HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 2 PKG RESTRICTIONS 02-16-93OLD BUSINESS N0.2 2-16-93 Inter -Com ATE: FEBRUARY 16, 1993 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION REQUEST TO REMOVE PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON MYFORD ROAD AND SUBJECT: HERITAGE WAY (ARCADA CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT -EAST TUSTIN TRACT NO. 13096) RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the City Council, at their meeting of February 16, 1993, deny the request to remove parking restrictions on Myford Road and Heritage Way adjacent to the Arcada Development, and maintain the existing parking prohibitions on Myford Road between Bryan Avenue and Heritage Way and on Heritage Way between Myford Road and Bryan Avenue. BACKGROUND: At the City Council meeting on December 21, 1992, the Council considered an item entitled, "Request to Remove Parking Restrictions on Myford Road and Heritage Way". A copy of the noted agenda item is attached for your information. After considerable discussion of the item, the Council directed staff to conduct an internal study to consider easing parking restrictions on Myford Road and Heritage Way. DISCUSSION: The Engineering Division staff has prepared a traffic evaluation study investigating the possibility of allowing on -street parking on Myford Road between Bryan Avenue and Heritage Way and on Heritage Way between Myford Road and Bryan Avenue. A copy of the study is attached for your information. Based upon the study, it has been determined that on -street parking should not be allowed on Heritage Way since this would compromise traffic safety on the street by further impeding already limited vehicular visibility and would also preclude the future addition of .planned bicycle lanes on Heritage Way. It has also been determined that any attempt to modify the street striping on Myford Road to provide on -street parking would require the relocation of traffic signal loop detectors and re-signing the area to reflect the changes. It would also preclude the implementation of a left -turn pocket for accessing the future development on the site to the west side of Myford Road opposite the Arcada Development (currently designated a potential Elementary School site), - and would eliminate the existing left -turn median area, thereby increasing the City's liability exposure by creating a possible increased potential for rear -end type of accidents. Based upon the study, it is concluded that the overall citywide traveling public is best served by maintaining the current parkins restrictions on Myford Road and Heritage Way. Robert t. Ledendecker Director of Public Works/ City Engineer Attachments RSL:DA:arcadal l ,0� Douglas R. Anderson Transportation Engineer h , , A G E D A c4i -9 _ Inter -Com D,� - DECEMBER 21, 1992 :�wsv� TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER =ROM: ROBERT S. LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER REQUEST TO REMOVE PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON MYFORD ROAD AND SUBJECT: HERITAGE WAY (ARCADA CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT -EAST TUSTIN TRACT NO. 13096) RECOMMENDATIONS: Pleasure of the City Council. BACKGROUND: The City has.received a letter dated November 12, 1992 from the Arcada Community Association and two letters and a petition dated. November 23, 1992 and November 30, 1992 from Mr. James C. Barnes, a resident of the Arcada Development, regarding the noted subject. Copies of the three letters and the petition are attached for your information. The Arcada Development is located in the East Tustin area and is bordered by Myford Road, Heritage Way, and Bryan Avenue. Currently, parking is prohibited on all of the aforementioned streets. When built -out the Arcada Condominium Development will contain 240 condominium residences. DISCUSSION: It has been noted that the attached.petition was not submitted by the Arcada Community Association and that it contains signatures from duplicate addresses. If the Council so directs, the City's Traffic Engineering Section will coordinate a study of the subject request and investigate the feasibility of removing parking restrictions on Myford Road and Heritage Way. It should be noted that there are several other developments within the East Tustin area• that may experience similar situations and any relaxation of on -street parking in this area may set a precedence for the EastTus}in Community., The Engineering Division will require outside consultant assistance to fully prepare such a study. However, funding for such types of studies have not been included in the current Engineering Division budget. obert S: Ledendecker Doug kas R. Anderson Director of Public Works/City Engineer Transportation Engineer Attachmcnts RSL: DA:ARCADA 1 ARCADA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION November 12, 1992 Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works City of Tustin 15222 Del Amo Avenue Tustin, CA 92680 RE: ARCADA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION MYFORD & BRYAN, TUSTIN Dear Mr. Ledendecker, 1. . NN 161M ,TUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPT., Per your telephone conversation of October 22, 1992 with Jack Caswell, President of the Board of Directors of the above referenced association, please accept this as a request for the Council's consideration of allowing parking along Heritage. I am sure you are aware from your. conversation with Mr. Caswell of our existing parking problem -in that each resident within Arcada has two (2) assigned parking spaces, and for the 237 residents (at build -out) there will be a. total of 95 guest parking spaces, including two (2) handicap spaces. We* have requested that residents register their vehicles with the Association and in reviewing this information, find that many residents have grown children or other situations which have resulted in three or four vehicles per .unit. Based on the registration information, we expect that we will have 500-60.0 vehicles belonging to residents trying to park within their own community, not to mention visitors and guests. As you can see, this. severely limits the spaces for the. parking of a third or fourth owned car, or a visitor's vehicle. Even if residents utilized the guest parking areas, there will still be a drastic shortage of spaces, thereby forcing residents and their guests to park on city streets in other neighborhoods. The Board of Directors of this Association has spent countless hours in meetings and research in an effort to resolve the parking problem within their community. The Board has been attacked by residents who have more than two vehicles and have no place to park them, as well as hearing from unhappy residents who have visitors over with no place to park. c% Action Property Management, Inc. 701 S. Parker Street, Suite 1600, Orange, California 92668 (714) 285-2600 1 DEC 41992 November 30, 1992 Leslie Pontius, Mayor City of Tustin 15222 Del Amo Tustin, CA 92680 Dear Mayor Pontius, I recently mailed you a petition signed by me and a number of my neighbors asking for relief from the No Parking restrictions on Myford*Road or Heritage Way, adjacent to the Arcada Community. In support of our petition I would like to point out that there are two vehicle code statutes, section 22507 and section 22507.5 which provides local authorities the right to grant special parking privileges to residents of communities such as Arcada who reside in "high density, multiple family dwelling areas or similar areas lacking adequate off street parking facilities." Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely, ames acnes 13374 Savanna Tustin, CA 92680 Telephone # 714-731-2774 evenings 714-724-5492 days DATE SIGNATURE ADDRESS TELEPHONE # lam� � a Ird ALA' awu WWI Wil tv, W-,� ff/e,64 MIA 5505C/rb DATE io 7 -9s - G 11 7 : ///7 ///-7 I/ Z7 11 It SIGNATURE ADDRESS TELEPHONE # !-x4z rLla, a - Yle • 573 . ,6,c2 3 �33�3 5505C/rb axXknnCk �,.3-7 J "2� 7 l 15�-S�v ,v.4 s r- r' ,-r, ,j 73I- 7o 38 193 �Q.v .Yn •�. u s �i 7 ��/ u- - VOL YJ GtL,,,nS�VAwti'!� /,o A �VM ko, SSW 4-nna-- -T ski✓ ii h 4q-2 -To (-a,N4- t3-�, 5505C/rb Tustin City Council Leslie Pontius, Mayor Jim Potts, Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Saltarelli Jeffrey Thomas Charles Puckett 15222 Del Amo Tustin, California 92680 PETITION TO REMOVE PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON MYFORD ROAD The residents of the Arcada community are facing a great hardship due to a lack of adequate parking in the development. Nearly every unit in the development has at least two adults who each have a vehicle, and many have three vehicles. Due to the number of residents who own vehicles, it has become necessary for some residents to use the parking designated for guests. As a result, the guest parking has effectively been eliminated, and, in many instances, the only alternative is for people to park illegally in the fire lanes which are painted red. Because of this situation, the undersigned residents petition the Tustin City Council to remove the restriction on parking on Myford Road, between Heritage and Bryan Road. Myford Road is sixty feet wide and there is ample room to safely permit street parking. We request that Myford Road be restriped with a double yellow center line, eliminating the painted divider, with a left turn pocket for traffic turning into Arcada from westbound Myford. Such a configuration would permit a ten foot lane on each side of the double line,. and a second lane of twenty feet, including the parking lane. The undersigned residents feel the present restriction on parking on Myford Road is creating an arbitrary and unnecessary hardship on the residents of the Arcada conur.unity. We respectfully request your assistance in this matter and request this change be made as soon as possible. 5505C/rb 3 01992 A { November 23, 1992 Leslie Pontius, Mayor City of Tustin - 15222 Del Amo Tustin, California 92680 Dear Mayor Pontius: Attached is a petition seeking relief from a problem of great concern to residents of the Arcada community. My neighbors and I feel the city should grant some relief in this matter since we believe the city is partially responsible for approving the Arcada development without adequate provisions for parking. Approximately ninety percent of the residents who were asked signed the petition: -A few persons who did not sign the petition were concerned that no restrictions on street parking would being people from outside the community to use the Laurel Glen park across the street from Arcada. If the city does not want to have unrestricted parking on Myford Road or Heritage Way, I would ask that permit parking be considered. The city could sell parking permits to residents, as other cities have done, and -either Myford Road or Heritage Way could be posted "NO PARKING EXCEPT BY PERMIT". .If the city charged $10 or .$15 per month for a parking permit, this would greatly alleviate our problem. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Any correspondence regarding this matter should be directed to me. I can be contacted a` 714-724-5492 days, and 714-731-2774 evenings. Sincerely, ames C. Ba nes 13374 Savanna Tustin, CA 92680 6429A/rb Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works November 12, 1992 Page two We are requesting that parking be permitted along Heritage from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. seven days per week. This would greatly benefit the members of this association and ease the parking problem within the community. We would appreciate you hand -carrying this request to the City Council with a request that this matter be placed on the agenda for the earliest possible meeting. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or need further information. Sincerely, For the Board of Directors )0 Jack Caswell, President Arcada Community Association cc: Board of Directors Residents/Homeowners of Arcada 22507 --8-- Div:• iV. 11 unit of the state ' ($) In areas within one mile of the boundary of any e • �* 17,1. • �" k system which the county health officer has determined are areas would result if camping were e No. o,atxr 8, 1967. � re a substantial public health hazard kation of such e November 10. 1969- •. ' artment of Transpo ve MAY 3, 19M •� ::owed. upon notification of the Dep .rmination by the county health officer. Ing :aete(b) No person shall stop. Park- or leave standing any vehicle in violation by ordinance permit angle Parking on ate%• of the restrictions stated on the signs or markings- by on one-Wayroadways of divided highwa 1 to any of the following: ration. Ye 3's:� This section does not apply ve with respect to any state highway uat11. (i) public utility vehicles while performing a work ope submitted to and approved in writing. ~' 2) The driver of any vehicle which is disabled in such e manner and the > ( h e to avoid stopping. parking, an.se► 1972 :+ tach an extent that it is imposa't : disabled vehicle standing on the roadway. yr Janaary 1. 1975. Amended Ch. SM. State. 14.)63. Effective September 20.1969• )r Vehicle Parking Regulations . - - ended (�, bib. Stats. 1970. ESOctive November2937.f1970. Amended Ch. 52. Stats. 1974. Effective January 1 i� 1986. ny other provision of this code, any 1 amended Ch. 912. Stab. 1985. Effective January or resolution, establish special parking' y , f waded C:h. 4". State- IM Etf°ctive January I. 1�' Standing, or three-wheeledLocalmotor vehicles. •' M' �l Regulation of State Highway StoPP in g' tive• arch ,tember 19M Parking ..ce may by ordinance or resolution prohibit or • School Bus Stops 22506. Local authorities or king of vehicles on a state highway, in 9' `restrict the stopping, standing. P� ay in unincorporated areas no person shall their res 've jurisdictions, if the ordinance or resolution is first submitted whether attended or unattended;b the Department of �amPo�tion' except ;: th P� zticaLb e to stop, park, or leave the vehicle offIn state highway is delegatedthe Department . that wh approved maintenance of any ms also degate to the city the. in every event an unobstructed width of the of Transportation to a city. the departmentY dcle shall be left for the free passage of other ' wers ooderred on the department. = stopped vehicle shall be available from a Po Amend Ch. �. State. 1974. Effective Januar' 1. 197& _ction upon the highway. This section sal , Amended Ch. 465. Stab• 19�. Effe1�"'e Jan"" ry '- 1� the roadway is bounded by adjacen u/atlons pPly to the driver of any vehicle which is Local Reg by ordinance or resolution, prohibit or to,�h extent that it is impossible to avoid 2250?. Isocal authorities may, of vehicles, including+ but not • parking, .or standing height (including any load. IF '.lsabled vehicle on the roadway. .. restrict the stopping. t+ ,erring board of a school district, it is limited to, vehicles which are sf cetersecectso on oetor sways; - -13 being transported to and from schools to thereon) within 100 feet of say hours of the day. The ordinance or place where there is not a clear view of the or portions thereof, during all or certain streets upon which in each direction along the highway, such • resolution may include a designation of certain is adjacent California Highway,, referential parking privileges am given to residents and m' a a8n which � with the approval of thep er .sportation, in respect to state highways, and to the streets for their use and the use of their guests, which exempt ighways under their jurisdiction, shall place residents and mercihan is may be issued a permit or Pe resolution- motorists that .- them from the prohibition or'restriction of the ordinance n shall apply until ,ray to give adequate notice to no such ordinance or stops. the exception of alleys, to notice thereof have been placed. A local ,sive September 16. 1961. signs or markings giving adequa Pure to this section may contain !6" January 1.1975. ordinance or resolution adopted p to ensure the effectiveness of king on State Highway Segments provisions which m reasonable .and necessary :t ofT�ransporLation with respect to highways a pane de Parking September 20.19M. Amended Ch.1070. State. Efective Sia' signs or markings prohibiting or restricting Amended Ch. 541. Stat L 1969 - not Novemberi 01 ung of vehicles. including, but not limited tri," Amended Ch.1102. sc.0-1976. Ett«eirc Jnuar1. 198L 'State. 1980. Ef%etivc January 1� 1985. :ore in Height (including any load thereon), in `. A=ended Ch.191. Stats. 1984.1;;f�ve January under the following conditions: Amended Ch. 912. State.198b. Effective January 1.1986. opinion, stopping, standing, or parking it Amen3rd Ch. 465, State. 1997. Effective January 1.1988. :highway or where the stopping, standing, or', sly interfere with the free movement of traffic' mile of the boundary of any unit of the state ; of Conservation has determined are unusually tification of the Department of Transportation hrector of Conservation. § 22507.2 —590— Div. 11: r iv. 11 -building local ., or structure Permit Parking: Private Driveway 5- urpose of delivering ma.�_z-te 22607.2. Notwithstanding subdivision • (e) of Section 22600, a local' , . authority may. by ordinance, authorize the owner or lessee of property to -1.. modeling, or reconstruction "building permit has previously be park a vehicle in front of the owner's or lessee's private driveway when the .` • shall be effective until the stret signposted in accordance with i vehicle displays a permit issued pursuant to the ordinance authorizing such the Department of T7ransportai parking. The local authority may charge a nonrefundable fee to defray the costs of posted in a conspicuous place at than 17 inches by 22 inches in F issuing.snd administering. the permits. A local ordinarice adopted pursuant to this section may not authorize ' height, setting forth the day of "entrance parking on a sidewalk in violation of subdivision (f) of Section 22500. used in this section, streets comprising an area of res Added Ch. 168. Stata. 1980. Effective June 11. 1980 by terms of an urgency clause. Amended Ch. 219. Stats. 1984. Effective June 20. 1984, by terms of an urgency clause. - ,on the same day or days and Amended Ch. 46. Stats. 1985. Effective January 1. 1986. subject to such a parking restr . Local Parking Regulations different days and hours. �'d Ch. 391. Stata. 1980• Effectiv. 22507.6. (a) NotwithstandingSection 22507. local authorities may, by Y Amended Ch. 486. Swta.1982- EBec ordinance or resolution, prohibit or restrict the parking or standing of vehicles on certain streets or highways, or portions thereof, between the Parking in Spaces for the D hours of 2 am. and 6 am., and may, by ordinance or resolution, prohibit or 22607.8. (A) It is unlawful restrict the parking or standing, on any street, or portion thereof, in a ; vehicle in a stall or space des • residential district, of commercial vehicles having a manufscumves gross - veterans pursuant to Section 22 vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or more. The ordinance or resolution , either a distinguishing license l relating to parking between the hours of 2 am. and 6 am. may provide for a .22511-6. aystem of permits for the purpose of exempting from the proiu'bition or (B) It is unlawful for any 1 restriction of the ordinance or resolution handicapped persons and residents access to those parking stalls or of high-density, multiple-family dwelling areas or similar areas lacking . (C) It is unlawful for -any pt adequate offstreet parking facilities. The ordinance or resolution relating to including a vehicle displaying the parking or standing of commercial vehicles in a residential district, issued pursuant to Section 225. however, shall not be effective with respect to any commercial vehicle ' (1) On the lines marking t making pickups or deliveries of goods, wares, and merchandise from or to . designated for disabled pernow any building or structure located on the restricted streets or highways or for . (2) In any area of the L the purpose of delivering materials to be used in the actual and bona fide :' that is marked by cross A( repair, alteration, remodeling, or construction of any building or structure loading and unloading of vehic) upon the restricted streets or highways for which a building permit has (D) Subdivisions (a). (b) an previously been obtained. owned or operated by the state (b) Subdivision (a) of this section is applicable to vehicles specified in - or operated by a local authorit subdivision (a) of Section 31303, except that no ordinance or resolution any privately owned and main, - adopted pursuant to subdivision (a) of this section may permit the parking papeated and Added Ch. 3W• Stata Amended Ch. 303' state' 1990' Etfe of those vehicles which is otherwise prohibited under this code. ' (c) For the purpose of implementing this section, each local authority Local Authority: Enforcem( may, by ordinance, define the term 'residential district' in accordance with , 22507.9. Local authorities its zoning ordinance. The ordinance shall not be effective unless the legislative ; the sole purpose of providing t body of the local authority holds a public hearing on the proposed ordinance ' local ordinances and resolutic-, ' prior to its adoption, with notice of the public hearing given in accordance raj authorities may estal with Section 65090 of. the Government Code. .which encourage and enable Added CL 641, States. 1969. Ef:edive November 10, 1969. Amended Ch. 1213, Stats. 1976. E owtive January 1. 1976 _ these special enforcement unit Members of the special er, Amended Ch. 37. Stats. 1976. Effective March 9. 191/6, by terms of sr. urgency cause. Amended Ch. 349. Stats. 1987. E:Tective January 1, 1988. violation pursuant to Sectio Amended Ch. M. Stats. 1989. Eff"ve January 1.1990. jxg] ordinances adopted pL: Local Regulations: Street Sweeping; Commercial Vehicles ;. special enforcement unit aha 22507.6. Local authorities may, by ordinance or resolution, prohibit or se of thei an'�r in the badges uniforms and badges while on restrict the parking or standing of vehicles on designated streets or highways, • ; police frequencies or citizens , or portions thereof, for the purpose of street sweeping. No ordinance or , ' each member of the special en resolution relating to the parking or standing of commercial vehicles in a residential district shall be effective with respect to any commercial vehicle making pickups or deliveries of goods, wares, or merchandise from or to any r;;. TRAFFIC EVALUATION STUDY: THE IMPACTS OF REMOVING ON -STREET PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON MYFORD ROAD AND HERITAGE WAY FE ilo. TR 1491 rn � Exp. If lipAFf� i t OF CAL��O� PREPARED BY: CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION FEBRUARY 1993 SUBJECT AND RECONM1ENDED ACTION: The City Council of the City of Tustin, at their meeting of December 21, 1992, directed staff to prepare an internal study to consider easing parking restrictions on Myford Road and Heritage Way in the East Tustin area of the City. The study prepared by. the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department evaluated the possibility of allowing on -street parking on Myford Road between Bryan Avenue and Heritage Way as well as on Heritage Way between Myford Road and Bryan Avenue. The study indicates that based evaluation, it is recommended existing parking prohibitions on upon the subject traffic study the City Council maintain the both subject streets. STATEMENT OF ISSUES OR PROBLEMS: The City has received a letter dated November 12, 1992 from the Arcada Community Association and three letters and a petition dated November 23, 1992, November 30, 1992, and December 24, 1992, from Mr. James C. Barnes, a resident of the Arcada Development, requesting removal of parking restrictions along Myford Road between Bryan Avenue and Heritage Way, and along Heritage Way between Bryan Avenue and Myford Road. The aforementioned correspondence claims that due to the lack of adequate parking within the Arcada Condominium Development (East Tustin Tract No. 13096) the residents are forced to use the available guest parking within the development and may ultimately be forced to park on City streets in other neighborhoods. Certain Arcada residents have requested that parking be permitted along Heritage Way from Myford Road to Bryan Avenue between the hours of 5:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M. Also, these residents have requested that Myford Road be restriped between Bryan Avenue and Heritage Way with a double -yellow centerline, eliminating the painted median, and thereby allowing on -street parking on Myford Road. The correspondence also suggest that the subject streets could be posted for permit parking only, with permits being issued to the Arcada Community Association residents. The correspondence from the aforementioned residents of the Arcada Community Association is included in Appendix A of this report. IN MODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: The Arcada Development is located in the East Tustin area of the City and is bordered by Myford Road, Heritage Way, and Bryan Avenue _._ as shown in Figure I. In accordance with the East Tustin Specific Plan, on -street parking is currently prohibited on the public streets bordering the Arcada Development, as well as all other public streets in the East Tustin Specific Plan area. The Arcada Development project was approved in May 1988 by City of Tustin Planning Commission Resolution No. 2498. According to Resolution No. 2498, the site was approved with a zoning designation of Medium High Density Residential which is consistent with the planned land uses in the East Tustin Specific Plan. A copy of Resolution No. 2498 and the Conditions of Approval for this project have been provided in Appendix B of this report. It was determined during the planning and review process for this site that the number of on-site parking spaces provided for this project was adequate for the approved site plan. Resolution No. 2498 established that on-site parking conditions for the site shall provide for 474 parking spaces permanently and irrevocably assigned to the individual condominium units at the rate specified in the East Tustin Specific Plan. Also, an additional 95 guest parking spaces were to be established and designated. guest parking only. When the Arcada Condominium Development is completely built -out it will contain 240 condominium residences. It is anticipated that with project built -out, all of the on-site parking requirements will be in compliance with the Conditions of Approval for this site. In the Conditions of Approval, it states that on -street parking shall not be permitted on Heritage Way. Furthermore, it indicates that parking is not permitted on Myford Road subject to final approval of the City Engineer. Consistent with the Conditions of Approval for this project as well as with the East Tustin Specific Plan, parking is currently prohibited on Heritage Way, Myford Road, and Bryan Avenue throughout the East Tustin area. Pursuant to City Council direction, this study will evaluate and re -analyze the issue of on -street parking on Myford Road and Heritage Way within the limits requested by the noted residents of the Arcada Development. DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS: Parking On Heritage Way Heritage Way is currently constructed as a two-lane undivided local collector street with a right-of-way width of 60 -feet and curb to curb pavement width of 40 -feet. The 20 -foot half -street section would accommodate a 12 -foot travel lane and an 8 -foot parking lane 2 m z D z m mn m -� 7 M.,-< Z 0 Gi ' 0-1 C, M �D� C: �Z m z C CO or bicycle lane. Parking along both sides of Heritage Way between Myf'ord Road and Bryan Avenue is currently prohibited, which is consistent with the parking provisions in the East Tustin Specific Plan. This section of Heritage Way includes a 550 -foot radius horizontal curve section from Myford Road to the Arcada Development access street of Descanso as shown in Figure 2. Since vehicular visibility is severely limited on the west side of Heritage Way within the curved section adjacent to the Arcada Development, parking would normally be prohibited from the aspect of traffic safety. This concern was previously expressed by the Public Works Department during the City's Planning Commission meeting of May 23, 1988 regarding this site. In the noted Planning Commission report, the Public Works Department identified several vehicular visibility limitations on Heritage Way and recommended that a sidewalk not be provided along the west side of Heritage Way to help prevent mid -block pedestrian crossings in this area. A copy of the applicable section from the May 23, 1988 Planning Commission report is included in Appendix C of this study. From a vehicular visibility aspect, parking could be allowed on the east side of Heritage Way adjacent to the Estancia Development. However, since this is a public street, there is no guarantee that residents from the Arcada Development would get a parking space. Community concern has been expressed in a letter (Appendix D) from an East Tustin resident that points out among other things, the disparity of allowing on -street parking exclusively for one community and not for others. Staff has also reviewed the possibility of parking along the west side of Heritage Way between Descanso and Bryan Avenue as shown on Figure 3. Based upon a sight distance evaluation of the access to the Arcada Development at Descanso, it was found that adequate visibility requirements for the safe traffic movements at this location would be severely compromised if on -street parking were allowed. Figure 3 also depicts the line -of -sight requirements at the Descanso/Heritage Way intersection. In reviewing the City's future bikeways plans, it is indicated that . both sides of Heritage Way are planned for on -street Class II bikeways to complete the link from Parkcenter Lane to Bryan Avenue The current half -street configuration readily accommodates a travel lane and a bicycle lane without on -street parking. The installation of combination parking lanes and bicycle lanes is not recommended nor is it practiced by the City at this time. Based upon the previous discussion, allowing any type of parking on Heritage Way, including permit -only parking, would adversely impact the necessary sight distance requirements to safely negotiate traffic movements at the Descanso access, would further hamper vehicular visibility of drivers on the street, and may cause claims of disparity among residents of other communities within the East 4 _ S s �• i 4 i z' �� i tt ��pp t is � t � • fl� f if i i• z i ` ,Z . i. . • a: •' t o' c � EF' � 2 r : • it fz f t � � _ � ii• •� ra �� i {li. {� 7+a i � ��� t•>! ! 1! z 'abs of a` gF•f`fi�a �• • tiz.l� f H ���.;:Izz za� f= ia e zt = •; i •� jf i ,a { a U 9.0, 40 16. '- � s= �Z is • ■ ! . � � �� si it , t I Wo t. I ff s�i'j t i [ ! i i I�?i •f �i 7 ���. i ll''S ,L ke, it's -it - Figure 2 7>1 IJ JK :0 or ,'1 op—• `_ _ �• •' •� Uj �. gg�� IVA W = ��� \ ;', = T i ' _ = of - - - �♦ IL W m L 1 tv •' , 1't_ � �' 't n�.7—� � �►J � ' - "'1 � I� _. .� jam.[ i_�..� }_' tl 1 Z I OSNV�S3a . !?' Q itl f Illi CC1 •�- r z tJ�1t .�— v6:3Z��-� � 3nN3Ad -• ,� --- ' __ 1 .� ~ �r=�_ ._• ___. =-Ir.= �j m� -- .sem-�---�-sr-_rss`�sc=.--�/—r= _ —_ter. .= � �. r' .«»+,A i w a w ens 3N«111 gv x -1e 13a• G� C • 1 ca BRYAN AVENUE . 5 � N i 01 O 1 � 7 'r1 m x Z -o a Z M mo Z CD � a Z Z -O O o -+ Z a � -0 C, o �z O '{ m Z z so Tustin area. Parking On Myford Road Myford Road is currently constructed as a four -lane secondary arterial roadway with a painted median between Bryan Avenue and Irvine Boulevard, which is consistent with its master planned status. Also, consistent with the East Tustin Specific Plan, parking is currently prohibited along both sides of Myford Road. Within the 80 -foot right-of-way on Myford Road, the 64 -foot pavement section includes a twelve -foot painted median, two twelve - foot travel lanes adjacent to the median, and two fourteen -foot travel lanes adjacent to the street curbs. The painted street median serves as a refuge area for vehicles negotiating left -turn movements into and out of the Arcada Development at Greco. Figure 4 represents the current street striping on Myford Road between Bryan Avenue and Heritage Way. Sight distance concerns for vehicles exiting the Arcada Development at Greco were evaluated and are shown in Figure .4. From this analysis it can be seen that parking must be prohibited along the east side of Myford Road adjacent to the Arcada Development due to the existing curb' lane width of fourteen -feet, which will only accommodate a through travel lane. Sight distance requirements were also evaluated for Myford Road based upon a modified striping plan which assumes parking on the east side of Myford Road next to the Arcada Development. To allow parking in this area would require a minimum 20 -foot curb lane along the east side of Myford Road. To accommodate a 20 -foot curb lane would require the removal of the painted median and a total restriping of the street to reflect a single double -yellow centerline with travel lanes as shown in Figure 5. To restripe Myford Road in this area with only a centerline double - yellow stripe will eliminate the possibility of implementing a northbound left -turn pocket for access into a future development on the west side of Myford Road opposite the Arcada Development (this is currently designated a potential Elementary School site). Additionally,. modified striping on Myford Road would necessitate the relocation of traffic signal loop detectors to accommodate the modified travel lanes as well as re-signing the area to reflect the changes. Also, the left -turn refuge area currently within the painted median would be eliminated, forcing southbound left -turning traffic to stop in the fast lane of traffic to access the Arcada Development at Greco. The elimination of the median left -turn refuge area would subject the public to a potential safety hazard and could increase the frequency of rear -end type of accidents. Based upon the evaluation of sight distance for the modified striping plan, approximately five vehicles could be allowed to park on the east side of Myford Road as shown in Figure 5. 7 1LU z w m z~ CO (L Do oz f- w Uz z W 00 Q m A � U. c Z E O �. 0 O F— D U F— z C U O Q U z Y Zcc _ a `O >`• x W O U s s e 00 r m 2 c m �e T r z w zcc ~ vi CL � o .wz o ~ w Uz z wi LLI 0Z�. ZQ m F U F- W � W CO F- �Z Z ca CC LL, mo LL 0 Q c J V5O LL. Q W Z cc �.. 7 t t 1 It is anticipated that as the East Tustin area grows and develops, Myford Road will be more heavily used as an alternative route to Jamboree Road and Tustin Ranch Road as was originally planned in the East Tustin Specif is Plan. There also exist the future possibility of a Myford Road overcrossing at the I-5 Freeway. This would provide another north -south arterial accessing the southeastern part of the City. The overcrossing possibility is currently being investigated as part of the General Plan Circulation Element Update. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOAMENDATIONS: Both Myford Road and Heritage Way are constructed to their ultimate master planned status consistent with the East Tustin Specific Plan. On -street parking is currently prohibited on both subject streets and on -street bicycle lanes are planned for both sides of Heritage Way in the near future. At this time, to allow parking on Heritage Way between Bryan Avenue and Myford Road would compromise traffic safety by impeding vehicular sight distance and would also preclude the future addition of planned bicycle lanes. Any attempt at this time to modify the street striping on Myford Road to allow on -street parking could preclude future opportunities to provide left -turn pockets for left -turning vehicles into the Arcada Development as well as future access into the site across from the Arcada Development on the west side of Myford Road, which is currently designated as a potential Elementary School site. It would be expected that the restriping of Myford Road would increase the City's liability exposure by removing the left -turn median area and creating a possible increased potential for year- end type of accidents. Based upon the information presented within the subject traffic evaluation study, it is recommended by the City's Engineering Division that the City Council maintain the existing parking prohibitions on both Heritage Way between Bryan Avenue and Myford Road and on Myford Road between Bryan Avenue and Heritage Way. 10 APPENDIX A 11 ARCADA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION November 12, 1992 Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works City of Tustin 15222 Del Amo Avenue Tustin, CA 92680 RE: ARCADA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION MYFORD & BRYAN, TUSTIN Dear Mr. Ledendecker, �!"' Ma► � s �s2 TUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS D EPT.1 Per your telephone conversation of October 22, 1992 with Jack Caswell,. President of the Board of Directors of the above referenced association, please accept this as a request for the Council's consideration of allowing parking along Heritage. I am sure you are aware from your conversation with Mr. Caswell of --our existing parking problem -in that each resident within Arcada gas two (2) assigned parking spaces, and for the 237 residents (at. build -out) there will be a total of 95 guest parking spaces, including two (2) handicap spaces. We have requested that residents register their vehicles with the Association and in reviewing this information, find that many residents have grown children or other situations which have resulted in three or four vehicles per unit. Based on the registration information, we expect that we will have 500-600 vehicles belonging to residents trying to park within their own community, not to mention visitors and guests. As you can see, this severely limits the spaces for the parking of a third or fourth owned car, or a visitor's vehicle. Even if residents utilized the guest parking areas, there will still be a drastic shortage of spaces, thereby forcing residents and their guests to park on city streets in other neighborhoods. The Board of Directors of this Association has spent countless hours in meetings and research in an effort to resolve the parking problem within their community. The Board has been attacked by residents who have more than two vehicles and have no place to park them, as well as hearing from unhappy residents who have visitors over with no place to park. e% Action Propeny Management, Inc. 701 S. Parker Street, Suite 1600, Orange, California 92668 (714) 285-2600 1_ Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works November 12, 1992 Page two We are requesting that parking be permitted along Heritage from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. seven days per week. This would greatly benefit the members of this association and ease the parking problem within the community. We would appreciate you hand -carrying this request to the City Council with a request that this matter be placed on the agenda for the earliest possible meeting. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or need further information. sincerely, For the Board of Directors aG . Jack Caswell, President Arcada Community Association cc: Board of Directors Residents/Homeowners of Arcada 13 t NOV 3 01992 November 23, 1992 Leslie Pontius, Mayor City of Tustin 15222 Del Amo Tustin, California 92680 Dear Mayor Pontius: Attached is a petition seeking relief from a problem of great concern to residents of the Arcada community. - My neighbors and I feel the city should.grant some relief in this matter since we believe the city is developmentlally without responsible for approving the Arcada adequate provisions for parking. Approximately ninety percent of the residents who were asked signed the petition: •A few persons who did not sign the petition were concerned that no restrictions otostreethearking would being people from outside the community Laurel Glen park across the street from Arcada. If the city does not want to have unrestricted parking on Myford Road or Heritage Way, I would ask that permit parking be considered.. The city could sell parkincermits torresideHeritnts, as other cities have done, and -either Myford ge Way could be posted "NO PARKING EXCEPT BY PERMIT". If the city charged $10 or $15 per month for a parking permit, this would greatly alleviate our problem. Thank you for your consideration of this matter.. Any correspondence regarding this matter should be directed to me. I can be contacted at 714-724-5492 days, and 714-731--2774 evenings. 6429A/rb 14 Sincerely, ames C. Ba nes 13374 Savanna Tustin, CA 92680 Tustin City Council Leslie Pontius, Mayor Jim Potts, Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Saltarelli Jeffrey Thomas Charles Puckett 15222 Del Amo Tustin, California 92680 PETITION TO REMOVE PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON MYFORD ROAD The residents of the A-rcada community are f acing a great hardship due to a lack of adequate parking in the development. Nearly every unit in the development has at least two adults who each have a'vehicle, and many have three vehicles. Due to the number of residents who own vehicles, it has become necessary for some residents to use the parking designated for guests. As a result, the guest parking has effectively been eliminated, and, in many instances, the only alternative is for people to park illegally in the fire lanes which are painted red. Because of this situation, the undersigned residents petition the Tustin City*Council to remove the restriction on parking on Myford Road, between Heritage and Bryan Road. Myford Road is sixty feet wide and there is ample room to safely permit street parking. We request that Myford Road be restriped with a double yellow center line, eliminating the painted divider, with a left turn pocket for traffic turning into Arcada from westbound Myford. Such a. configuration would permit a ten foot lane on each side of the double line,. and a second lane of twenty feet, including the parking lane. The undersigned residents feel the present restriction on parking on Myford Road is creating an arbitrary and unnecessary hardship on the residents of the l,rcada community. We respectfully request your assistance in this matter and request this change be made as soon as possible. 5505C/rb 15 DATE ogA �pz G 111-7 //'7 //-7 SIGNATURE ADDRESS TELEPHONE #� ORR c-����'l� 1.34G� CA/a rira ,:9 L . ;R—t3 5505C/rb 16 13W2, .5,ea",* l ll' /685✓ S. ±� WAllez f &A 8&3 aOCK�OnCk 77 - 2 -4 Z 9► Z 7 S�j ,v.� S r- s iti1 731-70 Be l / 5'�v g 1p GI VaV1.V�,�v ��l�� ... s % 5O r7 �RlG1� "Yl .'ZCOV A�n I��jS S� SA�TAN�� ? �:1'� 3i.1 Zi� • S'}�- ot 4 Z /33 ��.. S�-ri ng - s�1v k9 /ar 5505C/rb 16 DATE SIGNATURE ADDRESS TELEPHONE # MAMMA ♦ / - sr/lo t� We ''I'll''I'M XMI .��►� YA'W,V,qT/,- WIN A� ♦ _�VA AM 5505C/rb 17 -Yy 7c>264f Sl..� November 301, 1992 Leslie Pontius, Mayor City of Tustin 15222 Del Amo Tustin, CA 92680 Dear Mayor Pontius, 's CO L DEC 4 t "92 Jf I recently mailed you a petition signed.by me and a number of my neighbors asking for relief from the No Parking restrictions on Myford'Road or Heritage Way, adjacent to the Arcada Community. In support of our petition I would like to point out that there are two vehicle' code statutes section 22507 and section 22507.5 which provides local authorities theright to grant special parking privileges to residents of communities such as Arcada who reside in "high density, multiple family dwelling areas or similar areas lacking adequate off street parking facilities." Thank you for your . consideration of this matter. Sincerely, aures . arees 13374 Savanna Tustin, CA 92680 Telephone # 714-731-2774 evenings 714-724-5492 days City of Tustin Public Works Department 15222 Del Amo Avenue Tustin, California 92680 Attention: Doug Anderson - Dear Doug: December 24, 1992 SID C� C� C� D d [� . DEC 2919 92 ' TUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. I would like to offer my suggestions and assistance in resolving the parking problem the Arcada community is confronted by. I have checked out a number of residential streets similar to Heritage Way where there is unrestricted parking on both sides. The streets are from 34 to 38 feet wide. Heritage Way is 38 feet wide by my measurement, but because of the curvature of the street, I would concur with the council member who said it did not appear to be safe for parking in the present configuration. I think we can overcame that objection by moving the double yellow line two.feet away from the Arcada project and creating a 21 -foot lane, with parking on the Arcada side, and a 17 -foot lane on the other side with no parking. Myford Road is 60 feet wide and I would suggest the painted divider be replaced by a double yellow line in the center of the road. This would provide for an 11 foot lane and a second lane of 19 feet with parking on each side. As it was pointed out to the Council, Laurel Glen Park is virtually isolated because of a lack of any parking. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet.with you before you present your report to the Council. ThanA. you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter of critical importance to the residents of the Arcada community. If there is anything I can do, please do not hesitate to call me at 714/724-5492 days, 714/731-2774 evenings. cc: Tustin City Council 5557C/rb 21 Sincerely, James C. Barnes 13374 Savanna Tustin, CA 92680 APPENDIX B 22 W 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 1i 131 191: I� 20 1, 22; � 2311 241 251; 2; RESOLUTION N0, 2498 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING TO THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 13096 The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby 'resolve a s fol l ow s: I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as. follows: A. That Tentative Tract Map Noy. ' 13096 was submitted to the Planning Commission by the Bren Company for consideration. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held for said map. C. That an Environmental Impact Report (EIR 85-2 for the East Tustin Specific Plan with all supplements and addendums) has been certified in 'conformance with the- requi remen is of California Environmental Quality Act for the subject project area. D. That the proposed subdivision Is in -conformance with . the Tustin Area General Plan, adopted East Tustin Specific Plan, Development Agreement and Subdivision- flap Act as it pertains to the development of condominium units. E. The 1.564 acre parkland required of this project was previously dedicated with recordation of Tract 12763. F. That the City has reviewed the School Facilities Agreement between The Irvine Company and the Tustin Unified School District, the East Tustin Specific Plan, EIR 85-2, the impacts of Tentative Tract 14ap 13096 on School District facilities,, and reviewed changes in State law, and finds and determines that the impacts on School District facilities by approval of this map are adequately addressed through the reservation of a high school site and elementary site in -on junction with Tentati vm Tract Map 12763, and imposition of school facilities fees as a condition of approval of Tentative Tract 14ap 13096. G. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. H. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. 23 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 10 11 12� 3 14 15 iC li 18 1J I 2011 211: r• 22 , 23 I 24� I �I 26!11 2; Resolution No. 2498 Page two - I. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause- substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife in their habitat. . J. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements proposed will not conflict with easements acquired by the public -at -large, for access through -or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. K. That the design of the subdivision or the types of improvements proposed are not likely to cause serious public health problems. II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 13096 subject to the conditions attached hereto as Exhibit A. PASSED ANO* ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the day of 1988. alm Kathy Weil, Chairman ;eni ro ey, Secretary 24 EXHIBIT A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 13096 RESOLUTION NO. 2498 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ' THE BREN COMPANY May 23, 1988 PUBLIC/PRIYATE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS 1.1 Prior to recordation of final map, the Subdivider shall prepare plans for and construct or post security guaranteeing construction of all public and/or private, infrastructure improvements within the boundary •�f said tract map in = conformance with applicable City standards including but not limited to the following: 4. A. 6. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. N. 0. P. Q. Curb and gutter/cross gutters Sidewalks including access facilities for physically handicapped persons Drive aprons/approach Street paving Street signing and paving Landscaping/irrigation facilities Sanitary sewer service facilities Domestic water service facilities Reclaimed water service facilities Uti 1 i ty connections (i.e. gas,* electric, telephones and facilities) Traffic signal systems and other traffic control devices Street and Paseo lighting _ Storm drains and subdrains Undergroundi ng of existing and proposed utility distribution Lot monumentation Fire hydrants cable T.Y. lines - Bus turnouts and other facilities such as bus benches in accordance with Orange County Transit Turnout Design Guidelines, subject to approval of City Engineer as to need and location. Approval from .the Department of Community Development shall also be required. on the actual architectural design on any installed bus stop improvement. The. amount of acceptable security for construction of public improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the Public 'Mork Department. The amount and acceptable security for private improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Official. RCE CODES STANDARD CONDITION EIR MITIGATION UNIFORM BUILDING CODES DESIGN REVIEW EXCEPTTON 25 (5) SPECIFIC PLAN (6) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY REQUIREMENT (7) LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES (8) PC/CC POLICY (9) OTHER MUNICIPAL CODE REQUIRE14EHT olution No. 2498 e 1.2 All construction within a public right-of-way and/or public easement must be shown on a separate 24" X 36" plan with all construction referenced to applicable City, County, Irvine Ranch Water District standard drawing numbers. 1.3 All changes in existing curbs, gutters, sidewalks and other public improvements shall ber, responsi bi l i ty of subdivider. 1.4 Preparation of pians for and construction of: A. All sanitary sewer facilities must be submitted as required by the City Engineer and local sewering agency. These facilities shall l include a gravity flow system per standards of the Irvine Ranch Water -District. B. A domestic water system must be to the standards of the Irvine Ranch Water District/City of Tustin Water Service, -whichever is applicable at the time of plan preparation. Improvement plans shall also be reviewed and approved by the Orange County Fire Department -for fire protection purposes. The adequacy and reliability of water system design and the distribution of fire hydrants will be evaluated. The water distribution system and appurtenances shall also conform to the applicable laws and adopted regulations enforced by the Orange County Health Department. Any required reclaimed water systems shall be to the standards as required by the Irvine Ranch dater District. 1.5 Proposed public streets shall be designed to the following specifications: A. All proposed streets shall be designed in substantially the same width and alignment as shown on the approved tentative map unless modified and approved by the Directors of Community Development and Public Works. B. All public streets shall be constructed in accordance with City _requirements in terms of type and quality of materials used. - C. Parking shall not be permitted on Heritage Way. D. Placement of all above ground facilities, such as signing,, street lights, fire hydrants shall be behind the sidewalk when said sidewalks are constructed adjacent to the curb within the public right-of-way or on private streets. E. Parking shall not be permitted along on-site private streets and private drives unless in identified guest parking locations. F. Signage shall be installed north of secondary project access to discourage pedestrian crossing along Heritage Way. Approval of signage location and design subject to approval of Public Works Director. G. Parking not to be permitted on Myford Road subject to final approval of City Engineer. H. Right-of-way design immediately opposite on-site paseos shall incorporate a design separation (such as bollards) from street to discourage .bicycle riders from trave 1 i ng from on-site paseos directly into a public right-of-way. 1.6 Private streets, storm drain, water & sewer improvement plans shall comply IV 26 olution Ifo. 2498- fbit A e three - _ with the "City of Tustin" Minimum Design Standards for on-site Private_ Street and Storm Drain Improvments. 1.7 Note 11 shall be revised to include American Cablevision. DEDICATIONS/RESERVATIONS/EASEMENTS 2.1 The subdivider shall satisfy dedication and/or reservation requirements as applicable, including but not limited to dedication of all required street and flood control right-of-way easements, vehicular access rights, sewer easements and water easements defined and approved as to specific location by the City Engineer and other reasonable agencies. 2.2 An easement should be designated on the Tract Map showing their existing and proposed telephone facilities on the property. The subdivider or builder shall be responsible for reimbursing -the Pacific Bell Company for any needed relocation of facilities, which may be required during development. 2.3 Reciprocal access (vehicular, parking and pedestrian) easement between all lots created by Tract 13096 shall -be noted on. any final map. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ADJACENT TO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY 3.1 Prior to recordation of the Final map, subdivider shall post with the Community Development Department a minimum $2,500 cash deposit or letter of credit to guarantee the sweeping of streets and cleanup of streets affected by construction activities. In the event this deposit is depleted prior to completion of development or City appearance of public streets, an additional incremental deposit will be required. 3.2 Any damage done to existing street, improvements and utilities shall be repaired before acceptance of the tract and/or issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the development on any parcel within the subdivision. 3.3 Prior to any work in the public right-of-way, an Excavation Permit rust be obtained and applicable fees paid from the Public Works Department. GRADING/GENERAL 4.1 Prior to issuance of grading permits: A. A detailed soil engineering report shall be submitted to and approved by the Building Official conforming to the requirements of the Uniform Bui 1 ding Code, City Grading Requirements, and all other applicable state and local laws, regulations and requirements. B. Preparation and submittal of a grading plan subject to approval of the 27 lution No. 2498 fc Department of Community Development delineating- the following information: 1. Methods of drainage in accordance with all applicable City standards. 2. All recommendations submitted by geotechnical or soil engineer and specifically approved by them: M' 3. Compliance with conceptual grading shown on tentative tract map. 4. A drainage plan and necessary support documents such as hydrology calculations to comply -with the following requirements: a. Provision of drainage facilities to remove any flood hazard to the satisfaction of the City Engi neer .which will allow building pads to be safe from inundation from rain fall which may be expected from all storms up to and including the theoretical 100 year storm and dedication of any necessary easements on the final map as required. b. Elimination of any sheet flow and ponding. c. Provision of drainage facilities to protect the lots from any high velocity scouring action. _ d.Provision for contributory drainage from adjoining properties. 5. All flood hazard areas of record. 6. A note shall be placed on the grading plan requiring Community Development Department approval of rough grading prior to final clearance for foundations. The Department will inspect the site for accuracy- of elevations, slope gradients, etc. and may require certification of any grading related matter. 7. Final street elevations at key locations. 8. Final pad/finished floor elevations and key elevations for all site grading. All pad elevations to be a mi..ni mum of 1.0 feet above base flood elevation as defined by FEMA. 9. All flood hazards of record. C. Preparation of a sedimentation and erosion control plan for all construction work related to the subject Tract including a method of control to prevent dust and windblown earth problems. D. Submittal of a construction traffic routing plan to be reviewed and approved by the Director of Public Works. E. Written approval must be obtained from adjacent property owners for rights -of -entry for construction activity across lot lines. 4.2 All earthwork shall be performed in accordance with the City of Tustin Iuni cipal Codes and grading requirements. FIRE DEPARTMENT 5.1 The subdivider shall comply with all requirements of the Orange County Fire M: 3lution No. 2.498 [bit A 'five Marshal, including required fire flow, installation where required- of fire hydrants subject to approval as to location- by the Fire Department, City of Tustin Pubiic�Works Department and Irvine Ranch Water District, and compliance with all requirements perta-i ni ng to construction. 5.2 Prior to issuance of building permits= for combustible construction, evidence that adequate water supply and operational fire hydrants are available for fire protection shall be submitted and approved by the Orange County Fire Marshall. The subdivider shall also submit water improvement plans for approval of Fire Marshal. 5.3- Loop roads, auto courts and stubs tall 28 feet or less in width) shall be posted "No Parking — Fire Lane" and comply with the Uniform Fire Code Section 10.207. NOISE 6.1 Prior to the issuance of any building permits: A. A final acoustical analysis report describing the acoustical design features of the structures required to satisfy the exterior and interior noise standards shall be submitted to the Tustin Community Development Department for approval along with satisfactory evidence which indicates the the sound attenuation measures specified in the approved acoustical report(s) have been incorporated into the design of the project. The acoustical analysis shall be prepared by an expert or authority in the field of acoustics. All residential lots and dwellings shall be sound attenuated against present and projected noises, which shall be the sum of all noise impacting the project, so as not to exceed an exterior standard 65 dba. CNEL in outdoor living areas and . an interior standard of 45 dba CNEL in all •habitable rooms is required. Evi-dense prepared under the supervision of an acoustical consultant that these standards will be satisfied in a manner consistent with applicable zoning regulations shall be provided. B. For any project that falls under the Browning Corridor, a complete noise study shall be conducted and submitted to the City for review. In addition to Community Noise Equivalency Levels (CNEL) said study provide information on single event noise measurements as generated by helicopter flyovers for information purposes only. 6_2 Prior to issuance of any Certificates of Use or Occupancy, field testing in accordance with the Title 25 regulations may be required by the Building Official to verify compliance with -STC and IIC design standards. 6_3 All construction operations including engine warm up shall be subject to the 29 - lu 1 2498 bit A six provisions of the City of Tustin Noise Ordinance and shall take place only during the hours of 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday unless the Building Official determines that. said activity will be in substantial conformance with the Noise ordinance and the public health and safety will not be impaired subject to- application being made at -the time the permit for the work is awarded or during progress- of the work. CCR'S 7.1 Prior to approval of the final map, all organizational documents for the project including any deed restrictions, covenants, - conditions, and restrictions shall be submitted to and approved by the Community Development Department and City Attorney's Office. Costs for such review shall be borne by the subdivider. A copy of the final documents shall be submitted to the Community Development Department after their recordation. CCR' s shall include but -not be limited to the following provisions: A. The City shall be included as a party to the CC&R's for enforcement purposes of those CUR provisions in which the City has interest, as _ reflected by the following 8 through N. However, the City shall not be obligated to enforce the CC&R's. B. The requirement -that association by-laws be established. C. Provisions for effective establishment, operation, management, use, repair and maintenance of all common areas and facilities including landscaped areas and lots_, recreation areas, pools and spas, private parks, walls and fences, private roadways (i.e., walks, sidewalks, trails) and paseos. Membership in said association shall be inseparable from ownership in individual lots. D. Architectural controls shall be provided and may include but not be limited to provisions regulating exterior finishes, roof. materials, fences and walls, accessory structures such as patios, sunshades trellises, gazebos, awnings, room additions, exterior mechanical equipment, television and radio antennae. E. Maintenance standards shall be provided for applicable items listed in Section C above in CC&R's. Examples of maintenance standards are shown below: (1) All common area landscaping and private lawn areas visible from any public way shall be properly maintained s.uch that they are evenly cut, evenly edged; free of bare or brown spots, free of debris and free of weeds above the level of the lawn. All planted areas other than lawns shall be free of weeds, dead vegetation and debris. All trees and shrubs shall be trimmed so they do not impede pedestrian traffic along the walkways. Trees shall be pruned so they do not intrude into neiahborina oluti on 2498 ibit A • e seven property and shall be maintained so they do not have droppings or create other nuisances to neighboring property. Al 1 trees shall also be root pruned to eliminate exposed surface roots and damage to sidewalks and driveways. (2). All private roadways, sidewalks and paseo . shall be maintained so that they are safe for users. Significant pavement cracks, pavement distress, excessive slab settlement, abrupt vertical variations and debris on travel ways should be removed or repaired promptly. (3) Common areas shall be maintained in such a manner as to avoid the reasonable determination of a duly authorized official of the City that a public nuisance has been created by the absence of adequate maintenance such as to be detrimental to public health, safety, or general welfare, or that such a condition of deterioration or disrepair cause harm or is materially detrimental to property values or "improvements within the boundaries of the subdivision and Homeowner's Association; to surrounding property, or to property or improvements within three hundred (300) feet of the property. F. Homeowner's Association approval of exterior improvements requiring a building permit shall be obtained prior to requesting a building permit from the City of Tustin Community Development Department. All plans for exterior improvements shall conform to requirements set forth by the City and the CCAR's. G. Residents shall not store or park any trailers, non -motorized vehicles or motorized vehicles that exceed 7 feet high, 7 feet wide and 19 feet long in any parking, driveway or private street area except for purpose of loading, unloading, making deliveries or .emergency repairs except that the Homeowner's Association may adopt rules and regulations to authorize exceptions for hardship purposes (include no parking of any kind where there are driveways that are between 9 and 15 feet in length. H. 474 parking spaces shall be permanently and irrevocably assigned to individual condominium units at the rate specified in the Medium High Density Residential District in the East Tustin Specific Plan. Additional 95 guest parking spaces shall be establised and maintained within the common area and shall be marked and used for guest parking only. I. Condominium units shall not have separate external television and radio antennae. Either a central antenna shall be provided with 31 of u.r-lon 2498 - ib e eaynt connections to each unit via underground or internal wall wiring, or each unit shall be prewired and served by an underground cable antenna service provided by a company licensed to provide such service within the city. J. All utility services serving the site shall be installed and maintained underground. K. The Association shall be required to file the names, addresses, and telephone. numbers of at least one member of the Association Board and where applicable, a Manager of the project before January 1st of each year with the City of Tustin Community Development Department for the purpose of contacting the association in the case of emergency or in those cases where the City has an interest in CC&R violations. �. Disclosure information related to aircraft noise impacting the subdivision, as approved by the City of Tustin Community De -vel opmen t Department. M. Perimeter project block walls to be constructed on private property shall be maintained and replaced, if necessary by a Homeowner's Association. This shall not preclude a Homeowner's Association from assessing charges to individual property owners for structural damage to the wall or fence. : N. No amendment to alter, modify, terminate or change- the Homeowner's Association's obligation. to maintain the common areas and the project perimeter wall (include if the wall is located on private property) or other CC&R provisions in which the CJ ty has an interest, as noted above, or to alter,, modify, terminate or change the City's right to enforce maintenance of the common areas and maintenance o` the project perimeter wall, shall be effective without the prior written approval of the City of Tustin Community Development Department. TE."WHOMEBUYER NOTIFICATION 8.1 Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy: A. A document separate from the deed which will be an information notice to future tenants/homebuyers of aircraft noise impacting the subdivision. The notice shall further indicate that additional building upgrades may be necessary for noise attenuation. This - determination to be ;Wade as architectural drawings become available. B. The Subdivider shall submit for review and approval of content by the Di rector -of Community Development, a copy of rental /sales literature for the residential project with the approved aircraft/helicopter noise 32 solution No. 2498 tibit A le nine statement and the approved schools notification statement, printed on i t. Any changes to the rental /sales literature after initial City approval shall be submitted to the Director of Community Development for approval. C. The Subdivider shall provide the City with a copy of the approved aircraft/helicopter noise statement „which shall contain a disclosure document on aircraft notification. Said document must be signed by each tenant/homeowner prior to occupancy of any unit. The content of the statement shall be approved by the Director . of Community Development prior to circulation. 0. The developer shall provide the City with a schools notification statement which shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Development and participation by the governing school district which shall indicate: 1. The location of existing and proposed elementary, middle and high schools which will serve the subdivision (text and map). 2. Advise to homebuyers that proposed school si te-s -nay never be constructed. E. The Subdivider shall provide the City with -a statement which must be signed by each tenant/homebuyer which shall contain a comprehensive description of all private and public improvements and developments adjacent or in close -proximity to the proposed development such as the neighborhood park and proposed elementary school adjacent to proposed project to the east. 8.2 Subdivider shall notify all potential home buyers of the following - Assessment/Maintenance Districts: A. Assessment District 85-1. B. City of Tustin 1982 Landscaping and Lighting District. FEES 9.1 Prior to recordation of any Final Map, Subdivider shall pay plan check and inspection fees for all public and/or private infrastructure improvements within City's responsibility excluding those financed by an Asses smen t District. 9.2 Prior to issuance of certificates of use or occupancy, the Subdivider shall pay all costs related to the calculation of the revised parcel assess..meets, the preparation o.f the revised assessment diagram and other required administrative duties related to any Assessment Districts applicable to the subdivision. ( Assessment District 85-1) . 33 ut, No. 2498 it ten 9.3 Prior to issuance of any building permits, payment shall be made of all required fees including: A. Major thoroughfare and bridge fees to Tustin Public Works Department. B. Sanitary sewer. connection fee to Orange County Sanitation District. C. Grading planchecks and permit fees "to the Community Development Department. D. All applicable Building plancheck and permit fees to the Community Development Department. E. New development fees to the Community Development Department. F. School facilities fee to the Tustin Unified School District subject to any agreement reached and executed between the District and the Irvine Company. NERAL ).1 Within twenty-four months from Tentative Tract Map approval, the Subdivider ,_shall file with appropriate agencies, a Final Map prepared in accordance with ubdivision requirements of the Tustin Municipal Code, the State Subdivision .tap Act, and applicable conditions contained herein unless an extension is granted pursuant to Section 9335.08 of the Tustin Municipal Code. 1.2 Prior to occupancy of units, the Subdivider shall record a final map in conformance with appropriate tentative map. 1.3 Prior to Final Map approval:. A. Subdivider shall submit a current title report. B. Provision for landscaping maintenance and ownership of all landscape lots along Myford Road and Heritage Way, and al -1 interior landscape lots shall be the responsibility of the Homeowner's Association of Tract 13096. Lot H along Bryan Avenue shall be the responsibility of the Landscape Maintenance District. 1.4 Subdivider shall conform to all applicable requirements of the State Subdivision Map Act, the City's Subdivision Ordinance, in the East Tustin Specifc Plan and Development Agreement, EIR 85-2, and applicable conditions for Final Clap 12763. .5 Subdivider shall submit a duplicate myl ar of the Final flap, or 8 1/2 inch by 11 inch transparency of each map sheet prior to final map approval and "as —built" grading, landscape and improvement plans prior to certificate of cceptance. .6 The cumulative number of residential units for which certificate of occupancy may be issued shall not exceed the cumulative total or square feet of occupied revenue generating uses or equivalents as shown in the East Tustin Specific Plan Development Agreement. 34 f1 uti on No. 2498 bit A eleven 10.7 A wall/fence will be required along the westerly right -of -•,gay line of Heritage Way. Landscape lot between the driveway and a point easterly of Byford Road should be so located to provide maximum visibility to existing motorists from the driveway. 35 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, PENNI FOLEY, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Recording Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. ywas duly passed and `3dop ted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the ,� day of cca 9. I98Y.. W"41 FOLE R -di ng Secretary 36 APPENDIX C 37 --- Planning Commission Report Hay 23, 1988 Vesting Tentative Tractidap 13096 Page four proposed architecture is of high quality and is consistent with the desired architecture for the East Tustin Area. Hardscape features of the project proposed the use of decorative street lighting, pole lighting fixtures and entry signage consistent with the main design theme for the project. While a concept landscaping plan has been submitted, the plan"A's only illustrative with the actual quantities, species and location of landscaping to be determined at plan check. In addition, complete irrigation plans will need to be submitted at plan check. The landscaping concept proposed for the project consists of the following climate tolerant evergreen and decidious trees: (1) theme tree - Eucalyptus 'rosea'; (2) secondary theme tree - Mondel pine; (3) Loop Road accent tree - Southern Magnolia; (4) greenbelt accent tree - Chinese Flame tree; (5) parking court accent - Sweet Shade., (6) garden area accent - Sronze Loquat; and (7) recreation area accent tree - Queen Palm. In addition to trees, a variety of shrubs and ground cover materials are proposed. Staff would only suggest incorporation of sod areas within the interior of the project. As indicated above, precise coverage determined at plan check and will need guidelines. ISSUES of all planting materials will be to be consistent with adopted landscape Security gates and fencing - The project has been designed to incorporate a variety of fencling elements to secure the site, however, security gates have not been required for vehicular or pedestrian access. This project site is located in an area where there is only one elementary school adjacent to the property. Should illegal entry and parking occur, the Homeowner's Association will have enforcement capabilities. Pedestrian/bicycle paseos - The project incorporates three paseos, two facing Myford Road and one at Heritage Way and Bryan Avenue. These paseos provide the appropriate points of entry/exit for access to bus stops and activity nodes. However, the*Public Works Department has specified concerns over pedestrian movement along Heritage tray from Myford Road to the secondary vehicular entry. No sidewalk has been provided in this area in order to avoid mid -block pedestrian crossings in an area where vehicular visibility is limited. This limited visibi1ity is caused by the curve in Heritage Way at this section of road. Driveway lengths - In all cases, there are short driveways from the units in this project. The maximum driveway length is 9 feet and all units are to be equipped with garage door openers. The loop roads which front the driveways are Community Development Department 38 APPENDIX D 39 DECEMBER 31, 1992 TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL c { r JAN i 11993 ETUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS DEP . y ATTENTION: COUNCILMAN JEFF THOMAS RE: PARKING ON HERITAGE WAY OR MYFORD ROAD MY HUSBAND AND I JUST READ THE ARTICLE IN THIS WEEKS' LOCAL PAPER REGARDING THE PARKING SITUATION FOR ARCADA. WE LIVE IN THE ESTANCIA COMMUNITY ON HERITAGE WAY. OUR ASSOCIATION HAD VOICED THE SAME QUESTIONS ABOUT NEEDING MORE SPACE FOR CARS. THANKFULLY, WE 'TALKED `.CHEM OUT OF IT. WE'MOVED TO THIS KIND OF ATMOSPHERE SO THAT WE WOULD NOT HAVE TO SEE JUNK CARS, RV'S AND TRUCKS PARKED FOR WEEKS ON END IN ONE SPOT. IT MAKES THE NEIGHBORHOOD LOOK CROWDED AND DIRTY BECAUSE YOU CAN'T GET THE STREET SWEEPER IN FOR INSTANCE. IT'S TRUE , THE PEOPLE USE THEIR GARAGES FOR STORAGE AND THAT'S WHY THEY CAN'T PARK THEIR CARS. IF YOU DID ALLOW PARKING THERE'S NO GUARANTEE THAT THE PEOPLE FROM ARCADA WOULD GET A PARKING PLACE. THERE ARE SEVERAL APARTMENTS AND 2 OTHER TOWN HOUSE COMMUNITIES NEAR BY THAT WOULD BEAT THEM TO IT. YOU CAN'T LET ONE PARK AND NOT THE OTHER., I SEE ALL KINDS OF PROBLEMS ARISING FROM THIS. LET'S NOT ENCOURAGE THEM BY GIVING MORE SPACE ON STREETS. WE LIKE THE CLEAN, UN -CLUTTERED LOOK OF EAST TUSTIN. FOR -PEOPLE WITH TOO MANY CARS, THERE ARE PLENTY OF HOMES FOR SALE IN OTHER SECTIONS OF TOWN. AS FAR AS THE PARKING AT LAUREL GLEN -- WHY WOULD YOU NEED TO DRIVE'.TO THE PARK? ISN'T IT FOR THE IMMEDIATE.NEIGHBORHOOD? WE HOPE YOU WILL GIVE SERIOUS CONSIDERATION AND EXPLORE BOTH SIDES BEFORE YOU REACH ANY DECISION. LET'S KEEP EAST TUSTIN LOOKING CLEAN. SINCERELY, EARL AND BARBARA REED CC: LESLIE ANN PONTIUS, MAYOR 40