HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 3 COSTCO UPDATE 01-19-93OLD BUSINESS NO. 3
1 :3
Inter -Com
ATE: JANUARY 19, 1993
Pleasure of the Council.
In response to inquiries made by members of the City Council the
following status update on the outstanding items related to the
completion of Costco has been prepared. On December 18, 1992" Big -
D Construction, contractor for Costco, was informed by the Building
Official of outstanding items which need to be resolved prior to
issuance of final certificate of occupancy for Costco (Attachment
A). Big -D Construction has estimated that the majority of the
items would be completed by January 15, 1993 as indicated in their
correspondence dated December 30, 1993 (Attachment B).
The significant outstanding items and those items not likely to be
completed by January 15, 1993 include:
1. The perimeter landscaping along Bryan Avenue between the
Costco Building and Pad "C" (Exhibit 1);
2. The perimeter landscaping at the corner of Tustin Ranch Road
and Bryan Avenue (Exhibit 2);
3. Installation of bus shelters on E1 Camino Real and Tustin
Ranch Road;
L. Installation of the 10 foot wide bikeway and landscaping on
Myf ord Road.
In a meeting on January 5, 1993 with Daniel Fox and Rick Brown of
the Community Development Department and Mike Padian of The Irvine
Company, these items were discussed in more detail. The Irvine
Company has indicated the following:
1. The perimeter landscaping along Bryan Avenue between the
Costco Building and Pad "C" (Exhibit 1) will be increased in
height to 42 inches from finished grade of the sidewalk to
comply with Condition 4.2.G of Planning Commission Resolution
City Council Report
Costco Completion Update
January 19, 1993
Page 2
No. 3006. This berm was not constructed to the correct
2. The Irvine Company has indicated that they will make no
additional changes to the perimeter landscaping at the corner
of Tustin Ranch Road and Bryan Avenue despite our requests.
Condition 4.2.G of Planning Commission Resolution 3006 states
"An opaque screen of not less than 30 inches and not more
than 42 inches shall be installed along the parking areas
abutting the perimeter of the site. Wherever possible,
driveway and parking areas shall be buffered with
landscaping berms (see Section 3.7.3I.2 of the East
Tustin Specific Plan)".
The East Tustin Specific Plan refers to acceptable screening
as walls, fences and/or earthen berms.
Based upon the existing grades at this portion of the site,
the condition for an opaque screen is not being satisfied as
the finished grade is in some cases less than 30 inches in
height to the grade of the sidewalk. As part of the Phase I
improvements, Pad "A" is rough graded as no specific
development proposal has been identified or approved for this
site to date. According to The Irvine Company and their
engineering consultant, the rough grade elevation in this
portion of the site is higher than the ultimate precise finish
grade to accommodate drainage in the interim condition and
that the requirement for screening would ultimately be
achieved once the pad is developed.
However, there is no current proposal for Pad "A" nor any time
commitment as to when Pad "A" may be developed. As presently
graded, the existing screening improvements do not satisfy the
conditions of approval for the project. Throughout the design
and hearing process, The Irvine Company communicated to the
neighboring residents, the Planning Commission and City
Council that significant landscape screening would be
provided. The residents were promised a type of street scape
which would not be achieved for an indefinite period of time.
3. The Irvine Company suggests bonding for the installation of
the bus shelters. Bus shelters have been an outstanding issue
with the Marketplace for many years. The Irvine Company
originally placed the responsibility to design and install bus
shelters in the Marketplace with Donahue Schriber, the center
City Council Report
Costco Completion Update
January 19, 1993
Page 3
developer. To date, no formal design for bus shelters has
been submitted for review and approval. The original intent
was to utilize the same bus shelter design in the Marketplace
for the Costco project. The Irvine Company has now indicated
that they will take the lead to design and process bus
shelters for the Costco project. However, since the
requirements for bus shelters was a condition of the Tentative
Tract Map and the Transportation Demand Management Program for
the site, bonding for the completion would not be an
appropriate action. In addition, this is a basic site amenity
which has not been installed to the disadvantage of the
surrounding neighborhoods and customers of the center.
4. The Irvine Company suggests deferring the installation of the
10 foot wide bikeway and landscaping along Myford Road to the
construction of K -Mart which is presently in building plan
check and is anticipated to begin construction early summer
1993. The Irvine Company has indicated that the permitting
process with the Orange County Flood Control District has
delayed the original construction schedule of this facility.
Again, throughout the design and hearing process, the issue of
providing a bikeway along El Camino Real and Myford Road to
connect existing bike lanes was an important issue with the
residents, Planning Commission and City Council. This is a
basic site amenity which has not been installed to the
disadvantage of the surrounding neighborhoods and customers of
the center.
It is the intention of the Community Development Department at this
time to begin issuing misdemeanor citations for each day that
Costco operates without a Final Certificate of Occupancy commencing
January 20, 1993. In addition, it is the intent that no final
Certificate of Occupancy would be issued until all of the above
i ue a resolved.
Daniel Fox
Senior P1 ner
Attachments: As Noted
- a";4 ) A e
Christine A. Shin eton
Assistant City Manager
Community Development Department
December 18,, -1992 -
Mr. Alan Torvie
Big -D Construction
2632 West Tenth Place
Tempe, Arizona 85281
Dear Mr. Torvie,
City Of TU* stin
15222 Det Amo Avenue
Tustin, CA 92680
(714) 544-8890
FAX (714) 832-0825
This letter will provide additional information and serve to
follow-up on the letter dated 12/7/92 to Alan Torvie of Big -D
Construction regarding completion of the Costco project in Tustin.
During the Tustin City Council meeting of December 7, 1992, the
status of the Costco project was discussed. The Council also
received a -complaint regarding landscaping for the project from a-
b —,owner's association adjacent to the project. The Council was
I rmed of the status of the project by staff. -The City Council
reinforced the need for immediate action for completion of
outstanding issues with the project.
The City must therefore emphasite the urgency for completion of
this project. The City will not issue any additional Temporary
Certificates of Occupancy. Occupancy of a building without a
Certificate of Occupancy is a violation of Uniform Administrative
Code, Section 309-A. Each day of occupancy without a Certificate
of Occupancy is separate violation for which the owner may be
cited. Therefore, it is imperative that all remaining issues be
finalized in order that the Building Official may issue the final
Certificate of Occupancy..
?'he owner or contractor shall request a final inspection of the
project from the Building Division. The Building Division will
then route the final inspection request to the other departments,
divisions and agencies which must approve the project prior to
issuance of a Certificate of occupancy, Attached you will find a
list of known items that require corrections and/or completion.
' . 's
Dumber 18 , 1992
F 2
Your immediate attention to these outstanding issued is required.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Rick Brown
Building Official
cc: Christine Shingleton, Assistant city Manager
Bob Ledendecker, Director of Public Works
Michael Padian, The Irvine Company
John Gaherty, Costco Wholesale
Jeff.Pierini, Costco Wholesale
Jane Anderson, Sevilla HOA
Dan Fox, Senior Planner
R :ofin.tet:jk
Nt Y
r 1� Community Development Department
City Of Tustin
15222 Dei Amo Avenue
December 18, 1992 Tustin, CA 92680
(714) 544-8890
FAX (714) 832-0825
Mr. Ali Moayeri
Costco Wholesale
2655 El Camino Real
Tustin, CA 92660
Dear Mr. Moayeri,
This letter will provide additional information no n e of Bigto
follow-up on the letter dated 12/7/92 to A
Construction regarding completion of the Costco project in Tustin.
During the Tustin City Council meeting of December 71 1992, the
status of the.Costco project was discussed. The Council also
received a complaint regarding landscaping for the project from a
r`r Downer's association adjacent to the project. The Council was
firmed of the status of the project by staff. The City Council
reinforced the need for'immediate action for completion of
outstanding issues with the project . -
The City must therefore emphasize the urgency for completion of
this project. The City will not issue any additional Temporary
Certificates of Occupancy. Occupancy of a building without a
Certificate of Occupancy is a violation of Uniform Administrative
Code, section 309-A. Each day of occupancy without a Certificate
of Occupancy is separate violation for which the owner may be
cited. Therefore, it is imperative that all remaining issues be
'finalized in order that the Building Official may issue the final
Certificate of Occupancy.
,1'1)e owner_ or contractor shall request a f inal inspection of the
project from the Building Division. The Buildinq Division will
thea route
the final inspection request to the other departments,
divisions and agencies which must approve the project prior to
issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Attached you will mind a
list of known items that require corrections and/or completion.
D" tuber 18, 1992
P 2
Your immediate attention to these outstanding issued is required.
If you -have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Rick Brown
Building Official
cc: Christine Shingleton, Assistant City Manager
Bob Ledendecker, Director of Public Works
Michael Padian, The Irvine Company
John-Gaherty, Costco Wholesale
Jeff Pierini, Costco Wholesale
Jane Anderson, Sevilla HOA
Dan Fox, Senior Planner
De----,nber 18, 1992
Pz 3
1. Install shrubs and ground cover 'in easterly planters at the
end of the parking aisles in the southeast parking field.
2. Paint receiving area' wall 'to_ match canopy building
3. Install landscaping adjacent to building south elevation,
east of tire installation area.
4. Paint all drain scuppers at roof line to match block or
canopy as applicable (all elevations).
5. Remove existing cart storage racks. Obtain approval for
design and location of cart storage racks per condition
3.12.F of Planning Commission Resolution No. 3006.
Architectural detail of such racks shall be consistent with
building design, similar in type and scale to the Market
Place: Approved racks shall be installed.
6. Install hydroseed landscaping on pad "C".
7. Raise the berm on Bryan Avenue between Costco building and
pad "C". See Attachment 1 for area. Berm shall be 42 inches
in height as measured from the finished grade of the
8. Install turf along Bryan Avenue frontage at. signal entrance.
9. Remove construction debris and portable toilet from pad "C" .
10. Install landscaping around and. in front to IRWD valve and
footing at Bryan/Tustin Ranch Road.
11. Remove footing form at light standard on east perimeter of
12. Correct parking space striping at northeast corner of parking
field at Auto Center Drive entrance.
13. Provide letter from Landscape Architect indicating that all
palm trees are of good health.
14. Provide ground cover around vault on west side of Auto Center
Drive entrance.
15. Install ground cover and vines per plan at bus stop turnout
on E1 Camino Real.
16. Gbta.in approval of design incl install bus shelters in
accordance with the provisions of Transportation Demand
Manacernent Program and condition No. 1.�.q of planning
Commission Resolution No. 3007.
17. Remove all trash and debris from Phase II area, parking lot
and perimeter of the site.
18. The opaque screen at the corner of Tustin Ranch Road and
Bryan Avenue adjacent to pad "A" needs to be enhanced. See
Attachment 2 for area. With the rough grade now being at
street level, higher than originally anticipated during
Design Review and development of conditions related to
perimeter screening, the screening which is provided does not
meet the intent of the East Tustin Specific Plan, nor 'the
Dumber 18, 1992
P 4
communicated effect which The Irvine Company identified to
the surrounding community, Planning Commission and City
Council during the hearing process. -In the recent months,
the surrounding neighborhoods have been extremely vocal of
this issue at the City Council meetings. -In order to satisfy
the intent of the Specific Plan and the commitments made on
the record of The Irvine Company .'related to perimeter
screening, the following changes must -be made:
a. The screen wall along Bryan Avenue; between Tustin Ranch
Road and the first entrance driveway shall be raised to a
minimum of 36" inches- in height, as measured from the
finish grade of the sidewalk.
b. An opaque screen of block construction to match the other
screen walls on the site or earth berm, or combination,
shall be provided along Tustin Ranch Road between Bryan
Avenue and the southerly edge of pad "A". This screen
shall be a minimum of 36 inches in height or earthen berm,
as measured from the finish grade of the sidewalk:
19. Construction and landscaping of a 10' wide bikeway along the
west side of Myford Road in accordance with condition No. 1.8
and 1.10 of Planning Commission Resolution No. 3007.
De=tuber 18, 1992
P< 5
1. Final electrical inspection (fixtures).
2. Final building inspection (roof scuppers, flashing, and fire
stops) .
3. Final storm drain inspection.
4. Final paving inspection. N
5. Final approval of engineering fixes for structure (currently
with consultant for review).
6. Final approval from soils engineer.
7. Submit final as -built civil drawings.
8. Final mechanical inspection (venting of condensate lines over
15' in length UPC Sec. 603).
41k. 4t
Community Development Department
City Of Tustin
15222 Del Amo Avenue
Tustin, CA 92680
(714) 544-8890
FAX (714) 832-0825
ecember 7, 1992
N Ia
:r. Alan Torvie, Project Manager
ig-D Construction
632 West Tenth Place
'empe, Arizona 85281
,ear Mr. Torvie,
a ,writing to notify you that Coscto, Tustin is currently
)ccupied without a Certificate of Occupancy and is in violation of
tniform Administrative Code, Section 309.
'he City has issued two Temporary Certificates of Occupancy for.
.his project. The first was valid from 10/1/92 to 10/30/92. The
second was valid from 10/30/92 to 11/23/92. These temporary
)ccupancy permits were issued by discretionary action of the
milding Official in an attempt to consider the needs of the
:ontractor, Costco, and the City.
'he contractor has provided the City with several estimated fin
:ompletion dates which have come and gone without the final
Oltlpl et i ��:Z of the project. wring our p%lcne conversation di�r_ ir�g
.he last �.�eek of November, you i ndicated. that the work would be
-ompl eted during the first few days of December and t1:at the f i *-gal
_nspections would be requested. As of this date, final inspections
lave not been requested. Additionally, progress towards the
-orrecti-on and completion of outstanding issues appears to be
ainimal .
in addition to building code issues, the Conditions of Approval
imposed by the Planning Commission must be complied with. Failure
7:0 comply with these Conditions of Approval could result in the
,3ro--t being scheduled for Planning Commission review.
ecember 71 1992
age two
'he City has made every effort to work with the contractor and
,ostco to get the project open for business "Abd completed. The
.ceupancy • of the building without a Certificate of Occupancy and
ack of - compliance with portions of the Conditions of Approval
"ould appear to represent a substantial liability for the parties
.nvolved with this project.
'he City has one objective with regards to this project. That
bjective is the final inspection and approval of the project for
.ompliance with all applicable codes and Conditions of Approval.
our immediate attention'to this matter is needed. Please'do"not
"esitate to contact me if you have any questions.
:ick Brown
.uilding Official
:c: Christine Shingleton
Bob Ledendecker
Dan Fox
Ali. Mcayer i , Costco Wholesale
Michael Padian, Irvine Company
December -30, 1992
Ii. N .4
Mr. Rick Brown, Building Official
City of Tustin
Community Development Department
15222 Del Amo Avenue
Tustin, CA 92680
RE: Tustin- Costco Wholesale
Project Completion
Dear Mr. Brown:
In receipt of your letters dated 12/18/92 and 12/07/9
Pi lase One of the above referenced project.
regarding completion of
I want to assure you that we are making every attempt to lose out the project. The
following is a listing of the status of outstanding Issues:
1. Final inspections were requested for various depa trnents in the last eight
weeks. Inspections have been conducted by Public orks, I.R.W.D., Building
Safety, and the Planning Division. The outstanding i ues have been identified,
and are:
A. Irvine Ranch Water District: A final inspectin was conducted by Mr.
Tam Tucker of I.R.W.D. on 12/154192. Ail ,work was complete and
approved, with the exception of the final insltaflatjon of the reclaimed
Yvater irrigation meter at the corner of Tustin . ancn Road and El Camino
Real. This meter installation will be compiet by 12/31/92.
City of Tustin Public Works: A final inspectioi was conducted by Mike
Branch on 12/16/92. All work was complete and accepted with the
exception of the installation of a stop sign it the Phase Two Tustin
Ranch Road access drive. This sign will bei stalled by 1/8/93.
2632 WES TENTH F!_AC--
Tit".PE. AF.fZC�JA E528t
Mr. Rick Brown, City of Tustin
cember 30, 1992
C. City of Tustin Building Division
1. Electrical:
Final inspections for electricarw
by Clayn Sondere89er. ,Clayn,.
electrical work, including instal
fixtures was complete and a
electrical work was signed off.
2. Final Building Inspection:
re conducted on 12/16/92
as stated that all building
ition of wall -pack exterior
cepted and the building
The three (3) items listed in you letter (scuppers, flashing,
fire stops) have all been co. leted. A final building
inspection was requested for a completed on -12/16/92
and Clayn has signed off on bui ding issues.
3. Final Storm Drain Inspection:
A final storm drain inspection vN
conducted on 12/15/92. The o
asphalt patching around two i
plugged drain - at the loading c
complete by 1/8193.
4. Final Paving Inspection:
as requested for and was
ily outstanding. issues are
rianholes, and clearing a
ock. This work will. be
We had believed the final pavin inspection to be included
in the final site inspections dur ng the temporary C of O
process. Clayn has indicated th t the only two remaining
issues are complatio;t of some striping that vves covered
during patching work, and patching around the two
manholes described above. I
5. Final Approval of Engineering Fixes:
All documents have been sub itted, and are currently
being reviewed by your consultants.
Rick Brown, City of Tustin
,cember 30, 1992
6. Final Approval from Soils Engineer:
According to Wyman Testing, t ie Solis Engineer employed
by Costco, this report has .ben completed, and will be
mailed directly to the City by January 8, 1993.
7. Final As -Built Civil Drawings:
These are to be submitted by Williamson & Schmidt. 1 will
coordinate this.
8. Final Mechanical Inspection (condensate line inspection):
This refers to the refrigeration ines, which were Installed
by a separate contract to Costc . I have contacted Costco
to address this issue.
City of Tustin Planning Division: A pre -final inspection was conducted
by Mr. Dan Fox on 12/16/92. A correction list was provided and
included in your letter of 12/18/92. The status of the items addressed
on Mr. Fox's list is as follows:
1. Shrubs and ground cover at eastern planters: This work is
2. Paint receiving area wall to match can py background: This work
is scheduled for the week of 1/4/93 - 1/8/93, depending on the
3. Install landscaping at the tire center: This work is complete.
4. Paint scuppers: This work is schedu!c d for the week of 1/4/93.
b. Remove cart storage racks: This is a Costco issue. They have
been informed of the situation.
6. Hydra -seed pad "C": This work is co plete.
PA- Rick Brown, City of Tustin
amber 30, 1992
7. Raise berm on Bryan Avenue: The bierm was built per the civil
drawings, but was flattened at the ends during fine grading by the
landscapers. The issue of final height of the berm (30" or 42")
must be resolved by Williamson & Schmidt before we can
8. Install turf at Bryan Avenue: This work is complete.
S. Remove debris and portable toilet: Thi work is complete.
10. install landscaping at I.R.W.D. valve: his work is complete.
11. Remove footing form at light standard The cardboard form has
- been removed. This work is complete
12. Correct parking striping: This work is Icheduled for the week of
1/4/93 - 1/8/93.
13. Letter from landscape architect: I hav requested this letter, and
will provide it upon receipt.
14. Provide ground cover at vault on West tide or Auto Center Drive:
This work is complete.
15. install ground cover and vines at bs turn -in: This work is
16. Install bus shelters: This work is not pa of Big -D's contract with
Costco or the Irvine Co. 1 have asked ioth to address this issue
with you.
The issues which are not part of our contract with Costco or Irvine Companies (#5,
7, 16, 18, and 19) will be addressed by representatives o those companies.
N— Rick Brown, City of Tustin
ember 30, 1992
1 understand that a permanent Certificate of Occupancy w 11 not be available until all
Issues addressed in your letter are resolved.*
We hope to complete all o�our outstanding work by Janu ry 15, 1993. Thank you.
Sincerely, .. ,.
Alan iorvi a
Project Manager
cc: All Moayeri Costco
Michael Padian Irvine Co.
Jerry Lee Mulvanny-Lee & Assoc.
Michael Dearden: Big -D Construction