HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 2 PKG RESTRICT'S 12-21-92NEW BUSINESS N0. 2 12/21/92 AGENDA--� 11 Inter-ComJ ATE: DECEMBER 21, 1992 wn� TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: ROBERT S. LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER REQUEST TO REMOVE PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON MYFORD ROAD AND SUBJECT: HERITAGE WAY (ARCADA CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT -EAST TUSTIN TRACT NO. 13096) RECOMMENDATIONS: Pleasure of the City Council. BACKGROUND: The City has received a letter dated November 12, 1992 from the Arcada Community Association and two letters and a petition dated November 23, 1992 and November 30, 1992 from Mr. James C. Barnes, a resident of the Arcada Development, regarding the noted subject. Copies of the three letters and the petition are attached for your information. The Arcada Development is located in the East Tustin area and is bordered by Myford Road, Heritage Way, and Bryan Avenue. Currently, parking is prohibited on all of the aforementioned streets. When built -out the Arcada Condominium Development will contain 240 condominium residences. DISCUSSION: It has been noted that the attached petition was not submitted by the Arcada Community Association and that it contains signatures from duplicate addresses. If the Council so directs, the City's Traffic Engineering Section will coordinate a study of the subject request and investigate the feasibility of removing parking restrictions on Myford Road and Heritage Way. It should be noted that there are several other developments within the •East Tustin area that may experience similar situations and any relaxation of on -street parking in this area may set a precedence for the East Tustin Community. The Engineering Division will require outside consultant assistance to fully prepare such a study. However, funding for such types of studies have not been included in the current Engineering Division budget. oe ober S. Ledendecker Doug as R. Anderson Director of Public Works/City Engineer Transportation Engineer Attachments RSL: DA:ARCADA 1 ARCADA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION November 12, 1992 Bob Ledendecker Director of Public Works City of Tustin 15222 Del Amo Avenue Tustin, CA 92680 RE: ARCADA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION MYFORD & BRYAN, TUSTIN Dear Mr: Ledendecker, (�p D. 11I159TIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPT.. Per your telephone conversation of October 22, 1992 with Jack Caswell, President of the Board of Directors of the above referenced association, please accept this as a request for the Council's consideration of allowing parking along Heritage. I am sure you are aware from your conversation with Mr. Caswell of our existing parking problem in that each resident within Arcada has two ( 2 ) assigned parking spaces,, and f or the 237 res idents .( at build -out) there will be a total of 95 guest parking spaces, including two (2) handicap spaces. We have requested that residents register their vehicles with the Association and in reviewing this information, find that many. residents have grown children or other situations. which have resulted in three or four vehicles per unit. Based on the registration information we expect that we will have 500-600 vehicles belonging to residents trying to park within their own community, not to mention visitors and guests. As you can see, this severely limits the spaces for the parking of a third or fourth owned car, or a visitor's vehicle. Even if residents utilized the guest parking areas, there will still be a drastic shortage of spaces, thereby forcing residents and their guests to park on city streets in other neighborhoods. The Board of Directors of this Association has spent countless hours in meetings and research in an effort to resolve the parking problem within their community. The Board has been attacked by residents who have more than two vehicles and have no place to park them, as well as hearing from unhappy residents who have visitors -W- over with no place to park. c% Action Property Management, Inc. 701 S. Parker Street, Suite 1600, Orange, California 92668 (714) 285-2600 Bob Ledendecker Director of Public 4orks November 12, 1992 Page two We are requesting that parking be permitted along Heritage from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. seven days per week. This would greatly benefit the members of this association and ease the parking problem within the community. We would appreciate you hand -carrying this request to the City Council with a request that this matter be placed on the agenda for the earliest possible meeting. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or need further information. Sincerely, For the Board of Directors Jack Caswell, President Arcada Community Association cc: Board of Directors Residents/Homeowners of Arcada { N0\13 01992 & AD NIV',• T�� November 23, 1992 Leslie Pontius, Mayor City of Tustin 15222 Del Amo Tustin, California 92680 Dear Mayor Pontius: Attached is a petition seeking relief from problem of great concern to residents of the Arcada community MY neighbors and I feel the city should gran some relief in this matter since we believe acdevelopment without ly responsible for approving the Ar adequate provisions for parking. _ Approximately ninety percent of the residents who were 9 asked si ned the petition. A few persons who did not sign the petition were concerned that no restrictions otostreethe Laurel ing would being people from outside the community Glen park across the street from Arcada. If the city does not want to have unrestricted parking n n Myford Road or Heritage Way, I would ask that permit parking be considered. The city could sell parking permits to residents, as other cities have done, and -either MyfordRRlT• dor Heritage Way could be posted "NO PARKING EXCEPT BY PE If the city charged $10 or $15 per month for a parking permit, this would greatly alleviate our problem. Thank you for your consideration othis beatter.. directed me. correspondence regarding this matter should I can be contacted at 714-724-5492 days, and 714-731-2774 evenings. Sincerely, 1 ames C. Ba nes 13374 Savanna Tustin, CA 92680 6429A/rb Tustin City Council Leslie Pontius, Mayor Jim Potts, Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Saltarelli Jeffrey Thomas Charles Puckett 15222 Del Amo Tustin, California 92680 PETITION TO REMOVE PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON MYFORD ROAD The residents .of the A•rcada community are facing a acinga great hardship due to a lack of adequate �ahasnatlleast two adults the Nearly every unit le andemanyenhave three vehicles. who each have a vehicle Due to the number of residents who own chicles, it has become necessary for some res=esult,dents ttheuse guest parking has designated for guests. As a the only effectively been eliminated, and, in many instances, a lernately is for people to park illegally in the fire lanes which are painted red. residents re Because of this situation, the undersigned P etition the Tustin City'Council to remove the restriction on parking on Myford Road, between Heritage and Bryan MY ford Road is sixty feet wide and there is ample room to safely permit street parking. We request that Myford Road be restriped with t doublewith s yellow center line, eliminating the painted dividecada from westbound left turn pocket for traffic turning i nto Myford. Such a configuration would permit a ten foot lane on each side of the double line,.and a second lane of t Y f including the parking lane. The undersigned residents feel the present restrictionon and ssary parking on Myford Road is creating an arbitrary hardship on the residents of the Arcada community. 'We respectfully request your assistance in this matter and request this change be made as soon as possible. 5505C/rb �� 7 /I-?- I It SIGNATURE ADDRESS TELEPHONE # ��'T" I__�J.�J. >.3-�� (✓Mira 5 3 QB8 at -3 0 5505C/rb i33� 3 ��r�nc� • � i7 'L -7- 73/- 70.38 �' ,� .�. v s t i 573 0-W 54, VOL Tv�� )� �Zi� • ��i}�- n t, aV�v ,tolv 5505C/rb DATE SIGNATURE ADDRESS TELEPHONE # 05F wr MEE " WnA&,k I WM i_ mom 5505C/rb g�-c�SCo3 November 30, 1992 Leslie Pontius, Mayor City of Tustin 15222 Del Amo Tustin, CA 92680 Dear Mayor Pontius, I recentlymailed you a petition signed by meand a numberof ons on neighbors asking for relief from the No Parking restricts Myford Road or Heritage Way, adjacent to the Arcada Community. In pp su ort of our petition I would like to point out that there hich are two vehicle* code statutes, section 22507 and rection special parking provides local authorities the right to g rivileges to residents of communities such as Arcada who reside in as phigh density, multiple family dwelling areas or similar lacking adequate off street -parking facilities." Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely, ames acnes 13374 Savanna Tustin, CA 92680 Telephone # 714-731-2774 evenings 714-724-5492 days 4 ri Vim' c ._U DEC 41992 r 5 i;Fl --- _ November 30, 1992 Leslie Pontius, Mayor City of Tustin 15222 Del Amo Tustin, CA 92680 Dear Mayor Pontius, I recentlymailed you a petition signed by meand a numberof ons on neighbors asking for relief from the No Parking restricts Myford Road or Heritage Way, adjacent to the Arcada Community. In pp su ort of our petition I would like to point out that there hich are two vehicle* code statutes, section 22507 and rection special parking provides local authorities the right to g rivileges to residents of communities such as Arcada who reside in as phigh density, multiple family dwelling areas or similar lacking adequate off street -parking facilities." Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely, ames acnes 13374 Savanna Tustin, CA 92680 Telephone # 714-731-2774 evenings 714-724-5492 days - L)! j DFC• t 41992 r , i.75 7 November 30, 1992 1 Leslie Pontius, Mayor City of Tustin 15222 Del Amo Tustin, CA 92680 Dear Mayor Pontius, I recently mailed you a petition signed by me -and a number of my neighbors asking for relief from the No Parking restrictions on Myford Road or Heritage Way, adjacent to the Arcada Community. In support of our petition I would like to point out that there are two vehicle code statutes section 22507 and section 22507.5 which provides local authorities the right to grant special parking privileges to residents of communities such as Arcada who reside in "high density, multiple family dwelling areas or similar areas lacking adequate off street parking facilities." Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely, ames Aarne-s"�13374 Sa Tustin, CA 92680 Telephone # 714-731-2774 evenings 714-724-5492 days Div:, ,eve September 17.1986. •_five November 8.1867. :dive Na"mber 10.1969. ; native May 8.197?. irking nay by ordinance perms angle parking on "4 upon one-way roadways of divided highways; ective with respect to any state highway unt1: eea submitted to and approved in writing by ition. i erative May 3, 19M xtive January 1.1975. 41 otor Vehicle parking Regulations - any other provision of this code, any loco x or resolution. establish special parkini r three -wheeled motor vehicles. .five September 17. 1965. Rective March 7. 1973. Jng; School Bus Stops sway in unincorporated areas no person shall any vehicle, whether attended or unattended{ ►racticable to stop, park, or leave the vehicle off . gut in every event an unobstructed width of the Pehicle shall be left for the free passage of other ' the stopped vehicle shall be available from a Arection upon the highway. This section shall ere the roadway is bounded by adjacent curbs. .---•oly to the driver of any vehicle which is such extent that it is impossible to avoid, .d the disabled vehicle on the roadway. of the governing board of a school district, it is ipils being transported to and from schools to t a place where there is not a clear view of the eet in each direction along the highway, such. ,d with the approval of the California Highway., ansportation, in respect to state highways, and . highways under their jurisdiction, shall place hway to give adequate notice to motorists that. - is stops. i, feetive September 15.1961. Tective January 1, 1975. .� irking on State Highway Segments ent of Transportation with respect to highways ice signs or markings prohibiting or restricting r• rking of vdhicles, including, but not limited to,'!. more in height (including any load thereon), in A ,d under the following conditions: is opinion, stopping, standing, or parking is I e highway or where the stopping, stanfint�c :duly interfere with the free moveme slf mile of the boundary of any unit of the state or of Conservation has determined are unusually -totification of the Department ofTransportation Director of Conservation. --589-- 22507 �iV• 11 of any unit of the state areas within one-half mile of the boundary tem which the county health officer has determined are areas Ps- ublic health hazard would result if camping were Ps- a substantial p 8,�azent of Transportation of such owed, upon notification of the officer. d .Lermination by the county ark, or leave standing any vehicle in violation (b) No person shall stop. P or markings• of the restrictions stated o t the signs to any of the following: (c) This section does not apply a work operation. (1) public utility vehicles while performing The driver of any vehicle which is disabled in such a manner ng the (2) 'impossible.to avoid stopping. Parking, .„Ch an extent that it is ' Isebled vehicle standing on the roadway. 19 /�,eoded Ch. 888. Stats. 63. Effective SOptember 20.1983. Amended Ch. 615. State. 1970- Elteetive Novemberit 1975 970 anuary Amended Ch. 62, state. Effective Jar,uary 1.1988. Amended -Ch. 912. Stets. 19s5. Effective January 1.1988. Amended Ch. 466. stat.. 1967. EffectiveStanding, or tocai Regulation of State Highway: Stoppin 9P parking b ordinance or resolution prohibit or Local authorities o�Y by of vehicles on a state highway, in reser a stopping, standing. parking 've •urisdictions, if the ordinance or resolution �tionb _zap '. their respects ) estment of Transportation, to and approved in writing by the Dep is delegated by the Depa�Dent s. of any state highway to to the city the that where maintenance the department may also delegate of Transportation to a city, poems conferred on the department.974. Effecti” Janwry L 19 8. r �ddeed Ch. 4W State - Ch. 64, StAW -Local Effective January Local Regulations Ce or resolution. prohibit or X07. Local authorities may, by ordinaonf vehicles, including. but not restrict the stopping. P�l°ng'•or standing ore in ht (including any load limited to, vehicles which ares intersection, on certain streets or highways, thereon) within 100 feet of �1 or certain hours of the day. The ordinance or or portions thereof, during streets upon which include a designation of certa� adjacent resolution Mayhng privileges are given to residents and merchantsdl prefetan for their use and the . use of their guests, under which the to the streetsbe issued a permit or permits which n.With exempt residents and merchants may . m the prohibition or restriction of the ordinance "I apply until them fro P no such ordinance or resolutionlaced. A local the exception of alleys, signs or markings giving adequate notice thereof have been p 8n Pure to to this section may contain ounce or resolution adopted p to ensure the effectiveness of h are reasonable and necessary provisions whic a preferential parking program' September 20-190- 44 mended Ch. 1070, Stab. 1963. Effective Sept Amended Ch. 641, Stats. 1969. Effective November 10.1969• 8 Amended Ch. 1102, Stata.1976. Effly* January 1.177• Amended Ch. 140, Stats. 19so. Effective January 1.198L Amended Ch.1s1. Stats.•1984. Effective January 1.1986. Amended Ch. 912. Stab• 1986. Effective January 1.1986. Amended Ch• 455, State. 1987. Effeed" January 1. 198&