HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 1 ALMERIA HOA TRAF 01-19-93l 93 OLD BUSINESS NO. 1 1-19-93 Inter -Com} ATF: S 1 �. JANUARY 191 1993 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: STATUS REPORT - ALMERIA HOMEOWNER I S ASSOCIATION TRAFFIC ISSUES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the City Council, at their meeting of January 19, 1993, approve the following actions regarding the Almeria Development within the Tustin Ranch area: 1. Approve, in concept, the possible installation of a four -foot wide, sixty -foot long,�raised landscaped median on Palermo at the entrance to the Almeria Development from Tustin Ranch Road. 2. Recommend the removal of the unauthorized "Slow Watch For Children" signs throughout the Almeria Development. BACKGROUND: At the June 15, 1992 and.the July 20, 1992 City Council meetings, the Council directed staff to continue to coordinate the review of traffic related issues within the Almeria Development. Copies of the agenda items and City Council minutes related to this subject are attached in Exhibit A for your information. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to City Council direction, the Engineering staff has investigated the following concerns along with the cooperation of Mr. Howard Mitzman, President of the Almeria Homeowner's Association (HOA), the Tustin Police Department, and the Orange County Fire Department: 1. Installing centerline striping, raised pavement markers, and appropriate signing at roadway knuckles within the subject tract. This project was completed in August of 1992. 2. The possible installation of a raised and landscaped median on Palermo at the entrance to the Almeria tract from Tustin Ranch Road. The Almeria HOA would be responsible for the cost of design, construction, and continued maintenance of the median, if the concept is ultimately approved by the City Council. The Status Report - Almeria Homeowner's Association Traffic Issues January 19, 1993 Page 2 Almeria HOA would also be required to prepare and execute the necessary agreements associated with this project. The subject median would be required to be designed and constructed to City of Tustin Standards subject to approval of the City Engineer. The Orange County Fire Department and the City's Public Works Department have approved in concept, the possible installation of a,four-foot wide, sixty -foot long raised landscaped median on Palermo. It is recommended that the City Council approve by motion the concept of possible installation of the subject raised landscaped median. 3. Continued coordination with the Tustin Police Department to monitor the traffic activity in the area. The Tustin Police Department was contacted and their investigation was documented in the attached report (Exhibit B) to the City Council on July 6, 1992. 4. The use of raised pavement markers on stop bars to remind drivers to come to a complete stop before proceeding through an intersection. Based upon the Engineering Division's investigation of this issue, it was determined that the installation of raised pavement markers on stop bars would cause unnecessary noise and street maintenance and could possibly present a tripping hazard to pedestrians while crossing the street. This has been conveyed to Mr. Mitzman and he has concurred with the recommendation not to install these subject markers. 5. The review of the unauthorized installation by the Almeria Homeowner's Association of the "Slow Watch For Children" signs in the Almeria tract. The Engineering Division is recommending that the subject signs be removed. During our investigation of this issue, it has been determined that the unauthorized placement of the subject non-uniform signs may have the potential of increasing the City's exposure to liability and may provide less safety for children in the area. The attachment Exhibit C summarizes our investigation of available information regarding the subject signs. Status Report - Almeria Homeowner's Association Traffic Issues January 19, 1993 Page 3 CONCLUSIONS: Upon direction from the City Council, the Engineering Division staff will continue to work with the Almeria Homeowner's Association during the process of design and construction of the raised landscaped median on Palermo. Staff will also contact the Almeria Homeowner's Association and notify them of the direction to remove the "Slow Watch For Children" signs, if so directed by the Council. ae,- Cf4GLV7n GiG Robert S. Ledendecker Director of Public Works/ City Engineer RSL:DRA:klb:almeria7 Attachments Doug as R. Anderson Transportation Engineer EXHIBIT A STATUS REPORT - ALMERIA HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION TRAFFIC ISSUES Tuly 20, 1992 Page 2 The Engineering Division staff is currently in the process of reviewing the above items and will keep the City Council and the Almeria Homeowner's Association informed of our progress. This is a status report only and no City -Council action other than •teceive and file is necessary at this.time. H N Robert S. Ledendecker Douglas R. Anderson Director of Public Works/ Transportation_Engineer City Engineer RSL:DRA:k1b:ALMERIA6 Attachments CITY COUNCIL MINUTE; -IN, r'4► Page 6, 7-20-92 \ Councilmember Thomas reiterated his support of June elections due to higher voter turnout, cost factors, preference of residents, and increased communication. Councilmember Saltarelli stated increased voter turnout was always preferable and there were many factors involved in attempting to raise voter participation. One factor was the candidates' ability to reach the voters, which was very expensive; and discussion of this subject may get residents interested and focused on when.. they wanted to vote in an election. He suggested this item be placed on the agenda for Town Hall meetings. Mayor Pontious said she had requested the City Manager investigate the possibility of a,, school program to educate students as to the importance of city services and the decisions made by a city that effected daily lives. She stated these were the types of activities that would hopefully encourage residents to become involved in their city and attack the disease of apathy. Council concurred to include residents' preference for election date in Jerry Weil's campaign contribution survey and agendize the subject for Town Hall meetings. %II. REPORTS • 1. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA - JULY 13, 1992 It was moved by Potts seconded by Thomas, to ratify the Planning Commission Action Agenda of July 13, 1992. Motion carried'5-0. 2. CITIZEN COMPLAINT ON LACK OF CROSSWALKS ON•YORBA STREET BETWEEN SEVENTEENTH STREET AND SANTA CLARA AVENUE It was moved by Puckett seconded by Potts, to receive and file subject report. Mayor Pro Tem Potts stated he had checked with the school district and a bus stop was not scheduled for the subject intersection. Motion carried 5-0. 3. STATUS REPORT - ALMERIA HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION TRAFFIC ISSUES It was moved by Potts, seconded by Thomas, to receive and file subject report. Motion carried 5-0. 4. STATUS REPORT - 1992 CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (CMP) LEVEL OF SERVICE UPDATE It was moved by Potts, seconded by Thomas, to receive and file subject report. Motion carried 5-0. 5. SENIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM It was moved by Puckett seconded by Saltarelli, to receive and file subject report. Motion carried 5-0. XIII. PUBLIC INPUT - None -- Inter -Com _. JUNE 15, 1992 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: ROBERT S. LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: STATUS REPORT - ALMERIA HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION TRAFFIC ISSUES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the City Council, at their meeting of June 15, 1992, direct staff to continue to investigate residents' traffic concerns in the area of the Almeria Development, continue to coordinate with the Tustin Police Department to possibly increase enforcement in the area, and coordinate the review of street signing with the Almeria Homeowners Association. BACKGROUND: At the June 1, 1992 City Council meeting, Mr. Howard Mitzman, President of the Almeria Homeowners Association; requested assistance to slow traffic through the Almeria Development. The Almeria Development is located in the Tustin Ranch area of the City and is accessed by Palermo, Monterey Street, and Burnt Mill Road. DISCUSSION: The Engineering Division staff has previously received similar requests from residents of the Almeria Development. As a result of these requests, staff has•installed speed limit (25 MPH) signs on the aforementioned streets that provide access to the Almeria Development. The speed limit signs were placed in accordance with the California Vehicle Code and the State Guidelines (Caltrans Traffic Manual) for signing on public streets. Additionally, staff previously notified the Tustin Police Department and alerted them to the concerns expressed by the area residents. During a field review of the area, it was observed that unauthorized signs indicating "Slow Watch For Children" have been installed throughout this area. These signs were not approved for installation and they are not recommended in the State Guidelines for public street signing. The unauthorized placement of these signs may also have the potential of creating lability for the City in certain cases regarding litigation. If so directed, Engineering staff will coordinate the review of street signing in the subject area with the Almeria Homeowners Association. STATUS REPORT - ALMERIA HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION TRAFFIC ISSUES June 15, 1992 Page 2 The Engineering staff will continue to monitor the traffic situation in the subject area and will work with the Almeria Homeowners Association to address residents concerns. 4z, elee� Robert S. Ledendecker Director of Public Works/ City Engineer RSL:DRA:ccg:almeria Doug as R. Anderson Transportation Engineer CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 9, 6-15-92 C" Tustin Area Historical Society S .75u Tustin Public Schools Foundation $ 1,000 Bartlett/Meals on Wheels S 2,500 TOTAL $30,100 b. Consider the Feedback Foundation request through the 1992/93 budget process. This service to senior citizens is extremely important and should be processed with a contract and specific performance criteria for the Feedback Foundation to ensure that older adults receive the services for which the_City contracts. C. (See Council discussion/motion on page 8.) d. Ratify the recommendation that all monies awarded to The Sheepfold be used for direct services to clients and not debt reduction as indicated in the application. e. Regarding the request from the Orange County Black Historical Commission, when an application for the Black History Parade permit comes before the Council, that the Council consider waiving the fees and providing in-kind services. Motion carried 5-0. 4. REQUEST TO WAIVE REQUIREMENT TO CONSTRUCT SIDEWALK AT 2832 DOW AVENUE (VITA -TECH INTERNATIONAL, INC.) Councilmember Saltarelli stated he would abstain on this issue. It was moved by Potts, seconded by Thomas, to approve the request from Vita -Tech International, Inc., to waive the requirement to construct sidewalks at 2532 Dow Avenue in conjunction with their tenant improvements. Motibn carried 4-0, Saltarelli abstained. XI. REPORTS 1. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA - JUNE 8, 1992 It was moved by Thomas, seconded by Potts, to ratify the Planning Commission Action -Agenda of June 8, 1992. Motion carried 5-0. 2. STATUS REPORT - MARICOPA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION TRAFFIC ISSUES ON PARKCENTER LANE AT MARICOPA It was moved by Puckett, seconded by Thomas, to receive and file subject report. Motion carried 5-0. 3. STATUS REPORT - ALMERIA HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION TRAFFIC ISSUES It was moved by Puckett, seconded by Thomas, to direct staff to continue to investigate residents' traffic concerns in the area of_the Almeria Development, continue to coordinate with the Tustin Police Department to possibly increase enforcement in the area, and coordinate -the review of street signing with the Almeria Homeowners Association Motion carried 5-0. XII. PUBLIC INPUT - None • EXHIBIT B 7-6-92 JUNE 26, 1992 i m e r- C O M FqnRWILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER [ r. TO: POLICE DEPARTMENT JUL 7 jg92 ! FROM:L SUBJECT: ALMERIA HOMES - SPEEDING ENFORCEMENT ; 1 isriN PUBLIC WORKS . DEPT.} H RECOMMENDATION The City Council receive and file this report. BACKGROUND Pursuant to the City Council's request, the Police Department has been monitoring/issuing citations in the Almeria Homes area based, upon perceptions that vehicles are traveling too fast within the development. As you will note from the attached memorandum, the Police Department has monitored the development for the past week -and will continue to do so to determine the degree of the problem. However, at this juncture, it does not appear as though Almeria Homes has a high speed problem. Most of the residents we stopped and warned or issued citations to are residents of the subdivision. W. DOUGLAS FRANKS Chief of Police WDF:kh Attachment l Inter -Com .�....,;� JUNE 261 1992 � CAPTAIN FOSTER TO: SGT JIM PEERY FROM: ALMERIA HOMES TRAFFIC CONCERNS SUBJECT: h Due to request by council to'look into traffic problems 'in the Almeria Homes, I had Officer Paul Garaven monitor this tract for one week. Officer Garaven concentrated on.Saratpga/Burnt Mill for speeding and stop sign violations,- along with the area of Monterey and Tiburon for stop sign violations. Listed below is'a brief look at what Officer Garaven observed. June 17, 1992 1700 to 1730 hours at Saratoga/Burnt Mill - 6 to 8 vehicles observed; top speed 28 mph. 173.0 to 1800 hours at Monterey/Tiburon - 4' stops made for "California Stops". All 4 were residents of Almeria Homes. June 19, 1992 1630 to 1700 -hours -at Burnt Mill/Saratoga - 10-12 vehicles observed; top speed 31 mph. 1715 to 1745 hours at Sonbria/Tiburon - 3 stops for stop sign violations; 1 cite issued. Citation was issued to a resident. 2 warnings for "California Stop", both were residents. 1745 to 1800 hours c�t Palermo/Cortina - No stops made; 4-5 vehicles observed all stopped. June 22, 1992 1645 to 1700 hours at Burnt Mill/Saratoga - 3-5 vehicles observed; maximum speed 29 mph. 1700to 1730 hours at Sunbria/Tiburon - 4 stops with 1 cite issued. 2 drivers, who were advised, were residents. 1730 to 1750 hours at Sonbria/Tiburon - 2 stops with no cites. Both drivers were residbnts. June 24, 1992 1700 to 1730 hours at Burnt Mill/Saratoga - 4-5 cars; maximum speed 27 mph. June 25, 1992 1630 to 1700 hours at Saratoga/Burnt Mill - 1 cite issued for seat belt violation; maximum speed. 34 mph. Driver was resident. 1700 to 1730 hours at Sgnbria/Tiburon - 2 stops for "California Stops", 1 driver was resident. 1700 to 1800 hours at Palermo/Cortina - No stopg. EXHIBIT C DECEMBER 30, 1992 DOUGLAS R. ANDERSON, TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER CHUCK MACKEY, CONSULTING TRAFFIC ENGINEER SLOW WATCH FOR CHILDREN SIGNS It has been noted that private parties have installed Slow - Watch For Children signs within the City. The following discussion documents that this type of sign is non-uniform and, more importantly, may create a situation that provides less safety for children and increases the City's exposure to liability. California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 21100.1 clearly states that whenever any city installs any traffic control device on a public roadway, the device shall conform to the uniform standards and specifications adopted by CalTrans pursuant to CVC Section 21400. Furthermore, CVC Section 21351 provides cities the authority to place or cause to be placed traffic control devices on streets within their jurisdiction. CVC Section 21400 also directs CalTrans to adopt rules and regulations prescribing uniform standards for all official traffic control devices. CVC Section 21401 states that only traffic control devices that conform to the uniform standards and rules published by CalTrans shall be placed upon a street or highway. The CalTrans TRAFFIC MANUAL contains the sign standards and rules in regards to CVC 21400. It states, in part, that "Traffic signs shall be placed only by the authority of a public body or official having jurisdiction, for the purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding traffic. No sign or its support shall bear any message that is not essential to traffic control. Any unauthorized sign placed on the highway right of way by a private organization or individual constitutes a public nuisance and shall be removed."' Clearly the City has the only authority to install traffic control devices on City streets and also has the duty to ensure that non- uniform signs are not installed and to remove any non-uniform signs installed by others. The Slow - Watch For Children signs are not recognized on off icial State of California Sign Charts. Studies have been conducted in other states where this type of sign has been tried. The studies have shown that many types of signs attempting to warn of normal conditions in residential area have failed to achieve the desired 'Page 4-1, TRAFFIC MANUAL, CalTrans safety benefits. If signs encourage parents and children to believe they have an added degree of protection, which the signs do not and cannot provide, a great public disservice results. Because of these serious considerations, California law does not recognize, and Federal Standards discourage, the use of these type of signs. Children should not be encouraged to play within street travelways. This type of sign has long been rejected since it is a direct and open suggestion that this behavior is acceptable. SLOV; cID.Rrr