HomeMy WebLinkAboutPOWERPOINT PRESENTATION - WATER MGMT PLANlq� 0 .Mana 9 ement Plan DIMMMMID May 5, 20:15 5:30 P.m. January—Governor proclaims state of emergency due to drought July—Water Board approves Emergency Water Conservation Regulations August —City Council declared Stage2 (Mandatory Compliance —Water Alert) March —Water Board extends Emergency Water Conservation Regulation April —Governor issues an executive order requiring additional regulations and a25% reduction in potable water use and Water Board provides regulatory framework to water agencies April — Metropolitan and MWDOC implement 1.5% allocation reduction effective July 1, 2015 Urban Water Suppliers required to prohibit the following: Watering of landscape that causes runoff Use of a hose to wash a vehicle if it is not equipped with ashut-off nozzle Application of water to any hard surface, except to abate a health and/or sanitation issue Use of a fountain that is not part of a recirculating system Total Customer Conservation Annual conservation resulted in2% reduction Conservation efforts after City Council implements Stage2of Water Management Plan resulted in 7% reduction City Conservation Efforts Reduced irrigation in parks, landscaped medians, parkways, and facilities Eliminated use of nonessential water use such as decorative fountains and splash pads Urban Water Suppliers required to limit the number of days irrigation can be used. In addition to the202-4 prohibitions, the following are now prohibited: The irrigation with potable water of ornamental turf on public street medians; and The irrigation with potable water of landscapes outside of newly constructed homes and buildings +h At is nn+ dininwinrind hu drin nr mic-rncnrAy rzyc+o Tsin a manner inconsistent with regulations or other requirements established by the California Building Standards Commission. I 2 3 4 5 6 01 reserved O 4% O 64.99 23 8% 65 7999 21 12% 8o 94.99 42 16% 95 10999 41 20% 110 129.99 51 24% 130 169.99 73 28% 170 214.99 66 32% 215 612 94 36% Baseline determined using June201-4— February 2015 data Total water production / population / days (gallons per capita per day or GPCD) Baseline =156.5 GPCD Target=11z.7GPCD Going forward, each month is compared to 2013 water usage Water Usage Comparisons CY 2013 OCY 2014 CY 2015 --x-28°A Reduction from 2013 1500 1250 W LL a 1000 750 500 Ili II� 250 0 January February March April May June July August September October November December Per the Governor's Executive Order, the Water Board is required to implement measures to ensure conservation by the commercial, industrial, and institutional (CII) sectors. Due to the vast differences in CII by community, the Water Board has left this to the discretion of individual agencies to curtail use. State Water Resources Control Board 28% of total consumption Municipal Water District of Orange County 15% of imported water Why the distinction? Tustin Water Services relies on both imported and groundwater to meet customer demand. The Water Board is looking to reduce overall consumption while Metropolitan and MWDOC are looking specifically at imported water. Designated watering days for Stage2 Tuesday &Saturday —even numbered addresses Thursday &Sunday — odd numbered addresses Watering one day per week between November 1 and March 31 in Stage z Designated watering days for Stage 3 Wednesday—even numbered addresses Thursday —odd numbered addresses Prohibition of outdoor irrigation during and 48 hours following measureable precipitation Hotels/motels shall provide guests with the option to have linens laundered daily. Fine structure for violations Stage 2 Current Proposed Irrigation only permitted z days per week, and 1 day per week Nov 1 - Mar 31 Watering limited to a maximum of 5 minutes per No designated irrigation days Irrigation prohibited lo a.m. to 6 p.m. Watering is permitted anytime if a hand held hose equipped with a positive shut-off nozzle, hand held bucl<et, or drip irrigation is used. No washing of paved areas except to alleviate immediate fire or sanitation hazards irrigation station Irrigation prohibited 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Prohibit any irrigation during and 48 hours following measureable rain No Change No washing of vehicles unless using a hand held bucl<et and hose with a positive shut-off nozzle. No Change Irrigation of parl<s, school grounds, public facilities, and recreational fields prohibited lo Irrigation of parks, school grounds, public facilities, a.m. to 4 p.m. and recreational fields prohibited 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Stage 2 Current Proposed Restaurants shall not serve water unless specifically requested No Change N/A Require hotels and motels to provide guests with the option of choosing not to have towels and linens laundered daily Operation of ornamental fountains or similar structures prohibited unless reclaimed water is used. No Change N/A N/A Requirement to repair leaks immediately The "dump and fill" practice of swimming pool maintenance is prohibited. Pools may be topped off to prevent damage to pump and filter equipment Agricultural users and commercial nurseries as defined in the Metropolitan Water District Code are exempt, but are required to curtail all non-essential water use. No Change 15 Stage 3 Current Proposed Designated irrigation days: Odd numbered addresses on odd numbered days, even numbered addresses on even numbered days Irrigation only permitted 1 day per week. N/A Prohibit any irrigation during and 48 hours following measureable rain Washing of vehicles only permitted at commercial car washes using recycled water No Change Commercial car washed not using reclaimed or recycled water required to reduce water use by 2o% No Change Irrigation of parks, school grounds, public facilities, and recreational fields prohibited 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. The operation of ornamental fountains or similar structures is prohibited N/A N/A No Change No Change Can only fill pools that are covered The use of water for commercial, industrial, institutional, manufacturing or processing shall be essential use only, all outdoor irrigation is prohibited. 16 Stage 4 Ci irrPnt All outdoor irrigation is prohibited. No Change Washing of vehicles only permitted at commercial car washes using recycled water No Change Commercial car washed not using reclaimed or recycled water required to reduce water use by 50% No Change Filling, refilling, or adding water to swimming pools, spas, ponds and artificial lakes is prohibited No Change Watering of parks, school grounds, public facilities and recreation fields is prohibited with the exception of plant materials classified to be rare, exceptionally valuable, or essential to the wellbeing of rare animals No Change Proposed Stage 4 Current Proposed Use of water for agricultural or commercial nursery purposes, except for livestock watering, is prohibited. No Change New construction meters or permits for unmetered service will not be issued. Except to maintain the health, safety and welfare Construction water shall not be used for earth of the public or as required by the AQMD Control work or road construction purposes Measure F-4 The use of water for commercial, industrial, institutional, manufacturing or processing The use of water for commercial, manufacturing purposes shall be reduced in volume bY5o% or as or processing purposes shall be reduced in volume by 50% No water shall be used for air conditioning purposes mandated by the State Water Resources Control Board and limited to off-peak hours. No Change Me Current Penalty Structure vs Recommendation Administrative Citation Process Amount Violation 1 $Zoo Recommended $Zoo Violation 3 + Current Amount Additional Action Amount Violation 1 $25 $100 Education Violation z $35 $200 Education Violation 3 $45 $300 Education Violation 4 $55 $400 Education Violation 5 $65 $500 Flow restricting device for 48 hours Violation 6 + $70 $500 Discontinuation of service for 24 hours Administrative Citation Process Amount Violation 1 $Zoo Violation 2 $Zoo Violation 3 + $500 19 What stage has the City Council adopted Whether there are mandatory restrictions How many days per week irrigation is permitted Service area population — 67,700 Total water production, monthly 2013 water production, monthly Water loss/non-revenue water Percent residential use — 88% -go% Residential gallons per capita per day Number of complaints of water waste Number of violations How many customer contacts regarding water waste How many formal warnings were issued How many penalties were issued Adding s1 to the $z rebate offered by MWD for turf replacement Additional rebate for water efficient appliances purchased from a Tustin business Exemption for beneficial public use with an allocation plan that meets 28%conservation No watering of front lawns Code modification regarding maintenance of landscape Section 5502- PROPERTY MAINTENANCE NUISANCES (m) Property failing to meet minimum levels of maintenance and care as set forth as follows: (i) Landscaping. All landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy condition free of dead, decayed, overgrown or discarded plant material and all synthetic turf material be maintained in accordance with the Synthetic Turf Standards and subject to the approval of the Community Development Director; (2) Landscape irrigation. Landscape irrigation pipes and sprinkler heads shall be maintained in good working order so as to cover all landscaped areas Water Conservation Enforcement Officer To Achieve Conservation Standard28% Specific or Defined Allotments based on R- GPCD Every residential customer to meet ssz R-GPCD Tiered reduction targets Tiered system that requires large consumers to reduce more than small consumers Staff will supply the City Council with formal updates each month on the following: Conservation progress New State regulations Changes to import allocations Regional approach to meet conservation goal