HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 2 PKG RESTRICT'S 03-01-93DATE: MARCH 1, 1993 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER NEW BUSINESS N0. 2 3-1-93 1�Y U Inter -Com ��S�l� FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION CITIZEN REQUEST FOR MODIFICATIONS TO ON -STREET PARKING SUBJECT: RESTRICTIONS ALONG EL CAMINO REAL AND SIXTH STREET IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council, at their meeting of March 11 1993, modify parking along E1 Camino Real and Sixth Street in the downtown area, as shown in Figure 1, to include: 1. Removal of the existing two-hour time restricted parking limits along the east side of E1 Camino Real between Sixth Street and the driveway at 441-461 El Camino Real (Assistance League) . 2. Removal of the existing two-hour time restricted parking limits along the north side of Sixth Street between El Camino Real and the east property limit of the current vacant lot on the north-east corner of E1 Camino Real/Sixth Street. 3. Installation of signs in the aforementioned area above restricting any on -street parking from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. FISCAL IMPACT: This project would require the removal of four existing time - restricted parking signs and the installation of four modified time -restricting parking signs on the same mountings. The short- term City costs for this project would be approximately $70.00. The long-term fiscal impact would be associated with routine maintenance and replacement costs on an as -needed basis. BACKGROUND: At the February 1, 1993 City Council meeting, Mr. Dick Edgar, a resident of Tustin, requested that parking restrictions along the east side of E1 Camino Real between Sixth Street and the driveway at 441-461 El Camino Real adjacent to the existing vacant property be modified to allow a longer parking period, basically to accommodate parking for meetings of the Tustin Assistance League. This same issue was previously addressed by the City Council in August 1991. A copy of the August 5, 1991 City Council agenda item and the corresponding City Council minutes are attached for your information. At that time the City Council directed staff to install additional "Public Parking" directional signage to the parking structure on "C" Street and maintain existing parking restrictions in the area. On -Street Parking March 1, 1993 Page 2 DISCUSSION: The Engineering Division staff has conducted a parking study of the subject area as shown in Figure 1. The existing red curb markings on the north-east corner of El Camino Real and Sixth Street were installed to accommodate vehicle turning movements as -well as to provide corner sight visibility and should be maintained. It is noted that the property fronting the study area on E1 Camino Real and on Sixth Street is currently vacant. If the on -street parking restrictions were modified to allow longer parking periods, it is anticipated the adjacent land use impacts would be minimal due to the property being undeveloped along the subject street frontages at this time. The parking modification would accommodate the subject request for additional parking in this area. However, the parking situation should be re-evaluated in conjunction with redevelopment of the vacant property. The on -street parking restriction modifications should be consistent with the modifications made along Sixth Street in conjunction with the recent request from the Tustin Garage at the City Council meeting of November 2, 1992. Regarding this issue, the Council directed staff to remove the two-hour time restricted parking limits along the north and south sides of Sixth Street in the area of the Tustin Garage. Staff was also directed to install signs in the aforementioned area restricting any on -street parking from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. A copy of the December 7, 1992 Council minutes regarding this issue are attached for your information. CONCLUSION: Since the adjacent property along the frontages of E1 Camino Real and Sixth Street is currently vacant, it is anticipated that any parking modifications on the subject streets would minimally impact the adjacent land uses. Therefore, it is recommended that the City Council remove the current on -street parking restrictions on E1 Camino Real and Sixth Street in the subject area and implement on - street parking restrictions consistent with those installed for the Tustin Garage issue. RobertS. Ledendecker Director of Public Works/ City Engineer RSL:DA:parking Attachments Doug l s R. Anderson Transportation Engineer W *- W W C z H �px F * o*V(D°� J (n ZZJ Q Y u�3 U z C0cc cc w 2. c!}) z Q Q U � W (-�jAG E N DA__ q f Inter -Com �L DATE: JULY 23, 1991 sT TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: EL CAMINO REAL - DOWNTOWN PARKING SURVEY RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended for the City Council at their meeting of August 5, 1991, to direct staff to install additional "Public Parking" directional signage to the parking structure on "C" Street. BACKGROUND: At a meeting on May 20, 1991, the City Council requested staff to review the possibilities to provide additional public parking in the vicinity of the 400 block of E1 Camino Real. In particular, the request originated from the concerns of the Assistance League regarding available parking in the vicinity of their recently relocated operation at 441-461 E1 Camino Real. Council requested staff to investigate the following: 1. Modification to the time -zone parking along El Camino Real. 2. Use of the vacant parcel at 450 E1 Camino Real for public parking. 3. Installation of a stairway to the upper level of the parking structure located on "C" Street southerly of Main Street. After investigation from the staff and discussion of their findings, the City Council on June 17, 1991, requested staff to further investigate by polling the-Business/Property owners along E1 Camino Real between Main Street and Sixth Street to determine if they would. support a 4 hour time Zone for Parking. This is an increase over the existing 2 hour parking posted time limit. In response to the Council's request, staff directed the City's Traffic Engineering Consultant, BSI Consultants, Inc., to conduct the requested poll and to prepare a report in their findings including appropriate recommendations. A copy of BSI's report is attached for their information. DISCUSSION: In an investigation of the parking issue, a parking survey was taken of the local business owners/tenants and residents along the 400 block of E1 Camino Real between Main Street and 6th Street. A 89.2% response rate was acquired. The survey results showed that out of 33 respondents, 22 approved the increased time limit, 8 opposed, and 3 were indifferent. Although the majority results appear to favor the increase, it should be noted that most of the owners/tenants and residents in this block who supported the 4 hour increase have sufficient on-site parking for their purposes and that 11 of these 22 respondents admitted that the change would have little effect on them or their business because of this. Those opposed to the 4 hour increase had strong reasons for opposing such since they had little or no on-site parking. CONCLUSION: Based on the findings of the attached report, it is recommended that the City not increase the parking time limit and instead install additional directional signage, indicated by Exhibit 5 in the report, to direct public traffic to the parking structure on "C" Street. This parking facility appears to be adequate to serve the Assistance League in their monthly functions for parking overflow. The Assistance League of Tustin should also inform their employees, volunteers, and people where to park during -these i meetings by the use of a map for example. It s also recommended- that ecommendedthat the City of Tustin evaluate this solution after three months to see if the parking situation has been rectified. Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works/City Engineer BL: ccg:blsurvey Attachment CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4, 8-5-91 Recommendation: Approve Tentative Tract Map No. 14397 by adopting Resolution No. 91-103 as recommended by the Community Development Department. 13. SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET APPROPRIATION TO THE 1991-92 WATER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Recommendation: Authorize a budget appropriation to the 1991- 92 Water Service Capital Improvement Program in the amount of $220,000.00 from the Water Capital Improvement Fund for the acquisition of the Perfit Property located on the easterly side of Prospect Avenue between Main and Third Streets as recommended by the Public Works Department/Water Division. ITEM NO. 6 - BAIL SCHEDULE REVISION FOR TUSTIN CITY CODE In response to concerns raised by Ms. Taulaai, Councilmember Potts stated that one component of the Southwest Neighborhood Improvement Program included an improved bail schedule allowing certain City officials to issue citations for code violations. The establishment of the bail schedule would afford an expedient remedy of common code violations. It was moved by Potts. seconded by Edgar, to approve the Bail Schedule Revision to establish fines for certain violations of the Tustin City Code. Motion carried 5-0. ITEM NO. 9 - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR ANNUAL PERFORMANCE OF GRAFFITI ABATEMENT SERVICES Councilmember Potts noted that the graffiti abatement service was also intended to improve conditions of the Southwest Neighborhood area. It was moved by Potts. seconded by Edgar, to award the contract for annual performance of graffiti abatement services to Graffiti Removal, Inc., of Commerce, in the amount of $15,450. Motion carried 5-0. VIII. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION - None IB. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION - None X. OLD BUSINESS 1. EL CAMINO REAL - DOWNTOWN PARKING SURVEY Robert Ledendecker, Director of Public Works, reported the results of the E1 Camino Real downtown parking survey: approximately 89 percent responded; 22 of 33 responding parties favored 4 hour parking; from the 11 opposed to parking, 3 were indifferent and the remaining 8 were businesses that had limited on-site parking and felt any additional time zone would impact their businesses. Councilmember Edgar stated that there were no statistics in the report indicating a serious parking problem, nor had he noticed inadequate parking on E1 Camino Real. Council/staff discussion followed regarding Assistance League parking. It was moved by Pontious. seconded by Puckett, to direct staff to install additional "Public Parking" directional signage to the parking structure on "C" Street for a three month period. Councilmember Edgar stated he was opposed to the motion because he believed a portion of E1 Camino Real could have designated parking. Motion carried 4-1, Edgar opposed. CITY COUNCIL MINU'_. Page 4, 12-7-92 Ind Parcel Map 91-265, as submitted or revised, as recommended by the Community Development Department. 13. APPROVAL OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR COMPLETION OF RESIDENTIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES Recommendation: Approve subject Professional Services Agreement with Urban Design Studio in the amount of $25, 000.00 and authorize the Assistant City Manager to execute said agreement approved as to form by the City Attorney as recommended by the Community Development Department. 14. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR STREET RECONSTRUCTION/REHABILITATION ON MAIN STREET FROM PROSPECT AVENUE TO NEWPORT AVENUE - A FEDERALLY FUNDED PROJECT (DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PARTICIPATION 15%) - Recommendation: Award the contract for subject project to Camino Viejo Paving, Inc. of Laguna Hills, California, in the amount of $219,369.60 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. CONSENT CALENDAR NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - NOVEMBER 16, 1992 REGULAR MEETING Councilmember Saltarelli requested corrections to Item No. V, Public Input, to reflect speaker Cleo Cousineau as supporting a lease agreement with Villa Valencia Mobile Home Estates; and Item No. iX, Old Business, corrected to include his question as to whether the Articles of Incorporation filing fee/pre-paid tax would be refunded upon certification as a non-profit organization. It was moved by Saltarelli. seconded by Potts, to approve the City Council Minutes of November 16, 1992, as corrected. Motion carried 5-0. CONSENT CALENDAR NO. 2 - APPROVAL OF DEMANDS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL Councilmember Thomas stated he removed this item in error. It was moved by Thomas, seconded Potts, to approve Demands in the amount of $2,136,470.95 and ratify Payroll in the amount of $306,872.84. Motion carried 5-0. CONSENT CALENDAR NO. 11 - RECONFIRMATION OF CITY COUNCIL ACTIONS REGARDING MODIFICATIONS TO ON -STREET PARKING ALONG SIXTH STREET BETWEEN EL CAMINO REAL'AND 11C11 STREET Councilmember Puckett stated he was absent from the November 2, 1992 Council meeting when this item was discussed. He said that alteration of the red curbs and parking restrictions would eventually create similar citizen parking complaints as experienced in the past; therefore, he opposed the modifications to the on - street parking. Council/staff discussion followed regarding police enforcement procedures; and increasing no parking time restriction from 12:00 a.m. - 5 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. - 5:00 a.m. It was moved by Thomas. seconded by.Potts, to (1) Remove two-hour time restricted parking limits along the north and south sides of Sixth Street from E1 Camino Real westerly to the prolongation of the west property limit of the Tustin Garage, (2) Install signs in :.he aforementioned area above restricting any on -street parking from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., (3) Modify existing red curb markings to restore on -street parking along the north and south sides of Sixth Street adjacent to the northwest and southwest corners of the Sixth Street/E1 Camino Real intersection, and (4) Maintain the existing red curb markings located along the west side of E1 Camino Real north of Sixth Street. Motion carried 3-2, Puckett, Saltarelli opposed.