SECTIONS 9223 AND 9252j
Tustin City Code Section 9223
(Proposed Changes in Red)
a Permitted Uses and Development Standards
In the Single -Family Residential District (R1) only the following uses (or uses which in the opinion of
the Community Development Director and/or the Planning Commission are similar) will be allowed subject
to the development standards identified in Table 1 of Section 9220 and/or as specified in this Chapter.
1. Single -Family dwellings.
2. Accessory buildings only if constructed simultaneously with or subsequent to the main building
on the same lot.
(a) Maximum height: 25 feet.
(b) Minimum lot width at property line: 40 feet on cul-de-sacs at property line.
(c) Maximum lot coverage: 30 percent of rear yard.
(d) Minimum front yard setback: 50 feet.
(e) Minimum rear yard setback: 5 feet, but not less than 1,000 square feet clear and
unobstructed on rear 1/3 of lot.
3. Accessory uses normally incidental to single-family residences. This is not to be construed as
permitting any commercial uses.
(a) Minimum side yard setback: 1 foot.
(b) Minimum rear yard setback: 1 foot except 5 feet required on an alley.
4. Small family day care home subject to the provisions set forth in Section 9271 aa.
5. Home occupations in accordance with this Chapter. (Ord. No. 330, Sec. 2a)
6. Large family day care homes (subject to the provisions set forth in Section 9271 aa).
7. Second residential units (see Section 9252'2 for standards aocdicable to Second Residential
Units in the Cultural Resource District.):
(a) Maximum height: 30 feet.
(b) Minimum building site: 12,000 square feet.
(c) Maximum overall lot coverage for all structures combined: 50 percent.
(d) Maximum lot coverage for the second residential unit: 30 percent of rear yard and 30
percent of side yard.
(e) Minimum front yard setback: 50 feet for detached unit; 20 feet for attached unit
(f) Minimum front yard setback for off-street parking: 50 feet.
(g) Minimum side yard setback:
Corner lot line: 10 feet;
Interior lot line: 5 feet.
(h) Minimum rear yard setback: 5 feet
(i) Maximum floor area of second residential unit: 10 percent of total lot area.
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(j) Any second residential unit shall be consistent with the architectural style, materials and
color of the primary single-family dwelling and shall not detract from the single-family
appearance of the primary single-family dwelling.
(k) Any second residential unit shall not cause a substantial adverse change, as defined in
California Public Resources Code Section 5020.1, in the significance of any real property
that is listed in the California Register of Historic Places or the City of Tustin Historical
Resources Survey.
(1) Any second residential unit shall be constructed concurrently with, or subsequent to, the
primary single-family dwelling, which shall be conforming or brought into conformance with
the Tustin City Code.
(m) All entrances to any second residential unit shall be to the rear of the primary single-family
dwelling and shall not be visible from the public right-of-way.
(n) When the primary single-family dwelling would conform to the development standards
normally applicable to second residential units, and the second residential unit is built
between the primary single-family dwelling and the front property line, the second
residential unit shall be subject to the development standards normally applicable to the
primary single-family dwelling.
b Conditionally Permitted Uses and Development Standards
The following uses (or any other uses which, in the opinion of the Community Development Director
and/or the Planning Commission, are similar) may be conditionally permitted in the Single -Family
Residential District (R1) subject to the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit and subject to the
development standards identified in Table 1 of Section 9220 and/or as specified in this Chapter.
1. Places of Worship, schools, parks, playgrounds, public utility crop and tree farming.
(a) Maximum height: 30 feet.
(b) Minimum building site: 20,000 square feet for Places of Worship, 5 acres for schools,
public utility and other uses as specified in Conditional Use Permit.
(c) Minimum lot width at property line: 100 feet.
(d) Maximum lot coverage: 40 percent.
(e) Minimum front yard setback: 25 feet, unless otherwise indicated on Zoning Map.
(f) Minimum side yard setback:
Corner lot line: 10 feet;
Interior lot line: 5 feet.
(g) Minimum rear yard setback: 20 feet.
2. Accessory buildings JgKqept in the Cultural Resource Drs used as guest quarters, provided
no cooking facility is installed or maintained, subject to a recorded deed restriction approved by
the City.
(a) Maximum height: 25 feet.
(b) Maximum lot coverage: 30 percent of rear yard.
(c) Minimum front yard setback: 50 feet, unless otherwise indicated on Zoning Map.
(d) Minimum side yard setback:
Comer lot line: 10 feet;
Interior lot line: 5 feet.
(e) Minimum rear yard setback. 5 feet.
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Tustin City Code Section 9252j2
Cultural Resource (CR) District
(Proposed Changes in Red)
2. Residential standards
(a) Permitted uses:
(1) All uses shall be permitted in the Cultural Resources Overlay District as are
authorized in the underlying Residential District.
(2) The City Council may also permit other nonlisted uses which support the purposes of
the district as a conditional use following a public hearing and recommendation by the
Planning Commission.
X31 Second Residential Units
(a) Maximum height: 30 feet
(b) Minimum building site: none
(c) Maximum overall lot Covera a for all structures combined. 50 percent
(d) Maximum lot coverage for the second residential unit: none
(e) Minimum front yard setback: 50 feet for detached unit; 20 feet for attached unit
(f) Minimum front yard setback for off-street parking: 20 feet
(g) Minimum side yard setback: Corner lot line: 10 feet-, Interior lot line 5 feet
(h) _Minimum rear yard setback: 5 feet
(i) Maximum floor area of second residential unit: 50 percent of primary single-
family dwelling not to exceed 600 square feet
6) The second residential unit shall be consistent with the architectural style,
materials and color of the Primary single-family dwelling and shall not detract from the
single-family appearance of the primary single-family dwelling.
(k) The second residential unit shall not cause a substantial adverse change as
defined in California Public Resources Code Section 5020.1, in the significance of any
real property that is listed in the California Register of Historic Places or the City of
Tustin Historical Resources Survev.
(1) The second residential unit shall be constructed concurrently with, or subsequent
to, the primary single-family dwelling which shall be conforming or brought into
conformance with the Tustin City Code.
(m) All entrances to the second residential unit shall be to the rear of the primary
single-family dwelling and shall not be visible from the public right-of-way.
(n) When the primary sin le-fari-flly dwelling would conform to the develo ment
standards normally applicable to second residential units and the second residential
unit is built between the primary single-family dwelling and the front property line, the
second residential unit shall be subiect to the development standards normallu
applicable to the primary single-family dwelling_
(b) Site development standards (applicable to creation of new lots only):
(1) Minimum single-family lot size. 10,000 square feet.
(2) Minimum multiple -family lot size: 15,000 square feet.
Development of existing lots within the CR District may proceed consistent with the
underlying residential zoning district. (Ord. No. 1207, Sec. 2, 11-16-98)
Lci rron,o, ea uses
Accessory buildings used as quest quartg,
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3. Public or private parking lots for automobiles when adjacent to any "C" or W" District, subject to
the requirements of the City's parking regulations, identified in Part 6 of this Chapter.
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