRISE BY THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT FOR FISCAL 1995-96 Services provided by the Finance Department to the Water Enterprise: Administration of the Current System Rate Structure Supervision of Meter Reading and Service Billing Personnel Evaluations Preparation and Administration of Budget Capital Improvement Accounting and Monitoring Payroll Accounts Payable Bond Administration and Accounting All General Ledger Accounting Prepare and/or Review Staff Reports The approximate portion of time to provide these services: Administration - Director, Assistant Director 25% - Secretary 25 Supervision - Senior Accountant 50 General Ledger - Senior Account Clerks' 20 Payroll ' Account Clerk 10 · Accounts Payable - Account Clerk 10 RAN5: Servi cesl. Sep