HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 3 ECON DEV COUNCIL 02-16-93NEW BUSINESS N0. 3 2-16-93 ATE: Inter -Com W�8U1 FEBRUARY 1.1, 1993 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: Pleasure of the City Council, BACKGROUND: The City Council has approved a business outreach program consisting of the following components:. ■ A letter from the Mayor is sent to each new business locating in Tustin. Using business license and certificate' of occupancy records, the letter welcomes the business, offers the City's assistance whenever possible, etc. ■ Target key businesses which the City feels are at risk of leaving Tustin. From time to time, there are rumors about.a major business relocating or the City's sales tax trending reports will identify a business apparently having difficulties. The Mayor and/or appropriate City officials will contact the business and offer assistance. If there are any circumstances the City has control over, then it can act accordingly. There are other circumstances (e.g. the negative business climate in California due to worker's compensation laws, Air Quality Management. District (AQMD) regulations, etc.) over which the City has no control. ■ Target the top sales tax producers and businesses that are showing significant increases and let them know the City appreciates their efforts. This is done by letters, phone calls or personal visits. ■ Conduct a survey of Tustin businesses through a mailer to solicit their views about doing business in Tustin. The survey would be aimed at determining the things the City is doing that helps business and things perceived by business that are not helpful. This information would assist the City in assessing its services, methods of operation, codes, administrative regulations, etc. Economic Development Council February 11, 1993 Page two ■ Over the years, the City has not had an aggressive business attraction program because Tustin is in a strong market area. There have been times where the City took the lead (Tustin Auto Center, Plaza LaFayette) in initiating projects, but generally speaking it has relied upon major developers to market their sites. The City does work closely with developers in identifying desired businesses and meeting with targeted businesses, when necessary. Ikea, Costco and K -Mart are examples of where the developer targeted a particular business and the City assisted by meeting with the business to assure them of City cooperation, fast tracking permits, etc. The City will be developing a more aggressive posture on business attraction through the Redevelopment Agency and through opportunities identified in the Marine base specific plan. The City Council also authorized Mayor Pontious and Councilmember Thomas to formulate a proposal concerning the role and membership of an Economic Development Council (EDC). It is their recommendation that an EDC be created by the City Council. EDC members would be appointed by the City Council and serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council regarding economic development matters. There are two immediate projects which could be undertaken by the EDC: ■ development of a survey of businesses through a mailer. This was approved by the City Council last October as a means of soliciting input from the business community regarding what the City can do to assist Tustin's economy. ■ explore the feasibility of developing a business magazine. The magazine would serve as a vehicle for the City to communicate with the business community regarding City events, programs, regulations, etc. affecting business. One of the first tasks of the EDC would be development of a mission statement and a strategic plan (e.g. attraction and retention of businesses). Staff support for the EDC would be provided through existing City staff. Attached is a proposed letter that would be sent to persons invited to serve on the EDC. Mayor Pontious and Councilmember Thomas have suggested that two City Councilmembers be appointed to the EDC and that persons/businesses invited to serve on the EDC should include: • Chamber of Commerce representative Southern California Edison Company 9 Pac-Tel Economic Development Council February 11, 1993 Page three • Fisher Scientific • Scantron • Steelcase • Ricoh •. Basic Four Computers • Silicon Systems • The Irvine Company • Tustin School District • An auto dealer Local banker • Local consulting engineering company • Louise Pomroy of Abigail Abbott Company • Ikea, Costco or Home Depot representative • Catellus Company • Tustin Marketplace manager • Nieuport 17 restaurant owner WAH Attachment edc.wah Date The City of Tustin has decided to create an Economic Development Council. The City Council feels that an Economic Development Council would be of significant assistance to the City in its efforts to attract, retain and promote business. We recognize the significant contributions business makes to the economic prosperity of our community. And, the business sector is an important contributor to the social well-being of the community. For these reasons, we feel it is important to establish closer ties between the City and the business community. The City is looking to the Economic Development Council as a forum where ideas can be explored about how the City and business can work together to promote economic development in Tustin. A joint City -business sector approach makes sense because we each have an important role to play and will mutually benefit from such a partnership. We envision that the Economic Development Council will initially deal - with a survey of businesses to ascertain what their needs are and how the City can be helpful; brochures promoting business opportunities in Tustin; and an outreach program to attract particular businesses. Undoubtedly, the Economic Development Council will come up with ideas that also will be pursued. The Economic Development Council will include two representatives from the Tustin City Council and approximately seventeen other persons representing a cross- section of businesses located in Tustin. Staff support will be provided by City staff. We expect that the Economic Development Council will meet quarterly. Meetings would be scheduled at times convenient for members of the Economic Development Council. With this background, I now want to extend an invitation for you to be a member of the Economic Development Council. You are a respected and important member of the business community. We feel your participation would be very helpful in making this program successful. On behalf of the Tustin City Council, we hope that you will accept our invitation. If you have any questions or need any information, please do not hesitate to contact me or City Manager, Bill Huston, at (714) 544-8890, extension 210. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Leslie Anne Pontious Mayor