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ATE: JANUARY 19, 1993 t1 t e C - C O t Yl ��U s%
Pleasure of the Council.
At the December 7, 1992 C --',:y Council meeting, Councilman Thomas
requested a status repc-lt on the concept of creating a
"Beautification Committee". Staff has researched the concept and
investigated other cities and how their committees are structured.
A total of nine (9) Oranae County and Los Angeles cities were
contacted and information w= -s obtained regarding their program. A
further description of seven of the city programs is attached for
the Council (two of the r__ne cities contacted had restructured
their program to be code en-orcement oriented). Contact was also
made with the State and Local League of California Cities to
request information and any written materials on established
Beautification Programs. request was also posted on Citilink
asking for any cities that mad Beautification Programs to contact
the City of Tustin. The request was posted twice and no responses
were received.
Staff in their contact wit: other cities requested information on
the following items that are believed to be relevant to the
creation of a Beautification Program:
° How the Committee/Proc=am is structured
Who comprises the coma-.-ttee
° How many committee me -.vers
Whether the committee -.as a mission statement
Level of city involves-.=nt
o Committee budget
City Council Report
Research on Beautification Committee
January 19, 1993
Page 2
° Meeting schedule (annually, quarterly, monthly)
° Award schedule (annually, quarterly, monthly)
Type of awards, cost of awards
° City staff involvement
Criteria for judging properties
Nomination process
° Reports, forms developed as part of the program
In response to these questions and answers, a trend became evident
among the programs that are successfully operating.
1. It is equally likely or unlikely that the program operates
independent of the city. Four programs surveyed are not city
2. The city generally assists in the awards event either by
direct budget appropriations to the organization or by hosting
the awards event.
3. The annual costs to fund the award event are generally between
4. City staff has limited involvement in the program except for
assisting with publicity, nomination process, coordinating the
awards event and providing information on city codes and
property history.
5. If city staff is involved it is usually a representative from
.the Community Services or Code Enforcement Departments.
6. If the program is city sponsored there is generally a Council
person involved on the judging committee.
7. Award events are usually held annually and in late spring.
8. The program/committee has established criteria they use to
evaluate/judge properties.
City Council Report
Research on Beautification Committee
January 19, 1993
Page 3
9. The award to the winner(s) is generally a plaque or
10. The program can be directed to both residential and commercial
propert-es or can be directed to residential or commercial
only. several program representatives indicated that they
exclude residential judging due to past experiences where
residen=ial judging became highly controversial and embittered
neighbcrs against neighbors.
Staff will be available to respond to any specific questions or
direction fr--m the City Council on this matter.
Rita Westfield Christine A. Shing on
Assistant Direc 2Assistant City Man er
Community De-:elopment Dept.
Anaheim Beautiful: The Anaheim Beautiful program has been in
operation since 1970. Anaheim Beautiful is a volunteer non -prof it
organization composed of citizens and affiliated local
organizations who work together to clean up and beautify the City.
The committee is composed of 9 members elected at large from the
300 person membership, and is established by charter with
established bylaws.
The committee names monthly award winners who contribute to civic
beauty through property improvement. Yearly, the previous monthly
award winners compete for the annual award. The program has
several award categories - commercial, industrial, institutional,
multi -family residential and single-family residential.
Nominations for awards are submitted by the membership not by the
community at large. Major awards are given at an annual awards
luncheon. Monthly awards consist of an awards plaque to the
winner. The City is usually represented at the monthly meetings by
department heads or the City Manager and information about on-going
and future city programs is shared with the membership at these
monthly meetings.
The City of Anaheim is not responsible for the program and does not
financially support the beautification program. Annual membership
is $5 for an individual and $15 for an organization or business.
Anaheim beautification competes with other non -profits when
requesting funding from the City of Anaheim.
Mr. John Poole, the City's Code Enforcement
and past president of the Committee. This
there are no city staff members assigned t
oSupervisor, is a member
is strictly voluntary,
the committee.
City of Bell Garden: The Beautification Award Program was
initiated in 1987 and is designed to use the existing 5 -member
Recreation, Cultural and Youth Commissioners as the committee. The
city is divided into 5 judging zones with a committee member
assigned to judge one of the 5 zones. Each commitee member selects
one residential property and one business property in their
assigned zones. Categories include residential properties (single
family and multiple) and business properties (commercial and
industrial). A total of 5 residential and 5 business awards are
presented each year.
The program operates from the Community Services Department and has
one city staff person assigned to assist the committee, take care
of publicity, notify recipients and coordinate the Award Ceremony.
The Award Ceremony is an annual event which takes place after a
regular Council meeting. A $1500 budget has been established to
fund the event to pay for such items as refreshments, plaques,
litter bags and photographer.
Guidelines used by the committee to judge properties include;
outstanding landscaping or architectural design, improvements to
exterior appearance, overall upkeep and maintenance and the absence
of outstanding City Code violations.
City of Downey - The Keep Downey Beautiful program was developed
in 1984 originally as a city sponsored and funded program. The
city is no longer an active participant in the program and there
are no city staff members assigned to the program. Although
approximately 12% of the operating expenses are funded by the city,
the remaining budget is funded by donations. It is estimated that
the awards budget is $2000 - $2500 annually. Keep Downey Beautiful
is a community based program staffed by volunteers who meet
monthly. At the present time there are 10 active members
representing the different civic organizations. in the city. Award
events recognizing both home •and business beautification
improvements are held annually in the spring and anyone in the
community can nominate a property or an entire street/ neighborhood.
The city is divided into 8 areas and judges, selected from the
membership, go out into one of the 8 areas and rate the nominated
properties on a scale of from 1 to 10. There are generally 40
annual winners who are recognized at a reception at City Hall.
Awards include a lawn sign for each winner to advertise that their
property has been selected, proclamation from the City Council,
County and State Assemblyman. A slide presentation of the
winning properties concludes the reception event.
City of Garden Grove: The Neighborhood Pride Program was developed
by the City's Code Enforcement section and is operated by the city.
The program recognizes residential properties or neighborhoods
within the city that exhibit high maintenance standards. The city
is divided into 18 zones, each zone has its own judge who is
appointed annually by the City Council.
Residents of Garden Grove may submit a nomination for their
property or neighborhood or may nominate another property within
the city. Awards ceremonies are held annually and consist of a
city plaque for the winner as well as a plaque for the
neighborhood. The staff person who provided this information was
unable to determine a budget amount for the program.
The City is represented at the annual award event by the Council
and City department representatives who distribute City materials
and answer questions. An Administrative services Coordinator
serves as staff to the program, developing the application,
coordinating the advertising, determining eligibility, mapping the
18 zone judging area and putting together the annual event.
Criteria used by the judges includes such things as landscaping
maintenance, exterior residence improvements and property upkeep
(paint, roof, etc.)
City of Lakewood: The Lakewood Beautiful program has been in
operation for 14 years and was developed to encourage and recognize
residential and commercial properties in the city who have
maintained their property.
Residential: The Residential Beautification Committee is
structured as an ad-hoc advisory committee to the City Council and
is comprised of 20 members, including one council member, a local
realtor, garden club representative and past winners. The Lakewood
Beautiful Committee meets four times a year to consider
nominations. Entries/ nominations can be as high as 400 within the
annual nomination period. For judging purposes, Lakewood is broken
down into 35 geographic areas. Three judges are selected from the
Committee. A total of 35 winners (one from each area) are selected
and receive recognition awards. From the 35 winners, 4 grand prize
winners are selected.
In June, the annual award reception is held. The city budgets
$7000 for the event to take care of food and prize costs. Awards
include city plaques, professional photographs of the 35 winning
properties and a clock for the grand prize winners. One city staff
- person is assigned to the committee and handles the nomination
process, meeting coordination and publicity.
Commercial: The commercial component of the beautification program
is not a city sponsored event/process. Judging and organization of
the commercial recognition is done by the Chamber of Commerce and
the Rotary Club. The commercial beautification program includes;
multi -family residences, office buildings, gas stations, shopping
centers and institutional uses. Usually there are approximately 20
annual nominees for the committee to consider. One winner in each
category is selected annually and awarded a plaque and recognized
at a City Council meeting.
Criteria used by the committee for judging commercial properties
includes signage, parking lot maintenance, lighting, landscaping,
and property maintenance. One city staff person is assigned to
assist the committee with publicity and award coordination.
City of San Juan Capistrano: The Community Pride Award Program was
developed by the San Juan Capistrano City Council in 1988 to
recognize the business community efforts in maintenance of their
property. The Committee is comprised of the Mayor and two members
of the community (chosen by the Mayor). Commercial properties are
judged on building design, overall maintenance and landscaping.
Awards are annual events which include an engraved City tile for
each major category winner and Certificates of Recognition for
other outstanding properties, presented by the City Council at
their July meeting. Categories include commercial, industrial, and
retail business. The City determined not to include residential
properties because they believe it to be too controversial.
There is an annual nomination process open to the community.
Submission of nominations is scheduled for March of each year. One
City staff person is assigned to assist the Committee by
researching the history of the nominated property and developing a
list of other non -nominated properties for the Committee to
Criteria used by the Committee for judging a property includes
-- overall high quality upkeep, landscaping, signage, building
improvements, conformity to city codes and representation of the
city's culture and heritage.
City of Santa Ana: The Santa Ana Beautiful Committee sponsors an
annual event called the "Most Beautiful Front Yard Contest". The
event started in 1988 and is an offshoot of the Keep America
Beautiful program. The program is designed to recognize residents
who have improved the exterior maintenance and landscaping of their
homes in each of the Santa Ana neighborhoods.
The committee is comprised of volunteers or representatives from
each of the Santa Ana neighborhoods. One judge is assigned to each
neighborhood and using a scale from 1-10 rates properties for
maintenance (fences, driveway, storage) landscaping and overall
appearance. There is no City Council or city department
representation on the committee, although one city staff person
assists the committee by doing the publicity, mailings, developing
and consolidating rating forms and coordinating the annual awards
event. The staff person is the Community Events Supervisor and
estimates approximately 10 hours a month are allocated to the
event contest.
The City of Santa Ana funds the annual dinner award event. Winners
receive a "Most Beautiful Yard" lawn sign to be displayed on the
property and a mounted photograph of their home.